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The objective of the following report is to evaluate an existing teaching unit and provide recommendation
for improving the delivery of the content being taught, and an ongoing effective sequencing of the lessons.
The unit is a Stage 5 Mathematics, Year 9.5.2 strand topic known as Linear Relationships in the New South
Wales Syllabus, with an emphasis on teaching syllabus outcomes that involve Working Mathematically
and Number Algebra strands (NSW Education Standards Authority [NESA], 2012). The unit outline was
recently designed in 2019 for the use by Bellfield College and to meet NESA regulator requirements for
the effective programming of Stage 5 Mathematics course. The below report provides recommendations
and suggests on the improvement of Stage 5 Mathematics topic, Linear Relationships for Year 9 by
reconstructing a unit outline through the utilisation of Understanding by Design framework. In having an
ongoing effective sequencing of lessons, the below report focusses on putting mechanisms in place to
allow the program to be a ‘live’ document with teachers sharing in the opportunity to continually improve
on it through collaborations, professional development, reflection and evaluation.
Abstract .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Executive Summary............................................................................................................................................ 3
Objective and School Context ............................................................................................................................ 3
Background information on the unit outline ..................................................................................................... 4
Report goals & brief recommendation .............................................................................................................. 4
Comparative table.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Recommendations ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Reconstructed unit...........................................................................................................................................10
Scope and sequence ........................................................................................................................................26
Concept map ....................................................................................................................................................27
Assessment task and marking criteria .............................................................................................................28
References .......................................................................................................................................................34
Appendices of original documents ..................................................................................................................36
(a) Original Unit Outline ........................................................................................................................36
(b) Original Scope and Sequence...........................................................................................................48
(c) Worksheet 1_Plotting and Graphing Linear Lines ...........................................................................49
(d) Worksheet 2_Graphing Straight Line in the form of y = mx + b ......................................................51
(e) Worksheet 3_Demos Worksheet .....................................................................................................53
(f) Worksheet 4_Gradient of Perpendicular Lines ................................................................................54
Executive Summary

Objective and School Context

This report has been prepared for the STEM faculty at Bellfield College which is an Islamic Independent co-
educational School based in the Western Sydney suburb of Rossmore. It has a high percentage of students
from English as a second language and first and second-generation migrant communities from Afghanistan,
Iraq and Lebanon. Approximately 85% of the 533 students are from Language background other than English
(LBOTE) [Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), 2017]. The school has an
Index of Community Socio-Education Advantage (ICSEA) ranking of 949, which is near the National average.
Approximately 50% of the parents at Bellfield College have a socioeconomic ranking that fall in the middle
quarter and 43% in the bottom quarter. The boys to girl’s enrolment are almost evenly split, 49% boys and
51% girls with no indigenous students (ACARA, 2017).

The school is split into a Senior Campus and a Junior Campus, with the senior campus having been completed
in 2018. Senior campus has an impressive new contemporary and technologically up-to-date classrooms
which feature smartboards, collaborative and individual seating design, and new PC’s in STEM classrooms
which includes the Mathematics classes. ICT is prominent and used frequently in the classrooms by teachers
to deliver lessons. There are PC’s and labs in the STEM department for Mathematics students to also utilise
the equipment for learning application and consolidation purposes.
Background information on the unit outline
The programming of the Mathematics faculty is work in progress and the unit being evaluated for making
improvements on, was completed by myself during term 1 of 2019 for the property and use of Bellfield
College. The main features of the unit outline provided by Bellfield College is that it has the following key
elements: Hook, Directed Teaching, Learning Consolidation and Application.

Given the young status of the school, many teachers taking the mathematics classes come from science
background and have limited knowledge of the full mathematics Syllabus. Given the large percentage of
students from LBOTE, there is evidence of students not retaining knowledge because of weak literacy and
comprehension skills. Therefore, some of the school constraints in teaching mathematics is the lack of
professionally accredited mathematics educators and lack of support in helping students retaining
mathematical knowledge to build on. To alleviate for this the school has a mathematics support program,
where students that need extra assistance and attention are provided with one-on-one or small group based
mathematics support during the teaching week and afterschool mentoring programs. The scope and
sequence were provided but there are no concept maps showing threshold concept or the use of Design by

Report goals & brief recommendation

The goals of this report are to provide a reconstructed unit outline to improve the teacher delivery of content
and effective sequencing of lessons with the use of Understanding by Design framework. There will be also
an emphasis on testing for understanding and the use of a variety of pedagogical strategies to teach different
students with various skills and abilities. This can be achieved by focusing on the following:

1. Set up professional learning communities (PLC) in the STEM/Mathematics faculty.

2. Share and introduce blend of pedagogical strategies for differentiation
3. Use SOLO’s model to group students into a Knowledge Group. Students are either having surface
knowledge, deep knowledge or conceptual knowledge.
4. Use BLOOMs taxonomy to prepare tasks based on the Knowledge Group they have been put into.
5. Introduce Understanding by Design framework to teach for understanding and then assess the
understanding. With a focus on teaching the ‘big concept’ as a priority.
Comparative table

1. Area of consideration Strengths of the Concerns of the Suggested Changes Research support for
area of area of to counteract the changes
consideration consideration concerns suggested.

