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Maximum density dimming , up to 192
2.4kW dimmers or combinations with other ratings.

Ll 192-1 .2 or 2.4kW dimmers per rack.

The most in the least amount of
E Each dimmer is independently
cooled with ambient air from the
front of the rack, This accounts for a
lack of temperature gradient in the
rack . ., thls means cool & quiet.
fJ Top and bottom access panels for
line & load runs. Quick and easily
E Plug-in dimmer and control modules
make the Dimension 192 rack fully
tr The Dimension 192 contains
auxiliary functions as a standard
and built-in featLrre.
The need for an "aux cabinet" is
eliminated in most systems.
[; Dimmers of different ratings (1.2,
2 4, 6 0 & 12 OkW may be located
anywhere in the rack.
!l Three identical control modules
display system status with LED's
E Plug-in el'ectronic system controls
up to 192 dimmers Each module
controls up to 64 dimmers.
E Spare module provided for
emergency backup.
E Maintenance fully front
accessible no- side or back access
req uired,

Gl, Copyright October 1984 Colortran, lnc

A. Removeable front panel for blower
THE RACK B. Dimmer Module slot
C. Locking door with integral
electrostatic filter.
D. Control Module window
E. Control Module slot
F. Removeable front panel for load
wiring access
G. Removeable panel for load wiring
H. Removeable panel for line wiring
entrance (accessible from rack
(61.26 cm)

12 37,'
(31.42 cm)

Front access only is required for It is recommended that the

installation and maintenance. rack be fed from the bottom;
and that load wiring exit at the top
Drmcnston 192
the brain of the rack system.

Fully plug-in, the modu e controls all 64

dimmer locations in a vertical column. There
are thus three control modules per rack.
The module controls all functions o{ dimmer
access, timing and ramping, as well as
deciding whrch channels are digital, which are
analog, which channels are on panic and does
it al with rellabillty
Front panel indicators show status of feeder
bus bars and power supply, signal status and
rack ovedemp.

