Geology Review

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• What are the characteristics for a mineral?

(Mineral properties)
-Distinct and consistent elemental composition (CaCO3)
-Crystalline structure (atoms from infinitely repeating groups)
-Minerals are solids
• Compare and contrast graphite and a diamond.
-Both made of pure carbon
-Only form under extreme pressure
-Diamond colors come from impurities
-Hardest naturally occurring substance
-High thermal conductivity
-Carbon atoms are tightly packed.
-Short atomic bonds are very strong.
-Diamond is very dense - conducts heat and bends lights
-One of the softest naturally occurring substances
-Carbon atoms are arranged in tightly connected sheets.
-Electrostatic bonds between sheets are very weak.
-Sheets break away from one-another very easily.
• What are rare earth elements and what are they used for?
-Neodymium: Headphones
-Lanthanum: Night vision goggles
• What is a polymorph?
-A specific crystalline form of a compound that can crystallize in different forms
• How are igneous rocks produced?
-Solidification of molten rock
• How are sedimentary rocks produced?
-Cementation and compaction of grains
-Precipitation of mineral crystals out of solution
-Biological processes
• How are metamorphic rocks produced?
-Pre-existing rocks change in response to a change in pressure and temperature
• Extrusive/volcanic rocks
-Fast cooling and small crystals
• Intrusive/plutonic rocks
-Slow cooling and large crystals
• How is a volcanic neck formed?
-Column of lava dries
• Understand the structure of the scheme for igneous rock identification
-Made of randomly arranged, interlocking crystals of silicate minerals
• Properties of the volcanic/extrusive rock pumice
-Translucent bubble walls
• Which rock type is the only one that can preserve fossils within its layers? (igneous,
sedimentary or metamorphic?)
-Sedimentary (Bioclastic)
• How do chemically formed or crystalline (evaporites) sedimentary rocks form?
-Evaporites are formed by the evaporation of water
-Chemical sedimentary rock forms when mineral constituents in solution become
supersaturated and solid
• Evaporites: RCCH
-Rock Salt (Halite)
-Rock Gypsum
• What are some environmental concerns surrounding Sedimentary rocks? SINKHOLES!
o Karst regions-regions underlain by limestone rock-can form underground caves and
o Limestone reacts with acid in rain and the formation of these caves can lead to
• How is petroleum formed?
-Fossil fuel formed from the remains of ancient marine organisms
• What is a petroleum trap?
-Below ground traps where a permeable reservoir rock is covered by some low
permeability cap rock
-“Oil and Gas traps”
• Explain all the interrelated parts of the rock cycle

• What is isostasy?
-State of gravitational equilibrium between Earth's crust and mantle
-Crust "floats" at an elevation that depends on its thickness and density of underlying
roots of the low density of the mountain
• What is foliation? What is progressive foliation?
-Foliation is when the lines come together from pressing
• How did the metamorphic rock in the bedrock of Manhattan form?
-Rocks were formed as the roots of two ancient mountain ranges
-Margin of North America
-One over 1 billion years ago, the other about 450 million years ago.
• What is a mineral ore?

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