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Rules for the Classification

of Ships
Effective from 1 January 2017

Part E
Service Notations

Via Corsica, 12 - 16128 Genova - Italy
Tel. +39 01053851 - Fax: +39 0105351000
Definitions: the responsibility of qualified service suppliers. Survey practices
"Rules" in these General Conditions means the documents below and procedures are selected by the Society based on its experi-
issued by the Society: ence and knowledge and according to generally accepted techni-
- Rules for the Classification of Ships or other special units; cal standards in the sector.
- Complementary Rules containing the requirements for product, Article 3
plant, system and other certification or containing the require- 3.1. - The class assigned to a Ship, like the reports, statements, cer-
ments for the assignment of additional class notations; tificates or any other document or information issued by the Soci-
- Rules for the application of statutory rules, containing the rules to ety, reflects the opinion of the Society concerning compliance, at
perform the duties delegated by Administrations; the time the Service is provided, of the Ship or product subject to
- Guides to carry out particular activities connected with Services; certification, with the applicable Rules (given the intended use and
- Any other technical document, as for example rule variations or within the relevant time frame).
interpretations. The Society is under no obligation to make statements or provide
“Services” means the activities described in Article 1 below, ren- information about elements or facts which are not part of the spe-
dered by the Society upon request made by or on behalf of the cific scope of the Service requested by the Interested Party or on its
Interested Party. behalf.
“Society” or “RINA” means RINA Services S.p.A. and/or all the 3.2. - No report, statement, notation on a plan, review, Certificate
companies in the RINA Group which provide the Services. of Classification, document or information issued or given as part
“Surveyor” means technical staff acting on behalf of the Society in of the Services provided by the Society shall have any legal effect
performing the Services. or implication other than a representation that, on the basis of the
“Interested Party” means the party, other than the Society, having checks made by the Society, the Ship, structure, materials, equip-
an interest in or responsibility for the Ship, product, plant or sys- ment, machinery or any other item covered by such document or
tem subject to classification or certification (such as the owner of information meet the Rules. Any such document is issued solely
the Ship and his representatives, the ship builder, the engine for the use of the Society, its committees and clients or other duly
builder or the supplier of parts to be tested) who requests the Ser- authorised bodies and for no other purpose. Therefore, the Society
vices or on whose behalf the Services are requested. cannot be held liable for any act made or document issued by
“Owner” means the registered Owner, the ship Owner, the man- other parties on the basis of the statements or information given by
ager or any other party with the responsibility, legally or contractu- the Society. The validity, application, meaning and interpretation
ally, to keep the ship seaworthy or in service, having particular of a Certificate of Classification, or any other document or infor-
regard to the provisions relating to the maintenance of class laid mation issued by the Society in connection with its Services, is
down in Part A, Chapter 2 of the Rules for the Classification of governed by the Rules of the Society, which is the sole subject
Ships or in the corresponding rules indicated in the specific Rules. entitled to make such interpretation. Any disagreement on techni-
“Administration” means the Government of the State whose flag cal matters between the Interested Party and the Surveyor in the
the Ship is entitled to fly or under whose authority the Ship is carrying out of his functions shall be raised in writing as soon as
authorised to operate in the specific case. possible with the Society, which will settle any divergence of opin-
"Ship" means ships, boats, craft and other special units, as for ion or dispute.
example offshore structures, floating units and underwater craft. 3.3. - The classification of a Ship, or the issuance of a certificate or
Article 1 other document connected with classification or certification and
1.1. - The purpose of the Society is, among others, the classifica- in general with the performance of Services by the Society shall
tion and certification of ships and the certification of their parts have the validity conferred upon it by the Rules of the Society at
and components. the time of the assignment of class or issuance of the certificate; in
The Society: no case shall it amount to a statement or warranty of seaworthi-
- sets forth and develops Rules; ness, structural integrity, quality or fitness for a particular purpose
- publishes the Register of Ships; or service of any Ship, structure, material, equipment or machin-
- issues certificates, statements and reports based on its survey ery inspected or tested by the Society.
activities. 3.4. - Any document issued by the Society in relation to its activi-
1.2. - The Society also takes part in the implementation of national ties reflects the condition of the Ship or the subject of certification
and international rules and standards as delegated by various Gov- or other activity at the time of the check.
ernments. 3.5. - The Rules, surveys and activities performed by the Society,
1.3. – The Society carries out technical assistance activities on reports, certificates and other documents issued by the Society are
request and provides special services outside the scope of classifi- in no way intended to replace the duties and responsibilities of
cation, which are regulated by these general conditions, unless other parties such as Governments, designers, ship builders, man-
expressly excluded in the particular contract. ufacturers, repairers, suppliers, contractors or sub-contractors,
Article 2 Owners, operators, charterers, underwriters, sellers or intended
2.1. - The Rules developed by the Society reflect the level of its buyers of a Ship or other product or system surveyed.
technical knowledge at the time they are published. Therefore, the These documents and activities do not relieve such parties from
Society, though committed, also through its research and develop- any fulfilment, warranty, responsibility, duty or obligation (also of a
ment services, to continuous updating, does not guarantee they contractual nature) expressed or implied or in any case incumbent
meet state-of-the-art science and technology at the time of publi- on them, nor do they confer on such parties any right, claim or
cation or that they meet the Society's or others' subsequent techni- cause of action against the Society. With particular regard to the
cal developments. duties of the ship Owner, the Services undertaken by the Society
2.2. - The Interested Party is required to know the Rules on the do not relieve the Owner of his duty to ensure proper maintenance
basis of which the Services are provided. With particular reference of the Ship and ensure seaworthiness at all times. Likewise, the
to Classification Services, special attention is to be given to the Rules, surveys performed, reports, certificates and other docu-
Rules concerning class suspension, withdrawal and reinstatement. ments issued by the Society are intended neither to guarantee the
In case of doubt or inaccuracy, the Interested Party is to promptly buyers of the Ship, its components or any other surveyed or certi-
contact the Society for clarification. fied item, nor to relieve the seller of the duties arising out of the
The Rules for Classification of Ships are published on the Society's law or the contract, regarding the quality, commercial value or
website: characteristics of the item which is the subject of transaction.
2.3. - The Society exercises due care and skill: In no case, therefore, shall the Society assume the obligations
- in the selection of its Surveyors incumbent upon the above-mentioned parties, even when it is
- in the performance of its Services, taking into account the level of consulted in connection with matters not covered by its Rules or
its technical knowledge at the time the Services are performed. other documents.
2.4. - Surveys conducted by the Society include, but are not lim- In consideration of the above, the Interested Party undertakes to
ited to, visual inspection and non-destructive testing. Unless other- relieve and hold harmless the Society from any third party claim,
wise required, surveys are conducted through sampling as well as from any liability in relation to the latter concerning the
techniques and do not consist of comprehensive verification or Services rendered.
monitoring of the Ship or of the items subject to certification. The Insofar as they are not expressly provided for in these General
surveys and checks made by the Society on board ship do not nec- Conditions, the duties and responsibilities of the Owner and Inter-
essarily require the constant and continuous presence of the Sur- ested Parties with respect to the services rendered by the Society
veyor. The Society may also commission laboratory testing, are described in the Rules applicable to the specific Service ren-
underwater inspection and other checks carried out by and under dered.
Article 4 and International Arbitration of Milan. Arbitration will take place
4.1. – Any request for the Society's Services shall be submitted in in Genoa, Italy.
writing and signed by or on behalf of the Interested Party. Such a 6.2. - However, for disputes concerning non-payment of the fees
request will be considered irrevocable as soon as received by the and/or expenses due to the Society for services, the Society shall
Society and shall entail acceptance by the applicant of all relevant have the right to submit any claim to the jurisdiction of the Courts
requirements of the Rules, including these General Conditions. of the place where the registered or operating office of the Inter-
Upon acceptance of the written request by the Society, a contract ested Party or of the applicant who requested the Service is
between the Society and the Interested Party is entered into, which located.
is regulated by the present General Conditions. In the case of actions taken against the Society by a third party
4.2. – In consideration of the Services rendered by the Society, the before a public Court, the Society shall also have the right to sum-
Interested Party and the person requesting the service shall be mon the Interested Party or the subject who requested the Service
jointly liable for the payment of the relevant fees, even if the ser- before that Court, in order to be relieved and held harmless
vice is not concluded for any cause not pertaining to the Society. according to art. 3.5 above.
In the latter case, the Society shall not be held liable for non-fulfil- Article 7
ment or partial fulfilment of the Services requested. In the event of 7.1. - All plans, specifications, documents and information pro-
late payment, interest at the legal current rate increased by 2% vided by, issued by, or made known to the Society, in connection
may be demanded. with the performance of its Services, will be treated as confidential
4.3. - The contract for the classification of a Ship or for other Ser- and will not be made available to any other party other than the
vices may be terminated and any certificates revoked at the Owner without authorisation of the Interested Party, except as pro-
request of one of the parties, subject to at least 30 days' notice to vided for or required by any applicable international, European or
be given in writing. Failure to pay, even in part, the fees due for domestic legislation, Charter or other IACS resolutions, or order
Services carried out by the Society will entitle the Society to imme- from a competent authority. Information about the status and
diately terminate the contract and suspend the Services. validity of class and statutory certificates, including transfers,
For every termination of the contract, the fees for the activities per- changes, suspensions, withdrawals of class, recommendations/
formed until the time of the termination shall be owed to the Soci- conditions of class, operating conditions or restrictions issued
ety as well as the expenses incurred in view of activities already against classed ships and other related information, as may be
programmed; this is without prejudice to the right to compensa- required, may be published on the website or released by other
tion due to the Society as a consequence of the termination. means, without the prior consent of the Interested Party.
With particular reference to Ship classification and certification, Information about the status and validity of other certificates and
unless decided otherwise by the Society, termination of the con- statements may also be published on the website or released by
tract implies that the assignment of class to a Ship is withheld or, if other means, without the prior consent of the Interested Party.
already assigned, that it is suspended or withdrawn; any statutory 7.2. - Notwithstanding the general duty of confidentiality owed by
certificates issued by the Society will be withdrawn in those cases the Society to its clients in clause 7.1 above, the Society's clients
where provided for by agreements between the Society and the hereby accept that the Society will participate in the IACS Early
flag State. Warning System which requires each Classification Society to pro-
Article 5 vide other involved Classification Societies with relevant technical
5.1. - In providing the Services, as well as other correlated infor- information on serious hull structural and engineering systems fail-
mation or advice, the Society, its Surveyors, servants or agents ures, as defined in the IACS Early Warning System (but not includ-
operate with due diligence for the proper execution of the activity. ing any drawings relating to the ship which may be the specific
However, considering the nature of the activities performed (see property of another party), to enable such useful information to be
art. 2.4), it is not possible to guarantee absolute accuracy, correct- shared and used to facilitate the proper working of the IACS Early
ness and completeness of any information or advice supplied. Warning System. The Society will provide its clients with written
Express and implied warranties are specifically disclaimed. details of such information sent to the involved Classification
Therefore, except as provided for in paragraph 5.2 below, and also Societies.
in the case of activities carried out by delegation of Governments, 7.3. - In the event of transfer of class, addition of a second class or
neither the Society nor any of its Surveyors will be liable for any withdrawal from a double/dual class, the Interested Party under-
loss, damage or expense of whatever nature sustained by any per- takes to provide or to permit the Society to provide the other Clas-
son, in tort or in contract, derived from carrying out the Services. sification Society with all building plans and drawings, certificates,
5.2. – Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraph 5.1 above, documents and information relevant to the classed unit, including
should any user of the Society's Services prove that he has suffered its history file, as the other Classification Society may require for
a loss or damage due to any negligent act or omission of the Soci- the purpose of classification in compliance with the applicable
ety, its Surveyors, servants or agents, then the Society will pay legislation and relative IACS Procedure. It is the Owner's duty to
compensation to such person for his proved loss, up to, but not ensure that, whenever required, the consent of the builder is
exceeding, five times the amount of the fees charged for the spe- obtained with regard to the provision of plans and drawings to the
cific services, information or opinions from which the loss or dam- new Society, either by way of appropriate stipulation in the build-
age derives or, if no fee has been charged, a maximum of one ing contract or by other agreement.
hundred thousand Euro. Where the fees charged are related to a In the event that the ownership of the ship, product or system sub-
number of Services, the amount of the fees will be apportioned for ject to certification is transferred to a new subject, the latter shall
the purpose of the calculation of the maximum compensation, by have the right to access all pertinent drawings, specifications, doc-
reference to the estimated time involved in the performance of the uments or information issued by the Society or which has come to
Service from which the damage or loss derives. Any liability for the knowledge of the Society while carrying out its Services, even
indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense is specifically if related to a period prior to transfer of ownership.
excluded. In any case, irrespective of the amount of the fees Pursuant and owing to Italian legislative decree 196/2003, the
charged, the maximum damages payable by the Society will not Interested Party declares that it has read the information sheet con-
be more than 1 million Euro. Payment of compensation under this cerning the processing of personal data published on the society's
paragraph will not entail any admission of responsibility and/or website and gives its consent to such processing, also for commer-
liability by the Society and will be made without prejudice to the cial information purposes.
disclaimer clause contained in paragraph 5.1 above.
5.3. - Any claim for loss or damage of whatever nature by virtue of Article 8
the provisions set forth herein shall be made to the Society in writ- 8.1. – Should any part of these General Conditions be declared
ing, within the shorter of the following periods: THREE MONTHS invalid, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
from the date on which the Services were performed or THREE 8.2. - In the event of doubts concerning the interpretation of these
MONTHS from the date on which the damage was discovered. General Conditions, the Italian text will prevail.
Failure to comply with the above deadline will constitute an abso- Article 9
lute bar to the pursuit of such a claim against the Society. 9.1. – When the Society provides its Services to a consumer - i.e. a
Article 6 natural person who does not act within the scope of his business
6.1. - Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Rules or or professional activity - the following provisions do not apply: art.
with the Services of the Society, including any issues concerning 3.2. (as far as the Society is solely entitled to the interpretation of
responsibility, liability or limitations of liability of the Society, will the Rules); art. 4.2., (as far as the payment of the fees is also due
be determined in accordance with Italian Law and settled through for services not concluded due to causes not attributable to the
arbitration assigned to a board of three arbitrators who will pro- Interested Party); art. 5.1. (as far as the exclusion of liability is con-
ceed in compliance with the Rules of the Chamber of National cerned); art. 5.2.; art. 5.3.; and art. 6.1. (as far as the jurisdiction
of a Board of Arbitrators based in Genoa is concerned).

1. Reference edition 5. Rule subdivision and cross-references

The reference edition for Part E is the RINA Rules 2000 5.1 Rule subdivision
edition, which is effective from 1 June 2000. The Rules are subdivided into six parts, from A to F.
2. Amendments after the reference edition Part A: Classification and Surveys
2.1 RINA Rules 2000 has been completely rewritten Part B: Hull and Stability
and reorganised.
Part C: Machinery, Systems and Fire Protection
2.2 Except in particular cases, the Rules are updated
and published annually. Part D: Materials and Welding
Part E: Service Notations
3. Effective date of the requirements
3.1 All requirements in which new or amended provi- Part F: Additional Class Notations
sions with respect to those contained in the refer- Each Part consists of:
ence edition have been introduced are followed by • Chapters
a date shown in brackets. • Sections and possible Appendices
The date shown in brackets is the effective date of • Articles
entry into force of the requirements as amended by • Sub-articles
the last updating. The effective date of all those • Requirements
requirements not followed by any date shown in Figures (abbr. Fig) and Tables (abbr. Tab) are numbered
brackets is that of the reference edition. in ascending order within each Section or Appendix.
3.2 Item 6 below provides a summary of the technical 5.2 Cross-references
changes from the preceding edition. In general, this Examples: Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.2.1]or Pt A, Ch 1, App
list does not include those items to which only edi- 1, [3.2.1]
torial changes have been made not affecting the
• Pt A means Part A
effective date of the requirements contained
therein. The part is indicated when it is different from the part in
which the cross-reference appears. Otherwise, it is not
4. Rule Variations and Corrigenda
Until the next edition of the Rules is published, Rule
• Ch 1 means Chapter 1
Variations and/or corrigenda, as necessary, will be pub-
lished on the RINA web site ( Except in The Chapter is indicated when it is different from the
particular cases, paper copies of Rule Variations or cor- chapter in which the cross-reference appears. Other-
rigenda are not issued. wise, it is not indicated.
• Sec 1 means Section 1 (or App 1 means
Appendix 1)
The Section (or Appendix) is indicated when it is differ-
ent from the Section (or Appendix) in which the cross-
reference appears. Otherwise, it is not indicated.
• [3.2.1] refers to requirement 1, within sub- article
2 of article 3.
Cross-references to an entire Part or Chapter are not
abbreviated as indicated in the following examples:
• Part A for a cross-reference to Part A
• Part A, Chapter 1 for a cross-reference to Chapter 1
of Part A.
6. Summary of amendments introduced in the edition List of new or modified items
effective from 1 January 2017
This edition of Part E contains amendments whose effec-
Section 1: Table 1;
tive date is 1 July 2016 or 1 January 2017.
Section 2: [5] (NEW), [6] (NEW), [7] (NEW);
The date of entry into force of each new or amended Appendix 1: NEW APPENDIX;
item is shown in brackets after the number of the item
Section 2: [2] (NEW),

Section 6: [3.1.2];

Section 5: [2.2.3];

Section 2: [1.1.1], [2.7.3]; [2.10.2], [2.11] (NEW);

Section 2: [2.2.1] (deleted);
Section 3: [4.1.1], [4.2.3]; [4.3.1];

Section 3: [2.2.5] (NEW);

CHAPTER 25 and 26 (Title)


Part E
Service Notations

Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


Chapter 10 TANKERS
Chapter 14 TUGS

Section 1 General
1 General 35
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary table

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 Stability 36
1.1 Intact stability
2 Structure design principles 36
2.1 Hull structure
2.2 Water and foam monitors
3 Other structures 37
3.1 Arrangement for hull and superstructure openings

Section 3 Machinery and Systems

1 General 38
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Design of machinery systems 38
2.1 Manoeuvrability
2.2 Fuel oil capacity
2.3 Scuppers
3 General requirements for fire-fighting systems 39
3.1 General
3.2 Independence of pumping and piping systems
3.3 Design and construction of piping systems
3.4 Monitors
3.5 Monitor control
4 Water fire-fighting system 40
4.1 Characteristics
4.2 Monitors
4.3 Piping
5 Fixed foam fire-extinguishing system 41
5.1 General
5.2 Characteristics
5.3 Arrangement
6 Portable fire-fighting equipment 41

RINA Rules 2017 3

6.1 Portable high expansion foam generator
6.2 Hydrants and fire hoses
7 Firemen’s outfits 42
7.1 Number and characteristics
7.2 Compressed air system for breathing apparatuses
8 Testing 42
8.1 General
8.2 Workshop tests
8.3 On board tests

Section 4 Fire Protection and Extinction

1 General 43
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Fire protection of exposed surfaces 43
2.1 Structural fire protection
2.2 Deadlights and shutters
3 Self-protection water-spraying system 43
3.1 General
3.2 Capacity
3.3 Arrangement
3.4 Pumps
3.5 Piping system and spray nozzles

4 RINA Rules 2017


Section 1 General
1 General 47
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary table

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 48
1.1 Oil removal
1.2 Definitions
2 General arrangement design 48
2.1 Segregation of spaces intended for retention of oil
2.2 Dangerous spaces
2.3 Access to safe spaces
3 Stability 48
3.1 Intact stability
4 Design loads 48
4.1 Oil removal and spraying
5 Hull scantlings 48
5.1 Accumulation tanks
6 Other structures 48
6.1 Hull and superstructure openings
7 Construction and testing 49
7.1 Testing

Section 3 Machinery and Systems

1 General 50
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
1.3 Definitions
2 Machinery installations and piping systems not intended for
recovered oil 50
2.1 Bilge system
2.2 Sea water cooling system
2.3 Water fire-extinguishing system
2.4 Exhaust gas systems
2.5 Additional requirements for machinery installations in gas-dangerous areas

RINA Rules 2017 5

3 Pumping system, piping system and pump rooms intended for
recovered oil 50
3.1 Design of pumping and piping systems
3.2 Arrangement of piping systems and pump rooms
4 Settling and accumulation tanks 51
4.1 General
4.2 Vent pipes
4.3 Level gauging and overfilling control
4.4 Heating systems

Section 4 Electrical Installations

1 General 53
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
2 Design requirements 53
2.1 System of supply
2.2 Earth detection
3 Hazardous locations and types of equipment 53
3.1 Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas
3.2 Hazardous area classification

Section 5 Fire Protection, Detection and Extinction

1 General 55
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
1.3 Definitions
2 Ventilation systems 55
2.1 General
2.2 Ventilation of recovered oil pump rooms
2.3 Ventilation of enclosed normally entered dangerous spaces other than cargo
pump rooms
2.4 Ventilation of enclosed safe spaces adjacent to dangerous areas
3 Fire protection and fire fighting 56
3.1 General
3.2 Oil flashpoint and gas measurement systems
3.3 Structural fire protection
3.4 Fire fighting

6 RINA Rules 2017


Section 1 General
1 General 61
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary table

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 62
1.1 Application
2 Stability 62
2.1 Intact stability
3 Hull scantlings 62
3.1 Cable tanks
3.2 Connection of the machinery and equipment with the hull structure
4 Other structures 62
4.1 Fore part
5 Hull outfitting 62
5.1 Equipment

Section 3 Machinery and Systems

1 General 63
1.1 Propulsion and manoeuvrability
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Arrangements for cable laying, hauling and repair 63
2.1 Typical machinery and equipment of cable laying ships
2.2 Design of cable handling machinery and equipment
2.3 Safety
2.4 Testing of cable handling machinery and equipment
3 On board trials 64
3.1 Ship trials
3.2 Equipment trials

RINA Rules 2017 7


Section 1 General
1 General 67
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary table

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 68
1.1 Application
2 Stability 68
2.1 Intact stability for ships with service notation “barge”, “pontoon” or “pontoon-
2.2 Additional intact stability criteria for ships with service notation “pontoon -
2.3 Additional intact stability criteria for ships with service notation "barge-oil"
2.4 Additional intact stability criteria for units with service notation "barge -
3 Structure design principles 72
3.1 Hull structure
3.2 Lifting appliances
4 Hull girder strength 73
4.1 Yielding check
5 Hull scantlings 73
5.1 General
5.2 Hull scantlings of non-propelled units with the service notation “pontoon” fitted
with arrangements and systems for launching operations
5.3 Hull scantlings of non-propelled units with service notation “pontoon - crane”
6 Other structures 75
6.1 Reinforcement of the flat bottom forward area of ships with one of the service
notations “pontoon” and “pontoon - crane”
7 Hull outfitting 75
7.1 Equipment
8 Additional arrangement requirements for ships with service notation
"Barge-oil" 76
8.1 Application
8.2 Cargo segregation
8.3 Size and arrangement of cargo tanks and slop tanks
8.4 Access arrangement
9 Mooring systems for units with the service notation
"barge - accommodation" 78
9.1 Application

8 RINA Rules 2017

Section 3 Machinery Systems
1 General 79
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
1.3 Exemptions
2 Bilge system 79
2.1 Bilge system in ships having no source of electrical power
2.2 Bilge system in ships having a source of electrical power
3 Additional requirements for ships with service notation "barge-oil" 80
3.1 Piping systems other than cargo piping system
3.2 Cargo pumping system
3.3 Cargo tanks and fittings
3.4 Prevention of pollution by cargo oil
4 Certification, inspection and testing 88
4.1 Application
4.2 Workshop tests
4.3 Shipboard tests
5 Additional requirements for units with service notation
"barge-accommodation" 90
5.1 Bilge system
5.2 Ballast system
5.3 Special requirements for starting arrangement of emergency generating sets

Section 4 Machinery and Cargo Systems for Barge-Oil, Flashpoint > 60°C
1 General 92
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Piping systems other than cargo piping system 92
2.1 General
2.2 Bilge system in ships having no source of electrical power
2.3 Bilge system in ships having a source of electrical power
2.4 Ballast system
2.5 Scupper pipes
2.6 Heating systems intended for cargo
3 Cargo pumping and piping systems 94
3.1 General
3.2 Cargo pumping system
3.3 Cargo piping design
3.4 Cargo piping arrangement and installation
4 Cargo tanks and fittings 95
4.1 Application
4.2 Cargo tank venting
4.3 Protection against tank overload
4.4 Tank washing systems

RINA Rules 2017 9

5 Prevention of pollution by cargo oil 96
5.1 General
5.2 Retention of oil on board
5.3 Pumping, piping and discharge arrangements
6 Certification, inspection and testing 98
6.1 Application
6.2 Workshop tests
6.3 Shipboard tests

Section 5 Electrical Installations

1 General 100
1.1 Application
1.2 Exemptions
1.3 Documentation to be submitted
1.4 System of supply
1.5 Electrical equipment
1.6 Earth detection
1.7 Precautions against inlet of gases or vapours
1.8 Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas
1.9 Special requirements for barge-oil carrying flammable liquids having a flash
point not exceeding 60°C
1.10 Special requirements for barge-oil carrying flammable liquids having a flash
point exceeding 60°C
2 Electrical installation for units with service notation
"barge-accommodation" 102
2.1 Application
2.2 Documentation to be submitted
2.3 Electrical distribution and protection
2.4 Control station
2.5 Main source of electrical power
2.6 Emergency source of electrical power and emergency installations
2.7 Escape lighting system
2.8 General emergency alarm and public address systems
2.9 Installation
2.10 Type approved components

10 RINA Rules 2017


Section 1 General
1 General 109
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary table

Section 2 Ship Arrangement

1 General arrangement design 110
1.1 Subdivision arrangement
1.2 Cofferdams
2 Bow height 111
2.1 Vessels of not less than 24 m in length
2.2 Vessels of length less than 24 m

Section 3 Hull and Stability

1 Stability 112
1.1 Intact stability
2 Hull scantlings of ships equal to or greater than 65 m in length 113
2.1 Plating
2.2 Aft ramp
3 Hull scantlings of ships less than 65 m in length 113
3.1 General
3.2 Longitudinally framed single bottom
3.3 Transversely framed single bottom
3.4 Bilge
3.5 Double bottom
3.6 Open floors in transversely framed double bottom
3.7 Side
3.8 Decks
3.9 Tank bulkheads
3.10 Watertight bulkheads
3.11 Non-tight bulkheads
3.12 Connection of the fore part with the structures located aft of the collision
3.13 Fore peak longitudinally framed bottom
3.14 Fore peak transversely framed bottom
3.15 Fore peak longitudinally framed side
3.16 Fore peak transversely framed side
3.17 Fore peak platforms
3.18 Bulbous bow
3.19 Reinforcement of the flat bottom forward area
3.20 Stems

RINA Rules 2017 11

3.21 Sternframes
3.22 Machinery casings
3.23 Superstructures and deckhouses
3.24 Hatch covers
3.25 Aft ramp
3.26 Arrangement for hull and superstructure openings
4 Scantlings of masts and fishing devices (e.g. gantries and
trawl gallows) 128
4.1 Design loads
4.2 Strength check
5 Hull outfitting 128
5.1 Rudder stock scantlings
5.2 Propeller shaft brackets
5.3 Equipment
6 Protection of hull metallic structures 129
6.1 Protection of deck by wood sheathing
6.2 Protection of cargo sides by battens
6.3 Deck composition

Section 4 Machinery
1 General 131
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Bilge system 131
2.1 General
2.2 Design of the bilge system
2.3 Bilge pumps
2.4 Size of bilge pipes
2.5 Bilge piping arrangement
3 Scuppers and sanitary discharges 133
3.1 General
3.2 Discharges through manned machinery spaces
3.3 Materials
4 Air pipes and sounding devices 133
4.1 Air pipes
4.2 Sounding devices
5 Refrigeration systems for the preservation of the catch 134
5.1 General
5.2 Design of refrigeration systems
5.3 Arrangement of the refrigerating machinery spaces and refrigerating rooms
5.4 Breathing apparatus

12 RINA Rules 2017

Section 5 Electrical Installations
1 General 135
1.1 Application
2 Documentation to be submitted 135
3 Type approved components 135
4 General requirements for system design, location and installation 135
4.1 Design and construction
4.2 Main source of electrical power
4.3 Emergency source of electrical power
4.4 Precaution against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin
4.5 Engineers’ alarm
5 Lightning protection 138
5.1 General

RINA Rules 2017 13


Section 1 General
1 Application 141
2 Specific requirements 141

14 RINA Rules 2017


Section 1 General
1 General 145
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary table

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 146
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Foundation structures, supporting structures and fastening 146
3 Connecting structures of the stinger to the hull 146

Section 3 Machinery and Systems

1 General 147
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Pipe laying equipment 147
3 Anchoring equipment 147
4 Dynamic positioning equipment during pipe laying 147
5 Testing of pipe laying, anchoring and positioning equipment 147
5.1 Testing of materials
5.2 Hydraulic tests
5.3 Tests of mechanical components
5.4 Tests on electrical components
6 Equipment trials on board 147

RINA Rules 2017 15


Section 1 General
1 General 151
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary table

Section 2 Ship Arrangement, Hull and Stability

1 General 152
1.1 Documents to be submitted
2 Ship arrangement 152
2.1 General
3 Corrosion additions 152
3.1 General
4 Stability 152
4.1 Intact stability
5 Design loads 152
5.1 Internal pressures due to cement cargo
5.2 Loading conditions to be considered in structural analyses of primary
supporting members based on three dimensional models

Section 3 Machinery and Systems

1 General 154
1.1 Documents to be submitted
2 Cement handling system 154
2.1 General
3 Testing of cement handling equipment 154
3.1 Workshop testing
3.2 On board testing

16 RINA Rules 2017


Section 1 General
1 General 159
1.1 Application
1.2 Fundamental safety requirements
2 Definitions 159
2.1 Terms
3 Additional requirements 160
3.1 Emergency towing arrangement
3.2 Steering gear
4 Documentation to be submitted 160

Section 2 Ship Arrangement

1 Segregation of the cargo area 163
1.1 Segregation of hold spaces
1.2 Location of cargo holds
2 Accommodation, service and machinery spaces and control stations 163
2.1 General

Section 3 Ship Survival Capabilities

1 Freeboard and intact stability 164
1.1 Intact stability
1.2 Damaged stability
2 Collisions and groundings 164
2.1 General
3 Pipes, ducts and trunks in damaged zones 164
3.1 Strength of internal structures

Section 4 Cargo Containment

1 General 165
1.1 Application

RINA Rules 2017 17

Section 5 Process Pressure Vessels and Piping Systems
1 Gas-fuelled ship 166
1.1 Application
2 Process pressure vessels 166
2.1 General
3 Cargo and process piping 166
3.1 General
3.2 Scantlings based on internal pressure
3.3 Permissible stress
3.4 Aluminised pipes
4 Tests of piping components and pumps prior to installation on board 168
4.1 Valves
5 Liquid transfer pumps 168
5.1 General
5.2 Prototype Testing
5.3 Unit Production Testing
6 Cargo valves 168
6.1 General
7 Emergency shutdown 169
7.1 Clarification on location of fusible elements
8 Bonding 169
8.1 Static electricity

Section 6 Materials for Construction

1 General 170

Section 7 Overpressure Protection for Cargo Containment and Piping

1 General 171
2 Cargo Tanks and piping 171
2.1 General
3 Information to the Master 171
3.1 Requirements

18 RINA Rules 2017

Section 8 Environmental Control
1 Precautions against fire 172
2 Environmental Control within Cargo Tanks and Cargo Piping Systems 172
2.1 General
3 Environmental Control within the Hold Spaces for Cargo Tanks 172
3.1 General
4 Inerting 172
5 Inert gas production on board 172
5.1 Exemptions

Section 9 Electrical Installations

1 General 173
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
1.3 System of supply
1.4 Earth detection
1.5 Precautions against inlet of gases or vapours
1.6 Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas
2 Hazardous locations 174
2.1 Hazardous area classification
3 Product classification 174
3.1 Temperature class and explosion group

Section 10 Fire Protection and Fire Extinction

1 Application 176
1.1 General
2 Additional criteria 176
2.1 Structural fire protection
3 Means of escape 176
4 Fire Extinction 176

RINA Rules 2017 19

Section 11 Mechanical Ventilation in the Cargo Area
1 General 178
1.1 Safety
1.2 Shutdown philosophy
2 Spaces required to be entered during normal cargo handling
operations 178
2.1 Location of discharges from dangerous spaces
2.2 Recirculation prevention
2.3 Non-sparking fans
3 Spaces not normally entered 179
3.1 General requirements

Section 12 Instrumentation (Gauging, Gas Detection)

1 General 180
1.2 Cargo tank instrumentation
1.3 Drainage
1.4 Indicator location
2 Gas detection requirements 180
2.2 Gas Measurements
2.3 Position of sampling heads
3 Protected spaces 181
4 Portable gas detectors 181

Section 13 Use of Cargo as Fuel

1 Application 182
1.1 General
1.2 Testing

Section 14 Special Requirements

1 Materials for construction 183
2 Independent tanks 183
3 Deck cargo piping 183

20 RINA Rules 2017

4 Exclusion of air from vapor spaces 183
5 Moisture control 183
6 Permanently installed toxic gas detectors 183
7 Flame screens on vent outlets 183

Section 15 Additional Informations on Products

1 General 184

RINA Rules 2017 21


Section 1 General
1 General 187
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary tables
1.3 Definitions

Section 2 Ship Arrangement

1 General 189
1.1 Application
2 General arrangement design 189
2.1 General
2.2 Double bottom tanks or compartments
2.3 Navigation position
3 Size and arrangement of cargo tanks and slop tanks 191
3.1 Cargo tanks
3.2 Slop tanks
4 Access arrangement 191
4.1 General
4.2 Access to pipe tunnel and opening arrangement
4.3 Access to compartments in the cargo area

Section 3 Stability
1 Stability 194
1.1 Application
1.2 Intact stability

Section 4 Machinery and Cargo Systems

1 General 195
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Piping systems other than cargo piping system 195
2.1 General
2.2 Bilge system
2.3 Ballast system
2.4 Air and sounding pipes of spaces other than cargo tanks
2.5 Scupper pipes
2.6 Heating systems intended for cargo

22 RINA Rules 2017

3 Cargo pumping systems 198
3.1 General
3.2 Cargo pumping system
3.3 Cargo piping design
3.4 Cargo piping arrangement and installation
3.5 Integrated cargo and ballast systems design
4 Cargo tanks and fittings 202
4.1 Application
4.2 Cargo tank venting
4.3 Cargo tank purging and/or gas-freeing
4.4 Cargo tank level gauging systems
4.5 Protection against tank overload
4.6 Tank washing systems
5 Prevention of pollution by cargo oil 205
5.1 General
5.2 Retention of oil on board
5.3 Pumping, piping and discharge arrangements
6 Certification, inspection and testing 206
6.1 Application
6.2 Workshop tests
6.3 Shipboard tests

Section 5 Machinery and Cargo Systems for Oil Carrier, Flashpoint > 60°C
1 General 208
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Piping systems other than cargo piping system 208
2.1 General
2.2 Bilge system
2.3 Ballast system
2.4 Scupper pipes
2.5 Heating systems intended for cargo
3 Cargo pumping and piping systems 209
3.1 General
3.2 Cargo pumping system
3.3 Cargo piping design
3.4 Cargo piping arrangement and installation
3.5 Integrated cargo and ballast systems design
4 Cargo tanks and fittings 212
4.1 Application
4.2 Cargo tank venting
4.3 Protection against tank overload
4.4 Tank washing systems
5 Prevention of pollution by cargo oil 212
5.1 General
5.2 Retention of oil on board
5.3 Pumping, piping and discharge arrangements

RINA Rules 2017 23

6 Certification, inspection and testing 214
6.1 Application
6.2 Workshop tests
6.3 Shipboard tests

Section 6 Electrical Installations

1 General 216
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
1.3 System of supply
1.4 Electrical equipment
1.5 Earth detection
1.6 Precautions against inlet of gases or vapours
1.7 Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas
2 Special requirements for oil carriers carrying flammable liquids
having a flash point not exceeding 60°C 217
2.1 Hazardous area classification
3 Special requirements for oil carrier carrying flammable liquids having
a flash point exceeding 60°C 217
3.1 Hazardous area classification
3.2 Cargoes heated to a temperature above their flash point and cargoes heated to
a temperature within 15°C of their flash point

24 RINA Rules 2017


Section 1 General
1 General 221
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary tables
1.3 Definitions

Section 2 Ship Arrangement

1 General 223
1.1 Application
2 General arrangement design 223
2.1 General
2.2 Double bottom tanks or compartments
3 Size and arrangement of cargo tanks and slop tanks 224
3.1 Cargo tanks
4 Access arrangement 224
4.1 General
4.2 Access to pipe tunnel and opening arrangement
4.3 Access to compartments in the cargo area

Section 3 Stability
1 Stability 226
1.1 Intact stability

Section 4 Machinery and Cargo Systems

1 General 227
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Piping systems other than cargo piping system 227
2.1 General
2.2 Bilge system
2.3 Ballast system
2.4 Scupper pipes
2.5 Heating systems intended for cargo
3 Cargo pumping and piping systems 229
3.1 General
3.2 Cargo pumping system

RINA Rules 2017 25

3.3 Cargo piping design
3.4 Cargo piping arrangement and installation
3.5 Integrated cargo and ballast systems design
4 Cargo tanks and fittings 230
4.1 Application
4.2 Cargo tank venting
4.3 Protection against tank overload
5 Prevention of pollution by palm oil 231
5.1 General
6 Certification, inspection and testing 231
6.1 Application
6.2 Workshop tests
6.3 Shipboard tests

Section 5 Electrical Installations

1 General 233
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
1.3 System of supply
1.4 Electrical equipment
1.5 Earth detection
1.6 Precautions against inlet of gases or vapours
1.7 Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas
1.8 Hazardous area classification

26 RINA Rules 2017


Section 1 General
1 General 237
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary table

Section 2 Unit Arrangement

1 General 238
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Cargo handling arrangements 238
2.1 General
3 Ship-to-Unit Mooring arrangements 238
3.1 General
3.2 Mooring analysis
4 Access on board arrangement 239

Section 3 Hull and Stability

1 Application 240
2 Stability 240
2.1 Intact stability under navigating conditions
2.2 Intact stability under operation
2.3 Intact stability for units carrying grain, cement and similar, IMSBC-A cargoes,
nitrates, non-cohesive or other special cargo
3 Design loads 241
3.1 Unit motions and accelerations
3.2 Additional requirements on local loads for units with the additional service
feature heavycargo
3.3 Characteristics of bulk cargoes carried in holds
4 Hull scantlings 241
4.1 General

RINA Rules 2017 27


Section 1 General
1 General 245
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary table

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 246
2 Documentation to be submitted 246
3 Operations in hazardous atmosphere 246
3.1 Citadel
3.2 Windows

Section 3 Machinery and Systems

1 Machinery and systems installations 247
2 Documentation to be submitted 247
3 Operations in hazardous atmosphere 247
3.1 Citadel ventilation system
3.2 Gas detection and alarm
3.3 Machinery intake air system
3.4 Machinery exhaust gas system
3.5 Operations and Equipment Manual

Section 4 Electrical Installations

1 General 249
1.1 Application
2 Documentation to be submitted 249

28 RINA Rules 2017

Section 5 Fire Protection, Detection and Extinction
1 General 250
1.1 Application
2 Operations in hazardous atmosphere 250
2.1 General

RINA Rules 2017 29


Section 1 General
1 General 253
1.1 Application
1.2 Summary table

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 254
1.1 Tanks for storage of stimulating liquids
1.2 Tanks material
1.3 Documents to be submitted
1.4 Operational Manual
2 General arrangement design 254
2.1 Tank location and segregation of spaces
2.2 Protection from liquid spill
2.3 Hazardous area
2.4 Accesses, Air intakes, windows and other openings to accommodation spaces
2.5 Access to spaces in the cargo area
3 Stability 255
3.1 Intact stability
3.2 Damage stability
4 Hull scantlings 255
4.1 Local loads
4.2 Movable tanks
5 Seakeeping 255
5.1 General
5.2 Dynamic positioning
5.3 Station keeping with anchors and cables

Section 3 Machinery and Systems

1 General 256
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
1.3 Calculations
2 Machinery installations and piping systems not intended for
well stimulation 257
2.1 Bilge system
2.2 Exhaust gas systems
2.3 Additional requirements for machinery installations in hazardous area

30 RINA Rules 2017

3 Pumping system, piping system and pump rooms intended
for well stimulation 257
3.1 Design of piping systems
3.2 Arrangement
3.3 Pump rooms
3.4 Venting systems
3.5 Mechanical ventilation of spaces in the cargo area
3.6 Control and Monitoring

Section 4 Electrical Installations

1 General 259
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Design requirements 259
2.1 Power supply for emergency controls
2.2 Earth detection
3 Hazardous area 259
3.1 Hazardous area classification
3.2 Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous area

Section 5 Fire Protection, Detection and Extinction

1 General 260
1.1 Application
1.2 Fire Protection, Fire Fighting system and appliances

Section 6 Personnel Protection

1 General 261
1.1 Personnel protection

RINA Rules 2017 31

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 16






RINA Rules 2017 33

Pt E, Ch 16, Sec 1


1 General
Table 1

1.1 Application Main subject Reference

1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap- Ship arrangement (1)
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation Hull and stability Sec 2
fire-fighting ship, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.8.4].
Machinery and systems Sec 3
1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with
Electrical installations (1)
the requirements stipulated in Parts A, B, C and D, as appli-
cable, and with the requirements of this Chapter, which are Automation (1)
specific to fire-fighting ships.
Fire protection and extinction Sec 4

1.2 Summary table (1) No specific requirements for fire fighting ships are
given in this Chapter.
1.2.1 Tab 1 indicates, for ready reference, the Sections of
this Chapter containing specific requirements applicable to
fire-fighting ships.

RINA Rules 2017 35

Pt E, Ch 16, Sec 2


1 Stability Figure 1 : Heeling and righting arm curves


1.1 Intact stability

1.1.1 General

The stability of the ship for the loading conditions defined 

in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.11] is to be in compliance with
the requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2.

1.1.2 Additional criteria

All the loading conditions reported in the trim and stability
booklet, with the exception of lightship, are also to be
checked in order to investigate the ship’s capability to sup- Figure 2 : Reaction force of water jet in the beam
direction due to monitors
port the effect of the reaction force of the water jet in the
beam direction due to the monitors fitted on board.

A fire-fighting ship may be considered as having sufficient

stability, according to the effect of the reaction force of the Ri
water jet in the beam direction due to the monitors fitted on
board, if the heeling angle of static equilibrium θ0, corre-
sponding to the first intersection between heeling and right-
ing arms (see Fig 1), is less than 5°.

The heeling arm may be calculated as follows:

Σ ⋅ Ri ⋅ hi + S ⋅ ( T ⁄ 2 – e )
- ⋅ cos θ
b h = -----------------------------------------------------------
9 ,81 ⋅ Δ T

where: S

bh : Heeling arm, in m, relevant to the reaction force

of the water jet of the monitors fitted on board,
and to the effect of transversal manoeuvring
thrusters. The monitors are assumed to be ori-
ented in beam direction parallel to the sea sur-
face, so as to consider the most severe situation. 2 Structure design principles
Ri : Reaction force, in kN, of the water jet of each
2.1 Hull structure
monitor fitted on board (see Fig 2)
2.1.1 The strengthening of the structure of the ships, where
hi : Vertical distance, in m, between the location of
necessary to withstand the forces imposed by the fire-extin-
each monitor and half draught (see Fig 2)
guishing systems when operating at their maximum capac-
S : Thrust, in kN, relevant to manoeuvring ity in all possible directions of use, are to be considered by
thruster(s), if applicable (see Fig 2) the Society on a case-by-case basis.

e : Vertical distance, in m, between the manoeu- 2.2 Water and foam monitors
vring thruster axis and keel (see Fig 2)
2.2.1 The monitors are to be of robust construction and are
Δ : Displacement, in t, relevant to the loading con-
to be of a type approved by the Society.
dition under consideration
The seatings of the monitors are to be of adequate strength
T : Draught, in m, corresponding to Δ (see Fig 2). for all modes of operation.

36 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 16, Sec 2

3 Other structures lights are to be fitted with efficient deadlights or external

steel shutters, except for the wheelhouse.
3.1 Arrangement for hull and superstructure
3.1.1 On ships which are not fitted with a water-spraying
system complying with Sec 4, [3], all windows and port

RINA Rules 2017 37

Pt E, Ch 16, Sec 3


1 General 2 Design of machinery systems

1.1 Application
2.1 Manoeuvrability
a) This Section provides, for ships having the service nota- 2.1.1 General
tions fire-fighting ship E, fire-fighting ship 1, fire-fight-
a) The ratios between the main ship dimensions and the
ing ship 2, and fire-fighting ship 3, specific
requirements for: power of propulsion engines and of engines driving side
• machinery systems thrusters are to be adequate and such as to ensure an
effective manoeuvrability during fire-fighting opera-
• fire-fighting systems installed on board the ship and
intended for fighting of external fires. tions.
b) The requirements related to the self-protection water- b) The side thrusters and the main propulsion system are to
spraying systems fitted to fire-fighting ships having the be capable of maintaining the ship in position in still
additional service feature water spray are given in
water and of withstanding the reaction forces of the
Sec 4.
water monitors even in the most unfavourable combina-
tion of operating conditions of such monitors, without
1.2 Documents to be submitted
requiring more than 80% of the above propulsive
1.2.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted. power, to prevent engine overload.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

No. A/I (1) Document (2)

1 I General arrangement showing the disposition of all fire-fighting equipment
2 A Details of all fire-fighting equipment such as pumps and monitors, including their capacity, range and
trajectory of delivery
3 A Schematic diagram of the water fire-fighting system
4 A Plan of the water monitor seating arrangements
5 A Diagram of local control and remote control system for water monitors
6 A Schematic diagram of the fixed foam fire-extinguishing system
7 A Plan of the foam monitor seating arrangements (3)
8 A Diagram of local control and remote control system for foam monitors (3)
9 A Specification and plan showing the location of firemen’s outfits
10 A Particulars of the means of keeping the ship in position during fire-fighting operations
11 I Calculation of the required fuel oil capacity according to [2.2.1] (4)
12 I Operating manual

(1) A: To be submitted for approval in four copies

I: To be submitted for information in duplicate
(2) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable:
• the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems
• the instructions for the operation and maintenance of the piping system concerned (for information).
(3) for ships having the service notation fire-fighting ship 3.
(4) for ships having one of the following service notations: fire-fighting ship 1, fire-fighting ship 2, fire-fighting ship 3.

38 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 16, Sec 3

2.1.2 Power control system connections required for the portable fire-fighting equip-
An operating control system of the power supplied by the ment referred to in [6.2].
engines is to be provided, including:
3.3 Design and construction of piping sys-
• an alarm device operating at 80% of the maximum pro-
pulsive power available in free navigation, and tems
• an automatic reduction of power on reaching 100% of 3.3.1 General
the above propulsive power,
a) Fire-fighting piping systems are to comply with the pro-
to prevent engine overload. visions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10.

Note 1: Such operating control system may not be required, at the b) The maximum design water velocity is not normally to
discretion of the Society, in cases where the installed power is exceed 2 m/s in the suction line.
3.3.2 Sea suctions
a) Sea suctions for fire-fighting pumps are not to be used
2.2 Fuel oil capacity
for other purposes.
2.2.1 All ships are to have fuel oil tanks whose capacity is b) Sea suctions and associated sea chests are to be so
to be sufficient for continuous fighting of fires whilst all the arranged as to ensure a continuous and sufficient water
water monitors are operating for a period of time not less supply to the fire-fighting pumps, not adversely affected
than: by the ship motion or by water flow to or from bow
thrusters, side thrusters, azimuth thrusters or main pro-
• 24 hours in the case of ships having the service notation
fire-fighting ship 1
c) Sea suctions are to be located as low as practicable to
• 96 hours in the case of ships having the service notation
fire-fighting ship 2 or fire-fighting ship 3.
• clogging due to debris or ice
This capacity is to be additional to that provided for the nor- • oil intake from the surface of the sea.
mal operation of the ship (propulsion, etc.).
d) Sea water inlets are to be fitted with gratings having a
Note 1: The determination of such required capacity is the respon- free passage area of at least twice that of the sea suction
sibility of the Designer. valve. Efficient means are to be provided for clearing the
2.3 Scuppers
3.3.3 Pumps
2.3.1 When the ship is protected by a water-spraying sys- a) Means are to be provided to avoid overheating of the
tem, suitable scuppers or freeing ports are to be provided to fire-fighting pumps when they operate at low delivery
ensure efficient drainage of water accumulating on deck rates.
surfaces when such system is in operation.
b) The starting of fire-fighting pumps when sea water inlet
valves are closed is either to be prevented by an inter-
3 General requirements for fire-fight- lock system or to trigger an audible and visual alarm.
ing systems
3.3.4 Valves
a) A sea water suction valve and water delivery valve with
3.1 General a nominal diameter exceeding 450 mm are to be pro-
vided with a power actuation system as well as a man-
3.1.1 This Article applies to both water fire-extinguishing ual operation device.
systems and fixed foam fire-extinguishing systems.
b) The sea water suction valve and water delivery valve
and pump prime movers are to be operable from the
3.2 Independence of pumping and piping same position.
3.3.5 Protection against corrosion
3.2.1 The piping system serving the water and foam moni- Means are to be provided to ensure adequate protection
tors are not to be used for other services except for the against:
water-spraying system referred to in Sec 4.
• internal corrosion, for all piping from sea water inlets to
water monitors
3.2.2 Where the water monitor pumps are also used for
the water-spraying system referred to in Sec 4, it is to be • external corrosion, for the lengths of piping exposed to
possible to segregate the two systems by means of a valve. the weather.

3.2.3 The piping system from the pumps to the water mon- 3.3.6 Piping arrangement
itors is to be separate from the piping system to the hose Suction lines are to be as short and straight as practicable.

RINA Rules 2017 39

Pt E, Ch 16, Sec 3

3.4 Monitors 3.5.5 Marking

All control and shut-off devices are to be clearly marked,
3.4.1 Design of monitors
both locally and in the control station.
a) Monitors are to be of a type approved by the Society.
b) Monitors are to be of robust construction and capable of
withstanding the reaction forces of the water jet. 4 Water fire-fighting system
3.4.2 Support of the monitors
4.1 Characteristics
The seatings of the monitors are to be of adequate strength
for all mode of operations.
3.5 Monitor control a) For ships having the service notation fire-fighting ship 1,
fire-fighting ship 2 or fire-fighting ship 3, the number of
3.5.1 General pumps and monitors and their characteristics are to be
Water monitors and foam monitors are to be operated and in accordance with the requirements given in Tab 2.
controlled with a remote control system located in a com-
mon control station having adequate overall visibility. b) For ships having the service notation fire-fighting ship E,
the characteristics of the water fire-fighting system will
3.5.2 Manual control be given special consideration by the Society.
In addition to the remote control system, a local manual
control is to be arranged for each monitor. It is to be possi- 4.2 Monitors
ble to:
• disconnect the local manual control from the control 4.2.1 Monitors are to be so arranged as to allow an easy
station horizontal movement of at least 90° equally divided about
• disconnect the remote control system, from a position the centreline of the ship. The allowed vertical angular
close to each monitor, to allow the operation with the movement is to be such that the height of throw required in
local manual control. Tab 2 can be achieved.
3.5.3 Valve control
4.2.2 The monitors are to be located such that the water jet
The valve control is to be designed so as to prevent pressure is free from obstacles, including ship’s structure and equip-
hammering. ment.
3.5.4 Control system
4.2.3 The monitors are to be capable of throwing a contin-
a) The control system is to comply with the relevant provi-
uous full water jet without significant pulsations and com-
sions of Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 1 and Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 2.
pacted in such a way as to be concentrated on a limited
b) The control system is to be designed with a redundancy surface.
level such that lost function can be restored within 10
minutes. 4.2.4 At least two monitors are to be equipped with a
c) In the case of a hydraulic or pneumatic control system, device to make the dispersion of the water jet (spray jet)
the control power units are to be duplicated. possible.

Table 2 : Number of pumps and monitors and their characteristics (1/7/2004)

Service notations
Required characteristics
fire-fighting ship 1 fire-fighting ship 2 fire-fighting ship 3
minimum number of water monitors 2 2 3 4 4
minimum discharge rate per monitor (m /h)3 1200 3600 2400 1800 2400
minimum number of fire-fighting pumps 1 2 2
minimum total pump capacity (m3/h) (1) 2400 7200 9600
length of throw of each monitor (m) (2) (4) 120 150 150
height of throw of each monitor (m) (3) (4) 45 70 70
(1) Where the water monitor pumps are also used for the self-protection water-spraying system, their capacity is to be sufficient to
ensure the simultaneous operation of both systems at the required performances.
(2) Measured horizontally from the monitor outlet to the mean impact area.
(3) Measured vertically from the sea level, the mean impact area being at a distance of at least 70 m from the nearest part of the
(4) The length and height of throw are to be capable of being achieved with the required number of monitors operating simultane-
ously in the same direction.

40 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 16, Sec 3

4.3 Piping 5.3.2 Pumps

The pumps of the water monitor system may be used for

4.3.1 The maximum design water velocity is not normally
supplying water to the foam monitor system. In such case, it
to exceed 4 m/s in the piping between pumps and water
monitors. may be necessary to reduce the pump water delivery pres-
sure to ensure correct water pressure for maximum foam
5 Fixed foam fire-extinguishing system

5.1 General
6 Portable fire-fighting equipment

5.1.1 (1/1/2007) 6.1 Portable high expansion foam generator

a) Ships having the service notation fire-fighting ship 3 are
to be equipped with a fixed low expansion foam moni- 6.1.1 Ships having the service notation fire-fighting ship 2
tor system complying with the provisions of this Article. or fire-fighting ship 3 are to be equipped with a portable
b) Where a fixed low expansion foam monitor system is fit- high expansion foam generator having a foam capacity not
ted on a ship having the service notation fire-fighting less than 100 m3/min for fighting of external fires.
ship 1 or fire-fighting ship 2, the arrangement and char-
acteristics of the system will be considered by the Soci- 6.1.2 The total capacity of foam concentrate is to be suffi-
ety on a case-by-case basis. cient for 30 min of continuous foam production. The foam
c) For ships having the service notation fire-fighting ship E, concentrate is to be stored in portable tanks of about 20
some relaxation in the provisions of this Section may be litres capacity.
accepted by the Society.
6.2 Hydrants and fire hoses
5.2 Characteristics
6.2.1 Hydrants
5.2.1 Foam expansion ratio
The foam expansion ratio is not to exceed 12. a) Hydrants are to be provided in accordance with Tab 3.

b) At least half of the required hydrants are to be arranged

5.2.2 Foam monitors
on the main weather deck.
a) The ship is to be fitted with two foam monitors, each
having a foam solution capacity not less than 300 m3/h. c) Where hydrants are fed by the pumps serving the moni-
tor supply lines, provision is to be made to reduce the
b) The height of throw is to be at least 50 m above the sea
water pressure at the hydrants to a value permitting safe
level, when both monitors are in operation at the maxi-
handling of the hose and the nozzle by one man.
mum foam production rate.

5.2.3 Foam concentrate capacity 6.2.2 Fire hose boxes

Sufficient foam concentrate is to be available for at least 30 a) At least one box containing fire hoses is to be provided
min of simultaneous operation of both monitors at maxi- for every two hydrants.
mum capacity.
Note 1: When determining the necessary quantity of foam concen- b) Each box is to contain two fire hoses complete with
trate, the concentration rate is assumed to be 5%. dual-purpose (spray/jet) nozzles.

5.3 Arrangement 6.2.3 Fire hoses

a) Fire hoses and associated nozzles are to be of a type

5.3.1 Foam generating system
approved by the Society.
The foam generating system is to be of a fixed type with sep-
arate foam concentrate tank, foam-mixing units and piping b) Fire hoses are to be of 45 to 70 mm in diameter and
to the monitors. generally are to be 20 m in length.

Table 3 : Number of hydrants

fire-fighting ship E fire-fighting ship 1 fire-fighting ship 2 fire-fighting ship 3

4 at each side 4 at each side 8 at each side 8 at each side (1)
(1) May be increased to 10 hydrants at each side, depending on the ship’s length.

RINA Rules 2017 41

Pt E, Ch 16, Sec 3

7 Firemen’s outfits 8 Testing

7.1 Number and characteristics 8.1 General

7.1.1 (1/1/2007)
8.1.1 The provisions of this Article are related to the work-
The total number of firemen's outfits to be fitted on board is
shop and on board tests to be carried out for:
to be in accordance with Tab 4.
• machinery systems
Table 4 : Number of firemen’s outfits • fire-fighting systems.

fire-fighting fire-fighting fire-fighting fire-fighting They supplement those required in Part C, Chapter 1 for
ship E ship 1 ship 2 ship 3 machinery systems.
4 4 8 8
8.2 Workshop tests
7.1.2 The air breathing apparatuses, protective clothing 8.2.1 Tests for material
and electric safety lamps constituting parts of firemen’s out-
fits are to be of a type approved by the Society. a) Materials used for the housing of fire-fighting pumps are
to be subjected to a tensile test at ambient temperature
7.1.3 Breathing apparatuses are to be of the self-contained according to the relevant provisions of Part D.
type. They are to have a capacity of at least 1200 litres of b) Materials used for pipes, valves and other accessories
free air. are to be tested in accordance with the provisions of
At least one spare air bottle is to be provided for each appa- Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.3].
8.2.2 Hydrostatic testing
7.1.4 The firemen’s outfits are to be stored in a safe posi- After completion of manufacture and before installation on
tion readily accessible from the open deck. board, pipes, valves, accessories and pump housings are to
be submitted to a hydrostatic test in accordance with the
7.2 Compressed air system for breathing provisions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].
8.3 On board tests
7.2.1 General
All ships are to be equipped with a high pressure air com- 8.3.1 Fixed fire-fighting systems
pressor complete with all fittings necessary for refilling the a) After assembly on board, the water fire-fighting system
bottles of air breathing apparatuses. The compressor is to be and the fixed foam fire-extinguishing system are to be
located in a suitable sheltered location. checked for leakage at normal operating pressure.
7.2.2 Capacity b) The water fire-fighting system and fixed foam fire-extin-
The capacity of the compressor is to be sufficient to allow guishing system are to undergo an operational test on
the refilling of the bottles of air breathing apparatuses in no board the ship, to check their characteristics and per-
more than 30 min. This capacity is not to be less than 75 formances.
8.3.2 Propulsion and manoeuvring systems
7.2.3 Accessories a) A test is to be performed to check the manoeuvring
a) The compressor is to be fitted on the air suction with a capability of the ship.
suitable filter. b) The capability of the side thrusters and of the main pro-
b) The compressor is to be fitted on the delivery with oil pulsion system to maintain the ship in position with all
separators and filters capable of preventing passage of water monitors in service without requiring more than
oil droplets or vapours to the air bottles. 80% of the propulsive power is to be demonstrated.

42 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 16, Sec 4


1 General shutters are to be provided on all windows, sidescuttles and

navigation lights, except for the windows of the navigating
1.1 Application
1.1.1 (1/1/2007) 3 Self-protection water-spraying sys-
This Section provides, for ships having the service notations tem
fire-fighting ship 1, fire-fighting ship 2 and fire-fighting ship
3, specific requirements for:
3.1 General
• fire protection
3.1.1 (1/1/2007)
• self-protection water-spraying system.
The provisions of this Article apply to the self-protection
1.1.2 For ships having the service notation fire-fighting water-spraying systems fitted to ships having the additional
ship E, fire protection arrangements will be given special service feature water spray.
consideration by the Society.

3.2 Capacity
1.2 Documents to be submitted
3.2.1 The capacity of the self-protection water-spraying
1.2.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted for
system is to be not less than 10 l/min for each square metre
of protected area. In the case of surfaces which are inter-
nally insulated, such as to constitute A-60 class divisions, a
2 Fire protection of exposed surfaces lower capacity may be accepted, provided it is not less than
5 l/min for each square metre of protected area.
2.1 Structural fire protection
3.3 Arrangement
2.1.1 (1/7/2003)
3.3.1 Areas to be protected
a) On ships having the service notation fire-fighting ship
1, all exterior boundaries above the lightest operating The fixed self-protection water-spraying system is to provide
waterline, including superstructures and exposed decks, protection for all vertical areas of the hull and superstruc-
are to be of steel and are to be internally insulated so as
tures as well as monitor foundations and other fire-fighting
to form A-60 class divisions unless they are self-pro-
tected with a water-spraying system having a capacity of arrangements, and is to be fitted in such a way as not to
not less than 10 l/min for each square metre (see also impair the necessary visibility from the wheelhouse and
[3.2.1]). from the station for remote control of water monitors, also
during operation of spray nozzles.
b) On ships having the service notation fire-fighting ship 2
or fire-fighting ship 3, all exterior boundaries are to be
3.3.2 Sections
of steel but they need not be insulated.
The fixed self-protection water-spraying system may be
c) On all ships, other boundaries may be constructed of
divided into sections so that it is possible to isolate sections
materials other than steel, subject to special considera-
tion by the Society. covering surfaces which are not exposed to radiant heat.

3.3.3 Spray nozzles

2.2 Deadlights and shutters
The number and location of spray nozzles are to be suitable
2.2.1 On ships for which the additional service feature to spread the sprayed water uniformly on areas to be pro-
water spray is not assigned, steel deadlights or external steel tected.

RINA Rules 2017 43

Pt E, Ch 16, Sec 4

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

No. A/I (1) Document

1 A Plan showing the structural fire division, including doors and other closing devices of openings in A and
B class divisions
2 I Fire test reports for insulating materials
3 A Schematic diagram of the fixed self-protection water-spraying system
(1) A: To be submitted for approval in four copies
I: To be submitted for information in duplicate

3.4 Pumps capacity is to be sufficient to ensure the simultaneous

operation of both systems at the required performances.
3.4.1 Use of pumps serving other
systems (1/1/2007) 3.5 Piping system and spray nozzles
The following pumps may be used for the self-protection
water-spraying system: 3.5.1 General
• fire pumps supplying the fire main system Pipes are to be designed and manufactured according to the
requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10.
• water monitor system pumps referred to in Sec 3, [4].
3.5.2 Protection against corrosion
In this case, a shut-off valve is to be provided to segregate
the systems concerned. Steel pipes are to be protected against corrosion, both inter-
nally and externally, by means of galvanising or equivalent
3.4.2 Capacity of the pumps method.
a) The pumps of the self-protection water-spraying system 3.5.3 Drainage cocks
are to have a capacity sufficient to spray water at the Suitable drainage cocks are to be arranged and precautions
required pressure from all spray nozzles of the system. are to be taken in order to prevent clogging of spray nozzles
b) Where the pumps serving the self-protection water- by impurities contained in pipes, nozzles, valves and
spraying systems are also used for another service, their pumps.

44 RINA Rules 2017

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 17







RINA Rules 2017 45

Pt E, Ch 17, Sec 1


1 General 1.2 Summary table

1.2.1 Tab 1 indicates, for ready reference, the Sections of
1.1 Application this Chapter containing specific requirements applicable to
1.1.1 (1/1/2012) oil recovery ships.
Ships complying with the requirements of this Chapter are
eligible for the assignment of the service notation oil recov- Table 1 (1/1/2007)
ery ship, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.8.5].
Main subject Reference
If the ship collects only oil with flashpoint exceeding 60°C,
this restriction will be reported on the ship operation man- Ship arrangement (1)
ual and the service feature flash point > 60°C is assigned. Hull and stability Sec 2
In the case of ships provided with tanks dedicated to the
Machinery and systems Sec 3
containment of oil both with flashpoint ≤ 60°C and with
flashpoint > 60°C, in the ship operation manual (see Sec 3, Electrical installations Sec 4
Tab 1) and in the ship documents it is to be clearly indi-
Automation (1)
cated for each tank which is the allowed flashpoint of the
oil contained therein. Fire protection, detection and extinction Sec 5
1.1.2 (1/7/2011) (1) No specific requirements for oil recovery ships are
Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with the given in this Chapter.
requirements stipulated in Parts A, B, C and D, as applica-
ble, and with the requirements of this Chapter, which are
specific to oil recovery ships.

RINA Rules 2017 47

Pt E, Ch 17, Sec 2


1 General 2.1.3 Location of the accumulation tanks

Accumulation tanks are to be located abaft the collision
1.1 Oil removal
2.1.4 Movable tanks
1.1.1 Oil removal is to be performed by conveying with In the case of oil collected in movable tanks fitted on the
suitable apparatuses the top layers of polluted water col- weather deck, the location of such tanks is to be such as to
lected by the ship moving ahead into separation tanks comply with the requirements in Sec 3, [4.2] relevant to gas
and/or by skimming mobile belts or rotating disks acting on vents.
the oil film and/or by means of floating suction pumps oper-
ating on the sea surface.
2.2 Dangerous spaces
Alternative methods, equivalent to those mentioned, are to
2.2.1 (1/7/2002)
be considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
Dangerous spaces are those indicated in Sec 4, [3] and
Sec 4, Tab 1.
1.2 Definitions
2.3 Access to safe spaces
1.2.1 Accumulation tank
2.3.1 (1/7/2002)
An accumulation tank is a tank intended for the retention of
oil removed and separated from sea water. See Sec 4, [3.1.3].

1.2.2 Settling tank 3 Stability

A settling tank is a tank intended for the retention of pol-
luted water and its subsequent separation from oil. 3.1 Intact stability
3.1.1 General
2 General arrangement design The stability of the ship for the loading conditions reported
in the trim and stability booklet is to be in compliance with
2.1 Segregation of spaces intended for the requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2.
retention of oil
4 Design loads
2.1.1 Tanks (1/7/2011)
Accumulation tanks are to be separated from the engine 4.1 Oil removal and spraying
room and service and accommodation spaces,by means of
a cofferdam or equivalent space. 4.1.1 The still water and inertial loads transmitted by the
operation of apparatuses and/or equipment for oil removal
Fuel tanks, settling tanks, tanks for ballast water, foam-form-
and spraying of any dispersant to the hull structure are to be
ing liquid or anti-pollution liquid, storerooms for oil
taken into account.
removal equipment and pump rooms are considered equiv-
alent to a cofferdam.
5 Hull scantlings
This cofferdam may be omitted, however, between the
above-mentioned spaces and
5.1 Accumulation tanks
• settling tanks
5.1.1 The net scantlings of any accumulation tanks con-
• accumulation tanks that are dedicated to the retention
sisting of movable tanks are considered by the Society on a
of oil with flashpoint > 60°C only.
case-by-case basis.
In the case of tanks containing foam-forming liquid having a
bulkhead adjacent to accumulation tanks, fuel oil tanks or 6 Other structures
dispersing liquid tanks, the scantlings of such bulkhead and
associated welds are to be adequately increased.
6.1 Hull and superstructure openings
2.1.2 Openings in accumulation tank ceilings 6.1.1 Windows in safe spaces located in front of danger-
All openings in accumulation tank ceilings are to lead to the ous spaces, where not of the fixed type, are to be such as to
open. ensure an efficient gas-tight closure.

48 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 17, Sec 2

7 Construction and testing

7.1 Testing
7.1.1 Oil removal equipment
On completion of construction, a test is to be carried out on
all equipment for oil removal in order to check:
• safeguards against fire and explosions during operations
involving removal, retention on board, carriage and
unloading of oil spilled on the sea surface
• structural strength in relation to stresses caused by
equipment used during oil removal operations.

RINA Rules 2017 49

Pt E, Ch 17, Sec 3


1 General 2.3 Water fire-extinguishing system

2.3.1 Sea suctions serving the fire water pumps are to be

1.1 Application located as low as possible.
1.1.1 (1/7/2012)
This Section provides, for ships having the service notation 2.4 Exhaust gas systems
oil recovery ship, specific requirements for:
• machinery systems
a) Exhaust lines from engines, gas turbines, boilers and
• recovered oil pumping and piping systems incinerators are to be led to a gas-safe position as high
• tanks. as practicable above the deck and are to be fitted with a
spark arrester.
The requirements of this Section apply, in addition to those
contained in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, to oil recovery ships for b) Where the distance between the exhaust lines of
collection of oil having flash point not exceeding 60°C, engines and the dangerous zones is less than 3 m, the
except what specified in items [1], [2.4.1] a), [3.1.1] b) and ducts are to be fitted in a position:
c), [3.1.2] and [3.2.1] b) which also apply to oil recovery • near the waterline if cooled by water injection, or
ships for collection of oil having flash point exceeding • below the waterline in other cases.
2.5 Additional requirements for machinery
1.2 Documents to be submitted installations in gas-dangerous areas
1.2.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted. 2.5.1 Attention is drawn to the risk of ignition in gas-dan-
gerous spaces from sparking due to:
1.3 Definitions • formation of static electricity, or
• friction between moving parts.
1.3.1 Gas-dangerous areas
Gas-dangerous areas and zones are defined in Sec 2, 2.5.2 No part having a surface temperature exceeding
[2.2.1]. 220°C is permitted within the gas-dangerous areas.

1.3.2 Accumulation and settling tanks 2.5.3 Where precautions are taken against the risk of igni-
Accumulation and settling tanks are defined in Sec 2, [1.2]. tion, the installation of internal combustion engines may be
permitted in zone 2 open gas-dangerous areas, subject to
special consideration by the Society.
2 Machinery installations and piping
systems not intended for recovered 3 Pumping system, piping system and
oil pump rooms intended for recovered
2.1 Bilge system

2.1.1 Arrangements are to be provided to drain the recov-

3.1 Design of pumping and piping systems
ered oil pump room by means of power pumps or a bilge
3.1.1 General
a) The relevant provisions of Ch 7, Sec 4, [3] and Pt C,
Note 1: On oil recovery ships of less than 500 tons gross tonnage,
Ch 1, Sec 10 are to be complied with.
the pump room may be drained by means of hand pumps with a
suction diameter of not less than 50 mm. b) Except where otherwise permitted by the Society, pump-
ing and piping systems intended for recovered oil are to
be independent from other pumping and piping systems
2.2 Sea water cooling system
of the ship.
2.2.1 One of the suctions serving the sea water cooling c) Piping is to be permanently installed. However, the use
system (see Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [10.7.1]) is to be located in of portable pumps may be permitted, subject to special
the lower part of the hull. consideration by the Society.

