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Mindanao State University

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

Marawi City


Accounting 142

THE CONCEPTS AND FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT C. Controlling – involves checking the performance of
The work of managers can be usefully classified as activities against the plan or standards set and
planning, directing and motivating and controlling. All of deciding what corrective actions to take should
these activities involve making decisions. there be any deviation between the actual and
planned performance. Feedback in the form of
performance reports that compare actual results
with the budget are an essential part of the control
function. Controls employed by management are
generally classified into three as follows:
 Preliminary or feedforward controls – used to
control input resources prior to the
organizational transition process and designed
to prevent problems from occurring.
 Screening or concurrent controls – used to
monitor the ongoing transformation process to
ensure that organizational standards and
goals are being met
A. Planning – involves carrying out the following
activities:  Post-action or feedback controls – used after
 Setting of immediate, as well as long-range completion of the transformation process to
goals for the organization. determine if and where corrective action
 Predicting future conditions that are expected needs to be taken.
to prevail. D. Decision-making – is an integral part of the other
 Considering the different means or strategies three management activities.
by which the goals set may be achieved. Need for Managerial Accounting Information
 Deciding which of the strategies should be
Accurate and timely accounting information helps
used to attain such goals.
management plan effectively and to focus attention on
Goals – are outcome statements that define what deviations from plans. In the planning stage, managers
an organization is trying to accomplish both make decisions concerning which alternatives should be
programmatically and organizationally. They are selected. Financial information is often a vital component
meant to provide a sense of direction and are of this decision-making. Once the alternatives have been
normally expressed in general, abstract statements. selected, detailed planning is possible. These detailed plans
Objectives – are precise, time-based and are usually stated in the form of budgets. Further, the
measurable actions that support the completion of control function of management is aided by performance
a goal. They are more specific expressions of reports that compare actual performance to the budget.
actions and things to be done. When objectives This feedback mechanism directs attention to activities
are set, specific plans are made. where managerial attention is needed.
 Strategic objectives and plans – are MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING AND ITS SCOPE
company-wide plans with a long planning The field of accounting that provides economic and
horizon. financial information for internal users, particularly the
 Tactical objectives and plans – these plans managers or decision makers in an organization is called
translate overall strategy into shorter range managerial accounting or management accounting. This
specifics for each division or department. They field of accounting aims:
contain more details and are more action A. To provide information for costing services,
oriented. products and other objects of interests.
 Operational objectives and plans – these  Determining, accumulating and explaining
plans are very detailed implementation of the costs, both manufacturing and non-
company’s strategy. They are annual plans manufacturing.
with specific objectives for individual  Computing or determining product cost or
operating units. service cost.
 Contingency plans – also called disaster  Determining cost behavior.
recovery plans, these are plans implemented B. To provide information for planning, controlling,
in case of fire, flood, power outages or other evaluation and continuous improvement.
fortuitous events.  Providing assistance to management in profit
To be more useful, objectives should be specific, planning and budgeting.
measurable, attainable, realistic and time-  Providing bases for cost control with the use of
bounded. Moreover, objectives need to be standards costs and other planned objectives.
communicated and documented. C. To provide information for decision making.
B. Directing and motivating – involves overseeing the  Accumulating and presenting data which
day to day activities, seeing to it that the may be used by managers in decision
organization is functioning smoothly and the making.
members of the organization are mobilized to carry  Assisting managers in developing the
out plans. This management function include the company’s prices both for external and
following activities: internal transactions.
 Employee work assignments. Management accounting concepts apply to both profit-
 Routine problem solving. oriented organizations and not for profit organizations. It
 Conflict resolution. covers a much broader scope as it goes beyond the
 Effective communications. boundaries of traditional accounting.

