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Secondary School Physics Formula Summary

Topic Formula SI unit Final unit

Distance Distance (m) m/s
Speed  Time (sec)
Displacement s Displacement (m) m/s
Velocity  v Time (sec)
2.1: Kinematics Time ; t
Diff. in Velocity Velocity (m/s) m/s2
Acceleration  Time (sec)

Resultant Force  Mass  Acceleration Force (N) Newton (N)

2.2 Dynamics F  ma Mass (kg)
Acceleration (m/s2)
W  mg Mass (kg) Newton (N)
2.3 Mass Weight g = 10 N/kg
Density m Mass (g/kg) g/cm3 or kg/m3
 (Density)  Volume (cm3/m3)
V ;.
Moments  Fd Force (N) Newton metre
2.4 Turning Effect
Perpendicular Distance (m) (Nm)
of Forces
Force F Force (N) N/m2 , Pa
Pressure   Area (m2)
Solids: Area A
Pressure  h  g h (m): Depth of Liquid N/m2 , Pa
2.5 Pressure Liquids:  (kg/m3): Density of liquid
g: 10N/kg
Gases P1V1  P2V2
P (Pa): Pressure NA
V (m3): Volume
W (Work Done)  Fd F (N): Force J
d (Perpendicular distance): m
1 m (kg): Mass J
K .E.  Kinetic Energy   mv 2 v (m/s): Velocity
2.6 Energy, Work,
power P.E.  Potential Energy   mgh m (kg): Mass J
g: 10N/kg
h (m): Height
W or Energy change Energy change /Work done(J) J/s, W (watt)
P  Power   Time (s)
X Time
3.1 Principles of X  X0 Theta: Unknown temperature o
 X0: “ice point”, X100: Steam pt
Thermometry X100  X0
Q(heat energy)  C C: Heat capacity J

Q  mc m: mass J
3.2 Thermal c: Specific Heat Capacity
Properties of Matter
Q  ml f lf J
: Latent heat of fusion
Q  mlv lv : Latent heat of vaporisation J

1 f: Frequency Hz
f  t (sec): Time
4.1: General Wave T
Properties v f v (m/s): Velocity m/s
 (m): Wavelength
f(1/t): Frequency
Snell’s Law: n = refractive index (ratio) NA. Ratio.
sin i i/r ( ): angle of
n incidence/refraction
4.2: Light sin r *Set calculator in degree mode.
Condition: The angle of incidence must be in the less dense medium; angle r must be in the
denser medium.
c Real depth Ht of image c (m/s): Speed of light in vaccum NA. Ratio.
4.2: Light   n (3x108 m/s)
v Apparent depth Ht of object v (m/s): Speed of light in medium.
c  sin 1 n c (o): Critical angle. o

Q I: Current (A) Coloumb, C

5.1: Current I Q: Charge (Columb)
Electricity t t: Time (sec)
W  : E.m.f. (Volts – V) V, J/C
 W: Work done/energy of circuit (J)
Q: Charge (Columb)
W V: Potential Diff. (V) V, J/C
V W: Work done/energy across
circuit component
Q: Amount of charge
Ohm’s Law: V  IR R: Resistance (  ) V
Condition: Only for ohmic conductors.
l  : Resistivity (  m) 
A L: Length
A: Cross-sectional Area
5.2: Practical V 2t J
Electricity E  VIt  I 2 RT 
V2 P = Power W
P  VI  I 2 R  R = Resistance
5.3: Vs N s I p
Electromagnetic  
Induction Vp N p I s

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