50 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 17, Sec 3

3.1.2 Systems for oil recovery 4 Settling and accumulation tanks

Oil recovery is to be performed:
• by conveying with suitable systems the top layers of pol- 4.1 General
luted water collected by the ship moving ahead into
separation tanks, and/or
4.1.1 The arrangement of settling and accumulation tanks
• by skimming mobile belts or rotating disks acting on the is to comply with the provisions of Sec 2, [2.1.1].
oil film, and/or
• by means of floating suction pumps operating on the sea
4.2 Vent pipes
Alternative methods will be specially considered by the 4.2.1 Settling tanks
Society. Vent pipes of settling tanks are to be fitted with:
3.1.3 System for unloading oil residues • adequate flameproof wire gauze, and
Ships fitted with structural accumulation tanks are to be
• closing appliances complying with the provisions of
equipped with a system enabling the unloading of oil resi-
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9.1].
dues contained in accumulation tanks to shore facilities or
to a supply vessel, simultaneously with oil recovery.
4.2.2 Accumulation tanks

3.2 Arrangement of piping systems and a) Vent pipes of accumulation tanks are to lead to the open
pump rooms at least 2 m above the weather deck and are to be
located at least 5 m from ignition sources, openings in
3.2.1 Piping systems (1/7/2010) accomodation spaces and other safe spaces, and air
intakes of ventilation systems for accomodation spaces,
a) Piping systems for handling of oil recovered are not to
engine rooms and other safe spaces in which ignition
pass through accommodation spaces.
sources may be present.
Piping handling oil with flashpoint ≤ 60°C is allowed to
pass through the following spaces provided that piping b) Openings of vent pipes to the open are to be so
joints are of welded type: arranged as to allow a direct flow upwards and fitted
• machinery spaces, with:

• service spaces, • flameproof wire gauze made of corrosion resistant

• other enclosed gas-safe spaces. material easily removable for cleaning, and

b) Where the transfer of recovered oil into accumulation • closing appliances complying with the provisions of
tanks is carried out by means of flexible hoses or mova- Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9.1].
ble piping, only suitable connections are to be used.
Small hatches are not permitted. 4.3 Level gauging and overfilling control
3.2.2 Pump rooms (1/1/2007)
4.3.1 Level gauging
a) Pump rooms containing the pumps for handling the
recovered oil are to comply with the provisions given in a) Accumulation tanks are to be fitted with sounding pipes
Chapter 7 for pump rooms of ship having the service or other level gauging devices of a type approved by the
notation oil tanker. Society.
b) For draining of pump rooms, see [2.1.1]. b) Sounding pipes in accumulation tanks are to terminate
3.2.3 (1/7/2006) in the open air.
The separated oil is to be transferred from the settling tanks
to the accumulation tanks. 4.3.2 Overfilling control

In this way a pipe branch connection is to be provided a) Accumulation tanks are to be fitted with a high level
between the settling tanks and the accumulation tanks. alarm, an overflow control system or equivalent means
to prevent the liquid from rising in the vent pipes.
The branch connection is to be provided with a suction
pipe fitted at an adequate height inside the settling tanks b) The high level alarm is to be of a type approved by the
where it is possible to collect the separated oil. Society and is to give an audible and visual alarm at the
A dedicated system is to be provided to collect and dis- control station.
charge the water separated from the oil inside the settling
tanks. 4.4 Heating systems
The instructions to the crew relevant to the removal of the
separated oil from the settling tanks to the accumulation 4.4.1 Heating systems fitted to accumulation tanks are to
tanks are to be duly indicated in the operation manual. comply with the provisions of Ch 7, Sec 4, [2.6].

RINA Rules 2017 51

Pt E, Ch 17, Sec 3

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/7/2002)

No. A/I (1) Document (2)

1 I General plan of the system for oil recovery and specification of all relevant apparatuses
2 A Schematic arrangement of recovered oil piping and pumping systems
3 A Tank venting arrangement
4 I Procedure and limiting conditions for recovering oil, cargo transfer, tank cleaning, gas freeing and ballasting
(operation manual)
(1) A: To be submitted for approval in four copies
I: To be submitted for information in duplicate
(2) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems.

52 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 17, Sec 4


1 General low level of insulation resistance and/or high level of leak-

age current.
1.1 Application The above is not applicable to systems mentioned in
1.1.1 (1/1/2007)
The requirements in this Section apply, in addition to those 3 Hazardous locations and types of
contained in Part C, Chapter 2, to oil recovery ships for col-
lection of oil having flashpoint not exceeding 60°C. equipment

1.2 Documentation to be submitted 3.1 Electrical equipment permitted in haz-

ardous areas
1.2.1 (1/1/2007)
In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C, Ch 2, 3.1.1 (1/1/2007)
Sec 1, [2.1.1], the following is to be submitted for approval: Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas is that
a) plan of dangerous areas indicated in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.4], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3,
[10.1.5], and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.6].
b) document giving details of types of cables and safety
characteristics of the equipment installed in hazardous In addition, in Zone 1 and Zone 2, the installation of the
areas following is permitted:hull fittings containing the terminals
or shell plating penetrations for anodes or electrodes of an
c) diagrams of tank level indicator systems, high level
impressed current cathodic protection system, or transduc-
alarm systems and overflow control systems where
ers such as those for depth sounding or log systems, pro-
vided that such fittings are of gas-tight construction or
housed within a gas-tight enclosure, and are not located
2 Design requirements adjacent to a cargo tank bulkhead. The design of such fit-
tings or their enclosures and the means by which cables
2.1 System of supply enter, as well as any testing to establish their gas-tightness,
are to be to the satisfaction of the Society. The associated
2.1.1 (1/1/2007)
cables are to be protected by means of heavy gauge steel
Earthed systems with hull return are not permitted, with the pipes with gas-tight joints.
following exceptions to the satisfaction of the Society:
a) impressed current cathodic protective systems 3.1.2 The explosion group and temperature class of elec-
trical equipment of a certified safe type are to be at least IIA
b) limited and locally earthed systems, such as starting and and T3.
ignition systems of internal combustion engines, pro-
vided that any possible resulting current does not flow 3.1.3 There are normally not to be access doors or other
directly through any hazardous area openings between a safe space, such as accommodation or
c) insulation level monitoring devices, provided that the service spaces, engine rooms and similar spaces, and a haz-
circulation current of the device does not exceed 30 mA ardous area.
under the most unfavourable conditions Access doors may, however, be accepted between such
d) intrinsically safe systems. spaces and hazardous areas, provided that:
a) safe spaces are fitted with forced ventilation in order to
2.1.2 In insulated distribution systems, no current carrying
maintain an overpressure therein
part is to be earthed, other than:
b) access doors are:
a) through an insulation level monitoring device
1) of a self-closing type and arranged to swing into the
b) through components used for the suppression of inter-
safer space, so that they are kept closed by the over-
ference in radio circuits.
pressure, with the self-closing device capable of
shutting the doors against an inclination of 3,5°
2.2 Earth detection
opposing closure, without hold-back hooks keeping
2.2.1 (1/1/2007) them in an open position, or
For both insulated and earthed distribution systems a 2) gas-tight, kept closed during oil recovery operation
device, or devices, are to be installed to continuously mon- until gas freeing is carried out, and provided with a
itor the insulation to earth and to give an audible and visual warning plate (suitable instructions are given in the
alarm at a manned position in the event of an abnormally oil recovery manual).

RINA Rules 2017 53

Pt E, Ch 17, Sec 4

3.2 Hazardous area classification

3.2.1 (1/1/2007)
For hazardous area classification see Tab 1.

Table 1 : Classification of hazardous areas for oil recovery ships for collection of oil having flashpoint not exceed-
ing 60°C (1/1/2007)

Hazardous area
No. Description
1 Accumulation tanks, pipes and equipment containing the recovered oil. Zone 0
2 Cofferdams and enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces adjacent to or immediately above Zone 1
accumulation tanks, unless fitted with forced ventilation capable of giving at least 20 air
changes per hour and having characteristics such as to maintain the effectiveness of such
3 Spaces containing pumps for the handling of recovered oil. Zone 1
4 Double bottoms or duct keels located under accumulation tanks. Zone 1
5 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces immediately above pump rooms for the hauling of Zone 1
recovered oil or above vertical cofferdams adjacent to accumulation tanks unless sepa-
rated by a gas-tight deck and fitted with forced ventilation capable of giving at least 20 air
changes per hour having characteristics such as to maintain the effectiveness of such ven-
6 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces containing pipes, valves or other equipment for the Zone 1
handling of recovered oil unless fitted with forced ventilation capable of giving at least 20
air changes per hour and having characteristics such as to maintain the effectiveness of
such ventilation.
7 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck within 3 m from equipment Zone 1
for oil recovery, hatches or any other openings in accumulation tanks and any pump for
the handling of recovered oil not fitted in a pump room.
8 Areas on open deck over all accumulation tanks up to a height of 2,4 m above the deck. Zone 1
9 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces for floating pumps and associated hoses and other Zone 1
equipment which may similarly contain residues of recovered oil.
10 Areas indicated in Sec 3, [4.2.2] a). Zone 1

54 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 17, Sec 5



1 General 2.1.3 (1/7/2008)

Attention is drawn to the specific ventilation arrangements
1.1 Application imposed on certain spaces in order to consider them safe
spaces. Refer to Sec 2, [2.2.1].
1.1.1 (1/7/2009)
For ships having the service notation oil recovery ship, this 2.2 Ventilation of recovered oil pump rooms
Section provides specific requirements addressing safety
2.2.1 (1/7/2008)
against fire and explosion during handling, storage and
transportation of oil recovered from the sea. Recovered oil pump rooms are to be provided with a
mechanical ventilation system of the extraction type capa-
For oil recovery ships intended to collect only oil having a ble of giving at least 8 air changes per hour.
flashpoint exceeding 60°C, the requirements of [2] and
[3.3] do not apply. Note 1: Where the pump room is not normally entered during oil
handling, the mechanical ventilation may be omitted.
The application of the requirements of this Section to ships
2.2.2 (1/7/2008)
of less than 500 gross tonnage and classed for restricted
navigation will be specially considered by the Society in Ventilation intakes are to be so arranged as to minimise the
each case. possibility of recycling hazardous vapours from ventilation
discharge openings.

1.2 Documents to be submitted 2.2.3 (1/7/2008)

1.2.1 (1/7/2008) Exhaust and inlet ventilation ducts are to be led upwards to
a gas-safe area on the weather deck in locations at least 3 m
The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted for and 1,5 m, respectively, from any ventilation intake and
approval. opening to gas-safe spaces.

2.2.4 (1/7/2008)
1.3 Definitions
Protection screens of not more than 13 mm square mesh are
1.3.1 (1/7/2008) to be fitted on ventilation duct intakes and outlets.

a) Gas-dangerous areas and zones are defined in Sec 2, 2.2.5 (1/7/2008)

Ventilation fans are to be of non-sparking construction as
b) Accumulation tanks are defined in Sec 2, [2.1.1]. per Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [5.3].

2.2.6 (1/7/2008)
2 Ventilation systems The ventilation system is to be capable of being controlled
from outside the pump room.
2.1 General
2.3 Ventilation of enclosed normally entered
2.1.1 (1/7/2008)
dangerous spaces other than cargo
Gas-dangerous spaces are to have a ventilation system inde- pump rooms
pendent from that serving gas-safe spaces.
2.3.1 (1/7/2008)
2.1.2 (1/7/2008)
Enclosed normally entered dangerous spaces are to be pro-
Ventilation systems are to be so arranged as to avoid the for- vided with a mechanical ventilation system of the extrac-
mation of gas pockets. tion type capable of giving at least 8 air changes per hour.

RINA Rules 2017 55

Pt E, Ch 17, Sec 5

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/7/2008)

No. (1) Documents (2)

1 A Diagram of the ventilation systems serving:
• dangerous spaces including pump room
• machinery spaces
• accommodation spaces
2 A Specification of flammable gas detectors
3 A Drawing and specification of the fixed/movable fire-fighting systems and structural fire protection
required by this Section
(1) A: To be submitted for approval in four copies
(2) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation sys-

2.3.2 (1/7/2008) and similar products in the atmosphere exceeds 30 % of

Ventilation intakes are to be located at a distance of not less the lower explosive limit of the mixture of such vapours
than 3 m from the ventilation outlets of pump rooms. and air.
b) In addition to the fixed system, at least one portable gas
2.4 Ventilation of enclosed safe spaces detection instrument is to be provided on board.
adjacent to dangerous areas c) For ships of 200 gross tonnage or less and for ships
2.4.1 (1/7/2008) intended to collect oil having a flashpoint exceeding
60°C, as an alternative to the requirements stated in
Safe spaces adjacent to dangerous areas are to be provided
items a) and b), two portable gas detectors may be
with a mechanical ventilation system capable of maintain-
ing the space with a positive pressure.
In addition, for ships of 200 gross tonnage or less but
2.4.2 (1/7/2008)
exceeding 18 metres in length and, the following
Ventilation intakes are to be located in a gas-safe area on requirements are to be met:
the weather deck as far as practicable from the ventilation
• simultaneous samples are to be obtained for analysis
outlets of gas-dangerous spaces. at least every 15 minutes in two different locations
(one forward, another astern), and
3 Fire protection and fire fighting • the results of these analyses are to be recorded in a
register kept for the purpose.
3.1 General Information regarding these operations is to be clearly
3.1.1 (1/7/2008) recorded in the Operation Manual cited in Sec 3, Tab 1.
Ships having the service notation oil recovery ship are to 3.2.3 Oil flashpoint measurement (1/7/2008)
comply with the provisions for fire protection and fire fight-
The equipment for oil flashpoint measurement may be port-
ing stipulated for cargo ships in Part C, Chapter 4.

3.2 Oil flashpoint and gas measurement 3.3 Structural fire protection
3.3.1 (1/7/2008)
3.2.1 General (1/7/2008) Where cargo tanks are arranged forward of the superstruc-
Where, due to fire or explosion hazards, the ship is required ture or aft of the superstructure within 10 m of the nearest
to operate at a safe distance from the source of oil spill, suit- gas-dangerous zone, exterior boundaries of superstructures
able equipment is to be provided to measure: and deckhouses enclosing accommodation and including
any overhanging decks which support such accommodation
• the concentration of flammable gases
are to be insulated to A-60 standard for the whole of the
• the oil flashpoint. portions which face the gas-dangerous areas and for a dis-
tance of 3 m aft or forward of such areas. This requirement
3.2.2 Gas measurement system (1/7/2009)
is also applicable to access doors in such boundaries. Alter-
a) A fixed flammable gas detecting system is to be pro- natively, insulation to A-0 standard with a permanently
vided in order to check the hydrocarbon gas concentra- installed water-spraying system in compliance with [3.3.3]
tion in the following locations: may be accepted. Aluminium bulkheads will not be
• engine room accepted in these boundaries.
• open deck (one forward, one astern). 3.3.2 (1/7/2008)
The system is to be capable of giving an alarm in the Portholes or windows in the area specified in [3.3.1] are to
wheelhouse (or other suitable location) and on the open have the same fire rating as the bulkhead in which they are
deck when the vapour concentration of hydrocarbons fitted. This requirement does not apply to wheelhouse win-

56 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 17, Sec 5

dows. Portholes or windows which have a lower fire rating 3.4.2 (1/7/2009)
than that required, or which are to be protected by a water- The foam fire extinguisher is to be capable of producing a
spraying system in accordance with [3.3.3], are to be fitted foam blanket over the accumulation tanks in order to effi-
with permanently installed inside deadlights of steel having ciently reduce the emission of flammable gases.
a thickness equal to the steel in the bulkhead in which they 3.4.3 (1/7/2009)
are fitted.
For ships intended to collect only oil having a flashpoint
3.3.3 (1/7/2008) exceeding 60°C, in lieu of the equipment required in
If it is impractical to fit deadlights, windows in the area [3.4.1] b), one portable foam applicator with one spare
specified in [3.3.1] are to be protected by a sprinkler system tank is to be provided. The capacity of the portable foam
having a capacity of at least 10 litres/minute/m2. The system applicator is to be suitable for the deck area to be protected
is to be fully activated by opening of one valve on the to the Society's satisfaction.
bridge. 3.4.4 (1/7/2009)
For ships of 200 gross tonnage or less, in lieu of the equip-
3.4 Fire fighting ment required in [3.4.1], the portable foam applicator
3.4.1 (1/7/2009) required in [3.4.3] is to be provided.
For the protection of the deck area in way of accumulation
tanks, the following fire-fighting equipment is to be pro-
a) two dry powder fire extinguishers, each with a capacity
of at least 50 kg
b) at least one fire extinguisher having a capacity of at least
45 l.

RINA Rules 2017 57

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 18





RINA Rules 2017 59

Pt E, Ch 18, Sec 1


1 General
Table 1 (1/1/2007)

1.1 Application Main subject Reference

1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap- Ship arrangement (1)
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation Hull and stability Sec 2
cable laying ship, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.8.7].
Machinery and systems Sec 3
1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with
Electrical installations (1)
the requirements stipulated in Parts A, B, C and D, as appli-
cable, and with the requirements of this Chapter, which are Automation (1)
specific to cable laying ships.
Fire protection, detection and extinction (1)

1.2 Summary table (1) No specific requirements for cable laying ships are
given in this Chapter.
1.2.1 Tab 1 indicates, for ready reference, the Sections of
this Chapter containing specific requirements applicable to
cable laying ships.

RINA Rules 2017 61

Pt E, Ch 18, Sec 2


1 General 3 Hull scantlings

1.1 Application 3.1 Cable tanks

1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to ships fitted, 3.1.1 The net scantlings of cable tanks are to be obtained
in general, with one or more continuous decks, suitable through direct calculations to be carried out according to
holds for the carriage of cables and superstructures extend- Pt B, Ch 7, App 1, where the still water and wave loads are
ing for most of the ship’s length. to be calculated for the most severe condition of use.
The main characteristics of the ship may vary according to
the service primarily performed which may be as follows:
3.2 Connection of the machinery and equip-
• laying (and possibly burying) submarine cables on the ment with the hull structure
sea bed
3.2.1 The net scantlings of the structures in way of the con-
• hauling and repairing submarine cables.
nection between the hull structure and the machinery and
equipment, constituting the laying or hauling line for sub-
2 Stability marine cables, are to be obtained through direct calculation
to be carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1, based on
the service loads of such machinery and equipment, as
2.1 Intact stability
specified by the Designer.
2.1.1 General In calculating these above service loads, the Designer is to
The stability, the freeboard and the metacentric radius or take into account the inertial loads induced by ship motions
roll period are to be such as to ensure: in the most severe condition of use.

• satisfactory seakeeping performance in working condi-

tions 4 Other structures
• a steady working platform in order to facilitate the per-
formance of cable laying and/or repair operations. 4.1 Fore part

Anti-roll tanks or bilge keels of adequate size may be fitted 4.1.1 In general, a high freeboard is needed in the forward
to meet the above requirements. area, where most repair work is carried out, in order to pro-
vide adequate safety and protection against sea waves.
2.1.2 Tanks intended for liquid consumable
Special attention is to be paid to the arrangement of tanks
5 Hull outfitting
intended to contain liquid consumables in order to prevent
weight variations during service resulting in excessive
changes in the ship’s trim. 5.1 Equipment
At the same time the arrangement of ballast water tanks is to
be such as to ensure the best ship’s trim, in any loading con- 5.1.1 Hawse pipes
dition, for the performance of all work for which the ship is
Hawse pipes are to be integrated into the hull structure in
such a way that anchors do not interfere with the cable lay-
2.1.3 Intact stability criteria
The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B, 5.1.2 Sheaves
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.1] and for the (departure and arrival)
loading conditions corresponding to the maximum draught Where there is a risk that, in rough sea conditions, sheaves
is to be in compliance with the requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, are subjected to wave impact loads, special solutions such
Sec 2. as the provision of retractable type sheaves may be adopted.

62 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 18, Sec 3


1 General b) a linear tensioner working in conjunction with the main

windlass and fitted between it and the cable tank, which
maintains the due tension of the cable in relation to the
1.1 Propulsion and manoeuvrability cable type so as to allow effective cable hauling or lay-
ing. In order to permit the passage of repeaters, the ten-
1.1.1 The main propulsion systems of cable laying and/or sioner may be of the type having either a series of
repair ships are to be capable of: double opposed rubber tyres (see Fig 1 (b)) or pressure-
a) maintaining an adequate speed during the transit condi- compensated opposed tracks (see Fig 1 (c)).
tion c) a dynamometer, normally fitted between the main wind-
b) ensuring a satisfactory manoeuvrability at the speed lass and the bow and stern sheaves, which continuously
assumed by the Designer for the performance of cable measures the force required to displace the cable under
laying and/or repair operations. tension

d) one or more cable transporters, used to move the cable

1.2 Documents to be submitted from the tank(s) and the tensioner.
All the above machinery and equipment form the "cable
1.2.1 Tab 1 lists the documents which are to be submitted.
laying or hauling line". More than one line may be fitted on
board in the case of special service requirements.
Table 1

No. A/I (1) Document

2.2 Design of cable handling machinery and
1 I General arrangement of the cable laying
2.2.1 In general, the scantlings of components of machin-
2 I Design loads on all components of the cable ery and equipment listed in [2.1] and, more generally, of
laying equipment any other machinery and/or equipment to be used for the
laying, hauling or repair of submarine cables are not the
3 A Structural plans of all components of the cable
subject of specific requirements for class. However, such
laying equipment, including gears, pressure
machiney and equipment are to be designed taking into
vessels, hydraulic systems, etc., as applicable
account the necessary mechanical structural strength with
4 A Materials and welding details selection of materials appropriate for the intended use
based on loads supplied by the Manufacturer.
5 A Foundations and fastening of the equipment to
the ship structures
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies 2.3 Safety
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate
2.3.1 The requirements of this Chapter are based on the
assumption that during cable handling all necessary safety
2 Arrangements for cable laying, haul- measures are taken, due consideration being given to risks
ing and repair connected with the use of machinery and equipment dealt
with in [2.1], and that such machinery and equipment are
properly used by skilled personnel.
2.1 Typical machinery and equipment of
cable laying ships
2.4 Testing of cable handling machinery and
2.1.1 Cable laying ships, in relation to the special service equipment
to be performed, are generally to be provided with the fol-
lowing machinery and equipment: 2.4.1 General
a) a main windlass for cable hauling or laying, which gen- Machinery covered by [2.1] is to be tested in compliance
erally consists of a drum with a horizontal axis (the sur- with the following requirements, with the exception of
face of which is formed by a series of timed conveyors prime movers and "hydraulic accumulator" type pressure
which fleet the cable axially across the face of the drum) vessels, which are to be tested in compliance with the
housing the repeaters fitted throughout the cable length applicable requirements of the various Sections of the
without damaging them (see Fig 1 (a)) Rules.

RINA Rules 2017 63

Pt E, Ch 18, Sec 3

Figure 1 : Cable handling machinery

(a) (b) (c)

Fleeting cable drum Rubber tyre tensioner Track linear tensioner

2.4.2 Testing of materials and components of the 3 On board trials

a) In general, testing is required for materials intended for 3.1 Ship trials
shafts, gearing, pressure parts of pumps and hydraulic
motors, and plates of foundations of welded construc- 3.1.1
tion. a) Upon completion of construction, in addition to con-
ventional sea trials, specific tests may be required at the
b) As far as mechanical tests of materials are concerned, Society’s discretion in relation to the particular service
internal shop testing certificates submitted by the Manu- for which the ship is intended or the particular charac-
facturer may be accepted by the Society at its discretion; teristics of machinery and equipment fitted on board.
in such cases, testing operations witnessed by the Sur-
b) In particular, as far as propulsion and steering systems
veyor may be limited to visual external inspection asso-
are concerned, tests may be required to check the
ciated, where necessary, with non-destructive
manoeuvring capability and the speed of the ship whilst
examinations and hardness tests.
operating with only directional propellers or active rud-
ders or a combination thereof.
2.4.3 Hydrostatic tests
c) In the case of ships mainly intended for repair of subma-
Pressure parts are to be subjected to hydrostatic tests in rine cables, a check of manoeuvring capability whilst
accordance with the applicable requirements. running astern or a complete overturning trial may be
required to be carried out using the rudder, active rud-
2.4.4 Tests on electrical components ders or side thrusters only.
The tests required in Part C, Chapter 2 are to be carried out d) In the case of ships provided with a dynamic positioning
as applicable. system, tests to check the capability of holding the
desired position or heading are requested.
2.4.5 Running tests
3.2 Equipment trials
a) Running tests of each individual piece of equipment are
to be carried out whenever possible at the Manufac- 3.2.1
turer’s works; as an alternative, the above tests may be a) As far as arrangements for the cable laying, hauling
performed on board during the trials required after and/or repair lines are concerned, tests are to be carried
installation of machinery. out to verify the proper operation of all relevant machin-
ery and equipment, by means of the actual hauling and
b) During the running tests, the suitability of all the
laying of submarine cables, plain or with repeaters, at
arrangements concerned is to be checked in relation to
different ship speeds and, if necessary, in different sea
the various expected service conditions.
and weather conditions.
c) On completion and subject to the result of the above b) Special attention is to be paid during such tests so as to
tests, the inspection of components may be required, prevent cables being forced to reach their minimum
with dismantling where deemed necessary by the Sur- allowed bending radius, both inside and outside the
veyor in charge of the testing. ship.

64 RINA Rules 2017

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 19








RINA Rules 2017 65

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 1


1 General 1.2 Summary table

1.1 Application 1.2.1 Tab 1 indicates, for ready reference, the Sections of
this Chapter containing specific requirements applicable to
1.1.1 (1/7/2014) non-propelled units.
Ships complying with the requirements of this Chapter are
eligible for the assignment of one of the following notations
applicable to non propelled units, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Table 1 (1/7/2014)
Sec 2, [4.9]:
Main subject Reference
• service notations :
• barge with the additional service features: Ship arrangement (1)
- oil Hull and stability Sec 2
- tug combined
Machinery systems Sec 3
- accommodation
Machinery and Cargo Systems for Barge- Sec 4
• pontoon
Oil, Flashpoint > 60°C
• pontoon-crane
Electrical installations Sec 5
1.1.2 (1/5/2013)
Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with the Automation (1)
requirements stipulated in Parts A, B, C and D, as applicable Fire protection, detection and extinction (1)
taking into account the exemptions given in the different
Sections of this Chapter, and with the requirements of this (1) No specific requirements for non-propelled units are
Chapter, which are specific to non-propelled units. given in this Chapter.

RINA Rules 2017 67

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 2


LG : Ship’s length, in m, measured at the maximum a) unmanned
load waterline
b) having a block coefficient not less than 0,9
s : Spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners.
c) having a breadth/depth ratio greater than 3,0

1 General d) having no hatchways in the deck except small manholes

closed with gasketed covers.

1.1 Application The requirements of item [2.1] also apply to barges that do
not comply with d).
1.1.1 General (1/7/2014) The intact stability of ships not having any one of the above
Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of this Section characteristics is to comply with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, unless
apply to ships with one of the service notations barge, pon- otherwise decided by the Society, on a case by case basis,
toon and pontoon - crane. taking into account the ship's characteristics. In this case,
an appropriate entry is made in the classification files of the
Specific requirements which apply only to ships with the
service notation barge or ships with the service notation
pontoon or pontoon - crane are indicated. Items [2.1.2] and [2.1.3] do not apply to barges.
Barges with the additional service feature tug combined are
2.1.2 Trim and stability booklet
also to comply with the applicable additional requirements
in Ch 14, Sec 3. In addition to the information to be included in the trim and
stability booklet specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.1], sim-
Intact stability additional requirements for units with service plified stability guidance, such as a loading diagram, is to
notations barge-oil and barge-accommodation are indi- be submitted to the Society for approval, so that pontoons
cated in [2.3] and [2.4] respectively. may be loaded in compliance with the stability criteria.
1.1.2 Main characteristics of non-propelled units
2.1.3 Stability calculations
The requirements of this Section are based on the following
Stability calculations may be carried out according to the
assumptions, relevant to the main characteristics of non-
following criteria:
propelled units:
• no account is to be taken of the buoyancy of deck cargo
• the structural configuration and proportions of non-pro-
(except buoyancy credit for adequately secured timber)
pelled units are similar to those of propelled ships
• the cargo is homogeneously distributed. • consideration is to be given to such factors as water
absorption (e.g. timber), trapped water in cargo (e.g.
The scantlings of non-propelled units with unusual shapes pipes) and ice accretion
and dimensional proportions or carrying cargoes which are • in carrying out wind heel calculations:
not homogeneously distributed, such as containers or heavy
loads concentrated in limited areas, are to be considered by - the wind pressure is to be constant and for general
the Society on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the operations considered to act on a solid mass extend-
results of direct calculations, to be carried out according to ing over the length of the deck and to an assumed
Pt B, Ch 7, App 1. height above the deck
- the centre of gravity of the cargo is to be assumed at
2 Stability a point mid-height of the cargo
- the wind lever arm is to be taken from the centre of
2.1 Intact stability for ships with service the deck cargo to a point at one half the draught
notation “barge”, “pontoon” or “pon- • calculations are to be carried out covering the full range
toon-crane” of operating draughts
• the downflooding angle is to be taken as the angle at
2.1.1 Application (1/7/2012) which an opening through which progressive flooding
The requirements of this item [2.1] apply to seagoing ships may take place is immersed. This would not be an open-
with one of the service notations barge, pontoon and pon- ing closed by a watertight manhole cover or a vent fitted
toon-crane with the following characteristics: with an automatic closure.

68 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 2

2.1.4 Intact stability criteria from the heeling angle θC to the heeling angle
The following intact stability criteria are to be complied equal to the lesser of:
with, for the loading conditions specified in Pt B, Ch 3, • heeling angle θR of loss of stability, corre-
App 2, [1.2.1] and Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.2]: sponding to the second intersection
• the area under the righting lever curve up to the angle of between heeling and righting arms (see
maximum righting lever is to be not less than 0,08 m.rad Fig 1)
• the static angle of heel due to a uniformly distributed • heeling angle θF, corresponding to flooding
wind load of 0,54 kPa (wind speed 30 m/s) may not of unprotected openings as defined in Pt F,
exceed a heeling angle corresponding to half the free- Ch 13, Sec 11, [2.1.4] (see Fig 1)
board for the relevant loading condition, where the
lever of wind heeling moment is measured from the ATOT : Total area, in m.rad, below the righting lever
centroid of the windage area to half the draught curve.
• The minimum range of stability is to be: In the above formula, the heeling arm, corresponding to the
- 20° for L < 100 m cargo lifting, is to be obtained, in m, from the following for-
- 20° - 0,1° (L - 100) for 100 ≤ L ≤ 150 m
- 15° for L > 150 m. Pd – Zz
b = --------------------
2.2 Additional intact stability criteria for where:
ships with service notation “pontoon - P : Cargo lifting mass, in t
crane” d : Transversal distance, in m, of lifting cargo to the
2.2.1 Application longitudinal plane (see Fig 1)
The requirements of this item apply to ships with the service Z : Mass, in t, of ballast used for righting the pon-
notation pontoon - crane and specify the criteria these ships toon, if applicable (see Fig 1)
are to satisfy during cargo lifting in addition to those in z : Transversal distance, in m, of the centre of grav-
[2.1]. ity of Z to the longitudinal plane (see Fig 1)
2.2.2 Intact stability criteria during cargo Δ : Displacement, in t, at the loading condition
lifting (1/7/2003) considered.
The following intact stability criteria are to be complied The above check is to be carried out considering the most
with: unfavourable situations of cargo lifting combined with the
• θC ≤ 15° lesser initial metacentric height GM, corrected according to
• GZC ≤ 0,6 GZMAX the requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [4].
• A1 ≥ 0,4 ATOT The residual freeboard of the unit during lifting operations
in the most unfavourable stability condition is to be not less
where: than 0,30 m. However, the heeling of the unit is not to pro-
θC : Heeling angle of equilibrium, corresponding to duce in the lifting devices higher loads than those envis-
the first intersection between heeling and right- aged by the Manufacturer, generally expected to be 5° in
ing arms (see Fig 1) the boom plane and 2° transversally in the case of a crane.
GZC, GZMAX:Defined in Fig 1 The vertical position of the centre of gravity of cargo lifting
A1 : Area, in m.rad, contained between the righting is to be assumed in correspondence of the suspension
lever and the heeling arm curves, measured point.

Figure 1 : Cargo lifting

righting and heeling arms


b b.cos θ

θC θF θR heeling angles z

RINA Rules 2017 69

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 2

2.2.3 Intact stability criteria in the event of sudden 2.3.2 Liquid transfer operations (1/5/2013)
loss of cargo during lifting (1/7/2003) Ships with certain internal subdivision may be subjected to
This additional requirement is compulsory when counter- lolling during liquid transfer operations such as loading,
weights or ballasting of the ship are necessary or when unloading or ballasting. In order to prevent the effect of loll-
deemed necessary by the Society taking into account the ing, the design of barges of 5000 t deadweight and above is
ship dimensions and the weights lifted. to be such that the following criteria are complied with:
The case of a hypothetical loss of cargo during lifting due to a) The intact stability criteria reported in b) is to be com-
a break of the lifting cable is to be considered. plied with for the worst possible condition of loading
In this case, the following intact stability criteria are to be and ballasting as defined in c), consistent with good
complied with: operational practice, including the intermediate stages
A2 of liquid transfer operations. Under all conditions the
• ------ ≥ 1 ballast tanks are to be assumed slack.
b) The initial metacentric height GMo, in m, corrected for
• θ2 - θ3 ≥ 20°
free surface measured at 0° heel, is to be not less than
where: 0,15. For the purpose of calculating GMo, liquid surface
A1 : Area, in m.rad, contained between the righting corrections are to be based on the appropriate upright
lever and the heeling arm curves, measured free surface inertia moment.
from the heeling angle θ1 to the heeling angle θC c) The vessel is to be loaded with:
(see Fig 3), • all cargo tanks filled to a level corresponding to the
A2 : Area, in m.rad, contained between the righting maximum combined total of vertical moment of vol-
lever and the heeling arm curves, measured ume plus free surface inertia moment at 0° heel, for
from the heeling angle θC to the heeling angle θ2 each individual tank
(see Fig 3) • cargo density corresponding to the available cargo
A3 : Area, in m.rad, contained between the righting deadweight at the displacement at which transverse
lever and the heeling arm curves, measured KM reaches a minimum value
from the heeling angle θC to the heeling angle • full departure consumable
θ3 (see Fig 3) • 1% of the total water ballast capacity.The maximum
θ1 : Heeling angle of equilibrium during lifting (see free surface moment is to be assumed in all ballast
Fig 3) tanks.
θ2 : Heeling angle corresponding to the lesser of θR
and θF 2.4 Additional intact stability criteria for
θC : Heeling angle of equilibrium, corresponding to units with service notation "barge -
the first intersection between heeling and right- accommodation"
ing arms (see Fig 3)
θ3 : Maximum heeling angle due to roll, at which 2.4.1 Application (1/7/2014)
A3 = A1, to be taken not greater than 30° (angle In addition to the requirements of [2.1], the requirements of
in correspondence of which the loaded cargo this item [2.4] apply to ship units with the service notation
on deck is assumed to shift (see Fig 3) barge - accommodation.
θR : Heeling angle of loss of stability, corresponding 2.4.2 Righting moment and heeling moment
to the second intersection between heeling and curves (1/7/2014)
righting arms (see Fig 3). a) Curves of righting moments and of wind heeling
θF : Heeling angle at which progressive flooding moments similar to Fig 3 with supporting calculations
may occur (see Fig 3) are to be prepared covering the full range of operating
In the above formulae, the heeling arm, induced on the ship draughts.
by the cargo loss, is to be obtained, in m, from the following The righting moment curves and wind heeling moment
formula: curves are to be related to the most critical axes.
Zz Account is to be taken of the free surface of liquid in
b = ------- cos θ
Δ tanks.
where Z, z and Δ are defined in [2.2.2]. Where equipment is of such a nature that it can be low-
ered and stowed, additional wind heeling moment
2.3 Additional intact stability criteria for curves may be required and such data are to clearly
ships with service notation "barge-oil" indicate the position of such equipment.
b) The curves of wind heeling moments are to be drawn for
2.3.1 General (1/5/2013) wind forces calculated by the following formula:
The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B,
F = 0,5 Cs · CH · r · V2·A
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.6] is to be in compliance with the require-
ments in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2. In addition, the requirements in where:
[2.3.2] are to be complied with. F : the wind force, in N

70 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 2

Cs : the shape coefficient depending on the the centre of hydrodynamic pressure, of the underwater
shape of the structural member exposed to body of the unit.
the wind (see Tab 1); The unit is to be assumed floating free of mooring
CH : the height coefficient depending on the restraints.
height above sea level of the structural However, the possible detrimental effects of mooring
member exposed to the wind (see Tab 2); restraints are to be considered.
r : the air mass density (1,222 kg/m3) d) The wind heeling moment curve is to be calculated for a
V : the wind velocity, in m/s; sufficient number of heel angles to define the curve. For
A : the projected area of all exposed surfaces in unit shaped hulls, the curve may be assumed to vary as
either the upright or the heeled condition, in the cosine function of unit heel.
Table 1 : Values of the shape coefficient Cs (1/7/2014)
Shapes or combinations of shapes which do not readily
fall into the specified categories will be subject to spe-
Shape Cs
cial consideration by the Society.
Realistic operating conditions are to be evaluated as fol- Spherical 0,4
lows: Cylindrical 0,5
1) The unit is to be capable of remaining in the operat- Large flat surfaces (hull, deckhouse, smooth 1,0
ing mode with a sustained wind velocity of not less under-deck areas)
than 36 m/s (70 knots).
Drilling derrick 1,25
2) The capability of remaining in safe condition during
a severe storm condition, with a sustained wind Wires 1,2
velocity of not less than 51,5 m/s (100 knots), in a Exposed beams and girders under deck 1,3
reasonable period of time for the particular unit.
Small parts 1,4
3) In all cases, the limiting wind velocities are to be
specified and instructions are to be included in the Isolated shapes (crane, beam, etc.) 1,5
Stability booklet for changing the mode of operation Clustered deckhouses or similar structures 1,1
by redistribution of the variable load and equip-
ment, by changing draughts, or both.
4) Consideration may be given to a reduced sustained Table 2 : Values of the height coefficient CH (1/7/2014)
wind velocity of not less than 25,8 m/s (50 knots).
Particulars of the applicable service restrictions are Height above sea level (m) CH
to be recorded in the stability booklet. For the pur-
pose of calculation, it is to be assumed that the unit 0 - 15,3 1,00
is floating free of mooring restraints. 15,3 - 30,5 1,10
In calculating the projected areas to the vertical plane, 30,5 - 46,0 1,20
the area of surfaces exposed to wind due to heel or trim,
such as under-deck surfaces, etc., is to be included 46,0 - 61,0 1,30
using the appropriate shape factor. 61,0 - 76,0 1,37
An appropriate shape coefficient is to be taken from
76,0 - 91,5 1,43
Tab 1.
In calculating the wind forces, the following procedures 91,5 - 106,5 1,48
are recommended: 106,5 - 122,0 1,52
• in the case of units with columns, the projected 122,0 - 137,0 1,56
areas of all columns are to be included; i.e. no
shielding allowance is to be taken; 137,0 - 152,5 1,60

• the block projected area of a clustering of deck- 152,5 - 167,5 1,63

houses may be used in lieu of the calculation of
167,5 - 183,0 1,67
each individual area. The shape coefficient may be
assumed to be 1,1; 183,0 - 198,0 1,70
• isolated houses, structural shapes, cranes, etc. are to 198,0 - 213,5 1,72
be calculated individually, using the appropriate
213,5 - 228,5 1,75
shape coefficient.
c) In calculating the wind heeling moments, the lever of 228,5 - 244,0 1,77
the wind overturning force is to be taken vertically from 244,0 - 256,0 1,79
the centre of pressure of all surfaces exposed to the
wind to the centre of lateral resistance or, if available, above 256 1,80

RINA Rules 2017 71

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 2

2.4.3 Intact stability (1/7/2014) of such criteria, the Society may consider at least the fol-
a) The stability of a unit is to meet the following criteria lowing and take into account as appropriate:
(see also Fig 2). 1) environmental conditions representing realistic
winds (including gusts) and waves appropriate for
1) For all units, the area under the righting moment
worldwide service in various modes of operation;
curve to the second intercept or downflooding
angle, whichever is less, is to be not less than 40% 2) dynamic response of a unit. Analysis is to include
in excess of the area under the wind heeling the results of wind tunnel tests, wave tank model
moment curve to the same limiting angle. tests and non-linear simulation, where appropriate.
Any wind and wave spectra used is to cover suffi-
2) The righting moment curve is to be positive over the cient frequency ranges to ensure that critical motion
entire range of angles from upright to the second responses are obtained;
3) potential for flooding taking into account dynamic
3) A check is to be carried out to ensure that the lesser responses and wave profile in a seaway;
of the downflooding angle and the second intercept 4) susceptibility to capsizing considering the unit's res-
angle is not greater than the following angles: toration energy and the static inclination due to the
• the angle for which the stresses of whichever pri- mean wind speed and the maximum dynamic
mary structural element become excessive; response;
• the limit angle for which lashes of loads on the 5) an adequate safety margin to account for uncertain-
decks are calculated. ties.

b) Each unit is to be capable of attaining a severe storm 2.4.4 Intact stability for units to be moored in
condition in a period of time consistent with the meteor- sheltered waters (1/7/2014)
ological conditions. The procedures recommended and The initial metacentric height GM0, duly corrected for free
the approximate length of time required, are to be con- surfaces effects of liquids, see Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [4], is to
tained in the stability booklet. result not less than 0,35 m in any expected operating condi-
It is to be possible to achieve the severe storm condition tion.
without the removal or relocation of solid consumables
or other variable load. However, the Society may permit 3 Structure design principles
relaxations in a geographic location where weather
conditions annually or seasonally do not become suffi- 3.1 Hull structure
ciently severe to require a unit to go to severe storm
condition. 3.1.1 Framing of ships with one of the service
notations “pontoon” and “pontoon - crane”
The geographic locations, weather conditions and load-
ing conditions in which this is permitted are to be iden- In general, ships with one of the service notations pontoon
tified in the stability booklet. and pontoon - crane are to be longitudinally framed.

c) Alternative stability criteria may be considered by the 3.1.2 Supports for docked non-propelled units
Society provided an equivalent level of safety is main- Adequate supports are to be fitted on the longitudinal cen-
tained and if they are demonstrated to afford adequate treline in order to carry loads acting on the structure when
positive initial stability. In determining the acceptability the non-propelled units are in dry dock.

Figure 2 : Righting moment and heeling moment curves (1/7/2014)

heeling righting down-flooding
moment moment angle


f Angle of heel 

72 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 2

3.1.3 Truss arrangement supporting deck loads 4.1.2 Ships with service notation “pontoon”
carrying special cargoes
Where truss arrangements are used as supports of the deck
loads, including top and bottom girders in association with For ships with the service notation pontoon intended for the
pillars and diagonal bracing, the diagonal members are carriage of special cargoes, such as parts of offshore units,
generally to have angles of inclination with the horizontal the hull girder strength is to be checked through criteria to
of about 45° and cross-sectional area of about 50% that of be agreed with the Society on a case-by-case basis.
the adjacent pillars.
Moreover, where these ships are fitted with arrangements
for launching the above structures, additional calculations
3.2 Lifting appliances are to be carried out in order to evaluate the stresses during
the various stages of launching. The Society may accept
stresses higher than those in [4.1.1], to be considered on a
3.2.1 Crane or derrick position during navigation case-by-case basis, taking into account favourable sea and
For ships with the service notation pontoon - crane, the weather conditions during launching.
crane boom or the derrick structure is to be lowered and
efficiently secured to the pontoon during the voyage. 4.1.3 Ships with service notation “pontoon - crane”
For ships with the service notation pontoon - crane having
length greater than 65 m, the hull girder strength is to be
4 Hull girder strength
checked when the lifting appliance, such as a crane or der-
rick, is operated, taking into account the various loading
4.1 Yielding check conditions considered, through criteria to be agreed with
the Society on a case-by-case basis.
4.1.1 Small non-propelled units lifted by crane
For small non-propelled units intended to be lifted on board
5 Hull scantlings
ship by crane, the hull girder strength is to be checked, in
the condition of fully-loaded barge lifted by crane, through 5.1 General
criteria to be agreed with the Society on a case-by-case
basis. 5.1.1 Minimum net thicknesses of ships with
service notation “barge” carrying liquids
In any case, in general, the normal stress σ and the shear
stress τ induced in the hull girder when lifted by crane are For ships with the service notation barge carrying liquid
to comply with the following formulae: cargo inside tanks, the net thicknesses of cargo tank platings
are to be not less than the values given in Tab 3.
σ ≤ 150/k N/mm2
For other structures or transverse bulkheads not forming
τ ≤ 100/k N/mm2. boundaries of cargo tanks, the above minimum thicknesses
may be reduced by 1 mm.
Figure 3 : Cargo loss (1/7/2002) In pump rooms, the net thicknesses of plating of exposed
decks, longitudinal bulkheads and associated ordinary stiff-
Heeling and righting arms eners and primary supporting members are to be not less
than the values given in Tab 3.

A2 5.1.2 Minimum net thicknesses of decks forming

tank top
Where the decks of non-propelled units form a tank top, the
minimum net thicknesses of plating are to be not less than
those obtained from Tab 3.

5.1.3 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and

primary supporting members

θC θ3 30˚ θF θR Heeling Where no rudder is fitted, in applying the formulae in

angles Part B, Chapter 7 or Part B, Chapter 8, as applicable, L need
θ1 not exceed 0,97 LG.

5.1.4 Net thickness of strength deck plating

A 1 : Area between θ 1 and θ C
A 2 : Area between θ C and θ2 (in the figure θ2 = θF ) Within the cargo area, the net thickness of strength deck
A 3 : Area between θ C and θ 3 plating is to be increased by 1,5 mm with respect to that
A3= A1 calculated according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1 or Pt B, Ch 8,
Sec 3, as applicable.

RINA Rules 2017 73

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 2

information, in order to check that their loads are correctly

Table 3 : Minimum net thickness of plating transmitted to the deck structure.

5.2.2 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and

Plating Minimum net thickness, in mm primary supporting members
Decks, sides, • For L ≤ 45m, the greater of: In applying the formulae in Part B, Chapter 7 or Part B,
bottom, - (4,1 + 0,060 L)k0,5 Chapter 8, as applicable, T is to be taken equal to the maxi-
inner bottom, - 2,8 + 0,060 L mum draught during the different stages of launching and
bulkheads, pri- • For 45m < L ≤ 200m, the greater of: taking into account, where appropriate, the differential
mary supporting - (5,9 + 0,023 L)k0,5 static pressure.
members in the - 4,5 + 0,023 L
cargo area
• For L > 200m, the greater of: 5.2.3 Deck scantlings (1/1/2015)
- (8,6 + 0,009 L)k0,5
The net scantlings of decks are to be in accordance with
- 7,2 + 0,009 L
Part B, Chapter 7 or Part B, Chapter 8, considering the max-
Weather deck, • For L ≤ 200m, the greater of: imum loads acting on the launching cradle or grillage.
within cargo area - 11,3 s k0,5
outside 0,4 amid- - 11,3 s - 1,4 The net thickness of deck plating in way of launch ground
ships • For 200m < L < 250m, the greater of: ways is to be suitably increased if the cradle or grillage may
- (11,3 s + 0,026 (L - 200))k0,5
be placed in different positions.
- 11,3 s + 0,026 s (L - 200) -1,4 The scantlings of decks in way of pivoting and end areas of
• For L ≥ 250m, the greater of: the cradle or grillage are to be obtained through direct cal-
- 12,6 s k0,5 culations, to be carried out according to the criteria in Pt B,
- 12,6 s - 1,4 Ch 7, App 1.
Plating of ordi- • For L ≤ 45m, the greater of:
nary stiffeners - (4,1 + 0,060 L)k0,5 5.2.4 Launching cradles or grillage (1/1/2015)
and other - 2,8 + 0,060 L
structures of The launching cradles or grillage are to be adequately con-
• For 45m < L ≤ 200m, the greater of:
cargo tanks nected to deck structures and arranged, as far as possible, in
- (5,9 + 0,023 L)k0,5 way of longitudinal bulkheads or at least of girders.
- 4,5 + 0,023 L
• For L > 200m, the greater of:
- 10,0 k0,5 5.3 Hull scantlings of non-propelled units
- 8,6 with service notation “pontoon - crane”
Note 1:
k : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, 5.3.1 Loads transmitted by the lifting appliances
Sec 1, [2.3].
The forces and moments transmitted by the lifting appli-
ances to the ship’s structures, during both lifting service and
5.2 Hull scantlings of non-propelled units navigation, are to be obtained by means of criteria to be
considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
with the service notation “pontoon” fit-
ted with arrangements and systems for
5.3.2 Ship’s structures
launching operations
The ship’s structures, subjected to the forces transmitted by
5.2.1 Additional information (1/1/2015) the lifting appliances, are to be reinforced to the Society’s
In addition to the documentation specified in Pt B, Ch 1,
Sec 3, the following information is to be submitted to the 5.3.3 Lifting appliances
Society for approval:
The check of the behaviour of the lifting appliances at sea is
• maximum draught of the ship during the different stages outside the scope of the classification and is under the
of the launching operations responsibility of the Designer. However, where the require-
ments in [3.2.1] may not be complied with (i.e. sailing with
• maximum still water and inertial operating loads and boom or derrick up) or where, exceptionally, trips with sus-
their distribution in load out, towing and launching con- pended load are envisaged, the Designer is to submit the
ditions check of the lifting appliances during navigation to the Soci-
ety for information.
• launching cradle or grillage location.
The Society may check these calculations following a spe-
The scantlings of the launching cradle or grillage and, if fit- cific request, while also reserving the right to do so, when
ted, of the skid beams are to be submitted to the Society for deemed necessary, without any such request.

74 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 2

6 Other structures interpolation between those obtained according to Pt B,

Ch 9, Sec 1, [2] and those obtained from Tab 5.

6.1 Reinforcement of the flat bottom forward 6.1.5 Tapering

area of ships with one of the service
Outside the flat bottom forward area, scantlings are to be
notations “pontoon” and “pontoon -
gradually tapered so as to reach the values required for the
crane” areas considered.

6.1.1 Area to be reinforced 6.1.6 Floor spacing

The structures of the flat bottom forward area are to be able
In the area to be reinforced, defined in [6.1.1], the floor
to sustain the dynamic pressure due to the bottom impact.
spacing is to be not greater than 0,68 L1/4.
The flat bottom forward area is:
• longitudinally, over the bottom located from the fore 7 Hull outfitting
end to 0,15 L aft of the fore end
• transversely, over the whole flat bottom, and the adja- 7.1 Equipment
cent zones up to a height, from the base line, not less
than 2L, in mm. In any case, this height need not be 7.1.1 Manned non-propelled units
greater than 300 mm.
The equipment of anchors, chain cables and ropes to be fit-
6.1.2 Bottom impact ted on board manned non-propelled units is to comply with
Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4, unless otherwise required by the Society.
The bottom dynamic impact pressure is to be considered if:
Chain cables for anchors may be replaced by steel ropes
TF < 0,04 L, having the same breaking load. The ropes are to be con-
where TF is the minimum forward draught, in m, among nected to the anchors by approximately 10 m of chain cable
those foreseen in operation in ballast conditions or condi- complying with Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4.
tions of partial loading. Non-propelled units continuously assisted by a tug may
If TF is less than 0,025 L, strengthening of the flat bottom have only one anchor, complying with Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4,
forward is to be considered by the Society on a case-by- and a chain rope having length neither less than 75% of the
length obtained according to Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4, nor less
case basis.
than 220 m.
6.1.3 Partial safety factors
7.1.2 Manned non-propelled units with navigation
The partial safety factors to be considered for checking the notation “sheltered area”
reinforcements of the flat bottom forward area are specified
in Tab 4. For non-propelled units with the navigation notation shel-
tered area, the equipment is not required for classification
Table 4 : Reinforcements of the flat bottom forward
area - Partial safety factors However, in this case, the equipment to be fitted may be
obtained from Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4, based on the value of
equipment number EN equal to 50% of that obtained from
Partial safety factors Partial safety factors
the applicable formulae in Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4, [2].
covering uncertain- Ordinary
ties regarding: Symbol Plating
7.1.3 Unmanned non-propelled units
Still water pressure γS2 1,00 1,00
For unmanned non-propelled units, the equipment is not
Wave pressure γW2 1,10 1,10 required for classification purposes. The scantlings of
Material γm 1,02 1,02 anchors, chain cables and ropes to be fitted on board are
the responsibility of the Designer.
Resistance γR 1,30 1,15
7.1.4 Towing arrangements
6.1.4 Scantlings of plating and ordinary stiffeners
Non-propelled units are to be fitted with suitable arrange-
Where TF is less than 0,03 L, the net scantlings of plating ments for towing, with scantlings under the responsibility of
and ordinary stiffeners of the flat bottom forward area, as the Designer.
defined in [6.1.1], are to be not less than those obtained
according to Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 1, [2] and those obtained from The Society may, at the specific request of the interested
Tab 5. parties, check the above arrangements and the associated
hull strengthening; to this end, the maximum pull for which
Where TF is between 0,03 L and 0,04 L, the net scantlings of the arrangements are to be checked is to be specified on the
plating and ordinary stiffeners are to be obtained by linear plans.

RINA Rules 2017 75

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 2

Table 5 : Reinforcements of plating and ordinary stiffeners of the flat bottom forward area

Element Formula Minimum value

Plating Net thickness, in mm: Net minimum thickness, to be taken, in mm, not less than:
γ W2 p BI t = 0,03L + 5,5 - cE
t = 13 ,9c a c r s γ R γ m --------------- nor than the lesser of:
t = 16
t = 6,3 (s - 0,228 L1/4) + 0,063 L + 3,5
where s is to be taken not less than 0,182 L1/4
Ordinary Net section modulus, in cm3, to be taken as the Web net minimum thickness, in mm, to be not less than the lesser
stiffeners lesser of: of:
γ W2 p BI 
- 1 – ------ s 2 103
s • t = 1 ,5L 2
w = γ R γ m β b -----------------
16c P R y  2
• the thickness of the attached plating.
γ S2 T 2 4
w = γ R γ m β b ---------
- s 10
6R y

Net shear sectional area, in cm2:

γ W2 p BI 
- 1 – ------ s
A Sh = 10γ R γ m β s ---------------
Ry  2

Note 1:
cE : coefficient, to be taken equal to:
cE = 1 for L ≤ 65 m
cE = 3 - L / 32,5 for 65 m < L < 90 m
cE = 0 for L ≥ 90 m
cP : Ratio of the plastic section modulus to the elastic section modulus of the ordinary stiffeners with an attached shell plat-
ing, to be taken equal to 1,16 in the absence of more precise evaluation
γR, γm, γS2, γW2:Partial safety factors, defined in Tab 4
pBI : Bottom dynamic impact pressure, defined in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 1, [3.2].

8 Additional arrangement require- 8.3 Size and arrangement of cargo tanks

ments for ships with service notation and slop tanks
"Barge-oil" 8.3.1 Cargo tanks (1/5/2013)
Barge-oil of 600 t deadweight and above are not allowed to
carry oil in any compartment extending forward of a colli-
8.1 Application
sion bulkhead located in accordance with Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1,
8.1.1 (1/5/2013) [2].

The requirements of this item apply to ships with the service Figure 4 (1/5/2013)
notation “barge-oil”.

8.2 Cargo segregation

8.2.1 (1/5/2013)
Control station
Unless expressly provided otherwise, in ships enabled to Accommodation
carry cargoes having a flashpoint below 60°C, tanks con- Service space
taining cargo or cargo residues are to be placed forward of
and segregated from accommodation, service and machin- Machinery space Cargo tank
ery spaces, drinking water and stores for human consump-
tion by means of a cofferdam, a cargo pump room, a fuel oil Slop tank
tank, a ballast tank or any other similar compartment and Cargo pump room FLASHPOINT > 60°
arranged in such a way that a single failure of a deck or Bunker tank
bulkhead will not permit the entry of gas or vapour from the Ballast tank

cargo tank into control stations, accommodation and serv-

ice spaces (see Fig 3 and Fig 4).

76 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 2

Figure 5 (1/5/2013) 8.3.2 Size and arrangement of cargo

tanks (1/5/2013)
The length of each cargo tank is not to exceed 10 metres or
one of the values of Tab 6, as applicable, whichever is the

Control station
Service space

Machinery space Cargo tank

Slop tank
Cargo pump room
Bunker tank
Ballast tank

Table 6 : Length of cargo tanks (1/5/2013)

Longitudinal bulkhead Centreline bulkhead

Cargo tank Condition Length of cargo tanks, in m
arrangement arrangement
No bulkhead - - - (0,5 bi / B + 0,1) L

Centreline bulkhead - - - (0,25 bi / B + 0,15) L

Two or more bulkheads Wing cargo tank - - 0,2 L

Centre cargo tank bi / B > 1/5 - 0,2 L
bi / B < 1/5 No (0,5 bi / B + 0,1) L

Yes (0,25 bi / B + 0,15) L

(1) bi is the minimum distance from the ship side to the outer longitudinal bulkhead of the i-th tank, measured inboard at right
angles to the centreline at the level corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard.
(2) Not to exceed 0,2 L

8.3.3 Slop tanks (1/5/2013) • The society may accept slop tanks of any size, including
absence of dedicated slop tanks, for units which:
The arrangements of the slop tank or combination of slop
tanks are to have a capacity necessary to retain the slop • are dedicated to the same type of cargo for many
generated by tank washings, oil residues and dirty ballast consecutive voyages, and
residues. The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks is to be • are arranged with segregated ballast tanks, and
not less than 3 per cent of the oil carrying capacity of the
ships, except that the Society may accept: • do not carry out tank washing on a regular basis,
• 2% for such barge -oil where the tank washing arrange-
• retain on board (in cargo tanks) the total quantity of
ments are such that once the slop tank or tanks are
washing media, and discharge it ashore.
charged with washing water, this water is sufficient for
tank washing and, where applicable, for providing the
driving fluid for ejectors, without the introduction of 8.4 Access arrangement
additional water into the system
8.4.1 (1/5/2013)
• 2% where segregated ballast tanks are provided in As far as practicable, permanent or movable means of
accordance with [5]. This capacity may be further access stored on board are to be provided to ensure proper
reduced to 1,5% for such barge -oil where the tank survey and maintenance of cargo tanks and ballast com-
washing arrangements are such that once the slop tank partments.
or tanks are charged with washing water, this water is
sufficient for tank washing and, where applicable, for 8.4.2 (1/5/2013)
providing the driving fluid for ejectors, without the Means of access to side and centre tanks may not be pro-
introduction of additional water into the system. vided in the same transverse section.

RINA Rules 2017 77

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 2

8.4.3 (1/5/2013) Note 1), the equipment inside is suitable for the haz-
The pipe tunnel in the double bottom is to comply with the ardous area Zone 1 and the enclosed space can be
following requirements: well ventilated.
• it may not communicate with the engine room Note 1: The hazardous area classification is to be defined in
accordance with IEC 60092-502: Electrical installations in ships -
• provision is to be made for at least two exits to the open
Tankers - Special features.
deck arranged at a maximum distance from each other.
One of these exits fitted with a watertight closure may 8.4.6 Access through horizontal
lead to the cargo pump room. openings (1/5/2013)
For access through horizontal openings the dimensions are
8.4.4 Access to compartments in the cargo
to be sufficient to allow a person wearing a self-contained,
area (1/5/2013)
air-breathing apparatus and protective equipment to ascend
Access to cofferdams, ballast tanks, cargo tanks and other
or descend any ladder without obstruction and also to pro-
compartments in the cargo area is to be direct from the
vide a clear opening to facilitate the hoisting of an injured
open deck and such as to ensure their complete inspection.
person from the bottom of the compartment. The minimum
Access to double bottom compartments may be through a
clear opening is to be not less than 600 mm by 600 mm.
cargo pump room, pump room, deep cofferdam, pipe tun-
nel or similar compartments, subject to consideration of 8.4.7 Access through vertical openings (1/5/2013)
ventilation aspects. For access through vertical openings the minimum clear
opening is to be not less than 600 mm by 800 mm at a
8.4.5 Access to the fore peak tank (1/5/2013)
height of not more than 600 mm from the bottom shell plat-
The access to the fore peak tank is to be direct from the
ing unless gratings or other footholds are provided.
open deck.
Alternatively, indirect access from the open deck to the fore 8.4.8 Barge-oil less than 5000 t deadweight
peak tank through an enclosed space may be accepted pro- (1/5/2013)
vided that: For barge-oil of less than 5000 t deadweight smaller dimen-
a) The unit is only enabled to carry products having a sions may be approved by the Society in special circum-
flashpoint exceeding 60°C, or stances, if the ability to traverse such openings or to remove
an injured person can be proved to the satisfaction of the
b) The unit is enabled to carry products having any flash- Society.
point and:
1) the enclosed space is separated from the cargo tanks 9 Mooring systems for units with the
by cofferdams, the access is through a gas-tight
bolted manhole located in the enclosed space and a service notation "barge - accommo-
warning sign is provided at the manhole stating that dation"
the fore peak tank may only be opened after:
• it has been proven to be gas-free; or 9.1 Application
• any electrical equipment which is not electri- 9.1.1 (1/7/2014)
cally certified safe in the enclosed space is iso- For units with the service notation barge - accommodation,
lated or the mooring system is to be in accordance with with the
2) the enclosed space has a common boundary with requirements in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 21 for the assignment of the
the cargo tanks, is classified as hazardous area (see additional class notation MOORING.

78 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3


1 General In any event they are anyway to be provided with sounding

means according to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9.2].
1.1 Application 2.1.3 Hand pumps
1.1.1 (1/7/2014) a) Hand pumps are to be capable of being operated from
This Section applies to non-propelled units. positions above the load waterline and are to be readily
Item [3] provides additional requirements that only apply to accessible at any time.
barges having the service notation barge-oil intended to b) Hand pumps are to have a maximum suction height not
carry products having any flashpoint. exceeding 7,30 m.
Item [5] provides additional requirements that only apply to
barges having the service notation barge-accommodation. 2.1.4 Size of bilge pipes
a) The internal diameter, in mm, of suction pipes is not to
1.2 Documents to be submitted be less than the diameter given by the following for-
1.2.1 (1/5/2013)
The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted for d 1 = ---------- + 50
approval for all barges.
The documents listed in Tab 2 are to be submitted for where:
approvalfor barges having the service notation barge-oil. T : Underdeck tonnage, in tons.
b) When the ship is subdivided into small watertight com-
1.3 Exemptions partments, the diameter of these suctions need not
1.3.1 (1/5/2013) exceed 50 mm.
The requirements in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [11.4.1] b) do not
apply to service tanks. 2.2 Bilge system in ships having a source of
The requirements in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [11.4.6] a) do not electrical power
2.2.1 General
On board ships having no propelling machinery but having
2 Bilge system a source of electrical power, mechanical pumps are to be
provided for draining the various compartments of the ship.
2.1 Bilge system in ships having no source Cargo pumps may be used for this purpose.
of electrical power
2.2.2 Arrangement of the bilge system
2.1.1 General (1/7/2011) The bilge system is to comply with the provisions of Pt C,
Where there is no source of electrical power on board, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.3] to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.6] applicable to
hand pumps are to be provided, in sufficient number and so the spaces concerned, except that direct suctions need not
positioned as to permit an adequate drainage of all the be provided.
compartments of the ship.
The requirement to provide a bilge system and associated 2.2.3 Bilge pumps
hand pumps may be waived in the case of vessels without The number and capacity of the bilge pumps are to comply
persons on board. with the relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.7].

2.1.2 Arrangement of the bilge system (1/7/2010) 2.2.4 Size of bilge pipes
The bilge system is to comply with one of the following The size of bilge pipes is to comply with the relevant
arrangements: requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.8].
a) at least one pump is to be provided for each compart-
2.2.5 Unmanned barges and occasionally manned
ment barges (1/1/2017)
b) at least two pumps connected to a bilge main are to be The requirement to provide pumps and a bilge system suita-
provided. The main is to have branch pipes allowing the ble to drain water from each compartment may be waived
draining of each compartment through at least one suc- in the case of vessels without persons on board, and in case
tion. of vessels intended to have persons on board only during
The spaces served only by hand pumps may be not pro- specific operations at fixed location, with the presence of
vided with air pipes according to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9.1]. an assisting propelled ship in close proximity.

RINA Rules 2017 79

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3

Even in these latest units, when the source of power is made The waiver to occasionally manned units may be granted
of engines located within compartments having the bottom only to such units showing satisfactory stability in the worse
plating in any place extending below the deepest waterline, combination of loading and flooding of two adjacent com-
these compartments are to be fitted with suctions from suit- partments.
ably located pumps operated by power.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted for all barges

No. A/I (1) Document (2)

1 A Diagram of the bilge system
2 A Diagram of the central priming system intended for the bilge pumps, where provided
3 A Capacity, prime mover and location of the bilge pumps
(1) A: To be submitted for approval in four copies
I: To be submitted for information in duplicate
(2) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation sys-

Table 2 : Additional documents to be submitted for barge-oil (1/5/2013)

No. Document (1)

1 General layout of cargo pump room with details of:
• bulkhead penetrations
• gas detection system
• other alarms and safety arrangements
2 Diagram of cargo piping system
3 Diagram of the cargo tank venting system with:
• indication of the outlet position
• details of the pressure/vacuum valves and flame arrestors
• details of the draining arrangements, if any
4 Diagram of the cargo tank level gauging system with overfill safety arrangements
5 Diagram of the cargo tank cleaning system
6 Diagram of the bilge and ballast systems serving the spaces located in the cargo area
7 Diagram of the cargo heating systems
8 Diagram of inert gas system with details of the inert gas plant
9 Diagram of gas measurement system for double hull and double bottom spaces
(1) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation sys-

3 Additional requirements for ships • are to be independent from any piping system serv-
ing spaces located outside the cargo area
with service notation "barge-oil"
• are not to lead outside the cargo area.
3.1 Piping systems other than cargo piping b) Fuel oil systems are to:
system • be independent from the cargo piping system
• have no connections with pipelines serving cargo or
3.1.1 Materials (1/5/2013) slop tanks
a) Materials are to comply with the provisions of Pt C, • bilge pumps serving spaces located within the cargo
Ch 1, Sec 10. area are to be located in the cargo pump room or in
b) Spheroidal graphite cast iron may be accepted for bilge another suitable space within the cargo area.
and ballast piping.
3.1.3 Passage through cargo tanks and slop tanks
3.1.2 Independence of piping systems (1/5/2013) (1/5/2013)
a) Bilge, ballast and scupper systems serving spaces a) Unless otherwise specified, bilge, ballast and fuel oil
located within the cargo area: systems serving spaces located outside the cargo area

80 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3

are not to pass through cargo tanks or slop tanks. They restricting its use is to be displayed in a conspicuous posi-
may pass through ballast tanks or void spaces located tion adjacent to it.
within the cargo area.
a) Provisions may be made for filling cargo tanks with sea
b) Where expressly permitted, ballast pipes passing water, where permitted. Such ballast water is to be dealt
through cargo tanks are to fulfil the following provi- with as per [3.4].
b) The sea water inlets and overboard discharges serving
• they are to have welded or heavy flanged joints the cargo tanks for the purpose of a) are not to have any
number of which is kept to a minimum connection with the ballast system of segregated ballast
• they are to be of extra-reinforced wall thickness as tanks.
per Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, Tab 5
c) Cargo pumps may be used for pumping ballast water to
• they are to be adequately supported and protected or from the cargo tanks, provided two shut-off valves are
against mechanical damage. fitted to isolate the cargo piping system from the sea
inlets and overboard discharges. See also [3.4.10].
3.1.4 Draining of pump rooms (1/5/2013)
d) Ballast pumps serving segregated ballast tanks may be
Cargo pumps or stripping pumps may be used for draining
used for filling the cargo tanks with sea water provided
cargo pump rooms provided that:
that the connection is made on the top of the tanks and
• a screw-down non-return valve is fitted on the bilge suc- consists of a detachable spool piece and a screw-down
tions, and non-return valve to avoid siphon effects.
• a valve is fitted between the pump suction and the bilge In barges of 600 tonnes deadweight and above, ballast pip-
distribution box. ing is not to pass through cargo tanks except in the case of
short lengths of piping complying with [3.1.3], item b).
3.1.5 Ballast system (1/5/2013)
Except where expressly permitted, ballast systems serving Sliding type couplings are not to be used for expansion pur-
segregated ballast tanks are to be completely separated poses where ballast lines pass through cargo tanks. Expan-
from the cargo oil and fuel oil systems. sion bends only are permitted.

In barges of 150 gross tonnage and above, no ballast water The fore peak tank can be ballasted with the system serving
is normally to be carried in any fuel oil tank; see Pt C, Ch 1, ballast tanks within the cargo area, provided:
Sec 10, [7.1.3]. a) the fore peak tank is considered a hazardous area (see
Ballast pumps are to be located in the cargo pump room, or Note 1)
a similar space within the cargo area not containing any b) the vent pipe openings are located on open deck at an
source of ignition. appropriate distance from sources of ignition. In this
Where installed in the cargo pump room, ballast pumps are respect, the separation distances for hazardous zones
to comply with the applicable provisions of [3.2.3] and are to be defined in accordance with IEC 60092-502:
[3.2.4]. Electrical installations in ships - Tankers - Special fea-
Ballast systems serving segregated ballast in the cargo area
are to be entirely located within the cargo area and are not c) means are provided, on the open deck, to allow meas-
to be connected to other piping systems. urement of flammable gas concentrations within the
Where they are intended to be filled with water ballast, the fore peak tank by a suitable portable instrument
cofferdams located at the fore and aft ends of the cargo d) the sounding arrangements to the fore peak tank are
spaces may be emptied by a ballast pump located inside the direct from the open deck.
machinery compartment or the forward space provided
Note 1: The hazardous area classification is to be defined in
accordance with IEC 60092-502: Electrical installations in ships -
• the suction is directly connected to the pump and not to Tankers - Special features.
a piping system serving machinery spaces
• the delivery is directly connected to the ship side. 3.1.6 Air and sounding pipes of spaces other than
cargo tanks (1/5/2013)
Provisions may be made for emergency discharge of the The air and sounding pipes fitted to the following spaces:
segregated ballast by means of a connection to a cargo
pump through a detachable spool piece provided that: • cofferdams located at the fore and aft ends of the cargo
• non-return valves are fitted on the segregated ballast
connections to prevent the passage of oil to the ballast • tanks and cofferdams located within the cargo area and
tank, and not intended for cargo
• shut-off valves are fitted to shut off the cargo and ballast are to be led to the open.
lines before the spool piece is removed.
The air pipes referred to above are to be arranged as per
The detachable spool piece is to be placed in a conspicuous Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9] and are to be fitted with easily
position in the pump room and a permanent warning notice removable flame screens at their outlets.

