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AGED 14-16

A Research Paper
Presented to the
Faculty of the Integrated Basic Education Department
of St. Andrew’s School

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

Research and Technical Writing 10

Bill John G. Santos – Group Leader
Alyanna Justine S. Tan
Maria Elisabeth Nicole P. Lopez
Crizelle R. Austria
Kiele Manuele A. Hernandez
Reyfe John D. Deloso
Darlene Denise D. Padua
Grade 10 – St. Benedict


September 2018

The researchers wish to extend their sincere and heartfelt thanks for the valuable

assistance and inspirations afforded by the following persons for without those help and

cooperation, this study would have been a reality.

Ms. Riza S. Aviles, her untiring advise, for her valuable guidance, untiring efforts,

unselfish moral support, assistance, comments and suggestions which gave life to this study.

Ms. Jonalyn Girao, Math Teacher, for her assistance and full concern of this study.

Ms. Maria Pilar Garduce, Araling Panlipunan Teacher, for her validation and suggestions

on the questionnaire

Ms. Micka Ramos, English Teacher, for her validation and suggestions on the


To all of you, thank you very much, for without your assistance, this research would have

been a mere dream.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………..... 2


1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING …………………………….... 5




DEFINITION OF TERMS ………………………………………. 7



2 METHODOLOGY ……………………………………………………12


RESEARCH DESIGN…………………………………………….13

INSTRUMENT…………………………………………………… 14

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS……………………………………. ..16







A Cover Letter……………………………………………………..26

B The Questionnaire……………………………………………….27

C Tallying………………………………………………………….28



1.1 The Factor that contributes the Most to Pubescents……………………17

1.2 The Factor that contributes the Least to Pubescents……………………17

2.1 The Weighted Mean Interpretation of St. Dominic Savio……………...18

2.2 The Weighted Mean Interpretation of St. Pedro Calungsod…………...19

2.3 The Weighted Mean Interpretation of St. Peter Damian……………….20

2.4 The Weighted Mean Interpretation of St. Vincent de Paul…………….21

3 The Overall Weighted Mean Interpretation…………………………….22



1 Factors that Contribute Depression to Aged 14-16……………………..8




Human life consists of different stages. Being in the stage of pubescence is very
challenging. It is the stage where the transition period between the dependency of childhood and
responsibilities of adulthood happens. This is the transition period where pubescents get that
sense of identity searching – pubescents want to start experiencing and exploring. Somehow,
being in the middle of childhood and adulthood is quite confusing, (in addition to stress and
pressure) and it is the stage where depression is more prominent. Throughout the years, the term
depression evolved. During the second millennium B.C., depression was associated with a
demonic possession. It was called “Melancholia.” This idea continued moving forward until the
Renaissance Period began during the 14th century.

Last 2015, according to the National Youth Assessment Study (NYAS), 26% of
respondents aged 15 thought that life is not worth living in a survey they conducted. It was also
stated in their study that this is very alarming because it shows that one out of five Filipino
children suffer from depression or anxiety. It was also reported that 20% of the respondents
experience extreme emotional distress.

Pubescents that are enrolled in St. Andrew’s school may experience the same problems
that the teenagers are experiencing. The researchers are encouraged to study about the factors
that contribute depression in pubescents in order for the researchers to understand young people
and to know the preventive measures on people that is more likely to experience depression. This
study will benefit andreans and the next generations to come.


The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that contributes depression aged 14-16.
In line with this, we attained the answers from the following questions:

1. What factor contributes the most to depression?

2. What factor contributes the least to depression?

3. Is there a difference between the results from the different sections of the


Ho: There is no positive factor that contributes depression to pubescents aged 14-16.


The researchers believed that the result of the study may help the teachers, students and
parents. The following are the ones that will benefit in this undertaking:

Students. In this span of age, students are more likely to be prone to depression.
Students are one of the few groups of individuals who suffered under different types of
depression and their effects. By this study, the researchers will be able to know the most
common cause of depression among students. The researchers would like our study to show what
causes depression and if possible, be of help to victims.

Parents. As the person who brings up and cares for their children, parents aren’t
exactly around all the time. This study will help the parents to further understand children and
further guide children to the happy path of life.