The directed teacher Terminology is Would recommend, Holmes (2012) notes
instruction does have evident but literacy a section at the that While Bloom's
mathematical literacy is not clearly commencement of taxonomy was not
and is classified as elaborated on for each lesson specifically written
developed. There is the students in dedicated to for mathematics, it is
the use of Bellfield College. terminology and the appropriate for
mathematical Greater emphasis definitions are describing mathematics
language in must be paid provided then content (p. 57)
presenting work in towards assisting discussed with the
the unit outline. with the definition students in order to Athanassiou, McNett &
and practical real life improve their Harvey (2003) conclude
meaning of mathematical on their finding about
mathematical fluency, literacy skills Bloom’s taxonomy as
language to aid and overall having positive and
LBOTE students in understanding of key ‘may increase students
understanding and mathematical propensity to apply
using mathematical concepts. higher levels of
concepts and conceptual
terminology. sophistication to their
work (p. 549)

Mathematical Ability to apply Peer group work is A study (Sun-Lin &
numeracy is evident reason and simple evident in the unit Chiou, 2019) has found
and considered as numerical concepts outline. Would gamification has ‘a
developing through needs to be recommend also significant and positive
out the unit outline. improved through a gamification to assist effect on students’
variety of in the improvement learning attitude’ when
pedagogical of reasoning and taught Algebra word
methods and not applying simple problem solving (p.120)
just teacher directed numerical concepts
examples. to assist in the
further development
of Numeracy.

Critical and Creative

Critical and creative Critical and Creative Should introduce According to a study by
thinking is always thinking should be ‘open ended’ Fatih (2019) into the
present in extended not just to mathematical effects of virtual
mathematics. In this completion of questions with manipulatives with
unit outline it is worksheets (Demos) multiple answers in open-ended vs
evident in the Demos and watching videos, the unit outline in structured questions
worksheet and in the but also to get order to encourage on students
videos and exercises students to be students to be knowledge, it was
relating to real life genuine, creative critical and creative found that students
applications of the and thinking thinkers. that used virtual
slope/gradient. innovatively to solve manipulatives for
mathematical open-ended questions
problems in real during studies showed
world context. This is considerably higher
not a feature of this pre- to post-test gain
unit outline. scores than structured
questions when using
virtual manipulatives
on items requiring
conceptual knowledge

Personal and Social

There is a lot of self- There is no evidence In order to improve According to a study
regulated work of social capabilities the personal and from Sweden by
involved in this unit in this unit outline. social capabilities, Fägerstam & Grothérus
because of the there will be (2018), cooperative
heavily ‘teacher adjustments made learning in
directed’ teaching. with an emphasis on mathematics
co-operative learning ‘facilitated student-
exercises. centred and
cooperative learning,
which was considered
positive in terms of
academic as well as
emotional dimensions’
(p. 378)

Understanding by
Design The unit does include Understanding by Suggest including UbD is a popular an
teaching and Design is not a concept mapping to effective form of
assessing for feature of this unit capture the framework used in the
understanding outline. There is no threshold concepts education field such as
through the pre-test. threshold concept and work on curriculum planning.
Other than that there mentioned nor is introducing the big According to Brown
is no UbD framework there a backward idea’s within the (2004) UbD is used to
elements in this unit design on teaching topic through create lesson units that
outline. this topic in the unit graphical promote student
outline. representation. achievement’ (p.205).

recommendation in
applying UbD is to
assess for
understanding along
the way then adjust
lessons based on the
level of knowledge
acquired. The use of
SOLO’s model for
group students into
the level of
knowledge they have
gained will be used.

