Innovating Baked Papaya

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A thesis presented
to the faculty of
Mariveles Senior High School – Sitio Mabuhay

In partial fulfillment
of the Course Requirement
in Research Project

Jefer Gatchalian
Clarizel Barro
Rodney coronel
Jenelyn gacutan
Christine gantalao
Sarah Barcela
Angelina Gallo

Immune system works as a security system which helps our body fight against many infections. In

addition, it’s important to eat foods that is rich in vitamins and in fiber that will help the body to have

strong immune system against any illnesses. Based on the observation of the study many students

experiencing laziness in terms of not eating breakfast and also lack of healthy foods sustain by the body

of a person that will help the body to be physically & mentally active inside and outside the school also,

A papaya of an average size has so much amount of Vitamin C which is 200 percent of our daily need

Therefore, it is quite obvious how it helps enhance our immune system.

The papaya is a good source of Ca++ and an excellent source of vitamins A, B1, B2 and C.

It’s protein content is approximately 5%. The nutritional value of the fruit depends on the variety,

growing conditions, and ripeness upon consumption (Sankat & Maharaj, 2008). Some

experiments were conducted in Brazil to protect fruits while it's still on the tree, in an attempt to

prevent skin freckles. Fruits were bagged in a sheet of aluminized polyethylene; thirty days before

the harvest, reducing the incidence of freckles on the fruit that were bagged when compared to

the unbagged fruits.

The papaya's sensory characteristics (principally taste and aroma) involve, in almost all

cases, volatile compounds (benzylisothiocyanate, terpenes, hydrocarbons, esters, aldehydes,

ketones, alcohols, and organic acids) (Almora et al., 2004). An analysis of seven clinical trials, in the

journal of Medicine Food in 2016, concluded that sesame seeds reduce markers of oxidative stress among

people with hypertension diabetes, and high cholesterol. In particular, sesame seeds raise blood levels of

antioxidants (including vitamin E) and enzymes (like glutathione peroxidase) that protect against oxidative
damage associated with some chronic diseases. However, cheese is an Excellent source of protein it’s

responsible for the formation, regulation, repair, and protection of the body, protein is giving you a strong

immune system, healthy hair, and proper fluid balance in your body. And it acts a brain enhancer to every


Furthermore, the researcher conduct the study for the sake of the students health. hence, the solution

for it was to inform every students how important to eat healthy foods. Based on the news, some students

experiencing laziness that’s because of lack of protein/vitamins sustain by the body; its one of the major

cause why students tend to be un-active inside the school, that’s why the researcher come up in this kind

of study to help the student to be productive everyday.

The general objective of the study is to innovate baked papaya with melted cheese and sesame

seeds that will help students to be physically healthy. However, the main purpose of this was to motivate

the students to eat healthy foods that will sustain the body to have strong immune system. Mariveles

National Senior High School – Sitio Mabuhay is the appropriate place in innovating baked papaya with

melted cheese & sesame seeds because this is this is the location where the researchers study.

Statement of the problem

The general problem of this study is to innovate baked papaya with melted cheese and sesame

seeds that will help students to be productive everyday because of its nutritional benefits.

1. How may the product be described in terms of;

1.1 Appearance

1.2. Aroma

1.3. Size
2. What are the benefits of papaya, cheese and sesame seeds that students will get?

2.1 Cancer prevention

2.2. Improve Heart Health

2.3. Brain enhancer

3. How does the product help students to be productive every day?

In terms of its:

3.1 Source of vitamins

3.2 Health benefits

3.3 Medicinal plant

Significance of the study

The importance of this Study is to help the Students and Teachers to eat healthy foods. And to

protect and maintain the healthy Lifestyle and the body to prevent diseases. That is caused by eating

unhealthy foods and unhealthy lifestyle. In general, this study Innovating baked papaya with melted

cheese and sesame seeds that students will benefit the most in terms of its nutritional benefits.

This will benefits the following individuals who desire a better healthy Lifestyle:

Students. They are considered the main concern in the healthy lifestyle. And this will benefits the

student to ensure that their food they eat would be nutritious enough to eat. However, papaya is rich in

Vitamins A,C,E and Antioxidants. It will have a good effect in their body like a great eye sight, improves

digestion, and will help the students to reduce stress.

