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NAME: ____________________________________ Date: _______

YEAR & SEC.: _______________________________ SCORE: _______

I.MULTIPLE CHOICE. Select only the letter of your choice and write you answer on the space before
each number.

___ 1. Refers to female role in Peking Opera

a. Xiaosheng b. Chou c. Dan d. Wusheng
___ 2. Young female warrior
a. Daomadan b. Qingyi c. Wudan d. Laodan
___ 3. A painted face male role who plays either primary or secondary roles.
a. Daomadan b. Chou c. Dan d. Jing
___ 4. The Peking Opera costume is known as
a. Kimono c. Shouju
b. Saya and barong d. Xingtou
___ 5. Traditional Japanese drama with highly stylized song, mime, and dance
a. Peking Opera b. Kabuki c. Kesho d. Aragoto
___ 6. Shadow puppet of Indonesia
a. Peking Opera b. Kabuki c. Kesho d. Wayang Kulit
___ 7. The shadow play of Thailand.
a. Peking Opera b. Kabuki c. Nang d. Wayang Kulit
___ 8. A form of traditional dance and performance in Chinese culture.
a. Lion dance b. bali dance c. Dragon dace d. Taiko
___ 9. Sarswela: Philippines ; _________ : China
a. Lantern Festival b. Bali dance festival c. Peking Opera d. Wayang Kulit
___ 10. Kabuki : Japan ; _________ : Indonesia
a. Lantern Festival b. Bali dance festival c. Peking Opera d. Wayang Kulit
___ 11. Nang :________________ ; Kabuki : Japan
a. Thailand b. Indonesia c. China d. Philippines
___ 12. Sheng : Laosheng ; Dan :____________
a. Wudan b. Jing c. Chou d. Dang
___ 13. Ati Atihan Festival : Philippines ; ___________ : Thailand
a. Sky Lantern Festival b. Balinese Festival c. Taiko Drum Festival d. Flower Festival
___ 14. Which of the following Peking Opera roles involves a figure with a forceful personality and
sometimes supernatural power who performs in a colorful and sensible costumes.
a. Dan roles b. Laosheng roles c. Wusheng roles d. Chou roles
___ 15. Peking Opera includes two general types of plays. Civil plays are about relationships between
characters and emotions. Martial plays instead focus on which of the following subjects?
a. high drama, with lots of singing in high shrill tones
b. action, with lots of acrobatics and martial arts
c. stories of love and mystery
d. quite moments of calm between characters
___ 16. Lingayen in Pangasinan means ________.
a. having to look backward and upward b. my pomelo tree
c. using finger nails
d. refers to the rhythmic sticks producing the accompaniment for the dance
___ 17. This is a dance of the ethnic people living in the western side of Cordillera.
a. Sakuting b. Sua-ku-Sua c. Binislakan d. Pangalay
___ 18. A Chinese pirate who built his kingdom in Lingayen, Pangasinan.
a. Limantong b. Libahong c. Limahong d. Lamontahong
___ 19. This dance is the most distinctively Asian of all Southern Philippine dances because dancers must
have dexterity and flexibility of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists.
a. Sua-ku-Sua b. Binislakan c. Sakuting d. Pangalay
___ 20. Sua-ku-Sua means _______.
a. having to look backward and upward c. my pomelo tree
b. using finger nails d. none of these
___ 21.Which of these statements is FALSE?
a. chemicals in cigarettes can reach breast milk
b. cotinine is the breakdown product of nicotine
c. at least 250 chemicals have been found in secondhand smoke?
d. smoking increases pain perception
___ 22. What kinds of substances are contained in a cigarette?
a. chemicals used in wood varnish
b. chemicals found in nail polish remover
c. chemicals found in rat poison
d. all of the above
___ 23. How old must one be to purchase alcohol?
a. 12 b. 15 c. 18 d.21
___ 24. The term “PROOF” labelled in beverages means.
a. that it is drinkable beverages
b. the alcohol content of the beverages
c. the larger the proof the more drunk you will be
d. how long the alcohol has fermented
___ 25. Alcohol is a _____.
a. stimulant c. always result in alcoholism
b. depressant d. only a problem for a small segment of society
___ 26. Consequences of teen drinking may include
a. the risk of sexually transmitted diseases
b. intentional suicide
c. unintentional injuries
d. all of the above
___ 27. Refers specifically to the smoke that a smoker directly inhales.
a. Mainstream smoke b. sidestream smoke c. third-hand smoke d. none of these
___ 28. A Republic Act known as “The Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003”.
a. no. 9211 b. no. 9221 c. no. 1192 d. no. 1948
___ 29. A bitter tasting substance that humans have consuming since the ancient time.
a. cigarette b. alcohol c. both a & b d. none of these
___ 30. Also known as beverages alcohol
a. ethanol b. methanol c. isopropyl d. rubbing alcohol


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