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Erese, Danielle R.

Canales, Daryl Vince S.

Case Analysis:

Armstrong World Industries: Adopting Sales Force Automation

1. How did the use of sales force automation software change the work
systems in sales?

- Because of the sales force automation software the customer

satisfaction improved. The sales force automation system called HEAT or
High-efficiency Armstrong technology gave the salespeople laptop computers
that permitted entry of data about the customer's specific building project
along with data about customers wants and needs, by the help of this data,
salespeople would know the price rate and even the bonuses, also salespeople
would be able to negotiate the prices.

2. Explain how the business process, participants, information, and

technology were all considered in the process of implementing the sales
force automation software.

- In our own environment of technology, business process, information

and participants can be optimized using some type of software program and
sales force automation is no exception. Just as with any other category of
software there are literally hundreds of programs that can provide your
business with sales force automation capabilities. The key to finding one that
works for your company is to identify your specific needs for this type of
program. Its important that companies avoid getting overwhelmed by the
capabilities of the program at the same time keeping in mind that all this
capabilities can present challenges.

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