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Mid Infotech

Employees Performance Test (SET A)

Each objective question carries 1 mark each and each subjective question carries 5 marks each.

There is a total of 75 objective questions and 5 subjective questions.

1 negative mark on every four wrong answer.

Total time: 2 hours.

1. The best way to promote a business with social media is

A. To advertise your company, services and products

B. To collect as many contacts as possible
C. Offer a lot of helpful and free information
D. Invite potential clients to visit your website

2. What does on page search engine optimization refer to?

A. Programming keywords into a website
B. Evaluating each page of a website for design
C. The amount of links coming into your website
D. The number of search engine sites a website is submitted to

3. Which of the following marketing techniques are most likely to pay you?
A. Pay per click advertising
B. Using social media marketing strategies
C. Posting press releases
D. Article marketing

4. If a website’s search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is 20%, what does it
A. 20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the search engine
B. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine
C. 20% of the websites pages will never be indexed
D. The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for its most important
search terms

5. Which of the following factors have an impact on the Google PageRank?

A. The total number of inbound links to a page of a web site
B. The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site
C. The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web site
D. The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a web site

Regd. Office: 1st Floor, Jaiswal Complex, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001.

Phone: +91 9234052008 (Office),,

Mid Infotech

6. What is Anchor Text?

A. It is the main body of text on a particular web page
B. It is the text within the left or top panel of a web page
C. It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page
D. It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title to the page

7. Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?

A. If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that you only allow the
indexing of the better version
B. Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views the page/s.
C. Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicate
D. Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed as duplicate content by Google

8. What does the term Keyword Prominence refer to?

A. It refers to the fact that the importance of choosing high traffic keywords leads to the best return on
B. It refers to the importance attached to getting the right keyword density
C. It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage are given priority by the
search engines
D. It refers to the fact that the keywords in bold font are given priority by the search engines

9. What does the 302 server response code signify?

A. It signifies conflict, too many people wanted the same file at the same time
B. The page has been permanently removed
C. The method you are using to access the file is not allowed
D. The page has temporarily moved
E. What you requested is just too big to process

10. What will the following robots.txt file do?

A. It will allow Google to crawl any of the dynamically generated pages. It will also allow thealtavista scooter
bot to access every page
B. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages. It will also disallow the
altavista scooter bot from accessing any page
C. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages. It will allow the altavista
scooter bot to access every page
D. None of the above

Regd. Office: 1st Floor, Jaiswal Complex, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001.

Phone: +91 9234052008 (Office),,

Mid Infotech

11. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another
site called?
A. Trafficjacking
B. Visitorjacking
C. Viewjacking
D. Pagejacking

12. Which of the following can be termed as appropriate Keyword Density?

A. 0.01-0.1%
B. 0.1-1%
C. 3-4%
D. 7-10%
E. More than 10%

13. What is Keyword Density?

A. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on page – (MINUS)the total
words in HTML on the page
B. The number of times the keyword is used X (MULTIPLIED BY) the total word count on page
C. The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
D. The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
E. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on the page

14. Which of the following facts about Alexa are correct?

A. Alexa provides free data on relative website visitor traffic
B. Alexa and Quantcast provide information on visitor household incomes
C. Alexa is biased towards US based traffic
D. Quantcast only tracks people who have installed the Quantcast toolbar
This is the last question of your test.

15. How are site maps important for the search engine optimization process?
A. Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through a website, hence ensuring quicker
B. Google gives credit to the websites having site maps. The GoogleBot looks for the keyword or title “Site
Map” on the home page of a website.
C. Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website
D. None of the above

16. What aspects of a hyperlink are not important for SEO?

A. The visibility of the link text.
B. The anchor text, especially the keywords in it.
C. The place from which the link originates.
D. The place to which the link leads.

Regd. Office: 1st Floor, Jaiswal Complex, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001.