RINA Rules 2017 81

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3

In barges of 600 tonnes deadweight and above, the air and Thermal oil heating systems serving cargo tanks are to be
sounding pipes referred above are not to pass through cargo arranged by means of a separate secondary system, located
tanks except in the following cases: completely within the cargo area. However, a single circuit
• short lengths of piping serving ballast tanks system may be accepted provided that:

• lines serving double bottom tanks located within the • the system is so arranged as to ensure a positive pressure
cargo area, except in the case of barges of 5000 tonnes in the coil of at least 3 m water column above the static
deadweight and above where the provisions of [3.1.3], head of the cargo when the circulating pump is not in
item b) are complied with. operation
• means are provided in the expansion tank for detection
3.1.7 Scupper pipes (1/5/2013) of flammable cargo vapours. Portable equipment may
Scupper pipes are not to pass through cargo tanks except, be accepted
where this is impracticable, in the case of short lengths of • valves for the individual heating coils are provided with
piping complying with the following provisions: a locking arrangement to ensure that the coils are under
• they are of steel static pressure at all times.
• they have only welded or heavy flanged joints the num-
ber of which is kept to a minimum 3.2 Cargo pumping system
• they are of substantial wall thickness as per Pt C, Ch 1, 3.2.1 Number and location of cargo pumps
Sec 10, Tab 23, column 1. (1/5/2013)
Arrangements are to be adopted to make discharge by
3.1.8 Heating systems intended for cargo (1/5/2013)
pumps in the oil terminal possible, taking into account the
a) Heating systems intended for cargo are to comply with NPSHD at the pumps, or a fixed mean of discharging and
the relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10. stripping is to be fitted.
b) The steam and heating media temperature within the Cargo pumps are to be located:
cargo area is not to exceed 220° C. • in a dedicated pump room, or
c) Blind flanges or similar devices are to be provided on • on deck, or
the heating circuits fitted to tanks carrying cargoes
• when designed for this purpose, within the cargo tanks.
which are not to be heated.
d) Heating systems are to be so designed that the pressure 3.2.2 Use of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
maintained in the heating circuits is higher than that Except where expressly permitted in [2.2] and [3.1.5], cargo
exerted by the cargo oil. This need not be applied to pumps are to be used exclusively for handling the liquid
heating circuits which are not in service provided they cargo and are not to have any connections to compartments
are drained and blanked-off. other than cargo tanks.
e) Isolating valves are to be provided at the inlet and outlet Subject to their performance, cargo pumps may be used for
connections of the tank heating circuits. Arrangements tank stripping.
are to be made to allow manual adjustement of the flow.
Cargo pumps may be used, where necessary, for the wash-
f) Heating pipes and coils inside tanks are to be built of a ing of cargo tanks
material suitable for the heated fluid. They are to have
welded connections only. 3.2.3 Cargo pumps drive (1/5/2013)
To reduce the risk of liquid or gaseous cargo returns inside a) Prime movers of cargo pumps are not to be located in
the engine or boiler rooms, steam heating systems of cargo the cargo area, except in the following cases:
tanks are to satisfy either of the following provisions: • steam driven machine supplied with steam having a
• they are to be independent of other ship services, except temperature not exceeding 220 °C
cargo heating or cooling systems, and are not to enter • hydraulic motors
machinery spaces, or • electric motors of certified explosion proof type.
• they are to be provided with an observation tank on the b) Pumps with a submerged electric motor are not permit-
water return system located within the cargo area. How- ted in cargo tanks.
ever, this tank may be placed inside the engine room in
a well-ventilated position remote from boilers and other Where cargo pumps are driven by a machine which is
sources of ignition. Its air pipe is to be led to the open located outside the cargo pump room, the following
and fitted with a flame arrester. arrangements are to be made:
1) drive shafts are to be fitted with flexible couplings or
Hot water systems serving cargo tanks are to be independ- other means suitable to compensate for any mis-
ent of other systems. They are not to enter machinery spaces alignment
unless the expansion tank is fitted with:
2) the shaft bulkhead or deck penetration is to be fitted
• means for detection of flammable vapours with a gas-tight gland of a type approved by the
• a vent pipe led to the open and provided with a flame Society. The gland is to be efficiently lubricated from
arrester. outside the pump room and so designed as to pre-

82 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3

vent overheating. The seal parts of the gland are to • Grey cast iron may be accepted for cargo oil lines:
be of material that cannot initiate sparks. - within cargo tanks, and
3) temperature sensing devices are to be fitted for bulk- - on the weather deck for pressure up to 1,6 Mpa.
head shaft gland bearings. It is not to be used for manifolds and their valves of fit-
Note 1: The provisions of this requirement also apply to stripping tings connected to cargo handling hoses.
pumps and ballast pumps. • Plastic pipes may be used in the conditions specified in
Pt C, Ch 1, App 3. Arrangements are to be made to
3.2.4 Design of cargo pumps (1/5/2013) avoid the generation of static electricity.
a) Materials of cargo pumps are to be suitable for the prod- Cargo pipe lengths may be connected either by means of
ucts carried. welded joints or, unless otherwise specified, by means of
flange connections.
b) The delivery side of cargo pumps is to be fitted with
relief valves discharging back to the suction side of the Where necessary, cargo piping is to be fitted with expansion
pumps (bypass) in closed circuit. Such relief valves may joints or bends.
be omitted in the case of centrifugal pumps with a max- Expansion joints including bellows are to be of a type
imum delivery pressure not exceeding the design pres- approved by the Society.
sure of the piping, with the delivery valve closed.
Expansion joints made of non-metallic material may be
c) Pump casings are to be fitted with temperature sensing accepted only inside tanks and provided they are:
devices; see [3.2.5]. • of an approved type
• designed to withstand the maximum internal and exter-
3.2.5 Monitoring of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
nal pressure
Cargo pumps are to be monitored as required in Tab 3. • electrically conductive

3.2.6 Control of cargo pumps (1/5/2013) Sliding type couplings are not to be used for expansion pur-
poses where lines for cargo oil pass through tanks for segre-
Cargo pumps are to be capable of being stopped from:
gated ballast.
• a position outside the pump room, and Valves with remote control are to comply with Pt C, Ch 1,
• a position next to the pumps. Sec 10, [2.7.3].
Submerged valves are to be remote controlled. In the case
3.2.7 Cargo piping design (1/5/2013) of a hydraulic remote control system, control boxes are to
Unless otherwise specified, cargo piping is to be designed be provided outside the tank, in order to permit the emer-
and constructed according to the requirements of Pt C, gency control of valves.
Ch 1, Sec 10 applicable to piping systems of class III. Valve actuators located inside cargo tanks are not to be
operated by means of compressed air.
• For tests, refer to [4].
Cargo hoses are to be of a type approved by?the Society for
• Cargo piping is, in general, to be made of steel or cast the intended conditions of use.
Hoses subject to tank pressure or pump discharge pressure
• Valves, couplings and other end fittings of cargo pipe are to be designed for a bursting pressure not less than 4
lines for connection to hoses are to be of steel or other times the maximum pressure under cargo transfer condi-
suitable ductile material. tions.
• Spheroidal graphite cast iron may be used for cargo oil The ohmic electrical resistance of cargo hoses is not to
piping. exceed 106 Ω .

Table 3 : Monitoring of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)

Equipment, parameter Alarm (1) Indication (2) Comments

pump, discharge pressure - L • on the pump (3), or
• next to the unloading control station
pump casing, temperature H visual and audible, in cargo control room or pump control station
bulkhead shaft gland bearing, H visual and audible, in cargo control room or pump control station
(1) H = high
(2) L = low
(3) and next to the driving machine if located in a separate compartment

RINA Rules 2017 83

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3

3.2.8 Cargo piping arrangement and equivalent (see Note 1) are to be provided when the
installation (1/5/2013) piping within the cargo area is not in use
Cargo piping is not to pass through tanks or compartments • the shore connection is to be fitted with a shut-off
located outside the cargo area. valve and a blank flange
Cargo piping and similar piping to cargo tanks is not to pass Note 1: Those indicated in the IMO MSC/Circ. 474 are acceptable
through ballast tanks except in the case of short lengths of as equivalent
piping complying with [3.1.3], item b). d) pipe connections outside the cargo area are to be of
Cargo piping may pass through vertical fuel oil tanks adja- welded type only
cent to cargo tanks on condition that the provisions of e) arrangements are made to allow the piping outside the
[3.1.3], item b) are complied with. cargo area to be efficiently drained and purged.
Piping through cargo tanks, see also Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.1.4].
3.3 Cargo tanks and fittings
Cargo piping passing through bulkheads is to be so
arranged as to preclude excessive stresses at the bulkhead. 3.3.1 (1/5/2013)
Bolted flanges are not to be used in the bulkhead. The provisions of this paragraph apply to cargo tanks and
Stop valves are to be provided to isolate each tank. slop tanks.
A stop valve is to be fitted at each end of the cargo mani- 3.3.2 Cargo tank venting (1/5/2013)
Cargo tanks are to be provided with venting systems entirely
When a cargo pump in the cargo pump room serves more distinct from the air pipes of the other compartments of the
than one cargo tank, a stop valve is to be fitted in the cargo ship. The arrangements and position of openings in the
pump room on the line leading to each tank. cargo tank deck from which emission of flammable vapours
Main cargo oil valves located in the cargo pump room can occur are to be such as to minimise the possibility of
below the floor gratings are to be remote controlled from a flammable vapours being admitted to enclosed spaces con-
position above the floor. taining a source of ignition, or collecting in the vicinity of
deck machinery and equipment which may constitute an
To avoid the hazard of an incendive discharge due to the ignition hazard.
build-up of static electricity resulting from the flow of the
liquid/gases/vapours, the following requirements are to be 3.3.3 Design of venting arrangements (1/5/2013)
complied with: The venting arrangements are to be so designed and oper-
• the loading pipes are to be led as low as practicable in ated as to ensure that neither pressure nor vacuum in cargo
the tank tanks exceeds design parameters and be such as to provide
• the resistance between any point on the surface of the for:
cargo and slop tanks, piping systems and equipment, a) the flow of the small volumes of vapour, air or inert gas
and the hull of the ship is not to be greater than 106 Ω. mixtures caused by thermal variations in a cargo tank in
all cases through pressure/vacuum valves, and
Bonding straps are required for cargo and slop tanks, piping b) the passage of large volumes of vapour, air or inert gas
systems and equipment which are not permanently con- mixtures during cargo loading and ballasting, or during
nected to the hull of the ship, for example: discharging,
a) independent cargo tanks c) a secondary means of allowing full flow relief of vapour,
b) cargo tank piping systems which are electrically sepa- air or inert gas mixtures to prevent overpressure or
rated from the hull of the ship underpressure in the event of failure of the arrangements
in b). Alternatively, pressure sensors may be fitted in
c) pipe connections arranged for the removal of the spool each tank protected by the arrangement required in b),
pieces. with a monitoring system in the ship's cargo control
Where bonding straps are required, they are to be: room or the position from which cargo operations are
normally carried out. Such monitoring equipment is
• clearly visible so that any shortcoming can be
also to provide an alarm facility which is activated by
clearly detected
detection of overpressure or underpressure conditions
• designed and sited so that they are protected against within a tank.
mechanical damage and are not affected by high
resistivity contamination, e.g. corrosive products or 3.3.4 Combination of venting
paint arrangements (1/5/2013)
• easy to install and replace. a) the venting arrangements in each cargo tank may be
independent or combined with other cargo tanks and
Where the ship is arranged for loading and unloading may be incorporated into the inert gas piping.
outside the cargo area, the following provisions are to
b) where the arrangements are combined with other cargo
be complied with:
tanks, either stop valves or other acceptable means are
• the piping outside the cargo area is to be fitted with to be provided to isolate each cargo tank. Where stop
a shut-off valve at its connection with the piping sys- valves are fitted, they are to be provided with locking
tem within the cargo area and separating means arrangements which are to be under the control of the
such as blank flanges or removable spool pieces or responsible ship's officer. There is to be a clear visual

84 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3

indication of the operational status of the valves or other ment is provided, there are to be suitable indicators to
acceptable means. Where tanks have been isolated, it is show whether the bypass is open or closed
to be ensured that relevant isolating valves are opened d) Pressure/vacuum valves are to be of a type approved by
before cargo loading or ballasting or discharging of
the Society in accordance with Ch 7, App 1.
those tanks is commenced. Any isolation must continue
to permit the flow caused by thermal variations in a e) Pressure/vacuum valves are to be readily accessible.
cargo tank in accordance with [3.3.3] a). f) Pressure/vacuum valves are to be provided with a man-
c) if cargo loading or ballasting or discharging of a cargo ual opening device so that valves can be locked on
tank or cargo tank group is intended, which is isolated open position. Locking means on closed position are
from a common venting system, that cargo tank or cargo not permitted.
tank group is to be fitted with a means for overpressure
or underpressure protection as required in [3.3.3] c). 3.3.8 Vent oulets (1/5/2013)
Vent outlets for cargo loading, discharging and ballasting
3.3.5 Arrangement of vent lines (1/5/2013) required by [3.3.3] b) are to:
The venting arrangements are to be connected to the top of a) permit:
each cargo tank and are to be self-draining to the cargo
tanks under all normal conditions of trim and list of the 1) the free flow of vapour mixtures, or
ship. Where it may not be possible to provide self-draining 2) the throttling of the discharge of the vapour mixtures
lines, permanent arrangements are to be provided to drain to achieve a velocity of not less than 30 m/s,
the vent lines to a cargo tank.
b) be so arranged that the vapour mixture is discharged
Plugs or equivalent means are to be provided on the lines vertically upwards
after the safety relief valves.
c) where the method is by free flow of vapour mixtures, be
3.3.6 Openings for pressure release (1/5/2013) such that the outlet is not less than 6 m above the cargo
Openings for pressure release required by [3.3.3] a) are to: tank deck or fore and aft gangway if situated within 4 m
of the gangway and located not less than 10 m meas-
a) have as great a height as is practicable above the cargo ured horizontally from the nearest air intakes and open-
tank deck to obtain maximum dispersal of flammable ings to enclosed spaces containing a source of ignition
vapours but in no case less than 2 m above the cargo and from deck machinery which may include anchor
tank deck, windlass and chain locker openings, and equipment
b) be arranged at the furthest distance practicable but not which may constitute an ignition hazard,
less than 5 m from the nearest air intakes and openings d) where the method is by high velocity discharge, be
to enclosed spaces containing a source of ignition and located at a height not less than 2 m above the cargo
from deck machinery and equipment which may consti- tank deck and not less than 10 m measured horizontally
tute an ignition hazard. Anchor windlass and chain from the nearest air intakes and openings to enclosed
locker openings constitute an ignition hazard. spaces containing a source of ignition and from deck
machinery which may include anchor windlass and
3.3.7 Pressure/vacuum valves (1/5/2013) chain locker openings, and equipment which may con-
a) One or more pressure/vacuum-breaking devices are to stitute an ignition hazard. These outlets are to be pro-
be provided to prevent the cargo tanks from being sub- vided with high velocity devices of a type approved by
ject to: the Society,
1) a positive pressure, in excess of the test pressure of e) be designed on the basis of the maximum designed
the cargo tank, if the cargo were to be loaded at the loading rate multiplied by a factor of at least 1,25 to
maximum rated capacity and all other outlets were take account of gas evolution, in order to prevent the
left shut; and pressure in any cargo tank from exceeding the design
pressure. The Master is to be provided with information
2) a negative pressure in excess of 700 mm water regarding the maximum permissible loading rate for
gauge if cargo were to be discharged at the maxi- each cargo tank and in the case of combined venting
mum rated capacity of the cargo pumps and the systems, for each group of cargo tanks.
inert gas blowers were to fail.
The arrangements for the venting of vapours displaced
Such devices are to be installed on the inert gas main from the cargo tanks during loading and ballasting are
unless they are installed in the venting system required to comply with this item [3.3] and are to consist of
by this item [3.3] or on individual cargo tanks. either one or more mast risers, or a number of high-
b) Pressure/vacuum valves are to be set at a positive pres- velocity vents. The inert gas supply main may be used
sure not exceeding 0,021 MPa and at a negative pres- for such venting.
sure not exceeding 0,007 MPa. Higher setting values not
exceeding 0,07 MPa may be accepted in positive pres- 3.3.9 High velocity valves (1/5/2013)
sure if the scantlings of the tanks are appropriate. a) High velocity valves are to be readily accessible
c) Pressure/vacuum valves required by item a) of [3.3.3] b) High velocity valves not required to be fitted with flame
may be provided with a bypass when they are located in arresters (see [3.3.10]) are not to be capable of being
a vent main or masthead riser. Where such an arrange- locked on open position.

RINA Rules 2017 85

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3

3.3.10 Prevention of the passage of flame into the 3.3.14 Ships not provided with an inert gas
tanks (1/5/2013) system (1/5/2013)
When the ship is not provided with an inert gas system, the
a) The venting system is to be provided with devices to
operation is to be such that the flammable vapour is dis-
prevent the passage of flame into the cargo tanks. The
charged initially:
design, testing and locating of these devices are to com-
ply with Ch 7, App 1. a) through the vent outlets as specified in [3.3.8], or
b) through outlets at least 2 m above the cargo tank deck
Ullage openings are not to be used for pressure equali-
level with a vertical efflux velocity of at least 30 m/s
sation. They are to be provided with self-closing and
maintained during the gas-freeing operation, or
tightly sealing covers. Flame arresters and screens are
not permitted in these openings. c) through outlets at least 2 m above the cargo tank deck
level with a vertical efflux velocity of at least 20 m/s and
b) A flame arresting device integral to the venting system which are protected by suitable devices to prevent the
may be accepted. passage of flame.
The above outlets are to be located not less than 10 m
c) Flame screens and flame arresters are to be designed for
measured horizontally from the nearest air intakes and
easy overhauling and cleaning. openings to enclosed spaces containing a source of ignition
and from deck machinery, which may include anchor wind-
3.3.11 Prevention of liquid rising in the venting lass and chain locker openings, and equipment which may
system (1/5/2013) constitute an ignition hazard.
a) Provisions are to be made to prevent liquid rising in the When the flammable vapour concentration at the outlet has
venting system; refer to [3.3.16]. been reduced to 30% of the lower flammable limit, gas-
freeing may thereafter be continued at cargo tank deck
b) Cargo tanks gas venting systems are not to be used for level.
overflow purposes.
3.3.15 Cargo tank level gauging systems (1/5/2013)
c) Spill valves are not considered equivalent to an over- a) Each cargo or slop tank is to be fitted with a level gaug-
flow system. ing system indicating the liquid level along the entire
height of the tank. Unless otherwise specified, the gauge
3.3.12 Cargo tank purging and/or gas- may be portable or fixed with local reading.
freeing (1/5/2013)
b) Gauging devices and their remote reading systems are
a) Arrangements are to be made for purging and/or gas- to be type approved.
freeing of cargo tanks. The arrangements are to be such c) Ullage openings and other gauging devices likely to
as to minimise the hazards due to the dispersal of flam- release cargo vapour to the atmosphere are not to be
mable vapours in the atmosphere and to flammable arranged in enclosed spaces.
mixtures in a cargo tank. Accordingly, the provisions of
1) a “restricted gauging device” means a device which
[3.3.13] and [3.3.14], as applicable, are to be complied
penetrates the tank and which, when in use, permits
a small quantity of vapour or liquid to be exposed to
b) In the case of fans installed in safe spaces, two non- the atmosphere. When not in use, the device is
completely closed. Examples are sounding pipes.
return devices are to be fitted to avoid return of cargo
vapours to safe spaces when the ventilation system is 2) a “closed gauging device” means a device which is
shut down. These non-return devices are to operate in separated from the tank atmosphere and keeps tank
all normal conditions of ship trim and list. contents from being released. It may:
• penetrate the tank, such as float-type systems,
c) Discharge outlets are to be located at least 10 m meas- electric probe, magnetic probe or protected sight
ured horizontally from the nearest air intake and open- glass,
ings to enclosed spaces with a source of ignition and
• not penetrate the tank, such as ultrasonic or
from deck machinery equipment which may constitute
radar devices.
an ignition hazard.
3) an “indirect gauging device” means a device which
3.3.13 Ships provided with an inert gas determines the level of liquid, for instance by means
system (1/5/2013) of weighing or pipe flow meter .
In barges fitted with an inert gas system, the gauging
When the ship is provided with an inert gas system, the
devices are to be of the closed type; use of indirect gauging
cargo tanks are first to be purged in accordance with the devices will be given special consideration.
provisions of Part C, Chapter 4 until the concentration of
hydrocarbon vapours in the cargo tanks has been reduced In barges not fitted with an inert gas system:
to less than 2% by volume. Thereafter, gas-freeing may take • the gauging devices are to be of the closed or restricted
place at the cargo tank deck level. types. Ullage openings may be used only as a reserve

86 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3

sounding means and are to be fitted with a watertight Crude oil washing pipes are also to satisfy the requirements
closing appliance. of [3.2.7].
• Where restricted gauging devices are used, provisions Crude oil washing machines may be connected to water
are to be made to avoid dangerous escape of liquid or washing pipes, provided that isolating arrangements, such
vapour under pressure when using the device relieve as a valve and a detachable pipe section, are fitted to isolate
the pressure in the tank before the device is operated. water pipes.
• Where used, sounding pipes are to be fitted with a a Tank cleaning openings are not to be arranged in enclosed
self-closing blanking device. spaces.
The complete installation is to be permanently earthed to
3.3.16 Protection against tank overload (1/5/2013)
the hull.
Provisions are to be made to guard against liquid rising in
the venting system of cargo or slop tanks to a height which
3.4 Prevention of pollution by cargo oil
would exceed the design head of the tanks. This is to be
accomplished by high level alarms or overflow control sys- 3.4.1 Application (1/5/2013)
tems or other equivalent means, together with gauging
Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of [3.4.4], [3.4.5]
devices and cargo tank filling procedures.
and [3.4.6] apply only to barges of 150 gross tonnage and
Sufficient ullage is to be left at the end of tank filling to per- above.
mit free expansion of liquid during carriage.
3.4.2 Provisions for barges of less than 150 gross
High level alarms, overflow control systems and other tonnage (1/5/2013)
means referred to in a) are to be independent of the gauging
The control of discharge for barges of less than 150 gross
systems referred to in [3.3.15]].
tonnage is to be effected by the retention of oil on board
High level alarms are to be type approved. with subsequent discharge of all contaminated washings to
High level alarms are to give an audible and visual signal at reception facilities unless adequate arrangements are made
the control station, where provided. to ensure that the discharge of any effluent into the sea,
where allowed, is effectively monitored to ensure that the
Where the tank level gauging systems, cargo and ballast total quantity of oil discharged into the sea does not exceed
pump control systems and valve control systems are central- 1/30 000 of the total quantity of the particular cargo of
ised in a single location, the provisions above may be com- which the residue formed a part.
plied with by the fitting of a level gauge for the indication of
the end of loading, in addition to that required for each tank 3.4.3 Exemptions (1/5/2013)
under [3.3.15]. The readings of both gauges for each tank The provisions of [3.4.4] and [3.4.5] may be waived in the
are to be as near as possible to each other and so arranged following cases:
that any discrepancy between them can be easily detected. • barges engaged exclusively on voyages within 50 miles
Where a tank can be filled only from other tanks, the provi- from the nearest land and of 72 hours or less in duration
sions of [3.3.16] are considered as complied with. and limited to trades between ports or terminals agreed
by the Society, provided that oily mixtures are retained
3.3.17 Tank washing systems (1/5/2013) on board for subsequent discharge to reception facilities
Adequate means are to be provided for cleaning the cargo • carrying products which through their physical proper-
tanks, except on units which: ties inhibit effective product/water separation and moni-
• are dedicated to the same type of cargo for many con- toring, for which the control of discharge is to be
secutive voyages, and effected by the retention of residues on board with dis-
charge of all contaminated washings to reception facili-
• are arranged with segregated ballast tanks according to ties.
Sec 2, [5], and
• do not carry out tank washing on a regular basis, and 3.4.4 Retention of oil on board (1/5/2013)
• use shore services for tank washing and disposal of Adequate means are to be provided for transferring the dirty
washing media and residues, when needed. ballast residue and tank washings from the cargo tanks into
a slop tank approved by the Society.
Crude oil washing systems, when fitted, are to comply with
the provisions of Ch 7, App 2 related to safety. 3.4.5 Capacity of slop tanks (1/5/2013)
The arrangement of the slop tank or combination of slop
Tank washing machines are to be of a type approved by the
tanks is to have a capacity necessary to retain the slop gen-
erated by tank washings, oil residues and dirty ballast resi-
Washing machines are to be made of steel or other electric- dues. The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks is not to be
ity conducting materials with a limited propensity to pro- less than 3% of the oil carrying capacity of the ship, except
duce sparks on contact. that the Society may accept:
Washing pipes are to be built, fitted, inspected and tested in a) 2% for barges where the tank washing arrangements are
accordance with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, such that once the slop tank or tanks are charged with
Sec 10, depending on the kind of washing fluid, water or washing water, this water is sufficient for tank washing
crude oil. and, where applicable, for providing the driving fluid for

RINA Rules 2017 87

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3

eductors, without the introduction of additional water order to ensure that the height of the interface is such
into the system that the discharge does not involve any increased risk of
harm to the marine environment.
b) 2% where segregated ballast tanks are provided, or
where a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil
washing is fitted in accordance with [3.3.17]. This 3.4.9 Discharge stopping (1/5/2013)
capacity may be further reduced to 1,5% for barges Means are to be provided for stopping the discharge into
where the tank washing arrangements are such that the sea of ballast water or oil contaminated water from
once the slop tank or tanks are charged with washing cargo tank areas, other than those discharges below the
water, this water is sufficient for tank washing and, waterline permitted under [3.4.8], from a position on the
where applicable, for providing the driving fluid for
upper deck or above located so that the manifold in use
eductors, without introduction of additional water into
referred to in [3.4.7] and the discharge to the sea from the
the system
pipelines referred to in [3.4.8]] may be visually observed.
c) slop tanks of any size, including absence of dedicated Means for stopping the discharge need not be provided at
slop tanks, for units which: the observation position if a positive communication system
such as a telephone or radio system is provided between
• are dedicated to the same type of cargo for many the observation position and the discharge control position.
consecutive voyages, and
• are arranged with segregated ballast tanks, and 3.4.10 Cargo piping connections to sea chests
• do not carry out tank washing on a regular basis.
On every barge where a sea chest is permanently con-
Barges of 70 000 tonnes deadweight and above are to be fit-
nected to the cargo pipeline system, it is to be equipped
ted with at least two slop tanks.
with both a sea chest valve and an inboard isolation valve.
In addition to these valves, the sea chest is to be capable of
3.4.6 Design of slop tanks (1/5/2013)
isolation from the cargo piping system whilst the barge is
Slop tanks are to be so designed particularly in respect of loading, transporting or discharging cargo by use of a posi-
the position of inlets, outlets, baffles or weirs where fitted, tive means that is to the satisfaction of the Society. Such a
as to avoid excessive turbulence and entrainment of oil or positive means is a facility that is installed in the pipeline
emulsion with the water. system in order to prevent the section of pipeline between
the sea chest valve and the inboard valve being filled with
3.4.7 Pumping, piping and discharge cargo under all circumstances.
arrangements (1/5/2013)
Examples of positive means may take the form of blanks,
In every barge, a discharge manifold for connection to
spectacle blanks, pipeline blinds, evacuation or vacuum
reception facilities for the discharge of dirty ballast water or
systems, or air or water pressure systems. In the event that
oil contaminated water is to be located on the open deck on
both sides of the ship. evacuation or vacuum systems, or air or water pressure sys-
tems are used, then they are to be equipped with both a
pressure gauge and alarm system to enable the continuous
3.4.8 Discharge pipelines (1/5/2013)
monitoring of the status of the pipeline section, and thereby
In every barge, pipelines for the discharge of ballast water the valve integrity, between the sea chest and inboard
or oil contaminated water from cargo tank areas to the sea, valves.
where permitted, are to be led to the open deck or to the
ship side above the waterline in the deepest ballast condi-
tion, except that: 4 Certification, inspection and testing
a) segregated ballast and clean ballast may be discharged
below the waterline: 4.1 Application
• in ports or at offshore terminals, or 4.1.1 (1/5/2013)
• at sea by gravity,
The provisions of this Article are related to cargo piping and
provided that the surface of the ballast water has been other equipment fitted in the cargo area. They supplement
examined immediately before the discharge to ensure those given in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20] for piping systems.
that no contamination with oil has taken place.

b) on every barge at sea, dirty ballast water or oil contami- 4.2 Workshop tests
nated water from tanks in the cargo area, other than slop
tanks, may be discharged by gravity below the water- 4.2.1 Tests for materials (1/5/2013)
line, provided that sufficient time has elapsed in order to
allow oil/water separation to have taken place and the Where required in Tab 4, materials used for pipes, valves
water ballast has been examined immediately before and fittings are to be subjected to the tests specified in Pt C,
the discharge with an oil/water interface detector, in Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.3.2].

88 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3

4.2.2 Hydrostatic testing (1/5/2013) 4.2.5 Summary table (1/5/2013)

a) Where required in Tab 4, cargo pipes, valves, fittings Inspections and tests required for cargo piping and other
and pump casings are to be submitted to hydrostatic equipment fitted in the cargo area are summarised in Tab 4.
tests in accordance with the relevant provisions of Pt C,
Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].
4.3 Shipboard tests
b) Expansion joints and cargo hoses are to be submitted to
hydrostatic tests in accordance with the relevant provi- 4.3.1 Pressure test (1/5/2013)
sions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].
a) After installation on board, the cargo piping system is to
c) Where fitted, bellow pieces of gas-tight penetration
be checked for leakage under operational conditions.
glands are to be pressure tested.
b) The piping system used in crude oil washing systems is
4.2.3 Tightness tests (1/5/2013) to be submitted to hydrostatic tests in accordance with,
Tightness of the following devices is to be checked: Ch 7, App 2, [3.2.1].
• gas-tight penetration glands
• cargo tank P/V and high velocity valves. 4.3.2 Survey of pollution prevention
equipment (1/5/2013)
Note 1: These tests may be carried out in the workshops or on
board. Every oil barge of 150 gross tonnage and above is to be sub-
jected to an initial survey before the ship is put in service, to
4.2.4 Check of the safety valves setting (1/5/2013) ensure that the equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements
The setting pressure of the pressure/vacuum valves is to be and materials fully comply with the relevant provisions of
checked in particular with regard to [3.4.7]. [3.3.17] and [3.4].

Table 4 : Inspection and testing at works (1/5/2013)

Tests for materials Inspections and tests for the products

No. Item Type of material during manu- after comple- Type of product References
Y/N (1)
certificate (2) facturing (1) tion (1) (3) certificate (2)
1 pipes, valves and Y • C where [4.2.1]
fittings of class II ND>100 mm
(see [3.3.1]) • W where [4.2.1]
ND≤100 mm
Y [4.2.2]
Y [4.2.3]
2 expansion joints Y (4) W [4.2.1]
and cargo hoses N
Y [4.2.3]
3 cargo pumps Y W
Y (5) see note
Y [4.2.3] (5)
4 gas-tight penetra- N
tion N
glands Y [4.2.3], [4.2.4]
5 cargo tank P/V Y C [4.2.1]
and Y [4.2.2]
high velocity Y [4.2.5][4.2.3]
valves C [4.2.4]
(1) Y = required, N = not required.
(2) C = class certificate, W = works’ certificate.
(3) includes the checking of the rule characteristics according to the approved drawings.
(4) if metallic.
(5) inspection during manufacturing is to be carried out according to a program approved by the Society.
(6) may also be carried out on board.

RINA Rules 2017 89

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3

Tests for materials Inspections and tests for the products

No. Item Type of material during manu- after comple- Type of product References
Y/N (1)
certificate (2) facturing (1) tion (1) (3) certificate (2)
6 flame arresters N
Y see note (3)
7 Oil discharge N
monitoring and Y (6) see note (3)
control system C
8 Oil/water inter- N
face detector Y (6) see note (3)
(1) Y = required, N = not required.
(2) C = class certificate, W = works’ certificate.
(3) includes the checking of the rule characteristics according to the approved drawings.
(4) if metallic.
(5) inspection during manufacturing is to be carried out according to a program approved by the Society.
(6) may also be carried out on board.

5 Additional requirements for units • in other cases:

with service notation "barge-accom-
modation" bilge pump numeral = 72 ⋅ ---------------
5.1 Bilge system
L : the length of the unit (m), as defined in the
5.1.1 General (1/7/2014) International Convention on Load Lines in
a) The bilge pumping system required in Pt C, Ch 1,
Sec 10, [6] is to be capable of operation under all prac- M : the volume of the machinery space (m3),
ticable conditions after a casualty, whether the unit is that is below the bulkhead deck; with the
upright or listed. For this purpose, wing suctions is gen- addition thereto of the volume of any per-
erally to be fitted except in narrow compartments at the manent oil fuel bunkers which may be situ-
end of the unit where one suction may be sufficient. In ated above the inner bottom and forward of,
compartments of unusual form, additional suctions may or abaft, the machinery space. For the pur-
be required. pose of this item, machinery spaces are
spaces between the watertight boundaries of
b) Arrangements are to be made whereby water in the a space containing the auxiliary machinery,
compartment may find its way to the suction pipes. including boilers and generators. In the case
c) Where, for particular compartments, the Society is satis- of unusual arrangements, the Administration
fied that the provisions of drainage may be undesirable, may define the limits of the machinery
it may allow such provision to be dispensed with if spaces;
damage stability calculations carried out in accordance P : the whole volume of the passenger and
with Sec 2, [1] show that the survival capability of the crew spaces below the bulkhead deck (m3),
unit will not be impaired. which are provided for the accommodation
and use of passengers and crew, excluding
5.1.2 Bilge pumps (1/7/2014) baggage, store, provision and mail rooms;
a) Number and capacity of bilge pumps V : the whole volume of the unit below the
Any unit is to be provided with at least two power bilge bulkhead deck (m3);
pumps connected to the bilge main. For units with the P1 : NK where:
service notation barge-accommodation, where the bilge
N : the number of passengers for
pump numeral is 30 or more, one additional independ-
which the ship is to be certified;
ent power pump is to be provided.
The bilge pump numeral is to be calculated as follows:
K : 0,056 L
• where P1 is greater than P:
Each of the above pumps is to have a capacity not less
than that required in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.7.4].
M + 2P 1
bilge pump numeral = 72 ⋅ ------------------------
- For use of ejectors in lieu of bilge pumps, see Pt C,
V + P1 – P
Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.7.2].

90 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 3

b) Location of bilge pumps the level of the deepest subdivision load line), or is in a
Where practicable, the power bilge pumps are to be duct keel, a non-return valve is to be fitted to the pipe in
placed in separate watertight compartments and so the compartment containing the open end.
arranged or situated that these compartments will not be b) Operation in the case of flooding
flooded by the same damage. If the auxiliary machinery 1) Distribution boxes, cocks and valves in connection
and boilers are in two or more watertight compart- with the bilge pumping system is to be so arranged
ments, the pumps available for bilge service are to be that, in the event of flooding, one of the bilge pumps
distributed as far as is possible throughout these com- may be operative on any compartment; in addition,
partments. damage to a pump or its pipe connecting to the
c) Availability of pumps bilge main outboard of a line drawn at one fifth of
On a unit of 91,5 m in length and upwards or having a the breadth of the unit is to not put the bilge system
bilge pump numeral of 30 or more, as stated in [5.1.2] out of action.
a), the arrangements are to be such that at least one 2) If there is only one system of pipes common to all
power bilge pump will be available for use in all flood- the pumps, the necessary valves for controlling the
ing conditions which the unit is required to withstand, bilge suctions must be capable of being operated
as follows: from above the bulkhead deck.
1) one of the required bilge pumps is to be an emer- 3) Where in addition to the main bilge pumping system
gency pump of a reliable submersible type having a an emergency bilge pumping system is provided, it
source of power situated above the bulkhead deck, is to be independent of the main system and so
or arranged that a pump is capable of operating on any
2) the bilge pumps and their sources of power are to be compartment under flooding condition; in that case,
so distributed throughout the length of the unit that only the valves necessary for the operation of the
at least one pump in an undamaged compartment emergency system need be capable of being oper-
will be available. ated from above the bulkhead deck.
d) Draining capability c) Valve controls
With the exception of additional pumps which may be All cocks and valves referred in [5.1.5] b) which can be
provided for peak compartments only, each required operated from above the bulkhead deck are to have
bilge pump is to be so arranged as to draw water from their controls at their place of operation clearly marked
any space required to be drained. and are to be provided with means to indicate whether
they are open or closed.
5.1.3 Direct bilge suction (1/7/2014)
a) In units subject to subdivision regulations, independent 5.1.6 Bilge system for small units (1/7/2014)
power bilge pumps situated in machinery and/or boiler For units not subject to subdivision regulations, less than 25
spaces are to have direct suctions from these spaces, tons gross tonnage, the bilge system will be specially con-
except that not more than two such suctions are to be sidered by the Society in each single case.
required in any one space.
b) Where two or more such suctions are provided in one 5.2 Ballast system
compartment, there is to be at least one on each side of 5.2.1 (1/7/2014)
the unit. Water ballast should not in general be carried in tanks
c) The Society may require independent power bilge intended for fuel oil. In units in which it is not practicable to
avoid putting water in fuel oil tanks, oily-water separating
pumps situated in other spaces to have separate direct
equipment to the satisfaction of the Society is to be fitted, or
other alternative means, such as discharge to shore facilities
5.1.4 Control location (1/7/2014) are to be provided for disposing of the oily-water ballast.
a) The spindles of the sea inlet and direct suction valves
are to extend well above the engine room platform. 5.3 Special requirements for starting
arrangement of emergency generating
b) Where the pumps are driven by electric motors, their sets
starting equipment are to be located at, or above, the
5.3.1 (1/7/2014)
level of the motors.
The arrangements are to be such that the energy for the first
5.1.5 Provision against bilge system charge of the sources of stored energy for starting the emer-
damage (1/7/2014) gency generator can be produced on board under emer-
a) Damage to the bilge system gency condition, without external aid.
Provision is to be made to prevent the compartment 5.3.2 (1/7/2014)
served by any bilge suction pipe being flooded in the The arrangements are to be such that the emergency gener-
event of the pipe being severed or otherwise damaged ating set is automatically started periodically and kept run-
by collision or grounding in any other compartment. For ning for a predetermined warm-up time. The interval
this purpose, where the pipe is at any part situated between the starting and warm-up periods is not to exceed
nearer the side of the unit than one fifth of the breadth one month, and an alarm is to be given in case of failure of
of the unit (measured at right angles to the centreline at the starting attempts.

RINA Rules 2017 91

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 4



1 General 2.1.2 Independence of piping systems (1/5/2013)

a) Fuel oil systems are to:
1.1 Application • be independent from the cargo piping system
• have no connections with pipelines serving cargo or
1.1.1 (1/5/2013) slop tanks.
The requirements of this Section apply to ships having the
service notation: 2.1.3 Passage through cargo tanks and slop
tanks (1/5/2013)
• Barge-oil, flashpoint > 60°C a) Unless otherwise specified, bilge, ballast and fuel oil
systems serving spaces located outside the cargo area
intended to carry products having flashpoint > 60°C.
are not to pass through cargo tanks or slop tanks. They
1.1.2 Exemptions (1/5/2013) may pass through ballast tanks or void spaces located
within the cargo area.
The requirements in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [11.4.1] b) do not
b) Where expressly, permitted, ballast pipes passing
apply to service tanks.
through cargo tanks are to fulfil the following provi-
The requirements in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [11.4.6] a) do not sions:
apply. • they are to have welded or heavy flanged joints the
number of which is kept to a minimum
1.2 Documents to be submitted • they are to be of extra-reinforced wall thickness as
per Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, Tab 5
1.2.1 (1/5/2013)
• they are to be adequately supported and protected
The documents listed in Ch 7, Sec 5, Tab 1 are to be sub- against mechanical damage.
mitted for approval in four copies.

2 Piping systems other than cargo pip-

ing system

2.1 General

2.1.1 Materials (1/5/2013)

a) Materials are to comply with the provisions of Pt C,
Ch 1, Sec 10.
b) Spheroidal graphite cast iron may be accepted for bilge
and ballast piping.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted for all barges (1/5/2013)

No. A/I (1) Document (2)

1 A Diagram of the bilge system
2 A Diagram of the central priming system intended for the bilge pumps, where provided
3 A Capacity, prime mover and location of the bilge pumps
(1) A: To be submitted for approval in four copies
I: To be submitted for information in duplicate
(2) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation sys-

92 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 4

Table 2 : Additional documents to be submitted for barge-oil (1/5/2013)

No. Document (1)

1 Diagram of cargo piping system
2 Diagram of the cargo tank venting system with indication of the outlet position
3 Diagram of the cargo tank level gauging system with overfill safety arrangements
4 Diagram of the cargo tank cleaning system, if any
5 Diagram of the bilge and ballast systems serving the spaces located in the cargo area
6 Diagram of the cargo heating systems
(1) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation sys-

2.2 Bilge system in ships having no source 2.3 Bilge system in ships having a source of
of electrical power electrical power
2.2.1 General (1/5/2013) 2.3.1 General (1/5/2013)
Where there is no source of electrical power on board,
On board ships having no propelling machinery but having
hand pumps are to be provided, in sufficient number and so
a source of electrical power, mechanical pumps are to be
positioned as to permit an adequate drainage of all the
provided for draining the various compartments of the ship.
compartments of the ship.
The requirement to provide a bilge system and associated 2.3.2 Arrangement of the bilge system (1/5/2013)
hand pumps may be waived in the case of vessels without
The bilge system is to comply with the provisions of Pt C,
persons on board.
Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.3] to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.6] applicable to
2.2.2 Arrangement of the bilge system (1/5/2013) the spaces concerned, except that direct suctions need not
be provided.
The bilge system is to comply with one of the following
2.3.3 Bilge pumps (1/5/2013)
a) at least one pump is to be provided for each compart-
The number and capacity of the bilge pumps are to comply
with the relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.7].
b) at least two pumps connected to a bilge main are to be
provided. The main is to have branch pipes allowing the 2.3.4 Size of bilge pipes (1/5/2013)
draining of each compartment through at least one suc-
The size of bilge pipes is to comply with the relevant
requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6.8].
The spaces served only by hand pumps may be not pro-
vided with air pipes according to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9.1]. 2.3.5 Draining of pump rooms (1/5/2013)
In any event they are anyway to be provided with sounding
means according to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9.2]. Cargo pumps or stripping pumps may be used for draining
cargo pump rooms provided that a screw-down non-return
2.2.3 Hand pumps (1/5/2013) valve is fitted on the bilge suctions.
a) Hand pumps are to be capable of being operated from
positions above the load waterline and are to be readily 2.4 Ballast system
accessible at any time.
b) Hand pumps are to have a maximum suction height not 2.4.1 General (1/5/2013)
exceeding 7,30 m. a) Except where expressly permitted, ballast systems serv-
ing segregated ballast tanks are to be completely sepa-
2.2.4 Size of bilge pipes (1/5/2013)
rated from the cargo oil and fuel oil systems.
a) The internal diameter, in mm, of suction pipes is not to
be less than the diameter given by the following for- b) In barges of 150 gross tonnage and above, no ballast
mula: water is normally to be carried in any fuel oil tank; see
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [7.1.3].
d 1 = ---------- + 50
2.4.2 Pumping arrangements for ballast tanks
where: within the cargo area (1/5/2013)
T : Underdeck tonnage, in tons. The mean intended to pump from segregated ballast tanks is
b) When the ship is subdivided into small watertight com- to be a pump or an eductor used exclusively for dealing
partments, the diameter of these suctions need not with ballast. The ballast system serving the spaces located
exceed 50 mm. outside the cargo area may be used for this purpose.

RINA Rules 2017 93

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 4

2.4.3 Emergency discharge of segregated 2.6 Heating systems intended for cargo
ballast (1/5/2013)
Provisions may be made for emergency discharge of the 2.6.1 General (1/5/2013)
segregated ballast by means of a connection to a cargo Heating systems intended for cargo are to comply with the
pump through a detachable spool piece provided that: relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10.
• non-return valves are fitted on the segregated ballast
connections to prevent the passage of oil to the ballast 3 Cargo pumping and piping systems
tank, and
• shut-off valves are fitted to shut off the cargo and ballast 3.1 General
lines before the spool piece is removed. 3.1.1 (1/5/2013)
The detachable spool piece is to be placed in a conspicuous A complete system of piping is to be fitted for handling the
position in the pump room and a permanent warning notice cargo.
restricting its use is to be displayed in a conspicuous posi-
tion adjacent to it. 3.2 Cargo pumping system

2.4.4 Carriage of ballast water in cargo 3.2.1 Number and location of cargo
tanks (1/5/2013) pumps (1/5/2013)
a) Provisions may made for filling cargo tanks with sea Each cargo tank is to be served by at least one fixed mean of
water, where permitted. Such ballast water is to be dealt discharging and stripping. As an alternative, arrangements
with as per Ch 7, Sec 5, [5]. are to be adopted to make discharge by pumps in the oil
terminal possible, taking into account the NPSHD at the
b) The sea water inlets and overboard discharges serving pumps.
cargo tanks for the purpose of a) are not to have any
connection with the ballast system of segregated ballast 3.2.2 Use of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
tanks. a) Except where expressly permitted in [2.2] and [2.3]
c) Cargo pumps may be used for pumping ballast water to cargo pumps are to be used exclusively for handling the
or from the cargo tanks, provided two shut-off valves are liquid cargo and are not to have any connections to
fitted to isolate the cargo piping system from the sea compartments other than cargo tanks.
inlets and overboard discharges. See also [5.3.4]. b) Subject to their performance, cargo pumps may be used
d) Ballast pumps serving segregated ballast tanks may be for tank stripping.
used for filling the cargo tanks with sea water provided c) Cargo pumps may be used, where necessary, for the
that the connection is made on the top of the tanks and washing of cargo tanks.
consists of a detachable spool piece and a screw-down
non-return valve to avoid siphon effects. 3.2.3 Cargo pump drive (1/5/2013)
Pumps with a submerged electric motor are not permitted
2.4.5 Ballast pipes passing through tanks (1/5/2013) in cargo tanks.
a) In oil barges of 600 tonnes deadweight and above, bal- Note 1: The provisions of this requirement also apply to stripping
last piping is not to pass through cargo tanks except in pumps and ballast pumps.
the case of short lengths of piping complying with Ch 7,
Sec 5, [2.1.3], item b). 3.2.4 Design of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
a) Materials of cargo pumps are to be suitable for the prod-
b) Sliding type couplings are not to be used for expansion
ucts carried.
purposes where ballast lines pass through cargo tanks.
Expansion bends only are permitted. b) The delivery side of cargo pumps is to be fitted with
relief valves discharging back to the suction side of the
pumps (bypass) in closed circuit. Such relief valves may
2.5 Scupper pipes
be omitted in the case of centrifugal pumps with a max-
2.5.1 (1/5/2013) imum delivery pressure not exceeding the design pres-
sure of the piping, with the delivery valve closed.
Scupper pipes are not to pass through cargo tanks except,
where this is impracticable, in the case of short lengths of 3.2.5 Monitoring of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
piping complying with the following provisions:
Cargo pumps are to be monitored as required in Tab 3.
• they are of steel
• they have only welded or heavy flanged joints the 3.2.6 Control of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
number of which is kept to a minimum Cargo pumps are to be capable of being stopped from:
• they are of substantial wall thickness as per Pt C, Ch 1, • a position outside the pump room, and
Sec 10, Tab 23, column 1. • a position next to the pumps.

94 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 4

Table 3 : Monitoring of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)

Equipment, parameter Alarm Indication (1) Comments

pump, discharge pressure L • on the pump (2), or
• next to the unloading control station
(1) L = low
(2) and next to the driving machine if located in a separate compartment

3.3 Cargo piping design are to be provided outside the tank, in order to permit
the emergency control of valves.
3.3.1 General (1/5/2013) c) Valve actuators located inside cargo tanks are not to be
Unless otherwise specified, cargo piping is to be designed operated by means of compressed air.
and constructed according to the requirements of Pt C,
Ch 1, Sec 10 applicable to piping systems of class III, for 3.3.6 Cargo hoses (1/5/2013)
tests, refer to [6]. a) Cargo hoses are to be of a type approved by the Society
for the intended conditions of use.
3.3.2 Materials (1/5/2013)
a) Cargo piping is, in general, to be made of steel or cast b) Hoses subject to tank pressure or pump discharge pres-
iron. sure are to be designed for a bursting pressure not less
than 4 times the maximum pressure under cargo transfer
b) Valves, couplings and other end fittings of cargo pipe conditions.
lines for connection to hoses are to be of steel or other
suitable ductile material. c) The ohmic electrical resistance of cargo hoses is not to
exceed 106 Ω .
c) Spheroidal graphite cast iron may be used for cargo oil
3.4 Cargo piping arrangement and installa-
d) Grey cast iron may be accepted for cargo oil lines:
• within cargo tanks, and
• on the weather deck for pressure up to 1,6 MPa. 3.4.1 Cargo pipes passing through tanks or
compartments (1/5/2013)
It is not to be used for manifolds and their valves of fit-
tings connected to cargo handling hoses. a) Cargo piping and similar piping to cargo tanks is not to
pass through ballast tanks except in the case of short
e) Plastic pipes may be used in the conditions specified in
lengths of piping complying with [2.1.3], item b).
Pt C, Ch 1, App 3. Arrangements are to be made to
avoid the generation of static electricity. b) Cargo piping may pass through vertical fuel oil tanks
adjacent to cargo tanks on condition that the provisions
3.3.3 Connection of cargo pipe lengths (1/5/2013) of [2.1.3], item b) are complied with.
Cargo pipe lengths may be connected either by means of
welded joints or, unless otherwise specified, by means of 3.4.2 Cargo piping passing through
bulkheads (1/5/2013)
flange connections.
Cargo piping passing through bulkheads is to be so
3.3.4 Expansion joints (1/5/2013) arranged as to preclude excessive stresses at the bulkhead.
a) Where necessary, cargo piping is to be fitted with Bolted flanges are not to be used in the bulkhead.
expansion joints or bends.
3.4.3 Valves (1/5/2013)
b) Expansion joints including bellows are to be of a type a) Stop valves are to be provided to isolate each tank.
approved by the Society.
b) A stop valve is to be fitted at each end of the cargo man-
c) Expansion joints made of non-metallic material may be ifold.
accepted only inside tanks and provided they are:
c) When a cargo pump in the cargo pump room serves
• of an approved type
more than one cargo tank, a stop valve is to be fitted in
• designed to withstand the maximum internal and the cargo pump room on the line leading to each tank.
external pressure
d) Main cargo oil valves located in the cargo pump room
• electrically conductive below the floor gratings are to be remote controlled
• sliding type couplings are not to be used for expan- from a position above the floor.
sion purposes where lines for cargo oil pass through
tanks for segregated ballast.
4 Cargo tanks and fittings
3.3.5 Valves with remote control (1/5/2013)
a) Valves with remote control are to comply with Pt C, 4.1 Application
Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.7.3]. 4.1.1 (1/5/2013)
b) Submerged valves are to be remote controlled. In the The provisions of Article [4] apply to cargo tanks and slop
case of a hydraulic remote control system, control boxes tanks.

RINA Rules 2017 95

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 4

4.2 Cargo tank venting 4.4.2 Washing machines (1/5/2013)

4.2.1 (1/5/2013) a) Tank washing machines are to be of a type approved by
The relevant provisions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9] and Pt C, the Society.
Ch 1, Sec 10, [11] are to be complied with. b) Washing machines are to be made of steel or other elec-
Tank venting systems are to open to the atmosphere at a tricity conducting materials with a limited propensity to
height of at least 760 mm above the weather deck. If the produce sparks on contact.
cargo is carried at a temperature exceeding the flashpoint
by more than 15°C, this height is to be increased to 2,4 m. 4.4.3 Washing pipes (1/5/2013)
Tanks may be fitted with venting systems of the open type Washing pipes are to be built, fitted, inspected and tested in
provided with a flame screen. For ships carrying bulk car- accordance with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1,
goes with flashpoint > 100°C, the flame screen may be Sec 10, depending on the kind of washing fluid or water.
4.4.4 Installation of washing systems (1/5/2013)
4.3 Protection against tank overload Tank cleaning openings are not to be arranged in enclosed
4.3.1 General (1/5/2013)
a) Provisions are to be made to guard against liquid rising 5 Prevention of pollution by cargo oil
in the venting system of cargo or slop tanks to a height
which would exceed the design head of the tanks. This
is to be accomplished by high level alarms or overflow 5.1 General
control systems or other equivalent means, together
with gauging devices and cargo tank filling procedures. 5.1.1 Application (1/5/2013)
b) Sufficient ullage is to be left at the end of tank filling to Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of [5.2] and [5.3]
permit free expansion of liquid during carriage. apply only to oil barges of 150 gross tonnage and above.
c) High level alarms, overflow control systems and other
5.1.2 Provisions for oil barges of less than 150
means referred to in a) are to be independent of the gross tonnage (1/5/2013)
gauging systems.
The control of discharge for barges of less than 150 gross
4.3.2 High level alarms (1/5/2013) tonnage is to be effected by the retention of oil on board
a) High level alarms are to be type approved. with subsequent discharge of all contaminated washings to
reception facilities unless adequate arrangements are made
b) High level alarms are to give an audible and visual sig- to ensure that the discharge of any effluent into the sea,
nal at the cargo control station, where provided. where allowed, is effectively monitored to ensure that the
total quantity of oil discharged into the sea does not exceed
4.3.3 Other protection systems (1/5/2013) 1/30 000 of the total quantity of the particular cargo of
a) Where the tank level gauging systems, cargo and ballast which the residue formed a part.
pump control systems and valve control systems are
centralised in a single location, the provisions of [4.3.1] 5.1.3 Exemptions (1/5/2013)
may be complied with by the fitting of a level gauge for
a) The provisions of [5.2] and [5.3] may be waived in the
the indication of the end of loading, in addition to that
following cases:
required for each tank under [4.3.1]. The readings of
both gauges for each tank are to be as near as possible • oil barges engaged exclusively on voyages within 50
to each other and so arranged that any discrepancy miles from the nearest land and of 72 hours or less
between them can be easily detected. in duration and limited to trades between ports or
b) Where a tank can be filled only from other tanks, the terminals agreed by the Society, provided that oily
provisions of [4.3.1] are considered as complied with. mixtures are retained on board for subsequent dis-
charge to reception facilities

4.4 Tank washing systems • oil barges carrying products which through their
physical properties inhibit effective product/water
4.4.1 General (1/5/2013) separation and monitoring, for which the control of
Adequate means are to be provided for cleaning the cargo discharge is to be effected by the retention of resi-
tanks except on units which: dues on board with discharge of all contaminated
washings to reception facilities.
• are dedicated to the same type of cargo for many con-
secutive voyages, and b) Where, in the view of the Society, the equipment
• are arranged with segregated ballast tanks, and referred to in [5.3.1] and [5.3.2] is not obtainable for the
monitoring of discharge of oil refined products (white
• do not carry out tank washing on a regular basis, and oils), compliance with such requirements may be
• use shore services for tank washing and disposal of waived provided that discharge is performed only in
washing media and residues, when needed. accordance with the applicable procedures.

96 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 4

5.2 Retention of oil on board to the ship side above the waterline in the deepest ballast
condition, except that:
5.2.1 General (1/5/2013)
a) segregated ballast and clean ballast may be discharged
Adequate means are to be provided for transferring the dirty below the waterline:
ballast residue and tank washings from the cargo tanks into
a slop tank approved by the Society. • in ports or at offshore terminals, or

5.2.2 Capacity of slop tanks (1/5/2013) • at sea by gravity,

The arrangement of the slop tank or combination of slop provided that the surface of the ballast water has been
tanks is to have a capacity necessary to retain the slop gen- examined immediately before the discharge to ensure
erated by tank washings, oil residues and dirty ballast resi- that no contamination with oil has taken place.
dues. The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks is not to be
less than 3% of the oil carrying capacity of the ship, except b) on every oil barge at sea, dirty ballast water or oil con-
that the Society may accept: taminated water from tanks in the cargo area, other than
slop tanks, may be discharged by gravity below the
a) 2% for oil tankers where the tank washing arrangements waterline, provided that sufficient time has elapsed in
are such that once the slop tank or tanks are charged order to allow oil/water separation to have taken place
with washing water, this water is sufficient for tank and the water ballast has been examined immediately
washing and, where applicable, for providing the driv- before the discharge with an oil/water interface detector
ing fluid for eductors, without the introduction of addi- referred to in [5.3.3], in order to ensure that the height
tional water into the system of the interface is such that the discharge does not
b) 2% where segregated ballast tanks are provided. This involve any increased risk of harm to the marine envi-
capacity may be further reduced to 1,5% for oil tankers ronment.
where the tank washing arrangements are such that
once the slop tank or tanks are charged with washing 5.3.3 Discharge stopping (1/5/2013)
water, this water is sufficient for tank washing and,
where applicable, for providing the driving fluid for Means are to be provided for stopping the discharge into
eductors, without introduction of additional water into the sea of ballast water or oil contaminated water from
the system. cargo tank areas, other than those discharges below the
waterline permitted under [5.3.2], from a position on the
c) Slop tanks of any size, including absence of dedicated upper deck or above located so that the manifold in use
slop tanks, for units which: referred to in [5.3.1] and the discharge to the sea from the
• are dedicated to the same type of cargo for many pipelines referred to in [5.3.2] may be visually observed.
consecutive voyages, and Means for stopping the discharge need not be provided at
the observation position if a positive communication system
• are arranged with segregated ballast tanks, and such as a telephone or radio system is provided between
• do not carry out tank washing on a regular basis. the observation position and the discharge control position.

Oil barges of 70 000 tonnes deadweight and above are to

5.3.4 Cargo piping connections to sea
be fitted with at least two slop tanks. chests (1/5/2013)
5.2.3 Design of slop tanks (1/5/2013) Where a sea chest is permanently connected to the cargo
Slop tanks are to be so designed particularly in respect of pipeline system, it is to be equipped with both a sea chest
the position of inlets, outlets, baffles or weirs where fitted, valve and an inboard isolation valve. In addition to these
as to avoid excessive turbulence and entrainment of oil or valves, the sea chest is to be capable of isolation from the
emulsion with the water. cargo piping system whilst the barge is loading, transporting
or discharging cargo by use of a positive means that is to the
satisfaction of the Society. Such a positive means is a facility
5.3 Pumping, piping and discharge arrange- that is installed in the pipeline system in order to prevent
ments the section of pipeline between the sea chest valve and the
inboard valve being filled with cargo under all circum-
5.3.1 Discharge manifold (1/5/2013) stances.
In every oil barge, a discharge manifold for connection to Examples of positive means may take the form of blanks,
reception facilities for the discharge of dirty ballast water or spectacle blanks, pipeline blinds, evacuation or vacuum
oil contaminated water is to be located on the open deck on systems, or air or water pressure systems. In the event that
both sides of the ship. evacuation or vacuum systems, or air or water pressure sys-
tems are used, then they are to be equipped with both a
5.3.2 Discharge pipelines (1/5/2013) pressure gauge and alarm system to enable the continuous
In every oil barge, pipelines for the discharge of ballast monitoring of the status of the pipeline section, and thereby
water or oil contaminated water from cargo tank areas to the valve integrity, between the sea chest and inboard
the sea, where permitted, are to be led to the open deck or valves.

RINA Rules 2017 97

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 4

6 Certification, inspection and testing 6.2.3 Tightness tests (1/5/2013)

Tightness of the following devices is to be checked:
6.1 Application • gas-tight penetration glands
• cargo tank P/V and high velocity valves.
6.1.1 (1/5/2013)
Note 1: These tests may be carried out in the workshops or on
The provisions of this Article are related to cargo piping and
other equipment fitted in the cargo area. They supplement
those given in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20] for piping systems. 6.2.4 Check of the safety valves setting (1/5/2013)
The setting pressure of the pressure/vacuum valves is to be
6.2 Workshop tests checked in particular with regard to Sec 3, [4.2.4].

6.2.1 Tests for materials (1/5/2013) 6.2.5 Summary table (1/5/2013)

Inspections and tests required for cargo piping and other
Where required in Tab 4, materials used for pipes, valves
equipment fitted in the cargo area are summarised in Tab 4.
and fittings are to be subjected to the tests specified in Pt C,
Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.3.2].
6.3 Shipboard tests
6.2.2 Hydrostatic testing (1/5/2013)
6.3.1 Pressure test (1/5/2013)
a) Where required in Tab 4, cargo pipes, valves, fittings After installation on board, the cargo piping system is to be
and pump casings are to be submitted to hydrostatic checked for leakage under operational conditions.
tests in accordance with the relevant provisions of Pt C,
Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4]. 6.3.2 Survey of pollution prevention
equipment (1/5/2013)
b) Expansion joints and cargo hoses are to be submitted to
Every oil barge of 150 gross tonnage and above is to be sub-
hydrostatic tests in accordance with the relevant provi-
jected to an initial survey before the ship is put in service, to
sions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].
ensure that the equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements
c) Where fitted, bellow pieces of gas-tight penetration and materials fully comply with the relevant provisions of
glands are to be pressure tested. [4.4] and [5].

Table 4 : Inspection and testing at works (1/5/2013)

Tests for materials Inspections and tests for the products

No. Item Type of material during manu- after comple- Type of product References
Y/N (1)
certificate (2) facturing (1) tion (1) (3) certificate (2)
1 pipes, valves and Y • C where [6.2.1]
fittings of class II ND>100 mm
(see [3.3.1]) • W where [6.2.1]
ND≤100 mm
Y [6.2.2]
Y [6.2.3]
2 expansion joints Y (4) W [6.2.1]
and cargo hoses N
Y [6.2.3]
3 cargo pumps Y W
Y (5) see note
Y [6.2.3] (5)
4 gas-tight penetra- N
tion N
glands Y [6.2.3], [6.2.4]
(1) Y = required, N = not required.
(2) C = class certificate, W = works’ certificate.
(3) includes the checking of the rule characteristics according to the approved drawings.
(4) if metallic.
(5) inspection during manufacturing is to be carried out according to a program approved by the Society.
(6) may also be carried out on board.

98 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 4

Tests for materials Inspections and tests for the products

No. Item Type of material during manu- after comple- Type of product References
Y/N (1)
certificate (2) facturing (1) tion (1) (3) certificate (2)
5 cargo tank P/V Y C [6.2.1]
and Y [6.2.2]
high velocity Y [6.2.3], [6.2.4],
valves C [6.2.5]
6 flame arresters N
Y see note (3)
7 Oil discharge N
monitoring and Y (6) see note (3)
control system C
8 Oil/water inter- N
face detector Y (6) see note (3)
(1) Y = required, N = not required.
(2) C = class certificate, W = works’ certificate.
(3) includes the checking of the rule characteristics according to the approved drawings.
(4) if metallic.
(5) inspection during manufacturing is to be carried out according to a program approved by the Society.
(6) may also be carried out on board.

RINA Rules 2017 99

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 5


1 General Reg. 45.4.3 apply to ships subject to the SOLAS Conven-

1.1 Application
1.5 Electrical equipment
1.1.1 (1/5/2013)
1.5.1 (1/5/2013)
The requirements in this Section apply, in addition to those
contained in Part C, Chapter 2, to ships with the service Electrical equipment, cables and wiring are not to be
notation barge-oil. installed in hazardous locations unless they conform with
standards not inferior to those given in IEC 60092-502
1.2 Exemptions
However, for locations not covered by such standards, elec-
1.2.1 (1/5/2013) trical equipment, cables and wiring which do not conform
The requirements in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.2.1] and [2.3.1] to the standards may be installed in hazardous locations
are not applicable in the case of vessels without persons on based on a risk assessment to the satisfaction of the Society,
board. to ensure that an equivalent level of safety is assured.

1.3 Documentation to be submitted 1.6 Earth detection

1.3.1 (1/5/2013) 1.6.1 (1/5/2013)
In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C, Ch 2, For both insulated and earthed distribution systems a
Sec 1, Tab 1, the following are to be submitted for approval: device, or devices, are to be installed to continuously mon-
a) plan of hazardous areas itor the insulation to earth and to give an audible and visual
alarm at a manned position in the event of an abnormally
b) document giving details of types of cables and safety
low level of insulation resistance and/or high level of leak-
characteristics of the equipment installed in hazardous
age current.
The above is not applicable to systems mentioned in
c) diagrams of tank level indicator systems, high level
alarm systems and overflow control systems where
1.7 Precautions against inlet of gases or
1.4 System of supply vapours
1.7.1 (1/5/2013)
1.4.1 (1/5/2013)
Suitable arrangements are to be provided, to the satisfaction
Earthed systems with hull return are not permitted, with the
of the Society, so as to prevent the possibility of gases or
following exceptions to the satisfaction of the Society:
vapours passing from a gas-dangerous space to another
a) impressed current cathodic protective systems space through runs of cables or their conduits.
b) limited and locally earthed systems, such as starting and
ignition systems of internal combustion engines, pro- 1.8 Electrical equipment permitted in haz-
vided that any possible resulting current does not flow ardous areas
directly through any hazardous area
1.8.1 (1/5/2013)
c) insulation level monitoring devices, provided that the Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas is that
circulation current of the device does not exceed 30 mA indicated in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.4], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3,
under the most unfavourable conditions [10.1.5], and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.6].
d) intrinsically safe systems. 1.8.2 (1/5/2013)
1.4.2 (1/5/2013) In addition to the requirements of [1.8.1], in Zone 1 and
In insulated distribution systems, no current carrying part is Zone 2 the installation of the following is permitted:
to be earthed, other than: hull fittings containing the terminals or shell plating pene-
a) through an insulation level monitoring device trations for anodes or electrodes of animpressed current
cathodic protection system, or transducers such as those for
b) through components used for the suppression of inter-
depth sounding or log systems, provided that such fittings
ference in radio circuits.
are of gas-tight construction or housed within a gas-tight
1.4.3 (1/5/2013) enclosure, and are not located adjacent to a cargo tank
The additional limitations in the choice of the system of bulkhead. The design of such fittings or their enclosures and
supply (type of distribution system) as per SOLAS Ch.II-1 the means by which cables enter, as well as any testing to

100 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 5

establish their gas-tightness, are to be to the satisfaction of 1.9 Special requirements for barge-oil carry-
the Society. The associated cables are to be protected by ing flammable liquids having a flash
means of heavy gauge steel pipes with gas-tight joints. point not exceeding 60°C
1.8.3 (1/5/2013)
The explosion group and temperature class of electrical 1.9.1 Hazardous area classification (1/5/2013)
equipment of a certified safe type are to be at least IIA and
For hazardous area classification see Tab 1.
T3 in the case of ships arranged for the carriage of crude oil
or other petroleum products.
Other characteristics may be required for dangerous prod- 1.10 Special requirements for barge-oil carry-
ucts other than those above. ing flammable liquids having a flash
1.8.4 (1/5/2013) point exceeding 60°C
Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces (not containing a source
of hazard) having a direct opening, including those for ven- 1.10.1 Hazardous area classification (1/5/2013)
tilation, into any hazardous area, are to be designated as the For hazardous area classification see Tab 2.
same hazardous zone as the area in which the opening is
located. 1.10.2 Cargoes heated to a temperature above their
Electrical installations are to comply with the requirements flash point and cargoes heated to a
for the space or area into which the opening leads. temperature within 15°C of their flash
point (1/5/2013)
Note 1: For openings, access and ventilation conditions affecting
the extent of hazardous areas, see IEC Standard 60092-502. The requirements under [1.9] apply.

Table 1 : Classification of hazardous areas

for barge-oil carrying flammable liquids having a flash point not exceeding 60°C (1/5/2013)

Hazardous area
N. Description
1 Interior of cargo tanks, slop tanks, any pipework of pressure relief or other venting systems for cargo and Zone 0
slop tanks, pipes and equipment containing cargo or developing flammable gases or vapours.
2 Void spaces adjacent to, above or below integral cargo tanks. Zone 1
3 Hold spaces containing independent cargo tanks. Zone 1
4 Cofferdams and permanent (for example, segregated) ballast tanks adjacent to cargo tanks. Zone 1
5 Cargo pump rooms. Zone 1
6 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces immediately above cargo tanks (e.g. ‘tweendecks) or having bulkheads Zone 1
above and in line with cargo tank bulkheads, unless protected by a diagonal plate acceptable to the Soci-
7 Spaces other than cofferdams, adjacent to and below the top of a cargo tank (e.g. trunks, passageways Zone 1
and holds) as well as double bottoms and pipe tunnels below cargo tanks.
8 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 3 m of any cargo tank outlet, gas or Zone 1
vapour outlet, cargo manifold valve, cargo valve, cargo pipe flange, cargo pump room ventilation outlets
and cargo tank openings for pressure release provided to permit the flow of small volumes of gas or
vapour mixtures caused by thermal variation.
9 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck above and in the vicinity of any cargo gas Zone 1
outlet intended for the passage of large volumes of gas or vapour mixture during cargo loading and bal-
lasting or during discharging, within a vertical cylinder of unlimited height and 6m radius centred upon
the centre of the outlet, and within a hemisphere of 6m radius below the outlet.
10 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 1,5m of cargo pump room entrances, Zone 1
cargo pump room ventilation inlets, openings into cofferdams or other Zone 1 spaces.
11 Areas on open deck within spillage coamings surrounding cargo manifold valves and 3 m beyond these, Zone 1
up to a height of 2,4 m above the deck.
12 Areas on open deck over all cargo tanks (including all ballast tanks within the cargo tank area) where Zone 1
structures are restricting the natural ventilation and to the full breadth of the ship plus 3m fore and aft of
the forward-most and aft-most cargo tank bulkhead, up to a height of 2,4m above the deck.
13 Compartments for cargo hoses. Zone 1
14 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which pipes containing cargoes are located. Zone 1

RINA Rules 2017 101

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 5

Hazardous area
N. Description
15 Areas 2m beyond the area defined in item 8. Zone 2
16 Areas of 1,5 m surrounding open or semi-enclosed spaces of Zone 1. Zone 2
17 Areas 4m beyond the cylinder and 4m beyond the sphere defined in item 9. Zone 2
18 Areas on open deck extending to the coamings fitted to keep any spills on deck and away from the Zone 2
accommodation and service areas and 3m beyond these up to a height of 2,4m above the deck.
19 Areas on open deck over all cargo tanks (including all ballast tanks within the cargo tank area) where Zone 2
unrestricted natural ventilation is guaranteed and to the full breadth of the ship plus 3m fore and aft of the
forward-most and aft-most cargo tank bulkhead, up to a height of 2,4m above the deck surrounding open
or semi-enclosed spaces of Zone 1.
20 Spaces forward of the open deck areas to which reference is made in item 12 and item 18, below the Zone 2
level of the main deck, and having an opening on the main deck or at a level less than 0,5m above the
main deck, unless:
a) the entrances to such spaces do not face the cargo tank area and, together with all other openings to
the spaces, including ventilation system inlets and exhausts, are situated at least 5m from the fore-
most cargo tank and at least 10m measured horizontally from any cargo tank outlet or gas or vapour
outlet; and
b) the spaces are mechanically ventilated.

