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Technological Institute of the Philippines

Material Science and Engineering

Final Exam

Name ___________________________________ Date ______________________________

Section__________________________________ Instructor Engr. Arpelio A. Bernardo

Direction: Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

____ 1. The bonding between metal and non-metal

a. covalent b. ionic c. dative d. sigma
____ 2. The term used when the same atom can have more than one crystal structure.
a. allotropic b. allostrism c. polytropic d. polymorphism
____ 3. It is a fraction of a unit cell that is occupied by hard sphere atoms.
a. atomic packing factor c. volume of atoms in a unit cell
b. percent ionic character d. volume of the unit cell
____ 4. These defects in solids are produced by the solidification process, change in crystal
orientation across an impede dislocation motion.
a. point defects c. area defects
b. line defects d. no defects
____ 5. The energy required to break a unit volume of material
a. brittleness b. ductility c. hardness d. toughness
____ 6. The phenomenon by which materials assert an attractive or repulsive force or influenced
on other materials.
a. electrical property c. mechanical property
b. magnetism d. thermal property
____ 7. It means permanent deformation.
a. elastic b. plastic c. synthetic d. amorphic
____ 8. It is an imperfection in solids which is characterized by “extra” atoms positioned between
atomic sites.
a. interstitial defect c. substitutional defect
b. plane defect d. vacancy defect
____ 9. The electrical conductivity of aluminum wire is 3.8 x 107/-m. Compute the resistance
of an aluminum wire 5 mm in diameter and 5 m long.
a. 6.7 x 10-3  c. 7.6 x 10-3 
b. 6.7 x 10  -5 d. 7.6 x 10-5 
____ 10. It states that stress is directly proportional to strain.
a. Fick’s Law b. Hooke’s Law c. Poisson Law d. Ohm’s Law
____ 11. Which among the type of materials is the densiest?
a. ceramics b. composites c. metals d. wood
____ 12. How does temperature influence the resistivity of materials?
a. the resistivity increases with the rise in temperature
b. the resistivity decreases with rise in temperature
c. the resistivity increases with lowering of temperature
d. the resistivity in not influenced by the change in temperature
____ 13. Silicon in computer chips is an example of what type of solid material?
a. biomaterial b. ceramics c. composite d. semiconductor
____ 14. The resistance to permanently indenting the surface.
a. brittleness b. ductility c. hardness d. toughness
____ 15. Single crystal that vary with direction.
a. anisotropic b. isentropic c. isotropic d. polytropic
____ 16. This is a size-independent measure of load.
a. elasticity b. strain c. stress d. yield
____ 17. What is the property of solid material exhibited by a polished metal?
a. electrical b. magnetic c. optical d. thermal
____ 18. It produces plastic deformation depending on incrementally breaking of bonds.
a. dislocation motion c. hardening of materials
b. solid solution d. diffusion across materials
____ 19. Copper wire which has an area of 2.9 x 10-4 m2 is pulled in tension with 44,500 N force,
producing only elastic deformation. Calculate the resulting strain if the modulus of
elasticity is 110 x 103 MPa.
a. 0.01390 b. 0.00139 c. 0.03190 d. 0.00319