Phone: +91 9234052008 (Office),,

Mid Infotech

17. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?
A. 1 week
B. 3 weeks
C. 1 month
D. More than 3 months
18. What does the term “Sandbox” mean in SEO?
A. The box with paid ads that appear when you perform a search.
B. This is where sites are kept till they get mature enough to be included in the top rankings for a particular
C. A special category of sites that are listed in kid-safe searches
D. The first 10 search results for a particular keyword.

19. Which is the most important metatag?

A. Header
B. Title
C. Description
D. Keywords
20. What does PPC mean?
A. Pay Per Click
B. Personal and Private Computer
C. Proper Price Concept
D. Price Per Click
21. Placing Hidden text on web page is?
A. Black - Hat SEO technique
B. White - Hat SEO technique
C. Yellow - Hat SEO trick
D. Green - Hat SEO trick
22. Which of the below is the best URL format for Humans and Search Engines?
23. Number of characters recommended for Title Tag?
A. 120
B. 250
C. 65
D. 100
24. Which query will give list of webpages indexed by a particular search engine on given domain
A. list:
B. link:
C. webpage:
D. site:

Regd. Office: 1st Floor, Jaiswal Complex, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001.

Phone: +91 9234052008 (Office),,

Mid Infotech

25. Which one of the below is considered to be unethical SEO practice?

A. Placing Hidden text on webpage
B. Having 2000 words of original content
C. Have more then 25 Images on webpage
D. Having a complete flash website
26. When an Internet user clicks on a banner ad or a search result listing the page that opens is called the
A. Home page
B. Navigation page
C. Landing page
D. First page
27. Good Content can be described as
A. Keyword Rich
B. Focused and Informative
C. Interesting and Original
D. All of the Above
28. Which form of redirect/meta tag will transfer the most authority to the directed page?
A. 301
B. 302
C. 304
D. 307
29. Paid search marketing (e.g. Google AdWords) is usually purchased on which basis?
A. Cost per Thousand (CPM)
B. Earnings Per Click (EPC).
C. Pay Per Click (PPC).
D. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
30. What important concept in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) refers to a key ranking factor which is the
number of other pages on the web referring to a page through a hyperlink?
A. The 'title' attribute of a page.
B. Link anchor text.
C. Robots. Back-links.
D. None of the above.

31. The online communications technique of search engine optimisation (SEO) is aimed at achieving/gaining:
A. Representation on third party websites.
B. A good ranking in sponsored listings of the search engines.
C. A good ranking in the organic or natural listings of search engines.
D. A position in web site directories

32. Cookies are used in digital advertising for

A. Affiliate marketing
B. All of the above
C. Modelling / attribution of referrers
D. Serving different ad versions in a sequence of ads
E. Re-marketing / Behavioural targeting

Regd. Office: 1st Floor, Jaiswal Complex, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001.

Phone: +91 9234052008 (Office),,

Mid Infotech

33. Search engine optimization can be described as ...

A. Paid for
B. Organic
C. Easy
D. All of these

34. Which of the following is not a type of search

A. Transactional
B. Geographical
C. Navigational
D. Informational

35. Search engine 'spam' is ...

A. Nonsensical content designed to appeal to the search engines
B. Emails about search engine optimization
C. Content that makes sense to humans but not to search engines
D. An attempt by the search engines to prevent fraudulent listings

36. 'Black hat' SEO is ...

A. SEO practised by cowboys
B. The description given to practices which trick the search engines into presenting false results
C. A term used to describe people who are bad at SEO
D. The description given to the practice of developing the content of your website so that the search engines
like it

37. Paying for links to your site for SEO purposes is known as ...
A. Link hopping
B. Link pimping
C. Link spamming
D. None of these is a term to describe buying links

38. Search engine optimization is the practice of ...

A. Fooling the search engines into listing your website
B. Paying for a high listing on the SERP
C. Making a website 'attractive' to a search engine
D. None of these describe search engine optimization

39. Considering the importance of effective SEO to organizations, for which of the following is SEO least
A. A car accessory retailer [e.g. Hill Street Motorist Shops]
B. A company which gets its business from repeat customers and referrals [e.g. Clough and Taylor]
C. A university [e.g. Huxley University]
D. A museum [e.g. The Rockridge Museum]

Regd. Office: 1st Floor, Jaiswal Complex, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001.