Table 2 : Hazardous areas classification for barge-oil carrying flammable liquids having a flash point
exceeding 60°C unheated or heated to a temperature below and not within 15°C of their flash point (1/5/2013)

Hazardous area
No. Description
1 Interior of cargo tanks, slop tanks, any pipework of pressure relief or other vent- Zone 2
ing systems for cargo and slop tanks, pipes and equipment containing cargo.

2 Electrical installation for units with interfere with services essential for safety in any other such
service notation "barge-accommo- zone.

dation" This requirement will be met if main and emergency feeders

passing through any such zone are separated both vertically
2.1 Application and horizontally as widely as is practicable.

2.1.1 (1/7/2014) 2.3.2 (1/7/2014)

The requirements in this item [2] apply, in addition to those For generators arranged to operate in parallel and for indi-
contained in Part C, Chapter 2, to ships with the service
vidually operating generators, arrangements are to be made
notation barge-accommodation.
to disconnect automatically the excess load when the gen-
erators are overloaded in such a way as to prevent a sus-
2.2 Documentation to be submitted tained loss of speed. The operation of such a device is to
2.2.1 (1/7/2014) activate a visual and audible alarm.
The documentation dealing with the electrical system for 2.3.3 (1/7/2014)
watertight door and fire door systems is to be submitted for
approval. Supplementary lighting is to be provided in all cabins to
clearly indicate the exit so that occupants will be able to
2.3 Electrical distribution and protection find their way to the door. Such lighting, which may be con-
nected to an emergency source of power or have a self-con-
2.3.1 (1/7/2014) tained source of electrical power in each cabin, is to
Distribution systems are to be so arranged that a fire in any automatically illuminate when power to the normal cabin
main vertical zone as defined in Part C, Chapter 4 will not lighting is lost and remain on for a minimum of 30 min.

102 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 5

2.4 Control station specified therein, if they depend upon an electrical

source for their operation.
2.4.1 (1/7/2014)
e) An indicator is to be mounted in a suitable place on the
Where the navigation bridge is not provided, all the control,
main switchboard or in the machinery control room to
alarm, indication and communication equipment is to be
indicate when the batteries constituting either the emer-
centralized at a central control station which is to be contin-
gency source of electrical power or the transitional
uously manned by a responsible member of the staff.
source of emergency electrical power referred to in c)
and d) are being discharged.
2.5 Main source of electrical power f) If the services which are to be supplied by the transi-
2.5.1 (1/7/2014) tional source receive power from an accumulator bat-
The main source of electrical power is to consist of at least tery by means of semiconductor converters, means are
two generating sets. to be provided for supplying such services also in the
event of failure of the converter (e.g. providing a bypass
The capacity of these main sets is to be such that in the feeder or a duplicate converter).
event of any one generating set being stopped it will still be
g) Provision is to be made for the periodical testing of the
possible to supply those services necessary to provide:
complete emergency system and is to include the testing
a) normal operational conditions and safety; of automatic starting arrangements. Testing at regular
b) minimum comfortable conditions of habitability. intervals is to also cover load operation.
Minimum comfortable conditions of habitability include at h) The emergency source of electrical power may be either
least adequate services for lighting, cooking, heating, a generator or an accumulator battery, which are to
domestic refrigeration, mechanical ventilation, sanitary and comply with the provisions of i) or j), respectively.
fresh water; they also include refrigerators for air-condition- i) Where the emergency source of electrical power is a
ing, unless the unit is only operated in cold-temperate and generator, it is to be:
cold areas. 1) driven by a suitable prime mover with an independ-
Such capacity is, in addition, to be sufficient to start the ent supply of fuel having a flashpoint (closed cup
largest motor without causing any other motor to stop or test) of not less than 43°C;
having any adverse effect on other equipment in operation. 2) started automatically upon failure of the electrical
supply to the emergency switchboard from the main
2.5.2 (1/7/2014) source of electrical power and are to be automati-
Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.2.5] does not apply. cally connected to the emergency switchboard;
those services referred to in [2.6.2] a) shall then be
2.6 Emergency source of electrical power transferred automatically to the emergency generat-
and emergency installations ing set. The automatic starting system and the char-
acteristics of the prime mover are to be such as to
2.6.1 General (1/7/2014) permit the emergency generator to carry its full rated
load as quickly as is safe and practicable, subject to
a) Provided that suitable measures are taken for safeguard-
a maximum of 45 s; and
ing independent emergency operation under all circum-
stances, the emergency generator may be used, 3) provided with a transitional source of emergency
exceptionally, and for short periods, to supply non- electrical power according to k).
emergency circuits. j) Where the emergency source of electrical power is an
accumulator battery, it is to be capable of:
Exceptionally, is understood to mean conditions such
as: 1) carrying the emergency electrical load without
recharging while maintaining the voltage of the bat-
1) blackout situation tery throughout the discharge period within 12%
2) dead ship situation above or below its nominal voltage;
2) automatically connecting to the emergency switch-
3) routine use for testing board in the event of failure of the main source of
4) short-term parallel operation with the main source electrical power; and
of electrical power for the purpose of load transfer. 3) immediately supplying at least those services speci-
b) Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.3.2] does not apply fied in [2.6.2] d).
k) The transitional source of emergency electrical power
c) The emergency source of electrical power is to be capa-
required by i) (3) is to consist of an accumulator battery
ble, having regard to starting currents and the transitory
which is to operate without recharging while maintain-
nature of certain loads, of supplying simultaneously at
ing the voltage of the battery throughout the discharge
least the services stated in [2.6.2] a) for the period spec-
period within 12% above or below its nominal voltage
ified, if they depend upon an electrical source for their
and be so arranged as to supply automatically in the
event of failure of either the main or emergency source
d) The transitional source of emergency electrical power, of electrical power at least the services in [2.6.2] d) if
where required, is to be of sufficient capacity to supply they depend upon an electrical source for their opera-
at least the services stated in [2.6.2] d) for the periods tion.

RINA Rules 2017 103

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 5

2.6.2 Distribution of electrical power (1/7/2014) cars may be brought to deck level sequentially in
a) The emergency source of electrical power is to be capa- an emergency.
ble of supplying simultaneously at least the following b) Internal communication equipment required in an
services for the periods specified hereafter, if they emergency generally includes:
depend upon an electrical source for their operation:
1) for a period of 36 hours, emergency lighting: 1) the means of communication between the navigat-
ing bridge and the position in the machinery space
• at every muster and embarkation station and
or control room from which the engines are nor-
over the sides;
mally controlled
• in alleyways, stairways and exits giving access to
the muster and embarkation stations; 2) the means of communication which is provided
• in all service and accommodation alleyways, between the officer of the watch and the person
stairways and exits, personnel lift cars; responsible for closing any watertight door which is
not capable of being closed from a central control
• in the machinery spaces and main generating
stations including their control positions;
• in all control stations, machinery control rooms, 3) the public address system or other effective means
and at each main and emergency switchboard; of communication throughout the accommodation,
• at all stowage positions for firemen's outfits; public and service spaces
• at emergency hospitals, if any; 4) the means of communication between the navigat-
• at the fire pump, the sprinkler pump and the ing bridge and the main fire control station.
emergency bilge pump referred to in (d) below
c) Internal signals required in an emergency generally
and at the starting position of their motors;
• in all cabins, unless this supplementary lighting
has a self-contained source of electrical power 1) general alarm
in each cabin;
2) watertight door indication
2) for a period of 36 hours:
• the navigation lights and other lights required by 3) Fire door indication.
the International Regulations for Preventing Col- d) The transitional source of emergency electrical power
lisions at Sea in force; and required is to supply at least the following services if
• the radio installations they depend upon an electrical source for their opera-
3) for a period of 36 hours: tion:
• all internal communication equipment required 1) for half an hour:
in an emergency (see b));
• the lighting required by [2.6.2] a) 1) and a) 2);
• the fire detection and fire alarm system, the fire
door holding and release system; and • all services required by [2.6.2] a) 3) first two bul-
• intermittent operation of the daylight signalling lets) unless such services have an independent
lamp, the ship's whistle, the manually operated supply for the period specified from an accumu-
call points and all internal signals (see c)) that lator battery suitably located for use in an emer-
are required in an emergency, gency.
unless such services have an independent supply for 2) It is also to supply power to close the watertight
the period of 36 hours from an accumulator battery doors as required by Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [6], but not
suitably located for use in an emergency; necessarily all of them simultaneously, unless an
4) for a period of 36 hours: independent temporary source of stored energy is
• one of the fire pumps required by the relevant provided.
provisions of Part C, Chapter 4; 3) Power to the control, indication and alarm circuits
• the automatic sprinkler pump, if any; and as required by Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [6], for half an
• the emergency bilge pump and all the equip- hour.
ment essential for the operation of electrically
powered remote controlled bilge valves;
2.7 Escape lighting system
• the sanitary and mechanical ventilation to pro-
vide minimum comfortable conditions of habita- 2.7.1 (1/7/2014)
bility; In addition to the emergency lighting required in [2.6.2] a)
5) for a period of half an hour: 1), an escape lighting system is to be provided that is to be
• any watertight doors required by Pt B, Ch 2, switched on automatically in the event of failure of the
Sec 1, [6] to be power operated together with main and emergency power supply and that can operate for
their indicators and warning signals; at least three hours.
• the emergency arrangements to bring the lift cars Note 1: Alternatively, any other means of lighting which is at least
to deck level for the escape of persons. The lift as effective may be accepted by the Society.

104 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 19, Sec 5

2.7.2 (1/7/2014) f) In addition to any function provided for routine use

aboard the ship, the system is to have an emergency
The escape lighting systems are to be supplied by batteries function control at each control station which:
located within the lighting units that are continuously
charged, where practicable, from the emergency switch- 1) is clearly indicated as the emergency function,
board. 2) is protected against unauthorised use,

Any failure of the lamp will be immediately apparent. Any 3) automatically overrides any other input system or
accumulator battery provided is to be replaced at intervals program, and
having regard to the specified service life in the ambient 4) automatically overrides all volume controls and
conditions that they are subject to in service. on/off controls so that the required volume for the
emergency mode is achieved in all spaces.
2.7.3 (1/7/2014)
g) The system is to be installed with regard to acoustically
The escape lighting systems are to: marginal conditions, so that emergency announcements
are clearly audible above ambient noise in all spaces
a) illuminate all escape routes; where crew/staff members or guests, or both, are nor-
mally present (accommodation and service spaces and
b) illuminate lifeboat stations and the sea where life boats control stations and open decks), and at assembly sta-
and life rafts are to be launched. tions (i.e. muster stations).
h) With the ship in normal conditions, the minimum sound
2.8 General emergency alarm and public pressure level for broadcasting emergency announce-
address systems ments is to be:
1) in interior spaces 75 dB (A) and at least 20 dB (A)
2.8.1 General emergency alarm system (1/7/2014) above the speech interference level, and

a) Electrical cables and apparatus for the general emer- 2) in exterior spaces 80 dB (A) and at least 15 dB (A)
above the speech interference level.
gency alarm system and their power supply are to be
arranged so that the loss of the system in any one area i) The system is to be arranged to prevent feedback or
due to localised fire is minimised. other interference.
j) The system is to be arranged to minimise the effect of a
b) Where the fire alarm to summon the crew/staff operated
single failure so that the emergency messages are still
from the navigating bridge or fire control station is part
audible (above ambient noise levels) also in the event of
of the ship's general alarm system, it is to be capable of
failure of any one circuit or component.
being sounded independently of the alarm in the public
spaces. k) Each loudspeaker is to be individually protected against
2.8.2 Public address system (1/7/2014) l) For cables used for the public address system, see Pt C,
Ch 2, Sec 3, [9.6], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11, [5.2.1] and Pt C,
a) The public address system is to be one complete system Ch 2, Sec 11, [5.2.4].
consisting of a loudspeaker installation which enables
m) All areas of each fire zone are to be served by at least
simultaneous broadcast of messages from the navigation
two dedicated loops of flame-retardant cables which are
bridge and at least one other location on board for use
to be sufficiently separated throughout their length and
when the navigation bridge has been rendered unavaila-
supplied by two separate and independent amplifiers.
ble due to the emergency, to all spaces where crew/staff
members or guests, or both, are normally present
(accommodation and service spaces and control sta- 2.9 Installation
tions and open decks), and to assembly stations (i.e.
2.9.1 Section and distribution boards (1/7/2014)
muster stations).
Cubicles and cupboards in areas which are accessible to
b) The public address system is to be arranged to operate any guest are to be lockable.
on the main source of electrical power, the emergency
source of electrical power and transitional sources of 2.10 Type approved components
electrical power as required by [2.6.2].
2.10.1 (1/7/2014)
c) The controls of the system on the navigation bridge are Components for Low-Location Lighting systems (LLL) in
to be capable of interrupting any broadcast on the sys- escape routes are to be type approved or in accordance
tem from any other location on board. with [2.10.2].

d) The system is not to require any action by the addressee. 2.10.2 (1/7/2014)
Case-by-case approval based on the submission of ade-
e) It is to be possible to address crew/staff accommodation quate documentation and execution of tests may also be
and work spaces separately from guest spaces. granted at the discretion of the Society.

RINA Rules 2017 105

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 20







RINA Rules 2017 107

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 1


1 General
Table 1 (1/1/2007)

1.1 Application Main subject Reference

1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chap- Ship arrangement Sec 2
ter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation Hull and stability Sec 3
fishing vessel, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.10].
Machinery Sec 4
1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with
Electrical installations Sec 5
the requirements stipulated in Parts A, B, C and D, as appli-
cable, and with the requirements of this Chapter, which are Automation (1)
specific to fishing vessels.
Fire protection, detection and extinction (1)

1.2 Summary table (1) No specific requirements for fishing vessels are given in
this Chapter.
1.2.1 Tab 1 indicates, for ready reference, the Sections of
this Chapter containing specific requirements applicable to
fishing vessels.

RINA Rules 2017 109

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 2


1 General arrangement design 1.1.4 Openings in collision bulkhead

Openings in the collision bulkhead below the working deck
are not allowed.
1.1 Subdivision arrangement
Where penetration of the collision bulkhead is necessary for
1.1.1 General piping, arrangements are to be fitted to maintain the water-
tight integrity and strength, with suitable valves operable
Fishing vessels are to be fitted with at least the following from above the freeboard deck, whose valve chest is to be
transverse watertight bulkheads: secured at the bulkhead inside the fore peak.
• one collision bulkhead Where the collision bulkhead extends above the working
deck, openings above the working deck are allowed pro-
• one after peak bulkhead
vided that they are supplied with weathertight means of clo-
• two bulkheads forming the boundaries of the machinery sure.
space in ships with machinery amidships, and a bulk-
head forward of the machinery space in ships with 1.1.5 Openings in watertight bulkheads
machinery aft. The number of openings in watertight bulkheads is to be
kept to a minimum compatible with the design and proper
1.1.2 Disposition of collision bulkhead (1/7/2006) working of the ship.
For vessels equal to or greater than 45 m in length, the colli- Where penetration of watertight bulkheads and internal
sion bulkhead is to be located at a distance from the for- decks is necessary for access, piping, ventilation, electrical
ward perpendicular FPLL of not less than 5% and no more cables, etc., arrangements are to be fitted to maintain the
than 8% of the length LLL of the ship. watertight integrity and strength.

For vessels less than 45 m in length, the collision bulkhead

1.2 Cofferdams
is to be located at a distance from the forward perpendicu-
lar FPLL of not less than 5% of the length LLL of the ship and 1.2.1 Cofferdams are to be provided between compart-
not more than 5% of the length LLL + 1,35 m. In no case is ments intended for liquid hydrocarbons (fuel oil, lubricating
this distance to be less than 2 m. For vessels less than 24 m oil) and those intended for fresh water or boiled feed water.
in length it is not necessary that the minimum distance is 2
m. In any case for vessels less than 12 m in length with nav- 1.2.2 Cofferdams separating fuel oil tanks from lubricating
igation notation up to “coastal area” it is not necessary to oil tanks and such tanks from those intended for the car-
install a collision bulkhead. riage of fresh water or boiler feed water may not be required
when deemed impracticable or unreasonable by the Society
Where any part of the ship below the waterline extends for-
in relation to the characteristics and dimensions of such
ward of the forward perpendicular, e.g a bulbous bow, the
tanks, provided that:
above distances, in m, are to be measured from a point
either: • the thickness of common boundary plates of adjacent
tanks is increased by 1 mm with respect to that obtained
• at the mid-length of such extension, or according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1
• at a distance 1,5% of the length LLL of the ship forward • the tank structural test is carried out with a head
of the forward perpendicular, where this distance is increased by 1 m with respect to that specified in Pt B,
lesser. Ch 12, Sec 3, [2].

1.1.3 Height of transverse watertight 1.2.3 Spaces intended for the carriage of flammable liq-
bulkheads (1/7/2006) uids are to be separated from accommodation and service
spaces by means of a cofferdam. Where accommodation
The bulkheads in [1.1.1] are to be watertight up to the and service spaces are arranged immediately above such
working deck. spaces, the cofferdam may be omitted only where the deck
Where a long forward superstructure is fitted, the collision is not provided with access openings and is coated with a
bulkhead is to be extended weathertight to the next deck layer of material recognised as suitable by the Society.
above the freboard deck. The extension need not be fitted The cofferdam may also be omitted where such spaces are
directly above the bulkhead below provided it is located adjacent to a passageway, subject to the conditions in
within the limits prescribed in [1.1.2] and the part of the [1.2.2] for the avoidance of cofferdams between fuel oil and
deck which forms the step is made effectively watertight. lubricating oil tanks.

110 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 2

2 Bow height least 0,15 L abaft the forward perpendicular, or, if a

forecastle is fitted it is to be extended for a length of
at least 0,07 L abaft the forward perpendicular;
2.1 Vessels of not less than 24 m in length
2.1.1 (1/7/2006) b) where, during the fishing operation, the catch is to be
stowed in fish holds through hatchways which are situ-
For vessels of not less than 24 m in length the following
ated on an exposed working deck protected by a deck-
requirements are to be applied:
house or superstructure, the minimum bow height is to
a) where, during the fishing operations, the catch is to be be in accordance with Regulation 39 of Annex I to the
stowed in fish holds through hatchways which are situ- International Loadline Convention 1966, but is to be not
ated on an exposed working deck forward of the deck- less than 2000 mm. In this respect the maximum per-
house or superstructure, the minimum bow height is to missible operating draught is to be used in place of the
be calculated in accordance with the following method: assigned summer freeboard for the purpose of determin-
1) the bow height is defined as the minimum vertical ing the minimum bow height.
distance from the deepest waterline to the top of the
highest exposed deck measured at the forward per- 2.2 Vessels of length less than 24 m
2) the determination of the bow height (HB) required
2.2.1 (1/7/2006)
may be based upon the following formula: For vessels of length less than 24 m and having navigation
notation greater than “coastal area”, the bow height is to be
not less than the following:
H B = K 1 L ⋅  1 + -----

H B = 0, 09L ⋅  1 – ----------
where: L
 270
L is the length of the vessel, in m;
K1 and K2 are coefficients depending upon the areas For the evaluation of HB the same requirements as stated in
of operation and L as in Tab 1; [2.1.1]a)3) and [2.1.1]a)4) may be applied.
3) for vessels with navigation notation “coastal area” 2.2.2 (1/7/2006)
the value of the bow height calculated according to For vessels less than 24 m in length and having navigation
the formula in a) 2) may be reduced by 15%; notation “coastal area”, the minimum freeboard height is to
4) where the bow height required is obtained by sheer, be not less than 0,1 B. In any case such value is to be not
this is to be extended from the stem for a length of at less than 0,30 m.

Table 1 (1/7/2006)

Area of operation L K1 K2

Extreme conditions with significant wave height up to and icluding 8 24 ≤ L ≤ 110 m 0,09 - 270
L > 110 m 4,959/L 600
Extreme conditions with significant wave height above 8 m 24 ≤ L ≤ 110 m 0,117 - 220
L > 110 m 5,991/L 1484

RINA Rules 2017 111

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3


x, y, z : X, Y and Z co-ordinates, in m, of the calculation 1 Stability
point with respect to the reference co-ordinate
system defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]
1.1 Intact stability
k : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4,
Sec 1, [2.3] 1.1.1 Application
pE : Bottom design pressure, in kN/m2, for ships less The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B,
than 65 m in length, to be obtained from the fol- Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.13], with the assumptions in [1.1.2], is to
lowing formula: be in compliance with the requirements in [1.1.3].

(T – z) 1.1.2 Assumptions for calculating loading

p E = 5L 1 ⁄ 3 1 – ----------------- + 10 ( T – z ) + p A for z ≤ T conditions
1⁄3 10 The assumptions for calculating the loading conditions in
p E = ( 5L + p A ) ------------------------------ for z > T Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.13] are as follows:
10 + ( z – T )
• allowance is to be made for the weight of the wet fishing
pA : Additional pressure, in kN/m2, for ships less
nets and tackle, etc., on deck
than 65 m in length, to be obtained from the fol-
lowing formulae: • allowance for icing, where this is anticipated to occur, is
to be made in accordance with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [6]
p A = 0, 17L – 1, 7x for 0 ≤ x < 0 ,1L
• in all cases the cargo is to be assumed to be homoge-
pA = 0 for 0,1L ≤ x < 0 ,8L
nous unless this is inconsistent with practice
p A = 2, 25 ( x – 0, 8L ) for 0,8L ≤ x ≤ L
• deck cargo is to be included if such a practice is antici-
pD : Bottom design pressure, in kN/m2, for ships less pated
than 65 m in length, to be obtained from the fol- • water ballast is normally to be included only if carried in
lowing formulae: tanks which are specially provided for this purpose.
p D = max ( 10T ; 6 ,6D ) for T/D ≥ 0 ,5
1.1.3 Intact stability criteria
p D = 10T + 2 ,5L + pA for T/D < 0 ,5
• The general intact stability criteria in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2,
pL : Liquid design pressure, for ships less than 65 m [2] are to be applied to fishing vessels equal to or greater
in length, to be taken as the greater of the values than 24 m in length, except for the requirements below.
obtained, in kN/m2 from the following formulae: • The initial metacentric height GMo is to be not less than
p L = 10 [ ( h a + z TOP ) – z ] 0,35 m for single deck vessels.
2 • The metacentric height GMo may be reduced to the sat-
p L = 10 --- ( z AP – z )
3 isfaction of the Society but in no case is GMo to be less
ha : Distance, to be obtained, in m, from the follow- than 0,15 m for vessels with complete superstructure or
vessels equal to or greater than 70 m in length.
ing formula:
ha = 1+0,05(L-50) without being taken less than Where arrangements other than bilge keels are provided to
limit the angle of roll, the above stability criteria are to be
maintained in all operating conditions.
zTOP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the
tank in the z direction 1.1.4 Relaxation of the Rules for ships of length
zAP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the top of the air pipe of L < 24 m (1/7/2003)
the tank in the z direction For decked ships of length less than 20 m, when a practical
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate stability test has been carried out as foreseen in Pt B, Ch 3,
panel or spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners, or Sec 1, [3.2], the initial metacentric height GMo is to be not
spacing, in m, of primary supporting members, less than 0,50 m in all the expected loading conditions dur-
as applicable ing the ship's service.
 : Length, in m, of the longer side of the plate For ships without decks, the residual freeboard on the
panel or span, in m, of ordinary stiffeners, meas- heeled side due to the practical crowding test is to be not
ured between the supporting members, or span, less than 0,20 m.
in m, of primary supporting members, as appli- For ships of length less than 24 m, the requirements relevant
cable (to be taken according to Pt B, Ch 4, to the righting arm diagrams need not be complied with; in
Sec 3, [3.2] and Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.1]). any event, for ships of length greater than 20 m, the inclin-

112 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

ing experiment is to be carried out and the booklet with 3 Hull scantlings of ships less than 65
instructions for the Master is to be prepared.
m in length
1.1.5 Severe wind and rolling criterion (weather
criterion) 3.1 General
The requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [3] are to be com-
plied with by: 3.1.1 Application
The requirements in [3.1] to [3.12] apply to structures
• fishing vessels equal to or greater than 45 m in length
located aft of the collision bulkhead. The remaining
• fishing vessels in the length range between 24 m and 45 requirements of [3] apply to other items, as specified.
m, with the values of wind pressure defined in Tab 1,
depending on the vertical distance h, in m, measured 3.1.2 Scantling reduction depending on the
from the centre of the projected vertical area of the ship navigation notation
above the waterline to the waterline. The requirements of [3] apply for the structural scantling of
ships having the unrestricted navigation notation.
Table 1 : Values of wind pressure For ships with restricted navigations, the required scantling
may be reduced by the percentages specified in Tab 2,
Vertical distance h, in m Wind pressure, in kN/m2 depending on the navigation notation assigned to the ship.
1 0,316
2 0,386 Table 2 : Scantling reduction percentages depending
on the navigation notation
3 0,429
4 0,460 Navigation notation Reduction
5 0,485 Summer zone 5%
6 and over 0,504 Tropical zone 10%
Coastal area
1.1.6 Icing Sheltered area 16%
For vessels operating in areas where ice accretion is Note 1: For sternframes, bulkheads and decks, 50% of the
expected, the requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [6] are to reduction applies.
be complied with.
3.1.3 Gross scantling
2 Hull scantlings of ships equal to or All scantlings referred to in [3] are gross, i.e. they include
greater than 65 m in length the margins for corrosion.

3.2 Longitudinally framed single bottom

2.1 Plating
3.2.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and
2.1.1 The net thickness of bottom, side and deck plating is primary supporting members
to be increased by 0,5 mm with respect to that calculated
The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1 or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3, as appli-
supporting members are to be not less than both the values
obtained from the formulae in Tab 3 and the minimum val-
ues in the table.
2.2 Aft ramp
3.3 Transversely framed single bottom
2.2.1 Plating of the aft ramp and the lower part of
the aft ramp side
3.3.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and
The net thickness of plating of the aft ramp and the lower primary supporting members
part of the aft ramp side is to be increased by 2 mm with The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
respect to that calculated according to Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 2, [3] supporting members are to be not less than both the values
for side plating with the same plate panel dimensions. obtained from the formulae in Tab 4 and the minimum val-
In any case, these net thicknesses are to be not less than ues in the table.
3.4 Bilge
2.2.2 Plating of the upper part of the aft ramp side
The net thickness of plating of the upper part of the aft ramp 3.4.1 Bilge plating thickness
side is to be not less than the value calculated according to The thickness of bilge plating is to be not less than that of
Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 2, [3] for side plating with the same plate the adjacent bottom or side plating, whichever is the
panel dimensions. greater.

RINA Rules 2017 113

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

Table 3 : Scantlings of longitudinally framed single bottom structures

Element Formulae Minimum value

Plating Thickness, in mm (1): Minimum thickness, in mm:
t = 7,2 s (Tk)1/2 t = 0,06 Lk0.5 + 4,0
Ordinary stiffeners Section modulus, in cm3:
w = 0,8 s2 pDk

Floors Section modulus, in cm3: Minimum web plate thickness, in mm:

w = s 2 pDk t = 6,0

Girders (2) Web thickness, in mm:

• t = 0,06 Lk1/2 + 5,0 for centre girders
• t = 0,06 Lk1/2 + 4,0 for side girders.

Minimum face plate area, in cm2:

• A = 8,0 for centre girders
• A = 5,0 for side girders.

Where considered as floor supports, section modulus, in cm3:

w = s 2 pDk

(1) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision and
after peak bulkheads, 80% of the value obtained from this formula, without being less than 5 mm.
(2) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, the web thickness and the flange area may be gradually tapered such as to
reach, at the collision and after peak bulkheads, 80% of the values obtained from these formulae.

Table 4 : Scantlings of transversely framed single bottom structures

Element Formula Minimum value

Plating Thickness, in mm (1): Minimum thickness, in mm:
t = 8,5 s (Tk)1/2 t = 0,06 Lk1/2 + 4,0
Floors Section modulus, in cm3 (2):
w = 0,43 s 2 pDk
Web plate thickness, in mm:
t = 10 hW+ 2,0

Girders (3) Web thickness, in mm:

• t = 0,06 Lk1/2 + 5,0 for centre girders
• t = 0,06 Lk1/2 + 4,0 for side girders.

Minimum face plate area, in cm2:

• A = 8,0 for centre girders
• A = 5,0 for side girders.
Note 1:
hw : Height, in m, of floors at the centreline to be taken not less than B/16.
(1) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision and
after peak bulkheads, 80% of the value obtained from this formula, without being less than 5 mm.
(2) For ordinary stiffeners located within the engine room area, the required section modulus is to be increased by 40% with
respect to that obtained from this formula.
(3) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, the web thickness and the flange area may be gradually tapered such as to
reach, at the collision and after peak bulkheads, 80% of the values obtained from these formulae.

114 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

3.5 Double bottom 3.7.2 Plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary

supporting members
3.5.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
primary supporting members
supporting members are to be not less than both the values
The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary obtained from the formulae in Tab 6 and the minimum val-
supporting members are to be not less than both the values ues in the table.
obtained from the formulae in Tab 5 and the minimum val-
ues in the table. 3.7.3 Sheerstrake thickness
For ship greater than 20 m in length, the thickness of the
3.6 Open floors in transversely framed dou-
sheerstrake is to be increased by 1 mm with respect to that
ble bottom obtained from the formulae in [3.7.2]. In any case, it is to be
3.6.1 Frames not less than that of the stringer plate.
The section modulus of frames constituting open floors is to
be not less than the value obtained, in cm3, from the follow- 3.8 Decks
ing formula:
w = 0,8s2pD 3.8.1 Stringer plate width

where: The width of the stringer plate is to be not less than the
value obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
 : Span, in m, of transverse ordinary stiffeners con-
stituting the open floor (see Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, b = 800 + 5 L
[3.2.2] ).
3.8.2 Minimum scantlings of pillars
3.6.2 Reverse frames
The thickness, in mm, of hollow (tubular or rectangular) pil-
The section modulus of reverse frame constituting open
lars is to be not less than the greater of 5 mm and d / 35,
floors is to be not less than the value obtained, in cm3, from where d is the nominal diameter, in mm, for tubular pillar
the following formula: cross-sections or the larger side, in mm, for rectangular pil-
w = 0,7s2pD lar cross-sections.
where: The thickness, in mm, of the face plate of built-up pillars is
 : as indicated in [3.6.1]. to be not less than bf / 36, where bf is the face plate width,
in mm.
3.7 Side
3.8.3 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and
3.7.1 Sheerstrake width primary supporting members
For ship greater than 20 m in length, the width of the sheer- The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
strake is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm, from supporting members are to be not less than both the values
the following formula: obtained from the formulae in Tab 8 and the minimum val-
b = 500 + 100 D ues in the table.

RINA Rules 2017 115

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

Table 5 : Scantlings of double bottom structures

Element Formula Minimum value

Bottom plating As specified in: Minimum thickness, in mm:
• [3.2] for longitudinally framed structure t = 0,06 Lk1/2 + 4,0
• [3.3] for transversely framed structure.
Bottom ordinary stiff- Section modulus, in cm3:
eners w = 0,8 s 2 pDk
Inner bottom plating Thickness, in mm, the greater of: (1) (2) (3): Minimum thickness, in mm:
• t = 0,04 Lk1/2 + 5 s + 2 t = 5,0
• t=1,35s(pLk)1/2 (6)
Inner bottom ordi- Section modulus, in mm, the greater of:
nary stiffeners • w = 0,8 s 2 pDk
• w=0,465s2pLk (6)
Centre girder Web thickness, in mm (4): Minimum web thickness, in mm:
22B + 25 ( T + 10 ) 0 ,5 t = 6,0
t = --------------------------------------------- k + 4

Side girders Web thickness, in mm (4): Minimum web thickness, in mm:

• For transversely framed structure: t = 6,0
22B + 25 ( T + 10 ) 0 ,5
t = --------------------------------------------- k + 3

• For longitudinally framed structure:

t = 0,054 Lk1/2 + 4,5
Floors Web thickness, in mm (5): Minimum web thickness, in mm:
22B + 25 ( T + 10 ) 0 ,5 t = 6,0
t = f s  --------------------------------------------- k + 1
 100 

Note 1:
fs : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
• 1,1 for longitudinally framed structure
• 1,0 for transversely framed structure.
(1) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision and
after peak bulkheads, 90% of the value obtained from this formula.
(2) For plating located within the engine room area, this thickness is to be increased by 10% with respect to that obtained from this
(3) For margin plates inclined downward with respect to the inner bottom plating, this thickness is to be increased by 20% with
respect to that obtained from this formula.
(4) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision and
after peak bulkheads, a thickness reduced by 2 mm with respect to that obtained from this formula.
(5) For floors located within the engine room with transversely framed structure, this thickness is to be increased by 1 mm with
respect to that obtained from this formula.
(6) To be considered only for double bottoms intended for the carriage of ballast.

116 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

Table 6 : Scantlings of side structures

Element Formula Minimum value

Plating Thickness, in mm (1): Minimum thickness, in mm:
• for longitudinally framed structure: t = 4,0
t = 6,1 s (Tk)1/2
• for transversely framed structure:
t = 7,2 s (Tk)1/2
Ordinary stiffeners Section modulus, in cm3: Minimum section modulus, in cm3:
• for longitudinal ordinary stiffeners: w = 20
w = 0,675 s 2 pEk
• for transverse frames (2) :
w = 0 ,75s p H f c Rk

Primary supporting Section modulus, in cm3:

members • for longitudinal and vertical primary supporting members:
w = K CR s p H k

• in addition, for vertical primary supporting members not

associated with side girders, in ships with a transversely
framed side:
n S h 2 B
w = 0 ,75s   p E + --------------
- k
 12 

Note 1:
pH : Design pressure, in kN/m2, to be obtained from the following formula:
pH = pE+0,083h2B
For transverse frames of ‘tweendecks:
• pH is to be taken not less than 0,37L where the upper end is located below the full load waterline
• pH is to be taken not less than 0,23L - 2dP where the upper end is located above the full load waterline and aft of the
collision bulkhead
• pH is to be taken not less than 0,3L where the upper end is located above the full load waterline and forward of the
collision bulkhead.
dp : Vertical distance, in m, measured between the design deck (first deck above the full load waterline extending for at least
0,6L) and the deck above the frame
h2 : Sum of the heights, in m, of all ‘tweendecks above the deck located at the top of the frame without being taken less than
2,5m; for ‘tweendecks intended as accommodation decks and located above the design deck (first deck above the full
load waterline extending for at least 0,6L), half of the height may be taken; for ‘tweendecks above a deck which is longi-
tudinally framed and supported by deck transverses, a height equal to 0 may be taken
fc : Coefficient depending on the type of connection and the type of frame as defined in Tab 7
R : Coefficient depending on the location of the ordinary stiffeners:
• R = 0,8 for ordinary stiffeners in hold and engine room
• R = 1,4 for ordinary stiffeners in ‘tweendecks.
KCR : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
• KCR = 0,4 for vertical primary supporting members located outside machinery spaces and not associated with side
girders, in ships with a transversely framed side
• KCR = 0,5 for vertical primary supporting members located inside machinery spaces and not associated with side gird-
ers, in ships with a transversely framed side
• K CR = 0,9 in other cases.
nS : Number of transverse ordinary stiffener spaces between vertical primary supporting members.
(1) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision and
fore peak bulkheads, 80% of the value obtained from this formula, without being less than 5 mm.
(2) Where the span is the same, it is not necessary to assume a section modulus of ‘tweendeck frame greater than that of the frame

RINA Rules 2017 117

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

Table 7 : Coefficient fC p2 = 3,0

p2 = 1,3 p1
Type of connection Type of frame fC
for pillars located below exposed deck areas
Brackets at both ends Hold frames 0,62
• p2 = 0,6 p0, for pillars located below unex-
‘Tweendeck frames 0,80 posed accommodation areas and above the
Bracket at one end and with- Hold or ‘tweendeck 1,20 strength deck
out bracket at the other frames • p2 = p0 in other cases
Without brackets at both Hold or ‘tweendeck 1,20 p0, p1 : Design pressures, in kN/m2, defined in Tab 9
ends frames λ : Slenderness of the pillar, to be obtained from
the following formula:
3.8.4 Scantlings of pillars subjected to compressive
λ = 100  / ρ
axial load
The area of solid, tubular or prismatic pillars made of steel, ρ : Minimum radius of gyration, in cm, of the pillar
having ultimate minimum tensile strength within the range cross-section
400-490 N/mm2, and of pillars consisting of hollow profiles AD : Area, in m2, of the portion of the deck sup-
made of steel, having ultimate minimum tensile strength ported by the pillar considered
within the range 400-540 N/mm2, subjected to compression QN : Load from pillar above, in kN, if any, or any
axial load is to be not less than the value obtained, in cm2, other concentrated load
from the following formula:
d : Nominal diameter, in mm, for tubular pillar
0, 7A D p 2 + Q N cross-sections or the larger side, in mm, for rec-
A = --------------------------------------
12, 5 – 0, 045λ tangular pillar cross-sections
where: bf : face plate width, in mm
p2 : Design pressure, in kN/m2, to be taken equal to: Scantlings of pillars other than those above are to be con-
• the greater of: sidered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.

Table 8 : Scantlings of deck structures

Element Formula Minimum value

Strength deck plating Thickness, in mm (1): Minimum thickness, in mm:
• t = 5 s + 0,022 Lk1/2 + 2,5 t = 6,0
for longitudinally framed structure
• t = 6 s + 0,026 Lk1/2 + 3,0
for transversely framed structure.
Lower deck and plat- Thickness, in mm (1): Minimum thickness, in mm:
form plating • for longitudinally framed structure, the greater of: t = 5,0
- t = 5 s + 0,022 Lk1/2 + 1,5
- t = 10 s
• for transversely framed structure, the greater of:
- t = 6 s + 0,026 Lk1/2 + 2,0
- t = 10 s
Ordinary stiffeners Section modulus, in cm3:
w = 0,45 C1 s 2 (p0 + p1) k
Primary supporting Section modulus, in cm3:
members w = 0,1 C2 C3 s 2 (p0 + p1) k
Moment of inertia, in cm4:
I = 2,5 w 
Note 1:
p 0, p 1 Design pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Tab 9
C1 :
Coefficient, defined in Tab 10
C2 :
Coefficient, defined in Tab 11
C3 :
Coefficient equal to:
• C3 = 1,00 for weather deck area located forward of the collision bulkhead
• C3 = 0,50 in other cases.
(1) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision bulk-
head, 80% of the value obtained from this formula.

118 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

Table 9 : Deck design pressure

Type of deck (2) Location p0, in kN/m2 p1, in kN/m2

Decks located below the Any location • 10hTD in general 0

design deck • 9 for accommodation
Design deck Exposed area, forward 15 • 37-dp for primary supporting members
of 0,075L • 23 for ordinary stiffeners
Exposed area, aft of 11 Girders and longitudinal ordinary stiffeners:
0,075L • 14 for single deck ships
• 10 for other ships
Other structures:
• 18 for single deck ships
• 12 for other ships
Unexposed area • 10hTD in general 0
• 9 for accommodation
Decks located above the Exposed area, forward 15 • 37-dp for primary supporting members
design deck and to which of 0,075L • 23-dp for ordinary stiffeners
side plating extends
Exposed area, aft of • 10 in general • 15,4(T/D0)-dp with 0,7≤T/D0 ≤0,85 in
0,075L • 3 for shelter decks general
• 0 for higher decks
Unexposed area • 10hTD in general 0
• 9 for accommodation
Decks located above the Exposed area, aft of • 5 in general • 15,4(T/D0)-dp with 0,7≤T/D0 ≤0,85 in
design deck and to which 0,075L • 3 for shelter decks general
side plating does not • 0 for higher decks
Unexposed area • 10hTD in general 0
• 9 for accommodation
Note 1:
dp : Vertical distance, in m, measured from the deck under consideration to the design deck (2)
hTD : ‘Tweendeck height, in m
D0 : Vertical distance, in m, measured from the design deck to the base line.
(1) For platforms and flats located in the machinery space, p0+p1 is to be not less than 25 kN/m2.
(2) Design deck: first deck above the full load waterline extending for at least 0,6L.

Table 10 : Coefficient C1 Table 11 : Coefficient C2

Type of ordi-
Location C1 Type of pri-
nary stiffener
mary support- Location C2
Longitudinal Strength deck and decks below, 1,44 ing member
within 0,4 L amidships
Longitudinal Constituting longitudinal coamings 7,25
Strength deck, forward of 0,12 L 1,00 (deck girder) of hatchways on the strength deck
from the fore end
Other 4,75
Other 0,63
Transverse Constituting front beams of hatch- 5,60
Transverse Single span or end span 0,56 (deck beam) ways on the strength deck
Intermediate span 0,63 Other 4,75

RINA Rules 2017 119

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

3.8.5 Scantlings of pillars subjected to compressive 3.9 Tank bulkheads

axial load and bending moments
The scantlings of pillars subjected to compression axial load 3.9.1 The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and pri-
and bending moments are to be considered by the Society mary supporting members are to be not less than both the
on a case-by-case basis. values obtained from the formulae in Tab 12 and the mini-
mum values in the table.
3.8.6 Stringer plate thickness
The thickness of the stringer plate is to be increased by 1 3.10 Watertight bulkheads
mm with respect to that obtained from the formulae in
[3.8.3]. In any case, it is to be not less than that of the sheer- 3.10.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and
strake. primary supporting members
The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
3.8.7 Deck plating in way of masts and fishing
devices supporting members are to be not less than both the values
obtained from the formulae in Tab 13 and the minimum
In way of masts and fishing devices, the deck thickness is to
values in the table.
be increased by 25% with respect to that obtained from the
formulae in [3.8.3].
3.11 Non-tight bulkheads
3.8.8 Deck plating protected by wood sheathing or
deck composition 3.11.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and
The thickness of deck plating protected by wood sheathing, primary supporting members
deck composition or other arrangements deemed suitable The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
by the Society may be reduced by 10% with respect to that supporting members are to be not less than both the values
obtained from the formulae in [3.8.3]. In any case, this obtained from the formulae in Tab 14 and the minimum
thickness is to be not less than 5 mm. values in the table.

Table 12 : Scantlings of tank bulkheads

Element Formula Minimum value

Plating Thickness, in mm: Minimum thickness, in mm:
t=1,35s(p Lk)1/2 t = 5,5

Ordinary stiffeners Section modulus, in cm3 (1): Minimum section modulus, in cm3
w = 0,465s2pLk w=20,0

Primary supporting members Section modulus, in cm3

w = s  2pL k

(1) For ordinary stiffeners without brackets at both ends, this modulus is to be increased by 90% with respect to that obtained from
this formula.

Table 13 : Scantlings of watertight bulkheads

Element Formula Minimum value

Plating Thickness, in mm (1): Minimum thickness, in mm:
t = 3,8 s (hk)1/2 t = 5,0

Ordinary stiffeners Section modulus, in cm3 (2): Minimum section modulus, in cm3:
w = 3 s 2 hBk w = 10,0

Primary supporting members Section modulus, in cm3 (3):

w = 6 s 2 hBk

Note 1:
h : Vertical distance, in m, between the lowest point of the plating and the highest point of the bulkhead.
hB : Vertical distance, in m, between the mid-span point of the ordinary stiffener and the highest point of the bulkhead.
(1) For the lower strake, this thickness is to be increased by 1 mm with respect to that obtained from this formula.
(2) For ordinary stiffeners without brackets at both ends, this modulus is to be increased by 90% with respect to that obtained from
this formula.
(3) For the collision bulkhead, this modulus is to be increased by 12,5% with respect to that obtained from this formula.

120 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

Table 14 : Scantlings of non-tight bulkheads The floor dimensions and scantlings are to be not less than
the values obtained from Tab 15.
Element Formula In no case may the above scantlings be less than the values
Plating Minimum thickness, in mm: obtained from the formulae in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.6.2] for
• t = 5,0 for bulkhead acting as the corresponding side transverses.
3.13.2 Centre girder
• t = 4,0 for bulkhead not acting
as pillar.
Where no centreline bulkhead is fitted, a centre bottom
girder is to be fitted having dimensions and scantlings not
Vertical ordinary stiff- Net section modulus, in cm3: less than those specified in [3.13.1] for floors.
eners • w = 2,65 s 2k for bulkhead The centre bottom girder is to be connected to the collision
acting as pillar bulkhead by means of a large end bracket.
• w = 2,00 s 2 k for bulkhead
not acting as pillar. 3.13.3 Side girders
Side girders, having dimensions and scantlings not less than
those specified in [3.13.1] for floors, are generally to be fit-
3.12 Connection of the fore part with the
ted every two longitudinals, in line with bottom longitudi-
structures located aft of the collision nals located aft of the collision bulkhead. Their extension is
bulkhead to be compatible in each case with the shape of the bottom.

3.12.1 Where the area between 0,15 L from the forward 3.14 Fore peak transversely framed bottom
perpendicular and the collision bulkhead is transversely
framed, side girders are to be fitted in line with those of the 3.14.1 Floors
fore peak. The floor dimensions and scantlings are to be not less than
The web of such side girders is to be made of intercostal those specified in Tab 15.
plates and the face plate is to be made of a flat bar continu-
3.14.2 Centre girder
ous across the vertical primary supporting members and
connected to them. Where no centreline bulkhead is fitted, a centre bottom
girder is to be fitted in accordance with Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 1,
The thickness t of plates, in mm, and the area A of the flat [2.4.3].
bar, in cm2, are to be not less than the values obtained from
the following formula: 3.15 Fore peak longitudinally framed side
t = 0,032 Lk +6 3.15.1 Side transverses
without being taken less than 6,5 mm. Side transverses are to extend to the upper deck and the
ends of every span are to be amply faired in way of bottom
A = 0,11 Lk + 5,5 and deck transverses.
without being taken less than 8 cm2. The section modulus is to be not less than the value
obtained, in cm3, from the following formula:
3.12.2 The above-mentioned side girders may be omitted w = s  2 p Ek
provided that the thickness of the side plating in the corre-
sponding zone of the ship is increased by 20% with respect 3.15.2 Horizontal rings
to that obtained from the formulae in [3.7]. The platforms in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.9] may be replaced by
equivalent structures consisting of horizontal rings (side
3.13 Fore peak longitudinally framed bottom girders, horizontal webs on the collision bulkhead and lon-
gitudinal centreline bulkhead, if any, or a substantial breast-
hook on the stem) supported by struts in way of side
3.13.1 Floors
transverses. The struts are to be firmly connected by means
Floors are to be fitted at every four frame spaces and, in of vertical pillars and longitudinal primary supporting mem-
general, spaced no more than 2,5 m apart. bers.

Table 15 : Longitudinally framed bottoms - Floor dimensions and scantlings

Dimension or scantling Value

Web height, in m hM = 0,085 D + 0,15

Web thickness, in mm To be not less than the value obtained from the formulae in [3.5] for double bottom floors aft of
the collision bulkhead; in any case, it need not be taken greater than 11,5 mm.

Floor flange sectional area, in cm2 AP = 1,85 D

RINA Rules 2017 121

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

3.16 Fore peak transversely framed side 3.16.7 Panting beam of considerable length
Panting beams of considerable length are generally to be
3.16.1 Ordinary stiffeners (side frames) supported at the centreline by a wash bulkhead or pillars
Side frames fitted at every frame spacing are to have the arranged both horizontally and vertically.
same vertical extension as the collision bulkhead.
3.16.8 Non-tight platforms
The section modulus is to be not less than the value
obtained, in cm3, from the following formula: Non-tight platforms may be fitted in lieu of side girders and
panting beams. Their scantlings are to be in accordance
w = 0,9 s 2 pEk with [3.17].
3.16.2 Side girders
3.17 Fore peak platforms
Depending on the hull body shape and structure aft of the
collision bulkhead, one or more adequately spaced side 3.17.1 General
girders per side are to be fitted.
The number and depth of non-tight platforms within the
The section modulus of the side girder is to be not less than peak is to be considered by the Society on a case-by-case
the value obtained in [3.7]. basis.
Moreover, the breadth b, in mm, and the thickness t, in mm,
of the side girder web are generally to be not less than the 3.17.2 Minimum thickness of non-tight platforms
values obtained from the following formulae: The thickness of non-tight platforms is to be not less than 4
bA = 2,5 (180 + L)
tA = 6,5 +0,02 Lk1/2. 3.17.3 Ordinary stiffeners of non-tight platforms
The section modulus of ordinary stiffeners of non-tight plat-
3.16.3 Panting structures forms is to be not less than the value obtained, in cm3, from
In order to withstand the panting loads, horizontal struc- the following formula:
tures are to be provided. These structures are to be fitted at a
w = 0,2 s 2k
spacing in general not exceeding 1,2 m and consist of side
girders supported by panting beams, so as to form a 3.17.4 Platform transverse primary supporting
strengthened ring structure. members
Panting beams, which generally consist of sections having The sectional area of platform transverse primary supporting
the longer side vertically arranged, are to be fitted every two members, calculated considering a width of attached plat-
frames. ing whose sectional area is equal to that of the transverse
flange, is to be not less than the value obtained, in cm2,
3.16.4 Connection between panting beams, side from the following formula:
frames and side girders
Every panting beam is to be connected to the side trans- pE dS bS k
A = -------------------
verses by means of brackets whose lengths are generally to 10C P
be not less than twice the panting beam depth. where:

3.16.5 Connection between side frames and side pE : Design pressure, acting at the ends of the plat-
girders form transverse primary supporting member in
Side transverses not supporting panting beams are to be the direction of its axis
connected to side girders by means of brackets having the dS : Half of the longitudinal distance, in m, between
same thickness as that of the side girder and arms which are the two transverse primary supporting members
to be not less than one half of the breadth of the side girder. longitudinally adjacent to that under considera-
3.16.6 Panting beam scantlings
bS : Half of the vertical distance, in m, between the
The area AB, in cm2, and the inertia JB, in cm4, of the panting two transverse primary supporting members
beam section are to be not less than the values obtained vertically adjacent to that under consideration
from the following formulae:
CP : Coefficient, to be taken equal to:
AB = 0,55 L - 20
CP = 1 for ----- ≤ 70
JB = 0,37 (0,5 L - 18) bB2 rP
where: d d
C P = 1 ,7 – 0 ,01 -----P for 70 < -----P ≤ 140
rP rP
bB : Beam length, in m, measured between the inter-
nal edges of side girders or the internal edge of When dP / rP > 140, the scantlings of the trans-
the side girder and any effective central or lat- verse primary supporting member are to be con-
eral support. sidered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
Where side girder spacing is other than 2 m, the values AB dP : Distance, in cm, from the face plate of the side
and JB are to be modified according to the relation between transverse and that of the bulkhead vertical
the actual spacing and 2 m. web, connected by the platform transverse pri-

122 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

mary supporting member, measured at the level TF < 0,03 L

of the transverse primary supporting member where TF is the minimum forward draught, in m, among
rP : Radius of gyration of the transverse primary sup- those foreseen in operation for all the loading conditions.
porting member, to be obtained, in cm, from the
following formula: 3.19.2 Arrangement of longitudinally framed bottom
Solid floors are to be fitted at every two frame spaces.
rP = ----- Adequately spaced side girders are to be fitted or, as an
alternative, ordinary stiffeners having increased scantlings
J : Minimum moment of inertia, in cm4, of the may be fitted.
transverse primary supporting member consid-
ered 3.19.3 Arrangement of transversely framed bottom
AE 2
: Actual sectional area, in cm , of the transverse Solid floors are to be fitted at every frame spacing.
section of the transverse primary supporting Side girders with a depth equal to that of the floors are to be
member considered. fitted.

3.18 Bulbous bow 3.19.4 Plating

The thickness of the flat bottom forward area plating is to be
3.18.1 General not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following
Where a bulbous bow is fitted, fore peak structures are to
effectively support the bulb and are to be adequately con- t = 0,1 Lk1/2 + 10 s
nected to its structures.
3.19.5 Ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting
3.18.2 Plating members
The thickness of the shell plating of the fore end of the bulb For a longitudinally framed bottom, the scantlings of ordi-
and the first strake above the keel is generally to be not less nary stiffeners and primary supporting members are to be
than that required in [3.20.2] for plate stems. This thickness not less than those obtained from [3.2], where the span
is to be extended to the bulbous zone. length  of ordinary stiffeners is to be taken not less than 1,8
3.18.3 Connection with the fore peak For a transversely framed bottom, the scantlings of ordinary
Fore peak structures are to be extended inside the bulb as stiffeners and primary supporting members are to be not
far as its size and shape permit. less than those obtained from [3.3].

3.18.4 Longitudinal stiffeners 3.20 Stems

Bottom and side longitudinals are to extend inside the bulb,
forward of the fore perpendicular, by at least 30% of the 3.20.1 Arrangements
bulb length measured from the perpendicular to the fore Adequate continuity of strength is to be ensured at the con-
end of the bulb. nection of stems to the surrounding structure.
The fore end of longitudinals is to be located in way of a Abrupt changes in sections are to be avoided.
reinforced transverse ring; forward of such ring, longitudi-
nals are to be replaced by ordinary transverse rings. 3.20.2 Plate stems
The plating forming the stems is to be supported by horizon-
3.18.5 Floors tal diaphragms spaced not more than 1200 mm apart and
Solid floors are to be part of reinforced transverse rings gen- connected, as far as practicable, to the adjacent frames and
erally spaced not more than 3 frame spaces apart. side girders.
If considered necessary, and particularly where the stem
3.18.6 Breasthooks radius is large, a centreline stiffener or web of suitable
Breasthooks, to be placed in line with longitudinals, are to scantlings is to be fitted.
be extended on the sides aft of the stem, so as to form longi- The thickness of the plates below the load waterline is to be
tudinal side girders. not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following
3.19 Reinforcement of the flat bottom forward t = 1,37 (0,95 + L1/2)k1/2
Above the load waterline this thickness may be gradually
3.19.1 Area to be reinforced tapered towards the stem head, where it is to be not less
than that required for side plating at ends.
The flat bottom forward area is located over the bottom
between 0,25 L aft of the fore end and the collision bulk- 3.20.3 Bar stems
head. The area of bar stems constructed of forged or rolled steel is
The reinforcement of the bottom forward area is to be con- to be not less than the value obtained, in cm2, from the fol-
sidered if: lowing formula:

RINA Rules 2017 123

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

3.21.3 Connections with the hull structure

A =  0 ,40 + ---------- ( 0 ,009L 2 + 20 )k
 L  Sternframes are to be effectively attached to the aft structure
where the ratio T/L in the above formulae is to be taken nei- and the lower part of the sternframe is to be extended for-
ther less than 0,05 nor more than 0,075. ward of the propeller post to a length not less than 1500 + 6
L mm, in order to provide an effective connection with the
The cross-sectional area of the stem may be gradually keel. However, the sternframe need not extend beyond the
tapered from the load waterline to the upper end, where it after peak bulkhead.
may be equal to two thirds of the value as calculated above.
The thickness of bottom plating connected with the stern-
The thickness of the bar stem is to be not less than the value frame is to be not less than that obtained, in mm, from the
obtained, in mm, from the following formula: following formula:
t = 0,4 Lk1/2 + 13
t = 0,05 Lk1/2 + 7
The lower part of the stem may be constructed of cast steel;
where necessary, a vertical web is to be fitted for welding of 3.21.4 Connection with the keel
the centre keelson.
The thickness of the lower part of the sternframes is to be
Welding of the bar stem with the bar keel and the shell plat- gradually tapered to that of the solid bar keel or keel plate.
ing is to be in accordance with Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1, [3.4].
Where a keel plate is fitted, the lower part of the sternframe
is to be so designed as to ensure an effective connection
3.21 Sternframes with the keel.

3.21.1 Application 3.21.5 Connection with centre keelson

These requirements apply to sternframes of single screw
Where the sternframe is made of cast steel, the lower part of
the sternframe is to be fitted, as far as practicable, with a
Sternframes of twin screw ships are to be considered by the longitudinal web for connection with the centre keelson.
Society on a case-by-case basis.
3.21.6 Scantlings of propeller posts
3.21.2 General
The scantlings of propeller posts are to be not less than the
Sternframes may be constructed of cast or forged steel, with values obtained from the formulae in Tab 16.
a hollow section, or fabricated from plates.
Scantlings and proportions of the propeller post which differ
Cast steel and fabricated sternframes are to be strengthened
from those above may be considered acceptable provided
by adequately spaced horizontal plates.
that the section modulus of the propeller post section about
In castings, abrupt changes of section are to be avoided; all its longitudinal axis is not less than that calculated with the
sections are to have adequate tapering radius. propeller post scantlings in Tab 16.

Table 16 : Single screw ships - Scantlings of propeller posts

Bar propeller post, cast or forged,

Fabricated propeller post Cast propeller post
having rectangular section

Gross scant-
lings of propel-
ler posts

a, in mm 50 L1/2 33 L1/2 10 ⋅ 2 ,5 ( L + 10 )

b, in mm 35 L1/2 23 L1/2 10 ⋅ 1 ,6 ( L + 10 )

t1, in mm 2,5 L1/2 3,2 L1/2 φ

t2, in mm φ 4,4 L 1/2 φ

tD, in mm 1,3 L1/2 2,0 L1/2 φ

R, in mm φ 50 L1/2 φ

Note 1:
φ = not applicable.

124 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

3.21.7 Propeller shaft bossing

In single screw ships, the thickness of the propeller shaft Table 17 : Lateral pressure for superstructures and
bossing, included in the propeller post, is to be not less than deckhouses - Coefficient a
60% of that required in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 2, [6.3.2] for bar Type of bulk-
propeller posts with a rectangular section. Location a
Unprotected Lowest half L
3.22 Machinery casings 2 + ----------
front 120
Second half L
3.22.1 Engine room skylight coamings 1 + ----------
If the engine room skylights are fitted with opening-type
covers providing light and air, the height of coamings is to Aft end Any location, when L x
0 ,7 + ------------- – 0 ,8 ---
be not less than: x/L ≤ 0,5 1000 L

• 900 mm, for skylights located on working decks Any location, when L x
0 ,5 + ------------- – 0 ,4 ---
x/L > 0,5 1000 L
• 300 mm, for skylights located on superstructure decks.
Other Any location 0,5 + 0,067 L
3.22.2 Casing plating
c : Coefficient taken equal to:
The plating thickness of unprotected casing bulkheads is to
be not less than the value obtained from the formulae in b
c = 0 ,3 + 0 ,7 -----1
[3.23]. In any case, the plating thickness of protected or B1
unprotected casing bulkheads is to be not less than 5 mm. For exposed parts of machinery casings, c is to
be taken equal to 1
3.22.3 Casing vertical ordinary stiffeners
b1 : Breadth of deckhouse, in m, at the position con-
The section modulus of vertical ordinary stiffeners is to be
sidered, to be taken not less than 0,25 B1
not less than the value obtained, in cm3, from the following
formula: B1 : Actual maximum breadth of ship on the
exposed weather deck, in m, at the position
w = 2,6 s  k
In addition to the above, the section modulus of vertical b : Coefficient defined in Tab 18
ordinary stiffeners of casings acting as pillars is to be not
less than the value obtained from the formulae in [3.8], Table 18 : Lateral pressure for superstructures and
where the width, in mm, of the attached plating is to be less deckhouses - Coefficient b
than 50 times the attached plating thickness.
Location of bulkhead (1) b
3.22.4 Scantlings of engine room skylight coamings 2
The thickness of engine room skylight coamings is to be not x---  --- – 0 ,45
1 +  ---------------------
≤ 0 ,45 L
less than 6 mm. L  C B + 0 ,2
 
Where the height of engine room skylight coamings is
greater than 900 mm, the section modulus of vertical ordi- x
x---  --- – 0 ,45
1 + 1 ,5  ---------------------
nary stiffeners with spacing not greater than 760 mm is to > 0 ,45 L
L  C B + 0 ,2
be increased by 10% with respect to that obtained from the  
formula in [3.23] for vertical ordinary stiffeners of deck-
Note 1:
CB : Block coefficient, with 0,6 ≤ CB ≤ 0,8
(1) For deckhouse sides, the deckhouse is to be subdivided
3.23 Superstructures and deckhouses into parts of approximately equal length, not exceeding
0,15L each, and x is to be taken as the co-ordinate of
3.23.1 Load point the centre of each part considered.
Lateral pressure is to be calculated at:
• mid-height of the bulkhead, for plating f : Coefficient equal to:
L 2
– 1 –  ----------
• mid-span, for stiffeners. L –L ⁄ 300
f = ------e
10  150
3.23.2 Design pressure
pmin : Minimum lateral pressure defined in Tab 19.
The design pressure to be used for the determination of
scantlings of the structure of front, side and aft bulkheads of 3.23.3 Plating
superstructures and deckhouses is to be obtained, in kN/m2, The plating thickness is to be not less than the value
from the following formula: obtained from Tab 20.
p = 10 a c [b f - (z - T)]
3.23.4 Deck ordinary stiffeners
without being less than pmin,
The section modulus of ordinary stiffeners is to be not less
where: than the value obtained from the formulae in [3.8].
a : Coefficient defined in Tab 17

RINA Rules 2017 125

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

Table 19 : Lateral minimum pressure for value obtained from the formulae in [3.7] for ‘tweendeck
superstructures and deckhouses ordinary stiffeners and the value obtained from the formula
in [3.23.5].
Type of bulk- pmin, in
head kN/m2 3.24 Hatch covers
Unprotected Lowest tier 30
front 3.24.1 Height of hatch coamings
Second and third tiers 15
The height above the deck of hatch coamings closed by
Protected front, Lowest, second and third tiers 15 portable covers is to be not less than:
side and aft end
• 600 mm, for hatch covers located on exposed areas of
3.23.5 Bulkhead vertical ordinary stiffeners the working deck
The section modulus of bulkhead ordinary stiffeners, con- • 300 mm, for hatch covers located on exposed areas of
nected at their ends by lugs or directly welded to the decks, the lowest tier of superstructures.
is to be not less than the value obtained, in cm3, from the
following formula: 3.24.2 Height of hatch coamings on exposed decks
of ships having L < 18 m and navigation
w = 0,35 s 2 pk notation “coastal area” (1/7/2006)
where: The height above the deck of hatch coamings closed by
p : Design pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Pt B, portable covers, located on exposed areas of ships having L
Ch 9, Sec 4, [2.2.2] < 18 m and navigation notation coastal area, is to be not
 : Span, in m, of primary supporting members, to less than:
be taken not less than 2 m. • 400 mm, for hatch covers located on the working deck
The scantlings of ordinary stiffeners connected at their ends
• 150 mm, for hatch covers located on the lower tier of
other than as above are to be considered by the Society on
a case-by-case basis.

3.23.6 Vertical ordinary stiffeners (frames) of 3.24.3 Hatch coaming thickness

complete or partial superstructures The thickness of hatch coaming plating is to be not less than
The section modulus of vertical ordinary stiffeners of com- the value obtained from the formulae in [3.8] for the ship’s
plete or partial superstructures is to be not less than both the deck.

Table 20 : Plating thickness

Plating Location Thickness, in mm (1) (2) Minimum thickness, in mm

Front bulkheads Lowest tier 3 s (pk)1/2 6k1/2
Second tier and above 3 s (pk)1/2 5k1/2
Side and aft bulkheads All tiers 3 s (pk) 1/2 5k1/2
Unprotected deck of deck- Lowest tier 3,3 s + 0,0085 Lk1/2 + 3,2 6k1/2
Second tier 3,0 s + 0,0077 Lk1/2 + 2,9 5k1/2
Third tier and above 2,8 s + 0,0072 Lk1/2 + 2,7 5k1/2
Unprotected deck of bridge Lowest tier c1 (5 s + 0,013 Lk1/2 + 2,5) 6k1/2
and forecastle
Second tier 0,9 c1 (5 s + 0,013 Lk 1/2 + 2,5) 5k1/2
Third tier and above 0,85 c1 (5 s + 0,013 Lk1/2 + 2,5) 5k1/2
Unprotected deck of poop Lowest tier c1 (4,5 s + 0,01 Lk1/2 + 2,5) 6k1/2
Second tier 0,9 c1 (4,5 s + 0,01 Lk1/2 + 2,5) 5k1/2
Third tier and above 0,85 c1 (4,5 s + 0,01 Lk1/2 + 2,5) 4k1/2
Note 1:
c1 : Coefficient, to be taken equal to:
• c1 = 0,9 for T / D < 0,7
• c1 = 1 - (0,56 - 0,66 (T / D)) for 0,7 ≤ T / D < 0,85
• c1 = 1 for T / D ≥ 0,85
p : Design pressure, in kN/m2, defined in [3.23.2].
(1) For decks of superstructures and deckhouses protected by other superstructures or deckhouses housing accommodation or serv-
ice spaces, the thickness may be reduced by 10% with respect to that obtained from this formula.
(2) For decks sheathed with wood, the thickness may be reduced by 10% with respect to that obtained from this formula.

126 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

3.25 Aft ramp 3.26.3 Openings in bulkheads of enclosed

superstructures and other outer structures
3.25.1 Minimum net thickness of the aft ramp and the All access openings in bulkheads of enclosed superstruc-
lower part of the aft ramp side
tures and other outer structures (e.g. machinery casings)
The net thickness of plating of the aft ramp and the lower through which water can enter and endanger the ship are to
part of the aft ramp side is to be not less than 11 mm. be fitted with doors of steel or other equivalent material,
permanently and strongly attached to the bulkhead, and
3.25.2 Plating of the aft ramp and the lower part of framed, stiffened and fitted so that the whole structure is of
the aft ramp side
equivalent strength to the unpierced bulkhead and weather-
The net thickness of plating of the aft ramp and the lower tight when closed. The doors are to be capable of being
part of the aft ramp side is to be increased by 2 mm with operated from both sides and generally to open outwards to
respect to that calculated according to [3.7] for side plating
give additional protection against wave impact.
with the same plate panel dimensions.
These doors are to be fitted with gaskets and clamping
3.25.3 Plating of the upper part of the aft ramp side devices or other equivalent means permanently attached to
The net thickness of plating of the upper part of the aft ramp the bulkhead or to the door themselves.
side is to be not less than the value calculated according to
Other openings are to be fitted with equivalent covers, per-
[3.7] for side plating with the same plate panel dimensions.
manently attached in their proper position.

3.26 Arrangement for hull and superstructure 3.26.4 Door sills (1/7/2006)
a) The height of the sill of the doors is to be not less than:
3.26.1 Sidescuttles • 600 mm above the working deck
Sidescuttles may not be fitted in such a position that their • 300 mm above the deck of the lower tier of super-
sills are below a line drawn parallel to the sheer at side and
having its lowest point 0,5 m above the summer load water-
line. For doors protected from the direct impact of waves,
except for those giving direct access to machinery
No sidescuttles may be fitted in any spaces which are
appropriated exclusively for the carriage of cargo. spaces, the height of the sill may be taken not less than:

• 380 mm above the working deck

3.26.2 Freeing ports
• 150 mm above the deck of the lower tier of super-
The freeing port area in bulwarks is to be not less than the structures.
value obtained from the formulae in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 9, [5].
b) For vessels less than 24 m in length, depending on their
For ships with L < 24 m and navigation notation coastal
navigation notation and the relevant position on the
area, the freeing port area in bulwarks on each side of the
ship may be not less than the value obtained from the fol- exposed deck, the Society may accept reduced height
lowing formula: door sills in respect of the values given above.

A = 0,035 B + AC 3.26.5 Ventilator coamings

where: The height of ventilator coamings is to be not less than the

value obtained from Tab 21.
B : Length, in m, of bulwark in the well, to be taken
not greater than 0,7 L The thickness of ventilator coaming plating is to be not less
than both the value obtained from the formulae in [3.8] for
AC : Area, in m2, to be taken, with its sign, equal to:
the ship’s deck and the value obtained from the formulae in
AC = 0,04 B (hB -1,2) for hB > 1,2 [3.23] for a deckhouse in the same position as the ventila-
AC = 0 for 0,9 ≤ hB ≤ 1,2
Ventilator coamings are to be provided with weathertight
AC = 0,04 B (hB - 0,9) for hB < 0,9
closing appliances to be used in rough weather. These
hB : Mean height, in m, of bulwark in the well of appliances may be omitted when the ventilator height is
length B. greater than the minimum value specified in Tab 21.

RINA Rules 2017 127

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

Table 21 : Ventilator coamings

Coaming height (1), in mm Minimum height of ventilators, in m

Ship’s length,
in m Ventilators openings Ventilators openings on decks of Ventilators openings Ventilators openings on decks of
on working decks lower tier of superstructure on working decks lower tier of superstructure
L > 45 900 760 4,5 2,3
24 ≤ L ≤ 45 760 450 3,4 1,7
12 ≤ L < 24 760 450 2,5 1,0
L < 12 300 300 2,5 1,0
(1) When necessary, the coaming height is to be adequately increased in the machinery space, in order to avoid free entry of sea

4 Scantlings of masts and fishing 5 Hull outfitting

devices (e.g. gantries and trawl gal-
lows) 5.1 Rudder stock scantlings
5.1.1 The rudder stock diameter is to be increased by 5%
4.1 Design loads with respect to that obtained from the formula in Pt B,
Ch 10, Sec 1, [4].
4.1.1 The design loads to be considered for the strength
check of masts and fishing devices are: 5.2 Propeller shaft brackets
• the weights of booms and net hauling fittings 5.2.1 General
• the cargo loads, to be taken equal to the maximum Propeller shafting is either enclosed in bossing or independ-
break loads of the winches. ent of the main hull and supported by shaft brackets.

