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13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

Unit – III 10 Hrs

Two degrees of freedom systems
Analysis of free vibration of undamped systems
Spring mass systems
Torsional systems
Double pendulum
Coupled pendulum
Masses on tightly stretched springs
Combined rectilinear and angular systems
Geared systems
Coordinate coupling and principal coordinates
Semi-definite system
Undamped dynamic vibration absorber

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III


Free-vibration analysis of an undamped Two degree-of –freedom system

Systems that require two independent coordinates to describe their motion are called two degree-
of-freedom systems. Some examples of systems having two degrees of freedom are shown in
Figure 1.

Fig. 1 Two degree of freedom system

Natural Frequency:

Consider an undamped two-degree-of-freedom system as shown in Figure 2. Let x1 and x2 be the

initial displacement given for the masses m1 and m2 respectively. Assume x2 > x1. In such cases
the spring 1 & 2 will be under stretched conditions and spring 3 will be compressed.

x1 x2
k1 k2 k3
m1 m2

Fig. 2 Two degree of freedom-system

k1x1 k2(x2 - x1) k3 x2

m1 m2
k2(x2 - x1)
݉ଶ ‫ݔ‬ሷ ଶ
Fig. 3 Free body diagram

The various forces acting on the masses 1 &2 are indicated in a free body diagram as shown in
Figure 3. Now, applying Newton’s equation of motion masses 1 & 2, we get

   +   −   − 
= 0 1

   +   − 
+   = 0 2

The above equation can be rewrite as follows,

   +  + 
 −   = 0 3

   −   +  + 
 = 0 4

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

It can be expressed in the matrix form as follows:

݉ଵ 0 ‫ݔ‬ሷ ଵ ݇ + ݇ଶ −݇ଶ ‫ݔ‬ଵ 0

൤ ൨൜ ൠ + ൤ ଵ ൨ ቄ‫ ݔ‬ቅ = ቄ ቅ (5)
0 ݉ଶ ‫ݔ‬ሷ ଶ −݇ଶ ݇ଶ + ݇ଷ ଶ 0

Assuming SHM, as

‫ݔ‬ଵ = ܺଵ cos ߱‫; ݐ‬ ∴ ‫ݔ‬ሷ ଵ = −ܺଵ ߱ଶ cos ߱‫ݔ ݀݊ܽ ݐ‬ଶ = ܺଶ cos ߱‫; ݐ‬ ∴ ‫ݔ‬ሷ ଶ = −ܺଶ ߱ଶ cos ߱‫݀݊ܽ ݐ‬

On substituting in equation (5) and on simply, we get

(݇ଵ + ݇ଶ ) − ݉ଵ ߱ଶ −݇ଶ ܺ 0
൤ ൨ ൜ ଵൠ = ቄ ቅ (6)
−݇ଶ (݇ଶ + ݇ଷ ) − ݉ଶ ߱ ଶ ܺଶ 0

It can be seen that equation (6) is satisfied by the trivial solutions X1 = X2 = 0, which implies that
there is no vibrations, which is not true. Therefore, for a non-trivial solutions of X1 and X2, the
determinant (∆) of the coefficients of X1 and X2 must be zero.

(݇ + ݇ଶ ) − ݉ଵ ߱ଶ −݇ଶ
ฬ ଵ ฬ=0 (7)
−݇ଶ (݇ଶ + ݇ଷ ) − ݉ଶ ߱ଶ

For simplification, let ݇ଵ = ݇ଶ = ݇ଷ = ݇ ܽ݊݀ ݉ଵ = ݉ଶ = ݉, then equation (7) becomes

ቚ2݇ − ݉߱ −݇

ቚ=0 (8)
−݇ 2݇ − ݉߱ଶ
On expansion, we get

(2݇ − ݉߱ଶ )ଶ − (−݇)ଶ = 0 (9)

It is in the form of ܽଶ − ܾ ଶ = (ܽ + ܾ)(ܽ − ܾ), then the equation (9), becomes

ሾ(2݇ − ݉߱ଶ ) − ݇ሿሾ(2݇ − ݉߱ଶ ) + ݇ሿ = 0 (10)