____ 20. The metallic structure that has a cubic unit cell with atoms located at all eight corners
and a single atom at the cube center.
a. BCC b. FCC c. HCP d. SCC
____ 21. It involves the investigation of the relationship between the structure and properties of
a. material engineering c. material processing
b. material science d. material structure
____ 22. It is the state that exists when there are equal number of positive and negative charges
from the ions.
a. electroporosity b. electronegativity c. electroneutrality d. electropositivity
____ 23. The plastic strain at failure.
a. brittleness b. ductility c. hardness d. toughness
____ 24. Structure wherein atoms are located at each corners and centers of all cube face.
a. BCC b. FCC c. HCP d. SCC
____ 25. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. grain boundaries are barrier to slip
b. barrier strength increases with misorientation
c. smaller grain size, more barriers to slip
d. less barrier when the size of the grains are bigger
____ 26. This is a permanent deformation behavior occurs when the tensile (or compressive)
uniaxial stress reaches y.
a. amorphic b. elastic c. plastic d. metallic
____ 27. Materials that are utilized in high technology (or high tech) applications.
a. advanced materials c. composite materials
b. biomaterials d. semiconductors
____ 28. Alloying is an example of ____________.
a. cold work b. precipitation c. solid solution d. size reduction
____ 29. The ability of material to resist the passage of electrical current.
a. conductivity c. resistivity
b. electricity d. emissivity
____ 30. This reversible behavior of metals often shows linear relation between stress and strain.
a. elastic b. plastic c. ductility d. toughness
____ 31. Diffusion is slower for _____________.
a. open crystal structures c. lower density materials
b. smaller diffusing atoms d. close packed materials
____ 32. Thought of as being formed by a shear stress that is applied to produce a distortion as a
result of the shift of the upper front region of the crystal one atomic distance to the right
relative to the bottom portion?
a. grain boundaries c. screw dislocation
b. edge dislocation d. incremental slip
____ 33. Structure defect with a cation-vacancy and a cation-interstitial pair?
a. Frenkel defect b. Fick’s defect c. Schottky defect d. none of the above
____ 34. Which among the following will minimize the deformation?
a. large impurities c. large modulus of elasticity
b. large size of the grain d. large spaces between molecules
____ 35. The size-independent measure of displacement.
a. elasticity b. strain c. stress d. yield
____ 36. Materials in which atoms are situated in a repeating or periodic array over large atomic
a. amorphous b. crystalline c. coarse d. fine
____ 37. A cylindrical metal specimen having an original diameter of 12.8 mm and gauge length
of 50.80 mm is pulled in tension with fracture occurs. The diameter at the point of
fracture is 6.60 mm and the fracture gauge length is 72.14 mm. What is the percent
ductility in terms of percent elongation?
a. 32 % b. 35 % c. 42 % d. 45 %
____ 38. Conduction in which the electrical behavior is based on the electronic structure inherent
to the pure material.
a. extensive conduction c. extrinsic conduction
b. intensive conduction d. intrinsic conduction
____ 39. It refers to polycrystals with randomly oriented grains.
a. anistropic b. isentropic c. isotropic d. polytropic
____ 40. Determine the % ionic character of TiO2 where 1.5 and 3.5 electronegativity of Ti and O2,
a. 33.36 % b. 53.64 % c. 63.21 % d. 73.42 %

____ 41. A specimen subject to forces will experience deformation. What type of property is
exhibited by the material?
a. chemical b. deteriorative c. electrical d. mechanical
____ 42. The electrical conductivity of aluminium is 3.8 x 107/-m. What would be the current
density of an aluminium wire 5 mm in diameter and 5 m long if the potential drop
across the ends of the wire is 0.04 V?
a. 3.04 x 103 A/m2 c. 5.03 x 103 A/m2
b. 3.04 x 10 A/m
5 2 d. 5.03 x 105 A/m2
____ 43. Which among the following is an example of a composite materials?
a. fiber glass b. plastic cup c. rubber tubing d. wooden spoon
____ 44. Which among the four components of material science and engineering is exhibited by
transparent disc A, translucent disc B, and opaque disc C?
a. processing b. structure c. properties d. performance
____ 45. These defects in solids are produced by the solidification process, change in crystals
orientation across and impede dislocation motion.
a. area defects b. line defects c. point defects d. vacancy defects
____ 46. The time dependent elastic behaviour?
a. anelasticity b. plasticity c. embrittlement d. resilience
____ 47. Compute the strain hardening exponent n for an alloy in which a true stress of 415 MPa
produces a true strain of 0.10. Assume a value of 1035 MPa for k.
a. 0.0286 b. 0.0397 c. 0.286 d. 0.397
____ 48. The amount of current per unit area.
a. current density c. resistivity
b. electric field intensity d. semi-conductivity
____ 49. It refers to designing a process to suit materials to give predetermined set of properties.
a. material processing c. material science
b. material engineering d. material performance
____ 50. A tensile stress is to applied along the long axis of a cylindrical brass rod that has a
diameter of 10 mm. Determine the magnitude of the load required to produce a 2.5 x 10-
3 mm change in diameter if the deformation is entirely elastic  = 0.34, E = 97 GPa.
a. 340 N b. 450 N c. 560 N d. 670 N


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