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Teenage Refugees Organization (TRO) is a program that improves our

young capital and letting teenage refugees become more independent in

their future life by helping teenage refugees integrate into today’s society
that includes mental health, academic support and social interaction.

The first part of this program is mental health, it is a system that concentrates on the stresses on
the young refugees, for the solution in this system is to offer to the counselors at school making
sure that the young refugees don’t feel excluded, to fix friendship problems and build up their
independence that would help with their future life.

The second part of this program is to support the young refugees with their problems on studies,
such as organising tutors for them and extra help on studying English that helps them more able
to integrate into the future life in Australia’s society. Teenage refugees are to join different
co-curricular after school and before school, this would lead the refugee students to be
open-minded and to be creative, this part of the program is called the academic support on the
Teenage Refugees Organization website.

Thirdly, it is important to connect the relationship between local students and the refugees, this
part of the program includes different activities and during tutor group time, students are allowed
to communicate with each other. We also believe that through the extra co-curriculums that the
refugee students would join is a great opportunity to make friends and communicate with other
different students.

Many other organizations are helping the refugees in various ways trying to make sure there are
no discriminations or different voices and views against the refugees from different countries.
Some examples are “ASRC”, “companion house”, “Australian Red cross ACT migrant services”,
“MARSS Australia”. “It Takes a Village”. But the unique point of our organization is we only
focus on the age group between 13-19 years old with their integration into today’s society in
Australia. We focus on this certain age group is because different ages require different levels of
acceptance. It would be ineffective if all refugees received the same education. Only by
targeting young people can greater results be achieved.

The whole aim of Teenage Refugees Organization is to give the opportunity to the young
refugees to be open-minded and creative through the help from this organization. We believe
that after the help of our organization, young refugees would become more independent in their
future life and they would not feel excluded or any other discriminations from other local

Link: ​​ Password: TROPANEL

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