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Discovering a Path to Freedom

Understanding the PEAT Healing Process

By: Vivien Bonzo and Maya Bobrowska

There is a new spiritual technology that finally addresses the real source of
angst in our life. Most of us don’t realize that polarities exist at a level within our
subconscious mind and account for much of our emotional turmoil. We are not
aware that polarities cause our behavior and judgment to be non-congruent.

Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski, a European clinical psychologist has developed

several different processes generally known as PEAT - Primordial Energy
Activation and Transcendence. His method enables a person to quickly
neutralize common emotional discomforts and address difficulties that arise in
any area of life. Whether the issue is longstanding or acute, if it deals with
finance, love or health, as long as it creates a rub in your life, it is the perfect
terrain for the PEAT. Not only is PEAT highly effective, it appears to take
much less time than many other form of therapy for resolving inner

Stress as a Destructive Tension

Medical research confirms that stress leads to a weakening of our immune

system and is a serious breeding ground for major illness. Our tension not only
comes from our environment, old traumas and diet, but also from mental and
emotional states that contribute to these damaging physiological consequences.
Relieving our mental and emotional stress through polarity neutralization is one
of the fastest ways to alleviate common stress in your life.

How Do Polarities Affect Us

Similar to a guitar string, where the tension creates the sound, the tension
between polarities creates compulsive reactions. Many of us engage in a
spiritual practice in order to cultivate peace and balance, yet we still find
ourselves reacting with either attraction or aversion to many of life’s changing
situations. This constant selective mechanism within us is directly connected with
our active polarities.

Continuous struggle between polar opposites was best portrayed by two

protagonists in the film Matrix – until Neo and Mr. Smith merged, peace was
impossible. As we come under the influence of our polarities, we find ourselves
reacting unconsciously and involuntarily to stimulus in our environment. Our
disposition changes and all the good work we did to become calm and tranquil,
vanishes. While there is no such thing as a permanent state of equanimity, we
can undermine the force that constantly knocks us off-center when it is affected
by our polarities.

Illustrations of Polarities in Action

A Stock Market

Most investors reacted wildly as a result of the recent and severe stock market
volatility. The sudden losses in their portfolios would easily trigger the polarity of
security/insecurity. The experience of insecurity might be based on projections
of future financial hardship juxtaposed against the strong desire for financial
security. The PEAT process is designed to neutralize our reaction towards our
polarities. Had we neutralized security/insecurity, the falling stock market values
would not trigger us in the same way. Without these triggers, we could act, but
not compulsively react. PEAT renders our highly charged issues into a matter of
“unemotional” fact. Even though you may have lost part of your investment, your
experience is noticeably benign and you can proceed judiciously without the
overwhelming emotion towards your next financial decision.

A Political Disagreement

Recall the last discussion you had about politics with a person who held an
opposing view. You probably thought them ignorant, and debated and argued,
trying to get them to change their opinion. The polarity that underlies the conflict
could be knowledge and ignorance and/or right and wrong. If there was no
tension between this polarity set, there would be no personal or emotional
investment in the outcome and the possibility to find common ground would be

Experience Your Own Polarities

The list of polarities is extensive and each individual brings their own flavor to the
way it they are expressed within their personality.

Review the polarities below and recall a life experience that embodies each one.
Now notice your instinctive response to each:

Happiness ~ Sadness Peace ~ Fear

Knowledge ~ Ignorance Reason ~ Emotion

Love ~ Aggressiveness Strength ~ Weakness

All humans differentiate and prefer all things “positive” while disallowing and
rejecting the “negative”. Even though this is perfectly natural, life presents us with
constant challenges and change and this is where our polarities become most
obvious and detrimental. We are highly conditioned beings and it has thus been
set into place that we view life largely through the lens of our polarities. These
inharmonious structures that account for much of our overwhelming anxiety and
fearful moments, remain intact until our polarities are neutralized.

PEAT – A Way to Awareness and Empowerment

Underlying the PEAT system are some of the main tenets of spiritual traditions as
Zen, Tao, Advaitism, Neo-Advaitism as well as many schools of Buddhism.
Eastern philosophies espouse that there is only “One” and not “two” which
means that any attempts to divide up experience into distinct parts results in a
great misunderstanding of our universe. Moreover, this same dualitistic concept
operating as polarities within leads to a state of inner tension. In Christianity, the
Bible expresses a similar notion in the statement: ‘Cleave a piece of wood and I
am there’. There are several present-day authors who address the topic of
polarities and duality in a myriad of ways; they include Caroline Myss, Dr,
Deepak Chopra, Pema Chodron and biologist Bruce Lipton, amongst many

The State of Bliss

As polarities neutralize in a session, the client often experiences a variety of

states from a deep peace to a state often referred as a feeling of bliss or
nirvana. This state is described as the Pleroma state. What distinguishes PEAT
from other systems designed to create a “blissful moment” is the fact that once a
polarity has been neutralized, it does not tend to return in the same form. Once
you know the sky is blue, it’s next to impossible to pretend that it isn’t. The PEAT
process is designed not only to show you what underlies your reactions but also
neutralize the tension that fuels this reactive mechanism. PEAT sessions, done
in a series, often demonstrate the added benefit of a cumulative effect resulting
in greater inner peace on a daily basis thereafter.

What to Expect From Your PEAT Process

PEAT works as quickly and as deeply as you do. Each session will neutralize
the content and the polarities that you bring in. When you are willing to delve
deeply into your core issues, that’s where the major relief will be achieved.
Wherever you wish to alter your perceptions and reactions, that’s where to focus
your PEAT session.
PEAT can also be used on such issues as a recent fight with one’s partner or a
disagreement at work. What’s really nice is that the information you receive
through the session will illuminate you and the impact of your shift has a way of
transferring to your loved one without their having to do the work directly. PEAT
is easily applied to a family situation or an employment issue where a change in
perspective is needed. A surrogate process may be used to derive benefit for a
person who cannot or will not do the work themselves, but really needs it.

PEAT for Spiritual Growth

Another key benefit and use of the PEAT system is spiritual growth. If you agree
that: “what you resist, persists”, then the key to transcending our personal
dilemmas is to accept reality “as it is”. This doesn’t mean we don’t take action to
help our self, or just try to bear an untenable situation gracefully. What it does
mean is that our perceptions, decisions and actions are no longer driven by
unconscious mechanisms that prevent our clarity. By dissolving our former
conditioning, we are naturally freer to be our truest selves.

We often cannot immediately change any fact that presents itself in our reality,
but we can change how we react, unless our reaction is unconsciously dictated
by active polarities. Aside from feeling much better, we are also endeavoring
here to cultivate greater neutrality. PEAT is a cutting-edge technology that will
help you achieve the life you aspire to and propel you to new heights of spiritual

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