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Lesson Plan

Understanding Business Document Formats

Curriculum Framework Content Name, Number and Description

Curricular Content: Unit 2: 2.2.1 Review business document formats: Letter, Memo,
Report, and Table.

Designed to prepare students with an introduction to business applications such as

Microsoft Word, that are necessary to live and work in a technological society.

Learning Objectives:
Students will learn to:

1. Be able to identify multiple business tools

2. Demonstrate comprehension of proper business formats
3. Organize their own professional information properly
4. Create a professional business tool

Learning Activities:
(35-50 minutes)
Students will be lectured about different tools learned within a business
environment, with very brief distinctions of what each are and when to use them
(business letter, memo, report, and table). The students will then watch the Teacher Tube
Video: How to Format a Business Letter. The video shows students how to properly set
up a document, format the letter, use spacing tips, and demonstrates a professionally
made example of what a real business letter looks like. After the video, students will use
a small graphic organizer to separate key ideas to write down their own letters, in which
they write to fictional or real business companies. They will also use this to separate their
letters into their core sections. The video will be played one more time while students
complete their graphic organizers, and the URL will be available for any students who
prefer to go back and look at it. Once graphic organizers are complete, students will use
their knowledge from the video to put together a professional business letter created
using their computers.

Students will be evaluated informally on their organization and
understanding of the knowledge gained from the Teacher Tube video. The graphic
organizer allows them to be creative and organize their own ideas into a professional
format. The Organizer gives them space to fill out what business they represent, and what
business they are writing two. The organizer gives them space to fill out what is the
reason or conflict they are writing that business. The organizer also gives them space to
fill out the three sections separately of what will go into their business letter (heading,
body, and closing). Using this as a draft, it will be evaluated on how well they are
understanding the material as well as showing creativity. Students will also be evaluated
on their typed out business letters at the end, to show they could use their graphic
organizers to complete and produce a real formal letter.

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