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Calendar View of Timecards

Oracle Time and Labor development


• Balaswamy Kalla
• Jabej Nerella
• Ashok Rajagopal

Change History

Date Author Change Reference

26-Jul-2016 Balaswamy Kalla Initial version

12-Aug-2016 Balaswamy Kalla Reorganized sections.

13-Mar-2019 Balaswamy Kalla Edited Prerequisites.

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Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights
This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about
content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not
responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party
content, products, and services unless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between
you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or
damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services, except
as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle.

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Prerequisites ...................................................................................... 5
Introduction .................................................................................. 6
Feature Description .............................................................................. 8
Prepare the Deployment File ............................................................ 12
Create a WebLogic Server Domain ...................................................... 14
Creating Data Source in the Oracle WebLogic Domain ............................... 24
Deploying the Application on the WebLogic Server .................................. 29
Testing the Application ................................................................... 34
Common Errors ............................................................................ 35
Using the Calendar View.................................................................. 37
Custom Events ............................................................................. 40

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Ensure the following Prerequisites are satisfied.

§ Your instance is at any one of the release levels or above:

Ø Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2.6 and above.

§ You are on ADF version

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OTL Calendar View is a new flexible Calendar view of OTL timecards. This document
addresses steps to set this application up and its various configurations. To understand
the background of the document, please go thru the following questions.

1. What is OTL Calendar View?

Calendar View is a new functionality that allows users to view timecards in a
Monthly, Weekly or Daily Calendar mode. This new screen is based on Oracle ADF.

2. What is an ADF based functionality?

An ADF based page is functionality accessible within Oracle E-Business Suite, built
on Oracle Application Development Framework, leveraging rich UI and other
features. An ADF based page is accessible to the users just like any other page, but
it requires additional setup steps, the details of which are outlined in this

3. In what levels is this functionality available?

This functionality is available only on R12.2 code line, from release 12.2.6 onwards.

4. Is there any hardware pre requisite for this functionality?

There are no hardware pre requisites for this functionality.

5. Is there any special skill required to get this functionality up and running?
Setting up the ADF based Calendar View of timecards requires some knowledge
about middleware administration and access to key functions in the Middle Tier.
Steps are outlined in this document with detailed instructions.

6. Is there any difference between the ADF pages and standard OAF pages?
ADF pages, unlike standard OAF pages cannot be used as soon as the patch
containing the functionality is applied. Once set up, they can be used exactly like
standard OAF pages by users.

7. Are there any constraints with respect to Security?

There are no constraints with respect to security for this functionality for Oracle
Time and Labor. Should there be any concerns, please contact Oracle Support.
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8. Is personalization supported?
Personalization is not supported in this page.

9. Is there a customization or extension option?

There is an extension option where custom events could be displayed on the
Calendar View of the timecard. Details are listed in section Custom Events below.

10. Is there an OTL Preference or a Profile Option associated?

There are no OTL Preferences attached to this functionality. However, a new profile
option OTL: Calendar View Colors is provided with the functionality to configure the
colors rendered in the Calendar View. Details are provided in the section Using the
Calendar View below.

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Feature Description

The calendar view of timecards enables you to see all the time entries recorded in the time
store on the respective dates in terms of start time and stop time, or hours recorded for
each entry. Time entries are indicated by a band on the days covered by that timecard
period along with the total hours recorded in that timecard. This helps in easy
identification of timecards that have been entered. The calendar view also helps you to see
what timecard periods or days do not have time entered and also the gaps in time entries
on any specific day. The timecard and time entries are represented on the calendar using
different color coding. You can change this color coding using the new profile option OTL:
Calendar View Colors.

Calendar View provides the users with the following 4 views of time recorded.
Monthly View

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Weekly View

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Daily View

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Detail View

In addition to flexible views of Time entered, the Calendar View enables the users to
navigate to Recent Timecards and Create Timecards page to Create, View or Update

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Prepare the Deployment File
Following are the list of steps that should be followed to prepare the deployment file that
should work with given EBS instance.
1) Download the patch for OTL Calendar Application from My Oracle Support.

2) Apply the patch if not applied before.

3) After Applying the patch Go to this folder in the server machine for OTLCalendar
application $HXC_TOP/patch/115/ear/ file
and take a back up of the file (or)
4) Unzip the Downloaded Patch and go the below location.

5) Unzip which contains a file OTLCalendar_application1.ear.