Teachers and Principal. This study would provide information and insights on how they’ll use the

study in terms of its informative content.

Parents. They’re the one who will guide the students in providing nutritious foods that will results to

students success.
Canteen Staff. They’re the one who will help the students to buy & sell healthy foods and provide
the needs of the students by selling nutritional foods to their customer.

Future Researcher. The result of the study will be a big help to the future researchers for can use the

content of this study for comparing and contrasting details on innovating baked papaya with melted

cheese and sesame seeds. They can also gain new ideas and strategies in doing their research.

Cancer patients. This study will be beneficial for people who are being treated for cancer because of it’s

nutritional benefits and lots of Vitamins.

Scope and Delimitation

The research study found out that students are becoming more lazy as day-goes-by and it will result

to students lack of activeness inside the school that’s why papaya use to help the students to reduce

stress, prevent cancer & diabetes cure. That’s why, the study aims to help the students to be productive

everyday in terms of its; source of vitamins, health benefits & it’ll also enhance the brain of the student

because of its natural effect to the body of a person. Moreover, papaya may be describe in terms of its

color, aroma & appearance. Hence, the study aims to innovate papaya with melted cheese and sesame

seeds to help the students to be productive everyday and to promote health awareness model.

Chapter Notes




Product description

Carica papaya L., is one of the major fruit crops cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical zones. Never
judge the quality of a papaya by its appearance. Often, in fact, the dark orange/brownish fruits taste
heavenly, while the smooth shiny variety often turns out to be disappointing with a tough flesh and insipid
flavor. On the other hand, avoid any fruits that are too ripe with a wrinkly skin and whitish spots. Generally
speaking, the skin should confer a “warm” velvety sensation when touched, soft without being flaccid.
The baked papaya with melted cheese and sesame seeds was subjected to sensory evaluation it was
judged for color, appearance , aroma and mouthfeel and overall capability (Gupta 1999). That’s why,
Appearance aroma and color is what a product must have to be more authentic in the eye of a person.
Appearance has been defined to depicts the sensory qualities of food in the form of a sensory circle. The
sense of sight, smell & taste ( Kramer 1973 ).However, the specific requirements, or storage conditions
for exporting to market. The fruit color must Greenish yellow skin color. Hermaphrodite fruit must be pear
shaped and female fruit uniformly round, all fruits must be fresh, free of shriveling, discoloration and
exhibiting non-uniform ripening. The second one is External appearance must have the Absence of latex
stains or surface debris , absence of wounds during harvesting postharvest handling procedures, absence
of insect bites, scars or spray damage, Fruit skin color should not exceed greenish yellow ( Krishi 2007).

The history of papaya appears to be first documented by Oviedo, the Director of mines in
Hispaniola (Antilles) from 1513 to 1525, where he describes how Alphonso de Valverde took papaya seeds
from the coasts of Panama to Darien, then to San Domingo and the other islands of the West Indies. The
Spaniards gave it the name ‘papaya’ and took the plant to the Philippines, from where it expanded to
Malaya and finally India in 1598 ( Schery 1952 ).
Health benefits

Recent studies have shown its beneficial effects as an anti-inflammatory agent (Owoyele et al 2008)
and anti-tumour15 as well as antioxidant and wound healing properties7. The study has shown that the
effect of caricapapaya leaves juice intake also can accelerate the rate of increase in platelet count among
the patients infected with dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever18. However, it’s quite obvious
how it helps a person to recover & or healed and fight against any illnesses it act’s as a food supplement
for the body to receive full recovery and also gain energy that will lead their life to the fullest. Papaya
contain healthy antioxidants known as carotenoids particularly one type called lycopene and also it is
high in Vitamins C and A, as well as fiber and healthy plant compounds that will help the students to regain
energy for the entire day in school. It also contains an enzyme called papain, used to tenderize meat. Early
Research suggests that the lycopene in papaya can reduce cancer risk papaya may work by reducing free
radicals that contribute to cancer. Additionally papaya may have some unique effects not shared by other
fruits. Among 14 fruits and vegetables with known antioxidant properties, only papaya demonstrated
anticancer activity in breast cancer cells ( Spritzler 2018 ). Study show that fruits high in lycopene and
vitamin C may help prevent heart disease. The antioxidants in papaya may protect your heart and enhance
the protective effects of “good” HDL cholesterol, In one study people who took a fermented papaya
supplement for 14 weeks had less inflammation and a better ratio of “bad” LDL to “good” HDL than people
given a placebo. Papaya’s high Vitamin C and lycopene content can improve heart health and may reduce
your risk of heart disease (Spritzler 2018 ). However, Colored fruits and vegetables and food containing
Vitamin C and E are rich in anti-oxidants like good amounts of papaya for people who are suffering from
poor memory a papaya must include in your everyday diet (Ryan Mutt 2018).