Teachers. Since the teachers are the ones who guide the students, this research can be
helpful to the teachers in a way that the teachers can also help their students to cope up with their
problems that lead them to depression.


As a group, the researcher’s task is to conduct a survey about reasons why pubescents are
getting depressed and to find out what is its most common reason. Grade 9 students that are
currently enrolled in St. Andrew’s School for the A.Y. 2018-2019 were chosen to be the
respondents. For this study, 158 is the population. The primary concern of this study is to figure
out and better understand why teenagers get depressed. The importance of this research is to
know all the different reasons from different students about the little things that can contribute
depression to themselves. The general purpose of this research is to know and gather data and if

the study has already its results, preventive measures will follow. This study will mainly focus
on the Factors that contributes depression to pubescents aged 14-16. Each respondent is only
given limited time and all of the questionnaires are identical.


In order for readers to clearly understand this study and will equip proper knowledge,
here are following terms:

Depression. It is a serious medical illness that negatively affects the way you think, the way you
act and the way you feel. It can cause someone to commit suicide.

Anxiety. An emotion characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied

by nervous behavior, such as pacing back and forth, somatic complaints, and rumination.

Pubescents. A person that is at or approaching the age of puberty.

Students. Students are most likely to experience depression and since most pubescents are
students. The Researchers chose Grade 9 (128 students) that are enrolled in St. Andrew’s School
for A.Y 2018-2019.

School. The place where the study is being conducted. (St. Andrew’s School)

Respondents. The students who are chosen to answer the given questions (Grade 9 Students for
this study)

Researchers. The people who are conducting this study and to gather data.


Factors that Contributes


Gathering of Input Survey



Output (Results
of the Study)

Fig. 1: (Factors that Contribute Depression to Aged 14-16)

Every Problem has its factors and depression has the same case. As a student especially
grade 9 students, there are a lot of hazards and risks that can lead them to depression. The
researches gathered data by conducting a survey that made them answer their opinion on the
most probable factor that can lead them to depression. This data was interpreted and averaged.
This data was interpreted based on the weighted mean. The conclusion and recommendation
were done soon after the data was presented.


This section presents various literatures written by local and foreign authors. These are
read and analyzed to equip the researchers with insights that guided in conducting the study.

I. Related Literature
This section presents some of the literatures which have significant bearing in the
preparation of this study.
A. Foreign
According to Elissa J. MillerHenry Chung (2009), a total of approximately 20,500
college students on 39 campuses, are reported "feeling so depressed”. 3,200 university
students are reported being diagnosed for having depression and with 39.2% of those
students diagnosed in the last 12 months. This literature review proves that pubescents are
more prone to depression rather than adults.

Depression according to Barbara Poncelet (2018) is a disorder that has many

cause, it is not a simple behavior that a person can control, you can manage depression by
taking medications and perform some treatments. Furthemore Poncelet added that when you
are feeling sad, worthless, losing interest in the things that you enjoy, tired even though you
have enough sleep, unable to concentrate, and try to attemp suicide then you are
experiencing depression. There are thought to be many factors that contributes behind those
feelings. Likewise Poncelet stressed some of the factors of depression such as: Traumatic
life event that can lead to trauma and distress that triggers depression. Social Situation /
Family Circumtances such as violence, abuse or other issues that affects the mind of
pubescents can develop depression. And lastly Poncelet further added genetics.

B. Local

According to the Developmental Psychology (2011), Hormonal changes during

this period trigger the later growth spurt. It states that puberty is the stage where emotional
hormones change as well as physical attributes. This is often characterized by unusual height
and weight increases that come with further changes in how adolescents think and act.

II. Related Studies
A. Foreign
According to Poncelet & Fogoros (2018), one of the factors that usually
contribute depression to pubescents is a traumatic life event, where in pubescents may not
get over something, for example, losing a pet or a loss of their loved one. Another factor that
contributes depression to pubescents is social situation or family circumstances where
pubescents live under difficult circumstances. They may also experience violence and family
issues that causes more depression to pubescents. A pubescent may also suffer a medical
condition which leads pubescents to depression. This article states that there are different
cause of depression to pubescents.
According to Jahtin Bahri (2015), a sudden change of school environment is a
light factor that can make teenagers depressed. He conducted a survey and only 20% of the
respondents answered “New school,” as the top 1 cause of depression.

