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Name: Roger Alexander Robles Saballos Level: Six

Lexical Notebook

Imperment im-ˈper-mənt noun the state or condition of being impaired :diminishment or loss of function or ability

Verdant ˈvər-dᵊnt adjective Green with growing plants

Debunk dē-ˈbəŋk Verb To Expose falseness
Gimmick ˈgi-mik noun a trick or device used to attract business or attention, gadget

Hectic ˈhek-tik adjective with lots of action

possessing a quality that arouses or stimulates desire or
Tantalizing ˈtan-tə-ˌlī-ziŋ adjective interest
a little taxi on two wheels. People sit in it and an energetic
Rickshaws ˈrik-ˌshȯ noun person pedals or pulls them to where they want to go.
a roundish viscous lump formed by coagulation of a
Clot ˈklät noun portion of liquid or by melting

Adhesive ədˈhiːsɪv adjective tending to remain in association or memory

Trespass ˈtrɛspəs Verb to enter unlawfully upon the land of another

Gauntlet ˈgȯnt-lət noun a glove worn with medieval armor to protect the hand
a race or contest open to all comers or to a specified category
derby dər-bē noun of contestants
to prepare (beer, ale, etc.) by steeping, boiling, and
brew ˈbrü Verb fermentation or by infusion and fermentation

Landscape ˈlan(d)-ˌskāp noun a picture representing a view of natural inland scenery

Lexical Notebook

Skulk ˈskəlk Verb to move in a stealthy or furtive manner

Stalk ˈstȯk Verb to pursue quarry or prey stealthily

Stealthily ˈstel-thē adjective slow, deliberate, and secret in action or character

Totter ˈtä-tər Verb to move unsteadily

a usually V-shaped indented formation : a hollow between
clef ˈklef noun ridges or protuberances

heebie -Jeebies hē-bē-ˈjē-bēz noun slang (nervousness, anxiety)

to move to and fro or up and down especially with quick
Wag ˈwag Verb jerky motions
Scam ˈskam noun a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation
Mizzle ˈmi-zəl Verb to rain in very fine drops

Leisure ˈlē-zhər noun time free from work or duties

Lump ˈləmp noun a piece or mass of indefinite size and shape

a place equipped for experimental study in a science or for
Laboratory ˈla-b(ə-)rə-ˌtȯr-ē noun testing and analysis
Bliss ˈblis noun complete happiness

Layout ˈlā-ˌauu t noun the plan or design or arrangement of something

a large usually conical pile (as of hay, straw, or grain in the
Stack ˈstak noun sheaf) lef standing in the field for storage

Reliance ri-ˈlī-ən(t)s noun the act of relying : the state of being reliant
Teacher : Silvia Reyes


Peter went to the doctor and got a

hearing aid to deal with his hearing
We enjoyed the verdant scenery as we
travelled through Yosemite National Park.
Exercise Myths debunked
Useful device or Gimmick?
Work at the shop was always hectic before
They made me such a tantalizing offer I
could hardly refuse.
Instead of riding a motorbike, we hired a
rickshaw to take us to the night market
The blood began to form a clot at the site
of the wound
Matt used a strong adhesive to bond the
wood to the metal.

If you trespass on his ranch he might

shoot you
The fencer adjusted his mask and gauntlet
and prepared for the next match.
a derby between Manchester United
and Manchester City
Lars enjoys brewing beer at home and
experimenting with different flavors
We stopped at the top of the mountain to
admire the landscape.

A man skulked outside, avoiding eye

contact with anyone who walked by.
The cat stalked the mouse.
The mother stealthily put chopped
spinach inside the meatloaf so her kids
would eat some vegetables.
Dizzy because of the heat, the elderly man
tottered and grasped the hand rail.
The actor was famous for his dazzling
smile and the clef in his chin
I get the heebie-jeebies just thinking
about being alone in the house at night.
The man was shouting and wagging his
an insurance scam
Yes, it's raining, but it's only a mizzle.

I don't have much time for leisure

The old basketball was worn and had
lumps on it.
The laboratory was set up for genetics
enjoying eternal bliss in heaven
The architect drew the layout before
construction began.
There was a stack of papers on the
teacher's desk, waiting to be marked.
Our reliance on cheap oil may be a bad
idea in the long run.

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