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Student's Name: CABANATAN, PAUL IVAN Student No.: 20181344

Course: BSA Year Level: 2

Section Subjects Units Room Assessment Details

013 CONPWOR 3.00 104 Tuition Fee 1,920.00
048 LIFWRIZ 3.00 107 Matriculation Fee 1,000.00
Library Fee 1,300.00
Total Academic Units: 6.00
Medical Fee 300.00
Dental Fee 300.00
Athletic Fee 300.00
Guidance and Counselling Fee 250.00
Insurance 200.00
Student Activity Fee 200.00
Student Council Fee 150.00
Information and Communication 400.00
Student Materials and Forms 1,300.00
Student Services Fee 1,700.00

Total Assessment: 9,320.00

NOTE: Assessment/back account details may still change. Date Generated: 06-06-2019
Computation is subject to verification/confirmation by Accounting Office. Time Generated: 03:01:48pm

This document was generated by the student from the SPSPS Online Student Portal.

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