BLOOM’s taxonomy
will also be used
when completing
the tasks for
The aim is to reconstruct the existing unit outline to improve the teacher delivery of content and effective
sequencing of lessons with the use of Understanding by Design framework. Ultimately, the intention is to get
students to improve their literacy and numeracy skills and retain the knowledge so that they can build on it
in later stages of the Mathematics course. Adopting teacher professional development within the
programming is a key feature of improving student academic outcome in all topics of Mathematics at Bellfield
College. Getting students to improve and retain knowledge is to be worked on by providing a variety of
pedagogical models for literacy and numeracy. The aim is to implement a ‘live’ unit outline where best
practice is shared at staff level and the unit outline is updated regularly. The strength of the current unit
outline is the teacher directed content - they are exhaustive and to the point. The weakness and
improvements that should be looked at in the unit outline include increasing the ability of students to apply
reason and simple numerical concepts through a variety of pedagogical methods, introduce a section in the
unit outline for terminology and definitions, strengthen critical and creative thinking through the
introduction of open ended mathematical questions, introduce more co-operative learning activities to
improve the personal and social capabilities, and finally the use of concept mapping from the Understanding
by Design framework to improve the overall sequencing of the lessons from the unit outline. This can be
achieved by focusing on the following best practices:

- Set up professional learning communities (PLC) in the STEM/Mathematics faculty. Teachers must
collaborate at the staff room level and share lesson plans that have had a positive student
outcome. The unit outline is accordingly adjusted to include the lesson’s that is shown to have a
positive outcome. According to Hairon and Dimmock (2012) PLCs are important in developing school
leadership. The PLC within the faulty are there to share best practice and update the unit outline
regularly as a ‘live’ document. Continuously adjusting for up to date best practice that can be shared
by any teacher. This also gives teachers who are struggling in a particular concept / topic to
collaborate with fellow teachers in order to assist them to overcome any challenges in delivery of
- Share and introduce blend of pedagogical strategies for differentiation. Introduce a blend of
pedagogical strategies to assist students to become fluent in mathematical terminology, then
understanding mathematical problem-solving techniques, then applying reasoning when solving
mathematical problems. Must have various pedagogical models such as: collaborative learning,
gamification, co-operative learning, individual learning, differentiated lesson planning, teacher
directed learning and the use of ICT. Research has shown that in particular cooperative learning
yields a positive academic and emotional outcome for students (Fägerstam et al., 2018).

- Use SOLO’s model to group students into a Knowledge Group and BLOOMs taxonomy for preparing
mix of teaching content. Students are either having surface knowledge, deep knowledge or
conceptual knowledge. This can be collated by regular formative and summative assessment of
students. As knowledge is retained, the unit outline should be adjusted with activities to move up
the BLOOMs Taxonomy hierarchy. SOLO’s model of capturing students’ knowledge base is important
so that appropriate tasks are aligned with the knowledge base of each student. The higher the
knowledge base, the harder and challenging tasks are introduced into the ‘live’ unit outline. The use
of SOLO Taxonomy for assessment of student knowledge is widely used and seen as an appropriate
and effective model (Biggs & Collis, 1989). Using SOLO and BLOOMs models should improve the
sequence of learning by organising lessons to commence with low ordered content such as fluency
and understanding, then peaking at harder problem-solving tasks. The feedback from SOLO’s
Knowledge Group, can also assist in initiating differentiation task and activities to accommodate
students at different skills and abilities such as scaffolding lessons, use of extension questions to
challenge the more abled students and break up class into different groups and provide tasks on the
same topic but at different levels of BLOOMs taxonomy.

- Introduce Design by Learning framework to teach for understanding and then assess the
understanding. With a focus on teaching the ‘big concept’ as a priority. Teaching for understanding
and transfer of knowledge is important element in UbD. Therefore, assessing for understanding is an
important element, just because students are aware of a concept does not imply, they necessary
understand it. Assessment is important in verifying that understanding is achieved and working up
SOLO’s Knowledge Group scale is a good measure of success in students achieving understanding of
mathematical concepts.

The Bellfield College STEM/Mathematics faulty must embrace a culture of change in how the programming
are completed in order to carter for all students with various skills and abilities. The list of recommendations
provided, are supported by research base strategies that have had a positive outcome on student
participation and achievement. The current programming template has the following themes that can stay:
Hook, Directed Teaching, Learning Consolidation and Application. The pre diagnostic testing is also useful for
capturing misconceptions early in the topic. The inclusions and adjustments to the unit outline must include
the use of UbD, SOLO’s model to capture the knowledge base for students, BLOOMs Taxonomy for preparing
appropriate task aligned with the SOLO’s knowledge base of students, and various pedagogical strategies to
carter for all students with various skills and abilities such as co-operative learning, gamification tasks,
individual learning along with the teacher directed teaching. UbD has an emphasis on teaching for conceptual
understanding, and the aim is to think of the big concept by getting students to become fluent in
mathematical language, then understanding, followed by being able to problem solve and transfer those
skills to apply reasoning in mathematics and other subjects.
Reconstructed unit
All adjustments to the unit outline have been made in red.
Support work applications like worksheets are in the appendices section of this report.