Faris & Legg (2016) stated in their article the possible symptoms of depression to
pubescents. Which is feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness in their self. Another
symptom is irritability and moodiness of a pubescent. A pubescent can also show loss of
interest or pleasure in activities, low self-esteem, feelings of guilt, exaggerated self-blame,
trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions, and frequent thoughts of death, dying, or
suicide once depressed. This article states the possible symptoms that a depressed pubescent

Lauren and Gans (2018), stated in their article that puberty can be a difficult
period in a life of a child. During the child is developing physically, he or she also
experiences growth of psychosocial maturity. Hence, they begin to push away their family
and establish independence and individuality with their peers. Many have attributed
withdrawal, moodiness and other behavioral changes to this normal developmental stage,
but researchers are realizing that — in some cases — they could indicate that puberty is
actually contributing to depression

According to Teen Mental Health Org (2018), depression is a deregulation of the
brain function that control emotions or moods of a person. It is a mood disorder
characterized by intense and persistent negative emotions. According to the organization it is
different than feeling sad or down. Depression is a medical condition that affects the way the
mood is controlled by ones brain. Depression affects the way a teenager thinks, feels, and
acts. It becomes negative through which a child sees and experiences the world.

Hurley (2018) said that in the year 2015 the suicide rate among teenage girls
reached an all-time high. It is alarming that suicide is a growing public health concern. She
said that in particular, teens are a vulnerable group to suicide. She also stated there that
research shows that teen depression is on the top or major problem. And suicide is always a
risk during the course of a major depressive episode.

B. Local

According to the study conducted by Romeo Lee and Cristina Rodriguez (2013),
Depression is a disorder caused by severe social trauma. It is also associated with the friends he
is with as well as how they treat a person. Depression can be prevented if its symptoms are
addressed early and effectively. Prevention against depression among university students is rare
in the Philippines, but is urgent because of the rising rates of suicide among the group.



This study is directed towards determining the factors that contribute depression to
pubescents aged 14-16. This study used the descriptive method. The researchers gathered data
from Grade 9 students in St. Andrew’s School. Respondents or sample, sampling technique,
research design, instruments, procedures, and statistical analysis are involved in this chapter.


Sampling is a tool or a way to gather data from a large heterogeneous population. It helps
us gather data since the researchers only have limited resources. In this case, the respondents will
be Grade 9 students from St. Andrew’s School, academic year 2018 – 2019. The respondents
will answer the questionnaire given to the respondents by the researchers.

The population of Grade 9 students is 157 but 113 students only are chosen as samples
for this study. For this study, the researchers used Stratified Random Sampling to identify the
chosen students. The researchers used Slovin’s formula to get the sample size. The computation
and solution are as follows:

𝟏 + 𝑵𝒆𝟐


N Sample Size
N Population
E Margin of Error

1 + (158)(0.05)2

𝑛 = 113.2616487 or 113


% = 0.7168458778

St. Dominic Savio = 39 × 0.7168458778 = 28

St. Pedro Calungsod = 40 × 0.7168458778 = 29 or 28
St. Peter Damian = 39 × 0.7168458778 = 28
St. Vincent De Paul = 40 × 0.7181328548 = 29
From the population of students of grade 9 level, we selected a sample size with a margin
of error of 5%. The desired sample size is 113. The sample size was divided into strata of 4. St.
Dominic Savio has 28 as sample size as well as St. Peter Damian while St. Vincent De Paul has
29 as sample size. St Pedro Calungsod’s sample is 29 based on the computation however if the
researchers used 29 as the sample, the overall sample size became 114. The researchers
randomly picked between St. Pedro Calungsod and St. Vincent de Paul a deduction of one
sample. The researchers picked St. Pedro Calungsod.


Descriptive Research is the method that the researchers used to determine the factors that
contribute depression to pubescents. Descriptive research was defined as a research method that
described the characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being studied. This method
focused more on the “what” of the research subject rather than the “why” of the research subject.
In other words, descriptive research was primarily focused on describing the nature of a
demographic segment, without being focused on “why” a certain phenomenon occured. In other
words, it “described” the subject of the research, without covering “why” it happened. In this
study, Grade 9 students were given a questionnaire.