Phone: +91 9234052008 (Office),,

Mid Infotech

40. Why might deciding on your website's keyword yourself not be a good idea?
A. You're not an expert on SEO
B. You know nothing about your products
C. You do not know what keywords searchers might use
D. You are too busy doing other things

41. Why might deciding on your website's keyword yourself not be a good idea?
A. You're not an expert on SEO
B. You know nothing about your products
C. You do not know what keywords searchers might use
D. You are too busy doing other things
42. A website's history might be important to SEO because ...
A. New sites are hard to get listed high in the SERPs
B. Old sites are hard to get listed high in the SERPs
C. Search engines favour historical content
D. None of these are important

43. Which of the following types of business are most suited to the use of affiliate programmes?
A. A food processing company [e.g. 22 Catches Fish Products]
B. A tourist information centre [e.g. Cleethorpes Visitors Association]
C. A small business providing turnkey software solutions for the manufacturing sector [e.g. BethSoft]
D. None of these are suited to the use of affiliate programmes
44. Ads that use banners are considered to be most effective for the objective of ...
A. Direct action
B. Lead generation
C. Branding
D. Banners are considered to be effective for all of these objectives
45. The landing page is ...
A. The first page of a website that the visitor sees
B. The home page of a website
C. The page of a website visitors arrive on
D. None of these describes a landing page
46. According to Jacob Neilsen, 90 per cent of visitors to social media sites are ...
A. Time killers
B. Lurkers
C. Time wasters
D. Lookers
47. To be successful, viral messages must be ...
A. Funny
B. Worth forwarding
C. Rude
D. Short

Regd. Office: 1st Floor, Jaiswal Complex, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001.

Phone: +91 9234052008 (Office),,

Mid Infotech

48. The first web browser was ...

A. Firefox
B. Windows Internet Explorer
C. Mosaic
D. Yahoo
49. According to Gerry McGovern; 'old school marketing is about getting customers to do things, while web
marketing is about <---???--->customers to do things'. The missing word is:
A. Forcing
B. Influencing
C. Helping
D. Paying
50. Which of the following is not a domain name?
51. Which of the following is not a direct way for a visitor to reach a website?
A. By entering the domain name or URL into a browser
B. By clicking on a hyperlink on another website
C. By emailing your friend to ask for the URL of the website
D. By following a link from an identified search engine listing
52. In website development, which is the most important aspect?
A. Navigation
B. Usability
C. Appearance
D. It is impossible to say which is the most important aspect
53. A website's front - or home page should include ...
A. A lengthy description of the organization
B. Logos depicting awards the site's designers have received
C. Links to other websites
D. None of these
54. A session in Google Analytics consists of:
A. the reports generated by users over a specific period of time
B. interactions or hits from a specific user for all time
C. interactions or hits from a specific user over a defined period of time
D. a group of users getting together in person to discuss Analytics

55. CTR is short for?

A. Customer Trending Report
B. check The Reports
C. Click Through Ratio
D. click Through Rate

Regd. Office: 1st Floor, Jaiswal Complex, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001.