STAGE 5 - Year 9.5.2
Unit 6 Linear Relationships Duration 5 weeks
KLA Numbers and algebra Year 9.5.2

Students will learn to communicate mathematical ideas and solutions by learning to interpret
and graph linear relationships using the gradient-intercept form of the equation of a straight line.
The ‘gradient-intercept form’ has an equation as y = mx + c. This equation will also be
rearranged in the form of ax + by + c = 0 which is known as the ‘general form’ in order to
determine important information such as the y-intercept and gradient. Knowledge of the
gradient-intercept form and general form are then utilised to solve problems involving parallel
and perpendicular lines on the cartesian plane.

Outcomes/ NESA Requirements

MA5.2-1WM selects appropriate notations and conventions to communicate

mathematical ideas and solutions
MA5.2-3WM constructs arguments to prove and justify results
MA5.2-9NA uses the gradient-intercept form to interpret and graph linear relationships
Assessment For Learning Assessment As Learning Assessment Of
Reporting in assessment as learning is the Assessment for learning Assessment of
responsibility of learners, who must learn to occurs throughout the learning refers to
articulate and defend the nature and quality of their learning process. It is strategies designed
learning. When learners reflect on their own designed to make each to confirm what
learning and must communicate it to others, they student’s understanding students know, This
are intensifying their understanding about a topic, visible, so that teachers can will be done by
their own learning strengths, and the areas in decide what they can do to using:
which they need to develop further - To achieve help students progress. This ● Quiz
this students will use: will be done by ● Worksheets
● Visible thinking routines ● Provision of
● Chapter
effective feedback
● Learning by design structures – this was in summary &
for students from
initial unit outline but will call it Learning Review
using Understanding by Design ● Investigative
● Adjusting teaching
Framework. assessment
to take account of
● Project Based Learning Activities the results of to be
assessment completed.
● 5E Constructivist Pedagogy (Differentiation
● Cooperative learning Matrix)
● Individual based learning ● The need for
students to be able
● Gamification.
to assess
themselves and
understand how to
improve from visible
thinking strategies
● Using SOLO’s
model to capture
knowledge base of
students via the
summative and
● Using BLOOMs
taxonomy to set the
level of task/
activities given to

Learning Across the curriculum

Cross Curriculum General Capabilities


Aboriginal Critical and Intercultural Civics an

and Torres Creative understanding Citizensh
Strait Thinking
histories and

Asia and Ethical Literacy Differenc

Australia’s Understanding Diversity
with Asia

Sustainability ICT Capability Numeracy Work an


Personal and

Quality Teaching Key

Visible Thinking Habits of mind

Learning by design Multiple


Kagan Hook

Blooms Taxonomy STEM/BUILD


Differentiation Checking For


Year 9 Stage 5.2 / 5.3 Oxford Insight Mathematics text book, Maths Quest 10 NSW Australian curriculum
edition stage 5.2 / 5.3, Worksheets, Skill sheets, Video clips, calculators, desk tops, smart board,
websites(BBC), Maths online and Youtube.

Linear Relationships
Suggested Teaching, Learning and assessment activities and resources
Outcomes n
(T = Teacher / S = Student)
Learning Point 1: Interpreting and Graphing Linear Relationships [recap
year 9]

Organise pre-
test and Sign
Diagnostic test for interpreting linear relationships of straight line in the
form of y = mx + b [link]

Activity 2 - Introduction to graphing the straight line y = mx + b

After the the diagnostic test, teacher to draw the following linear
relationships on whiteboard and recap the gradient, y-intercept and x-
intercept as a way of revision.
misconceptio 1. y = 3x + 1
ns that may 2. y = -3x + 4
arise from the 3. y = -x -3
Before commencing activity, test for student’s ‘fluency’ of the topic by
completing the following brainstorming exercise around the following

‘What are some terminology and properties we need to know about

straight lines that you can recall from years 7 & 8?’

Get students to copy this down in their work books.

Must be presented as square around the questions and replies in circles.

Activity 1 - Targeting common misconceptions

Teacher will review and target the weakness found in the Pre-test. Any
misconceptions should be collated in order to allow tasks to be allocated to
alleviate those misconceptions.

SOLO’s model: Use the feedback to collate information on the type

Knowledge Group each student should be in.
Group students based on results into the following Knowledge Groups:
Surface Knowledge, Deep Knowledge and Conceptual Knowledge.

Once grouped, refer to BLOOMs taxonomy for the type of lessons to be

structured and carter for the major of the class.

At this stage target is for students to have a solid ‘understanding’ of

what the topic is about.