Spec if ications
DIMEilSION 192 DIMMER BANK & COI{TROL MODULE D. Dimmer Rack shall contain a continu0us-duty G. The control module shall be no larger lhan 21/e" (5.4
sealed-bearing low-noise squirrel-cage blower t0 cm) H x 7le" (18.1 cm) Vrl x11z/q" (29.9 cm) D and
maintarn the temperature o{ all comp0nents at proper weigh no more than 3.4 lbs. (1.54 kg). lt shall con-
MECHANICAL operating levels with all dimmers under lull load pro- tain two minimum .062" thick solderplated, glass-
A. Dimmer Rack shall be free-standing dead-front vided ambient r0om temperature does not exceed epoxy print-circuit boards with plated-through h0les
switchboard no larger than 80,, (203.2cm) H x 19,, 40'C (104'F). Blower shall be actuated to turn on and that plug together f0r ease of service. The printed-
(48.3cm) D x 26" (66.1cm) W or muttiple widths off automatically as needed by sensing the presence circuit card sandwich shall be provided with g0ld-
thereof sufiicient to house all specified equipment. lt or absence ol control signals. Rack shall be provided plated printed-circuit card connectors on the rear f0r
shall be substantially framed with code-gauge formed with an automatic air-{low sensor t0 shutoff all dim- connecti0n to the switchboard bussing and control
steel and extruded aluminum structural members and mers in the rack should the air flow be impeded and terminal b0ard, and to two sets of 16 Dimmer lVod-
completely enclosed with c0de-gauge steel or safe operating temperatures in the rack be exceeded. ule control c0nnectors. Appearing through and n0t
aluminum panels. All steel parts shall be plated A signal shall be provided by the rack to operate a attached to the {aceplates shall be a "signal" LED, an
and / or painted. All exterior surJaces shall be remote over-temperature LED il the air flow sensor "over-temp" LED, two "power" LED's which also
linished in tw0{0ne grey p0wder paint. has shut the rack down. Air intake shall be through indicate whether AC is present on the switch board
B. Dimmer Rack shall be constructed so as to only re- the front of the rack and exhausted through the top of bussing, and two screwdriver adiustment pots. The
quire front access. All line, load and control wiring the rack. top of the module shall be provided with a dust cover
shall be through removable conduit access panels in E. Dimmer Rack shall be provided with a two-p0int lock- t0 prevent contamination of the circuit boards and the
t0p and bottom. lnteri0r access for installation and ing o0or to deiry access to the modules. faceplate components shall be identified with appr0p-
service shall be from the front through screw-down Thrs door shall also seal otf the air flow around the riate silk-screened legends. The C0ntrol [/odules
panels free oJ wired devices or through the removal edges, forcing the intake air to pass through the in- shall be completely interchangeable with the other
of plug-in modules for ease of access. Space for fu- tegral static Jilter behind its louvered face. Filter Control lVodules contained in the same switchboard
ture plug-in modules shall be covered with plug-in panels shall be easily removed from the back side of rack sectron and shall n0t be interchangeable with
"dummy" modules. the door lor cleanrng. any oJ the Dimmer Modules. Any control modules or
other printed circuit cards that contain active comp0-
C. Dimmer Rack shall be designed to contain 96 C0l0r- F. Each plug-in control module shall be assembled on a
tran Drmensi0n 192 Dimmer l\.4odules, except for lhe nents and that d0 n0t plug-in and/0r are behind
formed aluminum chassis at least .090" thick and
panels requiring tools lor removal shall not be ac-
1OkW and 12kW Dimmer lVlodule which takes up two finished in grey powder paint. The chassis shall lorm
spaces, and 3 Colortran Dimension 192 C0ntrol the basic heat sink for the module and provide both
lVodules. Each module position shall contain m0dule air entry means through lhe lr0nl 0l lhe module and
support rails mechanically keyed to accept the mod- llow control through the module. The chassis shall
ules speci'fied, and dimmer module positions shall be also f0rm the faceplate for the module and the
identified with silk screened position numbers. Dim- switchboard that houses it, and the mounting means
mer Module positions shall contain {lat copper bus for all components. Each chassis shall be equipped
bar power connectors and quad-spring-loaded tin- with a handle for easy insertion and withdrawal. Ex-
plated beryllium-c0pper "banana" plug contr0l c0n- cept 'f0r mode-selector switching devrces, pots and
nectors configured to accept the modules specified. c0nnectors, the module shall contain 0nly solid-state
Control l\40dule posttions shall contain qoldJlashed electrical components with n0 m0ving parts. Each
printed-circuit card connectors configured t0 accept module shall be labeled with the manufacturer,
the Control l\4odule. catalog number and c0mplete rating in'formation.