Considering the first term, we get the first natural frequency of the system,

(2݇ − ݉߱ଶ ) − ݇ = 0 ܱܴ ݇ − ݉߱ଶ = 0

௞ ௞
OR, ߱ = ට௠ ‫ݐ ݐ݁ܮ‬ℎ݅‫߱ ܾ݁ ݏ‬ଵ = ට௠ (‫)ܣ‬

Considering the second term, we get the second natural frequency of the system,

(2݇ − ݉߱ଶ ) + ݇ = 0 ܱܴ 3݇ − ݉߱ଶ = 0

ଷ௞ ଷ௞
OR, ߱ = ට௠ ‫ݐ ݐ݁ܮ‬ℎ݅‫߱ ܾ݁ ݏ‬ଶ = ට ௠ (‫)ܤ‬

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

Mode of oscillations or vibrations:

Consider the equation (6), we get

(݇ଵ + ݇ଶ ) − ݉ଵ ߱ଶ −݇ଶ ܺ 0
൤ ൨ ൜ ଵൠ = ቄ ቅ (6)
−݇ଶ (݇ଶ + ݇ଷ ) − ݉ଶ ߱ ଶ ܺଶ 0

Expanding the 1st row, we get

ሾ(݇ଵ + ݇ଶ ) − ݉ଵ ߱ଶ ሿܺଵ − ݇ଶ ܺଶ = 0


ܺଵ ݇ଶ
൤ ൨= (11)
ܺଶ ሾ(݇ଵ + ݇ଶ ) − ݉ଵ ߱ ଶ ሿ

Similarly expanding the 2nd row of equation (6), we get

−݇ଶ ܺଵ + ሾ(݇ଶ + ݇ଷ ) − ݉ଶ ߱ଶ ሿ ܺଶ = 0


ܺଵ (݇ଶ + ݇ଷ ) − ݉ଶ ߱ଶ
൤ ൨= (12)
ܺଶ ݇ଶ

Equation (11) and (12) gives the mode of oscillations by substituting the values of ω1 and ω2

First mode of oscillation is obtained by substituting the value of ω1 in either of the equation
(11) and (12).

Similarly Second mode of oscillation is obtained by substituting the value of ω2 in either of the
equation (11) and (12).

For example, let ݇ଵ = ݇ଶ = ݇ଷ = ݇ ܽ݊݀ ݉ଵ = ݉ଶ = ݉, in equation (11) and by substituting the

value of ω1 from equation (A), we get First mode of oscillation as

ܺଵ ݇ଶ
൤ ൨= (11)
ܺଶ ሾ(݇ଵ + ݇ଶ ) − ݉ଵ ߱ ଶ ሿ

ܺଵ ݇
൤ ൨=
ܺଶ ௞
ቂ2݇ − ݉ ቃ ௠

ܺଵ (ଵ) 1
൤ ൨ = (13)
ܺଶ 1

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

Similarly by substituting the value of ω2 from equation (B), we get Second mode of oscillation

ܺଵ ݇ଶ
൤ ൨= (11)
ܺଶ ሾ(݇ଵ + ݇ଶ ) − ݉ଵ ߱ ଶ ሿ

ܺଵ ݇
൤ ൨=
ܺଶ ଷ௞
ቂ2݇ − ݉ ቃ

ܺଵ (ଶ) −1
൤ ൨ = (14)
ܺଶ 1

• Equation (6) and (7) are very important and must be remembered as a general expression
for two-degree-of-freedom system
• Equation (6) can be used to obtain the Mode of oscillation and
• Equation (7) can be used to obtain Natural frequencies of the system]
Graphical representation of mode of oscillation is shown as follows:
1st Mode of oscillation:


OR +1 +1

2nd Mode of oscillation:



13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

Normal mode:
An N - dof has N natural frequencies, and for each of the natural frequencies, there corresponds a
natural state (pattern) of vibration with a displacement configuration known as the ‘normal
mode’. Normal mode vibrations are free-undamped vibrations that depend only on the mass and
stiffness of the system and how they are distributed. When vibrating at one of these normal
modes, all points in the system undergo simple harmonic motion that passes through their
equilibrium positions simultaneously. Mathematical terms related to normal modes are known as
eigen values (λ = ߱ଶ ) and eigen vectorsቂ∅ = ቄ‫ ݔ‬ቅቃ.