Phone: +91 9234052008 (Office),,

Mid Infotech

56. Which page should the tracking code be installed to?

A. Index Page
B. Mobile Pages
C. Ecommerce Pages
D. ALL Pages

57. Digital analytics is

A. The analysis of quantitative data from your business
B. A process of continual improvement of the online experience
C. The analysis of qualitative data from your business
D. The analysis of data from your business and the competition
E. All of these answers are correct
58. When will Google Analytics end a default session?
A. After 30 minutes, regardless of user activity on your website
B. Once the user opens another browser window
C. When a user is inactive on your site for 30 minutes or more or closes a browser window
D. At noon every day
59. If a paid keyword has an Assisted/Last Click or Direct Conversion value of .5, which of the following is true?
A. The keyword played an assist role in exactly one conversion
B. The keyword played an assist role in exactly five conversions
C. The keyword played an assist role less often than it played a last click role
D. None of these answers

60. What is the best type of ranking?

A. Organic Ranking
B. Paid Ranking
C. Both A and B
D. Neither
61. What are search engine spiders?
A. A program that crawls links and adds content from websites to the search engines.
B. Viruses that contaminate websites, making them unrepairable.
C. They are what websites are made up of.
D. none of these answers
62. Which one of these is not On-Page SEO?
A. Alt Tags for Images
B. Meta Description
C. Link Building
D. Title Tag
63. What constitutes Spamming?
A. Making your Website keyword stuffed
B. Doing too many tweets and posts
C. Bulk commenting on other posts/forums
D. None of the Above

Regd. Office: 1st Floor, Jaiswal Complex, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001.

Phone: +91 9234052008 (Office),,

Mid Infotech

64. What are the benefits of SiteMap? (Multiple Answers Allowed)

A. Helps in indexing pages by search engines
B. Helps human visitors to traverse the site
C. Helps in generating Back Links
D. All of the Above
65. When on a Google SERP, most users' eyes focus on which part of the page?
A. Middle
B. Right top
C. Top left
D. Bottom left
E. It is impossible to say for sure but believed that it is the top centre of the page that most users focus on.
66. The closer to the _________ of the title tag your keywords are, the more helpful they'll be for ranking.
A. Start
B. Middle
C. End
D. It makes no difference

67. It is safe to link to your own website, as long as:

A. You contact Google in advance
B. You add the rel=noindex parameter to the hyperlink
C. You add the rel=nofollow parameter to the hyperlink
D. Your anchor text isn't spammy.
68. A website can have only:
A. Only 1 sitemap
B. Multiple sitemaps
C. No more than 10 sitemaps
D. None of the Above
69. Domain Authority and Page Authority (DA/PA) are terms mainly coined by:
A. Moz
B. Ahrefs
C. Google Webmaster Guidelines
D. Screaming Frog

70. Proper SEO citations:

A. Should only contain a backlink
B. Have consistent NAP and a complete profile filled out
C. Must be created within 10 days of a new website
D. Are great for eCommerce websites without an address
71. Website speed is probably considered a ranking factor because:
A. It saves Google money.
B. It provides a better user experience.
C. Google can't crawl pages that load past 5 seconds.
D. The faster the page loads, the more likely it is to get a backlink.

Regd. Office: 1st Floor, Jaiswal Complex, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001.

Phone: +91 9234052008 (Office),,

Mid Infotech

72. Breadcrumbs refer to:

A. Traces of links left from a removed backlink
B. A type of navigation, indicating where you are in the hierarchy / sitemap.
C. The top menu on a given page.

73. Which of the following are considered ranking factors:

A. Backlinks
B. Content
C. Domain age
D. Keywords in domain
E. Keywords in content

74. Which of the following could be considered off-page SEO factors:

A. a backlink from YouTube
B. a citation from Yelp
C. content on a subdomain
D. a press release with a do-follow link
E. a spammy link from a hacked site

75. A 404 and a 403 differ in that:

A. A 404=not found while 403=not available
B. A 404=not found while 403=forbidden
C. A 404=not available while 403=forbidden

76. What is Google Webmasters Tools, why do you use it?

77. Why is SEO so important?
78. What do you mean by Backlink and mention its importance in SEO?
79. What is a Search Engine? Name of a few search engines?
80. What is On-Page SEO? What is Off Page SEO?

Regd. Office: 1st Floor, Jaiswal Complex, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001.

Phone: +91 9234052008 (Office),,

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