Tro Pitch 2

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Can you imagine that you are moving to another country at a young age, and you
haven’t finished school and you don’t have enough money to pay for it? In an unfamiliar
environment, you can not understand what other people are talking about, what can you

To solve this problem, we introduce you to the program Teenage Refugees

Organization. Teenage Refugees Organization (TRO) is an organization that helps
young refugees integrate into a society that includes academic support, social
interaction and mental health. Academic support would focus on helping teenage
refugees anything they have a problem with about their studies, such as organising
tutors for refugees. In Social Interaction it would be mostly about connecting the
relationship between local students and refugees, there are activities and time in the
tutor group for students to communicate with each other. Thirdly, Mental health would
be concentrating on the stress that the young refugees have. In a solution, we offer to
the counselor at school.
To make it into action the TRO would put this program in some public schools, and offer
work experience to University students.

We found that many organizations are doing similar work to us, such as, “ASRC”,
“companion house”, “Australian Red cross ACT migrant services”, “MARSS Australia”.
“It Takes a Village”. The differences between our organization and the other
organizations are, we only focus on teenagers between 13-19 years old with their
integration into today’s society in Australia. This is because different ages need different
levels of画acceptance. If all the refugees receive the same education, it will be
ineffective. Only targeting young people, it will achieve greater results.

At last but not least, our aim of this program is to let teenage refugees become more
independent and they will not feel life is difficult or discrimination. We will do our best to
let them integrate into this society. We believe that if we all help them even a little bit,
this world can be better and better.

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