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1. Description of Project Community

Jaykaypur, once a small hamlet has now grown to a well

developed industrial area with the emergence of JK Paper
Mills. Adjacent to the industrial town of Rayagada, it is a
jewel in the crown along with the nearby industries like
UTKAL Alumina, IMFA (Indian Metals and Ferro Alloys),
and Vedanta Alumina etc.

The peaceful atmosphere, the scenic beauty of this place,

the ethnic tribes with their age old customs (The Dongria
Kandha, Soura) attracts people from far and wide to
witness heaven so closely that they are reluctant to leave
this place. Moreover, the industrial culture of this place,
railway connectivity to all the metro cities of India, has
prompted this place to an edge of development and
prosperity. Hence this place gives an opportunity to the
young achievers to envision their dreams and realise them.
It has so many diversities that the place may be called a
Mini India. People from various regions of India live
together united in one industrial neighbourhood

This diverse community and their culture along-with an

array of experienced teaching staff from different corners of
India made Lakshmipat Singhania Public School, the best
ever school of Rayagada District of Odisha.
2. Summary of Our Project


SCHOOL are aiming to deliver wisdom about the waste
management in our ambiance through this website. Today
no community is backward, all are developing. And in such
communities, industries are indispensable developers. But
with the developing industries of developing communities
waste production is swelling with the expanding

The enterprise JK Paper Mills has made every effort to

minimize the influence of industrial wastes produced by it.
Such an enterprise would surely be a sterilizer for the
desolated environment.

Waste can be solid, liquid, or gaseous and each type has

different methods of disposal and management. Several
wastes produced in the mill and households are also
disposed off properly which also adds to the efforts of JK
Paper mills and in turn to its good deeds.

It was a matter of pride to conduct a research on home-

Part 2
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
The time to work on our project was coinciding with the
days of our final examination due to which we had to face
shortage of time. As a result, we could not give our
complete attention and effort towards the project. This was
one of the major problems that we had to overcome. In
addition to this, we could not get enough guidance from
our teachers as they were engaged in the evaluation of
answer scripts of the examination. Also there was a limit to
the number of computers having internet access due to
which there was a deceleration in our task. Another
obstacle in our process was we did not have much access
to the waste management plant of JK Paper Mills due to
their busy schedules.
As we were out of time we had to devote extra time for our
research work. We had to struggle a lot as without struggle
a research cannot be called so.
5. Our Project Sound Bite

Environment with waste is like a candle in water… To light

the candle we need to dispose off the water. Similarly, if we
want our mother earth to be clean and green we need to
weed out all the virulent wastes. JK Paper Mills has left no
stone unturned to diminish the consequences of generation
of heaps of industrial waste.

Our project can be a guiding source for the upcoming

industries to implement proper waste management system.
Moreover, gaining knowledge about waste management will
be highly beneficial to many students and youngsters may
be at present or in the future.
6. How did your activities and research for this Cyber Fair
Project support standards, required coursework and
curriculum standards?
Our Cyberfair project addresses about the waste management in J.K. Paper
mill which comes under the category of "Environmental Awareness And
Issues ".The standard focus of our project is :

 Waste management of the sewage produced by the paper mill.

