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Date: 10 September 2009

The word crisis in 2008-2010, sound, perhaps, more every other word. The global financial crisis has
affected or even affect almost all countries, except for the poorest countries that already are in constant
financial and economic crisis.

Now more than ever it is important to have relevant information about the current economic
crisis. Need to understand what useful can be learned from this situation, when and what action should
be taken to properly and timely respond to those or other changes in work, politics, economics,

The global financial crisis is manifested in the growth of house prices and food prices, a reduction of jobs in both commercial and
government organizations.

In this commentary I want to comment the article about house prices in the Great Britain, in the year 2009.


The survey showed that the monthly change in prices had been upwards in four of the first eight months
of 2009.

Prices in the three months to August compared with the previous three months were 1.7% higher, the
biggest rise in this measure since July 2007.

The latest rise pushed the price of the average UK home to a

few pounds higher than it was at the end of 2008, but still
£13,268 lower than in August 2008.

But there was a note of caution in the survey, which pointed

out that activity in the housing market remained less than
half of the level that was seen in mid-2007.

A lack of new homes coming on to the market was a

significant factor in the latest round of rising prices, and so
prices could stabilise again if potential sellers surged into the

This way of getting prices higher gives to british economists time to recover. They increased prices to get
more money for new houses and make a little bit cheaper old houses which they couldn͛t sell.

Latest figures show continuing divergence in trends in housing prices in the reports from two leading UK

According to the background of lower world equity prices, one of the main issue is facing
policymakers is the viewpoint for consumer spending. It is complex to estimate the relation
between household prosperity and customer expenses. Correcting this effect in a number of
countries can be strong recent growth in house prices. Also the future course of house prices
affects the outlook of consumer spending. It would seem the growth in house pric es would
slow down if a continuance of the global economic slowdown. Been completed for new
housing, accumulated inventories is obtained if stock in hand melt continue. Stock prices also
increase may be delayed until melted. This is a year of riding, it is possible. Roughly one year
price increases should not wait for housing prices. New housing arrangement materials may not
be done, and will also become cheaper with the call to end the economic volatility of the stocks
to be taken into consideration to relieve. House prices depend on which seasons we are, such
as, at Christmas and the New Year can be seen changes between -2% and +1.

As can be seen from the report, sale prices of standard property for kind of property in Oxford between
November 2008 and November 2009. The next graph shows, the middle sale prices of property in
Oxford. The last graph exhibits, the figure of properties` sold in Oxford.

Êxamines in depth the subject in which many people do not believe that it is: pay the rent of the house
sitting schedule that will own the house or do not have any savings when they desire to receive any
house rent every month and a similar price to that house will have. Such as paying rent in a very short
time home buying model and its dreams into reality in common stock is required. Supply and demand
factors are affecting house prices. As can be seen from

those factors, the significant factor affecting the housing market is the economy. If the economy is in a
recession, those factors will make a very little disparity on demand or supply for housing market.
Therefore the relation between UK housing market and UK economy is very strong.

The main reasons for falling house prices are difficulty of getting mortgage due to credit crunch, high
house price to income ratios, economic recession and rising unemployment. When house prices are
decreasing no one demand a house. House prices have reducedsignificantly since 2007 in the UK thus
the first six months of the year it is not going to improve. The fact the economy is not growing much
after the global crisis and at the moment, UK`s economy is uncertain. It will take a bit of time.

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