Activity 2: Review Linear Relationships and further investigation in

finding misconceptions

Students to watch the below video.

Removed task that was in this activity. Students should watch the video
to accumulate knowledge and understanding of linear relationships.
There has been already an assessment targeting misconceptions and
there is no need to repeat this.

Linear Relationships
Suggested Teaching, Learning and assessment activities and resources
Outcomes on
(T = Teacher / S = Student)
Learning Point 2 : Graphing straight lines in the form of y = mx + b (gradient
intercept form) [recap year 9]
Able to
graph, Activity 1: Hook
recognise Sign
interpret a
UbD application:
Introduce topic via concept map, highlighting threshold concepts.
line in the
form of
Include the outcomes to be reached in the form of threshold concepts and
explain the final outcome that students are to work towards.
equation y
= mx + b
Print out the concept maps and give to students to stick in their workbooks.
This is an example of using UbD and ‘backward design’.

To commence graphing straight lines in the form of y = mx + b play the below

video from Khan Academy [Link]
of the
form y =
mx + b as Gamification:
representi Introduce a game or a challenging question regarding slopes or gradients.
ng straight Try to relate it to the real-life applications.
lines and
interpret Target outcomes for students to understand:
the x- -gradient is slope
coefficient -has a rise and a run.
(m) as the -found in every day lifes from stairs, walk ways, bridges, roofs, to how pilots
gradient, measure slope for when taking off and landing a plane.
and the
constant (c Get ice cream sticks to get students to make something that involves a
) as the y- slope, like roof of house, or walk way to a house on a hill.
of a
line. Activity 2: Directed Teaching
As a way of introducing the straight line in the form of y = mx + b in the form
of the gradient intercept form, teacher is to get students to copy down
examples in their notebooks and do the worked examples on the whiteboard.
Find the Terminology: Focus on fluency (BLOOMs low order thinking given the
equation commencement of topic)
of a Students to write down the meaning of the following with the heading ‘Key
straight words to know’. Have a class discuss once they have included the list in their
line in the work books and before the activity 2 commences.
form of y =
mx + b by - cartesian plane
using the - gradient
gradient - quadrants
and the y- - x-axis
intercept - y-axis
of the line. - co-ordinates

Graph the
of the
form y =
mx + b by
using the
and the y-
and with
the use of

of a
line in the
form of ax
+ by + c = 0
(known as
form) to
form to
gradient Co-operative learning:
and they y- For the below example 1, get students to pair up and hand out two grid
intercept papers for the students in their pairs to complete the exercises together.
of the line.
Scaffold the question so that each part of the questions is finished before
teacher put the next question.

Graphing Teacher to provide answers for each part (a – d) using PowerPoint for pairs
various to make their work jointly and make corrections.
types of
equations Instruct students to paste worked examples in their work book

PLC update:
Provide the above example as a potential best practice in ‘co-operative
learning’ during the PLC meetings. Any feedback or adjustments to be
shared and adjusted in the unit outline.
PLC update:
Provide the above examples 1, 2 & 3 as a potential best practice in ‘co-
operative learning’ during the PLC meetings. Any feedback or adjustments
to be shared and adjusted in the unit outline.
Split the class into the three SOLOs ‘Knowledge Groups’ and get class to
complete the following exercise as a group (activities are commensurate
with knowledge level)

Group 1: Surface Knowledge

Group 2: Deep Knowledge
Group 3: Conceptual Knowledge

Prepare tasks as follows for each group:

Group 1: Go to the following website:
Students to play around with the online grid and complete the ‘things to try’
Group 2: Teacher to hand out the following [link_worksheet titled ‘How step
is that’]
Group 3: Teacher to hand out the following [link_worksheet titled ‘Worlds
steepest Street’]

PLC meeting

Teachers to provide feedback on the gamification activities for the three

groups and if it is successful in applying differentiation. The tasks are set to
carter for each group level and their understanding of the topic.

The completion of the task is a form of assessment.

Adjust unit outline for capture best practice. Use what works and adjust
what has not worked.

Level of questions to be guided by BLOOMs taxonomy Hierarchy. When

understanding is accomplished, proceed to problem solving questions.
Open ended mathematics questions:

In order to encourage critical and creative thinking pose the below open-
ended question. This is to trigger high order thinking.

731 – 256 =
Can become…
Arrange the digits so that the difference is between 100 and 200.

Activity 3: Learning Consolidation

Below activities are to stay and all students regardless of Knowledge Group
are to complete all learning consolidation.

It is important PC meeting is also completed after checking the work task

and learning consolidation. Best practice is to be shared amongst the
STEM/Mathematics Faulty.

