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NAME: DATE: 05 May 2016

GROUP: 481. SCORE: _________

I. Complete the text about technology stocks by putting the verbs into the correct form
of the past simple or present perfect.

MARKET REPORT a rocky road for tech stocks

European investors 1 have watched (watch) US stock markets nervously over the last few
months. The problems withUS technology and telecomms stocks 2 began (begin) last March,
and since then share prices at companies like Intel, HP and Apple 3 have crashed (crash).
Over the summer all these giants 4 announced (announce) lower than expected profits, and
investors fear that in the current economic climate demand for their products 5 has peaked
(peak). Now it’s the turn of European stocks, and on Monday stocks in Germany’s SAP and
Finland’s Nokia 6 fell (fall) sharply. SAP 7 was (be) down 4%. But there was some good news
for investors yesterday. Capgemini 8 released (release) figures which showed that this year
revenues 9 rose (rise) to €9,100 million, up from €8,700 million last year. In recent years
Capgemini 10 has became (become) one of the leading players in the global IT services
market, alongside IBM, EDS and Accenture. The company 11 has leaded (also/lead) the way
in the use of offshoring, often transferring work to countries such as India and Poland. This 12
has improved (improve) profitability as well as providing a wider range of options in the event
of a sudden change in the market.

II. Think about your life in the last year. Write answers to these questions using the
past simple and present perfect.

1 How have you tried to keep fit and healthy?

I don't have tried to keep fit and healthy because I don't have eat vegetables frecuently
nevertheless I have eat fruits sometimes in the week. I don't played any sport although I
should do it.

2 How have you spent your money?

I spent my money in necessary things for example transportations, food and university things
and I have to save my money.

3 What have you done to keep up with new ideas in your professional field?

I have read some articles about my professional field but really I don't search much current
information. I should read the revist Colombia Forestal more frecuently because this contends
new ideas and notice.

4 Have you been anywhere interesting?

I knew the Botanical Garden José Celestino Mutis in the last year. I have been of Botanical
Garden frecuently. This is a place very interesting because it has a diversity of plant species
in one place.

5 What haven’t you done that you would like to have done? Why?

I have would like travel to many places of Colombia. I would like to read a lot more. I would
like learn to dance tango. I should better organize my time to do all my activities.

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