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Exploring Literary Devices in Native Son

Notes Column
Lecture Presented by Ms. Thomason
for 11-12th Grade English ___________________________________
Title Page ___________________________________

OBJECTIVES FOR THIS LECTURE… ___________________________________
1. Students will be able to identity literary devices within Native
Son, also aiding in their ability to recognize literary devices in
future works, by…
Knowing the definition to literary devices
Knowing their intent and purposes (why they are used) ___________________________________
Knowing how to use literary devices
2. Students will be able to analyze the literary devices used within
Native Son, and how Wright’s inclusion of these literary devices
aids in the development of the text. ___________________________________
Common Core Standards for 11-12th Grade English
1. Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (CCSS.ELA-
2. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings;
analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that
is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful
3. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn
from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
(CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.1) Objectives and Standards

A COVER IS NOT THE BOOK ___________________________________
There is more to a text than what is simply ___________________________________
written on a page. It is the ideas, the thoughts,
the concepts that are not explicitly revealed but
inferred by the author, prompting the audience ___________________________________
to look for the deeper meaning behind the text.
Therefore, we look within literary devices for
such answers. ___________________________________ ___________________________________
Hook, Dual Coding

Ms. Thomason
Exploring Literary Devices in Native Son

Think about one literary device that you are familiar ___________________________________
with, and on a piece of paper write down the device, a
definition, and give an example. Once you have
completed this task I want you to share it with the
person next to you. Listen to each others definitions
and examples, and provide any advice or assistance ___________________________________
to help one another retain your literary device.
Progress Monitoring Question

Literary devices are the techniques and elements—from poetic ___________________________________
meters to figures of speech to narrative devices—that writers
incorporate into their work to add texture, energy, and ___________________________________
excitement to the narrative, capturing the audience’s
imagination, and conveying information through different forms. ___________________________________

Prose Poetry Drama ___________________________________
•Simile •Figurative language •Dramatic Irony
•Metaphor (alliteration,
assonance, etc.)
•Foreshadowing ___________________________________
•Personification •Red Herring
•Imagery (sight, touch,
•Situational Irony
•Sound (rhyme, etc.)
•Tone •Allusion
•Rhythm (meter, etc.) ___________________________________

Ms. Thomason
Exploring Literary Devices in Native Son

WHAT IS PROSE? ___________________________________
Prose is a written or spoken language in its ordinary ___________________________________
form, without metrical structure (e.g. a conversation,
textbooks, lectures, novels, short stories, newspapers, ___________________________________
articles, magazines, essays).

Why is Native Son a prose piece?
On a piece of paper write down ___________________________________
three examples as to why Native
Son is considered a prose. After ___________________________________
you are finished share your findings ___________________________________
with the person next to you.
Progress Monitoring Question

WHY WE USE LITERARY DEVICES… ___________________________________
Now that we have discussed a little about literary
devices, what they are, when and where they are ___________________________________
used, lets watch a short video describing why
author’s routinely incorporate literary devices and ___________________________________
techniques into their work.
Dual Coding

Ms. Thomason
Exploring Literary Devices in Native Son

LITERARY DEVICES ___________________________________
While there is an abundant list of literary devices (…), ___________________________________
for this presentation we will focus on the major literary
devices used throughout Native Son, such as… ___________________________________
 Symbolism
 Foreshadowing ___________________________________
 Metaphor
 Irony ___________________________________

SYMBOLISM ___________________________________
Symbolism is the usage of an object, sign, word, mark, ___________________________________
or item, in a way to indirectly represent ideas, qualities,
or opinions. ___________________________________
 Green: new life, fertility, hope ___________________________________
 Winter: death, sleep, hibernation, or stagnation
 Three: signifies fulfillment; Holy Trinity; beginning, ___________________________________
middle, end; past, present, and future

SYMBOL IN NATIVE SON ___________________________________
The Rat
The rat illustrates the living standards of Bigger Thomas ___________________________________
and his family, as it shows the conventional, impoverished
environment African Americans were forced to inhabit ___________________________________
during the 1930’s in America.
In addition, the rat also acts as a symbol for Bigger Thomas ___________________________________
because they are both cornered by society (Bigger
cornering the rat/white society cornering Bigger), and they ___________________________________
both face the same fate of being killed.