Re align students in the three Knowledge Groups. Very important to identify

students who have progressed from one Knowledge Group to another and
are placed in the correct group.
Learning consolidation on plotting and graphing straight lines
Teacher to hand out the below attached worksheet titled [Plotting and
Graphing Straight Lines]

Learning consolidation for finding the slope (gradient) of a straight line

Students to complete the following exercise:
Exercise 10C questions 1-3 pages 290 AND 10D, questions 1 - 8 from textbook
Oxford stage 9_9.5.2/9.5.3 pages 292 to 296.

Learning consolidation for finding slope (continued), and straight line in the
form of y = mx + b
Teacher to hand out worksheet titled [Graphing Straight line in the form of y =
mx + b]

Activity 4: Application


This task should be completed only by Knowledge Group 2 & Knowledge

Group 3.

It involves high order thinking of what happens when linear relationships

have changing gradients.

Teacher to book in lap for students to get access to the following website

Worksheet is to be handed out for the lesson titled [Demos worksheet 1]. The
aim of the lesson is to use the graphing software from to graph
the various types of equations using digital technology.

Students must be able to explain by completing the worksheet attached the

effect of changing the gradient or the y-intercept on the graph of a straight

Linear Relationships
Linear Straight Line Gradient Graph x-coefficient Parallel Lines
Straight Line
Gradient intercept form General y -intercept x-intercept
Perpendicular Lines Slope Midpoint Distance formula Negative reciprocal

Literacy Numeracy ICT

● ●
Learning Difficulties Core Extension
Statement (tick agree or Teacher Comment (variations or ideas
Agree Disagree
disagree) for future implementation):
Outcomes achieved?
Length of time satisfactory?
Skills development achieved?
Resources used suitable?
Variety of teaching strategies
Variety of assessment strategies
Technology focus relevant?
Literacy strategies used?
Numeracy strategies used?
Students enjoy the unit?
Were students provided with
opportunity to reflect on

Teacher Date Coordinator Date

Scope and sequence
Only change is the update to the assessment for Linear Relationship that included the investigative task
during Term 2, week 11.

Only changes it to include the investigative assessment task here in Term 2, Week 11.
Concept map
Included a summary of Linear Relationship via the use of Threshold Concepts. Below is a concept map to
present to students as a summary of the unit and what to expect to know at the end of the unit. This is in
line with ‘Backward Design’ when using UbD framework.
Assessment task and marking criteria
Bellfield College
Year 9 Assessment Task - Linear Relationships
Task Linear Relationships Weighting 25%
Date Date Issued:________________
Date Due: _________________
Concept Linear Relationships Investigative Assignment

This assessment task is designed to examine the function of linear relationships.

You have follow the instruction in this booklet, which asks you to compute and transform of linear
relationships and then answer the questions in this booklet. All answers are to be provided in the booklet
and must be handed in with any extra pages you might have used to answer the questions.

You are asked to do the following:

1. Sketch then label the linear relationship function given in each slide.
2. Make a list of sketches of linear relationships to (1) when changing some signs/numbers
3. Explain what you have seen about the function of the various linear relationships.
Things to consider include:
(a) What happens when a number or sign did to the function?
(b) How is the new function different to the original function?
(c) What types of decisions you needed to make in order to generate a correct solution?
(d) The process you used to refine your function choices.
4. Conclusion: you are asked to complete a conclusion section summarises and outlining what you
have learned about the linear relationship function. You should include mathematical terms as
appropriate e.g domain, range, vertical axis/side, horizontal axis/side.

Marking Criteria / Guidelines:

The assessment will be out of 25.

Each slide response will be marked out of 5, as follows:
Section 1: maximum mark = 1
Section 2: maximum mark = 1
Section 3: maximum mark = 3

The conclusion will be marked out of 5. Better responses will contain correct terms, additional sketches to
support explanations, etc.

MA5.2-1WM selects appropriate notations and conventions to communicate mathematical ideas and
MA5.2-3WM constructs arguments to prove and justify results
MA5.2-9NA uses the gradient-intercept form to interpret and graph linear relationships
SLIDE 1: Linear Relationship Function: y = 3x - 1