Example 1:
Find the natural frequencies and normal mode (amplitude ratio’s) for the system given below
considering the cases mentioned thereafter:

x1 x2
k1 k2 k3
m1 m2

Fig. 4 Two degree of freedom-system

‫ ݁ݏܽܥ‬1: ݇ଵ = ݇ଶ = ݇ଷ = ݇ ܽ݊݀ ݉ଵ = ݉ଶ = ݉
‫ ݁ݏܽܥ‬2: ݇ଵ = ݇ଷ = ݇, ݇ଶ = 2݇ ܽ݊݀ ݉ଵ = ݉ଶ = ݉
‫ ݁ݏܽܥ‬3: ݇ଵ = ݇ଶ = ݇ଷ = ݇ ܽ݊݀ ݉ଵ = ݉ ܽ݊݀ ݉ଶ = 2݉
[Note: No derivation is required to solve the problems. You can start the solutions from the
equation (6). Case 1 is discussed already. Case 2 is explained below and each and every step is
very important and requires a sincere practice. Case 3 is left for practice purpose]
࡯ࢇ࢙ࢋ ૛: ݇ଵ = ݇ଷ = ݇, ݇ଶ = 2݇ ܽ݊݀ ݉ଵ = ݉ଶ = ݉
Natural frequency:
We know that the standard eigen equation for a two degree of freedom is given by, assuming the
(݇ଵ + ݇ଶ ) − ݉ଵ ߱ଶ −݇ଶ ܺ 0
൤ ൨ ൜ ଵൠ = ቄ ቅ (1)
−݇ଶ (݇ଶ + ݇ଷ ) − ݉ଶ ߱ ܺଶ
ଶ 0
Substituting the given relation, ݇ଵ = ݇ଷ = ݇, ݇ଶ = 2݇ ܽ݊݀ ݉ଵ = ݉ଶ = ݉ in the above
equation, we get

ቂ3݇ − ݉߱

−2݇ ቃ ൜ܺଵ ൠ = ቄ0ቅ (2)
−2݇ 3݇ − ݉߱ଶ ܺଶ 0

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

Therefore, for a non-trivial solutions of X1 and X2, the determinant (∆) of the coefficients of X1
and X2 must be zero.

(3 −  −2 ( = 0 3

−2 3 − 

On expansion, we get

3 − 
 − −2
 = 0 4

It is in the form of " − +  = " + +

" − +
, then the equation (4), becomes

- 3 − 
− 2.- 3 − 
+ 2. = 0 5

Considering the first term of the equation (5), we get the first natural frequency of the

3 − 
− 2 = 0 /0  −  = 0

 = 13 45 ℎ78 +5  = 13 9

2 2

Considering the second term of the equation (5), we get the second first natural frequency of
the system,

3 − 
+ 2 = 0 /0 5 −  = 0

 = 1 3 45 ℎ78 +5  = 1 3 :

E2 E2

Mode of oscillations or vibrations:

Consider the equation (2), we get

;3 − 

−2 <   = 0 2

−2 3 −   0

Expanding the 1st row, we get

-3 −  . − 2 = 0


 = 3

 -3 −   .

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

Substituting the value of ω1 in equation (3), we get First mode of oscillation as

 2 1
 = = 4

;3 −  < 1

Similarly by substituting the value of ω2 in equation (3), we get Second mode of oscillation as

 2 −1
 = = 5

;3 −  < 1

Graphical representation of mode of oscillation is shown as follows:

1st Mode of oscillation:


OR +1 +1

2nd Mode of oscillation:



[Students are advised to practice the 3rd case]

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

Example 2:
Derive the characteristic equations of the system given in Figure 4. Also find the expression for
the natural frequencies and normal mode of vibrations.