 It helped us to know about new concepts , increase our thinking skills ,
how to work in groups ,how to do web designing , how to do research.
 During this project juniors and seniors worked together with a good
collaboration, there was a good exchange of ideas and interests and took a
collective decision.
 To understand specific ideas we interacted with each other, went to the
waste management plant of the paper mill, had a talk with the workers and
staff and we surfed on internet.
 Project consists of various issues of pollution ,types of pollution , how can
we treat it, what type of toxic substances are produced by the paper
industries ,etc. This was a supplement to our previous knowledge of
environmental issues which we had learnt earlier in our subjects.
 We are staying since long in this locality but we didn't know what type of
waste was actually produced in the paper mill but due to this project we
came to know about it and how to treat it. Also we came to know how to
treat the waste produced in our locality.
 To promote a sense of awareness among the locals and the students of our
school we organized rallies, planted many saplings, started swachhta
pakhwada, etc.
 Yes , it is very effective learning and teaching through internet as
compared to traditional methods because it is not only confined to our
school but entire world can know what are our ideas and views about the
environment and how to prevent its degradation since years .
We have used 4 computers, 3 laptops and smart phones for
communicating, processing and transferring required information for
designing the website. The computers used were from our school’s
computer lab. 2 digital still cameras belonging to our school and smart
phones of teachers and students were used to capture images and to
record videos. Cam scanner was used to scan certain documents.
Applications like MS office, Photoshop, Animaker for making animation,
mobile apps for collage making, Whatsapp for communication were used.
We also made our way to the school’s library to refer the quarterly
magazine of JK PAPER Ltd i.e.“Reaching Out” and some other books like
“Environmental Education” by Kalyani Publishers “Pradeep’s A Textbook of
Biology”. Apart from all these artificial intelligence, it was the dedication,
knowledge and creativity of the students under the guidance of our
teachers which came up as the most important tool for the success of our
8. In what ways did your students act as “ambassadors” and
spokespersons for your cyber fair project both on-line and in

We had been ambassadors for cyber fair project during the precised time
we had devoted to this. We represented our school, accomplished this
project and contacted and talked to various people in the community
through phone calls, emails and many times also had personal talks. We
had a personal talk with “Shri Satyajit Mohanty, deputy general manager of
JK paper mills” on our topic and were able to gather a lot of information
which was completely out of our knowledge and was extremely valuable
and became a priceless guide for us to reach our present platform.
Once when we had been to the mills, we were curious to know about
different processes and machines used in paper manufacturing, but
unfortunately we were denied for this as it may be hazardous. But still it
was a knowledgeable trip and built the foundation for our projects.
Thanks to cyber fair organizers for organizing such interesting and
conversant project.
Part 4
9. What has been or will be the impact of our project
on our community?

Not long ago, waste management has been a major issue

in our world environment. People are changing with
fleeting times and are showing more and more curiosity
towards environmental issues and their solutions. In such
an evolutionary period, if knowledge is provided regarding
waste management this would be definitely beneficial for
both society and residents’ personal health. So, basing on
this we have planned to take a step forward to initiate the
rehabilitation of waste management. Our website will
assist many people to be aware of waste management.
Many people like managers of upcoming industries, other
school students, etc have viewed our website and many
such people are engaged in this. Before complete
development of the website many people suggested us to
make it more interactive by adding animated/ real time
videos and of course we have implemented it. Our website
has also created enough awareness among our society. We
also hope that in the near future many people will band
together to make our dream of a clean society come true.
10. How did your project involve other members of
your community as helpers and volunteers?

We got a great guidance and encouragement from our

teachers. Without their cooperation, it might be impossible
for us to complete this project successfully. We are also
grateful to our principal and management committee to put
their hands together with us and for giving a golden
opportunity to play a role in this project to achieve this
success. Thanks to the Environment department of JK
Paper Mills, especially Mr. Satyajit Mohanty, Deputy
General Manager who gave us a clear idea about the
project. Our parents too provided consent to us to play a
role in this project and contributed to this project by giving
valuable suggestion, whenever needed. We are also grateful
to our friends for encouraging us along the path. Mr K R
Muni and Mr G. Gowri the gardeners of our school stayed
beyond their timing and extended their help to us.
11. Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises
Discoveries are a part of every new attempt, so is with this
project. It was truly grateful for us, as through this research we
discovered so much from a simple topic, waste management
about which we had been learning since classes. We came to
know about different terms related to waste management like
Fly ash, wood dust, ETP sludge, lime sludge, carbon monoxide,
mercury, etc.
Apart from this we also came to know that “None of us is as
strong as all of us.” We also came to know about the infinite
power of TEAM WORK.

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