On the other hand, papaya is a must eat food especially to the students that will help them enhance
their brain mentally active. Additionally, papaya has a lot of nutritional benefits for fighting against any
illnesses and diseases so you should include this product in your everyday meal.

Students productivity
“The brain’s ability to focus is based on several things, including blood sugar balance, food
sensitivities, and the function of the gastrointestinal tract”. says Daphne Olivier, blood sugar
balance occurs when you have appropriate balance of carbohydrates ( healthy carbs preffered)
like protein and healthy fats like papaya that is rich in source of vitamins and minerals. . Students
nowadays, are hard to focus on their study and hard to think critically that’s because of lack of
proteins and omega fatty acids sustain by the body. Eating a high-carb breakfast, which includes
cheese may help you make good decisions throughout the day (Berlin 2017). On the other hand,
Eating foods with cheese can help a person to think critically also it will help the students to make
wise decisions everyday and they will also be productive as their body receiving good nutrition.
Foods that is rich in Vitamins will save the students against laziness hence, proper receiving of
vitamins from food can help the student to be focused inside and outside the school. However,
The wonder fruit that is rich in several nutrients like Vitamin C which can keep you free from8
stress. According to a study conducted in University of Alabama, found that 200 mg of vitamin C
can help regulate the flow of stress hormones in rats ( Sameer Jha 2015 ). Basically, papaya it’s
not just a normal fruit but rather it has a lot of sufficient nutrients that our body needed to receive
balance nutrients.

Conceptual framework

The following is a conceptual that will show the input process output and showing the
independent and dependent variable.

1. The independent variable is the product development, its health benefits, and the
students productivity.

2. The dependent variable is to help & encourage students to eat healthy foods that will
help them to enhance their brain and be physically & mentally active inside the school.

1. Product 1. To help the students
Development to be physically and
1 . Assessment of data mentally active
2. Health Benefits using questionnaires, inside the school
interviews &
of the product
observations. 2. To encourage the
3. Students 2. Statistical analysis of students to eat
healthy foods
productivity gathered data

3. Innovating the product 3. To help students to

enhance their brain
and be active inside
the school.


1. There is no significant relationship between product appearance and heath benefits

to the students productivity

2. There is no effect between the intake of baked papaya as a brain enhancer to the


Materials and Method

Research Design

The method that is utilized in the research is the Experimental research design.

According to Gay (1993) that experimental researches truly test the hypothesis
concerning cause and effect relationship. Added by Calmorin (2012) that it has control

group will be manipulated for comparison at will undergo randomization.

Materials and Ingredients Equipment and utensils

Ripe papaya Kitchen knives

Quick melt / or any melted cheese. Cutting board

Sesame seeds. Oven


Research procedures:

1. Preheat the oven to 400°c , then after Arrange papaya into halves, cut sides up,

in a 10- by –13 inch baking dish.

2. Second bake, then add the quick melt/ melted cheese at the center of the papaya

then after add the sesame seeds at the top of the cheese.

3. Bake to 3-5 minutes only just to melt only the cheese

4. Lastly, serve with fresh juice or add more sesame seeds if necessary.
Experimental design

Collection of Ingridients

The Treatments

Preparation of the dish Treatment 1- papaya, melted

cheese & sesame seeds.

Positive control- salmon/

Innovating the product
Negative control- distilled

Examining the effect of

product to the students

Statistical Treatment

The researchers utilized the method called One-way Anova (Analysis of Variance).
According to Heron (2009) that is used as a method for testing the hypothesis that there
is no difference between two or more population. Often used for testing the hypothesis
that there is no difference between the number of treatments. Also the researcher will
used the Sheff Post Hoc analysis

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