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Read the following extracts and choose the correct option.
1.“Dear you were just near the finishing point and would have stood first. Why did you
stop and lose your chance to win the first prize?”
1. Who was near the finishing line?
i. Medha ii. Nina iii. Minu iv. Peter
2.Who is the speaker of this statement?
i. The Principal ii. The audience iii. The parents iv. The Chief Guest
3. What competition was going on?
i. 100 m race ii. 200 m race iii. 500 m race iv. 150 m race

2. “Together they washed his feet, made him sit on a throne and served him a sumptuous
1. Who was made to sit on a throne?
i. Krishna ii. Sudama iii. Minu iv. Rukmini
2.The feet were washed by-
i. Krishna and Sudama ii. Krishna and Rukmini
iii. Rukmini and Sudama iv. Krishna,Rukmini and Sudama
3. Where was the meal served?
i. In the palace ii. In the village iii. In the forest iv. In the hut

3. “I can see you love her and look after her well. Go and fetch the prize from the table.”
1. Who is the speaker of the above statement?
i. Teacher ii. Peter iii. Aunt Sally iv. Harry
2. Who is loved in the above lines?
i. The cat ii. The canary iii. The tortoise iv. The dog
3. What was the prize?
i. A pair of socks ii. A card iii. A box of chocolate iv. A book of adventure stories

4. “This success further encouraged the two brothers and after a month they themselves
went up in the hot air balloon.”
1. Which success encouraged the two brothers?
i. The flying of animals in the hot air balloon ii. The flying of man with wings
iii. The flying of man in a balloon iv. The flying of animals with wings
2. Who were the two brothers?
i. Jacobs and Jones Montgolfier ii. James and Jones Montgolfier
iii. Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier iv. Jacques and Jones Montgolfier
3. The brothers went up in the balloon after -
i. A year ii. A week iii. A month iv. A day

Read the following extracts and choose the correct option.

1. “He is never happy unless he is making mischief to attract other’s attention.”
1. Who is the speaker of the above lines?
i. The neighbours ii. The Dutch women
iii. The people at the market iv. The workmen
2. Who is the mischievous boy?
i. Michael ii. Peter iii. Krishna iv. Sudama
3. The boy was __________ and proud.
i. Spoiled ii. Good iii. Clever iv. Arrogant

2. “I have got a surprise for you, Poppy, she said. She gave Poppy a box. A strange noise
was coming from inside.”
1. Who had brought a surprise for Poppy?
i. Aunt Bella ii. Aunt Sally iii. Peter iv. Michael
2. What was the surprise?
i. A cat ii. A canary iii. A dolphin iv. A puppy
3. Some strange ________ were coming out of the box.
i. Voice ii. Noise iii. Music iv. Song

3. Answer the following questions:

(I) Who got the Best Student’s Trophy and Why?

(II) How did Nina help Medha?
(III) Why was Nina confused?
(IV) What gave Sudama courage to meet Krishna?
(V) Why was Sudama unwilling to meet Krishna?
(VI) Why was Sudama ashamed of the gift that he had brought for Krishna?
(VII) How did Peter bring the little kitten to his home?
(VIII) Where did Peter keep the little kitten?
Answer the following questions:
1. What did Aunt Sally give Peter on his birthday?
2. What did the people do to fly like birds?
3. What was man’s heartiest desire?
4. What were the animals sent through the basket to fly?
5. What type of boy was Michael?
6. How did Michael feel when the ladder had gone?
7. Why was the place near the church full of people?
8. Who was taking care of Poppy in her parent’s absence?
9. What did Poppy see in the magic room?
10. Why did Poppy feel bore?
1. Value based questions
a. How did Nina overcome her confusion? What moral values does her character
reflect here?
b. Why do you think Sudama was willing to ask help from Krishna? What values
Sudama character reflect here?
c. How did Peter’s kindness win him the prize that he so badly wanted? Which
qualities of Peter’s character are reflected here?
d. “Failure is the pillar of success” Justify this with reference to Man learns to fly.
What moral values do you learn from this chapter?
e. Do mischievous people succeed in life? What values in them help them to
succeed? Discuss this through the character of Michael.
2. Read the following poem and answer the questions [5]

Could be, it open a treasure chest

stuffed full of diamonds and gold,
or may be it opens a journal
with its secrets locked up for years
and if I find it and read it,
I’ll be famous and people will cheer.

I guess it could fit in a sports car.

I’d be too young to drive it right now,
but I’d hide it away till I’m older,
When I’d drive it, my friends will say Wow.