1. Sketch original function below:

2. Sketch linear relationship function with some changes to number/signs

3. Explain what you have seen when you applied the changes in the number/signs

Section 1: Max Mark = 1 Section 2: Max Mark = 1 Section 3: Max Mark = 3

SLIDE 2: Linear Relationship Function: y = -2x -1

1. Sketch original function below:

2. Sketch linear relationship function with some changes to number/signs

3. Explain what you have seen when you applied the changes in the number/signs

Section 1: Max Mark = 1 Section 2: Max Mark = 1 Section 3: Max Mark = 3

SLIDE 3: Linear Relationship Function: y = 0.5x + 3

1. Sketch original function below:

2. Sketch linear relationship function with some changes to number/signs

3. Explain what you have seen when you applied the changes in the number/signs

Section 1: Max Mark = 1 Section 2: Max Mark = 1 Section 3: Max Mark = 3

SLIDE 4: Linear Relationship Function: y = -0.25x - 3

1. Sketch original function below:

2. Sketch linear relationship function with some changes to number/signs

3. Explain what you have seen when you applied the changes in the number/signs

Section 1: Max Mark = 1 Section 2: Max Mark = 1 Section 3: Max Mark = 3

4. Conclusion – attach additional paper if you require it

Section 4: Max Mark = 5

Total / 25

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2017). My School. Retrieved from

Athanassiou, N., McNett, J. M., & Harvey, C. (2003). Critical thinking in the management classroom:
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Appendices of original documents
(a) Original Unit Outline

STAGE 5 - Year 9.5.2
Unit 6 Linear Relationships Duration 5 weeks
KLA Numbers and algebra Year 9.5.2

Students will learn to communicate mathematical ideas and solutions by learning to interpret and
graph linear relationships using the gradient-intercept form of the equation of a straight line. The
‘gradient-intercept form’ has an equation as y = mx + c. This equation will also be rearranged in the
form of ax + by + c = 0 which is known as the ‘general form’ in order to determine important
information such as the y-intercept and gradient. Knowledge of the gradient-intercept form and
general form are then utilised to solve problems involving parallel and perpendicular lines on the
cartesian plane.

Outcomes/ NESA Requirements

MA5.2-1WM selects appropriate notations and conventions to communicate mathematical

ideas and solutions
MA5.2-3WM constructs arguments to prove and justify results
MA5.2-9NA uses the gradient-intercept form to interpret and graph linear relationships
Assessment For Learning Assessment As Learning Assessment Of
Reporting in assessment as learning is the responsibility Assessment for learning Assessment of
of learners, who must learn to articulate and defend the occurs throughout the learning refers to
nature and quality of their learning. When learners reflect learning process. It is strategies designed
on their own learning and must communicate it to others, designed to make each to confirm what
they are intensifying their understanding about a topic, student’s understanding students know, This
their own learning strengths, and the areas in which they visible, so that teachers can will be done by
need to develop further - To achieve this students will decide what they can do to using:
use: help students progress. ● Quiz
This will be done by ● Worksheets
● Visible thinking routines
● Provision of
● Learning by design structures effective feedback
● Chapter
summary &
● Project Based Learning Activities for students from
● 5E Constructivist Pedagogy ● Adjusting teaching
● Topic Test
to take account of (Half Yearly
the results of Exam.)
● The need for
students to be able
to assess
themselves and
understand how to
improve from
visible thinking

Learning Across the curriculum

Cross Curriculum General Capabilities


Aboriginal Critical and Intercultural Civics an

and Torres Creative understanding Citizensh
Strait Islander Thinking
histories and

Asia and Ethical Literacy Differenc

Australia’s Understanding Diversity
with Asia

Sustainability ICT Capability Numeracy Work and


Personal and

Quality Teaching Key

Visible Thinking Habits of mind

Learning by design Multiple Intelligence

Kagan Hook

Blooms Taxonomy STEM/BUILD


Differentiation Checking For


Year 9 Stage 5.2 / 5.3 Oxford Insight Mathematics text book, Maths Quest 10 NSW Australian curriculum
edition stage 5.2 / 5.3, Worksheets, Skill sheets, Video clips, calculators, desk tops, smart board,
websites(BBC), Maths online and Youtube.

Linear Relationships
Suggested Teaching, Learning and assessment activities and resources
Outcomes n
(T = Teacher / S = Student)
Learning Point 1: Interpreting and Graphing Linear Relationships [recap year

Organise pre-
Diagnostic test for interpreting linear relationships of straight line in the form Sign
test and
of y = mx + b [link]
s. Activity 2 - Introduction to graphing the straight line y = mx + b
After the the diagnostic test, teacher to draw the following linear relationships
on whiteboard and recap the gradient, y-intercept and x-intercept as a way of

4. y = 3x + 1
5. y = -3x + 4
6. y = -x -3

Activity 1 - Targeting common misconceptions

Target Teacher will review and target the weakness found in the Pre-test. Any
misconception misconceptions should be collated in order to allow tasks to be allocated to
s that may alleviate those misconceptions.
arise from the
pre-test Activity 2: Review Linear Relationships and further investigation in finding
Students will need to be taken to the computer lab and they are to watch the
following video.

