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Concept: Using Measures

Using Measures
Measures enable you to evaluate certain results, or result quantities, as discrete numbers in the engine
report file or as a graph plot using the postprocessor. The postprocessor also enables you to plot a measure
versus another measure. Measures can be used as a convergence norm in a multipass adaptive analysis. In
static, modal, and buckling analyses, Simulate provides several system predefined measures. In addition, for
these and other analyses, the user can create measures for specific requirements in the postprocessor.

To define a measure, use the Measure Definition dialog box and complete the following:

Figure 1 – Measure Definition

• Type the name of the measure – Type a meaningful name. If required, enter a description.

• Specify the quantity to be measured – The available quantities are shown in Figure 2. 21-03-2018
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Figure 2 – User-Defined Measures

• Select a component or sub-option and a referenced user coordinate system – Select sub-options for
each quantity. The types of sub-options depend on the quantity selected.

• Select the spatial evaluation – Options may be point, minimum, or maximum (near point, over model,
over selected idealizations, and so forth). Select the geometry linked with the measurement.

• Enter further options if necessary.

Predefined measures are also available, as shown in Figure 3. 21-03-2018
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Figure 3 – Predefined Measures

When working with measures on defined points, you must ensure that these points move or stay as required
in the sensitivity study during geometry update. The convergence plot can be checked for every measure
when running the study in MPA. Computed measures enable you to further process existing measure results
in analytical expressions. These can then be output in the report file. 21-03-2018

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