O O’
a a
k k l
θ1 θ2

m m
m m


Equation of motion is given by,

F  G + " + HF

G − " G = 0

F  G − " G + " + HF

G = 0

Assuming normal mode solutions, substituting, eliminating and simplification, we get

" + HF
− F   −" 9 0
−" " + HF
− F   : 0

Further simplification leads to

H 9.81
 = 1 = I = 3.1321 K"$/85M
F 1

H 2 "  9.81 2 × 2,000 0.5 

 = I + N O = I + Q R = 22.5789 K"$/85M
F  F 1 2 1

Mode of vibrations:

- " + HF
− F   .9 − " : = 0

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

9 "
: - " + HF
− F    .

9 " "
= =
: ; " + HF
− F  S< - " + HF
− HF.

1 9 
  = "#$   =
: 1 : 1
1st Mode of oscillation: 2nd Mode of oscillation:

+1 +1

Example 3:
Two masses 10 kg each are attached to a tightly stretched string having a uniform tension 250 N,
as shown in Figure 2. Determine the natural frequency and mode of vibration

m1 m2

Fig. 2 Masses attached to a tightly stretched string

Example 4:
Determine the pitch (angular motion) and bounce (up and down linear motion) frequencies and
the location of oscillation centers (nodes) of an automobile with following data:
Mass (m) : 1000 kg
Radius of gyrations (r) : 0.9 m
Distance between front axle and CG (l1) : 1.0 m
Distance between rear axle and CG (l2) : 1.5 m
Front spring stiffness (k1) : 18 kN/m
Rear spring stiffness (k2) : 22 kN/m
J = mr2

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

J = mr2
J = 1000x0.92 = 810

Let x and θ be the independent coordinates to derive the equations of motion

Force equilibrium equation in vertical (bounce) directions is given by,

 +   − F G
+   + F G
= 0 1

And the moment equation about CG can be expressed as,

UG −   − F G
F +   + F G
F = 0 2

Equations (1) and (2) can be expressed in the matrix form as,

 0   + 
−  F −  F
    + V Y   =   3

0 U G −  F −  F
W F  +  F  X G 0

Assume a harmonic solutions as,

 =  cos  ∴  = −  X cos  4

"#$ G = 9 cos  ∴ G = − A cos  4

From equation (4), equation (3) can be expressed as,

 +  − 
− F +  F
V  Y 9  = 0 5

− F +  F
W F +  F − U X

From the data known, equation (5) becomes,

40,000 − 1000
    =   6

67,500 − 810
9 0
From which frequency equation can be derived as,

8.1ω4 - 999 ω2 + 24,750 = 0 (7)

Therefore, the natural frequencies are given by,

ω1= 5.8593 rad/s and ω2= 9.4341 rad/s

From equation (6) we have,

40,000 − 1000^2
 + 15,000 9 = 0
= 8

9 40,000 − 1000 

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

using ω1= 5.8593 rad/s , we get

9 1
And using ω2= 9.4341 rad/s , we get


  = 0.3061

Vibration Absorbers
The vibration absorber, also called dynamic vibration absorber, is a mechanical device used to
reduce or eliminate unwanted vibration. It consists of another mass and stiffness attached to the
main (or original) mass that needs to be protected from vibration. Thus the main mass and the
attached absorber mass constitute a two-degree-of-freedom system; hence the vibration absorber
will have two natural frequencies. The vibration absorber is commonly used in machinery that
operates at constant speed, because the vibration absorber is tuned to one particular frequency
and is effective only over a narrow band of frequencies. Common applications of the vibration
absorber include reciprocating tools, such as sanders, saws, and compactors, and large
reciprocating internal combustion engines which run at constant speed (for minimum fuel
consumption). In these systems, the vibration absorber helps balance the reciprocating forces.
Without a vibration absorber, the unbalanced reciprocating forces might make the device
impossible to hold or control. Vibration absorbers are also used on high-voltage transmission
lines. In this case, the dynamic vibration absorbers, in the form of dumbbell-shaped devices as
shown in Figure 5 are hung from transmission lines to mitigate the fatigue effects of wind
induced vibration.