5.2.2 Double arm propeller shaft brackets

4.1.2 Adequate safety factors are to be used when design-
ing supporting structure for fishing gear, taking into account The scantlings of double arm propeller shaft brackets are to
operational conditions and wave effects. be obtained from the formulae in Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 3, [1.2].

5.2.3 Single arm propeller shaft brackets

4.2 Strength check For ships less than 30 m in length, single arm propeller shaft
brackets may be fitted. Their scantling are to be considered
4.2.1 Calculation of stresses in the structural by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
The stresses in the structural elements of masts and fishing 5.3 Equipment
devices are to be obtained by means of direct calculations,
5.3.1 General
using the design loads specified in [4.1].
Fishing vessels are to be provided with equipment in
anchors, chain cables and ropes to be obtained from
4.2.2 Yielding check
Tab 22, based on their Equipment Number EN, to be calcu-
The von Mises equivalent stresses in the structural elements lated according to Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4, [2].
of masts and fishing devices are to comply with the follow- The equipment in anchors, chain cables and ropes of fishing
ing formula: vessels with the navigation notation coastal area may be
σE ≤ 0,5ReH obtained from Tab 22 based on the Equipment Number EN
corresponding to the row above that relevant to the Equip-
where: ment Number calculated for the ship considered.
σE : Von Mises equivalent stress, in N/mm2, to be In general, stockless anchors are to be adopted.
obtained as a result of direct calculations For ships with EN greater than 720, the determination of the
equipment is to be considered by the Society on a case-by-
ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm , of the mate-
case basis.
rial, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2].
5.3.2 Anchors
4.2.3 Buckling check The required mass for each anchor is to be obtained from
The buckling strength of the structural elements of masts Tab 22.
and fishing devices is to be checked in compliance with The individual mass of a main anchor may differ by ±7%
Part B, Chapter 7 or Part B, Chapter 8, as applicable. from the mass required for each anchor, provided that the

128 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

total mass of anchors is not less than the total mass required load equal to that given for the corresponding stud link
in Tab 22. chain cable (see [5.3.3]).
The mass of the head of an ordinary stockless anchor, A short length of chain cable is to be fitted between the wire
including pins and accessories, is to be not less than 60% of rope and the anchor, having a length equal to 12,5 m or the
the total mass of the anchor. distance from the anchor in the stowed position to the
Where a stock anchor is provided, the mass of the anchor, winch, whichever is the lesser.
excluding the stock, is to be not less than 80% of the mass When chain cables are replaced by trawl warps, the anchor
required in Tab 22 for a stockless anchor. The mass of the is to be positioned on the forecastle deck so that it may be
stock is to be not less than 25% of the mass of the anchor readily cast after it has been shackled to the trawl warp.
without the stock but including the connecting shackle. Chocks or rollers are to be fitted at suitable locations, along
the path of the trawl warps, between the winch and the
5.3.3 Scantlings of stud link chain cables mooring chocks.
The mass and geometry of stud link chain cables, including
the links, are to be in compliance with the requirements in 6 Protection of hull metallic structures
Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2].
The diameter of stud link chain cables is to be not less than 6.1 Protection of deck by wood sheathing
the value in Tab 22.
5.3.4 Chain cable arrangement Before fitting the wood sheathing, deck plating is to be pro-
Chain cables are to be made by lengths of 27,5 m each, tected with suitable protective coating.
joined together by Dee or lugless shackles. The thickness of wood sheathing of decks is to be not less
The total length of chain cables, as required in Tab 22, is to
be divided into approximately equal parts between the two • 65 mm, if made of pine
anchors ready for use. • 50 mm, if made of hardwood, such as teak.
Where different arrangements are provided, they are to be The width of planks may not exceed twice their thickness.
considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
6.2 Protection of cargo sides by battens
5.3.5 Wire ropes
As an alternative to the stud link chain cables mentioned, 6.2.1 In cargo spaces, where thermal insulation is fitted,
wire ropes may be used in the following cases: battens formed by spaced planks are generally to be fitted
• wire ropes for both the anchors, for ship’s length less longitudinally.
than 30 m
• wire rope for one of the two anchors, for ship’s length 6.3 Deck composition
between 30 m and 40 m.
6.3.1 The deck composition is to be of such a material as
The wire ropes above are to have a total length equal to 1,5 to prevent corrosion and is to be effectively secured to the
times the corresponding required length of stud link chain steel structures underneath by means of suitable connec-
cables, obtained from Tab 22, and a minimum breaking tions.

RINA Rules 2017 129

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 3

Table 22 : Equipment

number EN Stockless anchors Stud link chain cables for anchors Mooring lines
A< EN ≤ B
Total Diameter, in mm Length of
Mass per Breaking
A B N length, in high strength N each line, in
anchor, in kg mild steel load, in kN
m steel m
30 40 2 80 165 11 2 50 29
40 50 2 100 192,5 11 2 60 29
50 60 2 120 192,5 12,5 2 60 29
60 70 2 140 192,5 12,5 2 80 29
70 80 2 160 220 14 12,5 2 100 34
80 90 2 180 220 14 12,5 2 100 37
90 100 2 210 220 16 14 2 110 37
100 110 2 240 220 16 14 2 110 39
110 120 2 270 247,5 17,5 16 2 110 39
120 130 2 300 247,5 17,5 16 2 110 44
130 140 2 340 275 19 17,5 2 120 44
140 150 2 390 275 19 17,5 2 120 49
150 175 2 480 275 22 19 2 120 54
175 205 2 570 302,5 24 20,5 2 120 59
205 240 2 660 302,5 26 22 2 120 64
240 280 2 780 330 28 24 3 120 71
280 320 2 900 357,5 30 26 3 140 78
320 360 2 1020 357,5 32 28 3 140 86
360 400 2 1140 385 34 30 3 140 93
400 450 2 1290 385 36 32 3 140 101
450 500 2 1440 412,5 38 34 3 140 108
500 550 2 1590 412,5 40 34 4 160 113
550 600 2 1740 440 42 36 4 160 118
600 660 2 1920 440 44 38 4 160 123
660 720 2 2100 440 46 40 4 160 127

130 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 4


1 General e) Where expressly permitted, some small compartments

may be drained by means of hand pumps.
1.1 Application f) Bilge and ballast systems are to be so designed as to pre-
vent the possibility of water passing from the sea and
1.1.1 Machinery systems fitted on board ships having the from water ballast spaces into the cargo and machinery
notation fishing vessel are to comply with the relevant sec- spaces, or from one compartment to another. Provisions
tions of Part C, Chapter 1, with the exception of the follow- are to be made to prevent any space having bilge and
ing systems: ballast connections being inadvertently flooded from
• bilge system the sea when containing cargo, or being discharged
through the bilge system when containing water ballast.
• scuppers and sanitary discharges
• air pipes and sounding devices
2.2 Design of the bilge system
• refrigerating installations,
2.2.1 General
for which substitutive requirements are provided in this Sec-
a) All suction pipes up to the connection with the bilge
pumps are to be independent from any other piping sys-
1.1.2 This Section does not cover the design and perfor- tem of the ship.
mances of the fishing equipment. However, the piping sys- b) Non-return valves are to be fitted on:
tems and pressure vessels serving the fishing equipment are • the pipe connections to bilge distribution boxes
required to comply with the relevant Sections of Part C.
• the suctions of pumps also having connections from
the sea or from compartments normally intended to
1.2 Documents to be submitted contain liquid
1.2.1 In addition to the documents listed in Part C, • the direct suctions connected to independent bilge
Chapter 1, the diagram of the piping systems (hydraulic sys- pumps, where required.
tem, etc.) serving the fishing equipment is to be submitted c) All compartments are to be provided with at least one
for approval. suction on each side. However, in the case of short and
narrow compartments, a single suction ensuring an effi-
cient draining may be accepted.
2 Bilge system
2.2.2 Draining of machinery spaces
2.1 General a) Machinery spaces of ships with double bottom, or
where the rise of floor is less than 5°, are to be provided
2.1.1 Application on each side with one bilge suction connected to the
The following provisions supersede those given in Pt C, bilge main.
Ch 1, Sec 10, [6].
b) Machinery spaces of ships without double bottom, or
2.1.2 Principle where the rise of floor is equal to or exceeds 5°, may be
provided with only one bilge suction located in the cen-
a) Fishing vessels are to be provided with an efficient bilge
treline and connected to the bilge main.
pumping system capable of pumping from and draining,
under all practical conditions, any watertight compart- c) In addition to the bilge suctions required in a) and b),
ment other than spaces exclusively intended for the machinery spaces of ships of 24 m length or more are to
carriage of fresh water, water ballast or fuel oil, for be provided with a direct suction, which is to be led
which other efficient means of pumping are to be pro- direct to an independent power bilge pump and so
vided. arranged that it can be used independently of the bilge
b) In fishing vessels where fishing handling or processing
may cause quantities of water to accumulate in 2.2.3 Draining of holds
enclosed spaces, adequate drainage is to be provided. a) Holds of ships with double bottom, or where the rise of
c) The bilge pumping system is to consist of pumps con- floor is less than 5°, are to be provided on each side
nected to a bilge main line so arranged as to allow the with one bilge suction connected to the bilge main.
draining of all spaces mentioned in a). b) Holds of ships without double bottom, or where the rise
d) Bilge pumping arrangement may be dispensed with in of floor is equal to or exceeds 5°, may be provided with
particular compartments provided the safety of the ship only one bilge suction located in the centreline and
is not impaired. connected to the bilge main.

RINA Rules 2017 131

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 4

2.2.4 Draining of refrigerated spaces the draining of the spaces located on the fore side of the
Refrigerated spaces are to be provided with drainage collision bulkhead.
arrangement allowing the continuous drainage of conden-
sates. 2.3.3 Use of pumps intended for other duties
a) Pumps used for sanitary service, general service or bal-
2.2.5 Draining of fore and aft peaks last may be considered as independent bilge pumps
a) Fore and aft peaks, where not used as tanks, are to be provided that:
fitted with a bilge suction connected to the bilge main. • they have the capacity required in [2.3.4]
Passage through the collision bulkhead is to comply
• they are of the self-priming type
with Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [5.3.3].
• they are connected to the bilge system.
b) Peaks of small dimensions may be drained by means of
a hand pump provided that the suction lift is well within b) Non-return valves are to be provided in accordance
the capacity of the pump and in no case exceeds 7,30 with [2.2.1], item b).
2.3.4 Bilge pump capacity (1/1/2001)
2.2.6 Draining of double bottom compartments a) The capacity Q of each bilge pump is to be not less than
Double bottom compartments, where not used as tanks, are the value given by:
to be provided with bilge suctions. Their number and loca- Q = 0, 00565d

tion are to comply with the provisions of [2.2.3]. However,

if deemed acceptable by the Society, the cofferdams fitted where:
between two different compartments of the double bottom Q : Minimum capacity of each pump, in m3/h
may be provided with one bilge suction only. d : Internal diameter of the bilge main as
defined in [2.4.1].
2.2.7 Draining of other compartments
b) If the capacity of one of the pumps is less than the rule
a) Provision is to be made for the drainage of chain lockers
capacity, the deficiency may be compensated by an
and other fore spaces by means of hand or power pump
excess capacity of the other pumps. Such deficiency is,
suctions or hydraulic ejectors.
however, not to exceed 30% of the rule capacity.
b) Provision is to be made for the drainage of the steering
gear compartment and other spaces located above the
2.4 Size of bilge pipes
aft peak by means of suctions connected to the bilge
main or by means of hand pumps or hydraulic ejectors. 2.4.1 Bilge main line
These spaces may, however, be drained by means of a) The diameter of the bilge main is to be calculated
scuppers discharging to the shaft tunnel, provided that according to the following formulae:
the discharge pipes are fitted with self-closing valves
• for ships of 24 m in length or more:
situated in easily visible and accessible positions.
d = 25 + 1 ,68 L ( B + D )
2.3 Bilge pumps and
2.3.1 Number and arrangement of pumps d ≥ 60
a) Fishing vessels are to be provided with at least two • for ships of less than 24 m in length:
power bilge pumps of the self-priming type connected d = 25 + 0 ,85L
to the bilge main and having the capacity required in
[2.3.4]. One of these pumps may be driven by the pro- where:
pulsion machinery. d : Internal diameter of the bilge main, in mm
b) Each bilge pump may be replaced by two or more L : Length of the ship between perpendiculars,
pumps, provided that they are connected to the bilge in m
main and that their total capacity is not less than that B : Breadth of the ship, in m
required in [2.3.4]. D : Depth of the ship, measured up to the bulk-
c) One of the bilge pumps required in a) may be replaced head deck, in m
by a hydraulic ejector having the capacity required in b) The actual diameter is in no case to be more than 5 mm
[2.3.4] and connected to a high pressure water pump. smaller than that obtained from the formulae given in a).
d) For ships of less than 24 m in length and having the nav-
igation notation coastal area, one of the bilge pumps 2.4.2 Branch bilge suction pipes
required in a) may be replaced by hand pumps, to the a) The diameter of the pipes situated between the distribu-
satisfaction of the Society. tion boxes and the suctions in the various spaces (holds,
e) Where permitted, hand pumps are to be operable from machinery space, etc) is to be calculated according to
an easily accessible position above the load waterline. the following formulae:
• for ships of 24 m in length or more:
2.3.2 Location of bilge pumps
d 1 = 25 + 2 ,16 L 1 ( B + D )
Bilge pumps are to be located on the aft side of the collision
bulkhead. This may not apply to those pumps only used for and

132 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 4

d 1 ≥ 50 3.1.3 The means for operating the positive action valve is

to be provided with an indicator showing whether the valve
• for ships of less than 24 m in length:
is open or closed.
d 1 = 25 + 2 ,16 L 1 ( B + D )
or 3.2 Discharges through manned machinery
d 1 = 25 + 0 ,85L spaces
whichever is the lesser 3.2.1 In manned machinery spaces, main and auxiliary
where: discharges essential for the operation of machinery may be
d1 : Internal diameter of the suction pipe, in mm controlled locally. The controls are to be accessible and are
to be provided with indicators showing whether the valves
L1 : Length of the space considered, in m
are open or closed.
L, B, D : Length, breadth and depth of the ship as
defined in [2.4.1]
3.3 Materials
b) The actual diameter is in no case to be more than 5 mm
smaller than that obtained from the formulae given in a). 3.3.1 Fittings attached to the shell and the valves required
in [3.1.2] are to be of steel, bronze or other ductile material.
2.5 Bilge piping arrangement 3.3.2 (1/7/2002)
2.5.1 Passage through double bottom All pipes between the shell and the valves are to be of steel.
compartments and tanks
Bilge pipes are not to pass through double bottom compart- 4 Air pipes and sounding devices
ments or tanks unless they are enclosed in appropriate pipe
tunnels. Where this is not practicable, pipes are to be of
reinforced thickness as per Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, Tab 5 and
4.1 Air pipes
made of either one piece or several pieces assembled by 4.1.1 General
welding or by reinforced flanges.
Air pipes are to be fitted to all spaces which are not fitted
2.5.2 Bilge suctions in machinery spaces and shaft with alternative ventilation arrangements.
In machinery spaces and shaft tunnels, the termination 4.1.2 Exposed parts of air pipes
pipes of the bilge suctions are to be straight and vertical and Where air pipes to tanks and void spaces below deck
are to be led to mud boxes so arranged as to be easily extend above the working or the superstructure decks, the
inspected and cleaned. The lower end of the termination exposed parts of the pipes are to be of strength equivalent to
pipe is not to be fitted with a strum box. the adjacent structures and fitted with the appropriate pro-
2.5.3 Bilge suctions in other compartments
In compartments other than machinery spaces and shaft 4.1.3 Means of closing
tunnels, the open ends of bilge suction pipes are to be fitted Openings of air pipes are to be provided with means of
with strum boxes or strainers having holes not more than 10 closing, permanently attached to the pipe or adjacent struc-
mm in diameter. The total area of such holes is not to be less ture.
than twice the required cross-section of the suction pipe.
4.1.4 Height of air pipes (1/7/2006)
3 Scuppers and sanitary discharges The height of air pipes above deck to the point where water
may have access below is to be at least:
3.1 General • 760 mm on the working deck, and
• 450 mm on the superstructure deck.
3.1.1 Discharges led through the shell either from spaces
below the working deck or from within enclosed super- The Society may accept reduction of the height of an air
structures or deckhouses on the working deck fitted with pipe to avoid interference with the fishing operations.
weathertight doors are to be fitted with accessible means for In any case, for ships less than 24 m and with navigation
preventing water from passing inboard. notation “coastal area”, air pipes fitted at a height above the
working deck of 450 mm may be accepted.
3.1.2 Each separate discharge is to have an automatic non-
return valve with a positive means of closing it from an
accessible position, except when: 4.2 Sounding devices
• satisfactory analysis is submitted to the Society, demon-
4.2.1 General
strating that the entry of water into the vessel through
the opening is not likely to lead to dangerous flooding, Sounding devices are to be fitted:
and • to the bilges of those compartments which are not read-
• the piping is of reinforced thickness as per Pt C, Ch 1, ily accessible at all times during voyages, and
Sec 10, Tab 5. • to all tanks and cofferdams.

RINA Rules 2017 133

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 4

4.2.2 Termination of sounding pipes 5.2.2 Refrigeration systems in which toxic or flammable
Where sounding pipes are fitted, their upper ends are to refrigerants are used are to be provided with drainage
extend to a readily accessible position and, where practica- devices leading to a place where the refrigerant presents no
ble, above the working deck. danger to the vessel or to persons on board.

4.2.3 Means of closing 5.3 Arrangement of the refrigerating

The openings of the sounding pipes are to be provided with machinery spaces and refrigerating
permanently attached means of closing. Sounding pipes
which are not extended above the working deck are to be
fitted with automatic self-closing devices. 5.3.1 Separation of spaces
4.2.4 Special arrangements for sounding pipes of a) Any space containing refrigerating machinery, including
flammable oil tanks condensers and gas tanks utilising toxic refrigerants, is
Where tanks containing fuel oil or flammable oil are fitted to be separated from any adjacent space by gas-tight
with sounding pipes, their upper ends are to terminate in bulkheads. Any space containing refrigerating machin-
safe positions and are to be fitted with suitable means of ery, including condensers and gas tanks, is to be fitted
closure. Gauges made of glass of substantial thickness and with a leak detection system having an indicator outside
protected with a metal case may be used, provided that the space adjacent to the entrance and is to be provided
automatic closing valves are fitted. Other means of ascer- with an independent ventilation system and a water-
taining the amount of oil contained in the tank may be per- spraying system.
mitted provided their failure or overfilling will not permit b) When such containment is not practicable, due to the
release of fuel. size of the vessel, the refrigeration system may be
installed in the machinery space provided that the quan-
5 Refrigeration systems for the preser- tity of refrigerant used will not cause danger to persons
vation of the catch in the machinery space, should all the gas escape, and
provided that an alarm is fitted to give warning of a dan-
gerous concentration of gas should any leakage occur in
5.1 General the compartment.
5.1.1 Refrigeration systems are to be so designed, con- 5.3.2 Exits from spaces
structed, tested and installed as to take account of the safety
In refrigerating machinery spaces and refrigerating rooms,
of the system and also the emission of chlorofluorocarbons
alarms are to be connected to the wheelhouse or control
(CFCs) or any other ozone-depleting substances from the
stations or escape exits to prevent persons being trapped. At
refrigerant held in quantities or concentrations which are
least one exit from each such space is to be capable of
hazardous to human health or to the environment.
being opened from the inside. Where practicable, exits
5.1.2 Methylchloride or CFCs whose ozone-depleting from spaces containing refrigerating machinery using toxic
potential is higher than 5% of CFC-11 are not to be used as or flammable gas are not to lead directly into accommoda-
refrigerants. tion spaces.

5.1.3 Adequate guidance for the safe operation of the 5.4 Breathing apparatus
refrigeration system and emergency procedures are to be
provided by means of suitable notices displayed on board 5.4.1 Where any refrigerant harmful to persons is used in a
the vessel. refrigeration system, at least two sets of breathing apparatus
are to be provided, one of which is to be placed in a posi-
5.2 Design of refrigeration systems tion not likely to become inaccessible in the event of leak-
age of refrigerant. Breathing apparatus provided as part of
5.2.1 Refrigeration systems are to be adequately protected the vessel’s fire-fighting equipment may be considered as
against vibration, shock, expansion, shrinkage, etc. and are meeting all or part of this provision provided its location
to be provided with an automatic safety control device to meets both purposes. Where self-contained breathing appa-
prevent a dangerous rise in temperature and pressure. ratus is used, spare cylinders are to be provided.

134 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 5


1 General 3 Type approved components

1.1 Application 3.1

1.1.1 The requirements contained in Part C, Chapter 2
apply to fishing vessels, except for those contained in Pt C, 3.1.1 The following components are to be type approved
Ch 2, Sec 1, [2], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 15, [2], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, case-by-case based on submission of adequate documenta-
[2], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [3], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11, [1], Pt C, tion and execution of tests:
Ch 2, Sec 11, [2], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11, [3], Pt C, Ch 2, • electrical cables
Sec 11, [4], and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 11, [5], which are replaced
by all those contained in this Section. • switching devices (circuit-breakers, contactors, discon-
nectors, etc.) and overcurrent protective devices
2 Documentation to be submitted • electronic components used for tasks essential to safety.

4 General requirements for system
2.1.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted. design, location and installation
The list of documents requested is to be intended as guid-
ance for the complete set of information to be submitted,
rather than an actual list of titles. 4.1 Design and construction
The Society reserves the right to request the submission of
4.1.1 The design and construction of electrical installa-
additional documents regarding unconventional design or
tions are to be such as to provide:
where deemed necessary for the evaluation of the system,
equipment or components. a) the services necessary to maintain the vessel in normal
Unless otherwise agreed with the Society, documents for operational and habitable conditions without having
approval are to be sent in triplicate if submitted by the ship- recourse to an emergency source of power,
yard and in four copies if submitted by the equipment sup-
plier. Documents requested for information are to be sent in b) the services essential to safety when failure of the main
duplicate. source of electrical power occurs, and

In any case, the Society reserves the right to require addi- c) protection of the crew and vessel from electrical haz-
tional copies when deemed necessary. ards.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

No. I/A (1) Document

1 A Single line diagram of main and emergency power and lighting systems.
2 A Electrical power balance (main and emergency supply).
3 A Calculation of short-circuit currents for each installation in which the sum of rated power of the energy sources
which may be connected contemporaneously to the network is greater than 500 kVA (kW).
4 A List of circuits including, for each supply and distribution circuit, data concerning the nominal current, the cable
type, length and cross-section, the nominal and setting values of the protective and control devices.
5 A Single line diagram and detailed diagram of the main switchboard.
6 A Single line diagram and detailed diagram of the emergency switchboard.
7 A Diagram of the most important section boards and motor control centres (above 100 kW).
8 A Detailed diagram of the navigation-light switchboard.
(1) A: to be submitted for approval
I: to be submitted for information.

RINA Rules 2017 135

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 5

4.2 Main source of electrical power b) internal communication equipment, fire detection sys-
tems and signals which may be required in an emer-
4.2.1 Where the electrical power constitutes the only gency,
means of maintaining auxiliary services essential for the
c) the navigation lights if solely electrical and the emer-
propulsion and safety of the vessel, a main source of electri-
gency lights
cal power is to be provided which is to include at least two
generating sets, one of which may be driven by the main 1) of launching stations and overside of the vessel,
engine. The Society may accept other arrangements having 2) in all alleyways, stairways and exits,
equivalent electrical capability.
3) in spaces containing machinery or the emergency
4.2.2 The power of these sets is to be such as to ensure the source of power,
functioning of the services referred to in [4.1.1] a), exclud- 4) in control stations, and
ing the power required in fishing activities, processing and
5) in fishing handling and fish processing spaces, and
preservation of the catch, in the event of any one of the gen-
erating sets being stopped. However, in vessels of less than d) the operation of the emergency fire pump, if any.
45 m, in the event of any one of the generating sets being
stopped, it is only necessary to ensure the functioning of the 4.3.3 The emergency source of electrical power may be
services essential for the propulsion and safety of the vessel. either a generator or an accumulator battery.

4.2.3 The arrangement of the vessel's main source of elec- 4.3.4 Where the emergency source of electrical power is a
trical power is to be such that the services referred to in generator, it is to be provided both with an independent fuel
[4.1.1] a) can be maintained regardless of the number of supply and with efficient starting arrangements to the satis-
revolutions and direction of the main propelling engines or faction of the Society. Unless a second independent means
shafting. of starting the emergency generator is provided, the single
source of stored energy is to be protected to preclude its
4.2.4 Where transformers constitute an essential part of complete depletion by the automatic starting system.
the supply system required by this item, the system is to be
so arranged as to ensure continuity of the supply. 4.3.5 Where the emergency source of electrical power is
an accumulator battery, it is to be capable of carrying the
4.2.5 The arrangement of the main electric lighting system emergency load without recharging whilst maintaining the
is to be such that a fire or other casualty in spaces contain- voltage of the battery throughout the discharge period
ing the main source of electrical power, including trans- within plus or minus 12% of its nominal voltage. In the
formers, if any, will not render the emergency lighting event of failure of the main power supply, this accumulator
system inoperative. battery is to be automatically connected to the emergency
switchboard and is to immediately supply at least those
4.2.6 The arrangement of the emergency electric lighting services specified in [4.3.2] (b) and (c). The emergency
system is to be such that a fire or other casualty in spaces switchboard is to be provided with an auxiliary switch
containing the emergency source of electrical power, allowing the battery to be connected manually, in case of
including transformers, if any, will not render the main failure of the automatic connection system.
lighting system inoperative.
4.3.6 The emergency switchboard is to be installed as near
4.2.7 Navigation lights, if solely electrical, are to be sup- as is practicable to the emergency source of power and is to
plied through their own separate switchboard and adequate be located in accordance with [4.3.1]. Where the emer-
means for the monitoring of such lights are to be provided. gency source of power is a generator, the emergency
switchboard is to be located in the same place unless the
4.3 Emergency source of electrical power operation of the emergency switchboard would thereby be
4.3.1 A self-contained emergency source of electrical
power located, to the satisfaction of the Society, outside 4.3.7 An accumulator battery, other than batteries fitted for
machinery spaces is to be provided and so arranged as to the radio transmitter and receiver in vessels of less than 45
ensure its functioning in the event of fire or other causes of m in length, is to be installed in a well ventilated space
failure of the main electrical installations. which is not to be the space containing the emergency
switchboard. An indicator is to be mounted in a suitable
4.3.2 The emergency source of electrical power is to be
place on the main switchboard or in the machinery control
capable, having regard to starting currents and the transitory
room to indicate when the battery constituting the emer-
nature of certain loads, of serving simultaneously for a
gency source of power is being discharged.
period of at least three hours for ships whose length is equal
to or greater than 24 m and a period of at least eight hours 4.3.8 The emergency switchboard is to be supplied in nor-
for ships whose length is equal to or greater than 45 m: mal operation from the main switchboard by an intercon-
a) the VHF radio installation and, if applicable: nector feeder which is to be protected at the main
1) the MF radio installation switchboard against overload and short-circuit and which is
to be disconnected automatically at the emergency switch-
2) the ship earth station and board upon failure of the main source of electrical power.
3) the MF/HF radio installation, Where the system is arranged for feedback operation, the

136 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 5

interconnector feeder is also to be protected at the emer- 4.4.5 The requirement in [4.4.4] does not preclude, under
gency switchboard at least against short-circuit. conditions approved by the Society, the use of:
For ships whose length is equal to or greater than 45 m, the a) impressed current cathodic protective systems,
arrangement at the emergency switchboard is to be such b) limited and locally earthed systems, or
that in the event of failure of the main power supply an
automatic connection of the emergency supply will be pro- c) insulation level monitoring devices provided the circu-
vided. lation current does not exceed 30 mA under the most
unfavourable conditions.
4.3.9 The emergency generator and its prime mover and
4.4.6 Where the hull return system is used, all final sub-
any emergency accumulator battery are to be so arranged
circuits (all circuits fitted after the last protective device) are
as to ensure that they will function at full rated power when
to be two-wire and special precautions are to be taken to
the vessel is upright and when rolling up to an angle of
the satisfaction of the Society.
22,5° either way and simultaneously pitching 10° by bow
or stern, or in any combination of angles within those limits.
4.4.7 When a distribution system, whether primary or sec-
ondary, for power, heating or lighting, with no connection
4.3.10 The emergency source of electrical power and to earth is used, a device capable of monitoring the insula-
automation starting equipment is to be so constructed and tion level to earth is to be provided.
arranged as to enable adequate testing to be carried out by
the crew while the vessel is in operating condition. 4.4.8 When a distribution system is in accordance with
[4.4.7] and a voltage exceeding 50 V direct current or 50 V,
4.3.11 For ships whose length is less than 24 m the Society root mean square, between conductors, is used, a device
may exempt Owners from the installation of the emergency capable of continuously monitoring the insulation level to
source of electrical power. earth and of giving an audible or visual indication of abnor-
mally low insulation values is to be provided.
4.4 Precaution against shock, fire and other 4.4.9 Distribution systems which are supplied at a voltage
hazards of electrical origin not exceeding 250 V direct current or 250 V, root mean
square, between conductors, and which are limited in
4.4.1 Exposed permanently fixed metal parts of electrical extent, may comply with [4.4.7], subject to the satisfaction
machines or equipment which are not intended to be live of the Society.
but which are liable under fault conditions to become live
are to be earthed (grounded) unless: 4.4.10 Except as permitted by the Society in exceptional
circumstances, all metal sheaths and armour of cables are
a) they are supplied at a voltage not exceeding 50 V direct to be electrically continuous and to be earthed.
current or 50 V, root mean square between conductors;
auto-transformers are not to be used for the purpose of 4.4.11 All electrical cables are to be at least of a flame-
achieving this alternative current voltage, or retardant type and are to be so installed as not to impair
their original flame-retarding properties. The Society may
b) they are supplied at a voltage not exceeding 250 V by
permit the use of special types of cables where necessary
safety isolating transformers supplying one consuming
for specific applications, such as radio frequency cables,
device only, or
which do not comply with the foregoing.
c) they are constructed in accordance with the principle of
double insulation. 4.4.12 Cables and wiring serving essential or emergency
power, lighting, internal communications or signals are as
far as practicable to be routed clear of galleys, machinery
4.4.2 Electrical apparatus is to be so constructed and
spaces of category A and other high fire risk areas and laun-
installed that it will not cause injury when handled or
dries, fish handling and fish processing spaces and other
touched in the normal manner.
spaces where there is a high moisture content. Cables con-
necting fire pumps to the emergency switchboard are to be
4.4.3 Main and emergency switchboards are to be so of a fire-resistant type where they pass through high fire risk
arranged as to afford easy access as may be needed to appa- areas. Where practicable, all such cables are to be run in
ratus and equipment, without danger to attendants. The such a manner as to preclude their being rendered unserv-
sides, backs and, where necessary, the fronts of switch- iceable by heating of the bulkheads which may be caused
boards are to be suitably guarded. Exposed live parts having by a fire in an adjacent space.
voltages to earth exceeding a voltage to be specified by the
Society are not to be installed on the front of the switch- 4.4.13 Where cables are installed in spaces where the risk
boards. There are to be non-conducting mats or gratings at of fire or explosion exists in the event of an electrical fault,
the front and rear, where necessary. special precautions against such risk are to be taken to the
satisfaction of the Society.
4.4.4 The hull return system of distribution is not to be
used for power, heating or lighting in vessels of 75 m of 4.4.14 Wiring is to be supported in such a manner as to
length and over. avoid chafing or other damage.

RINA Rules 2017 137

Pt E, Ch 20, Sec 5

4.4.15 Terminations and joints in all conductors are to be 4.4.23 An accumulator battery is not to be located in
made such that they retain the original electrical, mechani- accommodation spaces unless installed in a hermetically
cal, flame-retarding and, where necessary, fire-resisting sealed container.
properties of the cable.
4.4.24 In spaces where flammable mixtures are liable to
4.4.16 Cables installed in refrigerated compartments are to collect and in any compartments assigned principally to the
be suitable for low temperatures and high humidity. containment of an accumulator battery, no electrical equip-
ment is to be installed unless the Society is satisfied that it
4.4.17 Circuits are to be protected against short-circuit. is:
Circuits are also to be protected against overload, unless a) essential for operational purposes,
otherwise specified in these Rules or where the Society may
exceptionally otherwise permit. b) of a type which will not ignite the mixture concerned,
c) appropriate for the space concerned, and
4.4.18 The rating or appropriate setting of the overload d) appropriately certified for safe usage in the dusts,
protective device for each circuit is to be permanently indi- vapours or gases likely to be encountered.
cated at the location of the protective device.

4.4.19 Lighting fittings are to be so arranged as to prevent 4.5 Engineers’ alarm

temperature rises which could damage the wiring and to
4.5.1 In vessels of 75 m in length and over, an engineers’
prevent surrounding material from becoming excessively
alarm is to be provided to be operated from the engine con-
trol room or at the manoeuvring platform as appropriate,
4.4.20 Lighting or power circuits terminating in a space and is to be clearly audible in the engineers’ accommoda-
where the risk of fire or explosion exists are to be provided tion.
with isolating switches outside the space.
5 Lightning protection
4.4.21 The housing of accumulator batteries is to be con-
structed and ventilated to the satisfaction of the Society. 5.1 General
4.4.22 Electrical or other equipment which may constitute 5.1.1 (1/7/2002)
a source of ignition of flammable vapours is not permitted Lightning protection systems are to be fitted to all wooden
in these compartments except as provided for in [4.4.24]. masts or topmasts.

138 RINA Rules 2017

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 21



RINA Rules 2017 139

Pt E, Ch 21, Sec 1


1 Application 2 Specific requirements

1.1 2.1
1.1.1 (1/7/2004) 2.1.1 (1/7/2004)
Ships complying with the requirements of this Chapter are Ships are to comply with the specific requirements for sup-
eligible for the assignment of the service notation research ply vessels given in Chapter 15, as applicable, and are to be
ship, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.8.8]. provided with special equipment and arrangements suitable
1.1.2 (1/7/2004) for scientific or technological research (laboratories, appa-
ratus, accommodation spaces for research personnel, etc).
Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with the
requirements stipulated in Parts A, B, C and D, as applica- The above-mentioned equipment and/or arrangements are
ble, and with the specific requirements given in [2]. listed in the Certificate of Classification.

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Service Notations

Chapter 22




RINA Rules 2017 143

Pt E, Ch 22, Sec 1


1 General
Table 1 (1/1/2005)

1.1 Application Main subject Reference

1.1.1 (1/1/2005) Ship arrangement (1)
Ships complying with the requirements of this Chapter are
Hull and stability Sec 2
eligible for the assignment of the service notation pipe lay-
ing ship, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.8.9]. Machinery and systems Sec 3
1.1.2 (1/1/2005) Electrical installations (1)
Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with the
requirements stipulated in Parts A, B, C and D, as applica- Automation (1)
ble, and with the requirements of this Chapter, which are Fire protection, detection and extinction (1)
specific to pipe laying ships.
(1) No specific requirements for pipe laying ships are given
in this Chapter
1.2 Summary table
1.2.1 (1/1/2005)
Tab 1 indicates, for ready reference, the Sections of this
Chapter containing specific requirements applicable to pipe
laying ships.

RINA Rules 2017 145

Pt E, Ch 22, Sec 2


1 General Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/1/2005)

1.1 Application A/I Containing also

No. Document
1.1.1 (1/1/2005) (1) information on
The requirements of this Section apply to the hull structures, 1 I General arrangement of Design loads for all
support structures and connecting structures related to pipe pipe laying equipment components of pipe
laying operations. laying equipment
2 I General arrangement of Design load for
1.2 Documents to be submitted cranes and davits and of cranes and davits
1.2.1 (1/1/2005) the relevant support
Tab 1 lists the plans or documents that are to be submitted 3 I Fender arrangement for
to the Society, as applicable. protection of the side
2 Foundation structures, supporting 4 A Foundation structures, Design forces trans-
structures and fastening supporting structures mitted to the hull
and fastening of the structures
2.1 equipment for pipe lay-
ing operations
2.1.1 (1/1/2005)
The structures are assessed on a case-by-case basis, consid- 5 A Structures supporting Design forces trans-
ering the structural model, the load model and the checking stowed pipes and, if mitted to the hull
criteria, as applicable, specified in Part B, Chapter 7. applicable, reels structures
6 A Foundation structures of Design forces trans-
3 Connecting structures of the stinger cranes and davits mitted to the hull
to the hull
7 A Connecting structures of Design forces trans-
3.1 the stinger to the hull mitted to the hull
3.1.1 (1/1/2005)
The structures are assessed on a case-by-case basis, consid- (1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies
ering the design forces provided by the Designer and the I = to be submitted for information in duplicate
checking criteria, as applicable, specified in Part B,
Chapter 7.

146 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 22, Sec 3


1 General 5 Testing of pipe laying, anchoring and

positioning equipment
1.1 Application
1.1.1 (1/1/2005) 5.1 Testing of materials
The requirements of this Section apply to: 5.1.1 (1/1/2005)
• Equipment for the pipe laying In general testing of materials is required according to the
• Equipment for positioning during pipe laying. applicable requirements of the Rules.

1.2 Documents to be submitted 5.2 Hydraulic tests

1.2.1 (1/1/2005) 5.2.1 (1/1/2005)
Tab 1 lists the plans or documents that are to be submitted Pressure parts are to be subjected to hydraulic tests in
to the Society, as applicable. accordance with Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3 and Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10,
as applicable.
2 Pipe laying equipment
5.3 Tests of mechanical components
2.1 5.3.1 (1/1/2005)
2.1.1 (1/1/2005) Running tests of each individual component are to be car-
The equipment and installation is considered on a case-by- ried out whenever possible at the Manufacturer's works; as
case basis. an alternative, the above tests may be performed during
equipment trials on board.
3 Anchoring equipment
5.4 Tests on electrical components
3.1 5.4.1 (1/1/2005)
3.1.1 (1/1/2005) The tests required in Part C, Chapter 2 are to be carried out
The equipment and installation is considered on a case-by- as applicable.
case basis.
6 Equipment trials on board
4 Dynamic positioning equipment dur-
ing pipe laying 6.1
6.1.1 (1/1/2005)
4.1 Tests are to be carried out to verify the proper operation of
4.1.1 (1/1/2005) all machinery and equipment intended for pipe laying,
In general, the requirements in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 6 of the anchoring and dynamic positioning in different sea and
Rules apply. weather conditions, if necessary.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/1/2005)

No. A/I (1) Document Containing also information on

1 A Plans of all components of the pipe laying equipment including gears,
pressure vessels, hydraulic systems etc., indicating materials and welding
2 I General arrangement of the anchoring equipment Design load for anchoring equipment
3 I General arrangement of the dynamic positioning equipment during pipe
4 A Documentation relevant to the dynamic positioning system (see [4])
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate

RINA Rules 2017 147

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 23




RINA Rules 2017 149

Pt E, Ch 23, Sec 1


1 General Table 1 (1/2/2005)

1.1 Application Main subject Reference

1.1.1 (1/2/2005) Ship arrangement Sec 2
Ships complying with the requirements of this Chapter are
eligible for the assignment of the service notation cement Hull and stability Sec 2
carrier, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.2.10]. Machinery and systems Sec 3
1.1.2 (1/2/2005) Electrical installations (1)
Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with the
requirements stipulated in Parts A, B, C and D, as applica- Automation (1)
ble, and with the requirements of this Chapter, which are Fire protection, detection and (1)
specific to cement carriers. extinction
(1) No specific requirements for cement carriers are given
1.2 Summary table
in this Chapter.
1.2.1 (1/2/2005)
Tab 1 indicates, for ready reference, the Sections of this
Chapter containing specific requirements applicable to
cement carriers.

RINA Rules 2017 151

Pt E, Ch 23, Sec 2


1 General [2.2] relevant to grain loading. As an alternative, the cement

is to be trimmed as indicated in [4.1.2] and the ship is to
remain alongside for twelve hours to allow escape of
1.1 Documents to be submitted
entrained air and the settlement of the cargo.
1.1.1 (1/2/2005)
4.1.2 (1/2/2005)
Tab 1 lists the plans or documents that are to be submitted
to the Society, as applicable Ships carrying cement having an angle of repose 30° < Φ ≤
35° may not comply with the requirements of [4.1.1] pro-
Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/2/2005) vided that the cargo is trimmed according to the following
No. A/I (1) Document
a) the unevenness of the cargo surface measured as the
1 A Typical loading and unloading sequences, vertical distance (Δh) between the highest and lowest
including conditions with uneven distribu- levels of the cargo surface is not to exceed B/10, where
tion (e.g. part loading conditions with B, in m, is the beam of the ship with a maximum allow-
empty cargo holds, as applicable) able Δh=1,5m;
2 I Data regarding properties of cement (e.g.
b) where Δh cannot be measured, bulk shipment can also
bulk density, angle of repose, humidity lim-
be accepted if loading is carried out with suitable trim-
its, etc.)
ming equipment.
3 I Loading and unloading systems manual
4.1.3 (1/2/2005)
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate Ships carrying cement having an angle of repose Φ > 35°
are to be loaded in such a way that the cement is distributed
in a manner which eliminates the formation of wide, steeply
2 Ship arrangement sloped voids beyond the trimmed surface within the bound-
aries of the cargo space. The cement is to be trimmed to an
2.1 General angle significantly less than the angle of repose..
2.1.1 (1/2/2005) 4.1.4 (1/2/2005)
Cement carriers are to be fitted with a closed loading and
Suitable arrangements are to be provided to check that the
unloading system.
cargo is properly trimmed and levelled as requested in
2.1.2 (1/2/2005) [4.1.2] and [4.1.3].
In general, the cement carrier holds are to be fitted with a
double bottom, a single or double side and a single deck.
Hatches to cargo holds are intended for access only or for 5 Design loads
arrangement of the loading and unloading system.
5.1 Internal pressures due to cement cargo
3 Corrosion additions
5.1.1 (1/2/2005)

3.1 General The still water and inertial pressures induced by the cement
cargo on the hold structures are to be calculated in accord-
3.1.1 (1/2/2005) ance with Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [3], on the basis of the cement
In lieu of the values specified in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2, [3], the cargo density and angle of repose.
corrosion addition relevant to dry bulk cargo holds
intended to carry cement only is to be taken equal to 1,0
mm. 5.2 Loading conditions to be considered in
structural analyses of primary support-
4 Stability ing members based on three dimen-
sional models
4.1 Intact stability 5.2.1 (1/2/2005)
4.1.1 (1/2/2005) Where primary supporting members are analysed through
Ships carrying cement having an angle of repose Φ ≤ 30° three dimensional models, in accordance with Pt B, Ch 7,
are to comply with the stability requirements of Ch 4, Sec 3, Sec 3, the following loading conditions are to be consid-

152 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 23, Sec 2

ered when defining the loads acting on the structural ele-

ments represented in the model:
• homogeneous loading conditions,
• ballast loading conditions,
• the most severe non-uniform loading conditions, in
which the cargo is unevenly distributed in the cargo
holds, at the relevant design draughts,
• the most severe harbour loading conditions, as they
result from the various steps envisaged by the loading
and unloading sequences.

RINA Rules 2017 153

Pt E, Ch 23, Sec 3


1 General 3.1.2 Testing of materials and components of the

machinery (1/2/2005)
1.1 Documents to be submitted a) In general, testing is required for shafts, gearing, pres-
sure parts of pumps and hydraulic motors, and plates of
1.1.1 (1/2/2005) foundations of welded construction.
Tab 1 lists the plans or documents that are to be submitted
to the Society, as applicable b) As far as mechanical tests of materials are concerned,
internal works' certificates submitted by the Manufac-
turer may be accepted by the Society at its discretion. In
2 Cement handling system such cases, testing operations may be limited to visual
external inspection associated, where necessary, with
2.1 General non-destructive examinations and hardness tests.

2.1.1 Mechanical strength (1/2/2005) 3.1.3 Hydrostatic tests (1/2/2005)

The systems intended for loading and unloading operations Pressure parts are to be subjected to hydrostatic tests in
and their components (such as conveyors) are to be of suffi- accordance with the relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1,
cient mechanical strength based on the maximum loads Sec 3 or Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, as appropriate.
expected in service, as specified by the Designer, and are
not subject to specific class requirements. 3.1.4 Tests on electrical components (1/2/2005)
The tests required in Part C, Chapter 2 are to be carried out
2.1.2 Piping systems (1/2/2005)
as applicable.
The piping systems intended for cement handling and ancil-
lary systems are to be designed, constructed and tested in 3.1.5 Running tests (1/2/2005)
accordance with the applicable provisions of Pt C, Ch 1,
a) Running tests are to be carried out whenever possible at
Sec 10.
the Manufacturer's works. As an alternative, the above
2.1.3 Pressure vessels (1/2/2005) tests may be performed on board during the trials
Where provided, pressure vessels are to be designed, con- required after installation of machinery.
structed and tested in accordance with the applicable provi- b) During the running tests, the suitability of all the
sions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3. arrangements concerned is to be checked in relation to
the various expected service conditions.
3 Testing of cement handling equip- c) On completion and subject to the result of the above
ment tests, the inspection of components may be required,
with dismantling where deemed necessary by the Sur-
veyor in charge of the testing.
3.1 Workshop testing
3.1.1 General (1/2/2005) 3.2 On board testing
The cement handling equipment is to be tested in compli-
ance with the following requirements, with the exception of 3.2.1 Equipment trials (1/2/2005)
prime movers and pressure vessels, which are to be tested As far as the cement handling system is concerned, tests are
in compliance with the applicable requirements of the rele- to be carried out to verify the proper operation of all rele-
vant Sections of Part C. vant equipment.

154 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 23, Sec 3

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/2/2005)

No. A/I (1) Document (2)

1 I General arrangement of the cement handling equipment
2 I Design loads on all components of the cement handling equipment
3 A Plans of all components of the cement handling equipment, including pressure vessels, hydraulic systems,
etc, as applicable
4 A Diagram of the piping system intended for cement handling
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate
(2) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems

RINA Rules 2017 155

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 24



RINA Rules 2017 157

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 1


1 General increased or an effective method of corrosion control is to

be adopted and the design assessed for their effects.
1.1 Application 1.1.6 Hazards (1/7/2012)
1.1.1 (1/7/2012) Hazards of Compressed Natural Gas considered in this
Chapter include fire, toxicity, corrodibility, reactivity, tem-
Ships complying with the requirements of this Chapter are
perature and pressure.
eligible for the assignment of the service notation Com-
pressed Natural Gas Carrier, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1,
Sec 2, [4.2.11]. The reference CNG carrier is a double hull 1.2 Fundamental safety requirements
construction with double side and double bottom, with 1.2.1 (1/7/2012)
holds containing the CNG in separate pressure vessels, The overall safety and security is to be demonstrated to be
equipped with loading/unloading systems, without turret equivalent or better than comparable liquefied gas carriers
systems. Different ship arrangements may require ad-hoc built and operated according to Chapter 9.
considerations in addition to, or in lieu of the present Rules. 1.2.2 (1/7/2012)
Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with the For new concepts, it is recommended to follow the proce-
requirements stipulated in Parts A, B, C and D of the Rules, dure for the Approval in Principle or for the Technology
as applicable, and with the requirements of this Chapter, Qualification (see the “Guide for Technology Qualification
which are specific to Compressed Natural Gas Carrier. Processes”). A significant role in such procedure is played
These requirements are intended to apply ships regardless by Risk Assessment is to be submitted. The Risk Assessment
of their size, including those of less than 500 tons gross ton- is to comply with the principles outlined in the “Guide for
nage, engaged in carriage of Compressed Natural Gas. Risk Analysis”. The choice of a qualitative or quantitative
analysis depends on the problem to be studied, but it is
1.1.2 IGC Code (1/7/2012) likely that at least evaluations of consequences of fire and
In this Chapter, reference to the latest version of the Interna- gas dispersion scenarios will be needed. Modifications to
tional Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships existing systems (e.g. cargo holds, cargo piping, process sys-
Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk, as amended, is made by tem, operational procedures etc.) are to be supported by at
the wording "IGC Code". least a Hazard Identification (HAZID) or other appropriate
studies. The whole documentation supporting the design,
1.1.3 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) (1/7/2012) i.e. risk assessment, engineering studies, tests etc. is to be
Is intended as a mixture typically composed of Methane, submitted to the Society for information, as a part of the
Natural Gas Liquids (ethane, propane, butane, pentane, classification documentation.
etc), water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other non-hydro- 1.2.3 (1/7/2012)
carbon contaminants (e.g. H2S). Cargo is the various com- The safety requirements are to be based on safety objectives
positions of natural gas that will be carried. For the carriage for:.
in bulk of products which are not listed in this Chapter, pre- • life (crew and third party personnel)
senting more severe hazards than those covered by the • environment (oil pollution, gas release to the atmos-
Rules, the Society reserves the right to establish require- phere).
ments and/or conditions additional to those contained in
this Chapter. Commercial requirements such as availability may be
included, if agreed with the Interested Party.
1.1.4 Carriage of products not listed in Section
15 (1/7/2012)
2 Definitions
The carriage of products not listed in Sec 15, Tab 1 will be
considered on a case by case basis by the Society.
2.1 Terms
1.1.5 Gas contaminants (1/7/2012) 2.1.1 Blow down (1/7/2012)
The requirements relating to the cargo tanks apply only to Means the controlled depressurization of an inventory of
CNG. The cargo that comes into contact with the cargo pressurised gas.
tanks and loading/unloading system of the ship is to have
water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other contaminants 2.1.2 Cargo area (1/7/2012)
removed. If this is not feasible, and the cargo has a presence Is that part of the ship which contains the cargo contain-
of contaminants, these must be evaluated and additional ment and cargo handling systems and includes deck areas
measures, not covered in this Chapter, will be required. In over the full length and breadth of the part of the ship over
particular, at least the scantlings may need to be suitably the above-mentioned spaces.

RINA Rules 2017 159

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 1

2.1.3 Cargo hold (1/7/2012) pressure. The normal working pressure is not to exceed the
Is the space enclosed by the ship's structure in which cargo maximum allowable working pressure.
tanks are placed.
2.1.11 Design temperature (1/7/2012)
2.1.4 Cargo hold vent pipes (1/7/2012) For the selection of materials in cargo tanks, piping, sup-
Are low pressure pipes for venting of cargo hold spaces. porting structure and inner hull structure is the lowest or
highest temperature which can occur in the respective com-
2.1.5 Cargo load/unload valve (1/7/2012) ponents.
Is the valve isolating the cargo piping from external piping.
3 Additional requirements
2.1.6 Cargo piping (1/7/2012)
Is the piping between the cargo tank valve and the cargo
load and or unload valve.
3.1 Emergency towing arrangement
3.1.1 (1/7/2012)
2.1.7 Cargo tank (1/7/2012) Emergency towing arrangements are to be fitted in accord-
Is all pressurised equipment (e.g. cargo container, manifold ance with Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4, [4], irrespective of the dead-
piping etc.) of a cargo containment system up to the first weight of the ship..
isolating cargo tank valve.
3.2 Steering gear
2.1.8 Cargo tank valve (1/7/2012)
Is the valve isolating the cargo tank from the cargo piping. 3.2.1 (1/7/2012)
Additional requirements for steering gear are given in Ch 7,
2.1.9 Design pressure (1/7/2012) Sec 4, [7].
Is the maximum gauge gas pressure at the top of the cargo
tank which has been used in the calculation of the scant- 4 Documentation to be submitted
lings of the cargo tank and cargo piping, at the expected
operating environmental conditions. 4.1
2.1.10 Maximum Allowable Working 4.1.1 (1/7/2012)
Pressure (1/7/2012) Tab 1 and Tab 2 list the plans, information, analysis, etc.
Is the maximum pressure, corresponding to the relevant which are to be submitted in addition to the information
temperature, which is allowed during normal operations required in the other Parts of the Rules for the parts of the
like storage, loading and unloading. It is 95% of the design ship not affected by the cargo, as applicable.

160 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 1

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted: General (1/7/2012)

No Documents
1 I List of products to be carried, gas technical specification and all design conditions
2 I General arrangement plan, showing location of cargo tanks and fuel oil, ballast and other tanks
3 A Gas-dangerous zones plan
4 A Location of void spaces and dangerous zones
5 A Air locks between safe and dangerous zones
6 A Ventilation duct arrangement in gas-dangerous spaces and adjacent zones
7 A Details of hull structure in way of cargo tanks, including support arrangement for tanks, saddles, anti-floating and anti-lift-
ing devices, deck sealing arrangements, etc.
8 A Hull stress analysis
9 A Hull ship motion analysis, where a direct analysis is preferred to the methods indicated in Sec 4
10 A Intact and damage stability calculations
11 A Cargo tanks and cargo piping systems
12 A Cargo control room
13 A Details of ladders, fittings and towers in tanks and relative stress analysis, if any
14 A Bilge and ballast system in cargo area
15 A Gas freeing system in cargo tanks including inert gas system
16 A Interbarrier space drainage, inerting and pressurisation systems
17 A Ventilation system in cargo area
18 A Hull structure heating system, if any
19 A Refrigeration and reliquefaction plant system diagram, if any
20 A Details of electrical equipment installed in cargo area, including the list of certified safe equipment and apparatus and
electrical bonding of cargo tanks and piping
21 A Schematic electrical wiring diagram in cargo area
22 A Gas detection system
23 A Cargo tank instrumentation, including cargo and hull temperature monitoring system
24 A Emergency shutdown system
25 A Details of fire-extinguishing appliances and systems in cargo area
26 For machinery using gas as fuel:
I a) General arrangement plan of the machinery plant
I b) Description of the entire plant
A c) Gas piping plans for the machinery plant
A d) Complete list of the safety, gas detection and warning equipment
A e) Drawings of the boilers
I f) Detailed drawings of the gas inlet and fuel inlet equipment
I g) Gas characteristics
A h) General arrangement plan of the gas treatment plant, including gas compressors, prime movers and gas preheaters
A i) Drawings of the gas compressors and preheaters
Note 1: A = to be submitted for approval in four copies
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate

RINA Rules 2017 161

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 1

Table 2 : Documents to be submitted: Cargo Tanks and piping (1/7/2012)

No Documents
1 A Drawing of tanks, non-destructive testing of welds and strength and tightness testing of tanks
2 A Design loads and structural analysis of cargo tanks
3 A Calculation of maximum and minimum design temperature for materials in the cargo tank, supporting structure and inner
hull due to loading/unloading/depressurizing
4 A Prototype testing with full scale fatigue and burst test for cargo tank
5 A Fatigue crack propagation calculations for the cargo tank piping
6 A Drawings and calculation of stresses in the cargo tank piping including vibrations and fatigue
7 A Drawings and calculation of supports for cargo tank cylinders including collision loads
8 I Operational and emergency procedures for possible incidents in the cargo tanks
9 A Overpressure protection arrangements for cargo tanks including details of pressure relief devices
10 I Arrangements and procedure for gas freeing and mechanical ventilation in cargo area
11 A Scantlings, material and arrangement of the cargo tanks including the liner
12 A Stress analysis of the cargo tanks, including fatigue analysis and crack propagation analysis for type “B” tanks. This analy-
sis may be integrated with that indicated in item 10
13 A Details of cargo handling and vapour system, including arrangements and details of piping and fitting
14 A Details of process pressure vessels and relative valves arrangement
15 A Details of cargo pumps and cargo compressors
16 A Blow down system, if any
17 A Emergency shutdown provisions and arrangements
18 A Loading and unloading operation description, including cargo tank filling limits
19 A Cargo tank testing and inspection procedures
20 A Supporting documentation (risk assessment, engineering analyses, tests etc.)
Note 1: A = to be submitted for approval in four copies
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate

162 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 2


1 Segregation of the cargo area 2.1.3 Spaces located forward of the cargo
area (1/7/2012)

IGC Code Ch 3, 3.2.6 applies, with the following additional

1.1 Segregation of hold spaces
1.1.1 (1/7/2012)
Entrances and openings to service spaces located forward of
No accommodation space, service space or control station the cargo area may not face such area.
is to be located within the cargo area. The bulkheads of
accommodation spaces, service spaces or control stations 2.1.4 Doors facing cargo area (1/7/2012)
which face the cargo area are to be so located as to avoid
IGC Code Ch 3, 3.2.4 applies, with the following additional
the ingress of gas from the hold space to such spaces
through a single failure of a deck or bulkhead.
Doors facing the cargo area or located in hazardous areas
on the sides are to be restricted to stores for cargo-related
1.2 Location of cargo holds
and safety equipment, cargo control stations as well as
decontamination showers and eye wash.
1.2.1 General (1/7/2012)
Where such doors are permitted, the space may not give
Cargo holds are to be segregated, by means of cofferdams,
access to other spaces covered in IGC Code 3.2.4 and the
from machinery and boiler spaces, accommodation spaces, common boundaries with these spaces are to be insulated
service spaces and control stations, chain lockers, drinking with A60 class bulkheads.
and domestic water tanks and from stores. For a conven-
tional ship type, cargo holds are to be located forward of
2.1.5 Exemptions, ventilation openings and type of
machinery spaces of category A. Bow thrusters, if fitted, closures (1/7/2012)
may be located forward of the hold spaces. Further require-
ments may stem from the risk analysis. IGC Code Ch 3, 3.2.6 applies, with the following additional
Access and spaces for a safe visual and/or instrumental
inspection of cargo tanks is to be provided, and the relevant The requirement for fitting air intakes and openings with
inspection plan is to be sent to the Society for information. closing devices operable from inside the space in ships
intended to carry toxic products is to apply to spaces which
are used for the ship’s radio and main navigating equip-
2 Accommodation, service and ment, cabins, mess rooms, toilets, hospitals, galleys, etc.,
but does not apply to spaces not normally manned such as
machinery spaces and control sta-
deck stores, forecastle stores, engine room casings, steering
tions gear compartments and workshops. The requirement does
not apply to cargo control rooms located within the cargo
2.1 General
When internal closing is required, this is to include both
2.1.1 (1/7/2012) ventilation intakes and outlets.
If the ship is gas-fuelled, Pt C, Ch 1, App 7 applies.
The closing devices are to give a reasonable degree of gas-
tightness. Ordinary steel fire-flaps without gaskets/seals are
2.1.2 Precautions against hazardous normally not considered satisfactory.
vapours (1/7/2012)

In order to guard against the danger of hazardous vapors, 2.1.6 Openings for removal of machinery (1/7/2012)
due consideration is to be given to the location of air
IGC Code Ch 3, 3.2.6 applies, with the following additional
intakes, air outlets and openings into accommodation, serv-
ice and machinery spaces and control stations in relation to
cargo piping, cargo vent systems and machinery space Bolted plates of A60 class for removal of machinery may be
exhausts from gas burning arrangements. For this purpose, accepted on bulkheads facing cargo areas, provided sign-
IGC Code 3.2.4, 3.8, 8.2.10 and 12.1.6 apply to the afore- boards are fitted to warn that these plates may only be
said air intakes, air outlets and openings. opened when the ship is in gas-free condition.

RINA Rules 2017 163

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 3


1 Freeboard and intact stability The above criteria are to be integrated, and possibly super-
seded, by the additional requirements that may stem from
the collision/grounding analysis.
1.1 Intact stability
The collision/grounding analysis is to be carried out accord-
1.1.1 (1/7/2012)
ing to recognized standards and tools, and the Society is to
The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B,
be involved up front and kept informed on the development
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.3] is to be in compliance with the
of the analysis.
requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2.
The collision analysis is to take into account at least the fol-
1.1.2 (1/7/2012)
lowing aspects:
The cargo holds are to be protected from penetration in the
case of minor damage to the vessel (resulting, for example, a) Sizes, types and speed of vessels that may strike the
from contact with a jetty or tug) and given a measure of pro- CNG ship, obtained from traffic data of the typical CNG
tection from damage in the case of collision or stranding by ship trade;
locating them at specified minimum distances inboard from b) Assumptions on collision angles, speed and bow rigidity
the vessel’s shell plating. of the striking vessel.
1.1.3 (1/7/2012) The grounding analysis is to obtain the raking damage on
The Master of the ship is to be supplied with a Trim and Sta- the basis of an assumed navigating speed and an assumed
bility booklet as specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2. rock shape.
Other assumptions may be made to the satisfaction of the
1.2 Damaged stability Society.
1.2.1 (1/7/2012) Collision and grounding analyses, with the assumptions,
A probabilistic approach to determining the effects of a col- calculations, results and conclusions clearly stated,
lision or grounding is to be considered according to SOLAS are to be sent to the Society for information.
Ch II-1 (MSC.Res. 216(82)).
3 Pipes, ducts and trunks in damaged
2 Collisions and groundings zones
2.1 General 3.1 Strength of internal structures
2.1.1 (1/7/2012) 3.1.1 (1/7/2012)
For conventional double bottom designs the double bottom Tunnels, ducts, pipes, doors, bulkheads and decks which
height is to be at least B/15 or 3,0 m whichever is less, but might form watertight boundaries of intact spaces in the
not less than 1,0 m. case of assumed conventional damage are to have mini-
For conventional double side designs the width of the dou- mum strength adequate to withstand the pressure height
ble side shall at least be minimum B/15 or 2.0 m, whichever corresponding to the deepest equilibrium waterline in dam-
is the greater. aged conditions.

164 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 4


1 General 1.1.4 (1/7/2012)

In particular, thermal loads are to be determined consider-
1.1 Application ing the lowest temperature to which the cargo tank will nor-
1.1.1 (1/7/2012) mally be exposed in service during loading, unloading and
Cargo tank design is to be evaluated by the Society to deter- storage, along with any accidental cargo release causing jet
mine the design criteria that are to be followed. Since large
impingement with cooldown effect to nearby tanks. Appro-
CNG tanks are a novel application on ships, it is recom-
mended to follow the procedure for the Approval in Princi- priate calculations or experimental results are to be submit-
ple or for the Technology Qualification (see the “Guide for ted to the Society for information. Moreover, transient
Technology Qualification Processes”). thermal loads and dynamic effect of pressure variations dur-
1.1.2 (1/7/2012) ing loading and unloading are to be considered, taking into
Whatever the type (e.g. metal, composite, coiled etc.), account the maximum values they will be exposed to dur-
cargo tanks are to be designed using recognized standards, ing their lifetime.
model tests, refined analytical tools and analysis methods to
determine stress levels, fatigue life and crack propagation 1.1.5 (1/7/2012)
characteristics, which are to be submitted by the Society for Cargo tank supports are to comply with the applicable crite-
approval. The uncertainties of the design standards and
ria of Ch 9, Sec 4. The loads due to ship motions are to
codes are to be included in the establishment of the design
pressure. comply with Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 3, and are to verified by adopt-
1.1.3 (1/7/2012) ing the criteria of Part B, Chapter 7 (in particular, Pt B, Ch 7,
The cargo tanks, along with their supports, clamps, piping App 1 and Pt B, Ch 7, App 3), as applicable.
and other fixtures are to be designed taking into account at
1.1.6 (1/7/2012)
least the following loads:
• internal pressure Special considerations are to be given to loading rates for
• external pressure cargo tanks made of composites, since these materials have
• wave loads rate dependent properties.
• thermal loads
1.1.7 (1/7/2012)
• still water loads
• tank and cargo weight with the corresponding reactions Changes to material properties with time due to action of
in way of supports long term still water loads and the environment is also to be
• insulation mass, if any considered for composites. The extent to which such loads
• vibrations. are to be considered depends on the type of tank.

RINA Rules 2017 165

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 5



1 Gas-fuelled ship j) After assembly on board the complete cargo piping

shall be subjected to a leak test using air, halides or
other suitable medium according to an approved proce-
1.1 Application dure.
1.1.1 (1/7/2012)
Procedures for cargo transfer including emergency proce-
If the ship is gas-fuelled, Pt C, Ch 1, App 7 applies. dures are to be submitted for information. The procedures
are to address potential accidents related cargo transfer, and
2 Process pressure vessels information regarding emergency disconnection, emer-
gency shutdown, communication with offshore/onshore ter-
2.1 General minals etc. are to be included.

2.1.1 (1/7/2012) 3.1.2 Provisions for protection of piping against

Process pressure vessels handling cargo are to be consid- thermal stress (1/7/2012)
ered at least as class 1 pressure vessels, in accordance with IGC Code Ch 5, applies, with the following addi-
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3, [1.4.1]. tional requirements.
Expansion joints are to be protected from extensions and
3 Cargo and process piping compressions greater than the limits fixed for them and the
connected piping is to be suitably supported and anchored.
3.1 General Bellow expansion joints are to be protected from mechani-
cal damage.
3.1.1 (1/7/2012)
In general, the cargo piping system , as a minimum, is to 3.1.3 Segregation of high temperature
meet the requirements given in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [1.3.2], piping (1/7/2012)
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.5.4], Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.9.1], or a
IGC Code Ch 5, applies, with the following addi-
standard acceptable to the Society with the following addi-
tional requirements.
tional requirements.
a) In general, cargo holds should not have piping in com- High temperature pipes are to be thermally isolated from
mon. Otherwise, precautions are to be taken to avoid the adjacent structures. In particular, the temperature of
that a gas release from a pipe in a hold may leak into pipelines is not to exceed 220 °C in gas-dangerous zones.
other holds.
3.1.4 Pressure relief valve setting (1/7/2012)
b) Considerations are to be made regarding the cooldown
(i.e. Joule-Thomson) effect on nearby structural elements Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3, [2.4.2] applies.
due to gas leaks from sources like joints and fittings.
3.1.5 Means for detecting the presence of liquid
c) Enclosed spaces in which cargo piping may run are to cargo (if a liquid separation system is
be protected against overpressure due to high pressure fitted) (1/7/2012)
leaks. IGC Code Ch 5, 5.2.1 applies as far as practicable, with the
d) The pipes are to be seamless or equivalent. Flange con- following additional requirements.
nections are to be limited as far as possible.
The means to detect the presence of liquid cargo may be
e) Piping system materials (pipes, fittings and flanges) are constituted by electrical level switches whose circuit is
to be tested at the presence of a surveyor of the Society. intrinsically safe. The alarm signals given by the level
f) Only butt welded and flanged connections of the weld- switches are to be transmitted to the wheelhouse and to the
ing neck type are allowed. cargo control station, if provided.
g) All butt welds are to be subject to 100% radiographic
3.1.6 Connections of relief valve discharges to
testing. cargo tanks (1/7/2012)
h) Approval of the welding procedure specifications are If relief valves are fitted on the liquid phase piping, the con-
required as specified in Part D. nections from such relief valve discharges up to process
i) After assembly the piping system is to be hydrostatic tanks are not to be fitted with shut-off valves, but are to be
pressure tested to at least 1.5 times design pressure prior provided with non-return valves in the proximity of the
to installation tanks.

166 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 5

3.2 Scantlings based on internal pressure 3.3 Permissible stress

3.3.1 Flanges not complying with
3.2.1 Piping subject to green seas (1/7/2012)
standards (1/7/2012)
IGC Code Ch 5, 5.2.2 applies as far as practicable, with the For flanges not complying with a standard, the dimensions
following additional requirements. and type of gaskets are to be to the satisfaction of the Soci-
For piping subject to green seas, the design pressure P, in
bar, in the formula in 5.1.1 of the IGC CODE is to be 3.3.2 Stress analysis (1/7/2012)
replaced by an equivalent pressure P’ given by the follow- If stresses due to particular conditions (e.g. thermal effects)
ing formula: are to be taken into account, ad-hoc analyses are to be
examined by the Society on a case by case basis.
P' = ---  P + P 2 + 0 ,006R'K ------C-
3.3.3 Stress intensity (1/7/2012)
2 D
The stress intensity is to be determined as specified in the
formulae in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.3.2] for pipes intended
for high temperatures:
DC : External diameter of the pipe taking into a) for primary stresses resulting from:
account the insulation (in mm), whose thickness • pressure
is to be taken at least equal to:
• weight
40 mm if D ≤ 50 mm • green seas
b) for primary stresses and secondary stresses resulting
80 mm if D ≥ 150 mm
from contraction or linear dilatation.
Intermediate values are to be determined by
3.3.4 Stress intensity limits (1/7/2012)
The stress intensity is to be determined as specified in the
R’ : Drag corresponding to the effect of green seas, formulae in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.3.2] for pipes intended
in da N/m2, such as given in Tab 1 as a function for high temperatures:
of the location of the pipes and of their height H a) For the first case, the stress intensity is to be limited to
(in m) above the deepest loadline; intermediate the lower of:
values are to be determined by interpolation. 0,8 Re and 0,4 Rm
K : permissible stress, in N/mm 2 b) For the second case, the stress intensity is to be limited
to the lower of:
3.2.2 Design pressure and temperature 1,6 Re and 0,8 Rm.
definition (1/7/2012)
3.3.5 Piping with expansion devices (1/7/2012)
The design temperature is to be the minimum temperature For piping fitted with expansion devices, their characteris-
achieved during all normal and emergency procedures e.g. tics are to be submitted to the Society. Where these charac-
loading/unloading and pressure relieving are to be consid- teristics are such that the forces and moments at the ends of
ered. the devices are negligible for the contraction they must
absorb, the calculation of the loads due to contraction in
The design pressure is the maximum pressure to which the the corresponding piping is not required. It is, however, to
system may be subjected to in service e.g. the set point of be checked that the stress intensity corresponding to the pri-
the safety relief valve. mary stresses does not exceed the limits given in [3.3.4].

Table 1 (1/7/2012)

External diameter Aft of the quarter of the ship’s length Forward of the quarter of the ship’s length
of pipe (1) H≤8 H = 13 H ≥ 18 H≤8 H = 13 H ≥18
≤ 25 1500 250 150 2200 350 150
50 1400 250 150 2000 350 150
75 1100 250 150 1600 350 150
100 700 250 150 700 350 150
≥150 500 250 150 700 350 150
(1) DC if the pipe is insulated, D otherwise.

