Academic Achievement Problems

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Naimi (2010) carried out a study about the poor academic achievement at the United Arab Emirates
schools. The results showed that the percentage of students in academic achievement is weak; ranged
from 15 to 30%. Thus, this can be attributed to the educational and economical levels of the students at
these areas.
Naimi, A. (2010). Low Academic Achiever Students in the Schools of the United Arab Emirates
Emirates. Al Ittihad Newspaper, March, 2010

Tamimi (2012) conducted a study about weakness in students' academic performance. In this study, he
pointed out this problem has become a global problem. He found that the number of pupils at Al
Salmiat Primary School suffer from this problem; therefore he searched for solutions to this problem.
The researcher also explained the factors that lead to poor academic achievement, such as social
factors, economic factors and political conditions. The study recommended staying away from violence
and inappropriate words with students who suffer from academic weakness and encourage these
students by offering them some gifts and paying them more attention.
Tamimi, A. (2012).The weakness in the Academic Performance of Students. Baghdad University,
College of Education, Ibn Rushd.

Federal law (No Child Left Behind, NCLB Act of 2001, 2002) mandates academic performance for all children
as the top priority for U.S. public schools. NCLB places emphasis on instruction and performance particularly
for those with the lowest levels of performance. Although educators work with diligence to achieve at these high
levels for all children, often times other factors compromise that progress. For example, some students have
extreme academic difficulty that is not easily overcome. Other students have challenging behavior that interferes
with teaching and learning. Both of these problems have severe repercussions for the school and life outcomes of
these youth (Battin-Pearson et al., 2000;Breslau et al., 2009).
Battin-Pearson S, Newcomb MD, Abbott RD, Hill KG, Catalano RF, Hawkins JD. Predictors of
early high school dropout: A test of five theories. Journal of Educational Psychology. 2000;92:568–
Breslau J, Miller E, Breslau N, Bohnert K, Lucia V, Schweitzer J. The impact of early behavior
disturbances on academic achievement in high school. Pediatrics. 2009;123:1472–1476. [PMC free article] [PubMed]


Young Filipino children are expected to solve mathematical word problems in English, which is not
their mother tongue. Because of this, it is often assumed that Filipino children have difficulties in
solving problems because they cannot read or comprehend what they have read. This study tested this
assumption by determining whether presenting word problems in Filipino or reading them aloud to
children in either language facilitated solution accuracy. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, reading
word problems aloud did not seem to improve student performance. In contrast, presenting word
problems in Filipino significantly improved solution accuracy and led to differences in error patterns –
children were less likely to use an inappropriate arithmetic operation when problems were presented in
Filipino. However, the language of the problem had minimal effects on the more difficult Compare
problem type. Finally, the benefits of using Filipino were more pronounced for low‐achieving students
who may have lower proficiency in English than their high‐achieving peers.
Bautista, D., Mitchelmore, M., & Mulligan, J. (2009). Factors influencing Filipino children’s solutions to addition
and subtraction word problems. Educational Psychology, 29(6), 729-745.

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