Engineering Rubric For SO (B) Problem Analysis

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(Engineering Programs)

Student Outcome (b): Identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems.

Program: Course: _______________ Section: Semester School Year ____________

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary

Performance Indicators Score
1 2 3
1. Ability to identify an engineering The problem is not identified The problem is stated but not The statement of the problem
problem clearly identified has been clearly and fully
(Statement of the Problem) identified.
2. Ability to formulate engineering Unable to formulate an Presents a general approach to Presents a detailed step by step
solutions to a given problem appropriate solution to the solve an engineering problem solution to solve an engineering
(Design/Research Methodology) problem problem
3. Ability to apply the best solution Not able to solve the given The solution to the problem The correct solution to the
to an engineering problem engineering problem has not been fully elaborated problem has been clearly
(Summary and Conclusion) derived and presented

Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score / 3)
Percentage Rating = (Total Score / 9) x 100%

Evaluated by:

Printed Name and Signature of Faculty Member Date

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