RINA Rules 2017 167

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 5

3.3.6 Flexibility coefficient (1/7/2012) of an existing pump design approved by a QSCS Classifica-
The flexibility coefficient of elbows is to be determined tion Society submitted by the Manufacturer may be consid-
from the formulae given in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.3.2] for ered.
pipes intended for high temperatures. Prototype testing is to include a hydrostatic test of the pump
body equal to 1.5 times the design pressure and a capacity
3.3.7 Local stresses (1/7/2012)
test. For submerged electric motor driven pumps, the capac-
Particular attention is to be paid to the calculation of local ity test is to be carried out with the design medium or with a
stresses in the assemblies subjected to axial forces and medium below the minimum working temperature.
bending moments. The Society reserves the right to request
additional justifications or local strengthening where con-
sidered necessary. 5.3 Unit Production Testing

5.3.1 Pumps (1/7/2012)

3.4 Aluminised pipes
All pumps are to be tested at the Manufacturer's plant in the
3.4.1 (1/7/2012) presence of the Society's Surveyor. Testing is to include a
Aluminised pipes may be fitted in ballast tanks, in inerted hydrostatic test of the pump body equal to 1.5 times the
cargo tanks and, provided the pipes are protected from design pressure and a capacity test. For submerged electric
accidental impact, in hazardous areas on open deck. motor driven pumps, the capacity test is to be carried out
with the design medium or with a medium below the mini-
4 Tests of piping components and mum working temperature.
pumps prior to installation on board As an alternative to the above, if so requested by the rele-
vant Manufacturer, the certification of a pump may be
issued subject to the following:
4.1 Valves
• the pump has been approved as required by [3.3.1] and
4.1.1 Prototype Testing (1/7/2012)
• the Manufacturer has a recognised quality system that
IGC Code Ch 5, 5.3 applies as far as practicable, with the has been assessed and certified by the Society subject
following additional requirements. to periodical audits, and
During the unloading phase, the cooldown due to the • the quality control plan contains a provision to subject
Joule-Thomson effect is to be taken into account. either or each pump to a hydrostatic test of the pump body equal
through a heating system, (which is to be considered as to 1,5 times the design pressure and a capacity test. The
essential) or through material selection. In the latter case, Manufacturer is to maintain records of such tests.
each size and type of valve intended to be used at a work-
ing temperature below -55°C is to be approved through 5.3.2 Centrifugal pumps (1/7/2012)
design assessment and prototype testing. Prototype testing
Overpressure relief valves on cargo pumps may be omitted
to the minimum design temperature or lower and to a pres-
in the case of centrifugal pumps having a maximum deliv-
sure not lower than the maximum design pressure foreseen
ery head, the delivery valve being completely closed, not
for the valves is to be witnessed in the presence of the Soci-
greater than that permitted for the piping.
ety's Surveyor. Prototype testing is to include a hydrostatic
test of the valve body at a pressure equal to 1.5 times the
design pressure, seat and stem leakage test at a pressure 6 Cargo valves
equal to 1.1 times the design pressure, and cryogenic test-
ing consisting of valve operation and leakage verification. 6.1 General
For valves intended to be used at a working temperature
above -55°C, prototype testing is not required. 6.1.1 (1/7/2012)
Cargo valves are to be so designed as to ensure a quick iso-
5 Liquid transfer pumps lation in case of gas leak detection. For this purpose, the fol-
lowing specific requirements apply.
5.1 General a) All remotely operated valves are to be capable of local
manual operation.
5.1.1 (1/7/2012)
b) Each cargo tank is to be isolated from the cargo piping
This section applies in case a system for separation of the by a manually operated stop valve and a remotely oper-
liquid fractions is fitted onboard. ated valve in series.
c) The loading/unloading connection point is to be
5.2 Prototype Testing
equipped with a manually operated stop valve and a
5.2.1 (1/7/2012) remotely operated valve in series.
Each size and type of pump is to be approved through d) The remotely operated isolation valves and are to be
design assessment and prototype testing. Prototype testing is actuated by the emergency shutdown (ESD) system, in
to be witnessed in the presence of the Society's Surveyor. In case of high pressure, sudden pressure drop during
lieu of prototype testing, satisfactory in-service experience loading/unloading operations and fire. The ESD valves

168 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 5

are to be arranged to be operated manually from cargo 7 Emergency shutdown

control room and other suitable locations
e) The valve sizing and operating time is to take into 7.1 Clarification on location of fusible ele-
account surge phenomena. ments
f) The cargo compressors are to shutdown automatically if 7.1.1 (1/7/2012)
the ESD system is activated. The cargo stations in way of which the fusible elements
mentioned in paragraph 5.6.4 of the IGC Code are to be fit-
6.1.2 Unit Production Testing (1/7/2012) ted are to be intended as the loading and unloading mani-
Valves intended to be used at a working temperature below folds.
-55°C are to be tested at the Manufacturer's plant in the
presence of the Society's Surveyor. 8 Bonding
Testing is to include a hydrostatic test of the valve body at a
pressure equal to 1.5 times the design pressure, seat and 8.1 Static electricity
stem leakage test at a pressure equal to 1.1 times the design
pressure, as well as cryogenic testing consisting of valve 8.1.1 Acceptable resistance (1/7/2012)
operation and leakage verification for a minimum of 10% of To avoid the hazard of an incentive discharge due to the
each type and size of valve for valves intended to be used at build-up of static electricity resulting from the flow of the
a working temperature below -55°C. liquid/gases/vapours, the resistance between any point on
As an alternative to the above, if so requested by the rele- the surface of the cargo and slop tanks, piping systems and
vant Manufacturer, certification of a valve may be issued equipment, and the hull of the ship is not to be greater than
subject to the following: 106 Ω.

• the valve has been approved as required by [3.1.1] for 8.1.2 Bonding straps (1/7/2012)
valves intended to be used at a working temperature Bonding straps are required for cargo and slop tanks, piping
below -55°C, and systems and equipment which are not permanently con-
• the Manufacturer has a recognised quality system that nected to the hull of the ship, for example:
has been assessed and certified by the Society subject a) independent cargo tanks
to periodical audits, and b) cargo tank piping systems which are electrically sepa-
• the quality control plan contains a provision to subject rated from the hull of the ship
each valve to a hydrostatic test of the valve body at a c) pipe connections arranged for the removal of the spool
pressure equal to 1.5 times the design pressure and seat pieces.
and stem leakage test at a pressure equal to 1.1 times
Where bonding straps are required, they are to be:
the design pressure. The Manufacturer is to maintain
records of such tests, and a) clearly visible so that any shortcoming can be clearly
• cryogenic testing is performed, in the presence of the
Society's representative, consisting of valve operation b) designed and sited so that they are protected against
and leakage verification for a minimum of 10% of each mechanical damage and are not affected by high resis-
type and size of valve for valves intended to be used at a tivity contamination, e.g. corrosive products or paint
working temperature below -55°C. c) easy to install and replace.

RINA Rules 2017 169

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 6


1 General

1.1.1 (1/7/2012)
In general, the requirements of Part D apply. For particular
cases, the acceptance of materials of construction will be
considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis, taking
into consideration the specific arrangements.

170 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 7



1 General 2.1.2 (1/7/2012)

In general, a venting system is to be provided, with the fol-
1.1 lowing characteristics:

1.1.1 (1/7/2012) • it is to ensure the possibility of relief from individual

cargo tanks, or groups thereof, in case of leakage
Accident scenarios like fire and gas leak are to be subjected
to risk assessment (refer to “RINA Guide for Risk Analysis” • it is to be provided with remote control to vent individ-
for guidance). In particular, it is strongly recommended to ual cargo tanks, or groups thereof
resort to consequence analysis (typically, gas dispersion,
heat radiation, high-pressure leaks etc.) to support the • a detection system is to be fitted, to promptly detect
design of protection systems, carried out by recognized leakages in individual cargo tanks, or groups thereof;
methods and tools. The Society should be involved in the the detection system is to follow the criteria laid down
risk assessment activities early in the design process, and in Part C, Chapter 3 for automation systems intended for
will retain the final documentation for information. essential service

• the outlets of all venting systems are to be led to an area

2 Cargo Tanks and piping where heat radiation (for flares) or gases (for cold vents,
relief valves etc.) does not cause hazard to the vessel,
2.1 General personnel and equipment

2.1.1 (1/7/2012) • if the cold venting option is selected, its size and height
In general, the requirements of IGC Code, 8.1 and 8.2 apply is to be supported by gas dispersion studies carried out
for pressure relieving systems. by recognized methods and tools; as a minimum, the
vent exits are to arranged at a distance of at least 5 m
Cargo tanks containing gas (i.e. fluid that remains in gase- from exhaust ducts and at least 10 m from intake ducts
ous phases in all expected conditions of utilization) are not serving machinery spaces
subjected to 8.2.2, 8.2.3, 8.2.16 and 8.2.17.
• if the flare option is selected, its size, height and emitted
Tanks containing two-phase fluids (e.g. if liquid separation
radiation is to be supported by heat radiation studies in
processes are fitted) are also to comply with the require-
addition to gas dispersion.
ments of IGC Code 8.3, 8.2.3, 8.2.16 and 8.2.17.
Additional requirements are given in the following. • the failure to open of a single valve is not to hamper the
overpressure protection of any item of the cargo system.
The pressure in the cargo tanks, after filling, is to be limited
to 95% of the design pressure in any condition, including • vent piping are to be protected against cooldown due to
transportation. Joule-Thomson effects
a) Every cargo tank is to be provided with safety systems to • it is to be designed to maintain its structural integrity in
protect from overpressure. At least a purely mechani- any operating and environmental condition of the ship.
cally-actuated safety valve of adequate capacity is to be
fitted. A single failure of the safety system is not to ham- Overpressure protection measures equivalent, in terms of
per the overpressure protection of the cargo tank. safety and reliability, to venting systems may be considered
b) Safety devices ensuring protection of pressure vessels in by the Society on a case-by-case basis, if properly sup-
normal service are to be rated to operate before the ported by risk assessment and other relevant studies carried
pressure exceeds the maximum working pressure by out by recognized methods and tools.
more than 5%.
c) Cargo tanks and associated piping are to be protected 3 Information to the Master
against low temperature effects arising from nearby
high-pressure gas leaks.
d) Cargo tanks and associated piping are to be protected
3.1 Requirements
against fire scenarios.
3.1.1 (1/7/2012)
e) Cargo holds are to be protected against overpressure
and vacuum conditions, avoiding the ingress of air. The requirements of IGC Code, 15.2 apply.

RINA Rules 2017 171

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 8


1 Precautions against fire 2.1.5 (1/7/2012)

Inert gas utilized in these procedures may be provided from
1.1 the shore or from the ship.

1.1.1 (1/7/2012)
3 Environmental Control within the
IGC Code Ch 9, 9.4.1 applies, with the additional require-
ments provided in the following. Hold Spaces for Cargo Tanks
Precautions are to be taken to minimize the risk that static
electricity generated by the inert gas system may become a 3.1 General
source of ignition.
3.1.1 (1/7/2012)
2 Environmental Control within Cargo Hold spaces associated with cargo containment systems are
Tanks and Cargo Piping Systems to be inerted with a suitable dry inert gas and kept inerted
with make-up gas provided by a shipboard inert gas genera-
tion system or by shipboard storage, which is to be suffi-
2.1 General cient for normal consumption for at least 30 days.
2.1.1 (1/7/2012)
A piping system is to be provided to enable each cargo hold 4 Inerting
to be safely gas-freed or purged. The system is to be
arranged to minimize the possibility of pockets of gas or air
remaining after gas-freeing or purging.
4.1.1 (1/7/2012)
2.1.2 (1/7/2012)
IGC Code 9.4.1 to 9.4.5 applies.
Gas sampling connections at the inlet and outlet above the
main deck are to be provided for each cargo hold in order
to adequately monitor the progress of purging and gas-free- 5 Inert gas production on board

2.1.3 (1/7/2012) 5.1 Exemptions

The system is to be arranged to minimize the possibility of a 5.1.1 (1/7/2012)
flammable mixture existing in the cargo hold during any Inert gas generating systems are to be considered as essen-
part of the gas-freeing operation by utilizing an inerting tial services and are to comply with the applicable Sections
medium as an intermediate step. of the Rules.
2.1.4 (1/7/2012) Where, in addition to inert gas produced on board, it is pos-
Piping systems which may contain cargo are to be capable sible to introduce inert gas from a supply existing on board,
of being gas-freed and purged, as provided in [2.1.1] and it is not necessary that standby or spare components for the
[2.1.3]. inert gas system are kept on board.

172 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 9


1 General 1.4 Earth detection

1.4.1 (1/7/2012)
1.1 Application For both insulated and earthed distribution systems a
device, or devices, are to be installed to continuously mon-
1.1.1 (1/7/2012)
itor the insulation to earth and to give an audible and visual
The requirements in this Section apply, in addition to those alarm at a manned position in the event of an abnormally
contained in Part C, Chapter 2, to ships with the service low level of insulation resistance and/or high level of leak-
notation Compressed natural Gas carriers. If the ship is gas- age current.
fuelled, Pt C, Ch 1, App 7 applies.
The above is not applicable to systems mentioned in
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
1.2.1 (1/7/2012) 1.5 Precautions against inlet of gases or
In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C, Ch 2, vapours
Sec 1, Tab 1, the following are to be submitted for approval: 1.5.1 (1/7/2012)
a) plan of hazardous areas Suitable arrangements are to be provided, to the satisfaction
of the Society, so as to prevent the possibility of gases or
b) document giving details of types of cables and safety
vapours passing from a gas-dangerous space to another
characteristics of the equipment installed in hazardous
space through runs of cables or their conduits.
c) diagrams of tank level indicator systems, high level 1.6 Electrical equipment permitted in haz-
alarm systems and overflow control systems where
ardous areas
1.6.1 (1/7/2012)
1.3 System of supply Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas is that
indicated in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.4], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3,
1.3.1 (1/7/2012) [10.1.5][ and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.6].
Earthed systems with hull return are not permitted, with the 1.6.2 (1/7/2012)
following exceptions to the satisfaction of the Society:
In addition to the requirements of [1.6.1], in Zone 1 and
a) impressed current cathodic protective systems Zone 2 the installation of the following is permitted: hull fit-
tings containing the terminals or shell plating penetrations
b) limited and locally earthed systems, such as starting and
for anodes or electrodes of an impressed current cathodic
ignition systems of internal combustion engines, pro-
protection system, or transducers such as those for depth
vided that any possible resulting current does not flow
sounding or log systems, provided that such fittings are of
directly through any hazardous area
gas-tight construction or housed within a gas-tight enclo-
c) insulation level monitoring devices, provided that the sure, and are not located adjacent to a cargo tank bulkhead.
circulation current of the device does not exceed 30 mA The design of such fittings or their enclosures and the means
under the most unfavourable conditions by which cables enter, as well as any testing to establish
their gas-tightness, are to be to the satisfaction of the Soci-
d) intrinsically safe systems.
ety. The associated cables are to be protected by means of
1.3.2 (1/7/2012) heavy gauge steel pipes with gas-tight joints.
In insulated distribution systems, no current carrying part is 1.6.3 (1/7/2012)
to be earthed, other than: Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces (not containing a source
a) through an insulation level monitoring device of hazard) having a direct opening, including those for ven-
tilation, into any hazardous area, are to be designated as the
b) through components used for the suppression of inter- same hazardous zone as the area in which the opening is
ference in radio circuits. located.
1.3.3 (1/7/2012) Electrical installations are to comply with the requirements
The additional limitations in the choice of the system of for the space or area into which the opening leads.
supply (type of distribution system) as per SOLAS Ch.II-1 Note 1: For openings, access and ventilation conditions affecting
Reg. 45.4.3 apply. the extent of hazardous areas, see IEC Standard 60092-502.

RINA Rules 2017 173

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 9

2 Hazardous locations confirm the adequacy of such classification or provide addi-

tional or different criteria.
2.1 Hazardous area classification
2.1.1 (1/7/2012) 3 Product classification
The extension of the gas dangerous zones in this section is
given for guidance only. It is to be confirmed by risk assess-
ment, taking into account high pressure relief sources and 3.1 Temperature class and explosion group
onboard equipment.
3.1.1 (1/7/2012)
2.1.2 (1/7/2012)
For hazardous area classification see Tab 1. Risk assessment Tab 2 specifies temperature class and explosion group data
activities, in particular the gas dispersion studies, are to for the products eligible to be carried by CNG ships.

Table 1 : Classification of hazardous areas for CNG ships (1/7/2012)

Hazardous area
No. Description
1 Cargo containment systems Zone 0
2 Hold spaces where cargo is carried in a cargo containment system Zone 1
3 Cargo pump (for liquid phase, if any) and cargo compressor rooms Zone 1
4 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 3 m of any cargo Zone 1
tank outlet, gas or vapour outlet, cargo manifold valve, cargo valve, cargo pipe flange,
cargo pump and cargo compressor room ventilation outlets
5 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck above and in the vicinity of Zone 1
any cargo gas outlet intended for the passage of large volumes of gas or vapour mixture
during cargo loading and ballasting or during discharging, within a vertical cylinder of
unlimited height and 6 m radius centred upon the centre of the outlet, and within a
hemisphere of 6 m radius below the outlet
6 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 1.5 m of cargo Zone 1
pump and cargo compressor room entrance, cargo pump and cargo compressor room
ventilation inlet, openings into cofferdams or other zone 1 spaces
7 Areas on open deck over all cargo holds (including ballast tanks within the cargo hold Zone 1
area) where structure restricts natural ventilation and to the full breadth of the ship plus
3 m fore and aft of the forward-most and aft-most cargo tank bulkhead, up to a height of
2.4 m above the deck
8 Compartment for cargo hoses and equipment Zone 1
9 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which pipes containing cargoes are located Zone 1
10 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which pipes containing cargo products for boil-off Zone 1
gas fuel burning systems are located, unless special precautions approved by the Soci-
ety are provided to prevent product gas escaping into such spaces
11 Areas of 1,5 m surrounding open or semi-enclosed spaces of Zone 1 Zone 2
12 Areas 4 m beyond the cylinder and 4 m beyond the sphere defined in item 5 Zone 2
13 Spaces forming an air-lock Zone 2
14 Areas on open deck over all cargo holds (including all ballast tanks within the cargo Zone 2
holds or tank area) where unrestricted natural ventilation is guaranteed and to the full
breadth of the ship plus 3 m fore and aft of the forward-most and aft-most cargo tank
bulkhead, up to a height of 2.4 m above the deck surrounding open or semi-enclosed
spaces of Zone 1

174 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 9

Hazardous area
No. Description
15 Spaces forward of the open deck areas to which reference is made in item 10 and item Zone 2
18, below the level of the main deck, and having an opening on the main deck or at a
level less than 0,5 m above the main deck, unless:
a) the entrances to such spaces do not face the cargo tank area and, together with all
other openings to the spaces, including ventilation system inlets and exhausts, are
situated at least 5 m from the foremost cargo tank and at least 10 m measured hori-
zontally from any cargo tank outlet or gas or vapour outlet; and
b) the spaces are mechanically ventilated
16 Areas within 2,4 m of the outer surface of a cargo tank where such surface is exposed to Zone 2
the weather

Table 2 : Temperature class and explosion group of

certain products (1/7/2012)

Temperature Explosion
Product name
class group
Butadiene T2 II B
Butane T2 II A
Butane/propane mixture T2 II A
Butylenes T3 II A
Ethane T2 II A
Methane T1 II A
Nitrogen NF NF
Propane T2 II A
Propylene T2 II B

RINA Rules 2017 175

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 10


1 Application the weather deck by means of cofferdams, having minimum

distance between the bulkheads of 600 mm.
1.1 General
1.1.1 (1/7/2012)
3 Means of escape
The requirements of this Section are not applicable for the
purpose of classification, except where the Society carries 3.1
out surveys relevant to fire protection statutory requirements 3.1.1 (1/7/2012)
on behalf of the Flag Administration. In such cases, unless Escape routes are to enable the crew to safely reach the
otherwise provided by the Flag Administration, fire protec- assembly stations from any location during accident scenar-
tion statutory requirements as contained in this Section are ios peculiar to CNG ships, e.g. the gas release and the heat
considered a matter of Class and their compliance is veri- radiation due to hydrocarbon fires. For this purpose, such
fied by the Society for classification purposes. routes are to be sheltered from cargo and process areas.
1.1.2 (1/7/2012) Further criteria, such as the degree of protection from heat
The ship is to comply with SOLAS Ch II-2 and IGC Code as radiation of the escape routes and of the life-saving appli-
far as applicable, irrespective of tonnage, including ships of ances, are expected to stem from risk assessment activities.
less than 500 tons gross tonnage. The cargo area is to com-
ply with the additional requirements specified in this Sec- 4 Fire Extinction
tion. If the ship is gas-fuelled, Pt C, Ch 1, App 7 applies.
Risk Assessment activities are in any case mandatory, (in 4.1
particular, consequence analysis of fire scenarios), which
are expected to originate further, more specific criteria for 4.1.1 (1/7/2012)
passive and active fire protection. The primary means of extinction of fires consequent to gas
escape is the isolation of the leak by means of the ESD sys-
2 Additional criteria
4.1.2 (1/7/2012)
2.1 Structural fire protection The fire fighting systems, in addition to SOLAS Ch II-2 are to
comply with the following minimum requirements and cri-
2.1.1 (1/7/2012) teria, which are to be integrated by the results of the risk
If a process system with gas under high pressure, or any assessment.
other potential source of gas release, is placed on the
a) The fire fighting system is to be specially sized to cool
weather deck in way of the cargo holds, deck cargo system,
accommodation and other essential areas or equipment down the areas and the systems of the CNG ship con-
which may be exposed to heat loads, additional means of taining pressurized gas, and the structures of manned
areas and fire hazardous spaces which may be engulfed
protection are to be considered against events resulting
from risk assessment studies. Examples of such events are by hydrocarbon fires.
jet fire and impingement of low temperature gas due to b) The following items are typically to be protected by
Joule-Thomson expansion effects. water spray:
In particular, cargo piping is to run in inerted ducts with 1) weather deck in way of cargo holds, and any
means of detection of gas leakage, or is to be arranged in exposed parts of cargo tanks;
such a way as to provide an equivalent safety level. 2) on-deck process systems;
2.1.2 (1/7/2012) 3) cargo discharge and loading manifolds with all the
Hold spaces are to have the following characteristics: control, relief and isolation valves;
• resistance to fire load in scenarios ascertained by risk 4) ESD system
assessment studies, taking into account the heat resist-
5) boundaries of superstructures and deckhouses nor-
ance properties of cargo tanks materials
mally manned, cargo compressor rooms, cargo
• sufficient strength and tightness to ensure effective inert pump rooms, flare mast, storerooms containing high
atmosphere within hold spaces during both normal and fire risk items and cargo control rooms, all facing the
abnormal conditions as ascertained by risk assessment cargo area.
c) The arrangement is to be such that at least two jets of
2.1.3 (1/7/2012) water can reach any part of the weather deck in way of
Process area and cargo holds are to be separated from the cargo holds and any part of the process and safety
accommodations, service spaces and engine room below systems on deck and above. For this purpose, the capac-

176 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 10

ity of fire pumps, fire mains and water service pipe ing operation. The fire pumps shall start automatically
diameters is not to be limited by requirements of SOLAS upon low pressure detection in the fire mains. The
Ch II-2, Reg. and In particular, each remote operation of fire pumps and valves is to be possi-
fire pump is to have 100% capacity. Additional capacity ble from suitable locations protected by fire and gas,
is required if the main fire pumps are also used to sup- outside the cargo areas.
ply water spray with the characteristics above indicated.
In any case, a connection system with an isolating valve e) The number and position of hydrants is to be such that
is to be provided between the water spray system and at least two jets of water not emanating from the same
the water mains in a protected area, easily accessible by hydrant, one of which is to be from a single length of
operators. hose, may reach any part of the weather deck in way of
the cargo holds and any part of the process and safety
d) One pump is to be located forward of the cargo area systems on deck and above.
and one pump aft of the cargo area and both pumps are
to be arranged with remote control from both the bridge f) Considerations are to be given to the layout of the fire
and the engine room. Both main fire pumps are to be mains, to protect it from the possibility of jet fire
available at any time for start and delivery of water dur- impingement.

RINA Rules 2017 177

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 11



1 General impeller bearing and not less than 2 mm. It need not be
more than 13 mm.

1.1 Safety 2.3.2 Materials (1/7/2012)

1.1.1 (1/7/2012) a) The impeller and the housing in way of the impeller are
The ventilation system is to discharge to outlets ensuring to be made of alloys which are recognised as being
safe environment for crew during release of inert gas. spark proof by appropriate tests.
b) Electrostatic charges both in the rotating body and the
1.2 Shutdown philosophy casing are to be prevented by the use of antistatic mate-
rials. Furthermore, the installation on board of the venti-
1.2.1 (1/7/2012)
lation units is to be such as to ensure their safe bonding
Shut down philosophy for gas detection in cargo area, air to the hull.
ventilation intakes for accommodation and machinery
spaces shall be evaluated. c) Tests may not be required for fans having the following

2 Spaces required to be entered dur- • impellers and/or housings of non-metallic material,

due regard being paid to the elimination of static
ing normal cargo handling opera- electricity
• impellers and housings of non-ferrous materials

2.1 Location of discharges from dangerous • impellers of aluminium alloys or magnesium alloys
spaces and a ferrous (including austenitic stainless steel)
housing on which a ring of suitable thickness of
non-ferrous materials is fitted in way of the impeller
2.1.1 Ventilation duct arrangement (1/7/2012)
The ventilation duct arrangement is to comply with the • any combination of ferrous (including austenitic
applicable requirements of IGC Code, 12.1.1 to 12.1.6 . stainless steel) impellers and housings with not less
than 13 mm design tip clearance.
a) Ventilation ducts are to be arranged at a suitable height
from the weather deck. This height is not to be less than d) The following impellers and housings are considered as
2,4 m for intake ducts. sparking and are not permitted:

b) Ventilation ducts are to be fitted with metallic fire • impellers of an aluminium alloy or magnesium alloy
dampers provided with "open" and "closed" signs. These and a ferrous housing, regardless of tip clearance
dampers are to be arranged in the open, in a readily • housing made of an aluminium alloy or a magne-
accessible position. sium alloy and a ferrous impeller, regardless of tip
2.2 Recirculation prevention • any combination of ferrous impeller and housing
2.2.1 (1/7/2012) with less than 13 mm design tip clearance.
The requirements of IGC Code, 12.1.7 and 12.1.8 apply.
2.3.3 Type test for non-sparking fans (1/7/2012)
Type tests on the finished product are to be carried out in
2.3 Non-sparking fans
accordance with the requirements of the Society or an
2.3.1 (1/7/2012) equivalent national or international standard.
IGC Code, 12.1.9 to 12.1.11 apply, with the following addi-
tional requirements. 2.3.4 Motor shafting (1/7/2012)
The shafting penetration of motors driving fans through
a) A fan is considered as non-sparking if in both normal or
bulkheads and decks of dangerous spaces or through venti-
abnormal conditions it is unlikely to produce sparks.
lation ducts is to be fitted with a gas-tight sealing device, of
b) The air gap between the impeller and the casing is to be the oil-seal type or equivalent, deemed suitable by the Soci-
not less than 0,1 of the shaft diameter in way of the ety.

178 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 11

3 Spaces not normally entered density, in respect of the air, and to the toxicity of the gases
transported. Such ventilation system is to be capable of
effecting not less than 8 air changes per hour. The type of
3.1 General requirements
portable fans and their connection to the spaces served are
3.1.1 Minimum number of air changes (1/7/2012) to be approved by the Society. In no case are portable elec-
IGC Code, 12.2 applies, with the following additional trical fans acceptable.
Both fixed and portable systems are to guarantee the effi-
cient ventilation of such spaces in relation to the relative

RINA Rules 2017 179

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 12


1 General When the cargo system is not remote controlled and

therefore the aforesaid "control positions" are not
required, the above-mentioned controls, information
1.1 and alarms are to be located in a suitable, easily acces-
1.1.1 (1/7/2012) sible location.
If the ship is gas-fuelled, Pt C, Ch 1, App 7 applies. If this position is an enclosed space, it is to comply with
the requirements of 13.6.7 of the IGC Code.
1.2 Cargo tank instrumentation b) Independently of the above, the following is to be trans-
1.2.1 (1/7/2012) duced to the wheelhouse:
The instrumentation is to be of a type approved by the Soci- 1) the alarm signalling the presence of water in cargo
ety. holds
2) the cargo heater (if fitted) low temperature alarm.
1.3 Drainage
1.4.2 Indication of the pressure value in each cargo
1.3.1 (1/7/2012) tank (1/7/2012)
Hold spaces are to be provided with a suitable drainage Such indication is to give the setting pressure value of the
arrangement not connected with machinery spaces. Means relief valve and the maximum allowable pressure value in
for detecting leakage of water into the hold space are to be the cargo tank concerned. The audible and visual alarms for
provided. cargo tanks are to be located in such a position as to be
clearly heard and identifiable by the personnel in charge of
1.4 Indicator location loading operation control.

1.4.1 Monitoring list (1/7/2012) 1.4.3 Temperatures of the heating circuits (1/7/2012)
IGC Code, 13.1.3 applies, with the following additional The temperatures of the heating circuits, if fitted to prevent
requirements. hydrate formation or to prevent Joule-Thomson effects, are
to be monitored, and low and high temperature alarms are
The following information and alarms are to be concen- to be provided, as appropriate.
trated in the positions specified in this paragraph.
a) The following is to be located in the "cargo control 2 Gas detection requirements
room" and the "control stations" defined in 1.3 of the
IGC Code :
1) indication signalling the presence of water in holds
or interbarrier spaces 2.1.1 (1/7/2012)
In addition to the applicable requirements of IGC Code,
2) cargo heater (if fitted) low temperature alarm
13.6, the following requirements are to be complied with.
3) indication of the pressure with appropriate high
pressure alarm in each cargo tank and in each hold
space gas detection equipment alarm required in
2.2 Gas Measurements
13.6.4 of the IGC Code 2.2.1 (1/7/2012)
4) cargo compressor high temperature alarm In addition to the provisions of [2.2] to [2.3], the fitting of
gas measuring equipment is subject to those of Pt C, Ch 4,
5) the alarm for automatic shutdown of the cargo com- Sec 1, [5.2.4] b). An independent gas detection system is to
pressor for high pressure or high temperature be installed on the deck cargo area to monitor the presence
6) Indication of temperature and oxygen of each hold of leaks, and activate the ESD in case of leak detection. As a
space minimum, the presence of gas is to be checked in the fol-
lowing spaces:
7) Monitoring of the temperature in the appropriate
locations during pressure relief situations such as a) every hold space
unloading or vent, to ensure that the temperature b) deck piping
does not decrease below the minimum design tem-
perature c) ventilation inlets/outlets for gas dangerous spaces

8) Detection of moisture and H2S at the load/unload or d) air inlets to machinery spaces
shore connection. e) manifold area.

180 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 12

2.3 Position of sampling heads 4 Portable gas detectors

2.3.1 (1/7/2012)
In addition to the requirements of IGC Code 13.6.5, gas 4.1
sampling lines are to be located outside accommodation 4.1.1 (1/7/2012)
spaces, unless they are fitted within gas-tight pipes. Every ship is to be provided with at least two sets of porta-
ble gas detection equipment acceptable to the Administra-
3 Protected spaces tion and suitable for the product to be carried.
If it is expected that the gases to be carried are both toxic
3.1 and flammable, two sets for toxic gases and two sets for
3.1.1 (1/7/2012) flammable gases are to be provided.
In addition to the list in paragraph 13.6.7 of the IGC Code,
the gas detection system is also to serve spaces adjacent to
pump rooms and compressor rooms.

RINA Rules 2017 181

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 13


1 Application 10 ppm and to activate the shut-off of the master gas

valve at 50 ppm.
1.1 General c) If gas-fired equipment is located in enclosed spaces on
the cargo deck, such spaces are to have ventilation sys-
1.1.1 (1/7/2012) tem providing at least 30 air changes per hour. These
In general, Pt C, Ch 1, App 7 applies. spaces are to be fitted with gas detection system to give
an alarm at 20% LEL and to activate the shut-off of the
1.1.2 (1/7/2012)
master gas valve at 60% LEL.
Further requirements are as follows.
a) Gas used for fuel is to be purified from entrained liquids 1.2 Testing
and substances that may damage the users, according to
1.2.1 (1/7/2012)
the manufacturers’ requirements.
Piping, valves and fittings are to be hydrostatically tested,
b) Gas containing H2S is to be sweetened if it is conveyed after assembly onboard, to 1.5 times the working pressure.
to enclosed machinery spaces, which are to be Subsequently, they are to be pneumatically tested to ascer-
equipped with H2S gas detectors set to give an alarm at tain that all the joints are perfectly tight.

182 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 14


1 Materials for construction 4 Exclusion of air from vapor spaces

4.1.1 (1/7/2012)
1.1.1 (1/7/2012) Air is to be removed from the cargo tanks and associated
piping before loading and then subsequently excluded by
IGC Code 17.2.2 applies.
introducing inert gas.
Materials "exposed to cargo" are those constituting systems,
cargo appliances or arrangements which are in contact with 5 Moisture control
cargo gas or vapor in normal operating conditions.
2 Independent tanks 5.1.1 (1/7/2012)
Moisture control is to be provided to ensure that cargo tanks
are dry at all times.
2.1.1 (1/7/2012) 6 Permanently installed toxic gas
The gas is to be carried in independent pressure vessels
6.1.1 (1/7/2012)
3 Deck cargo piping IGC Code 17.9 applies.

3.1 7 Flame screens on vent outlets

3.1.1 (1/7/2012) 7.1
One hundred per cent radiography of all butt-welded joints 7.1.1 (1/7/2012)
in cargo piping is required, irrespective of the diameter. IGC Code 17.10 applies.

RINA Rules 2017 183

Pt E, Ch 24, Sec 15


1 General to be taken into account for the design of a ship might be

altered considering the actual properties of the commercial
1.1.1 (1/7/2012) Information on temperature classes and explosion groups
The list shown in Tab 1 gives properties for pure products, for electrical equipment in connection with the products to
expected to be carried on CNG carriers. The specific gravity be carried is indicated in Sec 9, Tab 2.

Table 1 (1/7/2012)

Boiling temperature Specific gravity at boiling point

Product name Ratio vapour/air density
(°C) (kg/m3)
Butadiene - 4,5 650 1,87
Butane -0,5/11,7 600 2,02
Butylenes - 6,3/- 7 625 1,94
Ethane - 88,6 549 1,04
Ethylene - 104 570 0,97
Ethylene oxide -10,7 870 1,52
Nitrogen -196 808 0,97
Pentanes (all isomers) 36,1 610 2,6
Pentene (all isomers) 30,1/37 610 2,6
Propane -42,3 580 1,56
Propylene -47,7 610 1,50

184 RINA Rules 2017

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 25









RINA Rules 2017 185

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 1


1 General
Table 1 : Sections or Appendixes with requirements
applicable to ships having the Service Notations indi-
1.1 Application cated in [1.2.1] (1/5/2013)
1.1.1 Service notation oil carrier (1/5/2013)
Main subject Reference
a) The requirements of this Chapter apply to ships having
the service notations oil carrier, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Ship arrangement Sec 2
Sec 2, [4.5.2] Hull and stability Sec 3
As indicated in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.5.11] these units
Machinery and cargo system Sec 4 and Sec 5
are to be assigned with the additional service feature
assisted propulsion. Electrical installations Sec 6
Note 1: As recalled in Part A, Chapter 1, Sec 1, [3.1.1], the classifi-
Automation (1)
cation of a ship does not absolve the Interested Party from com-
pliance with any requirements issued by Administrations and Fire protection, detection and extinction (1)
any other applicable international and national regulations for
the safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environ- Devices to prevent the passage of flames Ch 7, App 1
ment. into cargo tanks
b) Departures are given for oil carriers that have the addi- Crude oil washing system Ch 7, App 2
tional service feature oil carriers, flashpoint > 60°C and
(1) No specific requirements are given in this Chapter.
are intended only for the carriage of bulk cargoes:
• at a temperature below and not within 15°C of their
1.3.2 Cargo pump room (1/5/2013)
flashpoint, or
Cargo pump room is a space containing pumps and their
• having a flashpoint above 100°C.
accessories for the handling of products covered by the
c) The list of substances the carriage in bulk of which is service notation granted to the ship.
covered by the service notations
• oil carrier 1.3.3 Cargo service spaces (1/5/2013)
• oil carrier, flashpoint > 60°C Cargo service spaces are spaces within the cargo area used
is the one in MARPOL 73/78 annex Convention , for workshops, lockers and storerooms of more than 2 m2 in
except “naphta solvent”, the carriage of which is subject area, intended for cargo handling equipment.
to compliance with Chapter 8.
1.3.4 Clean ballast (1/5/2013)
Clean ballast means the ballast in a tank which since oil
1.2 Summary tables
was last carried therein, has been so cleaned that the efflu-
1.2.1 (1/5/2013) ent therefrom if it were discharged from a ship which is sta-
Tab 1 indicates, for easy reference, the Sections or Appen- tionary into clean calm water on a clear day would not
dixes of this Chapter dealing with requirements applicable produce visible traces of oil on the surface of the water or
to ships having the following service notations: on adjoining shorelines or cause a sludge or emulsion to be
• oil carrier deposited beneath the surface of the water or upon adjoin-
• oil carrier, flashpoint > 60°C. ing shorelines. If the ballast is discharged through an oil dis-
charge monitoring and control system approved by the
Society, evidence based on such a system to the effect that
1.3 Definitions
the oil content of the effluent did not exceed 15 parts per
1.3.1 Cargo area (1/5/2013) million is to be determinative that the ballast was clean,
The cargo area is that part of the ship that contains cargo notwithstanding the presence of visible traces.
tanks as well as slop tanks, cargo pump rooms including
1.3.5 Crude oil (1/5/2013)
pump rooms, cofferdams, ballast or void spaces adjacent to
Crude oil means any liquid hydrocarbon mixture occurring
cargo tanks or slop tanks as well as deck areas throughout
naturally in the earth whether or not treated to render it suit-
the entire length and breadth of the part of the ship above
able for transportation and includes:
these spaces.
When independent tanks are installed in hold spaces, the a) crude oil from which certain distillate fractions have
cofferdams, ballast or void spaces at the after end of the been removed, and
aftermost hold space or at the forward end of the forward- b) crude oil to which certain distillate fractions may have
most hold space are excluded from the cargo area. been added.

RINA Rules 2017 187

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 1

1.3.6 Crude oil carrier (1/5/2013) 1.3.12 Pump room (1/5/2013)

Crude oil carrier means an oil carrier engaged in the trade Pump room is a space, located in the cargo area, containing
of carrying crude oil. pumps and their accessories for the handling of ballast and
fuel oil, or cargoes other than those covered by the service
1.3.7 Hold space (1/5/2013)
notation granted to the ship.
Hold space is the space enclosed by the ship’s structure in
which an independent cargo tank is fitted 1.3.13 Segregated ballast (1/5/2013)
1.3.8 Fuel oil (1/5/2013) Segregated ballast means the ballast water introduced into a
Fuel oil means any oil used as fuel in connection with the tank which is completely separated from the cargo oil and
propulsion and auxiliary machinery of the ship on which fuel oil system and which is permanently allocated to the
such oil is carried. carriage of ballast or to the carriage of ballast or cargoes
other than oil or noxious substances as variously defined in
1.3.9 Integrated cargo and ballast system Chapter 7 or Chapter 8.
Integrated cargo and ballast system means any integrated 1.3.14 Slop tank (1/5/2013)
hydraulic and/or electric system used to drive both cargo Slop tank means a tank specifically designated for the col-
and ballast pumps (including active control and safety sys- lection of tank draining, tank washings and other oily mix-
tems and excluding passive components, e.g. piping). tures.
1.3.10 Oil mixture (1/5/2013)
1.3.15 Void space (1/5/2013)
Oil mixture means a mixture with any oil content.
Void space is an enclosed space in the cargo area external
1.3.11 Product carrier (1/5/2013) to a cargo tank, except for a hold space, ballast space, fuel
Product carrier means an oil carrier engaged in the trade of oil tank, cargo pump room, pump room, or any space nor-
carrying oil other than crude oil. mally used by personnel.

188 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 2


1 General 2.1.2 Cargo segregation (1/5/2013)

Unless expressly provided otherwise, in ships enabled to
1.1 Application carry cargoes having a flashpoint below 60°C, tanks con-
taining cargo or cargo residues are to be placed forward of
1.1.1 (1/5/2013) and segregated from accommodation, service and machin-
The requirements in Sec 2 apply to single deck ships, inte- ery spaces, drinking water and stores for human consump-
gral cargo tanks with machinery aft, double bottom tion by means of a cofferdam, or any other similar
throughout the cargo tank area, double side skin and possi- compartment and arranged in such a way that a single fail-
ble longitudinal bulkheads, or single side skin and one or ure of a deck or bulkhead will not permit the entry of gas or
more longitudinal bulkheads throughout the cargo tank vapour from the cargo tank into control stations, accommo-
area. The deck may be single or double skin, with or with- dation and service spaces (see Fig 1 and Fig 2).
out a trunk.
Figure 1 (1/5/2013)
The application of these requirements to other ship types is
to be considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.

1.1.2 Deviations (1/5/2013)

The requirements in [2.1.2] and [2.1.3], apply only to ships
with the service notations:
Control station
• oil carrier.
Service space
The requirements in [2.2], [3] and [4], apply only to ships
with the service notations:
• oil carrier Machinery space Cargo tank

• oil carrier, flashpoint > 60°C. Slop tank

1.1.3 Exemptions (1/5/2013) Cargo pump room FLASHPOINT > 60°
The requirements in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2, [3] b) and [5] do not Bunker tank
apply. Ballast tank

2 General arrangement design

Figure 2 (1/5/2013)
2.1 General

2.1.1 Cofferdams (1/5/2013)

A cofferdam or similar compartment of width not less than
760 mm is to be provided at the aft end of the cargo tank
area. Its bulkheads are to extend from keel to deck across
the full breadth of the ship. Control station
For the purpose of this requirement, the term “cofferdam” is
Service space
intended to mean an isolating compartment between two
adjacent steel bulkheads or decks. The minimum distance
between the two bulkheads or decks is to be sufficient for Machinery space Cargo tank
safe access and inspection.
Slop tank
In order to meet the single failure principle, in the particular Cofferdam
case when a corner-to-corner situation occurs, this princi- Cargo pump room
ple may be met by welding a diagonal plate across the cor- Bunker tank
ner. Ballast tank
The cofferdams are also to be constructed so as to enable
adequate ventilation.

RINA Rules 2017 189

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 2

2.1.3 Deck spills (1/5/2013) beam amidships regardless of gutter bar height, gutter bars
Means are to be provided to keep deck spills away from the may not be accepted without an assessment of the initial
accommodation and service areas. This may be accom- stability (GMo) for compliance with the relevant intact sta-
plished by providing a permanent continuous coaming of a bility requirements taking into account the free surface
suitable height extending from side to side. effect caused by liquids contained by the gutter bars.
Where gutter bars are installed on the weather decks of oil
carriers in way of cargo manifolds and are extended aft as 2.2 Double bottom tanks or compartments
far as the aft bulkhead of superstructures for the purpose of
containing cargo spills on deck during loading and dis- 2.2.1 General (1/5/2013)
charge operations, the free surface effects caused by con- Double bottom tanks adjacent to cargo tanks may not be
tainment of a cargo spill during liquid transfer operations or used as fuel oil tanks.
of boarding seas while underway are to be considered with
respect to the vessel’s available margin of positive initial sta- 2.2.2 Oil carriers of 5000 t deadweight and
bility (GMo). above (1/5/2013)
Where the gutter bars installed are higher than 300 mm, At any cross-section, the depth of each double bottom tank
they are to be treated as bulwarks with freeing ports or compartment is to be such that the distance h between
arranged in accordance with Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 9, [5] and the bottom of the cargo tanks and the moulded line of the
effective closures provided for use during loading and dis- bottom shell plating measured at right angles to the bottom
charge operations. Attached closures are to be arranged in shell is not less than B/15, in m, with a minimum value of
such a way that jamming cannot occur while at sea, ensur- 0,76 m.
ing that the freeing ports will remain fully effective. In the turn of the bilge area and at locations without a
On ships without deck camber, or where the height of the clearly defined turn of the bilge, the cargo tank boundary
installed gutter bars exceeds the camber, and for oil carriers line is to run parallel to the line of the midship flat bottom
having cargo tanks exceeding 60% of the vessel’s maximum as shown in Fig 3.

Figure 3 : Cargo tank boundary lines (1/5/2013)

w w

h>w w
w h<w

h h 1.5 . h
h h
base line

190 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 2

Figure 4 : Cargo tank boundary lines (1/5/2013) from the ship's bottom are to be fitted with valves or similar
closing devices at the point at which they open into any
cargo tank. These valves are to be kept closed at sea at any
time when the tanks contain cargo oil, except that they may
be opened only for cargo transfer needed for essential oper-

3.1.4 Suction wells in cargo tanks (1/5/2013)

Suction wells in cargo tanks may protrude into the double
bottom below the boundary line defined by the distance h
in [2.2.2] or, as applicable, provided that such wells are as
small as practicable and the distance between the well bot-
tom and bottom shell plating is not less than 0,5 h.

h 3.2 Slop tanks

base line
3.2.1 Oil carriers of 150 gross tonnage and
above (1/5/2013)
The arrangements of the slop tank or combination of slop
tanks are to have a capacity necessary to retain the slop
2.3 Navigation position
generated by tank washings, oil residues and dirty ballast
2.3.1 (1/5/2013) residues. The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks is to be
When it is proven necessary to provide a navigation station not less than 3 per cent of the oil carrying capacity of the
above the cargo area, such station is to be for navigation ships, except that the Society may accept:
purposes only and is to be separated from the cargo tank • 2% for such oil carriers where the tank washing arrange-
deck by an open space of at least 2 m in height. ments are such that once the slop tank or tanks are
charged with washing water, this water is sufficient for
3 Size and arrangement of cargo tanks tank washing and, where applicable, for providing the
and slop tanks driving fluid for ejectors, without the introduction of
additional water into the system
3.1 Cargo tanks • 2% where segregated ballast tanks are provided. This
capacity may be further reduced to 1,5% for such oil
3.1.1 General (1/5/2013) carriers where the tank washing arrangements are such
Oil carriers of 600 t deadweight and above are not allowed that once the slop tank or tanks are charged with wash-
to carry oil in any compartment extending forward of a col- ing water, this water is sufficient for tank washing and,
lision bulkhead located in accordance with Pt B, Ch 2, where applicable, for providing the driving fluid for
Sec 1, [2]. ejectors, without the introduction of additional water
into the system.
3.1.2 Size of cargo tanks (1/5/2013)
The length of each cargo tank is not to exceed 10 metres or The society may accept slop tanks of any size, including
one of the values of Tab 1, as applicable, whichever is the absence of dedicated slop tanks, for units which:
greater. • are dedicated to the same type of cargo for many con-
secutive voyages, and
Oil carriers are to be provided with cargo tanks so arranged
that the capacity of each cargo tank does not exceed 700 • are arranged with segregated ballast tanks, and
m3 unless wing tanks or compartments are arranged, • do not carry out tank washing on a regular basis, and
extending either for the full depth of the ship side or from • retain on board (in cargo tanks) the total quantity of
the top of the double bottom to the uppermost deck, disre- washing media, and discharge it ashore.
garding a rounded gunwale where fitted. They are to be
arranged such that the cargo tanks are located inboard of 4 Access arrangement
the moulded line of the side shell plating, nowhere less than
the distance w which, as shown in Fig 4, is measured at any
cross-section at right angles to the side shell, as specified 4.1 General
below: 4.1.1 (1/5/2013)
2 ,4 DW As far as practicable, permanent or movable means of
w = 0 ,4 + ------------------- with a minimum value of 0,76 m access stored on board are to be provided to ensure proper
survey and maintenance of cargo tanks and ballast com-
DW is the deadweight, in t.
3.1.3 Piping through cargo tanks (1/5/2013) 4.1.2 (1/5/2013)
Lines of piping which run through cargo tanks in a position Means of access to side and centre tanks may not be pro-
less than 0,30 Bs from the ship’s side or less than 0,30 Ds vided in the same transverse section.

RINA Rules 2017 191

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 2

Table 1 : Length of cargo tanks (1/5/2013)

Longitudinal bulkhead Centreline bulkhead

Cargo tank Condition (1) Length of cargo tanks, in m
arrangement arrangement
No bulkhead - - - (0,5 b i / B + 0,1) L (2)

Centreline bulkhead - - - (0,25 bi / B + 0,15) L

Two or more bulkheads Wing cargo tank - - 0,2 L

Centre cargo tank bi / B ≥ 1/5 - 0,2 L

bi / B < 1/5 No (0,5 b i / B + 0,1) L

Yes (0,25 bi / B + 0,15) L

(1) bi is the minimum distance from the ship side to the outer longitudinal bulkhead of the i-th tank, measured inboard at right
angles to the centreline at the level corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard.
(2) Not to exceed 0,2 L

4.2 Access to pipe tunnel and opening 4.3.2 Access to the fore peak tank (1/5/2013)
arrangement The access to the fore peak tank is to be direct from the
open deck.
4.2.1 Access to the pipe tunnel in the double
bottom (1/5/2013) Alternatively, indirect access from the open deck to the fore
peak tank through an enclosed space may be accepted pro-
The pipe tunnel in the double bottom is to comply with the
vided that:
following requirements:
• it may not communicate with the engine room a) The unit is only enabled to carry products having a
flashpoint exceeding 60°C, or
• provision is to be made for at least two exits to the open
deck arranged at a maximum distance from each other. b) The unit is enabled to carry products having any flash-
One of these exits fitted with a watertight closure may point and:
lead to the cargo pump room. 1) the enclosed space is separated from the cargo tanks
by cofferdams, the access is through a gas-tight
4.2.2 Doors between pipe tunnel and main pump bolted manhole located in the enclosed space and a
room (1/5/2013)
warning sign is provided at the manhole stating that
Where there is a permanent access from a pipe tunnel to the fore peak tank may only be opened after:
the main pump room, a watertight door is to be fitted com-
plying with the requirements in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [6.2.1] for • it has been proven to be gas-free; or
watertight doors open at sea and located below the free- • any electrical equipment which is not electri-
board deck. In addition the following is to be complied cally certified safe in the enclosed space is iso-
with: lated
• in addition to bridge operation, the watertight door is to or
be capable of being manually closed from outside the
main pump room entrance 2) the enclosed space has a common boundary with
the cargo tanks, is classified as a hazardous area (see
• the watertight door is to be kept closed during normal Note 1), the equipment inside is suitable for the cor-
operations of the ship except when access to the pipe responding hazardous area and the enclosed space
tunnel is required. A notice is to be affixed to the door can be well ventilated.
to the effect that it may not be left open.
Note 1: The hazardous area classification is to be defined in
accordance with IEC 60092-502: Electrical installations in ships -
4.3 Access to compartments in the cargo Tankers - Special features.
4.3.3 Access through horizontal
4.3.1 General (1/5/2013) openings (1/5/2013)
Access to cofferdams, ballast tanks, cargo tanks and other For access through horizontal openings the dimensions are
compartments in the cargo area is to be direct from the to be sufficient to allow a person wearing a self-contained,
open deck and such as to ensure their complete inspection. air-breathing apparatus and protective equipment to ascend
Access to double bottom compartments may be through a or descend any ladder without obstruction and also to pro-
cargo pump room, pump room, deep cofferdam, pipe tun- vide a clear opening to facilitate the hoisting of an injured
nel or similar compartments, subject to consideration of person from the bottom of the compartment. The minimum
ventilation aspects. clear opening is to be not less than 600 mm by 600 mm.

192 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 2

4.3.4 Access through vertical openings (1/5/2013) 4.3.5 Oil carriers less than 5000 t
For access through vertical openings the minimum clear deadweight (1/5/2013)
opening is to be not less than 600 mm by 800 mm at a For oil carriers of less than 5000 t deadweight smaller
height of not more than 600 mm from the bottom shell plat- dimensions may be approved by the Society in special cir-
ing unless gratings or other footholds are provided. cumstances, if the ability to traverse such openings or to
remove an injured person can be proved to the satisfaction
of the Society.

RINA Rules 2017 193

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 3


1 Stability above is to be such that the following criteria are complied

a) The intact stability criteria reported in b) is to be com-
1.1 Application plied with for the worst possible condition of loading
1.1.1 (1/5/2013) and ballasting as defined in c), consistent with good
operational practice, including the intermediate stages
The requirements in [1.2.2] apply to ships with the service of liquid transfer operations. Under all conditions the
notations: ballast tanks are to be assumed slack.
• Oil carrier b) The initial metacentric height GMo, in m, corrected for
free surface measured at 0° heel, is to be not less than
• Oil carrier, flashpoint > 60°C.
0,15. For the purpose of calculating GMo, liquid surface
corrections are to be based on the appropriate upright
1.2 Intact stability free surface inertia moment.
c) The vessel is to be loaded with:
1.2.1 General (1/5/2013) • all cargo tanks filled to a level corresponding to the
The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B, maximum combined total of vertical moment of vol-
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.6] is to be in compliance with the ume plus free surface inertia moment at 0° heel, for
requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2. In addition, the require- each individual tank
ments in [1.2.2] are to be complied with. • cargo density corresponding to the available cargo
deadweight at the displacement at which transverse
1.2.2 Liquid transfer operations (1/5/2013) KM reaches a minimum value
Ships with certain internal subdivision may be subjected to • full departure consumable
lolling during liquid transfer operations such as loading, • 1% of the total water ballast capacity.The maximum
unloading or ballasting. In order to prevent the effect of loll- free surface moment is to be assumed in all ballast
ing, the design of oil carriers of 5000 t deadweight and tanks.

194 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 4


1 General 2.1.2 Independence of piping systems (1/5/2013)

a) Bilge, ballast and scupper systems serving spaces
1.1 Application located within the cargo area:
• are to be independent from any piping system serv-
1.1.1 (1/5/2013) ing spaces located outside the cargo area
The requirements of this Section apply to ships having the • are not to lead outside the cargo area.
service notation:
b) Fuel oil systems are to:
• oil carrier
• be independent from the cargo piping system
intended to carry products having any flashpoint. • have no connections with pipelines serving cargo or
slop tanks.
Some departures from these requirements may be accepted
for ships of less than 500 gross tonnage as indicated in
2.1.3 Passage through cargo tanks and slop
Tab 1.
tanks (1/5/2013)
1.1.2 Exemptions (1/5/2013) a) Unless otherwise specified, bilge, ballast and fuel oil
systems serving spaces located outside the cargo area
The requirements in Part C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [11.4.1] b) do not are not to pass through cargo tanks or slop tanks. They
apply to service tanks. may pass through ballast tanks or void spaces located
within the cargo area.
1.2 Documents to be submitted b) Where expressly permitted, ballast pipes passing
1.2.1 (1/5/2013) through cargo tanks are to fulfil the following provi-
The documents listed in Tab 2 are to be submitted for
• they are to have welded or heavy flanged joints the
approval in four copies.
number of which is kept to a minimum
• they are to be of extra-reinforced wall thickness as
2 Piping systems other than cargo pip- per Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, Tab 5
ing system • they are to be adequately supported and protected
against mechanical damage.
2.1 General
2.1.4 Pumps (1/5/2013)
2.1.1 Materials (1/5/2013) One or more driven pumps are to be fitted, in a suitable
space forward of cargo tanks, for bilge, ballast and, where
a) Materials are to comply with the provisions of Pt C,
relevant, fuel oil services.
Ch 1, Sec 10.
Note 1: On ships of less than 500 gross tonnage, such pumps may
b) Spheroidal graphite cast iron may be accepted for bilge be omitted provided that the above services are ensured by means
and ballast piping. of equivalent arrangements, subject to the approval of the Society.

Table 1 (1/5/2013)

Feature of the ship
Subject to this Sec- Departures
to which departures apply
Driven pumps for bilge, bal- [2.1.4] < 500 GRT equivalent arrangements accepted
last, etc.
Drainage of pump rooms [2.2.3] < 500 GRT hand pumps permitted
Drainage of cofferdams [2.2.5] < 500 GRT hand pumps permitted

RINA Rules 2017 195

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 4

Table 2 : Documents to be submitted (1/5/2013)

No. Description of the document (1)

1 General layout of cargo pump room with details of:
• bulkhead penetrations
• gas detection system
• other alarms and safety arrangements
2 Diagram of cargo piping system
3 Diagram of the cargo tank venting system with:
• indication of the outlet position
• details of the pressure/vacuum valves and flame arrestors
• details of the draining arrangements, if any
4 Diagram of the cargo tank level gauging system with overfill safety arrangements
5 Diagram of the cargo tank cleaning system
6 Diagram of the bilge and ballast systems serving the spaces located in the cargo area
7 Diagram of the cargo heating systems
8 Diagram of inert gas system with details of the inert gas plant
9 Diagram of gas measurement system for double hull and double bottom spaces
(1) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems.

2.2 Bilge system 2.2.4 Draining of tunnels and pump rooms other
than cargo pump rooms (1/5/2013)
2.2.1 Bilge pumps (1/5/2013)
Arrangements are to be provided to drain tunnels and pump
a) At least one bilge pump is to be provided for draining
rooms other than cargo pump rooms. Cargo pumps may be
the spaces located within the cargo area. Cargo pumps
used for this service under the provisions of [2.2.3], item b).
or stripping pumps may be used for this purpose.
b) Bilge pumps serving spaces located within the cargo
2.2.5 Draining of cofferdams located at the fore and
area are to be located in the cargo pump room or in
aft ends of the cargo spaces (1/5/2013)
another suitable space within the cargo area.
a) When they are not intended to be filled with water bal-
2.2.2 Draining of spaces located outside the cargo
last, cofferdams located at the fore and aft ends of the
area (1/5/2013)
cargo spaces are to be fitted with drainage arrange-
For bilge draining of spaces located outside the cargo area,
refer to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6].
b) Aft cofferdams adjacent to the cargo pump room may
2.2.3 Draining of pump rooms (1/5/2013)
be drained by a cargo pump in accordance with the
a) Arrangements are to be provided to drain the pump provisions of [2.2.3], items b) and c), or by bilge ejec-
rooms by means of power pumps or bilge ejectors.
Note 1: On carriers of less than 500 gross tonnage, the pump
rooms may be drained by means of hand pumps with a suction c) Cofferdams located at the fore end of the cargo spaces
diameter of not less than 50 mm. may be drained by the bilge or ballast pumps required
b) Cargo pumps or stripping pumps may be used for drain- in [2.1.4], or by bilge ejectors.
ing cargo pump rooms provided that:
• a screw-down non-return valve is fitted on the bilge d) Drainage of the after cofferdam from the engine room
suctions, and bilge system is not permitted.
• a remote control valve is fitted between the pump Note 1: On carriers of less than 500 gross tonnage, cofferdams may
suction and the bilge distribution box. be drained by means of hand pumps with a suction diameter of not
c) Bilge pipe internal diameter is not to be less than less than 50 mm.
50 mm.
d) The bilge system of cargo pump rooms is to be capable 2.2.6 Drainage of other cofferdams and void spaces
located within the cargo area (1/5/2013)
of being controlled from outside.
e) High liquid level in the bilges is to activate an audible Other cofferdams and void spaces located within the cargo
and visual alarm in the cargo control room and on the area and not intended to be filled with water ballast are to
navigation bridge. be fitted with suitable means of drainage.

196 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 4

2.3 Ballast system 2.3.6 Carriage of ballast water in cargo

tanks (1/5/2013)
2.3.1 General (1/5/2013) a) Provisions may be made for filling cargo tanks with sea
a) Except where expressly permitted, ballast systems serv- water, where permitted. Such ballast water is to be pro-
ing segregated ballast tanks are to be completely sepa- cessed and discharged using the equipment referred to
rated from the cargo oil and fuel oil systems. in [5].

b) In oil carriers of 150 gross tonnage and above, no bal- b) The sea water inlets and overboard discharges serving
last water is normally to be carried in any fuel oil tank; cargo tanks for the purpose of a) are not to have any
see Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [7.1.3]. connection with the ballast system of segregated ballast
2.3.2 Ballast pumps (1/5/2013) c) Cargo pumps may be used for pumping ballast water to
a) Ballast pumps are to be located in the cargo pump or from the cargo tanks, provided two shut-off valves are
room, or a similar space within the cargo area not con- fitted to isolate the cargo piping system from the sea
taining any source of ignition. inlets and overboard discharges. See also [5.3.4].

b) Where installed in the cargo pump room, ballast pumps d) Ballast pumps serving segregated ballast tanks may be
are to comply with the applicable provisions of [3.2.3] used for filling the cargo tanks with sea water provided
and [3.2.4]. that the connection is made on the top of the tanks and
consists of a detachable spool piece and a screw-down
2.3.3 Pumping arrangements for ballast tanks non-return valve to avoid siphon effects.
within the cargo area (1/5/2013)
2.3.7 Ballast pipes passing through tanks (1/5/2013)
a) Ballast systems serving segregated ballast in the cargo
area are to be entirely located within the cargo area and a) In oil carriers of 600 tonnes deadweight and above, bal-
are not to be connected to other piping systems. last piping is not to pass through cargo tanks except in
the case of short lengths of piping complying with
b) Segregated ballast tanks located within the cargo area [2.1.3], item b).
are to be served by two different means. At least one of
these means is to be a pump or an eductor used exclu- b) Sliding type couplings are not to be used for expansion
sively for dealing with ballast. purposes where ballast lines pass through cargo tanks.
Expansion bends only are permitted.
2.3.4 Pumping arrangement for cofferdams located
at the fore and aft ends of the cargo 2.3.8 Fore peak ballast system on oil
spaces (1/5/2013) carriers (1/5/2013)
Where they are intended to be filled with water ballast, the The fore peak tank can be ballasted with the system serving
cofferdams located at the fore and aft ends of the cargo ballast tanks within the cargo area, provided:
spaces may be emptied by a ballast pump located inside the
machinery compartment or the forward space mentioned in a) the fore peak tank is considered a hazardous area (see
[2.1.4], whichever is the case, provided that: Note 1)

• the suction is directly connected to the pump and not to b) the vent pipe openings are located on open deck at an
a piping system serving machinery spaces appropriate distance from sources of ignition. In this
respect, the separation distances for hazardous zones
• the delivery is directly connected to the ship side. are to be defined in accordance with IEC 60092-502:
Electrical installations in ships - carriers - Special fea-
2.3.5 Emergency discharge of segregated tures;
ballast (1/5/2013)
c) c)means are provided, on the open deck, to allow meas-
Provisions may be made for emergency discharge of the
urement of flammable gas concentrations within the
segregated ballast by means of a connection to a cargo
fore peak tank by a suitable portable instrument;
pump through a detachable spool piece provided that:
• non-return valves are fitted on the segregated ballast d) the sounding arrangements to the fore peak tank are
direct from the open deck.
connections to prevent the passage of oil to the ballast
tank, and Note 1: The hazardous area classification is to be defined in
accordance with IEC 60092-502: Electrical installations in ships -
• shut-off valves are fitted to shut off the cargo and ballast carriers - Special features.
lines before the spool piece is removed.
2.3.9 Integrated cargo and ballast system
The detachable spool piece is to be placed in a conspicuous
position in the pump room and a permanent warning notice
restricting its use is to be displayed in a conspicuous posi- The requirements for integrated cargo and ballast systems
tion adjacent to it. are given in [3.5].

RINA Rules 2017 197

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 4

2.4 Air and sounding pipes of spaces other 2.6.2 Steam heating (1/5/2013)
than cargo tanks To reduce the risk of liquid or gaseous cargo returns inside
the engine or boiler rooms, steam heating systems of cargo
2.4.1 General (1/5/2013) tanks are to satisfy either of the following provisions:
The air and sounding pipes fitted to the following spaces: • they are to be independent of other ship services, except
• cofferdams located at the fore and aft ends of the cargo cargo heating or cooling systems, and are not to enter
spaces machinery spaces, or
• tanks and cofferdams located within the cargo area and • they are to be provided with an observation tank on the
not intended for cargo water return system located within the cargo area. How-
are to be led to the open. ever, this tank may be placed inside the engine room in
a well-ventilated position remote from boilers and other
2.4.2 Air pipes (1/5/2013) sources of ignition. Its air pipe is to be led to the open
The air pipes referred to in [2.4.1] are to be arranged as per and fitted with a flame arrester.
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9] and are to be fitted with easily
removable flame screens at their outlets. 2.6.3 Hot water heating (1/5/2013)
Hot water systems serving cargo tanks are to be independ-
2.4.3 Passage through cargo tanks (1/5/2013) ent of other systems. They are not to enter machinery spaces
In oil carriers of 600 tonnes deadweight and above, the air unless the expansion tank is fitted with:
and sounding pipes referred to in [2.4.1] are not to pass • means for detection of flammable vapours
through cargo tanks except in the following cases:
• a vent pipe led to the open and provided with a flame
• short lengths of piping serving ballast tanks arrester.
• lines serving double bottom tanks located within the
cargo area, except in the case of oil carriers of 5000 2.6.4 Thermal oil heating (1/5/2013)
tonnes deadweight and above Thermal oil heating systems serving cargo tanks are to be
arranged by means of a separate secondary system, located
where the provisions of [2.1.3], item b) are complied with.
completely within the cargo area. However, a single circuit
system may be accepted provided that:
2.5 Scupper pipes
• the system is so arranged as to ensure a positive pressure
2.5.1 (1/5/2013) in the coil of at least 3 m water column above the static
Scupper pipes are not to pass through cargo tanks except, head of the cargo when the circulating pump is not in
where this is impracticable, in the case of short lengths of operation
piping complying with the following provisions:
• means are provided in the expansion tank for detection
• they are of steel of flammable cargo vapours. Portable equipment may
• they have only welded or heavy flanged joints the be accepted.
number of which is kept to a minimum • valves for the individual heating coils are provided with
• they are of substantial wall thickness as per Pt C, Ch 1, a locking arrangement to ensure that the coils are under
Sec 10, Tab 23, column 1. static pressure at all times.

2.6 Heating systems intended for cargo 3 Cargo pumping systems

2.6.1 General (1/5/2013)
a) Heating systems intended for cargo are to comply with 3.1 General
the relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10. 3.1.1 (1/5/2013)
b) The steam and heating media temperature within the A complete system of pumps and piping is to be fitted for
cargo area is not to exceed 220° C. handling the cargo.
c) Blind flanges or similar devices are to be provided on 3.1.2 (1/5/2013)
the heating circuits fitted to tanks carrying cargoes Except where expressly permitted, and namely for the bow
which are not to be heated. and stern cargo loading and unloading stations, this system
d) Heating systems are to be so designed that the pressure is not to extend outside the cargo area and is to be inde-
maintained in the heating circuits is higher than that pendent of any other piping system on board.
exerted by the cargo oil. This need not be applied to
heating circuits which are not in service provided they 3.2 Cargo pumping system
are drained and blanked-off.
e) Isolating valves are to be provided at the inlet and outlet 3.2.1 Number and location of cargo
connections of the tank heating circuits. Arrangements pumps (1/5/2013)
are to be made to allow manual adjustment of the flow. a) Each cargo tank is to be served by at least one fixed
f) Heating pipes and coils inside tanks are to be built of a mean of discharging and stripping.
material suitable for the heated fluid. They are to have In addition, arrangements are to be adopted to make
welded connections only. discharge by pumps in the oil terminal possible, taking

198 RINA Rules 2017

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into account the NPSHD at the pumps, or a second sep- pumps (bypass) in closed circuit. Such relief valves may
arate fixed mean of discharging is to be fitted. be omitted in the case of centrifugal pumps with a max-
imum delivery pressure not exceeding the design pres-
b) Cargo pumps are to be located:
sure of the piping, with the delivery valve closed.
• in a dedicated pump room, or
c) Pump casings are to be fitted with temperature sensing
• on deck, or
devices; see [3.2.5].
• when designed for this purpose, within the cargo
tanks. 3.2.5 Monitoring of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)

3.2.2 Use of cargo pumps (1/5/2013) Cargo pumps are to be monitored as required in Tab 3.

a) Except where expressly permitted in [2.2] and [2.3], 3.2.6 Control of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
cargo pumps are to be used exclusively for handling the
liquid cargo and are not to have any connections to Cargo pumps are to be capable of being stopped from:
compartments other than cargo tanks.
• a position outside the pump room, and
b) Subject to their performance, cargo pumps may be used
for tank stripping. • a position next to the pumps.

c) Cargo pumps may be used, where necessary, for the

washing of cargo tanks. 3.3 Cargo piping design

3.2.3 Cargo pumps drive (1/5/2013) 3.3.1 General (1/5/2013)

a) Prime movers of cargo pumps are not to be located in a) Unless otherwise specified, cargo piping is to be
the cargo area, except in the following cases: designed and constructed according to the requirements
• steam driven machine supplied with steam having a of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10 applicable to piping systems of
temperature not exceeding 220°C class III.
• hydraulic motors b) For tests, refer to [6].
• electric motors of certified explosion proof type.
3.3.2 Materials (1/5/2013)
b) Pumps with a submerged electric motor are not permit-
ted in cargo tanks. a) Cargo piping is, in general, to be made of steel or cast
c) Where cargo pumps are driven by a machine which is
located outside the cargo pump room, the following b) Valves, couplings and other end fittings of cargo pipe
arrangements are to be made: lines for connection to hoses are to be of steel or other
1) drive shafts are to be fitted with flexible couplings or suitable ductile material.
other means suitable to compensate for any mis-
alignment c) Spheroidal graphite cast iron may be used for cargo oil
2) the shaft bulkhead or deck penetration is to be fitted
with a gas-tight gland of a type approved by the d) Grey cast iron may be accepted for cargo oil lines:
Society. The gland is to be efficiently lubricated from
outside the pump room and so designed as to pre- • within cargo tanks, and
vent overheating. The seal parts of the gland are to • on the weather deck for pressure up to 1,6 Mpa.
be of material that cannot initiate sparks.
It is not to be used for manifolds and their valves of fit-
3) Temperature sensing devices are to be fitted for
tings connected to cargo handling hoses.
bulkhead shaft gland bearings; see [3.2.5].
Note 1: The provisions of this requirement also apply to stripping e) Plastic pipes may be used in the conditions specified in
pumps and ballast pumps. Pt C, Ch 1, App 3. Arrangements are to be made to
avoid the generation of static electricity.
3.2.4 Design of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
a) Materials of cargo pumps are to be suitable for the prod- 3.3.3 Connection of cargo pipe lengths (1/5/2013)
ucts carried.
Cargo pipe lengths may be connected either by means of
b) The delivery side of cargo pumps is to be fitted with welded joints or, unless otherwise specified, by means of
relief valves discharging back to the suction side of the flange connections.