The Researchers used questionnaire as a survey instrument. It was given to the

respondents for them to answer and also to get the final answer of the respondents.
Questionnaire is the most common survey instrument and mostly used on conducting a survey.
To find out about their thoughts about the topic or issue, the researchers has given questionnaires
to some of the students of St. Andrews School. Researchers selected students from Grade 9 to
conduct their questionnaire with.

The researchers assigned these numbers for the selected students to be able to understand and
answer properly the questionnaire they conducted:

Corresponding Value

Very Damaging 4

Damaging 3

Saddening 2

It does not bother me 1

The Interpretation of Data would be based on the weighted mean:

3.25 – 4.00 Very Damaging

2.50 – 3.24 Damaging
1.75 – 2.49 Saddening
1.00 – 1.74 It does not bother me

In order to conduct the study, the researchers will do the following steps stated below:

1. Assignment of task - Every member has a role in conducting research. Each has a duty in
order to fulfill our roles.

2. Choosing the participants - In order to conduct a quantitative research, the researchers must
first choose who will be the respondents. It is also where the researchers will compute for the
sample size and what kind of sampling to be used.

3. Making the cover letter - After choosing the respondents, the researchers will construct a
cover letter to ask them to be part of the research.

4. Making the research instrument - In our case the research instrument used is the
questionnaire. It is convenient when conducting a descriptive research because it is only done in
a short period of time.

5. Validating the research instrument – The researchers need to let the experts validate the
questionnaires because experts have knowledge that will helped the researchers produce a good

6. Finalize the research instrument - After the validation done by an expert, the researchers
rewrote and finalized the instrument, afterwards, the distribution process was conducted.

7. Distribution of questionnaires to the respondents - It is where the researchers has

distributed the questionnaires to the respondent.

8. Collection of Result - It was done after the respondents answered the questionnaire. This was
where the researchers recorded the data that was answered by the respondents. It was done by
tallying the scores.

9. Presentation of the Result - This is the last part. This is where the researchers interpreted the
weighted mean and presented it with the use of the table.

The data were gathered and results were analyzed using Mean and Weighted
Mean. The mean of the four sections was analyzed using weighted mean as measurement
if there was significant difference between the computed mean.
1. Measures of Central Tendency
Weighted Mean: The weighted mean is the average of values which are not equally
important. To possibly solve this, the formula is listed below:
∑ 𝒘𝒙
w – Weight N – Total / Sample Size
x – Score



This part of the study presents the data gathered by the researchers through the results of
the questionnaires. The analysis and interpretation of data will be denoted in this chapter.

Table 1.1

The Factor that contributes the Most to depression

Factor Respondents Weighted Mean

Death of a Loved One 113 3.23

Table 1.1 shows that “Death of a Loved One” is the factor that contributes the most to
depression with a weighted mean of 3.23 being the highest. This interpretation is in line with the
study conducted by Poncelet and Fogoros where in it states that “Death of a loved One” is a
heavy factor that contributes depression to pubescents.

Table 1.2

The Factor that contributes the Least to depression

Factor Respondents Weighted Mean

New School Environment 113 1.97

Table 1.2 shows that “New School Environment” is the factor that contributes the least to
depression with a weighted mean of 1.97 being the lowest. This is in line with the study
conducted by Jahtin Bahri, it stated that New School Environment is a light factor that does not
heavily affect the pubescent.

Table 2.1

The Weighted Mean Interpretation of St. Dominic Savio

Factors Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

Failing Grades 2.86 Damaging

Physical Disability 2.83 Damaging
Financial Problem 2.39 Saddening
Broken Family 3.11 Damaging
Bullying 2.82 Damaging
Death of a Loved
3.11 Damaging
Social Media 2.25 Saddening
Materialism(Greed) 1.86 Saddening
Personal Tragedy 2.96 Damaging
Envy 1.93 Saddening
Lack of Friends 2.11 Saddening
New School
1.89 Saddening
Overall Mean 2.02 Saddening
Table 2.1 shows the weighted mean interpretation of St. Dominic Savio. St. Dominic
Savio’s factor that contributes the most to depression are “Broken Family” and “Death of a loved
one.” The overall Mean Interpretation of St. Dominic Savio is “Saddening.”

