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Purple-Simile Blue-Imagery & Stream of

The use of similes here creates a Consciousness

depth to the author that This paragraph is an
otherwise wouldn’t exist, the uninterrupted collection of
comparisons show the fragility of thoughts and ideas and with
the author and give us her words such as tensing, shuddering
perspective and feelings. and trembling creating Imagery,
the poet is able to show the
readers the inner workings of her

Tan-Juxtaposition Green-Paradox
Here, the author juxtaposes her “i don’t know who I am anymore
mind and body and by stating that or who’s body I inhabit.” This
there is a disconnect statement is a paradox as it is
illogical, of course the author
knows who she is and what body
she inhabits but by using this
paradox she is able to highlight
the disconnect between her mind
and body.

Yellow- Internal Monologue Pink- Lack of Capitalisation and

The Poet uses internal monologue Punctuation
in the phrase; “you might as well The lack of capitalisation and
have killed me the first night,” to punctuation can be seen as the
highlight the fight within herself poet showing a lack of conviction
and her lack of hope for life. and a sign of vulnerability, this is
because the lowercase letters are
less demeaning.


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