Teacher Tube

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Teacher Tube

Teaching Major: Business Technology

Video 1

URL: https://www.teachertube.com/video/introducing-touch-typing-485551

Pictures of the video and the information about the video

Curriculum Framework


As an introduction to typing, I will use the video in preparation to have students learn the basic
home keys first. On all the keyboards in the class, I will cover up all the home row keys with bits
of paper and tape to ensure the letters are not seeable, and the home row keys are recognizable.
Beginning touch typing may feel uncomfortable at first, which is why I will begin the students
with a repetitive order in which keys to type. With word documents open on all their classroom
computers, I will call out the order of keys verbally in which kids will press the keys as I say
them. For example, “J, K, L, Semi, use the thumb for the space.” Repetitively having kids learn
to touch type without looking at the keyboards will provide an easy method to comfortably get
used to typing, while improving their overall keyboarding schools.
Video 2

URL: https://www.teachertube.com/video/how-to-format-a-business-letter-55287

Pictures of the video and the information about the video

Curriculum Framework


Using this video as a rubric with instructions to make a professional business letter, I will use the
same instructions as to how to make a Business letter for my students. I will create an activity
where I will assign every student the task of creating a fictional business in which they must
write a letter to. This will create a fun activity that allows students to professionally write and
prepare a business letter through the necessary technological standards. For example, a student
may write that they work for a magazine company, and they need a large shipment of paper from
Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. Students may get creative as to what fictional business they
belong to and what business they are writing to. Such as the video instructs, students will learn
how to format and use professional language, all created from a Microsoft template.

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