Prepared by: Mohammad Muariff S. Balang, CPA, First Semester, AY 2013-2014 Page|1 of 3
Management Accounting and Financial Accounting C. Evaluating and consulting – to consult with all levels
Typically, accounting can be divided into financial of management responsible for policy or action
accounting and managerial accounting. This division is concerning any phase of the operation of the
made primarily on the grounds of orientation of the reports. business as it relates to the attainment of objectives
and effectiveness of policies, organizational
Financial accounting Managerial accounting structures and procedures.
D. Tax administration – to establish or coordinate the
Historical in nature Deals about the future
preparation of reports to government agencies.
Uses or is bound by the E. Government reporting – to supervise or coordinate
Does not use PFRSs
PFRSs the preparation of reports to government agencies.
F. Protection of assets – to assure protection for the
Reports are holistic Reports are segmentized
assets of business through internal control, internal
Reports are for general Reports are for auditing and assuring proper insurance coverage.
purpose management use only G. Economic appraisal – to continuously appraise
economic and social forces and government
With the unifying equation:
No unifying equation influences and to interpret their effect upon the
Focuses on accounting Management accountants, regardless of their title, occupy
and finance a staff position and not a line position. A person in a line
Focuses on the process of position is directly involved in achieving the basic
Concerns with usefulness objectives of the organization. On the other hand, a person
preparing the financial
of the financial statements in a staff position is indirectly involved in achieving those
basic objectives. Staff positions support line positions, but
Focus is on precise Focus is on timely they do not have direct authority over line positions.
information information
Reports cover a year, a Reports are prepared as Management accountants have an obligation to the
quarter or a month and needed and tend to be organizations they serve, their profession, the public and
tend to be compressed more extensive and themselves to maintain the highest standards of ethical
and simplified detailed conduct. In recognition of this obligation, the Institute of
Management Accountants has promulgated the ethical
Mandatory Optional standards below. Adherence to these standards is integral
in achieving the objectives of management accounting.
Though distinct from each other, financial accounting and
management accounting have some similarities. First, both A. Competence – management accountants have a
fields draw information from the same accounting system. responsibility to:
Second, both classifications use cost accounting data in  Maintain an appropriate level of professional
the preparation of reports. competence by on-going development of
their knowledge and skills.
CONTROLLERSHIP AND TREASURERSHIP  Perform their professional duties in
The chief management accounting executive of an accordance with relevant laws, regulations
organization is the controller who is mainly responsible for and technical standards.
the accounting aspect of management planning and  Prepare complete and clear reports and
control. In some organizations, the controller is called as the recommendations after appropriate analyses
vice president for finance, chief financial officer, of relevant and reliable information.
accounting manager, budget director or systems director.
Basically, the controller: B. Confidentiality – management accountants have
A. Accumulates and reports accounting information a responsibility to:
to all levels of management.  Refrain from disclosing confidential
B. Directs management’s attention to problems and information acquired in the course of their
assists them in solving such problems. work except when authorized or legally
obligated to do so.
Thus, the controller is responsible for both internal and
 Inform subordinates as appropriate regarding
external accounting requirements and is responsible for
the confidentiality of information acquired in
designing and operating a system through which control
the course of their work and monitor their
information is collected and reported.
activities to assure the maintenance of that
Controllership versus Treasurership confidentiality.
 Refrain from using or appearing to use
Controllership Treasurership confidential information acquired in the
course of their work for unethical or illegal
Planning and control Provision of capital
advantage either personally or through third
Reporting and interpreting Investor relations parties.
C. Integrity – management accountants have a
Evaluating and consulting Short-term financing
responsibility to:
Government reporting Banking and custody  Avoid actual or apparent conflict of interest
and advise all appropriate parties of any
Protection of assets Credit and collection potential conflict.
 Refrain from engaging in any activity that
Economic appraisal Investments
would prejudice their ability to carry out their
Tax administration Insurance duties ethically.
 Refuse any gift, favor or hospitality that would
A. Planning and control – to establish, coordinate and influence or would appear to influence their
administer, as an integral part of management, an actions.
adequate plan for the control of operations.  Refrain from either actively or passively
B. Reporting and interpreting – to compare subverting attainment of the organization’s
performance with operating plans and standards legitimate and ethical objectives.
and to report and interpret results of operations to  Recognize and communicate professional
the concerned users of such reports. limitations or other constraints that would

Prepared by: Mohammad Muariff S. Balang, CPA, First Semester, AY 2013-2014 Page|2 of 3
preclude responsible judgment or successful achieved when the problem is initially presented,
performance of an activity. submit the issues to the next higher managerial
 Communicate unfavorable, as well as level.
favorable information and professional B. If the immediate superior is the chief executive
judgments or opinions. officer or its equivalent, the acceptable reviewing
 Refrain from engaging in or supporting any authority may be a group such as the audit
activity that would discredit the profession. committee, executive committee, board of
D. Objectivity – management accountants have the directors, board of trustees or owners.
responsibility to: C. Contact with levels above the immediate supervisor
 Communicate information fairly and should be initiated only with the superior’s
objectively. knowledge assuming the superior is not involved.
 Disclose fully all relevant information that D. Except when legally prescribed, communication of
could reasonably be expected to influence such problems to authorities or individuals not
an intended user’s understanding of the employed or engaged by the organization is not
reports, comments and recommendations considered appropriate. Thus, maintain
presented. confidentiality except where legally required.
E. Clarify issues in a confidential discussion with an
RESOLUTION OF ETHICAL CONFLICTS objective advisor to obtain a better understanding
In applying the standards of ethical conduct, management of possible courses of action.
accountants may encounter problems in identifying F. Consult an attorney as to any legal obligations and
unethical behavior or in resolving an ethical conflict. When rights concerning the ethical conduct.
faced with significant ethical issues, management G. If the ethical conflict still exists after exhausting all
accountants should follow the organization’s established levels of internal review, there may be no other
policies for resolving ethical conflict. If this does not work recourse on significant matters than to resign from
the following guidelines should be considered: the organization and to submit an informative
A. Discuss such problem with the immediate superior memorandum to an appropriate representative of
except when it appears that the superior is the organization.
involved, in which case the problem should be H. After resignation, depending on the nature of the
presented initially to the next higher managerial ethical conflict, it may also be appropriate to notify
level. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be other parties.

Prepared by: Mohammad Muariff S. Balang, CPA, First Semester, AY 2013-2014 Page|3 of 3

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