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Battle Fleet Gothic

“Engineering deck! Give me all ahead full! Helm, take us between the Slaughters!”
shouted Captain Bromwich from his command chair in the center of the bridge.
“Engines are only at 70% sir,” shouted Engineering Officer Tawdley over the ship
radio, “the engines might overheat and leave us floating!”
“We need to take that risk! Gunnery Officer Harkin, form a firing solution at the two
Slaughters!” Captain Bromwich commanded, watching through the view port as his
Lunar class cruiser, Redemption, closed in on the gap between the two Chaos cruisers.
“Fire on my mark…MARK!” yelled Bromwich as the ship came alongside the
Slaughters. The bridge shook as the broadside weapons batteries fired, pounding the
hulls of the Chaos cruisers, the huge rounds hitting metal plating after overwhelming the
shields. As their shields went down, the port and starboard lances speared beams of light
through the Chaos ships, the repeated energy barrages blowing each ship in half. The
crew of the Redemption cheered as the traitorous vessels exploded, pieces of the ships
bouncing off of the Lunar’s shields. Captain Bromwich called to his officers, “Status
“Shields holding sir, we took a few hits from the Slaughters’ turrets but no major
damage. Engines have climbed to 75% capacity, and fires are contained on decks 8
through 14 from the lance hits we took from the Carnage.” calmly replied Bridge Officer
“Thanks you, Officer Miles. How is the rest of Battle group Obscuras?” inquired
“We have lost the Tyrant Argus, and the two Dauntless lights are crippled. But look sir,
the Chaos fleet is pulling out! Four have made warp-jump!” exclaimed Miles.
“Helm, burn retros and hold position. Good work, gentlemen.” replied Captain
Bromwich. He made a note to have two kill marks added to the Redemption’s honor

In any battle in the 40K universe, not only are there valiant soldiers on the
ground, fighting on city blocks and through dense forests, there are also massive warships
in orbit, weapons the size of building pounding enemy vessels, the dying screams of crew
unheard in the cold silence of space’s vacuum. This rule set has been made to connect
these two epic types of conflict.

The Battle Fleet Gothic players begin their game one or two ours ahead of the
Apocalypse players, to represent the fleets landing their forces prior to the invasion. The
winner of this game (either good or evil as a collective) gets an extra 250 points per their
players in the Apocalypse game, and will deploy and get first turn. In retaliation for their
defeat, each non-crippled capital ship of the enemy will get to fire their prow armament at
the force that defeated them directly after the ground forces deploy.
On the first turn of the Battle Fleet Game, on side rolls a D6. On a roll of a 1-2,
the planet is on the roller’s left, on a 3-4 the right, and on a 5-6 the roller chooses.
To represent gravity’s effect on warships in high orbit, any ship turning toward
the planet may add and extra 45 degrees to their turn. This means one player will have 90
degree turns to the right, and the opposing player will have 90 degrees turns to the left.
Escorts may turn a full 180 degrees.

At the end of the first game:

Torpedoes fired at the planet do a S4 AP3 large blast hit to their target that
scatters as if fired indirectly. A maximum of 4 torpedoes may be fired if a prow
armament would normally fire more.
Lances are a S7 AP2 small blast template. A maximum of 3 may be fired if the
prow armament would normally fire more.
Weapons batteries get two shots per firepower point, and a maximum of 5
weapons batteries may be fired (for a total of 10 shots) if the prow armament would
usually fire more. Each shot inflicts a S6 AP5 hit.
Special Weapons such as Nova Cannons and the Armageddon Gun may NOT be
fired at the planet.
A Space Marine Bombardment Cannon will be counted as a Weapon Battery.

After they fire their weapons, remaining ships can be assumed to go to the other
side of the planet to deploy their invasion force.

After the Apocalypse players begin their game, a second game of BFG starts. This
game is of the same size, and the planet is on the same side of the board as the first.

At the end of each BFG turn, the BFG players will wait for the Apoc players to
finish their turn or vice versa. On the ground-based tables, there will be certain objectives
that will be revealed as planetary defense silos. Some will be obvious, some are surprises,
all are deadly. Their will be 2 types:

Torpedo silos: These fire torpedoes off planet towards enemy fleets. Each silo
fires a string of 6 torpedoes at the enemy fleet in a straight line as per the Ordnance rules
in the BFG rule set. The controlling player decides which direction they face when fired.
They come on the board edge that has been rolled as the planet edge.
Defense Lasers: The defense lasers fire 4 lance shots each, that can be directed at
any cruisers. For example, one can fire two lance shots at on ship and two at another, or 4
at one ship/squadron.

The player in control of the torpedo silo or defense laser controls at the end of a
turn fires them.

For every capital ship completely destroyed during the second game of BFG/the
Apoc game, the moment the ship is destroyed a 7 inch S10 AP1 pie plate lands in the
center of the Apoc table and scatters 5d6 in a random direction. Yes, that means if your
defense laser fires and finishes off an enemy ship, the pieces might fall on your forces!

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