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Diversity Techniques and MIMO

for Wireless Communications

Diversity Techniques

Frequency Diversity.
Polarization Diversity.
Space Diversity.
Time Diversity.
Diversity Techniques
•  Frequency Diversity

–  M copies of the signal is modulated on M

different carriers.

–  Disadvantage
•  Occupies large bandwidth.
Diversity Techniques
•  Polarization Diversity

–  Copies of the signal are carried on antennas

with different polarization.

–  Disadvantages
•  There are at most two copies of the signal.
•  Half of the signal power is lost.
Diversity Techniques
•  Space Diversity

–  M copies of the signal are transmitted and

received by M different antennas.

–  Antenna spacing should enough to provide

spatial decorrelation.

–  The received signal copies are combined with

different techniques to achieve the best SNR.
Space Diversity

r1  e     s  (t    )   2
j  q1     r e jθ 2
s (t ) r3 e jθ 3
s (t ) rM e jθ M
s(t )

a1 a2 a3 aM

ai = α i e − jθ i
Σ Combiner  Output  
Space Diversity
•  Space Diversity Combining Methods
–  Selection Combining.
–  Maximal Ratio Combining.
–  Equal Gain Combining.
Selection Combining
SNR = Γ =
Maximal Ratio Combining

− jθ i
Wi = α i e
Equal Gain Combining

•  This technique is quite similar to Maximal

Ratio Combining.

•  But an accurate estimate of the channel

amplitude gain is not required.

− jθ i
Wi = e
 MIMO  fading  channels.    
Capacity  Inves<ga<ons  
Capacity  Equa<ons  

SIMO,    Receive  diversity,  


MISO,  transmit  diversity,  no  CSI  


W  is  called  Wishart  matrix.  

For the correlated Rayleigh fading channel, the number of nonzero

eigenvalues (rank=r) could be less than m=min(N,M) because the
correlation might reduce the rank of W.
CDF of information rate for H MIMO channel with SNR=10
MxM where M=[1 2 3 4 5]
Ergodig Capacity for different antenna configurations with Nt x Nr systems
Space-­‐Time  Block  Codes  on  MIMO  
fading  channels.    
•  Figure  3.1  shows  the  block  diagram  of  the  Alamou<  space-­‐<me  encoder.  

•  Let  us  assume  that  an  M-­‐ary  modula7on  scheme  is  used.  In  the  Alamou7  

•  encoder,  each  group  of  m  informa7on  bits  is  first  modulated,  where  m  =  
log2M.  Then,  the  

•  encoder  takes  a  block  of  two  modulated  symbols  x1  and  x2  in  each  
encoding  opera7on  and  

•  maps  them  to  the  transmit  antennas  according  to  a  code  matrix  given  by  

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