Fig. 5 dumbbell-shaped devices

A machine or system may experience excessive vibration if it is acted upon by a force whose
excitation frequency nearly coincides with a natural frequency of the machine or system. In such
cases, the vibration of the machine or system can be reduced by using a vibration neutralizer or
dynamic vibration absorber, which is simply another spring-mass system. The dynamic vibration

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

absorber is designed such that the natural frequencies of the resulting system are away from the
excitation frequency.

Undamped Dynamic Vibration Absorber

When we attach an auxiliary mass m2 to a machine of mass m1 through a spring of stiffness k2,
the resulting two-degree-of-freedom system will look as shown in Figure 6. The equations of
motion of the masses m1 and m2 are

Fig. 6 Undamped Dynamic Vibration Absorber

   +   −   − 
= ]^ sin  1

   +   − 
= 0 2

By assuming SHM, as
a = a sin  , b = 1,2
We get the steady-state amplitude of the masses m1 and m2 as,

 = 3

 +  −   

 = 4

 +  −   

  =    = −]^
The size of the dynamic vibration absorber can be found as,

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

Fig. 6 Effect of undamped vibration absorber on the response of machine

Example 5:
Vibration Absorber for Diesel Engine
A diesel engine, weighing 3000 N, is supported on a pedestal mount. It has been observed that
the engine induces vibration into the surrounding area through its pedestal mount at an operating
speed of 6000 rpm. Determine the parameters of the vibration absorber that will reduce the
vibration when mounted on the pedestal. The magnitude of the exciting force is 250 N, and the
amplitude of motion of the auxiliary mass is to be limited to 2 mm. Also find the altered speed at
which resonance would occur. Plot the response curve.


Diesel engine (m1)


W = 3,000 N, ∴ m1 = (3,000/9.81) kg
Speed, N = 6000 rpm
F0 = 250 N,
X2 = 2 mm = 0.0002 m

2cd 2c × 6000
The frequency of vibration of the machine is,
= = = 628.32 K"$/8
60 60

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

]^ =   
We know that,

250 =  × 628.32 × 0.0002

∴  = 0.31665 H

The spring stiffness of the auxiliary mass,

 = 0.31665 × 628.32
 = 1,25,009 d/

We know that,
 1,25,009 3,000
∴  = ×  = × = 12,07,29,676 N/m
 0.31665 9.81
With absorber the whole system represents a two degree-of-freedom system.
We know that the standard eigen equation for a two degree of freedom free vibration is given by,
assuming the SHM,
−   −  0
     =   1

Substituting the values of  ,   "#$  in the above equation, we get
12,07,29,676 + 1,25,009
−  −1,25,009  0
g 9.81 h    =   2

−1,25,009 1,25,009 − 0.31665
Therefore, for a non-trivial solutions of X1 and X2, the determinant (∆) of the coefficients of X1
and X2 must be zero.
12,07,29,676 + 1,25,009

i j.k i = 0 3

−1,25,009 1,25,009 − 0.31665

On expansion, we get

 < -1,25,009 − 0.31665 . − −1,25,009

 = 0 4

; 12,07,29,676 + 1,25,009


96.83l − 76497687.98 + 15092296067084 = 0

l − 790020.53 + 155863844542.85 = 0

−+ ± √+  − 2"M
∴  =
− −790020.53
± o −790020.53
 − 2 × 1 × 155863844542.85
± 558931.79
∴  = = 674476.16 "#$ 115544.37

13ME 352 Mechanical Vibration Unit III

s^tu s^×k.slj
∴  = 821.2649 rad/s or N = v
= v
= 7842.50 rpm

60 60 × 339.92
∴  = 339.92 rad/s or N = = = 3246 rpm
2π 2π
Also practice Class room Problems:

1. Frequencies and modes of Double pendulum

2. Frequencies and modes of coupled pendulum with equal pendulum length

3. Frequencies and modes of coupled pendulum with unequal pendulum length

4. Frequencies and modes of two masses attached on tightly stretched string

5. Frequencies and modes of Torsion


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