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The glitches affected the credibility of the election, correct?

Have you read the report of COMELEC’s random manual audit committee?
Then you know that the automated results were 99.99% accurate with the random manual tally, the
highest we’ve seen since 2010?
Hence, the glitches had no effect on the credibility of elections.


Smartmatic is responsible for the glitches, right?

Do you know that a substantial portion of the glitches were caused by defective SD cards?
Did Smartmatic supply the SD cards?
No, S1 Technology Incorporated did, under a separate contract
Can Smartmatic be punished for glitches due to the defective SD cards?
No, that will amount to deprivation of property without due process of law.


You cite 961 bogged down machines, right?

And you impute liability on Smartmatic?
The machines were in COMELECs custody since 2016, correct?
COMELEC is responsible for maintenance of machines until the 2019 midterm election, right?
Have you read Smartmatic’s contract with the COMELEC?
You should, it is expressly stated there that COMELEC has obligation to maintain the machines
Smartmatic therefore cannot be held liable for the malfunction of these machines since COMELEC is in
charge of maintenance


You cite as ground for cancellation of contract defiance of the bidding procedure, correct?
And most of your arguments is hinged upon it?
Have you read the proposition?
It specifically states cancellation due to the glitches, not any other ground
You failed to understand the proposition and as a result, your premise fell outside the latitude of this
forum and your arguments have no leg to stand on


Some votes were not counted, correct?

Some are due to defective SD cards?
Some due to defective ballot papers and markers?
Do you know who supplied these materials?
Was it Smartmatic?
To impute liability on Smartmatic for failure of other contractors is deprivation of property without due
process of law.

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