RINA Rules 2017 199

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 4

Table 3 : Monitoring of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)

Equipment, parameter Alarm (1) Indication (2) Comments

pump, discharge pressure L • on the pump (3), or
• next to the unloading control station
pump casing, temperature H visual and audible, in cargo control room or pump control station
bulkhead shaft gland bearing, H visual and audible, in cargo control room or pump control station
(1) H = high
(2) L = low
(3) and next to the driving machine if located in a separate compartment

3.3.4 Expansion joints (1/5/2013) 3.4 Cargo piping arrangement and installa-
a) Where necessary, cargo piping is to be fitted with
expansion joints or bends. 3.4.1 Cargo pipes passing through tanks or
compartments (1/5/2013)
b) Expansion joints including bellows are to be of a type
a) Cargo piping is not to pass through tanks or compart-
approved by the Society.
ments located outside the cargo area.
c) Expansion joints made of non-metallic material may be b) Cargo piping and similar piping to cargo tanks is not to
accepted only inside tanks and provided they are: pass through ballast tanks except in the case of short
lengths of piping complying with [2.1.3], item b).
• of an approved type
c) Cargo piping may pass through vertical fuel oil tanks
• designed to withstand the maximum internal and adjacent to cargo tanks on condition that the provisions
external pressure of [2.1.3], item b) are complied with.
d) Piping through cargo tanks, see also Sec 2, [3.1.4].
• electrically conductive.

d) Sliding type couplings are not to be used for expansion 3.4.2 Cargo piping passing through
bulkheads (1/5/2013)
purposes where lines for cargo oil pass through tanks for
Cargo piping passing through bulkheads is to be so
segregated ballast.
arranged as to preclude excessive stresses at the bulkhead.
Bolted flanges are not to be used in the bulkhead.
3.3.5 Valves with remote control (1/5/2013)
3.4.3 Valves (1/5/2013)
a) Valves with remote control are to comply with Pt C,
a) Stop valves are to be provided to isolate each tank.
Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.7.3].
b) A stop valve is to be fitted at each end of the cargo man-
b) Submerged valves are to be remote controlled. In the ifold.
case of a hydraulic remote control system, control boxes
c) When a cargo pump in the cargo pump room serves
are to be provided outside the tank, in order to permit more than one cargo tank, a stop valve is to be fitted in
the emergency control of valves. the cargo pump room on the line leading to each tank.
c) Valve actuators located inside cargo tanks are not to be d) Main cargo oil valves located in the cargo pump room
operated by means of compressed air. below the floor gratings are to be remote controlled
from a position above the floor.
3.3.6 Cargo hoses (1/5/2013) 3.4.4 Prevention of the generation of static
electricity (1/5/2013)
a) Cargo hoses are to be of a type approved by the Society
To avoid the hazard of an incendive discharge due to the
for the intended conditions of use.
build-up of static electricity resulting from the flow of the
b) Hoses subject to tank pressure or pump discharge pres- liquid/gases/vapours, the following requirements are to be
complied with:
sure are to be designed for a bursting pressure not less
than 4 times the maximum pressure under cargo transfer • the loading pipes are to be led as low as practicable in
conditions. the tank
• the resistance between any point on the surface of the
c) The ohmic electrical resistance of cargo hoses is not to cargo and slop tanks, piping systems and equipment,
exceed 106 Ω . and the hull of the ship is not to be greater than 106 Ω.

200 RINA Rules 2017

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Bonding straps are required for cargo and slop tanks, piping Figure 1 : Connection of small diameter line
systems and equipment which are not permanently con- to the manifold valve (1/5/2013)
nected to the hull of the ship, for example: to shore
a) independent cargo tanks
small diameter line
b) cargo tank piping systems which are electrically sepa-
rated from the hull of the ship
c) pipe connections arranged for the removal of the spool
upper deck
Where bonding straps are required, they are to be: s/p c/p c/p
pump cargo cargo
• clearly visible so that any shortcoming can be clearly room tank line
• designed and sited so that they are protected against
mechanical damage and are not affected by high resis-
tivity contamination, e.g. corrosive products or paint
• easy to install and replace.
from slop tank

3.4.5 Bow or stern cargo loading and unloading

arrangements (1/5/2013) 3.4.7 Cleaning and gas-freeing (1/5/2013)
Where the ship is arranged for loading and unloading out-
side the cargo area, the following provisions are to be com- a) The cargo piping system is to be so designed and
plied with: arranged as to permit its efficient cleaning and gas-free-
a) the piping outside the cargo area is to be fitted with a
shut-off valve at its connection with the piping system b) Requirements for inert gas systems are given in Part C,
within the cargo area and separating means such as Chapter 4.
blank flanges or removable spool pieces or equivalent
(see Note 1) are to be provided when the piping within
the cargo area is not in use 3.5 Integrated cargo and ballast systems
Note 1: Those indicated in the IMO MSC/Circ. 474 are acceptable
as equivalent
3.5.1 Functional requirements (1/5/2013)
b) the shore connection is to be fitted with a shut-off valve
and a blank flange The operation of cargo and/or ballast systems may be neces-
sary, under certain emergency circumstances or during the
c) pipe connections outside the cargo area are to be of course of navigation, to enhance the safety of carriers.
welded type only
d) arrangements are made to allow the piping outside the As such, measures are to be taken to prevent cargo and bal-
cargo area to be efficiently drained and purged. last pumps becoming inoperative simultaneously due to a
single failure in the integrated cargo and ballast system,
3.4.6 Draining of cargo pumps and oil including its control and safety systems. The same criteria
lines (1/5/2013) apply to control systems of cargo and ballast valves.
Every oil carrier required to be provided with segregated
ballast tanks or fitted with a crude oil washing system is to 3.5.2 Design features (1/5/2013)
comply with the following requirements: The following design features are, inter alia, to be fitted:
a) it is to be equipped with oil piping so designed and
a) the emergency stop circuits of the cargo and ballast sys-
installed that oil retention in the lines is minimised, and
tems are to be independent from the circuits for the con-
b) means are to be provided to drain all cargo pumps and trol systems. A single failure in the control system
all oil lines at the completion of cargo discharge, where circuits or the emergency stop circuits is not to render
necessary by connection to a stripping device. The line the integrated cargo and ballast system inoperative;
and pump drainings are to be capable of being dis-
charged both ashore and to a cargo tank or slop tank. b) manual emergency stops of the cargo pumps are to be
For discharge ashore, a special small diameter line hav- arranged such that they do not cause the shutdown of
ing a cross-sectional area not exceeding 10% of the the power pack making ballast pumps inoperable;
main cargo discharge line is to be provided and is to be c) the control systems are to be provided with backup
connected on the downstream side of the carrier’s deck power supply, which may be satisfied by a duplicate
manifold valves, both port and starboard, when the power supply from the main switchboard. The failure of
cargo is being discharged; see Fig 1. any power supply is to provide audible and visible
For oil carriers fitted with a crude oil washing system, refer alarm activation at each location where the control
also to Ch 7, App 2, [2.4.5]. panel is fitted.

RINA Rules 2017 201

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d) in the event of failure of the automatic or remote control indication of the operational status of the valves or other
systems, a secondary means of control is to be made acceptable means. Where tanks have been isolated, it is
available for the operation of the integrated cargo and to be ensured that relevant isolating valves are opened
ballast system. This is to be achieved by manual overrid- before cargo loading or ballasting or discharging of
ing and/or redundant arrangements within the control those tanks is commenced. Any isolation must continue
systems. to permit the flow caused by thermal variations in a
cargo tank in accordance with [4.2.2] a).
4 Cargo tanks and fittings c) If cargo loading or ballasting or discharging of a cargo
tank or cargo tank group is intended, which is isolated
4.1 Application from a common venting system, that cargo tank or cargo
tank group is to be fitted with a means for overpressure
4.1.1 (1/5/2013) or underpressure protection as required in [4.2.2] c).
The provisions of [4] apply to cargo tanks and slop tanks.
4.2.4 Arrangement of vent lines (1/5/2013)
4.2 Cargo tank venting The venting arrangements are to be connected to the top of
each cargo tank and are to be self-draining to the cargo
4.2.1 Principle (1/5/2013) tanks under all normal conditions of trim and list of the
Cargo tanks are to be provided with venting systems entirely ship. Where it may not be possible to provide self-draining
distinct from the air pipes of the other compartments of the lines, permanent arrangements are to be provided to drain
ship. The arrangements and position of openings in the the vent lines to a cargo tank.
cargo tank deck from which emission of flammable vapours
Plugs or equivalent means are to be provided on the lines
can occur are to be such as to minimise the possibility of
after the safety relief valves.
flammable vapours being admitted to enclosed spaces con-
taining a source of ignition, or collecting in the vicinity of 4.2.5 Openings for pressure release (1/5/2013)
deck machinery and equipment which may constitute an
Openings for pressure release required by [4.2.2] a) are to:
ignition hazard.
a) have as great a height as is practicable above the cargo
4.2.2 Design of venting arrangements (1/5/2013) tank deck to obtain maximum dispersal of flammable
The venting arrangements are to be so designed and oper- vapours but in no case less than 2 m above the cargo
ated as to ensure that neither pressure nor vacuum in cargo tank deck,
tanks exceeds design parameters and be such as to provide b) be arranged at the furthest distance practicable but not
for: less than 5 m from the nearest air intakes and openings
a) the flow of the small volumes of vapour, air or inert gas to enclosed spaces containing a source of ignition and
mixtures caused by thermal variations in a cargo tank in from deck machinery and equipment which may consti-
all cases through pressure/vacuum valves, and tute an ignition hazard. Anchor windlass and chain
b) the passage of large volumes of vapour, air or inert gas locker openings constitute an ignition hazard.
mixtures during cargo loading and ballasting, or during
4.2.6 Pressure/vacuum valves (1/5/2013)
a) One or more pressure/vacuum-breaking devices are to
c) a secondary means of allowing full flow relief of vapour,
be provided to prevent the cargo tanks from being sub-
air or inert gas mixtures to prevent overpressure or
ject to:
underpressure in the event of failure of the arrangements
in b). Alternatively, pressure sensors may be fitted in 1) a positive pressure, in excess of the test pressure of
each tank protected by the arrangement required in b), the cargo tank, if the cargo were to be loaded at the
with a monitoring system in the ship’s cargo control maximum rated capacity and all other outlets were
room or the position from which cargo operations are left shut; and
normally carried out. Such monitoring equipment is 2) a negative pressure in excess of 700 mm water
also to provide an alarm facility which is activated by gauge if cargo were to be discharged at the maxi-
detection of overpressure or underpressure conditions mum rated capacity of the cargo pumps and the
within a tank. inert gas blowers were to fail.
4.2.3 Combination of venting Such devices are to be installed on the inert gas main
arrangements (1/5/2013) unless they are installed in the venting system required
by this item [4.2] or on individual cargo tanks.
a) The venting arrangements in each cargo tank may be
independent or combined with other cargo tanks and b) Pressure/vacuum valves are to be set at a positive pres-
may be incorporated into the inert gas piping. sure not exceeding 0,021 MPa and at a negative pres-
b) Where the arrangements are combined with other cargo sure not exceeding 0,007 MPa. Higher setting values not
tanks, either stop valves or other acceptable means are exceeding 0,07 MPa may be accepted in positive pres-
to be provided to isolate each cargo tank. Where stop sure if the scantlings of the tanks are appropriate.
valves are fitted, they are to be provided with locking c) Pressure/vacuum valves required by item a) of [4.2.2]
arrangements which are to be under the control of the may be provided with a bypass when they are located in
responsible ship’s officer. There is to be a clear visual a vent main or masthead riser. Where such an arrange-

202 RINA Rules 2017

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ment is provided, there are to be suitable indicators to 4.2.9 Prevention of the passage of flame into the
show whether the bypass is open or closed. tanks (1/5/2013)
d) Pressure/vacuum valves are to be of a type approved by a) The venting system is to be provided with devices to
the Society in accordance with Ch 7, App 1. prevent the passage of flame into the cargo tanks. The
e) Pressure/vacuum valves are to be readily accessible. design, testing and locating of these devices are to com-
ply with Ch 7, App 1.
f) Pressure/vacuum valves are to be provided with a man-
ual opening device so that valves can be locked on Ullage openings are not to be used for pressure equali-
open position. Locking means on closed position are sation. They are to be provided with self-closing and
not permitted. tightly sealing covers. Flame arresters and screens are
not permitted in these openings.
4.2.7 Vent oulets (1/5/2013)
Vent outlets for cargo loading, discharging and ballasting b) A flame arresting device integral to the venting system
required by [4.2.2] b) are to: may be accepted.
a) permit: c) Flame screens and flame arresters are to be designed for
• the free flow of vapour mixtures, or easy overhauling and cleaning.
• the throttling of the discharge of the vapour mixtures
to achieve a velocity of not less than 30 m/s, 4.2.10 Prevention of liquid rising in the venting
system (1/5/2013)
b) be so arranged that the vapour mixture is discharged
vertically upwards, a) Provisions are to be made to prevent liquid rising in the
c) where the method is by free flow of vapour mixtures, be venting system; refer to [4.5].
such that the outlet is not less than 6 m above the cargo
tank deck or fore and aft gangway if situated within 4 m b) Cargo tanks gas venting systems are not to be used for
of the gangway and located not less than 10 m meas- overflow purposes.
ured horizontally from the nearest air intakes and open-
c) Spill valves are not considered equivalent to an over-
ings to enclosed spaces containing a source of ignition
flow system.
and from deck machinery which may include anchor
windlass and chain locker openings, and equipment
which may constitute an ignition hazard, 4.3 Cargo tank purging and/or gas-freeing
d) where the method is by high velocity discharge, be
located at a height not less than 2 m above the cargo 4.3.1 General (1/5/2013)
tank deck and not less than 10 m measured horizontally
from the nearest air intakes and openings to enclosed a) Arrangements are to be made for purging and/or gas-
spaces containing a source of ignition and from deck freeing of cargo tanks. The arrangements are to be such
machinery which may include anchor windlass and as to minimise the hazards due to the dispersal of flam-
chain locker openings, and equipment which may con- mable vapours in the atmosphere and to flammable
stitute an ignition hazard. These outlets are to be pro- mixtures in a cargo tank. Accordingly, the provisions of
vided with high velocity devices of a type approved by [4.3.2] and [4.3.3], as applicable, are to be complied
the Society, with.
e) be designed on the basis of the maximum designed b) In the case of fans installed in safe spaces, two non-
loading rate multiplied by a factor of at least 1,25 to return devices are to be fitted to avoid return of cargo
take account of gas evolution, in order to prevent the vapours to safe spaces when the ventilation system is
pressure in any cargo tank from exceeding the design shut down. These non-return devices are to operate in
pressure. The Master is to be provided with information all normal conditions of ship trim and list.
regarding the maximum permissible loading rate for
each cargo tank and in the case of combined venting c) Discharge outlets are to be located at least 10 m meas-
systems, for each group of cargo tanks. ured horizontally from the nearest air intake and open-
The arrangements for the venting of vapours displaced ings to enclosed spaces with a source of ignition and
from the cargo tanks during loading and ballasting are from deck machinery equipment which may constitute
to comply with this item [4.2] and are to consist of an ignition hazard.
either one or more mast risers, or a number of high-
velocity vents. The inert gas supply main may be used 4.3.2 Ships provided with an inert gas
for such venting. system (1/5/2013)

4.2.8 High velocity valves (1/5/2013) When the ship is provided with an inert gas system, the
cargo tanks are first to be purged in accordance with the
a) High velocity valves are to be readily accessible. provisions of Part C, Chapter 4 until the concentration of
b) High velocity valves not required to be fitted with flame hydrocarbon vapours in the cargo tanks has been reduced
arresters (see [4.2.9]) are not to be capable of being to less than 2% by volume. Thereafter, gas-freeing may take
locked on open position. place at the cargo tank deck level.

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4.3.3 Ships not provided with an inert gas 4.4.3 Oil carriers fitted with an inert gas
system (1/5/2013) system (1/5/2013)
When the ship is not provided with an inert gas system, the a) In carriers fitted with an inert gas system, the gauging
operation is to be such that the flammable vapour is dis- devices are to be of the closed type.
charged initially:
b) Use of indirect gauging devices will be given special
a) through the vent outlets as specified in [4.2.7], or consideration.

b) through outlets at least 2 m above the cargo tank deck 4.4.4 Oil carriers not fitted with an inert gas
level with a vertical efflux velocity of at least 30 m/s system (1/5/2013)
maintained during the gas-freeing operation, or
a) In carriers not fitted with an inert gas system, the gaug-
c) through outlets at least 2 m above the cargo tank deck ing devices are to be of the closed or restricted types.
level with a vertical efflux velocity of at least 20 m/s and Ullage openings may be used only as a reserve sound-
which are protected by suitable devices to prevent the ing means and are to be fitted with a watertight closing
passage of flame. appliance.

The above outlets are to be located not less than 10 m b) Where restricted gauging devices are used, provisions
measured horizontally from the nearest air intakes and are to be made to:
openings to enclosed spaces containing a source of ignition • avoid dangerous escape of liquid or vapour under
and from deck machinery, which may include anchor wind- pressure when using the device
lass and chain locker openings, and equipment which may
constitute an ignition hazard. • relieve the pressure in the tank before the device is
When the flammable vapour concentration at the outlet has
been reduced to 30% of the lower flammable limit, gas- c) Where used, sounding pipes are to be fitted with a a
freeing may thereafter be continued at cargo tank deck self-closing blanking device.
4.5 Protection against tank overload
4.4 Cargo tank level gauging systems
4.5.1 General (1/5/2013)
4.4.1 General (1/5/2013) a) Provisions are to be made to guard against liquid rising
in the venting system of cargo or slop tanks to a height
a) Each cargo or slop tank is to be fitted with a level gaug- which would exceed the design head of the tanks. This
ing system indicating the liquid level along the entire is to be accomplished by high level alarms or overflow
height of the tank. Unless otherwise specified, the gauge control systems or other equivalent means, together
may be portable or fixed with local reading. with gauging devices and cargo tank filling procedures.
b) Gauging devices and their remote reading systems are b) Sufficient ullage is to be left at the end of tank filling to
to be type approved. permit free expansion of liquid during carriage.
c) Ullage openings and other gauging devices likely to c) High level alarms, overflow control systems and other
release cargo vapour to the atmosphere are not to be means referred to in a) are to be independent of the
arranged in enclosed spaces. gauging systems referred to in [4.4].

4.4.2 Definitions (1/5/2013) 4.5.2 High level alarms (1/5/2013)

a) A “restricted gauging device” means a device which a) High level alarms are to be type approved.
penetrates the tank and which, when in use, permits a
b) High level alarms are to give an audible and visual sig-
small quantity of vapour or liquid to be exposed to the
nal at the control station, where provided.
atmosphere. When not in use, the device is completely
closed. Examples are sounding pipes.
4.5.3 Other protection systems (1/5/2013)
b) A “closed gauging device” means a device which is sep- a) Where the tank level gauging systems, cargo and ballast
arated from the tank atmosphere and keeps tank con- pump control systems and valve control systems are
tents from being released. It may: centralised in a single location, the provisions of [4.5.1]
• penetrate the tank, such as float-type systems, elec- may be complied with by the fitting of a level gauge for
tric probe, magnetic probe or protected sight glass, the indication of the end of loading, in addition to that
required for each tank under [4.4]. The readings of both
• not penetrate the tank, such as ultrasonic or radar gauges for each tank are to be as near as possible to
devices. each other and so arranged that any discrepancy
between them can be easily detected.
c) An “indirect gauging device” means a device which
determines the level of liquid, for instance by means of b) Where a tank can be filled only from other tanks, the
weighing or pipe flow meter . provisions of [4.5.1] are considered as complied with.

204 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 4

4.6 Tank washing systems that the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea does not
exceed 1/30 000 of the total quantity of the particular cargo
4.6.1 General (1/5/2013) of which the residue formed a part.
a) Adequate means are to be provided for cleaning the
cargo tanks, except on units which: 5.1.3 Exemptions (1/5/2013)
• are dedicated to the same type of cargo for many The provisions of [5.2] and [5.3] may be waived in the fol-
consecutive voyages, and lowing cases:
• are arranged with segregated ballast tanks according • oil carriers engaged exclusively on voyages within 50
to Sec 2, [5], and miles from the nearest land and of 72 hours or less in
duration and limited to trades between ports or termi-
• do not carry out tank washing on a regular basis,
nals agreed by the Society, provided that oily mixtures
are retained on board for subsequent discharge to
• use shore services for tank washing and disposal of reception facilities
washing media and residues, when needed.
• carrying products which through their physical proper-
b) Crude oil washing, when fitted, are to comply with the ties inhibit effective product/water separation and moni-
provisions of Ch 7, App 2 related to safety. toring, for which the control of discharge is to be
effected by the retention of residues on board with dis-
4.6.2 Washing machines (1/5/2013)
charge of all contaminated washings to reception facili-
a) Tank washing machines are to be of a type approved by ties
the Society.
b) Washing machines are to be made of steel or other elec- 5.2 Retention of oil on board
tricity conducting materials with a limited propensity to
produce sparks on contact. 5.2.1 General (1/5/2013)
4.6.3 Washing pipes (1/5/2013) Adequate means are to be provided for transferring the dirty
ballast residue and tank washings from the cargo tanks into
a) Washing pipes are to be built, fitted, inspected and a slop tank approved by the Society.
tested in accordance with the applicable requirements
of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, depending on the kind of washing 5.2.2 Capacity of slop tanks (1/5/2013)
fluid, water or crude oil.
The arrangement of the slop tank or combination of slop
b) Crude oil washing pipes are also to satisfy the require- tanks is to have a capacity necessary to retain the slop gen-
ments of [3.3]. erated by tank washings, oil residues and dirty ballast resi-
dues. The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks is not to be
4.6.4 Use of crude oil washing machines for water less than 3% of the oil carrying capacity of the ship, except
washing operations (1/5/2013)
that the Society may accept:
Crude oil washing machines may be connected to water
washing pipes, provided that isolating arrangements, such a) 2% for oil carriers where the tank washing arrangements
as a valve and a detachable pipe section, are fitted to isolate are such that once the slop tank or tanks are charged
water pipes. with washing water, this water is sufficient for tank
washing and, where applicable, for providing the driv-
4.6.5 Installation of washing systems (1/5/2013) ing fluid for eductors, without the introduction of addi-
a) Tank cleaning openings are not to be arranged in tional water into the system
enclosed spaces. b) 2% where segregated ballast tanks are provided in
b) The complete installation is to be permanently earthed accordance with Sec 2, [3], or where a cargo tank
to the hull. cleaning system using crude oil washing is fitted in
accordance with [4.6]. This capacity may be further
reduced to 1,5% for oil carriers where the tank washing
5 Prevention of pollution by cargo oil arrangements are such that once the slop tank or tanks
are charged with washing water, this water is sufficient
5.1 General for tank washing and, where applicable, for providing
the driving fluid for eductors, without introduction of
5.1.1 Application (1/5/2013) additional water into the system.
Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of [5.2] and [5.3]
apply only to oil carriers of 150 gross tonnage and above. c) slop tanks of any size, including absence of dedicated
slop tanks, for units which:
5.1.2 Provisions for oil carriers of less than 150 • are dedicated to the same type of cargo for many
gross tonnage (1/5/2013) consecutive voyages, and
The control of discharge for oil carriers of less than 150 • are arranged with segregated ballast tanks according
gross tonnage is to be effected by the retention of oil on to [5], and
board with subsequent discharge of all contaminated wash-
ings to reception facilities unless adequate arrangements • do not carry out tank washing on a regular basis.
are made to ensure that the discharge of any effluent into Oil carriers of 70 000 tonnes deadweight and above are to
the sea, where allowed, is effectively monitored to ensure be fitted with at least two slop tanks.

RINA Rules 2017 205

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 4

5.2.3 Design of slop tanks (1/5/2013) isolation from the cargo piping system whilst the carrier is
Slop tanks are to be so designed particularly in respect of loading, transporting or discharging cargo by use of a posi-
the position of inlets, outlets, baffles or weirs where fitted, tive means that is to the satisfaction of the Society. Such a
as to avoid excessive turbulence and entrainment of oil or positive means is a facility that is installed in the pipeline
emulsion with the water. system in order to prevent the section of pipeline between
the sea chest valve and the inboard valve being filled with
cargo under all circumstances.
5.3 Pumping, piping and discharge arrange-
Examples of positive means may take the form of blanks,
spectacle blanks, pipeline blinds, evacuation or vacuum
systems, or air or water pressure systems. In the event that
5.3.1 Discharge manifold (1/5/2013)
evacuation or vacuum systems, or air or water pressure sys-
In every oil carrier, a discharge manifold for connection to tems are used, then they are to be equipped with both a
reception facilities for the discharge of dirty ballast water or pressure gauge and alarm system to enable the continuous
oil contaminated water is to be located on the open deck on monitoring of the status of the pipeline section, and thereby
both sides of the ship. the valve integrity, between the sea chest and inboard
5.3.2 Discharge pipelines (1/5/2013)
In every oil carrier, pipelines for the discharge of ballast 6 Certification, inspection and testing
water or oil contaminated water from cargo tank areas to
the sea, where permitted, are to be led to the open deck or
to the ship side above the waterline in the deepest ballast 6.1 Application
condition, except that: 6.1.1 (1/5/2013)
a) segregated ballast and clean ballast may be discharged The provisions of this Article are related to cargo piping and
below the waterline: other equipment fitted in the cargo area. They supplement
those given in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20] for piping systems.
• in ports or at offshore terminals, or
• at sea by gravity,
6.2 Workshop tests
provided that the surface of the ballast water has been
examined immediately before the discharge to ensure 6.2.1 Tests for materials (1/5/2013)
that no contamination with oil has taken place. Where required in Tab 4, materials used for pipes, valves
b) on every oil carrier at sea, dirty ballast water or oil con- and fittings are to be subjected to the tests specified in Pt C,
taminated water from tanks in the cargo area, other than Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.3.2].
slop tanks, may be discharged by gravity below the
6.2.2 Hydrostatic testing (1/5/2013)
waterline, provided that sufficient time has elapsed in
order to allow oil/water separation to have taken place a) Where required in Tab 4, cargo pipes, valves, fittings
and the water ballast has been examined immediately and pump casings are to be submitted to hydrostatic
before the discharge with an oil/water interface detector, tests in accordance with the relevant provisions of Pt C,
in order to ensure that the height of the interface is such Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].
that the discharge does not involve any increased risk of b) Expansion joints and cargo hoses are to be submitted to
harm to the marine environment. hydrostatic tests in accordance with the relevant provi-
sions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].
5.3.3 Discharge stopping (1/5/2013)
c) Where fitted, bellow pieces of gas-tight penetration
Means are to be provided for stopping the discharge into
glands are to be pressure tested.
the sea of ballast water or oil contaminated water from
cargo tank areas, other than those discharges below the 6.2.3 Tightness tests (1/5/2013)
waterline permitted under [5.3.2], from a position on the
upper deck or above located so that the manifold in use Tightness of the following devices is to be checked:
referred to in [5.3.1] and the discharge to the sea from the • gas-tight penetration glands
pipelines referred to in [5.3.2] may be visually observed. • cargo tank P/V and high velocity valves.
Means for stopping the discharge need not be provided at
the observation position if a positive communication system Note 1: These tests may be carried out in the workshops or on
such as a telephone or radio system is provided between board.
the observation position and the discharge control position.
6.2.4 Check of the safety valves setting (1/5/2013)
5.3.4 Cargo piping connections to sea The setting pressure of the pressure/vacuum valves is to be
chests (1/5/2013) checked in particular with regard to [4.2.6].
On every oil carrier where a sea chest is permanently con-
nected to the cargo pipeline system, it is to be equipped 6.2.5 Summary table (1/5/2013)
with both a sea chest valve and an inboard isolation valve. Inspections and tests required for cargo piping and other
In addition to these valves, the sea chest is to be capable of equipment fitted in the cargo area are summarised in Tab 4.

206 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 4

6.3 Shipboard tests 6.3.2 Survey of pollution prevention

equipment (1/5/2013)
6.3.1 Pressure test (1/5/2013)
a) After installation on board, the cargo piping system is to Every oil carrier of 150 gross tonnage and above is to be
be checked for leakage under operational conditions. subjected to an initial survey before the ship is put in serv-
b) The piping system used in crude oil washing systems is ice, to ensure that the equipment, systems, fittings, arrange-
to be submitted to hydrostatic tests in accordance with ments and materials fully comply with the relevant
Ch 7, App 2, [3.2.1]. provisions of [4.6] and [5].

Table 4 : Inspection and testing at works (1/5/2013)

Tests for materials Inspections and tests for the products

No. Item Type of material during manu- after comple- Type of product References
Y/N (1)
certificate (2) facturing (1) tion (1) (3) certificate (2)
1 expansion joints Y (4) W [6.2.1]
and cargo hoses N
Y [6.2.3]
2 cargo pumps Y W
Y (5) see note (5)
Y [6.2.3]
3 gas-tight penetra- N
tion N
glands Y [6.2.3], [6.2.4]
4 cargo tank P/V Y C [6.2.1]
and Y [6.2.2]
high velocity Y [6.2.3], [6.2.4],
valves C [6.2.5]
5 flame arresters N
Y see note (3)
(1) Y = required, N = not required.
(2) C = class certificate, W = works’ certificate.
(3) includes the checking of the rule characteristics according to the approved drawings.
(4) if metallic.
(5) inspection during manufacturing is to be carried out according to a program approved by the Society.

RINA Rules 2017 207

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 5



1 General b) Where expressly permitted (see [2.3.5]), ballast pipes

passing through cargo tanks are to fulfil the following
1.1 Application • they are to have welded or heavy flanged joints the
number of which is kept to a minimum
1.1.1 (1/5/2013)
• they are to be of extra-reinforced wall thickness as
The requirements of this Section apply to ships having the per Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, Tab 5
service notation:
• they are to be adequately supported and protected
• oil carried, flashpoint > 60°C against mechanical damage.

intended to carry products having flashpoint > 60°C, at a 2.2 Bilge system
temperature below and not within 15°C of their flashpoint.
2.2.1 Draining of spaces located outside the cargo
area (1/5/2013)
1.2 Documents to be submitted For bilge draining of spaces located outside the cargo area,
refer to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6].
1.2.1 (1/5/2013)
The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted for 2.2.2 Draining of pump rooms (1/5/2013)
approval in four copies. a) Arrangements are to be provided to drain the pump
rooms by means of power pumps or bilge ejectors.
Note 1: On carriers of less than 500 gross tonnage, the pump
2 Piping systems other than cargo pip- rooms may be drained by means of hand pumps with a suction
ing system diameter of not less than 50 mm.
b) Cargo pumps or stripping pumps may be used for drain-
ing cargo pump rooms provided that:
2.1 General
• a screw-down non-return valve is fitted on the bilge
2.1.1 Materials (1/5/2013)
c) Bilge pipe internal diameter is not to be less than
a) Materials are to comply with the provisions of Pt C, 50 mm.
Ch 1, Sec 10. d) High liquid level in the bilges is to activate an audible
and visual alarm in the cargo control room and on the
b) Spheroidal graphite cast iron may be accepted for bilge
navigation bridge.
and ballast piping.
2.2.3 Drainage of hold spaces, cofferdams and void
2.1.2 Independence of piping systems (1/5/2013) spaces located within the cargo
area (1/5/2013)
a) Fuel oil systems are to:
Hold spaces, cofferdams and void spaces located within the
• be independent from the cargo piping system cargo area and not intended to be filled with water ballast
are to be fitted with suitable means of drainage.
• have no connections with pipelines serving cargo or
slop tanks. 2.3 Ballast system
2.1.3 Passage through cargo tanks and slop 2.3.1 General (1/5/2013)
tanks (1/5/2013) a) Except where expressly permitted, ballast systems serv-
a) Unless otherwise specified, bilge, ballast and fuel oil ing segregated ballast tanks are to be completely sepa-
systems serving spaces located outside the cargo area rated from the cargo oil and fuel oil systems.
are not to pass through cargo tanks or slop tanks. They b) In oil carriers of 150 gross tonnage and above, no bal-
may pass through ballast tanks or void spaces located last water is normally to be carried in any fuel oil tank;
within the cargo area. see Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [7.1.3].

208 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 5

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/5/2013)

No. Description of the document (1)

1 Diagram of cargo piping system
2 Diagram of the cargo tank venting system with indication of the outlet position
3 Diagram of the cargo tank level gauging system with overfill safety arrangements
4 Diagram of the cargo tank cleaning system
5 Diagram of the bilge and ballast systems serving the spaces located in the cargo area
6 Diagram of the cargo heating systems
(1) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems.

2.3.2 Pumping arrangements for ballast tanks 2.3.5 Ballast pipes passing through tanks (1/5/2013)
within the cargo area (1/5/2013) a) In oil carriers of 600 tonnes deadweight and above, bal-
Segregated ballast tanks located within the cargo area are to last piping is not to pass through cargo tanks except in
be served by two different means. At least one of these the case of short lengths of piping complying with
means is to be a pump or an eductor used exclusively for [2.1.3], item b).
dealing with ballast. The ballast system serving the spaces b) Sliding type couplings are not to be used for expansion
located outside the cargo area may be used for this purpose. purposes where ballast lines pass through cargo tanks.
Expansion bends only are permitted.
2.3.3 Emergency discharge of segregated
ballast (1/5/2013) 2.3.6 Integrated cargo and ballast system
Provisions may be made for emergency discharge of the
segregated ballast by means of a connection to a cargo The requirements for integrated cargo and ballast systems
pump through a detachable spool piece provided that: are given in [3.5].

• non-return valves are fitted on the segregated ballast 2.4 Scupper pipes
connections to prevent the passage of oil to the ballast
tank, and 2.4.1 (1/5/2013)
Scupper pipes are not to pass through cargo tanks except,
• shut-off valves are fitted to shut off the cargo and ballast where this is impracticable, in the case of short lengths of
lines before the spool piece is removed. piping complying with the following provisions:
The detachable spool piece is to be placed in a conspicuous • they are of steel
position in the pump room and a permanent warning notice • they have only welded or heavy flanged joints the
restricting its use is to be displayed in a conspicuous posi- number of which is kept to a minimum
tion adjacent to it. • they are of substantial wall thickness as per Pt C, Ch 1,
Sec 10, Tab 23, column 1.
2.3.4 Carriage of ballast water in cargo
tanks (1/5/2013) 2.5 Heating systems intended for cargo
a) Provisions may be be made for filling cargo tanks with
sea water, where permitted. Such ballast water is to be 2.5.1 General (1/5/2013)
processed and discharged using the equipment referred Heating systems intended for cargo are to comply with the
to in [5]. relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10.

b) The sea water inlets and overboard discharges serving

3 Cargo pumping and piping systems
cargo tanks for the purpose of a) are not to have any
connection with the ballast system of segregated ballast
tanks. 3.1 General
3.1.1 (1/5/2013)
c) Cargo pumps may be used for pumping ballast water to
A complete system of pumps and piping is to be fitted for
or from the cargo tanks, provided two shut-off valves are
handling the cargo.
fitted to isolate the cargo piping system from the sea
inlets and overboard discharges. See also [5.3.4].
3.2 Cargo pumping system
d) Ballast pumps serving segregated ballast tanks may be
used for filling the cargo tanks with sea water provided 3.2.1 Number and location of cargo
that the connection is made on the top of the tanks and pumps (1/5/2013)
consists of a detachable spool piece and a screw-down Each cargo tank is to be served by at least one fixed mean of
non-return valve to avoid siphon effects. discharging and stripping. In addition, arrangements are to

RINA Rules 2017 209

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 5

be adopted to make discharge by pumps in the oil terminal 3.3.2 Materials (1/5/2013)
possible, taking into account the NPSHD at the pumps, or a a) Cargo piping is, in general, to be made of steel or cast
second separate fixed mean of discharging is to be fitted. iron.

3.2.2 Use of cargo pumps (1/5/2013) b) Valves, couplings and other end fittings of cargo pipe
lines for connection to hoses are to be of steel or other
a) Except where expressly permitted in [2.2] and [2.3], suitable ductile material.
cargo pumps are to be used exclusively for handling the
liquid cargo. c) Spheroidal graphite cast iron may be used for cargo oil
b) Subject to their performance, cargo pumps may be used d) Grey cast iron may be accepted for cargo oil lines:
for tank stripping.
• within cargo tanks, and
c) Cargo pumps may be used, where necessary, for the
• on the weather deck for pressure up to 1,6 MPa.
washing of cargo tanks.
It is not to be used for manifolds and their valves of fit-
3.2.3 Cargo pump drive (1/5/2013) tings connected to cargo handling hoses.

Pumps with a submerged electric motor are not permitted e) Plastic pipes may be used in the conditions specified in
in cargo tanks. Pt C, Ch 1, App 3. Arrangements are to be made to
avoid the generation of static electricity.
Note 1: The provisions of this requirement also apply to stripping
pumps and ballast pumps. 3.3.3 Connection of cargo pipe lengths (1/5/2013)
Cargo pipe lengths may be connected either by means of
3.2.4 Design of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
welded joints or, unless otherwise specified, by means of
a) Materials of cargo pumps are to be suitable for the prod- flange connections.
ucts carried.
3.3.4 Expansion joints (1/5/2013)
b) The delivery side of cargo pumps is to be fitted with
a) Where necessary, cargo piping is to be fitted with
relief valves discharging back to the suction side of the
expansion joints or bends.
pumps (bypass) in closed circuit. Such relief valves may
be omitted in the case of centrifugal pumps with a max- b) Expansion joints including bellows are to be of a type
imum delivery pressure not exceeding the design pres- approved by the Society.
sure of the piping, with the delivery valve closed. c) Expansion joints made of non-metallic material may be
accepted only inside tanks and provided they are:
3.2.5 Monitoring of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
• of an approved type
Cargo pumps are to be monitored as required in Tab 2.
• designed to withstand the maximum internal and
external pressure
3.2.6 Control of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
• electrically conductive
Cargo pumps are to be capable of being stopped from:
• sliding type couplings are not to be used for expan-
• a position outside the pump room, and sion purposes where lines for cargo oil pass through
• a position next to the pumps. tanks for segregated ballast.

3.3.5 Valves with remote control (1/5/2013)

3.3 Cargo piping design a) Valves with remote control are to comply with Pt C,
Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.7.3].
3.3.1 General (1/5/2013)
b) Submerged valves are to be remote controlled. In the
a) Unless otherwise specified, cargo piping is to be case of a hydraulic remote control system, control boxes
designed and constructed according to the requirements are to be provided outside the tank, in order to permit
of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10 applicable to piping systems of the emergency control of valves.
Class III.
c) Valve actuators located inside cargo tanks are not to be
b) For tests, refer to [6]. operated by means of compressed air.

Table 2 : Monitoring of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)

Equipment, parameter Alarm Indication (1) Comments

pump, discharge pressure L • on the pump (2), or
• next to the unloading control station
(1) L = low
(2) and next to the driving machine if located in a separate compartment

210 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 5

3.3.6 Cargo hoses (1/5/2013) manifold valves, both port and starboard, when the
cargo is being discharged; see Fig 1.
a) Cargo hoses are to be of a type approved by the Society
for the intended conditions of use.
Figure 1 : Connection of small diameter line
b) Hoses subject to tank pressure or pump discharge pres- to the manifold valve
sure are to be designed for a bursting pressure not less to shore
than 4 times the maximum pressure under cargo transfer
conditions. small diameter line
c) The ohmic electrical resistance of cargo hoses is not to
exceed 106 Ω .

3.4 Cargo piping arrangement and installa-

upper deck
tion s/p c/p c/p
pump cargo cargo
room tank line
3.4.1 Cargo pipes passing through tanks or
compartments (1/5/2013)
a) Cargo piping and similar piping to cargo tanks is not to
pass through ballast tanks except in the case of short
lengths of piping complying with [2.1.3], item b).
b) Cargo piping may pass through vertical fuel oil tanks from slop tank
adjacent to cargo tanks on condition that the provisions
of [2.1.3], item b) are complied with.
3.5 Integrated cargo and ballast systems
c) Piping through cargo tanks, see also Sec 2, [3.1.4].
3.4.2 Cargo piping passing through
bulkheads (1/5/2013) 3.5.1 Functional requirements (1/5/2013)

Cargo piping passing through bulkheads is to be so The operation of cargo and/or ballast systems may be neces-
arranged as to preclude excessive stresses at the bulkhead. sary, under certain emergency circumstances or during the
Bolted flanges are not to be used in the bulkhead. course of navigation, to enhance the safety of carriers.
As such, measures are to be taken to prevent cargo and bal-
3.4.3 Valves (1/5/2013) last pumps becoming inoperative simultaneously due to a
a) Stop valves are to be provided to isolate each tank. single failure in the integrated cargo and ballast system,
including its control and safety systems. The same criteria
b) A stop valve is to be fitted at each end of the cargo man-
apply to control systems of cargo and ballast valves.
c) When a cargo pump in the cargo pump room serves 3.5.2 Design features (1/5/2013)
more than one cargo tank, a stop valve is to be fitted in The following design features are, inter alia, to be fitted:
the cargo pump room on the line leading to each tank.
a) the emergency stop circuits of the cargo and ballast sys-
d) Main cargo oil valves located in the cargo pump room
tems are to be independent from the circuits for the con-
below the floor gratings are to be remote controlled
trol systems. A single failure in the control system
from a position above the floor.
circuits or the emergency stop circuits is not to render
the integrated cargo and ballast system inoperative;
3.4.4 Draining of cargo pumps and oil
lines (1/5/2013) b) manual emergency stops of the cargo pumps are to be
Every oil carrier and asphalt carrier required to be provided arranged such that they do not cause the shutdown of
with segregated ballast tanks is to comply with the follow- the power pack making ballast pumps inoperable;
ing requirements:
c) the control systems are to be provided with backup
a) it is to be equipped with oil piping so designed and power supply, which may be satisfied by a duplicate
installed that oil retention in the lines is minimised, and power supply from the main switchboard. The failure of
any power supply is to provide audible and visible
b) means are to be provided to drain all cargo pumps and
alarm activation at each location where the control
all oil lines at the completion of cargo discharge, where
panel is fitted.
necessary by connection to a stripping device. The line
and pump drainings are to be capable of being dis- d) in the event of failure of the automatic or remote control
charged both ashore and to a cargo tank or slop tank. systems, a secondary means of control is to be made
For discharge ashore, a special small diameter line hav- available for the operation of the integrated cargo and
ing a cross-sectional area not exceeding 10% of the ballast system. This is to be achieved by manual overrid-
main cargo discharge line is to be provided and is to be ing and/or redundant arrangements within the control
connected on the downstream side of the carrier’s deck systems.

RINA Rules 2017 211

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 5

4 Cargo tanks and fittings 4.4 Tank washing systems

4.4.1 General (1/5/2013)
4.1 Application a) Adequate means are to be provided for cleaning the
cargo tanks except on units which:
4.1.1 (1/5/2013)
• are dedicated to the same type of cargo for many
The provisions of [4] apply to cargo tanks and slop tanks. consecutive voyages, and
• are arranged with segregated ballast tanks, and
• do not carry out tank washing on a regular basis,
4.2 Cargo tank venting
4.2.1 (1/5/2013) • use shore services for tank washing and disposal of
washing media and residues, when needed.
The relevant provisions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9] and Pt C,
Ch 1, Sec 10, [11] are to be complied with. 4.4.2 Washing machines (1/5/2013)
a) Tank washing machines are to be of a type approved by
Tank venting systems are to open to the atmosphere at a the Society.
height of at least 760 mm above the weather deck.
b) Washing machines are to be made of steel or other elec-
Tanks may be fitted with venting systems of the open type tricity conducting materials with a limited propensity to
provided with a flame screen. For ships carrying bulk car- produce sparks on contact.
goes with flashpoint > 100°C, the flame screen may be
4.4.3 Washing pipes (1/5/2013)
Washing pipes are to be built, fitted, inspected and tested in
accordance with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1,
4.3 Protection against tank overload Sec 10, depending on the kind of washing fluid or water.

4.4.4 Installation of washing systems (1/5/2013)

4.3.1 General (1/5/2013)
Tank cleaning openings are not to be arranged in enclosed
a) Provisions are to be made to guard against liquid rising spaces.
in the venting system of cargo or slop tanks to a height
which would exceed the design head of the tanks. This 5 Prevention of pollution by cargo oil
is to be accomplished by high level alarms or overflow
control systems or other equivalent means, together 5.1 General
with gauging devices and cargo tank filling procedures.
5.1.1 Application (1/5/2013)
b) Sufficient ullage is to be left at the end of tank filling to
Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of [5.2] and [5.3]
permit free expansion of liquid during carriage.
apply only to oil carriers of 150 gross tonnage and above.
c) High level alarms, overflow control systems and other 5.1.2 Provisions for oil carriers of less than 150
means referred to in a) are to be independent of the gross tonnage (1/5/2013)
gauging systems. The control of discharge for oil carriers of less than 150
gross tonnage is to be effected by the retention of oil on
4.3.2 High level alarms (1/5/2013) board with subsequent discharge of all contaminated wash-
ings to reception facilities unless adequate arrangements
a) High level alarms are to be type approved. are made to ensure that the discharge of any effluent into
the sea, where allowed, is effectively monitored to ensure
b) High level alarms are to give an audible and visual sig-
that the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea does not
nal at the cargo control station, where provided.
exceed 1/30 000 of the total quantity of the particular cargo
of which the residue formed a part.
4.3.3 Other protection systems (1/5/2013)
5.1.3 Exemptions (1/5/2013)
a) Where the tank level gauging systems, cargo and ballast
The provisions of [5.2] and [5.3] may be waived in the fol-
pump control systems and valve control systems are
lowing cases:
centralised in a single location, the provisions of [4.3.1]
may be complied with by the fitting of a level gauge for • oil carriers engaged exclusively on voyages within 50
the indication of the end of loading, in addition to that miles from the nearest land and of 72 hours or less in
required for each tank. The readings of both gauges for duration and limited to trades between ports or termi-
each tank are to be as near as possible to each other and nals agreed by the Society, provided that oily mixtures
so arranged that any discrepancy between them can be are retained on board for subsequent discharge to
easily detected. reception facilities
• oil carriers carrying products which through their physi-
b) Where a tank can be filled only from other tanks, the cal properties inhibit effective product/water separation
provisions of [4.3.1] are considered as complied with. and monitoring, for which the control of discharge is to

212 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 5

be effected by the retention of residues on board with the sea, where permitted, are to be led to the open deck or
discharge of all contaminated washings to reception to the ship side above the waterline in the deepest ballast
facilities condition, except that:

a) segregated ballast and clean ballast may be discharged

5.2 Retention of oil on board below the waterline:
5.2.1 General (1/5/2013) • in ports or at offshore terminals, or
Adequate means are to be provided for transferring the dirty
• at sea by gravity,
ballast residue and tank washings from the cargo tanks into
a slop tank approved by the Society. provided that the surface of the ballast water has been
examined immediately before the discharge to ensure
5.2.2 Capacity of slop tanks (1/5/2013) that no contamination with oil has taken place.
The arrangement of the slop tank or combination of slop
tanks is to have a capacity necessary to retain the slop gen- b) on every oil carrier at sea, dirty ballast water or oil con-
erated by tank washings, oil residues and dirty ballast resi- taminated water from tanks in the cargo area, other than
dues. The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks is not to be slop tanks, may be discharged by gravity below the
less than 3% of the oil carrying capacity of the ship, except waterline, provided that sufficient time has elapsed in
that the Society may accept: order to allow oil/water separation to have taken place
and the water ballast has been examined immediately
a) 2% for oil carriers where the tank washing arrangements before the discharge with an oil/water interface detector,
are such that once the slop tank or tanks are charged in order to ensure that the height of the interface is such
with washing water, this water is sufficient for tank that the discharge does not involve any increased risk of
washing and, where applicable, for providing the driv- harm to the marine environment.
ing fluid for eductors, without the introduction of addi-
tional water into the system
5.3.3 Discharge stopping (1/5/2013)
b) 2% where segregated ballast tanks are provided. This
capacity may be further reduced to 1,5% for oil tankers Means are to be provided for stopping the discharge into
where the tank washing arrangements are such that the sea of ballast water or oil contaminated water from
once the slop tank or tanks are charged with washing cargo tank areas, other than those discharges below the
water, this water is sufficient for tank washing and, waterline permitted under [5.3.2], from a position on the
where applicable, for providing the driving fluid for upper deck or above located so that the manifold in use
eductors, without introduction of additional water into referred to in [5.3.1] and the discharge to the sea from the
the system. pipelines referred to in [5.3.1] may be visually observed.
Means for stopping the discharge need not be provided at
c) Slop tanks of any size, including absence of dedicated the observation position if a positive communication system
slop tanks, for units which: such as a telephone or radio system is provided between
• are dedicated to the same type of cargo for many the observation position and the discharge control position.
consecutive voyages, and
5.3.4 Cargo piping connections to sea
• are arranged with segregated ballast tanks, and
chests (1/5/2013)
• do not carry out tank washing on a regular basis.
Where a sea chest is permanently connected to the cargo
5.2.3 Design of slop tanks (1/5/2013) pipeline system, it is to be equipped with both a sea chest
valve and an inboard isolation valve. In addition to these
Slop tanks are to be so designed particularly in respect of valves, the sea chest is to be capable of isolation from the
the position of inlets, outlets, baffles or weirs where fitted, cargo piping system whilst the carrier is loading, transport-
as to avoid excessive turbulence and entrainment of oil or ing or discharging cargo by use of a positive means that is to
emulsion with the water. the satisfaction of the Society. Such a positive means is a
facility that is installed in the pipeline system in order to
5.3 Pumping, piping and discharge arrange- prevent the section of pipeline between the sea chest valve
ments and the inboard valve being filled with cargo under all cir-
5.3.1 Discharge manifold (1/5/2013)
Examples of positive means may take the form of blanks,
In every oil carrier, a discharge manifold for connection to spectacle blanks, pipeline blinds, evacuation or vacuum
reception facilities for the discharge of dirty ballast water or systems, or air or water pressure systems. In the event that
oil contaminated water is to be located on the open deck on evacuation or vacuum systems, or air or water pressure sys-
both sides of the ship. tems are used, then they are to be equipped with both a
pressure gauge and alarm system to enable the continuous
5.3.2 Discharge pipelines (1/5/2013) monitoring of the status of the pipeline section, and thereby
In every oil carrier, pipelines for the discharge of ballast the valve integrity, between the sea chest and inboard
water or oil contaminated water from cargo tank areas to valves.

RINA Rules 2017 213

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 5

6 Certification, inspection and testing 6.2.3 Tightness tests (1/5/2013)

Tightness of the following devices is to be checked:
6.1 Application • gas-tight penetration glands
• cargo tank P/V and high velocity valves.
6.1.1 (1/5/2013)
Note 1: These tests may be carried out in the workshops or on
The provisions of this Article are related to cargo piping and
other equipment fitted in the cargo area. They supplement
those given in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20] for piping systems. 6.2.4 Check of the safety valves setting (1/5/2013)
The setting pressure of the pressure/vacuum valves is to be
6.2 Workshop tests checked in particular with regard to Sec 4, [4.2.6].

6.2.1 Tests for materials (1/5/2013) 6.2.5 Summary table (1/5/2013)

Inspections and tests required for cargo piping and other
Where required in Tab 3, materials used for pipes, valves
equipment fitted in the cargo area are summarised in Tab 3.
and fittings are to be subjected to the tests specified in Pt C,
Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.3.2].
6.3 Shipboard tests
6.2.2 Hydrostatic testing (1/5/2013)
6.3.1 Pressure test (1/5/2013)
a) Where required in Tab 3, cargo pipes, valves, fittings After installation on board, the cargo piping system is to be
and pump casings are to be submitted to hydrostatic checked for leakage under operational conditions.
tests in accordance with the relevant provisions of Pt C,
Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4]. 6.3.2 Survey of pollution prevention
equipment (1/5/2013)
b) Expansion joints and cargo hoses are to be submitted to
Every oil carriers of 150 gross tonnage and above is to be
hydrostatic tests in accordance with the relevant provi-
subjected to an initial survey before the ship is put in serv-
sions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4]
ice, to ensure that the equipment, systems, fittings, arrange-
c) Where fitted, bellow pieces of gas-tight penetration ments and materials fully comply with the relevant
glands are to be pressure tested provisions of [4.4] and [5].

Table 3 : Inspection and testing at works (1/5/2013)

Tests for materials Inspections and tests for the products

No. Item Type of material during manu- after comple- Type of product References
Y/N (1)
certificate (2) facturing (1) tion (1) (3) certificate (2)
1 expansion joints Y (5) W
and cargo hoses N [6.2.1]
C [6.2.2]
2 cargo pumps Y W
Y (6) see note (6)
Y [6.2.2]
3 gas-tight penetra- N
tion N
glands Y [6.2.1],
C [6.2.3]
(1) Y = required, N = not required.
(2) C = class certificate, W = works’ certificate.
(3) includes the checking of the rule characteristics according to the approved drawings.
(4) only in the case of welded construction.
(5) if metallic.
(6) inspection during manufacturing is to be carried out according to a program approved by the Society.

214 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 5

Tests for materials Inspections and tests for the products

No. Item Type of material during manu- after comple- Type of product References
Y/N (1)
certificate (2) facturing (1) tion (1) (3) certificate (2)
4 cargo tank P/V Y C [6.2.1]
and Y [6.2.2] (4)
high velocity Y [6.2.3] [6.2.4]
valves C
5 flame arresters N
Y see note (3)
(1) Y = required, N = not required.
(2) C = class certificate, W = works’ certificate.
(3) includes the checking of the rule characteristics according to the approved drawings.
(4) only in the case of welded construction.
(5) if metallic.
(6) inspection during manufacturing is to be carried out according to a program approved by the Society.

RINA Rules 2017 215

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 6


1 General 1.4 Electrical equipment

1.4.1 (1/5/2013)
1.1 Application Electrical equipment, cables and wiring are not to be
installed in hazardous locations unless they conform with
1.1.1 (1/5/2013) standards not inferior to those given in IEC 60092-502
The requirements in this Section apply, in addition to those Standard.
contained in Part C, Chapter 2, to ships with the service However, for locations not covered by such standards, elec-
notation oil carrier. trical equipment, cables and wiring which do not conform
to the standards may be installed in hazardous locations
1.2 Documentation to be submitted based on a risk assessment to the satisfaction of the Society,
to ensure that an equivalent level of safety is assured.
1.2.1 (1/5/2013)
In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C, Ch 2, 1.5 Earth detection
Sec 1, Tab 1, the following are to be submitted for approval:
1.5.1 (1/5/2013)
a) plan of hazardous areas For both insulated and earthed distribution systems a
b) document giving details of types of cables and safety device, or devices, are to be installed to continuously mon-
characteristics of the equipment installed in hazardous itor the insulation to earth and to give an audible and visual
areas alarm at a manned position in the event of an abnormally
low level of insulation resistance and/or high level of leak-
c) diagrams of tank level indicator systems, high level age current.
alarm systems and overflow control systems where
The above is not applicable to systems mentioned in

1.3 System of supply 1.6 Precautions against inlet of gases or

1.3.1 (1/5/2013) vapours
Earthed systems with hull return are not permitted, with the 1.6.1 (1/5/2013)
following exceptions to the satisfaction of the Society: Suitable arrangements are to be provided, to the satisfaction
of the Society, so as to prevent the possibility of gases or
a) impressed current cathodic protective systems
vapours passing from a gas-dangerous space to another
b) limited and locally earthed systems, such as starting and space through runs of cables or their conduits.
ignition systems of internal combustion engines, pro-
vided that any possible resulting current does not flow 1.7 Electrical equipment permitted in haz-
directly through any hazardous area ardous areas
c) insulation level monitoring devices, provided that the 1.7.1 (1/5/2013)
circulation current of the device does not exceed 30 mA Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas is that
under the most unfavourable conditions indicated in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.4], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3,
d) intrinsically safe systems. [10.1.5], and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.6].

1.3.2 (1/5/2013) 1.7.2 In addition to the requirements of [1.7.1], in Zone 1

In insulated distribution systems, no current carrying part is and Zone 2 the installation of the following is permitted:
to be earthed, other than: hull fittings containing the terminals or shell plating pene-
trations for anodes or electrodes of animpressed current
a) through an insulation level monitoring device cathodic protection system, or transducers such as those for
b) through components used for the suppression of inter- depth sounding or log systems, provided that such fittings
ference in radio circuits. are of gas-tight construction or housed within a gas-tight
enclosure, and are not located adjacent to a cargo tank
1.3.3 (1/5/2013) bulkhead. The design of such fittings or their enclosures and
The additional limitations in the choice of the system of the means by which cables enter, as well as any testing to
supply (type of distribution system) as per SOLAS Ch.II-1 establish their gas-tightness, are to be to the satisfaction of
Reg. 45.4.3 apply to ships subject to the SOLAS Conven- the Society. The associated cables are to be protected by
tion. means of heavy gauge steel pipes with gas-tight joints.

216 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 6

1.7.3 (1/5/2013) 2 Special requirements for oil carriers

The explosion group and temperature class of electrical carrying flammable liquids having a
equipment of a certified safe type are to be at least IIA and
T3 in the case of ships arranged for the carriage of crude oil flash point not exceeding 60°C
or other petroleum products.
Other characteristics may be required for dangerous prod- 2.1 Hazardous area classification
ucts other than those above. 2.1.1 (1/5/2013)
1.7.4 (1/5/2013) For hazardous area classification see Tab 1.
Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces (not containing a source
of hazard) having a direct opening, including those for ven- 3 Special requirements for oil carrier
tilation, into any hazardous area, are to be designated as the carrying flammable liquids having a
same hazardous zone as the area in which the opening is
flash point exceeding 60°C
Electrical installations are to comply with the requirements
3.1 Hazardous area classification
for the space or area into which the opening leads.
Note 1: For openings, access and ventilation conditions affecting 3.1.1 (1/5/2013)
the extent of hazardous areas, see IEC Standard 60092-502. For hazardous area classification see Tab 2.

3.2 Cargoes heated to a temperature above

their flash point and cargoes heated to a
temperature within 15°C of their flash
3.2.1 (1/5/2013)
The requirements under [2] apply.

Table 1 : Classification of hazardous areas

for oil carriers carrying flammable liquids having a flash point not exceeding 60°C (1/5/2013)

Hazardous area
N. Description
1 Interior of cargo tanks, slop tanks, any pipework of pressure relief or other venting systems for cargo and Zone 0
slop tanks, pipes and equipment containing cargo or developing flammable gases or vapours.
2 Void spaces adjacent to, above or below integral cargo tanks. Zone 1
3 Hold spaces containing independent cargo tanks. Zone 1
4 Cofferdams and permanent (for example, segregated) ballast tanks adjacent to cargo tanks. Zone 1
5 Cargo pump rooms. Zone 1
6 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces immediately above cargo tanks (e.g. ‘tweendecks) or having bulkheads Zone 1
above and in line with cargo tank bulkheads, unless protected by a diagonal plate acceptable to the Soci-
7 Spaces other than cofferdams, adjacent to and below the top of a cargo tank (e.g. trunks, passageways Zone 1
and holds) as well as double bottoms and pipe tunnels below cargo tanks.
8 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 3 m of any cargo tank outlet, gas or Zone 1
vapour outlet, cargo manifold valve, cargo valve, cargo pipe flange, cargo pump room ventilation outlets
and cargo tank openings for pressure release provided to permit the flow of small volumes of gas or
vapour mixtures caused by thermal variation.
9 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck above and in the vicinity of any cargo gas Zone 1
outlet intended for the passage of large volumes of gas or vapour mixture during cargo loading and bal-
lasting or during discharging, within a vertical cylinder of unlimited height and 6m radius centred upon
the centre of the outlet, and within a hemisphere of 6m radius below the outlet.
10 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 1,5m of cargo pump room entrances, Zone 1
cargo pump room ventilation inlets, openings into cofferdams or other Zone 1 spaces.
11 Areas on open deck within spillage coamings surrounding cargo manifold valves and 3 m beyond these, Zone 1
up to a height of 2,4 m above the deck.

RINA Rules 2017 217

Pt E, Ch 25, Sec 6

Hazardous area
N. Description
12 Areas on open deck over all cargo tanks (including all ballast tanks within the cargo tank area) where Zone 1
structures are restricting the natural ventilation and to the full breadth of the ship plus 3m fore and aft of
the forward-most and aft-most cargo tank bulkhead, up to a height of 2,4m above the deck.
13 Compartments for cargo hoses. Zone 1
14 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which pipes containing cargoes are located. Zone 1
15 Areas 2m beyond the area defined in item 8. Zone 2
16 Areas of 1,5 m surrounding open or semi-enclosed spaces of Zone 1. Zone 2
17 Areas 4m beyond the cylinder and 4m beyond the sphere defined in item 9. Zone 2
18 Areas on open deck extending to the coamings fitted to keep any spills on deck and away from the Zone 2
accommodation and service areas and 3m beyond these up to a height of 2,4m above the deck.
19 Areas on open deck over all cargo tanks (including all ballast tanks within the cargo tank area) where Zone 2
unrestricted natural ventilation is guaranteed and to the full breadth of the ship plus 3m fore and aft of the
forward-most and aft-most cargo tank bulkhead, up to a height of 2,4m above the deck surrounding open
or semi-enclosed spaces of Zone 1.
20 Spaces forward of the open deck areas to which reference is made in item 12 and item 18, below the Zone 2
level of the main deck, and having an opening on the main deck or at a level less than 0,5m above the
main deck, unless:
a) the entrances to such spaces do not face the cargo tank area and, together with all other openings to
the spaces, including ventilation system inlets and exhausts, are situated at least 5m from the fore-
most cargo tank and at least 10m measured horizontally from any cargo tank outlet or gas or vapour
outlet; and
b) the spaces are mechanically ventilated.

Table 2 : Hazardous areas classification for oil carriers carrying flammable liquids having a flash point exceeding
60°C unheated or heated to a temperature below and not within 15°C of their flash point (1/5/2013)

Hazardous area
No. Description
1 Interior of cargo tanks, slop tanks, any pipework of pressure relief or other vent- Zone 2
ing systems for cargo and slop tanks, pipes and equipment containing cargo.

218 RINA Rules 2017

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 26







RINA Rules 2017 219

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 1


1 General cargo tanks or slop tanks as well as deck areas throughout

the entire length and breadth of the part of the ship above
these spaces.
1.1 Application
When independent tanks are installed in hold spaces, the
1.1.1 Service notation palm oil carrier (1/5/2013) cofferdams, ballast or void spaces at the after end of the
a) The requirements of this Chapter apply to ships having aftermost hold space or at the forward end of the forward-
the service notations palm oil carrier, as defined in Pt A, most hold space are excluded from the cargo area.
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.5.2]
1.3.2 Cargo pump room (1/5/2013)
As indicated in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.5.11] these units
are to be assigned with the additional service feature Cargo pump room is a space containing pumps and their
assisted propulsion. accessories for the handling of products covered by the
service notation granted to the ship.
Note 1: As recalled in Part A, Chapter 1, Sec 1, [3.1.1], the classifi-
cation of a ship does not absolve the Interested Party from com-
pliance with any requirements issued by Administrations and
1.3.3 Cargo service spaces (1/5/2013)
any other applicable international and national regulations for Cargo service spaces are spaces within the cargo area used
the safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environ- for workshops, lockers and storerooms of more than 2 m2 in
ment. area, intended for cargo handling equipment.
b) The substances the carriage in bulk of which is covered
by the service notations 1.3.4 Clean ballast (1/5/2013)
• palm oil carrier Clean ballast means the ballast in a tank which since oil
was last carried therein, has been so cleaned that the efflu-
are limited to Palm Oil, carried at a temperature below
ent therefrom if it were discharged from a ship which is sta-
and not within 15°C of the flashpoint.
tionary into clean calm water on a clear day would not
produce visible traces of oil on the surface of the water or
1.2 Summary tables on adjoining shorelines or cause a sludge or emulsion to be
1.2.1 (1/5/2013) deposited beneath the surface of the water or upon adjoin-
Tab 1 indicates, for easy reference, the Sections or Appen- ing shorelines. If the ballast is discharged through an oil dis-
dixes of this Chapter dealing with requirements applicable charge monitoring and control system approved by the
to ships having the service notation: Society, evidence based on such a system to the effect that
• Palm oil carrier the oil content of the effluent did not exceed 15 parts per
million is to be determinative that the ballast was clean,
notwithstanding the presence of visible traces.
Table 1 : Sections or Appendixes with requirements
applicable to ships having the Service Notation Palm 1.3.5 Hold space (1/5/2013)
oil carrier (1/5/2013) Hold space is the space enclosed by the ship’s structure in
which an independent cargo tank is fitted
Main subject Reference
Ship arrangement Sec 2 1.3.6 Fuel oil (1/5/2013)
Hull and stability Sec 3
Fuel oil means any oil used as fuel in connection with the
propulsion and auxiliary machinery of the ship on which
Machinery and cargo system Sec 4 such oil is carried.
Electrical installations Sec 5
1.3.7 Integrated cargo and ballast system
Automation (1) (1/5/2013)
Integrated cargo and ballast system means any integrated
Fire protection, detection and extinction (1)
hydraulic and/or electric system used to drive both cargo
(1) No specific requirements are given in this Chapter. and ballast pumps (including active control and safety sys-
tems and excluding passive components, e.g. piping).
1.3 Definitions
1.3.8 Pump room (1/5/2013)
1.3.1 Cargo area (1/5/2013) Pump room is a space, located in the cargo area, containing
The cargo area is that part of the ship that contains cargo pumps and their accessories for the handling of ballast and
tanks as well as slop tanks, cargo pump rooms including fuel oil, or cargoes other than those covered by the service
pump rooms, cofferdams, ballast or void spaces adjacent to notation granted to the ship.

RINA Rules 2017 221

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 1

1.3.9 Segregated ballast (1/5/2013) 1.3.11 Void space (1/5/2013)

Segregated ballast means the ballast water introduced into a Void space is an enclosed space in the cargo area external
tank which is completely separated from the cargo oil and to a cargo tank, except for a hold space, ballast space, fuel
fuel oil system and which is permanently allocated to the oil tank, cargo pump room, pump room, or any space nor-
carriage of ballast or to the carriage of ballast or cargoes mally used by personnel.
other than oil or noxious substances as variously defined in
Chapter 8.

1.3.10 Slop tank (1/5/2013)

Slop tank means a tank specifically designated for the col-
lection of tank draining, tank washings and other oily mix-

222 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 2


1 General Figure 1 (1/5/2013)

1.1 Application
1.1.1 (1/5/2013)
The requirements in Sec 2 apply to single deck ships, inte-
gral cargo tanks with machinery aft, double bottom
throughout the cargo tank area, double side skin and possi-
Control station
ble longitudinal bulkheads, or single side skin and one or
more longitudinal bulkheads throughout the cargo tank
area. The deck may be single or double skin, with or with- Service space
out a trunk.

The application of these requirements to other ship types is Machinery space Cargo tank
to be considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
Slop tank
1.1.2 Exemptions (1/5/2013) Cofferdam
The requirements in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2, [3], b) and [5] do not Cargo pump room
apply. Bunker tank
Ballast tank

2 General arrangement design

2.1 General
2.1.3 Deck spills (1/5/2013)
2.1.1 Cofferdams (1/5/2013)
A cofferdam or similar compartment of width not less than Means are to be provided to keep deck spills away from the
760 mm is to be provided at the aft end of the cargo tank accommodation and service areas. This may be accom-
area. Its bulkheads are to extend from keel to deck across plished by providing a permanent continuous coaming of a
the full breadth of the ship. suitable height extending from side to side.

For the purpose of this requirement, the term “cofferdam” is

intended to mean an isolating compartment between two 2.2 Double bottom tanks or compartments
adjacent steel bulkheads or decks. The minimum distance
between the two bulkheads or decks is to be sufficient for 2.2.1 General (1/5/2013)
safe access and inspection.
Double bottom tanks adjacent to cargo tanks may not be
In order to meet the single failure principle, in the particular used as fuel oil tanks.
case when a corner-to-corner situation occurs, this princi-
ple may be met by welding a diagonal plate across the cor- 2.2.2 Palm Oil carriers of 5000 t deadweight and
ner. above (1/5/2013)
The cofferdams are also to be constructed so as to enable a) At any cross-section, the depth of each double bottom
adequate ventilation. tank or compartment is to be such that the distance h
between the bottom of the cargo tanks and the moulded
line of the bottom shell plating measured at right angles
to the bottom shell is not less than B/15, in m, with a
2.1.2 Cargo segregation (1/5/2013)
minimum value of 0,76 m.
Unless expressly provided otherwise, tanks containing
cargo or cargo residues are to be segregated from accom- b) In the turn of the bilge area and at locations without a
modation, service and machinery spaces, drinking water clearly defined turn of the bilge, the cargo tank bound-
and stores for human consumption by means of a coffer- ary line is to run parallel to the line of the midship flat
dam, or any other similar compartment (see Fig 1). bottom as shown in Fig 3.

RINA Rules 2017 223

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 2

3 Size and arrangement of cargo tanks nowhere less than the distance w which, as shown in Fig 2,
is measured at any cross-section at right angles to the side
and slop tanks
shell, as specified below:

3.1 Cargo tanks 2 ,4 DW

w = 0 ,4 + ------------------- with a minimum value of 0,76 m
3.1.1 General (1/5/2013) DW is the deadweight, in t.
Palm oil carriers of 600 t deadweight and above are not
allowed to carry cargo in any compartment extending for- 3.1.3 Piping through cargo tanks (1/5/2013)
ward of a collision bulkhead located in accordance with Lines of piping which run through cargo tanks in a position
Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [2]. less than 0,30 Bs from the ship's side or less than 0,30 Ds
from the ship's bottom are to be fitted with valves or similar
3.1.2 Size of cargo tanks (1/5/2013)
closing devices at the point at which they open into any
The length of each cargo tank is not to exceed 10 metres or cargo tank. These valves are to be kept closed at sea at any
one of the values of Tab 1, as applicable, whichever is the time when the tanks contain cargo oil, except that they may
greater. be opened only for cargo transfer needed for essential oper-
Palm oil carriers are to be provided with cargo tanks so ations.
arranged that the capacity of each cargo tank does not
exceed 700 m3 unless wing tanks or compartments are 3.1.4 Suction wells in cargo tanks (1/5/2013)
arranged, extending either for the full depth of the ship side Suction wells in cargo tanks may protrude into the double
or from the top of the double bottom to the uppermost bottom below the boundary line defined by the distance h
deck, disregarding a rounded gunwale where fitted. They in [2.2.2], provided that such wells are as small as practica-
are to be arranged such that the cargo tanks are located ble and the distance between the well bottom and bottom
inboard of the moulded line of the side shell plating, shell plating is not less than 0,5 h.