A. Dimmer Rack shall be designed to operate from the module(s) on full directly. The C0ntrol Module shall A. Provide the Iollowing Dimmer Racks:
specified voltage and type ol electrical service with be jumper selectable to operate from 120V 0r 240V 1. racks for 192 Dimmer lVodules con{igured to
line bussing sized lor the speci{ied ampacity. All AC lines. accept the Jollowing:
power and signal connectors within the Dimmer Rack
a. dual 1.2kW, 120V stage/studio Dimmer
E. Each 120V control m0dule shall be a recognized
shall be factory wired to tubular screw termination component of Underwriters Laboratories, and be so lvlodules
points and neatly dressed. Adequate space shall be labelled, pending UL tests. b. dual 2.4kW, 120V or 2.0kW, 240V
provided for installati0n to field wiring per code. stage/studio Dimmer/Non-Dim l\4odules
F. When used in coniunction with dimmer modules
B. All auxiliary equipment necessary f0r the operation ol c. single 6.okw, 120V or 5.okw, 240V
specified elsewhere, the outpul voltage of each dim-
the Dimmer Rack under the intent o'f these speci{ica- stage/studi0 Dimmer/Non-Dim M0dules
tions shall be {urnished and shall include, but not be
ming channel shall repeatedly respond within +2Vto
a 0% to 100% control signal with a modified square-
d.- single 12.0kW, 120V or 10.0kW, 240V
limited t0 overload and short-circuit protection. All stage/studio Dimmer/Non-Dim Modules
law transler characteristic. This resp0nse shall n0t
exterior c0ntr0l, indicating and pr0tection devices (requires two module spaces)
exceed 6 cycles 0r 1/10 second, and shall be insensi-
shall be appropriately labeled with engraved plastic tive to the phase {rom which the control signal is
e. dual 2.4kW, 120V or 2.0kW, 240V
identification strips. houselr ghVworkli ght Dimmer/Non-Dim
taken. All dimming channel transfer characteristics
lilodules (three maximum for lV.A.1.e.
C. Dimmer Rack shall be factory-tested and all printed- shall be factory set with no user adlustments re-
plus f )
circuit cards burned in at elevated temperatures and quired.
voltages lor a period 0f four hours. The entire as-
l. single 6.0kW, 120V or 5.0kW, 240V
G. Each control module shall be protected against over houselighvworklight Dimmer/N0n-Dim
sembly shall be UL listed and labeled with a UL current and shon-circuit currenl by 2 - 1A slo-blo l\40dules (three maximum for lV.A.1.e.
interrupting rating of 10,000A for Dimmer Banks de- tuses, with an interrupt rating 0f 10,000A. plus f.)
signed t0 accept 120V Dimmer Modules, pending UL
H. lvlaximum power consumption of the Control Module g. pair of dual 2.4kW, 120V or 2.0kW, 240V
shall not exceed 20 watts per hour. houselighVworklight Dimmer/Non-Dim
D. The control input signal to the Control Module shall Modules (three maximum for lV.A.1.g.
be per EIA standard RS-422. This signal shall be a plus h.)
multiplexed digital control signal c0ntaining at least 8 A. lf specified, Power Rack shall be similar in c0nstruc-
bits ol level information for each of 512 dimming tion to the Dimmer Rack as sDecif ed in items 1.A., h. single 6.0kW, 120V or 5.0kW,
240V houselighVworkli ght
control channels updated at least 30 times a second. LB., ll.A., ll.B. and ll.C. above. Rack shall contain
Dimmer/Non-Dim lvlodules (three
The Control Module shall be capable of capturing the all specified auxiliary equipment. l'f speci{ied, rack
maximum for lV.A.1.g. plus h.)
intensity 0f any dimming contr0l channel available on shall include a matching door similar to item l.E.
the input and decode it for use by any dimming above, but without filter. i. half rack space for auxiliary equipment
(requires 96 module spaces)
channel. Additi0nally the Control iilodules shall ac- B. lI specified, Racks shall be mechanically linked to- -
cepl six 0 to +10VDC linear analog control signals gether and completely inter-connected to form a
2. racks {or 192 Dimmer l\4odules contigured t0
with an input impedance of 100k 0hms and employ single complete Jactory-built and tested Dimmer Bank
accept the following:
them t0 operate three Dimmer Modules and three assembly. Main feeder bussing similar to bussing
specified in ll.A. above with an ampacity as specified
a. dual 1.2kW, 120V slage/studio Dimmer
pairs 0f Dimmer Modules. These modules shall be
Nlod ules
operated by the digital or analog signal depending on shall be provided and housed in a Power Rack as
b. dual 2.4kW, 120V or 2.0kW, 240V
the presence 0r absence 0f a transfer signal contacl specified in lll.A. above.
stage/studi0 Dimmer/Non-Dim l\.4odules
closure. A second "panic" signal contact closure C. lf specitied, Dimmer Bank bussing shall be sec- c. single 6.okw, 120V or 5.0kW, 240V
shall bypass the control 0f these specially designated tionalized and provided with silver-sand fuses t0 limit stage/studio Dimmer/Non-Dim lVodules
Dimmer [t]odules and force their solid-state switching the faull currents t0 10,0004 beyond the feeder bus- d.
- single 12.OkW, 120V 0r 10.0kW, 240V
sing. stage/studio Dimmer/N0n-Dim lVodules
(requires two module spaces)
B. Provide the following "optional" equipment:
1. Power Racks for auxiliary equipment.
2. Amp main feeder bussing and factory
inler-connection ol all racks.
3. Lot special bussing and silver-sand fuses for
additiOnal lault current protection.

Colortran,lnc. ::.::::1":;:::::,T:Jillji"'lj;iljJ,'"'l;.11i':ffi:l,]il.,iJ,','i,;,liiHH,

5M 1 1/84 Printed in U.S.A

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