6) Unzip the OTLCalendar_application1.ear file, you will find

OTLCalendar_ViewController_webapp1.war file.

7) Unzip the war file and open WEB-INF/web.xml file in text editor.

8) Change the param-value for APPL_SERVER_ID with instance server id.

9) If the tag context- param is not there, add one.

a. <context-param><param-name>APPL_SERVER_ID</param-name>

b. <param-value>[Enter the value here]</param-value> </context-param>

To get the Application Server Id, connect to the database of respective

instance and run the following query.

select SERVER_ID from fnd_nodes

where node_name <> 'AUTHENTICATION';

10) Place this value (server_id) in above web.xml

11) Zip the folder and rename it to .war file again.

12) Zip the folder and rename it to. ear file again.

Tip: If 7-Zip software is installed, you can directly edit web.xml file without
Unzipping and zipping the file. Steps – Open archive for ear file, again same for
war file, open WEB-INF and right click on web.xml and edit to change the
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parameter and save.

Server id is key point here, after deploying the OTL Calendar ear file
works only for the EBS instance whose server id is provided. If the Calendar application
require to work with another instance needs another deployment
With server id supplied as instructed in the prepare deployment section.

Move the ear file into server machine

§ You can use WinSCP or any ftp application to move the. ear file to the WebLogic
server machine.

§ Create /Start the WebLogic Server

§ Connect to the environment where WebLogic Server is installed using ssh as


ssh –l <username> <server>

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Create a WebLogic Server Domain

§ It is recommended to use different WLS server than the one that comes with EBS
in order to minimize the impact of online patching on the OTL Calendar feature.
You can download the weblogic server (10.3.6) from MOS.

the changes will not take effect until you deploy the ear file on the respective

§ Install the WLS server.

§ Navigate to the Weblogic server home directory and change directory to



§ Run E.g. ./

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§ Select the two products starting with ‘OracleJRF’.

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§ Enter the domain name and location.

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§ Click Create button to create domain successfully.

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§ Navigate to user_projects/domains/<domain_name>

e.g. /slot/ems5941/appmgr/mwhome/ user_projects/ domains/hz1225_domain

§ Start the server nohup ./ &

§ You can read the log data from nohup.out file as shown in the following screenshot
using the command tail –f nohup.out

§ Find the message ‘Server started in RUNNING mode’ to know that the server
started successfully.

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Creating Data Source in the Oracle WebLogic Domain

§ Please refer to the My Oracle Support Note 974949.1 for details about the
AppsDataSource and on how to configure it in the chapter “Using Oracle E-Business
Suite DataSources”. The sections that are to be followed from the note for this
chapter are:

• 2.1.2. Register the External Node and Generate the Desktop DBC File

• 2.1.3. Set Up Necessary Oracle E-Business Suite Users

• 2.1.5. Configuring AppsDataSource on Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS)

§ Once the server is in running mode, launch the Oracle WebLogic Administration
Console for your application server using URL like this one:

http://<your host>:<your port>/console


§ Login with Username and password given during creation of web logic server

§ Navigate to Domain Structure -> Services -> Data Sources

§ Click on the New button for Data Sources and select Generic Data Source.

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§ Set the Database Driver:

• Select "Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Instance connections; Versions:9.0.1 and later".
• The database administrator must decide the database driver to be used
depending on their database type.

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Click Next.

Uncheck the Supports Global Transactions checkbox.

Click Next.

§ Enter following information for Connection Property:

• Database Name:(SID of Oracle E-Business Suite database)

• Hostname (DB hostname)

• Port (DB port)

• DB username-apps

• Password for the Oracle E-Business Suite user.

§ Confirm the password and click Next.

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§ The Driver class name should be ‘oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver’ when ‘apps’ user is

§ Click on Test Configuration to test the data source.

§ If Successful, we will get a message stating Connection has succeeded.


Note: If the password for apps user is not provided then enter a user who has Apps
Schema Connect role.

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Deploying the Application on the WebLogic Server

§ Navigate to Domain Structure -> Environments -> Deployments and click the
"Install" button.

Follow the steps as shown in these screenshots

Give location where the ear file which is extracted from the patch is ftped to
web logic server.

Note: This is the location where you stored the .ear file after the last step from
the step ‘Preparing the deployment file’.

§ Select the ear file and then click "Next".

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§ Select "Install this deployment as an application”, and click Next.

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§ Click Next

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§ Click the Finish button

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§ Navigate to Domain Structure-> Deployments and verify the application
deployment is active.