Figure 2 : Cargo tank boundary lines (1/5/2013)

w w

h>w w
w h<w

h h 1.5 . h
h h
base line

Figure 3 : Cargo tank boundary lines (1/5/2013) 4 Access arrangement

4.1 General
4.1.1 (1/5/2013)
As far as practicable, permanent or movable means of
access stored on board are to be provided to ensure proper
survey and maintenance of cargo tanks and ballast com-
4.1.2 (1/5/2013)
Means of access to side and centre tanks may not be pro-
vided in the same transverse section.
base line

224 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 2

Table 1 : Length of cargo tanks (1/5/2013)

Longitudinal bulkhead Centreline bulkhead

Cargo tank Condition (1) Length of cargo tanks, in m
arrangement arrangement
No bulkhead - - - (0,5 bi / B + 0,1) L (2)

Centreline bulkhead - - - (0,25 bi / B + 0,15) L

Two or more bulkheads Wing cargo tank - - 0,2 L

Centre cargo tank bi / B ≥ 1/5 - 0,2 L

bi / B < 1/5 No (0,5 bi / B + 0,1) L

Yes (0,25 bi / B + 0,15) L

(1) bi is the minimum distance from the ship side to the outer longitudinal bulkhead of the i-th tank, measured inboard at right
angles to the centreline at the level corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard.
(2) Not to exceed 0,2 L

4.2 Access to pipe tunnel and opening Access to double bottom compartments may be through a
arrangement cargo pump room, pump room, deep cofferdam, pipe tun-
nel or similar compartments, subject to consideration of
4.2.1 Access to the pipe tunnel in the double ventilation aspects.
bottom (1/5/2013)
4.3.2 Access to the fore peak tank (1/5/2013)
The pipe tunnel in the double bottom is to comply with the
following requirements: The access to the fore peak tank is to be direct from the
open deck.
• it may not communicate with the engine room
Alternatively, indirect access from the open deck to the fore
• provision is to be made for at least two exits to the open
peak tank through an enclosed space may be accepted pro-
deck arranged at a maximum distance from each other.
vided that the enclosed space is separated from the cargo
One of these exits fitted with a watertight closure may
lead to the cargo pump room. tanks by cofferdams or the enclosed space can be well ven-
4.2.2 Doors between pipe tunnel and main pump
room (1/5/2013) 4.3.3 Access through horizontal
openings (1/5/2013)
Where there is a permanent access from a pipe tunnel to
the main pump room, a watertight door is to be fitted com- For access through horizontal openings the dimensions are
plying with the requirements in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [6.2.1] for to be sufficient to allow a person wearing a self-contained,
watertight doors open at sea and located below the free- air-breathing apparatus and protective equipment to ascend
board deck. In addition the following is to be complied or descend any ladder without obstruction and also to pro-
with: vide a clear opening to facilitate the hoisting of an injured
person from the bottom of the compartment. The minimum
• in addition to bridge operation, the watertight door is to clear opening is to be not less than 600 mm by 600 mm.
be capable of being manually closed from outside the
main pump room entrance
4.3.4 Access through vertical openings (1/5/2013)
• the watertight door is to be kept closed during normal
For access through vertical openings the minimum clear
operations of the ship except when access to the pipe
tunnel is required. A notice is to be affixed to the door opening is to be not less than 600 mm by 800 mm at a
to the effect that it may not be left open. height of not more than 600 mm from the bottom shell plat-
ing unless gratings or other footholds are provided.

4.3 Access to compartments in the cargo 4.3.5 Palm oil carriers less than 5000 t
area deadweight (1/5/2013)

For palm oil carriers of less than 5000 t deadweight smaller

4.3.1 General (1/5/2013)
dimensions may be approved by the Society in special cir-
Access to cofferdams, ballast tanks, cargo tanks and other cumstances, if the ability to traverse such openings or to
compartments in the cargo area is to be direct from the remove an injured person can be proved to the satisfaction
open deck and such as to ensure their complete inspection. of the Society.

RINA Rules 2017 225

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 3


1 Stability of liquid transfer operations. Under all conditions the

ballast tanks are to be assumed slack.
1.1 Intact stability b) The initial metacentric height GMo, in m, corrected for
free surface measured at 0° heel, is to be not less than
1.1.1 General (1/5/2013) 0,15. For the purpose of calculating GMo, liquid surface
The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B, corrections are to be based on the appropriate upright
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.6] is to be in compliance with the free surface inertia moment.
requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2. In addition, the require-
ments in [1.1.2] are to be complied with. c) The vessel is to be loaded with:
• all cargo tanks filled to a level corresponding to the
1.1.2 Liquid transfer operations (1/5/2013) maximum combined total of vertical moment of vol-
Ships with certain internal subdivision may be subjected to ume plus free surface inertia moment at 0° heel, for
lolling during liquid transfer operations such as loading, each individual tank
unloading or ballasting. In order to prevent the effect of loll-
• cargo density corresponding to the available cargo
ing, the design of oil carriers of 5000 t deadweight and
deadweight at the displacement at which transverse
above is to be such that the following criteria are complied
KM reaches a minimum value
a) The intact stability criteria reported in b) is to be com- • full departure consumable
plied with for the worst possible condition of loading • 1% of the total water ballast capacity.The maximum
and ballasting as defined in c), consistent with good free surface moment is to be assumed in all ballast
operational practice, including the intermediate stages tanks.

226 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 4


1 General are not to pass through cargo tanks or slop tanks. They
may pass through ballast tanks or void spaces located
within the cargo area.
1.1 Application
1.1.1 (1/5/2013) b) Where expressly permitted, ballast pipes passing
through cargo tanks are to fulfil the following provi-
The requirements of this Section apply to ships having the
service notations:
• palm oil carrier • they are to have welded or heavy flanged joints the
number of which is kept to a minimum
intended to carry palm oil at a temperature below and not
• they are to be of extra-reinforced wall thickness as
within 15°C of the flashpoint.
per Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, Tab 5

1.2 Documents to be submitted • they are to be adequately supported and protected

against mechanical damage.
1.2.1 (1/5/2013)
The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted for
approval in four copies. 2.2 Bilge system

2.2.1 Draining of spaces located outside the cargo

2 Piping systems other than cargo pip- area (1/5/2013)
ing system For bilge draining of spaces located outside the cargo area,
refer to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [6].
2.1 General
2.2.2 Draining of pump rooms (1/5/2013)
2.1.1 Materials (1/5/2013)
a) Arrangements are to be provided to drain the pump
a) Materials are to comply with the provisions of Pt C,
rooms by means of power pumps or bilge ejectors.
Ch 1, Sec 10.
Note 1: On carriers of less than 500 gross tonnage, the pump
b) Spheroidal graphite cast iron may be accepted for bilge
rooms may be drained by means of hand pumps with a suction
and ballast piping. diameter of not less than 50 mm.

2.1.2 Independence of piping systems (1/5/2013) b) Cargo pumps or stripping pumps may be used for drain-
Fuel oil systems are to: ing cargo pump rooms provided that:
• be independent from the cargo piping system • a screw-down non-return valve is fitted on the bilge
• have no connections with pipelines serving cargo or suctions, and
slop tanks.
c) Bilge pipe internal diameter is not to be less than
2.1.3 Passage through cargo tanks and slop 50 mm.
tanks (1/5/2013) d) High liquid level in the bilges is to activate an audible
a) Unless otherwise specified, bilge, ballast and fuel oil and visual alarm in the cargo control room and on the
systems serving spaces located outside the cargo area navigation bridge.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/5/2013)

No. Description of the document (1)

1 Diagram of cargo piping system
2 Diagram of the cargo tank venting system with indication of the outlet position
3 Diagram of the cargo tank level gauging system with overfill safety arrangements
4 Diagram of the bilge and ballast systems serving the spaces located in the cargo area
5 Diagram of the cargo heating systems
(1) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems.

RINA Rules 2017 227

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 4

2.2.3 Drainage of hold spaces, cofferdams and void connection with the ballast system of segregated ballast
spaces located within the cargo area tanks.
c) Cargo pumps may be used for pumping ballast water to
Hold spaces, cofferdams and void spaces located within the or from the cargo tanks, provided two shut-off valves are
cargo area and not intended to be filled with water ballast fitted to isolate the cargo piping system from the sea
are to be fitted with suitable means of drainage. inlets and overboard discharges.
d) Ballast pumps serving segregated ballast tanks may be
2.3 Ballast system
used for filling the cargo tanks with sea water provided
that the connection is made on the top of the tanks and
2.3.1 General (1/5/2013)
consists of a detachable spool piece and a screw-down
a) Every Palm oil carrier is to be provided with segregated non-return valve to avoid siphon effects.
ballast tanks
2.3.5 Ballast pipes passing through tanks (1/5/2013)
b) The capacity of the segregated ballast tanks is to be con-
sidered by the Society on a case-by-case basis. In gen- a) In palm oil carriers of 600 tonnes deadweight and
eral, the capacity of segregated ballast tanks is to be at above, ballast piping is not to pass through cargo tanks
least such that, in any ballast condition at any part of the except in the case of short lengths of piping complying
voyage, including the conditions consisting of light- with [2.1.3], item b).
weight plus segregated ballast only, the ship's draught
b) Sliding type couplings are not to be used for expansion
and trim satisfy minimum and maximum values deemed
purposes where ballast lines pass through cargo tanks.
reasonable by the Society
Expansion bends only are permitted.
c) Except where expressly permitted, ballast systems serv-
ing segregated ballast tanks are to be completely sepa- 2.3.6 Integrated cargo and ballast system
rated from the cargo and fuel oil systems. (1/5/2013)
d) In palm oil carriers of 150 gross tonnage and above, no The requirements for integrated cargo and ballast systems
ballast water is normally to be carried in any fuel oil are given in [3.5].
tank; see Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [7.1.3].
2.4 Scupper pipes
2.3.2 Pumping arrangements for ballast tanks
within the cargo area (1/5/2013) 2.4.1 (1/5/2013)
Segregated ballast tanks located within the cargo area are to Scupper pipes are not to pass through cargo tanks except,
be served by two different means. At least one of these where this is impracticable, in the case of short lengths of
means is to be a pump or an eductor used exclusively for piping complying with the following provisions:
dealing with ballast. The ballast system serving the spaces
• they are of steel
located outside the cargo area may be used for this purpose.
• they have only welded or heavy flanged joints the
2.3.3 Emergency discharge of segregated number of which is kept to a minimum
ballast (1/5/2013)
• they are of substantial wall thickness as per Pt C, Ch 1,
Provisions may be made for emergency discharge of the Sec 10, Tab 23, column 1.
segregated ballast by means of a connection to a cargo
pump through a detachable spool piece provided that:
2.5 Heating systems intended for cargo
• non-return valves are fitted on the segregated ballast
connections to prevent the passage of palm oil to the 2.5.1 General (1/5/2013)
ballast tank, and
Heating systems intended for cargo are to comply with the
• shut-off valves are fitted to shut off the cargo and ballast relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10.
lines before the spool piece is removed.
2.5.2 (1/5/2013)
The detachable spool piece is to be placed in a conspicuous Heating or cooling media are to be of a type approved for
position in the pump room and a permanent warning notice use with the specific cargo.
restricting its use is to be displayed in a conspicuous posi-
tion adjacent to it. The surface temperature of heating coils or ducts is to be
limited so as to avoid dangerous reactions from localized
2.3.4 Carriage of ballast water in cargo overheating or overcooling of cargo.
tanks (1/5/2013)
2.5.3 (1/5/2013)
a) Provisions may made for filling cargo tanks with sea
In any heating or cooling system, means shall be provided
water, where permitted. Such ballast water is to be dealt
to ensure that, when in any condition other than empty, a
with according to [5].
higher pressure can be maintained within the system than
b) The sea water inlets and overboard discharges serving the maximum pressure head that could be exerted by the
cargo tanks for the purpose of a) are not to have any cargo tank contents on the system.

228 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 4

3 Cargo pumping and piping systems of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10 applicable to piping systems of

class III.

3.1 General b) For tests, refer to Ch 7, Sec 4, [6].

3.1.1 (1/5/2013)
3.3.2 Materials (1/5/2013)
A complete system of pumps and piping is to be fitted for
handling the cargo. a) Cargo piping is, in general, to be made of steel or cast
3.2 Cargo pumping system b) Valves, couplings and other end fittings of cargo pipe
lines for connection to hoses are to be of steel or other
3.2.1 Number and location of cargo suitable ductile material.
pumps (1/5/2013)
c) Spheroidal graphite cast iron may be used for cargo oil
Each cargo tank is to be served by at least one fixed mean
of discharging. In addition, arrangements are to be adopted
to make discharge by pumps in the oil terminal possible, d) Grey cast iron may be accepted for cargo oil lines:
taking into account the NPSHD at the pumps, or a second
• within cargo tanks, and
separate fixed mean of discharging is to be fitted.
• on the weather deck for pressure up to 1,6 Mpa.
3.2.2 Use of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
It is not to be used for manifolds and their valves of fit-
a) Except where expressly permitted in [2.2] and [2.3], tings connected to cargo handling hoses.
cargo pumps are to be used exclusively for handling the
liquid cargo. e) Plastic pipes may be used in the conditions specified in
Pt C, Ch 1, App 3. Arrangements are to be made to
b) Subject to their performance, cargo pumps may be used avoid the generation of static electricity.
for tank stripping.
c) Cargo pumps may be used, where necessary, for the 3.3.3 Connection of cargo pipe lengths (1/5/2013)
washing of cargo tanks. Cargo pipe lengths may be connected either by means of
welded joints or, unless otherwise specified, by means of
3.2.3 Cargo pump drive (1/5/2013)
flange connections.
Pumps with a submerged electric motor are not permitted
in cargo tanks. 3.3.4 Expansion joints (1/5/2013)
Note 1: The provisions of this requirement also apply to stripping
a) Where necessary, cargo piping is to be fitted with
pumps and ballast pumps.
expansion joints or bends.
3.2.4 Design of cargo pumps (1/5/2013) b) Expansion joints including bellows are to be of a type
a) Materials of cargo pumps are to be suitable for the prod- approved by the Society.
ucts carried.
c) Expansion joints made of non-metallic material may be
b) The delivery side of cargo pumps is to be fitted with accepted only inside tanks and provided they are:
relief valves discharging back to the suction side of the
• of an approved type
pumps (bypass) in closed circuit. Such relief valves may
be omitted in the case of centrifugal pumps with a max- • designed to withstand the maximum internal and
imum delivery pressure not exceeding the design pres- external pressure
sure of the piping, with the delivery valve closed.
• electrically conductive
3.2.5 Monitoring of cargo pumps (1/5/2013) • sliding type couplings are not to be used for expan-
Cargo pumps are to be monitored as required in Tab 2. sion purposes where lines for cargo oil pass through
tanks for segregated ballast.
3.2.6 Control of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)
Cargo pumps are to be capable of being stopped from: 3.3.5 Valves with remote control (1/5/2013)

• a position outside the pump room, and a) Valves with remote control are to comply with Pt C,
Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.7.3].
• a position next to the pumps.
b) Submerged valves are to be remote controlled. In the
3.3 Cargo piping design case of a hydraulic remote control system, control boxes
are to be provided outside the tank, in order to permit
3.3.1 General (1/5/2013) the emergency control of valves.
a) Unless otherwise specified, cargo piping is to be c) Valve actuators located inside cargo tanks are not to be
designed and constructed according to the requirements operated by means of compressed air.

RINA Rules 2017 229

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 4

Table 2 : Monitoring of cargo pumps (1/5/2013)

Equipment, parameter Alarm Indication (1) Comments

pump, discharge pressure L • on the pump (2), or
• next to the unloading control station
(1) L = low
(2) and next to the driving machine if located in a separate compartment

3.3.6 Cargo hoses (1/5/2013) single failure in the integrated cargo and ballast system,
a) Cargo hoses are to be of a type approved by the Society including its control and safety systems. The same criteria
for the intended conditions of use. apply to control systems of cargo and ballast valves.
b) Hoses subject to tank pressure or pump discharge pres- 3.5.2 Design features (1/5/2013)
sure are to be designed for a bursting pressure not less
The following design features are, inter alia, to be fitted:
than 4 times the maximum pressure under cargo transfer
conditions. a) the emergency stop circuits of the cargo and ballast sys-
tems are to be independent from the circuits for the con-
c) The ohmic electrical resistance of cargo hoses is not to
trol systems. A single failure in the control system
exceed 106 Ω .
circuits or the emergency stop circuits is not to render
the integrated cargo and ballast system inoperative;
3.4 Cargo piping arrangement and installa-
b) manual emergency stops of the cargo pumps are to be
arranged such that they do not cause the shutdown of
3.4.1 Cargo pipes passing through tanks or the power pack making ballast pumps inoperable;
compartments (1/5/2013) c) the control systems are to be provided with backup
a) Cargo piping and similar piping to cargo tanks is not to power supply, which may be satisfied by a duplicate
pass through ballast tanks except in the case of short power supply from the main switchboard. The failure of
lengths of piping complying with [2.1.3], item b). any power supply is to provide audible and visible
b) Cargo piping may pass through vertical fuel oil tanks alarm activation at each location where the control
adjacent to cargo tanks on condition that the provisions panel is fitted.
of [2.1.3], item b) are complied with. d) in the event of failure of the automatic or remote control
c) Piping through cargo tanks, see also Ch 25, Sec 2, systems, a secondary means of control is to be made
[3.1.3]. available for the operation of the integrated cargo and
ballast system. This is to be achieved by manual overrid-
3.4.2 Cargo piping passing through ing and/or redundant arrangements within the control
bulkheads (1/5/2013) systems.
Cargo piping passing through bulkheads is to be so
arranged as to preclude excessive stresses at the bulkhead.
4 Cargo tanks and fittings
Bolted flanges are not to be used in the bulkhead.

3.4.3 Valves (1/5/2013) 4.1 Application

a) Stop valves are to be provided to isolate each tank. 4.1.1 (1/5/2013)
b) A stop valve is to be fitted at each end of the cargo man- The provisions of [4] apply to cargo tanks and slop tanks.
c) When a cargo pump in the cargo pump room serves 4.2 Cargo tank venting
more than one cargo tank, a stop valve is to be fitted in
4.2.1 (1/5/2013)
the cargo pump room on the line leading to each tank.
The relevant provisions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9] and Pt C,
d) Main cargo valves located in the cargo pump room
Ch 1, Sec 10, [11] are to be complied with.
below the floor gratings are to be remote controlled
from a position above the floor. Tank venting systems are to open to the atmosphere at a
height of at least 760 mm above the weather deck.
3.5 Integrated cargo and ballast systems Tanks may be fitted with venting systems of the open type.
4.3 Protection against tank overload
3.5.1 Functional requirements (1/5/2013)
The operation of cargo and/or ballast systems may be neces- 4.3.1 General (1/5/2013)
sary, under certain emergency circumstances or during the a) Provisions are to be made to guard against liquid rising
course of navigation, to enhance the safety of carriers. in the venting system of cargo or slop tanks to a height
As such, measures are to be taken to prevent cargo and bal- which would exceed the design head of the tanks. This
last pumps becoming inoperative simultaneously due to a is to be accomplished by high level alarms or overflow

230 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 4

control systems or other equivalent means, together 6.2 Workshop tests

with gauging devices and cargo tank filling procedures.
b) Sufficient ullage is to be left at the end of tank filling to 6.2.1 Tests for materials (1/5/2013)
permit free expansion of liquid during carriage. Where required in Tab 3, materials used for pipes, valves
c) High level alarms, overflow control systems and other and fittings are to be subjected to the tests specified in Pt C,
means referred to in a) are to be independent of the Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.3.2].
gauging system.
6.2.2 Hydrostatic testing (1/5/2013)
4.3.2 High level alarms (1/5/2013)
a) High level alarms are to be type approved. a) Where required in Tab 3, cargo pipes, valves, fittings
and pump casings are to be submitted to hydrostatic
b) High level alarms are to give an audible and visual sig-
tests in accordance with the relevant provisions of Pt C,
nal at t he control station, where provided.
Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].
4.3.3 Other protection systems (1/5/2013) b) Expansion joints and cargo hoses are to be submitted to
a) Where the tank level gauging systems, cargo and ballast hydrostatic tests in accordance with the relevant provi-
pump control systems and valve control systems are sions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.4].
centralised in a single location, the provisions of [4.3.1]
may be complied with by the fitting of a level gauge for c) Where fitted, bellow pieces of gas-tight penetration
the indication of the end of loading, in addition to that glands are to be pressure tested.
required for each tank. The readings of both gauges for
each tank are to be as near as possible to each other and 6.2.3 Tightness tests (1/5/2013)
so arranged that any discrepancy between them can be Tightness of the following devices is to be checked:
easily detected.
b) Where a tank can be filled only from other tanks, the • gas-tight penetration glands
provisions of [4.3.1] are considered as complied with. • cargo tank P/V and high velocity valves.

5 Prevention of pollution by palm oil Note 1: These tests may be carried out in the workshops or on

5.1 General 6.2.4 Check of the safety valves setting (1/5/2013)

5.1.1 (1/5/2013)
The setting pressure of the pressure/vacuum valves is to be
The control of discharge is to be effected by the retention of checked in particular with regard to Ch 25, Sec 4, [4.2.6].
oil on board with subsequent discharge of all residues,
including contaminated washings if any, to reception facili-
6.2.5 Summary table (1/5/2013)
Inspections and tests required for cargo piping and other
6 Certification, inspection and testing equipment fitted in the cargo area are summarised in Tab 3.

6.1 Application 6.3 Shipboard tests

6.1.1 (1/5/2013)
6.3.1 Pressure test (1/5/2013)
The provisions of this Article are related to cargo piping and
other equipment fitted in the cargo area. They supplement After installation on board, the cargo piping system is to be
those given in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [20] for piping systems. checked for leakage under operational conditions.

RINA Rules 2017 231

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 4

Table 3 : Inspection and testing at works (1/5/2013)

Tests for materials Inspections and tests for the products

No. Item Type of material during manu- after comple- Type of product References
Y/N (1)
certificate (2) facturing (1) tion (1) (3) certificate (2)
1 expansion joints Y (4) W [6.2.1]
and cargo hoses N
Y [6.2.3]
2 cargo pumps Y W
Y (5) see note
Y [6.2.3] (5)
(1) Y = required, N = not required.
(2) C = class certificate, W = works’ certificate.
(3) includes the checking of the rule characteristics according to the approved drawings.
(4) if metallic
(5) inspection during manufacturing is to be carried out according to a program approved by the Society.

232 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 5


1 General 1.4 Electrical equipment

1.4.1 (1/5/2013)
1.1 Application Electrical equipment, cables and wiring are not to be
installed in hazardous locations unless they conform with
1.1.1 (1/5/2013) standards not inferior to those given in IEC 60092-502
The requirements in this Section apply, in addition to those Standard.
contained in Part C, Chapter 2, to ships with the service However, for locations not covered by such standards, elec-
notation palm oil carrier. trical equipment, cables and wiring which do not conform
to the standards may be installed in hazardous locations
1.2 Documentation to be submitted based on a risk assessment to the satisfaction of the Society,
to ensure that an equivalent level of safety is assured.
1.2.1 (1/5/2013)
In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C, Ch 2, 1.5 Earth detection
Sec 1, Tab 1, the following are to be submitted for approval: 1.5.1 (1/5/2013)
a) plan of hazardous areas For both insulated and earthed distribution systems a
device, or devices, are to be installed to continuously mon-
b) document giving details of types of cables and safety itor the insulation to earth and to give an audible and visual
characteristics of the equipment installed in hazardous alarm at a manned position in the event of an abnormally
areas low level of insulation resistance and/or high level of leak-
c) diagrams of tank level indicator systems, high level age current.
alarm systems and overflow control systems where The above is not applicable to systems mentioned in
requested. [1.3.1].

1.3 System of supply 1.6 Precautions against inlet of gases or

1.3.1 (1/5/2013)
1.6.1 (1/5/2013)
Earthed systems with hull return are not permitted, with the
Suitable arrangements are to be provided, to the satisfaction
following exceptions to the satisfaction of the Society:
of the Society, so as to prevent the possibility of gases or
a) impressed current cathodic protective systems vapours passing from a gas-dangerous space to another
space through runs of cables or their conduits.
b) limited and locally earthed systems, such as starting and
ignition systems of internal combustion engines, pro-
vided that any possible resulting current does not flow 1.7 Electrical equipment permitted in haz-
directly through any hazardous area ardous areas
c) insulation level monitoring devices, provided that the 1.7.1 (1/5/2013)
circulation current of the device does not exceed 30 mA Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas is that
under the most unfavourable conditions indicated in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.4], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3,
[10.1.5], and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.6].
d) intrinsically safe systems.
1.7.2 (1/5/2013)
1.3.2 (1/5/2013) In addition to the requirements of [1.7.1], in Zone 1 and
In insulated distribution systems, no current carrying part is Zone 2 the installation of the following is permitted:
to be earthed, other than: hull fittings containing the terminals or shell plating pene-
trations for anodes or electrodes of animpressed current
a) through an insulation level monitoring device cathodic protection system, or transducers such as those for
b) through components used for the suppression of inter- depth sounding or log systems, provided that such fittings
ference in radio circuits. are of gas-tight construction or housed within a gas-tight
enclosure, and are not located adjacent to a cargo tank
1.3.3 (1/5/2013) bulkhead. The design of such fittings or their enclosures and
The additional limitations in the choice of the system of the means by which cables enter, as well as any testing to
supply (type of distribution system) as per SOLAS Ch.II-1 establish their gas-tightness, are to be to the satisfaction of
Reg. 45.4.3 apply to ships subject to the SOLAS Conven- the Society. The associated cables are to be protected by
tion. means of heavy gauge steel pipes with gas-tight joints.

RINA Rules 2017 233

Pt E, Ch 26, Sec 5

1.7.3 (1/5/2013) Electrical installations are to comply with the requirements

Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces (not containing a source for the space or area into which the opening leads.
of hazard) having a direct opening, including those for ven- Note 1: For openings, access and ventilation conditions affecting
tilation, into any hazardous area, are to be designated as the the extent of hazardous areas, see IEC Standard 60092-502.
same hazardous zone as the area in which the opening is
located. 1.8 Hazardous area classification
1.8.1 (1/5/2013)
For hazardous area classification see Tab 1.

Table 1 : Hazardous areas classification for palm oil carriers (carrying palm oil heated to a
temperature below and not within 15°C of the flash point) (1/5/2013)

Hazardous area
No. Description
1 Interior of cargo tanks, slop tanks, any pipework of pressure relief or other vent- Zone 2
ing systems for cargo and slop tanks, pipes and equipment containing cargo.

234 RINA Rules 2017

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 27




RINA Rules 2017 235

Pt E, Ch 27, Sec 1


1 General 1.2 Summary table

1.2.1 (1/7/2014)
1.1 Application
1.1.1 (1/7/2014) Tab 1 indicates, for ready reference, the Sections of this
Chapter containing specific requirements applicable to
The requirements of this Section apply to units having one
of the service notations transhipping unit or transhipping transhipping units or transhipping floating terminals.
floating terminal, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.11].
1.1.2 (1/7/2014) Table 1 (1/7/2014)
Units dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with the
requirements stipulated in Parts A, B, C and D, as applica-
ble, and with the requirements of this Chapter, which are Main subject Reference
specific to transhipping units or transhipping floating termi-
Unit arrangement Sec 2
1.1.3 (1/7/2014) Hull and stability Sec 3
Units equipped with permanent mooring arrangements are Machinery and systems (1)
to comply with the requirements for the assignment of the
Electrical installations (1)
additional class notation MOORING, given in Pt F, Ch 13,
Sec 21. Automation (1)
1.1.4 (1/7/2014) Fire protection, detection and (1)
Units provided with at least one crane, fitted with a grab or extinction
a bucket, are to comply with the requirements for the
assignment of the additional class notation CARGO HAN- (1) No specific requirements for transhipping units or tran-
DLING, given in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.14.31]. shipping floating terminals are given in this Chapter.

RINA Rules 2017 237

Pt E, Ch 27, Sec 2


1 General 2.1.4 (1/7/2014)

The designer is responsible for the scantlings of specific
1.1 Application cargo handling gears like conveyors and similar equipment.
2.1.5 (1/7/2014)
1.1.1 (1/7/2014)
Cargo handling cranes and gears are to be arranged such
The requirements of this Section apply to units having one
that cargo does not normally pass over or in close proximity
of the service notations transhipping unit or transhipping
to accommodation and control stations of the unit; the Soci-
floating terminal, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.11].
ety may consider alternative arrangements giving an equiva-
lent level of safety in the case of unintentional release of
1.2 Documents to be submitted lifted cargo.
1.2.1 (1/7/2014) 2.1.6 (1/7/2014)
Tab 1 lists the plans or documents that are to be submitted Units equipped with one or more cranes fitted with a grab
to the Society, as applicable. or bucket are assigned the additional class notation GRAB
[X] and are to comply with the requirements in Pt F, Ch 13,
Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/7/2014) Sec 2, [3].

No. A/I (1) Document

3 Ship-to-Unit Mooring arrangements
1 A Typical loading and unloading sequences,
including conditions with uneven distribu-
3.1 General
tion (e.g. part loading conditions with
empty cargo holds, as applicable) 3.1.1 (1/7/2014)
Transhipping units and Transhipping floating terminals are
2 I Data regarding properties of cargo (e.g.
to be fitted with suitable arrangements for mooring; this
bulk density, angle of repose, humidity lim-
includes winches, cables, fairleads and mooring cleats but
its, etc.)
also bumpers, fenders and hull structures.
3 I Loading and unloading systems manual 3.1.2 (1/7/2014)
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies The mooring analysis is to be carried out considering the
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate range of ships that, according to the design, are intended to
be moored with the unit in order to carry out ship-to-unit
2 Cargo handling arrangements cargo transfer operations.
3.1.3 (1/7/2014)
2.1 General A selected sample of representative ships is to be identified,
and agreed with the Society, on the basis of which the
2.1.1 (1/7/2014) mooring analysis is to be carried out and the mooring loads
In compliance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.11.1], the addi- are to be calculated, by means of a direct analysis.
tional class notation CARGO HANDLING is assigned.
In any case, the overall methodology for the ship-to-unit
The lifting arrangements are to comply with the "Rules for mooring analysis (sample of ships to be considered, model
loading and unloading arrangements and for other lifting tests, numerical calculations and software verification) is to
appliances on board ships or other similar units". be agreed with the Society at the first phase of the design.
2.1.2 (1/7/2014)
The minimum cargo handling piece of equipment to be fit- 3.2 Mooring analysis
ted on a transhipping unit or a transhipping floating termi- 3.2.1 (1/7/2014)
nal is a crane fitted with a grab or bucket.
The following information is to be provided, as a minimum,
2.1.3 (1/7/2014) in order to assess the ship-to-unit mooring analysis:
The cargo handling cranes, when loaded with the maxi- a) description of the mooring system of the unit with the
mum volume of cargo having the maximum allowed den- seabed,
sity, are to have a minimum outreach (i.e. the extension
b) ship-to-unit mooring system:
outboard of the bumper) not greater than 10 meters and a
maximum outreach not less than 20 meters; these values • mooring arrangements,
may be considered on a case by case basis in the case of • detailed description of mooring fittings, mooring
units intended for special operations, at the discretion of the lines, fenders (mechanical characteristics and geo-
Society. metrical description),

238 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 27, Sec 2

c) unit: fully coupled, nonlinear, time domain simulations are

required. Simplifications may be accepted by the Society,
• loading conditions during ship-to-unit transfer oper-
on a case by case basis.
• characteristics of weight distribution (moments of Assumptions and simplifications are to be clearly indicated
inertia) in the various loading conditions, and explained.

d) for each ship considered in the analysis: A sensitivity analysis is to be performed in order to check
the validity of the calculations.
• general characteristics,
Assessments and calculations considering the allowable
• lines plans,
failure of mooring fittings and mooring lines are to be car-
• loading conditions during ship-to-unit transfer oper- ried out, when operations in such conditions are envisaged
ations, in the design conditions.
• characteristics of weight distribution (moments of Additional analyses may be required by the Society, when
inertia) in the various loading conditions,
deemed necessary on the basis of the system and unit char-
• mooring fitting arrangement. acteristics.

3.2.2 (1/7/2014) 3.2.5 (1/7/2014)

The design limit environmental conditions for ship-to-unit The Ship-to-unit Mooring Analysis report is to include, at
mooring operations are to be specified. The following infor- least:
mation on the design marine weather conditions is to be
provided for the specific location: • a detailed description of the software for the calculation
and the associated theory,
• wave height,
• a description of the hydrodynamic and mechanical
• wave period (range or maximum),
• wave spectrum,
• a calibration and comparison with model tests (or with
• wind speed, previous experience, when acceptable),
• current speed, • RAO's of the vessels motions, with input parameters
• directionality information for wind, wave and current. specification in the case of non-linear/linearized analy-
sis, and Quadratic Transfer Function of the unit,
The data assumed for the mooring analysis are to be con-
• environmental data and wind/current combination
sistent with the data provided in the marine weather analy-
sis report. The design performance, in terms of allowable matrix,
failures of the mooring system, is to be specified by the • assumptions and simplifications,
• a description of additional viscous damping, if applica-
3.2.3 (1/7/2014)
The loads on the system caused by the following primary
factors are to be taken into account for the mooring analy- • statistics of the results (motions, velocities, accelera-
sis: tions, tensions on the lines and loads on the fenders),

• static loads (e.g. pretension in mooring lines), • spectral analyses of the results,

• wind, • time histories of the results.

• current,
• waves (slow frequency and wave frequency motions).
4 Access on board arrangement

The analysis is to cover all the most critical cases envisaged, 4.1
according to the design marine weather conditions for ship-
to-unit operations. The effects of wind, current and waves, 4.1.1 (1/7/2014)
considered as acting simultaneously, are to be considered,
according to [3.2.2]. Transhipping units and Transhipping floating terminals
which are intended to be moored alongside, in between of
3.2.4 (1/7/2014) two other ships (e.g. a barge being discharged and a bulk
The analysis is to reproduce, as closely as possible, the carrier being loaded), are to be fitted with means of access
actual behaviour of the system during its operative life, con- arranged so that they remain available in all operational
sidering mechanical and hydrodynamic issues. In general, conditions.

RINA Rules 2017 239

Pt E, Ch 27, Sec 3


1 Application ing over the length of the deck and to an assumed

height above the deck
- the centre of gravity of the cargo is to be assumed at
a point mid-height of the cargo
1.1.1 (1/7/2014) - the wind lever arm is to be taken from the centre of
The requirements of this Section apply to units having one the deck cargo to a point at one half the draught
of the service notations transhipping unit or transhipping • calculations are to be carried out covering the full range
floating terminal, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.11]. of operating draughts
• the downflooding angle is to be taken as the angle at
2 Stability which an opening through which progressive flooding
may take place is immersed. This would not be an open-
ing closed by a watertight manhole cover or a vent fitted
2.1 Intact stability under navigating condi- with an automatic closure.
2.1.4 Intact stability criteria (1/7/2014)
2.1.1 Application (1/7/2014) The following intact stability criteria are to be complied
The requirements of this item apply to units with the service with, for the loading conditions specified in Pt B, Ch 3,
notations transhipping unit or transhipping floating termi- App 2, [1.2.1] and Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.2]:
nal, provided with the following characteristics: • the area under the righting lever curve up to the angle of
maximum righting lever is to be not less than 0,08 m.rad
a) a navigation notation not exceeding the Coastal Area,
and • the static angle of heel due to a uniformly distributed
wind load of 0,54 kPa (wind speed 30 m/s) may not
b) having a block coefficient not less than 0,9 exceed a heeling angle corresponding to half the free-
c) having a breadth/depth ratio greater than 3,0 board for the relevant loading condition, where the
lever of wind heeling moment is measured from the
The intact stability of units not complying with either one of
centroid of the windage area to half the draught
the above characteristics is to comply with Pt B, Ch 3,
Sec 2, unless otherwise decided by the Society, on a case by • the minimum range of stability is to be:
case basis, taking into account the unit's characteristics. - 20° for L < 100 m
- 20° - 0,1° (L - 100) for 100 < L < 150 m
In this case, an appropriate entry is made in the classifica-
tion files of the unit. - 15° for L > 150 m.

Items [2.1.2] and [2.1.3] do not apply to "Transhipping unit"

2.2 Intact stability under operation
or "Transhipping floating terminal" having no buffering
capacity or having buffering capacity only within holds. 2.2.1 Application (1/7/2014)
The requirements of this item apply to units with the service
2.1.2 Trim and stability booklet (1/7/2014)
notation "transhipping unit" or "transhipping floating termi-
In addition to the information to be included in the trim and nal" and specify the criteria these units are to satisfy in addi-
stability booklet specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.1], sim- tion to those in [2.1], during operation involving use of
plified stability guidance, such as a loading diagram, is to cargo lifting appliances.
be submitted to the Society for approval, so that pontoons
may be loaded in compliance with the stability criteria. 2.2.2 Intact stability criteria during cargo
lifting (1/7/2014)
2.1.3 Stability calculations (1/7/2014) The following intact stability criteria are to be complied
Stability calculations may be carried out according to the with:
following criteria: • θC ≤ 15°
• no account is to be taken of the buoyancy of deck cargo • GZC ≤ 0,6 GZMAX
• consideration is to be given to such factors as water • A1 > 0,4 ATOT
absorption (e.g. timber), trapped water in cargo (e.g. where:
pipes) and ice accretion
θC : Heeling angle of equilibrium, corresponding to
• in carrying out wind heel calculations: the first intersection between heeling and right-
- the wind pressure is to be constant and for general ing arms (see Fig 1)
operations considered to act on a solid mass extend- GZC, GZMAX: Defined in Fig 1

240 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 27, Sec 3

A1 : Area, in m.rad, contained between the righting 3 Design loads

lever and the heeling arm curves, measured
from the heeling angle C to the heeling angle
equal to the lesser of: 3.1 Unit motions and accelerations
• heeling angle θR of loss of stability, corre- 3.1.1 (1/7/2014)
sponding to the second intersection
In general, the values of unit motions and accelerations are
between heeling and righting arms (see Fig
to be derived from direct calculations, and justified on the
basis of the unit's characteristics and intended areas of
• heeling angle θF, corresponding to flooding operation.
of unprotected openings as defined in Pt F,
Ch 13, Sec 11, [2.1.4] (see Fig 1) The values of unit motions and accelerations to be calcu-
lated are those which can be reached with a probability of
ATOT : Total area, in m.rad, below the righting lever 10-5 per cycle. In any case, the calculations, including the
curve. assumed sea scatter diagrams and spectra, are to be submit-
In the above formula, the heeling arm, corresponding to the ted to the Society for approval.
cargo lifting, is to be obtained, in m, from the following for-
mula: 3.2 Additional requirements on local loads
Bd = Pd - Zz / Δ for units with the additional service fea-
ture heavycargo
P : Cargo lifting mass, in t 3.2.1 (1/7/2014)

d : Transversal distance, in m, of cargo lifting to the For units with a service notation completed by the addi-
longitudinal plane (see Fig 1) tional service features buffer [x T, deck/holds] and heavy-
cargo [HOLDi, Xi kN/m2, ρi kN/m3 - DECK, Yi kN/m2] (see
Z : Mass, in t, of ballast used to right the pontoon, if Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.11.1]), the values Xi and i, relevant to
applicable (see Fig 1) bulk cargoes carried in holds, and Yi, relevant to uniform
z : Transversal distance, in m, of the centre of grav- cargoes carried on deck, are to be taken according to
ity of Z to the longitudinal plane (see Fig 1) [3.3.1].

Δ : Displacement, in t, at the loading condition

considered. 3.3 Characteristics of bulk cargoes carried
The above check is to be carried out considering the most
in holds
unfavourable situations of cargo lifting combined with the 3.3.1 (1/7/2014)
lesser initial metacentric height GM, corrected according to
the requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [4]. ρi is, for each hold, the mass density of the cargo which fills
the hold up to the upper deck level at centreline for the
The residual freeboard of the unit during lifting operations maximum mass which may be carried in that hold; ρi is to
in the most unfavourable stability condition is to be not less be defined by the designer and is to be greater than 1,0
than 0,30 m. However, the heeling of the unit is not to pro- t/m3.
duce higher loads in the lifting devices than those envis-
aged by the rmanufacturer, generally expected to be 5° in Xi is the maximum allowable local pressure on the inner
the boom plane and 2° transversally in the case of a crane. bottom of each hold and is to be specified by the designer.
In any case, it is to be not less than the value obtained, for
The vertical position of the centre of gravity of cargo lifting
each hold, from the formula for pS on the inner bottom in
is to be assumed in correspondence of the suspension
Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [3.1.1], where the hold is to be consid-
ered as being completely filled and ρB is to be taken equal
to i defined above.
2.3 Intact stability for units carrying grain,
cement and similar, IMSBC-A cargoes,
nitrates, non-cohesive or other special
4 Hull scantlings
4.1 General
2.3.1 Application (1/7/2014)
4.1.1 (1/7/2014)
Units with the service notation "transhipping unit" or "tran-
shipping floating terminal" having a buffer capacity in Foundations of cranes and conveyors are to be checked
holds which are to be loaded with grain, cement and simi- through direct calculations on the basis of:
lar, IMSBC-A cargoes, nitrates, non-cohesive or other spe-
• inertial loads in load cases "b" and "d" as defined in Pt B,
cial cargo which may shift and affect the stability, are to Ch 5, Sec 4
comply with the specific additional criteria as indicated in
Tab 1. • allowable stress as per Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3.

RINA Rules 2017 241

Pt E, Ch 27, Sec 3

Figure 1 : Cargo lifting (1/7/2014)

righting and heeling arms


b b.cos θ

θC θF θR heeling angles z

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/7/2014)

No. Cargo Applicable criteria Notes

1 Grain Ch 4, Sec 3, [2]
2 Cement and similar Sec 2, [4]
3 IMSBC-A cargoes Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 18, [2] The additional class notation "IMSBC-A" may be
4 Nitrates Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 18, [3] The additional class notation "IMSBC-nitrate" may
be assigned
5 Non-cohesive cargo Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 18, [4] The additional class notation "IMSBC-non cohe-
sive" may be assigned
6 Other special cargo The applicable criteria are
to be established on a case
by case basis, taking into
account the properties of
the proposed cargo

242 RINA Rules 2017

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 28







RINA Rules 2017 243

Pt E, Ch 28, Sec 1


1 General A.673(16) and for which the aggregate quantity of cargo

does not exceed the lesser of the following values:
1.1 Application • 800 m3
1.1.1 (15/2/2016) • 40% of ship DWT, in m3, calculated considering a cargo
density of 1,0 t/m3
Ships complying with the requirements of this Chapter are
eligible for the assignment of the service notation chemical IMO Resolution A.673(16) applies in lieu of the IBC code.
recovery ship, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.8.6].
Ships with this service notation are designed to: 1.2 Summary table
• operate in hazardous atmosphere in case of an accident 1.2.1 (15/2/2016)
involving chemical products Tab 1 indicates, for ready reference, the Sections of this
• remove from the sea surface, retain, carry on board and Chapter containing specific requirements applicable to
unload chemical products. chemical recovery ships.

1.1.2 (15/2/2016) Table 1 (15/2/2016)

Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with the
requirements stipulated in Parts A, B, C and D, as applica- Main subject Reference
ble, and with the requirements of this Chapter, which are Ship arrangement (1)
specific to chemical recovery ships for operations in haz-
ardous atmosphere. Hull and stability Sec 2
In addition, Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply Machinery and systems Sec 3
with the requirements of the latest version of the Interna-
tional Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Electrical installations Sec 4
Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code), with the Automation (1)
exception indicated in [1.1.3].
Fire protection, detection and extinction Sec 5
1.1.3 (15/2/2016)
For ships intended to collect and carry only the bulk liquids (1) No specific requirements for chemical recovery ships
identified in Chapter 1, [1.2.2] of the IMO Resolution are given in this Chapter.

RINA Rules 2017 245

Pt E, Ch 28, Sec 2


1 General 3 Operations in hazardous atmos-

3.1 Citadel
1.1.1 (15/2/2016)
3.1.1 (15/2/2016)
The requirements given in the IBC code or IMO Resolution
A citadel area protected against penetration by hazardous
A.673(16), as applicable according to Sec 1, [1.1], are to be
atmosphere is to comprise any enclosed space in the ship in
considered for cargo tanks location, cargo segregation and
continuous use during service. In this area, an overpressure
any other relevant aspects.
is to be maintained in order to avoid entrance of hazardous
substances from outside.
2 Documentation to be submitted Accesses and openings into the citadel area are to be capa-
ble to be closed gas-tight.
2.1 3.1.2 Air locks (15/2/2016)
2.1.1 (15/2/2016) Air locks with two self-closing doors are to be fitted for the
entrance into the citadel area in order to maintain the over-
The following documentation is to be submitted:
pressure inside. Forced ventilation is to be fitted in order to
a) details of air locks avoid the entrance of hazardous substances and an alarm is
to be provided to indicate if both doors are open.
b) details of accesses and openings which are to be closed
gas-tight during operations in hazardous atmosphere
3.2 Windows
c) windows plan drawings with information about materi-
3.2.1 (15/2/2016)
als used
Design pressure, arrangement and composition of the win-
d) general arrangement, capacities and drawings of the dows are to be considered by the Society on a case by case
cargo tanks/holds. basis.

246 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 28, Sec 3


1 Machinery and systems installations The design parameters for the mentioned plants, the values
of which are to be considered by the Society on a case by
case basis, are:
1.1 • maximum CO2 concentration of the air inside the cita-
1.1.1 (15/2/2016)
• minimum value of the overpressure during service in
The requirements given in the IBC code or IMO Resolution hazardous atmosphere.
A.673(16), as applicable according to Sec 1, [1.1], are to be
The overpressure and the CO2 concentration are to be mon-
considered for recovered chemical products pumping and
itored and, in case of anomalous values, an alarm is to be
piping systems, cargo area equipment, ventilation and any
other issue relevant to machinery and systems.
3.1.2 Regeneration plant (15/2/2016)
The regeneration plant is to maintain the CO2 concentra-
2 Documentation to be submitted tions and the overpressure in the citadel by means of a com-
pressed air reservoir. Its pressure and the oxygen content in
2.1 the air fed into the citadel are to be monitored and an alarm
is to be activated in case of anomalous values.
2.1.1 (15/2/2016)
3.1.3 Filtration plant (15/2/2016)
The following documentation is to be submitted: The filtration plant is to clean the outside air to be fed into
the citadel area by means of filters. A monitoring system is
a) general plan of the system for chemical products recov- to be fitted with an alarm to be activated in case of any pen-
ery and specification of all relevant apparatuses etration of hazardous substances. A redundancy of the sys-
tem is to be provided. The air flow rate of the plant and the
b) schematic arrangement of recovered chemical products location of the intake of the plant are to be considered by
pumping and piping systems the Society on a case by case basis.
c) tank venting arrangement
3.2 Gas detection and alarm
d) plans, drawings and design calculation of the citadel 3.2.1 (15/2/2016)
ventilation system A gas detection and an alarm system are to be provided on
board for the detection of flammable and toxic gases and
e) proof of suitability of the air filters material vapours in the atmosphere. Measuring points are to be con-
sidered by the Society on a case by case basis.
f) plan of closing appliance for operations in hazardous
3.3 Machinery intake air system
g) details of the design of the gas detection equipment with 3.3.1 (15/2/2016)
proof of suitability The combustion air for engines, gas turbines, boilers and
incinerators is to be monitored for the presence of flamma-
h) operations and equipment manual for operations in
ble gases and vapours near the intakes. The location of the
hazardous atmosphere. intake openings are to be considered by the Society on a
case by case basis.
3 Operations in hazardous atmos- The air ducts are to be explosion-resistant and provided
with flame arrestors.
The engines are to be either totally encased or totally gast-
3.1 Citadel ventilation system
3.4 Machinery exhaust gas system
3.1.1 (15/2/2016)
3.4.1 (15/2/2016)
For the ventilation of the citadel area during operation in Exhaust lines from engines, gas turbines, boilers and incin-
hazardous atmosphere, specific systems such as filtration erators are to be led to a gas-safe position as high as practi-
plant for cleaning the outside air or circulating-air regenera- cable above the deck and are to be fitted with a spark and
tion plant is to be fitted. flame arrester.

RINA Rules 2017 247

Pt E, Ch 28, Sec 3

The maximum exhaust gas temperature at the outlets is to It is to contain:

be considered by the Society on a case by case basis and is • safety measures to be adopted before starting the opera-
to be monitored with an alarm system which is to be acti- tions in hazardous atmosphere
vated if the maximum permissible temperature is exceeded.
• safety measures to be adopted during the operations in
An air cooler is to be fitted in the machinery space to hazardous atmosphere
remove the heat. • documentation and descriptions of the technical instal-
lations present on board
3.5 Operations and Equipment Manual • appropriate measures in case of alarms
3.5.1 (15/2/2016) • plans of spaces with overpressure, closing appliances,
An Operations and Equipment Manual, approved by the arrangement of equipment and appliances for opera-
Society, is to be carried on board. tions in hazardous atmosphere.

248 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 28, Sec 4


1 General
1.1 Application
1.1.1 (15/2/2016)
The electrical plants on board are to comply with the
requirements in the IBC code or IMO Resolution A.673(16),
as applicable according to Sec 1, [1.1].

2 Documentation to be submitted
2.1.1 (15/2/2016)
The following documentation is to be submitted:
a) plan of dangerous areas subjected to explosion hazard
during operations in hazardous atmosphere and of the
areas with overpressure
b) document giving details of types of cables and safety
characteristics of the equipment installed in hazardous
c) electric power balance for service in hazardous atmos-

RINA Rules 2017 249

Pt E, Ch 28, Sec 5



1 General 2 Operations in hazardous atmos-

1.1 Application
1.1.1 (15/2/2016) 2.1 General
The requirements given in the IBC code or IMO Resolution 2.1.1 (15/2/2016)
A.673(16), as applicable according to Sec 1, [1.1], are to be
Machinery spaces which are not permanently manned or
considered for fire protection, detection and extinction.
which are not accessible during service in hazardous
atmosphere are to be provided with fire detection and
alarm system.

250 RINA Rules 2017

Part E
Service Notations

Chapter 29







RINA Rules 2017 251

Pt E, Ch 29, Sec 1


1 General 1.2 Summary table

1.2.1 (1/4/2016)
1.1 Application
1.1.1 (1/4/2016) Tab 1 indicates, for ready reference, the Sections of this
Chapter containing specific requirements applicable to well
OSVs complying with the requirements of this Chapter are
stimulation ships.
eligible for the assignment of the service notation well stim-
ulation, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.8.10].
If the ship carries only product with flashpoint exceeding Table 1 (1/4/2016)
60°C, this restriction will be reported on the ship operation
manual and the additional service feature flash point > Main subject Reference
60°C is assigned.
Ship arrangement (1)
In the case of ships provided with tanks dedicated to the
containment of product with flashpoint 60°C and others Hull and stability Sec 2
dedicated to the containment of product having flashpoint
Machinery and systems Sec 3
> 60°C, in the ship operation manual and in the ship docu-
ments it is to be clearly indicated for each tank which is the Electrical installations Sec 4
allowed flashpoint of the product contained therein.
Automation (1)
1.1.2 (1/4/2016)
Ships dealt with in this Chapter are to comply with the Fire protection, detection and extinction Sec 5
requirements stipulated in Parts A, B, C and D, as applica- Personnel protection Sec 6
ble, and with the requirements of this Chapter, which are
specific for the assignment of the service notation well stim- (1) No specific requirements for the assignment of the ser-
ulation. vice well stimulation are given in this Chapter

RINA Rules 2017 253

Pt E, Ch 29, Sec 2


1 General 1.4 Operational Manual

1.4.1 (1/4/2016)
1.1 Tanks for storage of stimulating liquids An approved Operational Manual is to be readily available
1.1.1 (1/4/2016) on board. The manual has to provide instructions and infor-
mation on the safety aspects related to well stimulating pro-
Where it is intended to carry acids in bulk on well stimula- cessing.
tion vessels, the arrangement is to comply with the require-
ments of Chapter 15 of the IBC Code. 1.4.2 (1/4/2016)
The approved Operational Manual has to cover particulars
Where it is intended to carry liquid nitrogen in bulk on well
stimulation vessels, the arrangement is to comply with the
applicable requirements of Chapter 17 of the IGC Code. • protective equipment

1.1.2 (1/4/2016) • storage and handling of fluids and dry additives

Tanks for storage of stimulating liquid such as acids and • transfer operations
nitrogen, are to be design and constructed in accordance • emergency shutdown and disconnection.
with pertinent requirements for pressure vessel, IBC Code,
LHNS Guidelines (Res. A.673(16) as amended) and ICG
2 General arrangement design
Code, as applicable.

2.1 Tank location and segregation of spaces

1.2 Tanks material
1.2.1 (1/4/2016) 2.1.1 Tanks location (1/4/2016)
Material used for the construction of tanks intended for Tanks are to be located at a minimum distance from the side
stimulating liquids is to be tested and certified according to shell and bottom, i.e 760 mm measured inboard from the
Part D. side of the vessel perpendicular to the centerline at the level
of the summer load waterline.

1.3 Documents to be submitted 2.1.2 Segregation (1/4/2016)

1.3.1 (1/4/2016) Tanks and pumping arrangements for the well stimulation
Tab 1 lists the plans or documents that are to be submitted plants are to be segregated from machinery spaces, propel-
to the Society, as applicable. ler shaft tunnels (if provided), dry cargo spaces, accommo-
dation and service spaces, as well as from drinking water
tanks and provision stores by means of cofferdam, void
Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/4/2016) space, cargo pump room, empty tank, oil fuel tank or other
similar spaces.
No. Document
(1) 2.2 Protection from liquid spill
1 A Operation manual for well stimulation proce- 2.2.1 (1/4/2016)
dures The following protections from acid spills are to be pro-
2 I Arrangement of tanks vided:
3 I Documentation for liquid nitrogen tanks as a) Floors or decks protection: floors or decks under storage
required by Chapter 9 for liquefied gas carriers tanks, pumps and piping for acid are to have a lining or
coating of corrosion-resistant materials extending up to
4 I Drawing of support and staying of independent a minimum height of 500 mm on the bounding bulk-
heads or coamings; hatches or similar openings in such
5 I Drawing of acid tanks including information of floors or decks are to be raised to a minimum height of
non-destructive testing of welds, strength and 500 mm and the coamings are to be protected by a lin-
tightness ing or an acid resistant coating
6 I Testing of tanks and specification of lining b) Spray shields and drip trays: spray shields are to be pro-
vided to cover flanges and other detachable pipe con-
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies
nections (portable shield covers are to be provided for
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate connecting the flanges of the loading manifold) and drip

254 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 29, Sec 2

trays of corrosion-resistant material are to be provided 3 Stability

under loading manifolds.
c) Drainage arrangement: spaces for storage tanks, pumps 3.1 Intact stability
and piping for acid are to be provided with drainage 3.1.1 (1/4/2016)
arrangement of corrosion-resistant materials separated
The stability of the ship for the loading conditions reported
from draining system of the other areas.
in the trim and stability booklet is to be in compliance with
2.2.2 (1/4/2016) the requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2.
Adequate protection from nitrogen spill is to be provided to
prevent cold cracking of structure: for this purpose drip trays 3.2 Damage stability
resistant to cryogenic temperatures are to be provided at 3.2.1 (1/4/2016)
manifolds transferring liquefied gases and at other flanged
Damage stability is to be suitable to cope with damage to
connections in the system.
be assumed to occur anywhere in the ship's length at any
2.2.3 (1/4/2016) transverse watertight bulkhead whenever the ship carries
A permanent spill coaming of 150 mm in height is to be hazardous and noxious liquid substances more than the
provided on deck to keep deck spill away from accommo- lesser between 800 m3 or a volume in cubic m equal to
dation and service areas 40% of ship's deadweight calculated at a cargo density of

2.3 Hazardous area

4 Hull scantlings
2.3.1 (1/4/2016)
Hazardous areas are to be defined in relation with the liq- 4.1 Local loads
uids and additives used for stimulation operation and the
4.1.1 (1/4/2016)
layout of relevant systems. Due consideration is to be given
to the location of air intakes and openings into accommo- Stress analysis is to be carried out for supporting structure in
dation, service and machinery spaces and control station in way of flexible hose storage well(s) and possible other
relation to cargo piping and cargo vent system. pieces of equipment of significant weight.

2.4 Accesses, Air intakes, windows and 4.2 Movable tanks

other openings to accommodation 4.2.1 (1/4/2016)
spaces The net scantlings of movable tanks are considered by the
Society on a case-by-case basis.
2.4.1 (1/4/2016)
Accommodation, service spaces and control stations are 5 Seakeeping
not to be located within the cargo area.
2.4.2 (1/4/2016) 5.1 General
Unless they are spaced at least 7 m away from the hazard- 5.1.1 (1/4/2016)
ous area, entrances, air intakes and openings to accommo- The ship is to be capable, within given environmental limit
dation, service and machinery spaces and control stations conditions, of maintaining the position during stimulation
are not to face the cargo area. operation either by means of anchoring arrangement or
2.4.3 (1/4/2016) dynamic positioning system.
When arranged within the 7 m zone specified in [2.4.2],
windows and sidescuttles facing the cargo area are to be of 5.2 Dynamic positioning
a fixed type ensuring an efficient gas-tight closure; such 5.2.1 (1/4/2016)
sidescuttles in the first tier on the main deck are to be fitted Dynamic positioning system, when used to maintain the
with inside covers of steel or equivalent material. vessel's position during well stimulation operations, is to
2.4.4 (1/4/2016) comply with the requirements for the additional class nota-
tion DYNAPOS (see Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 3).
Doors to spaces not having access to accommodation, ser-
vice and machinery space and control stations, such as
cargo control station and store-rooms, may be accepted 5.3 Station keeping with anchors and cables
within the 7 m specified in [2.4.2] provided that the bound- 5.3.1 (1/4/2016)
aries of the spaces are insulated to A-60 standard. Position mooring with anchors, cable and mooring winches
are to fulfill the requirements for position mooring system of
2.5 Access to spaces in the cargo area Part B, Chapter 9 of Rules for the Classification of Floating
Offshore Units at Fixed Locations and Mobile Offshore
2.5.1 (1/4/2016) Drilling Units. Safety precautions are to be considered to
Access to spaces within the cargo area is to meet the prevent damaging seabed equipment and installation by
requirements of Paragraph 3.4 of the IBC Code. deployment, recovery and station keeping.

RINA Rules 2017 255

Pt E, Ch 29, Sec 3


1 General ply with the applicable requirements of Chapter 17 of

the IGC Code.

1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
1.1.1 (1/4/2016)
1.2.1 (1/4/2016)
This Section provides, for OSVs having the service well
stimulation, specific requirements for: The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted.

• machinery systems
1.3 Calculations
• tanks
1.3.1 (1/4/2016)
• pumping and piping systems.
The following calculations are to be submitted and docu-
The requirements of this Section apply, in addition to those mented:
contained in Part C, Chapter 1, and:
• propulsion power required for the vessel to maintain
• when acids are intended to be carried in bulk on well position during well stimulation operations
stimulation vessels, the arrangement is to comply with
• stress analysis of liquid nitrogen piping
the requirements of Chapter 15 of the IBC Code;
• stress analysis of liquid nitrogen heat exchangers
• when liquid nitrogen in bulk is intended to be carried
on well stimulation vessels, the arrangement is to com- • stress analysis of high pressure piping.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/4/2016)

No. A/I (1) Document

1 A Cargo tank level measurement system
2 A Cargo tank overflow protection system
3 A Emergency shut-down system
4 A Hydrogen indication equipment
5 A Hydrogen chloride indication equipment
6 A Oxygen indication equipment
7 I Pumping arrangements
8 I Arrangement of ventilation pipes from acid tanks
9 I Mechanical ventilation arrangement of closed and semi-enclosed spaces containing acid tanks, pipes
10 I Pumps and mixing units
11 I Diagrams of piping for acid, nitrogen and liquid additives including details such as flange connections and secur-
ing of pipes
12 I Drawings of pumps and mixers
13 I Specification and information on high pressure flexible hoses with end connections
14 I Drawings and particulars for nitrogen vaporiser
15 I Drawings and particulars of nitrogen heat exchangers
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate
(2) Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the local and remote control, the monitoring and automation systems.

256 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 29, Sec 3

2 Machinery installations and piping 3.2 Arrangement

systems not intended for well stimu- 3.2.1 (1/4/2016)
lation Piping systems for the well stimulation plant is to be sepa-
rated from other piping systems; they are not to pass
2.1 Bilge system through any accommodation, service or machinery space
other than cargo pump rooms or pump rooms.
2.1.1 (1/4/2016)
3.2.2 (1/4/2016)
Bilge arrangements for pump rooms, void spaces, any slop
tank, double bottom tanks and similar spaces related to the Pumps, ballast lines, vent lines and other similar equipment
well stimulation process are to be situated entirely within serving permanent ballast tanks are to be independent of
the well stimulation processing area. The same applies to similar equipment serving cargo tanks.
spaces directly adjacent to such spaces. 3.2.3 (1/4/2016)
Piping for acids shall be in corrosion resistant material or
2.2 Exhaust gas systems coated by an approved lining.
2.2.1 (1/4/2016) 3.2.4 (1/4/2016)
Exhaust lines from engines, gas turbines, boilers and incin- Piping for the handling of flammable or hazardous and nox-
erators are to be led to a gas-safe position as high as practi- ious liquid substances for well stimulation is to comply with
cable above the deck and are to be fitted with a spark the pertinent provisions given in Chapter 7 or Chapter 8 or
arrester. Chapter 9, as applicable for the intended liquid.
2.2.2 (1/4/2016) 3.2.5 (1/4/2016)
Where the distance between the exhaust lines of engines Piping is to be permanently installed; however, the use of
and the gas-dangerous area is less than 3 m, the ducts are to portable pumps may be permitted subject to special consid-
be fitted in a position: eration by the Society.
• near the waterline if cooled by water injection, or
• below the waterline in other cases. 3.3 Pump rooms
3.3.1 (1/4/2016)
2.3 Additional requirements for machinery Pump rooms containing the pumps for handling the liquids
installations in hazardous area intended for well stimulation are to comply with the perti-
nent provisions given in Chapter 7 or Chapter 8 or
2.3.1 (1/4/2016)
Chapter 9, as applicable for the intended liquid.
Attention is drawn to the risk of ignition in hazardous area
from sparking due to:
3.4 Venting systems
• formation of static electricity, or
• friction between moving parts. 3.4.1 (1/4/2016)
Tank venting systems are to be designed and fitted taking in
2.3.2 (1/4/2016) account both safety and health hazard; due consideration is
Surface temperature of equipment in hazardous area is not to be given to the location of safety valves and pressure/vac-
to exceed the allowable temperature depending on the type uum valves outlets with regard to source of ignition, source
of hazard. of heat, accommodation and service spaces.
2.3.3 (1/4/2016) Relevant provision of Chapter 8 of the IBC Code, Chapter 3
The installation of certified safe type internal combustion of the LHNS Guidelines (Res. A.673(16) as amended)and
engines may be permitted in zone 2 open gas-dangerous Chapter 8 of IGC Codeare to be dealt with, as applicable.
areas, subject to special consideration by the Society.
3.5 Mechanical ventilation of spaces in the
3 Pumping system, piping system and cargo area
pump rooms intended for well stimu- 3.5.1 (1/4/2016)
Mechanical ventilation for:
• spaces housing acid tanks has to ensure a capacity of 30
air changes per hour
3.1 Design of piping systems
• spaces containing installations for nitrogen have to
3.1.1 General (1/4/2016) ensure a capacity of 20 air changes per hour
Piping is to be designed and constructed in accordance • spaces for storage and handling of dry and liquid addi-
with pertinent requirement for pressure vessel, Chapter 5 of tives is to be case by case considered based on flamma-
the IBC Code, Chapter 3 of the LHNS Guidelines (Res. bility, toxicity and reactivity criteria of the additives
A.673(16) as amended) and Chapter 5 of the ICG Code, as concerned
applicable. • mechanical ventilation of spaces in the cargo area clas-
Materials to be used in piping systems is to be tested and sified as an hazardous area is to comply with the
certified according to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 9. requirements in IBC Code Chapter 12.

RINA Rules 2017 257

Pt E, Ch 29, Sec 3

3.6 Control and Monitoring these emergency controls are to be capable of being
activated from a dedicated cargo control location which
3.6.1 Vapour detection (1/4/2016) is manned at the time of the cargo transfer and from at
Enclosed and semi-enclosed spaces containing installations least one other location outside the cargo area and at a
for acids are to be provided with fixed vapour detection and safe distance from
alarm systems capable of giving an audible and visual
alarm. The vapour detection system is to be capable of b) Emergency depressurizing and disconnection of the
detecting hydrogen and hydrogen chloride gases. transfer hose; these control for activating emergency
depressurization and disconnection are to be located in
3.6.2 Oxygen deficiency monitoring (1/4/2016)
a dedicated cargo control location which is manned at
Enclosed spaces containing tanks and piping for liquid the time of the cargo transfer and in another location
nitrogen are to be equipped with a sensor continuously
outside the cargo area and at a safe distance from it
monitoring the oxygen content of the space; an alarm is to
be provided in case of low oxygen concentration. For semi- Where auxiliary electrical energy is required for functional-
enclosed spaces portable equipment may be accepted. ity of emergency controls, a reliable power supply is to be
provided as indicated in Sec 4, [2.1.1]; where hydraulic
3.6.3 Tank level gauging and alarm
system (1/4/2016) and/or pneumatic power is used for actuation of emergency
control and shutdown, pumps or compressors are to be
Nitrogen tanks for liquefied nitrogen are to have gauging
and level detection arrangements in accordance with Chap- duplicated. Where hydraulic pumps and/or compressors
ter 13 of IGC Code. used for emergency control are driven by an electric motor,
one motor is to be supplied from the main source of electri-
Tanks for hydrochloric acid are to have a closed gauging
cal power and the other from the emergency sources of
system. A high level alarm is to be provided to be activated
electrical power.
by a level sensing device independent of the gauging sys-
tem. 3.6.5 (1/4/2016)
3.6.4 Emergency control (1/4/2016) Where applicable, well blowout preventer closing system
Emergency control is to be provided for: and disconnection from the blowout preventer is to be pro-
a) Stopping the cargo pumps and similar equipment and vided from a position located at a safe and readily accessi-
shutoff valves in nitrogen outlet lines from each tank; ble location.

258 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 29, Sec 4


1 General circuits, one from the main source of electrical power and
the other from the emergency source of electrical power.
1.1 Application
2.2 Earth detection
1.1.1 (1/4/2016)
The requirements in this Section apply, in addition to those 2.2.1 (1/4/2016)
contained in Part C, Chapter 2. For both insulated and earthed distribution systems a
device, or devices, are to be installed to continuously mon-
Pertinent provisions of IBC Code and IGC Code are to be
itor the insulation to earth and to give an audible and visual
dealt with, as far as applicable.
alarm at a manned position in the event of an abnormally
low level of insulation resistance and/or high level of leak-
1.2 Documents to be submitted age current.
1.2.1 (1/4/2016)
In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C, Ch 2, 3 Hazardous area
Sec 1, [2.1.1], the following is to be submitted:
a) single line diagrams of the power supply to well stimu- 3.1 Hazardous area classification
lation equipment 3.1.1 (1/4/2016)
b) plan of hazardous area, Hazardous area classification is to be defined in relation
c) drawing showing location of all electrical equipment with the liquids and additives used for stimulation operation
installed in hazardous areas, and the layout of relevant systems. Reference is made also
d) list of electrical equipment installed in hazardous area, to pertinent requirement of Pt E, Ch 4, Sec 5 of Rules for the
including type, manufacturer, safety characteristics and Classification of Floating Offshore Units at Fixed Locations
type of protection, together with the relevant safety cer- and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units.
e) single line diagram for intrinsically safe circuits.
3.2 Electrical equipment permitted in haz-
ardous area
2 Design requirements 3.2.1 (1/4/2016)
For the type of electrical equipment permitted in hazardous
areas reference is to be made to Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10].
2.1 Power supply for emergency controls
3.2.2 (1/4/2016)
2.1.1 (1/4/2016)
The following control and monitoring systems shall be certi-
Electrical power supply for emergency controls is to be
fied for the intended use.
taken from the ship's main supply and from an uninterrupti-
ble power supply (UPS) capable of continuously operating • Cargo tank level measurement system
the systems for at least 30 minutes upon loss of the normal • Cargo tank overflow protection system
power supply. The UPS is to be powered by means of two • Emergency shutdown system.

RINA Rules 2017 259

Pt E, Ch 29, Sec 5



1 General 1.2 Fire Protection, Fire Fighting system

and appliances
1.1 Application 1.2.1 (1/4/2016)
1.1.1 (1/4/2016) In general pertinent requirement foreseen by:

The following provisions regarding fire protection, detection a) Rules for Fire Protection, Detection and Extinction for
and extinction are not mandatory for the purpose of classifi- the Issue and Maintenance of the SOLAS Certificates
cation, except where the Society carries out surveys rele- b) Chapter 11 of IBC Code
vant to fire protection statutory requirements on behalf of c) Chapter 3 of the LHNS Guidelines (Res. A.673(16) as
the flag Administration. In such cases, fire protection statu- amended)
tory requirements are considered a matter of class and
therefore compliance with these requirements is also veri- d) Chapter 11 of IGC Code
fied by the Society for classification purposes at class sur- are enforced, as far as applicable, in consideration of the
veys. well stimulation system and relevant outfitting.

260 RINA Rules 2017

Pt E, Ch 29, Sec 6


1 General

1.1 Personnel protection

1.1.1 (1/4/2016)
The following personnel protective equipment is to be pro-
vided as appropriate decontamination showers and eye-
washes: a suitably marked decontamination shower and
eyewashes are to be available on deck in a convenient loca-
tion. The shower and eyewash are to be operable in all
ambient conditions.
Protective and safety equipment is to be kept on board in
suitable locations as required by Chapter 14 of the IBC
Code or Chapter 14 of the IGC Code.

RINA Rules 2017 261

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