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Observation Grid

Learning Area: Maths

Topic: Prior knowledge of money

Max Ayisha Rachel Antonia Declan

Can recognise all coins, Can recognise coins but Developing recognising Recognises coins, Can recognise all coins,
order them by value, mixed up cents and and matching coins to understands that 100 order them by value,
add money using times dollars. its value. cents = 1 dollar. understands that 100
table strategy and is Developing to order cents = 1 dollar, add
starting to work out coins by value. coins and work out
change. GOAL = to recognise the simple change with
GOAL = to understand key features of coins to GOAL = develop prompts.
GOAL = develop skills of the concept of value be able to identify them understanding of value
working out change to be able to order coins GOAL = develop skills of
by value working out change

Paige Mikayla Cassidy Ebony

Can match coins with Can match coins with Can match coins with Recognises features of
their value, can add their value and is starting their value and coins, can match coins
money by using times to add coins to make understands concept of with their value but
table strategy, can different values. change. mixes up coins such as
make same amounts 5c and 50c. Starting to
using combinations of add coins.
different coins. GOAL = develop skills of GOAL = to add coins to
adding coins. make different values GOAL = to recognise the
GOAL = to use cents to key features of coins to
make different values be able to identify them
Observation Grid

Learning Area: Maths

Topic: Prior knowledge of money

Phoebe Isaac Theo Aiya Lily Ali

Can group ‘like Can recognise all Can recognise all Can recognise all Can recognise all Developing
coins’ and can coins, order them coins, order them by coins, order them coins, order them by recognising and
match coins with by value and can value, add money by value, add value and starting to matching coins to its
their value but mixes add money using using times table money using times add money using value. Mixes up
up values such as 2c times table strategy strategy and is table strategy and times table strategy. cents and dollars
instead of 20c and starting to work out is starting to work
50c instead of 5c. GOAL = develop change. out change. GOAL = develop GOAL = to recognise
skills of working out skills of adding coins the key features of
GOAL= to recognise change GOAL = develop skills GOAL = develop coins to be able to
the key features of of working out skills of working out identify them
coins to be able to change change
identify them
Ellie Annabel. M Kingzton Kiara Alexa Annabelle.W

Can match coins Can recognise and Recognises and can Can recognise and Can recognise all Can recognise and
with their value, can match coins but match coins but match coins based coins, order them by match coins but did
make values in mixes cents and mixes cents and on features. value, and can add not understand
multiple ways. dollars. dollars. large amounts of value.
GOAL = to money using times
GOAL = develop skills GOAL = to GOAL = to recognise understand the table strategy. GOAL= to
of adding coins understand the the key features of concept of value understand the
concept of value coins to be able to GOAL = develop concept of value
identify them skills of working out

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