Once ear is deployed and is active to be sure that there is no issue from WLS end.

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Testing the Application

§ Login to the application and set the Profile “ExternalADFApplicationURL” at site

level. If there is a URL existing at site level for this profile set the new URL at
Responsibility level.

§ Value must be in the below format:


host: port value will be available in the weblogic console link.


§ Set the profile Option at site level “OTL: Calendar View Colors” to

§ Once the profile is set, clear the Cache and

Navigate to OTL Self Service Timecard Responsibility -> Time –> Calendar.

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Common Errors
Following are the most common errors may appear during deployment and while
running the application. The solutions are given for each of the common errors below
§ NoClassDefFoundError

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/binding/DataControl

Bounce the Weblogic server of adf domain, our deployed application is not compiled
properly, so we need to bounce once to get all the class file are created.

§ ADFContext (Error500—Internal Server Error)

oracle.jbo.DMLException: JBO-29114 ADFContext is not setup to process messages for

this exception. Use the exception stack trace and error code to investigate the root
cause of this exception. Root cause error code is JBO-27200. Error message parameters
are {0=Data Source, 1 = java:comp/env/jdbc/ AppsDS }


There is a problem with Datasource configuration in weblogic, check the AppsDS

Datasource is created and working properly. Also check for Target is selected for

§ XML File not found (Error 500--Internal Server Error)

oracle.jbo.NoXMLFileException: JBO-26001: XML File not found for the Container

/null.cpx at MOMParserNonMDS.
parse( at MOMParserNonMDS. read
And Parse (

This is because the PATH and CLASSPATH env variables contain paths leading to the
Oracle E-Business Suite installation are under the same user. Unset these env variables
and set them to default ones and restart the WebLogic server.

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§ Secure Connection Failed.

The Deployed ADF-Calendar application is https enabled, need to generate the new
certificates for proper hand shake and add the certificates keys in the deployments

§ Performance issue, while more than one user using OTL calendar application the
page expires or timed out.

This is due to less number of jdbc connections pool.

Go to Weblogic server console -> Domain Structure - > Services -> Data Sources - >
<Select the data source > - > Connection Pool - > Maximum Capacity: <big value>.

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Using the Calendar View

After the OTL calendar application deployed successfully, go to Self service responsibly ->
Time -> Calendar to launch the calendar. All the time entries recorded in OTL Time store
will be displayed on the ADF calendar in the respective dates in terms of start time & stop
time or Hours recorded for each entry. Existing timecards will be indicated by a band on
the days covered by that timecard period along with the total hours recorded in that
timecard. This helps in easy identification of timecards which have been entered and not

Timecard and the time entries are represented on the calendar using different color
coding. This color coding’s can be changed by customer using the new profile option OTL:
Calendar View Colors

§ The following 12 colors are supported in to OTL calendar to distinguish the

Timecard period, Detail entries and Public Events.



To set the profile option, choose 3 colors from the above list.


Here, the first color, i.e. LAVENDAR specifies the days in which Timecard exists, and the
second color i.e. ORANGE indicates individual Time Entries. The third color, BLUE indicates
presence of events as available in HXC_CALENDAR_EVENTS table.

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The top header in the calendar view will also provide weekly view, daily view or list view of
the time entries recorded.

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Custom Events
There is a new table available with the calendar where custom Events or any such
information can be provided for display in the Calendar. Table HXC_CALENDAR_EVENTS
can be used to display events like PTO, trainings, holidays or any other group events which
may or may not be stored in the timecard. These events will be displayed on the calendar
to help identify the reason for gaps. HXC_CALENDAR_EVENTS has no dependency to any
existing EBS holiday or absence functionality. This table needs to be maintained by the OTL
administrator based on their business requirements. No UI is provided to manage this new
events table.



(1,'Special Holiday','H','25-AUG-2016','25-AUG-2016','25-AUG-2016',202, '25-AUG-


Effective start date and Effective end date columns in the table tells the system that, this
event is repeated for all the years mentioned.

Points to note

§ The calendar's week start day is based on the user's timecard recurring period

§ ADF Calendar component is built using ADF development standards and guidelines.
It will use the same http session as of EBS session.

§ Authorized Delegate can see his own timecards only on the calendar, even if
Authorized Delegate has the OTL Self-Service Resource Time Menu attached

§ All events are stored in hxc_calendar_events table.

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