Ms. Thomason
Exploring Literary Devices in Native Son

FORESHADOWING ___________________________________
Foreshadowing is when a writer gives an advance hint of
what is to come later in the story; often appears at the ___________________________________
beginning of a story, or a chapter, and it helps the reader
develop expectations about upcoming events. ___________________________________
"From forth the fatal loins of these two foes/A pair of star-cross'd lovers
take their life” (1.1.5-12).
During the prologue of Romeo and Juliet, these lines foreshadow how a
pair of lovers (Romeo and Julie) will inevitably take their lives.
*The three weird sisters in Macbeth deliver three apparitions to Macbeth—the first is to
beware of MacDuff, no woman will harm Macbeth, and lastly Macbeth has nothing to fear
until Great Birnam Wood arrives at Dunsinane Hill. Inevitably, everything comes true.

A Mother’s Prophecy
Mrs. Thomas warns Bigger Thomas early on in the novel that
“If you don't stop running with that gang of yours and do
right you'll end up where you never thought you would… And
the gallows is at the end of the road you traveling, boy.”
This quote foreshadows Bigger’s inevitable fate in jail by the
end of the story, despite his attempts to rewrite his life and
redefine himself from social stereotypes.

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or
phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not ___________________________________
literally applicable.
 She was fishing for compliments
(The woman isn't literally casting a lure to hook compliments out of the
ocean. Rather, it signifies a desire for accolades.)
 He broke my heart ___________________________________
(Your heart isn't literally broken; you're just feeling hurt and sad)
 You light up my life ___________________________________
(Someone isn’t really lighting up, but brining someone joy in their life)

Ms. Thomason
Exploring Literary Devices in Native Son

Mrs. Dalton’s Blindness
Mrs. Dalton’s blindness serves as a metaphor for white
society’s social and cultural blindness. Just as she ___________________________________
couldn’t see Bigger in the room with her daughter, Mary
Dalton, or acknowledge that Mary was actually dead in ___________________________________
the room, the white characters throughout the novel are
blind to the social inequalities around them.

On a piece of paper come up with
two of your own metaphors, then
share with the person next to you. ___________________________________
After sharing, I want you and your
partner to combine one of your ___________________________________
metaphors together and see what
gets created. ___________________________________
Progress Monitoring Question ___________________________________

Irony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that
normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or ___________________________________
emphatic effect.
 The police station got robbed.
(It is expected that the professional crime fighters would be able to help themselves)
 The pilot has a fear of heights.
(Since airplane pilots spend most of their time high in the air and they shouldn’t be ___________________________________
afraid of flying)

Ms. Thomason
Exploring Literary Devices in Native Son

When Bigger Thomas claims he could fly a plane if he
had a chance, Gus replies, “If you wasn't black and if ___________________________________
you had some money and if they'd let you go to that
aviation school, you could fly a plane.” ___________________________________
After Gus states all the reasons preventing Bigger from ___________________________________
attaining his dream of flying a plane, Gus still assures
Bigger that he could fly a plane. However, since Bigger
will always bare these social hindrances, there’s no
possible way for him ever to fly a place.

Without looking back at the notes you ___________________________________
have taking during this presentation,
write on a separate piece a paper the ___________________________________
definitions of symbolism,
foreshadowing, metaphor and irony. ___________________________________
Culminating Activity/Question

For this activity I want you to go
through Native Son and find your ___________________________________
own examples of symbolism,
foreshadowing, metaphor, and irony, ___________________________________
different from the examples I
provided within this presentation. ___________________________________
Make sure to provide textual support
and analysis for each literary device.
Culminating Activity/Question ___________________________________

Ms. Thomason

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