Table 2.2

The Weighted Mean Interpretation of St. Pedro Calungsod

Factors Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

Failing Grades 3.21 Damaging
Physical Disability 2.68 Damaging
Financial Problem 2.32 Saddening
Broken Family 3.07 Damaging
Bullying 2.82 Damaging
Death of a Loved One 3.43 Very Damaging
Social Media 2.04 Saddening

Materialism(Greed) 2.32 Saddening

Personal Tragedy 3.07 Damaging

Envy 2.43 Saddening
Lack of Friends 2.29 Saddening
New School
1.96 Saddening

Overall Mean 2.38 Saddening

Table 2.2 shows the Weighted Mean Interpretation of St. Pedro Calungsod. The Overall
Mean Interpretation states that the factors in the questionnaire are interpreted as “Saddening” for
St. Pedro Calungsod. The table presents that “Death of a loved one” is interpreted as “Very
Damaging” unlike in St. Dominic Savio, it is interpreted as “Damaging.”

Table 2.3

The Weighted Mean Interpretation of St. Peter Damian

Factors Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

Failing Grades 3.00 Damaging
Physical Disability 2.76 Damaging
Financial Problem 2.32 Saddening
Broken Family 3.25 Damaging
Bullying 3.25 Damaging
Death of a Loved
3.25 Damaging
Social Media 2.25 Saddening
Materialism(Greed) 2.07 Saddening
Personal Tragedy 2.93 Damaging
Envy 2.36 Saddening
Lack of Friends 2.25 Saddening
New School
2.31 Saddening

Overall Mean

Table 2.3 shows the Weighted Mean Interpretation of St. Peter Damian. The Overall
Mean Interpretation states that the factors in the questionnaire are interpreted as “Damaging” for
St. Pedro Calungsod. The Overall Mean Interpretation of St. Peter Damian differs from the ones
in St. Dominic Savio and St. Pedro Calungsod. St. Dominic Savio and St. Pedro Calungsod’s
data was interpreted as “Saddening” while St. Peter Damian’s data was interpreted as

Table 2.4

The Weighted Mean Interpretation of St. Vincent de Paul

Factors Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

Failing Grades 3.00 Damaging
Physical Disability 2.24 Saddening
Financial Problem 2.34 Saddening
Broken Family 3.00 Damaging
Bullying 2.55 Damaging
Death of a Loved
3.31 Very Damaging
Social Media 2.03 Saddening
Materialism(Greed) 2.07 Saddening
Personal Tragedy 2.76 Damaging
Envy 2.07 Saddening
Lack of Friends 2.07 Saddening
New School
2.00 Saddening
Overall Mean
Table 2.4 shows the Weighted Mean Interpretation of St. Vincent de Paul. The Overall
Mean Interpretation states that the factors in the questionnaire are interpreted as “Saddening” for
St. Vincent de Paul. The table presents that “Death of a loved one” is interpreted as “Very
Damaging” same as the one in St. Peter Damian but different in St. Dominic Savio’s data.

Table 3

The Overall Weighted Mean Interpretation on the factors that contribute depression

Factors Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

Failing Grades 3.01 Damaging
Physical Disability 2.47 Saddening
Financial Problem 2.38 Saddening
Broken Family 3.13 Damaging
Bullying 2.91 Damaging
Death of a Loved
3.23 Damaging
Social Media 2.15 Saddening
Materialism(Greed) 2.10 Saddening
Personal Tragedy 2.92 Damaging
Envy 2.22 Saddening
Lack of Friends 2.16 Saddening
New School
1.97 Saddening
Overall Mean 2.55 Damaging
Table 2 shows all the possible factors that contribute to depression. The table also shows
the tabulated total of answers in each statement. The weighted mean is also presented as well as
its Interpretation. The answers proved that “New School Environment” is the factor that
contributes the least to depression and “Death of a Loved One” is the factor that contributes the
most to depression. The weighted mean ranges from 1.97-3.23, this shows that there is no
positive factor that contributes to depression.

The Overall Mean Interpretation states that the factors are all interpreted as “Damaging.”
Tables 2.1 – 2.4 proves that there is a difference between the perspective of different sections on
how the factors can be depressing.



This Chapter presents the Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Study.


