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Smart diplomacy in five moves

India needs to see through many balancing acts to deal with regional tensions
ers, the simple fact is that a benign ristic tardiness. And yet, true to its kistan and China. While Pakistan
unipolarity or a balanced multipo- DNA, India is likely to adopt a slew is the revisionist power in the re-
larity with some amount of great of balancing acts. This is perhaps gion, China, being a rising super-
power concert is generally better the most appropriate strategy to power and an already status quoist

than unbalanced multipolarity. adopt under the circumstances power in the region, could poten-
Unbalanced multipolarity when provided it does so with a sense of tially be persuaded to check Pakis-
Happymon Jacob combined with a situation of pow- clarity and purpose instead of tan’s revisionist tendencies. This
er transition in the regional sub- merely reacting. There are at least again requires a great deal of sub-
system, as is perhaps the case to- five layers of balancing acts that In- tle effort from New Delhi to con-

he nature and dynamics of day, might prove to be destabilis- dia would need to adopt in order vince Beijing that it has great
Southern Asian geopolitics ing. We are perhaps at the cusp of to weather the incoming geopoliti- stakes in regional strategic stabili-
are undergoing a radical such a moment in Southern Asia. factors such as unresolved con- cal storm. At level one, it would ty. What must be noted is that both
transformation, slowly, steadily flicts, misunderstandings or the need to balance its innate desire to Beijing and New Delhi, despite
and in an irrevocable manner. One The China pivot occurrence of a crisis could easily get closer to the U.S. with the un- their sharp differences and un-
of the world’s most volatile regions Then there is the emergence of the push the region towards more avoidable necessities of not exces- avoidable strategic competition,
and hitherto dominated by the Un- ‘China pivot’ in the region. Wash- conflict and friction, and obvious- sively provoking China both in the share a stake in the region’s stabil-
ited States, Southern Asia is today ington’s role as the regional pivot ly less cooperation and regional in- maritime and continental do- ity. Therefore even a small mea-
at an inflection point with far- and power manager is becoming a tegration. mains. Clearly, getting too close to sure of rapprochement between
reaching implications for the thing of the past with Beijing in- The rising war talk in the region the U.S. will provoke China, and them, as it seemingly exists today,
states in the region, and for India creasingly able and willing to as- is yet another contemporary fea- vice versa. could stabilise the region to a great
in particular. Is New Delhi adeq- sume that role. Regional geopolit- ture of the Southern Asian region- The second layer of this balanc- extent.
uately prepared to weather the in- ics, from Iran to Central Asia and al sub-system. The possibility of a ing game should drive India’s West
coming geopolitical storm? from the South China Sea to the In- military conflict between Iran and Asia policy. Here it would have to Handling Afghanistan
To begin with, there is a sharp, dian Ocean region, is increasingly the U.S. (a path the hawks in Wash- take care of its energy and other Finally, if India is serious about
though often understated, great being shaped by China. China is ington are pushing U.S. President interests (including the Chabahar having a say in Afghanistan’s fu-
power competition in the region the new regional hegemon with Donald Trump to pursue) which in project) with Iran and not alienate ture, it would need to enact sever-
with the U.S. caught between its states in the region jumping on its turn would draw many more the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Israel by al balancing acts there: between
reluctance to part with its quickly bandwagon without much resis- countries in the region into it lead- doing so. While Iran’s share in In- Russia and China, China and Pa-
fading glory on the one hand and tance. When new powers are on ing to widespread instability, po- dia’s energy imports is steadily de- kistan, the Taliban and Kabul, and
unwillingness to do what it takes an ascendance, its neighbours tential for India-Pakistan border creasing, alienating Iran might not the Taliban and Pakistan. In a con-
to maintain its regional influence tend to recalibrate their policies skirmishes and possible escala- suit India’s strategic interests in stantly changing Afghan geopoliti-
on the other. And yet, when chal- and old partnerships and allianc- tion, an escalating China-U.S. the longer run. cal landscape, the contents of In-
lenged by China and Russia in the es. Regional holdouts and challen- trade war, and the many proxy As a third balancing act, dealing dia’s interests should also evolve.
regional geopolitical landscape, gers such as India will need to ba- and cold wars in Afghanistan and with the Russia-China partnership New Delhi should keep in mind
the U.S.’s superpower instinct is to lance themselves tactfully to steer West Asia will keep the tempera- will be crucial for India’s continen- that it must, by all means, be care-
push back, often leading to short- clear of the rising hegemon’s ire. ture high in the region for the fore- tal strategy, be it with regard to ful to avoid getting caught in a nut-
sighted decisions and confused Yet another feature of the cur- seeable future. arms sales, the Afghan question or cracker geopolitical situation in
policies. The resultant geopolitical rent regional sub-system is the In sum, a power transition in checking Chinese dominance of the region. Engaging in a delicate
competition for space, power and presence of an extreme trust defi- the Southern Asian sub-system, an the region. New Delhi should be balancing game is undeniably the
influence in the regional scheme cit among the various actors in the extreme trust deficit and the esca- clever enough to exploit the not- need of the hour, and let us re-
of things is undoing the traditional region. That India and Pakistan, or lating war talk pose ominous signs so-apparent fissures between Beij- member that balancing such
geopolitical certainties in South- China and India do not trust each for the region. ing and Moscow. A related con- seeming contradictions is what
ern Asia. Russia and China are other is not news, but a trust defi- cern should be the growing rela- smart diplomacy is meant to
jointly and individually challeng- cit exists between even seemingly The layers tionship between Pakistan and achieve.
ing the U.S.’s pre-eminence and congenial partners such as the U.S. This is not a pretty picture; cer- Russia which must be dealt with
drafting smaller countries of the and India, Russia and China, and tainly not for India, a country that by smart diplomacy rather than Happymon Jacob teaches at the
region into their bandwagon/s. among traditional partners such is caught right in the middle of outrage. Jawaharlal Nehru University, and is the
Despite our unease and tradi- as Iran and India, and Russia and these tectonic developments and Yet another layer that requires author of ‘Line on Fire: Ceasefire
tional suspicion towards great India. The varying degrees of trust that habitually reacts to geopoliti- careful balancing by India is the Violations and India-Pakistan Escalation
power system shapers and manag- deficit when combined with other cal developments with characte- strategic partnership between Pa- Dynamics’

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