Teacher to request students to watch the entire video and they must note
anything in the video that they don’t understand on paper to hand in to the
teacher for information gathering on what students under and what they need
help with. Students must summarise at least 3 things they have learnt from the
video and three things that they might be unsure about or did not understand.
Teacher to collect for finding misconceptions that students have about the
linear relationships unit.

Linear Relationships
Suggested Teaching, Learning and assessment activities and resources
Outcomes on
(T = Teacher / S = Student)
Learning Point 2 : Graphing straight lines in the form of y = mx + b (gradient
intercept form) [recap year 9]
Able to
graph, Activity 1: Hook
recognise Sign
and To commence graphing straight lines in the form of y = mx + b play the below video
interpret a from Khan Academy [Link]
straight Activity 2: Directed Teaching
line in the As a way of introducing the straight line in the form of y = mx + b in the form of the
form of gradient intercept form, teacher is to get students to copy down examples in their
the notebooks and do the worked examples on the whiteboard.
equation y
= mx + b

of the
form y =
mx + b as
ng straight
lines and
the x-
(m) as the
and the
constant (c
) as the y-
of a

Find the
of a
line in the
form of y =
mx + b by
using the
and the y-
of the line.

Graph the
of the
form y =
mx + b by
using the
and the y-
and with
the use of

of a
line in the
form of ax
+ by + c = 0
(known as
form) to
form to
and they y-
of the line.

types of
Activity 3: Learning Consolidation

Learning consolidation on plotting and graphing straight lines

Teacher to hand out the below attached worksheet titled [Plotting and Graphing
Straight Lines]
Learning consolidation for finding the slope (gradient) of a straight line
Students to complete the following exercise:
Exercise 10C questions 1-3 pages 290 AND 10D, questions 1 - 8 from textbook
Oxford stage 9_9.5.2/9.5.3 pages 292 to 296.

Learning consolidation for finding slope (continued), and straight line in the form
of y = mx + b
Teacher to hand out worksheet titled [Graphing Straight line in the form of y = mx +

Activity 4: Application

Teacher to book in lap for students to get access to the following website

Worksheet is to be handed out for the lesson titled [Demos worksheet 1]. The aim
of the lesson is to use the graphing software from to graph the various
types of equations using digital technology.

Students must be able to explain by completing the worksheet attached the effect
of changing the gradient or the y-intercept on the graph of a straight line.

Linear Relationships
Linear Straight Line Gradient Graph x-coefficient Parallel Lines
Straight Line
Gradient intercept form General y -intercept x-intercept
Perpendicular Lines Slope Midpoint Distance formula Negative reciprocal

Literacy Numeracy ICT

● ●

Learning Difficulties Core Extension
Statement (tick agree or disagree) Agree Disagree Teacher Comment (variations or ideas for
Outcomes achieved? future implementation):
Length of time satisfactory?
Skills development achieved?
Resources used suitable?
Variety of teaching strategies
Variety of assessment strategies
Technology focus relevant?
Literacy strategies used?
Numeracy strategies used?
Students enjoy the unit?
Were students provided with
opportunity to reflect on learning?

Teacher Date Coordinator Date

(b) Original Scope and Sequence

(c) Worksheet 1_Plotting and Graphing Linear Lines

Plotting and Graphing Linear Lines (Worksheet)

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5
(d) Worksheet 2_Graphing Straight Line in the form of y = mx + b


Graphing Straight line in the form of y = mx + b

A. Finding the gradient

B. Finding the straight line given the gradient and the y-intercept
C. Using intercept method to graph straight lines

D. Finding straight line given the gradient and coordinates of a point on the line
(e) Worksheet 3_Demos Worksheet
Desmos Worksheet 1

Graphing straight lines by using digital technology (Desmos)

Instructions: Go to the website and enter the following

equations into the calculator.

1. y= 3x + 1
2. y= 4x + 1
3. y= 5x + 1
4. y= 6x + 1

Question: 1
What what is happening to the y-intercept and the gradient as the coefficient of x increases?
Summarise your findings.

Clear the calculator and enter the following equations.

1. y= 2x + 1
2. y=-2x + 1
3. y= 2x - 1
4. y=-2x + 1

Question: 2
Explain what is happening to the y-intercept and gradient as the signs change in the above
equations? Comment on your findings.

1. y= -x + 1
2. y=-4x + 1
3. y=-8x + 1

Question: 3
What happens to the gradient as the x coefficient is decreasing? Summarise your findings.
(f) Worksheet 4_Gradient of Perpendicular Lines

Gradient of Perpendicular Lines Worksheet 1

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