The study was conducted for the purpose of to find out what are the most and least
contributory factors of depression to pubescents. The respondents of this study are the grade 9
students of St. Andrew's School. The researchers used the Descriptive method as the research
design. The instrument used was questionnaire. The sampling design used in this study is
stratified random sampling, from 158, the total population of grade 9 students of St. Andrew's
School, the researchers used the Slovin's formula to determine the sample to be used in this study
and the result is 113 students is to be given a questionnaires.


In the light of the foregoing findings, the following conclusions were arrived at.

1. The factor that contributes the most to depression is “Death of a loved one” with a
Weighted Mean of 3.23 and interpreted as “Damaging.”
2. The factor that contributes the least to depression is “New School Environement” with a
Weighted Mean of 1.97 and interpreted as “Saddening.”
3. There is a difference between the results from the different sections of Grade 9. Based on
the findings, St. Dominic Savio’s factors that contribute the most are “Broken family”
and “Death of a Loved One” with a Weighted Mean of 3.11 and interpreted as
“Damaging,” however, St. Pedro Calungsod interpreted “Death of a loved One” as “Very
Damaging,” while St. Peter Damian’s top 3 contributory factors are “Broken Family,”
“Bullying,” and “Death of a Loved One.” Likewise, St. Vincent de Paul’s top
contributory factor is “Death of a Loved One.”
4. Based on the differences and similarities of the results from each section, the overall
factor that contributes depression is “Death of a Loved One.”


In the light of the findings of the study, the researchers offer the following

1. Administrators and Parents should take note about the factors that contribute depression
to pubescents to have preventive measures.
2. The Guidance Counselor of the school should create a seminar workshop and programs
for the students regarding these certain factors.
3. Teachers should guide their students regarding emotional problems.
4. Pubescents should see a psychiatrist whenever he/she feels depressed.
5. Parents should open their minds about problems such as factors that can contribute
depression to pubescents.
6. For future researchers, a follow-up study is recommended to study the same set of factors
but with a different scope.


Appendix A

Letter Requesting Permission to Conduct the Survey

Date: February 22, 2018

Dear Respondent,
This is an invitation regarding your participation on answering a survey. What you will
answer will surely contribute and will be utilized on our study which is the FACTORS THAT
CONTRIBUTE DEPRESSION AMONG PUBESCENTS. This study will help in determining
the factors that are making a pubescent depressed. With that mentioned, your answers will help
pubescents that are suffering depression as well as parents, teachers and other guardians. It will
be analyzed thoroughly and will be gathered with other surveys. The researchers will borrow
only minutes of your time to answer each question on our survey as accurate as possible. This
will be collected at the end of the day before the last period ends. If you are interested on your
survey results, kindly approach the survey administrator or contact him at We deeply appreciate your contribution and we wish you the best for
your future grind.
The Researchers,
10 – St. Benedict

Appendix B

The Questionnaire


Name (Optional): _____________________________________

Grade and Section: _____________________________________ Age: _______

Instruction: Please read the following statements and check the number that corresponds to

the factor. Answer each statement based on your own perspective and experience. Here are

listed possible factors of depression, check the number that corresponds to the situation.

4 – Very Damaging (Depressing) 2 – Saddening

3 – Damaging 1 – It does not bother me

Factors: 4 3 2 1
Failing Grades
Physical Disability
Financial Problem
Broken Family
Death of a loved one
Social Media
Materialism (Greed)
Personal Tragedy
Lack of Friends
New School Environment

Appendix C



Name (Optional): _____________________________________

Grade and Section: _____________________________________ Age: _______

Instruction: Please read the following statements and check the number that corresponds to

the factor. Answer each statement based on your own perspective and experience. Here are

listed possible factors of depression, check the number that corresponds to the situation.

4 – Very Damaging (Depressing) 2 – Saddening

3 – Damaging 1 – It does not bother me

Factors: 4 3 2 1
Failing Grades 37 46 24 6
Physical Disability 20 35 36 22
Financial Problem 10 40 46 17
Broken Family 55 29 18 11
Bullying 46 26 26 15
Death of a loved one 57 34 13 9
Social Media 11 29 39 34
Materialism (Greed) 10 23 48 32
Personal Tragedy 35 45 22 11
Envy 8 38 40 28
Lack of Friends 9 26 52 26
New School Environment 10 23 38 42


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