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Schedule: August 3-6 JADE - 8:30-9:30 MON 2:00-3:00 TUE, 10:00 -11:00 Th, 11:00-12:00 FRI RUBY- 8:30-9:30 TUES, 10:00 – 11:00 WED, 2:00 – 3:00 TH, 10:00 -11:00 FRI, DIAMOND - 1:00 – 2:00 M, W,TH,FRI

I. OBJECTIVES No. of Days/Session
A. (Content Standard) The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his or her understanding of literature and other text types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine culture and other countries’ culture
B. (Performance Standard) The learner creates a graphic organizer containing information from a material viewed
C. (Learning Competencies) The learner demonstrates understanding of how pre-colonial Philippine literature and other text types lead him or her to connect to his or
her past , embrace Filipino culture and identity through various reading styles, creative writing compositions, oral language fluency,viewing
and listening texts and observing correct subject verb- agreement in order to appreciate oneself
DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 Day 4
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES *Use idiomatic expressions *note the changes in juncture *Observe correct subject-verb *Showcase their skills by
that affect meaning agreement perming real-life tasks

II. Topic/Subject Matter Module 1- Lesson 6 (Celebrating Module 1- Lesson 6 (Celebrating Module 1- Lesson 6 (Celebrating Module 1- Lesson 6 (Celebrating
My Heroes’ Belief My Heroes’ Belief My Heroes’ Belief My Heroes’ Belief
III. Learning Resources English7 Learners’ Material English7 Learners’ Material
A. References English7 Learners’ Material English7 Learners’ Material pp 138-139, English 7 Teachers’ pp 140-141, English 7 Teachers’
1. TB ,T.G. & L.M. Pp133-135, English 7 Teachers’ pp 135-138, English 7 Teachers’ Guide pp109-111 Guide pp112-113
2. LRMDC Portal Guide pp Guide pp 105-109 www.
B. Other Materials www. you
IV. Strategies/Procedure Review about Idiomatic Game about Subject Verb
Expressions through a game Agreement(Collective Nouns)
A. Review

Task 10.Idiomatic Expressions Watch a video about intonation Identify the different collective Introduce the activity by saying
-Have them identify the meaning nouns from the pictures that the task that they will
B. Motivation of the idioms through using the presented. perorm are based on real-life
sentences as their clue situations . Ask the learners to
form five groups
Task12. Speaking of the Hero Task 13. Language Connections
1.The Hero’s Intonation A.The Warrior’s Language
C. Concept and Practice #1 -Inform the learners that as -Guide the learners as they
(Activity) heroes, they should be able to analyze the sentences presented
express themselves clearly. One at the beginning of the task
way of doing this is through
improving their intonation as they -Allow them to focus on the
speak subject and the verb in the
Allow the learners to explain -Direct the attention of the
their answers learners to the sentences at the
beginning of the task Ask them questions to lead the
D. Concept and Practice #2
-As the learners answer the learners to the rules
questions lead them to unlock the
importance of using proper
intonation in communication
2.The Hero’s Juncture
-Ask the learners to listen to a set
of sentences which will be read
-Remind the learners that they Direct their attention in the
will just listen during the first study notes about the other
E. Concept and Practice #3
reading of the sentences. In the rules of subject-verb agreement
second reading have the learners -Instruct the learners to focus on
take down notes the examples given. Let them
observe how rules were used in
the sentences

Complete with Meaning Let them identify if the sentences The Warrior’s Test. Complete Performance task of every group
-Allow the learners to use these that will be read have two the following sentences by
F. Generalization idioms in a more communicative meanings or not chososing the proper verb that
(Application) context by allowing them to agrees with the subject
complete the sentences
provided using the idioms
Try Me! The Daily Warrior -Group leaders evaluate the
-Read the following statements -Imagine that you are a presentations of other groups
about the story. Put the newspaper writer about the -Giving of comments and
appropriate juncture in each adventures of King Indarapatra feedbacks
G. Assessment/Evaluation
sentence and Sulayman. Write a news
story about their adventures
applying the rules in subject-
verb agreement
V. Remarks
a. No. of learners needing remediation
b.% of Mastery

Checked: ________________________
Juliet B. Tomas
Head Teacher III, Language Dept.

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