1. a. What will happen if the poet reads the journal?

b. Why can’t the poet drive the sports car right now?
2. Write a pair of rhyming words from the poem.
3. a. The secrets of the journals are locked up for _________.
i. months ii. Years iii. Days iv. weeks
b. The poet will ___________the sports car till he grows older.
i. hide ii. Drive iii. Keep iv. Buy

1. Write a paragraph on Importance of Trees [5]
2. Formal/ Informal Letter

a. Your are Amit/ Amita of STD III, You are living at 1906, Grand Road, Bhubaneswar.
Write a leave letter to the Principal of your school to attend your ill grandparents.

b. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to your birthday party.

c. Write a thanks letter to your Aunt for her valuable gift on your birthday.
3. You are Ranjan Kar/ Rajni Kar of STD III. You are living at 15, MG Road, Sector-6,
Bhubaneswar. Write a leave letter to the principal of your school for your illness. [5]

4. Encircle the correct preposition

A. The thief walked (around/on/between/after) the house. He hid (in/on/at/behind) the
bush and then went (above/into/off/among) the room.
B. We stayed (on/in/behind/under) Puri for five days. We went (at/to/for/off) the beach
and the temple (on/at/upon/over) Sunday.
5. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line which has
been underlined. Write the correct one in the space provided.
A. Mr Das looked in an almirah _____________
in a living room for an table cloth to be put on table. _____________
an table cloth to be put on table. _____________
It was a olive green color _____________
cloth with red flowers on it. An _____________
picture of cat was there in a middle _____________
of the cloth.
B. An train arrived at _____________
a Vishakapatnam station. _____________
a hour late. The passangers were _____________
waiting for an train patiently in _____________
an hall. They waited for _____________
a enquiry to announce the timing. _____________

1. Unscramble the jumbled words to form meaningful sentences.

A. is the/period/student life/happiest/in the life/person/of a

is full of/and/the mind/dreams/ideas
it is/the period/properly/necessary/to use/therefore

B. is the/found/elephant/biggest/on the/land animals/earth

wild animal/but/it is a/training/it/becomes/after giving/useful for/man
huge animal/it is/a/and/is/grey/its colour

2. Paragraph Writing
A. Write a paragraph on Visit to a Book Fair.

B. Write a paragraph on Importance of Library.

3. Complete the sentences

A. Zoo_____________________________________. The monkeys
__________________________. _______________________ were swimming in the water.
B. Aunt Mary ________________________________. ____________________ likes to
spend time in her garden. Her grandchildren
4. Frame wh- questions using words given in the bracket.

A. I am going to Australia. (Where)

We are going to Australia in December. (When)

We are going to Australia by air. (How)

B. We wear raincoats in rainy season. (When)

We wear raincoats to stay dry. (Why)

We get raincoats from shops. (Where)


I Choose the correct option . 1 mark

1.Rs 1is ________________ Paise.
a)100 b)16 c)1000
2.Six 20 rupees notes is ________________ rupees.
a)150 b)100 c)120

3. + = __________________. ( If ball Rs 50 ,cap Rs 40)

a) RS 100 b) Rs 70 c) Rs 90

4. + - = _________________. ( T-shirt Rs 100,shorts Rs 60, sunglass

RS 50).
a)Rs 120 b) Rs 160 c) Rs 110
5.900 paise -400 paise = ________________.
a)5000 paise b) 600 paise c) Rs 5.00

II .Answer the following. 2 marks

6.How many 25 Paise coins are there in a 5 rupees note ?
7.Arrange in column and add.
Rs 432.50 , Rs 716.20and Rs 240.30.
8. Arrange in column and subtract.
Six hundred thirty two rupees from eight hundred forty seven rupees.
9.Convert in rupees and paise and write in words .
4250 Paise___________________________________________________.

III) Answer the following questions. (3 marks)

10.Deepa bought rice for Rs 45.50, Flour for Rs 64.90 and Sugar for Rs 25. Find the total
amount of money she spent in all?
Cash Memo Date ..................
M/S ..............................................................
S.No Items Quantity Rate per Item Amount
Rs P
1. Rice 5Kg 36 180 00

2. Sugar 500g 34 17 00

3. Dal 1.5kg 80 120 00

4. Mustard oil 2l 80 160 00

5. Ghee 1kg 48 48 00


11 .Look at the cash memo and answer the following questions.

a)What is total amount to be paid?
b) How much sugar was purchased ?
c)What is the price of 1kg sugar ?
12.Rina has Rs 64.50 in her purse.She bought a birthday present for her little brother costing
Rs 52.50.How much money is left with her ?

IV. Answer the following questions. (4 Marks)

13. Prepare a cash memo and find the total amount paid by Rishi .Following items he
purchased from Big Bazar during offer time.
2biscuit packets –Rs 80
1 towel-Rs 110
1 deo – Rs 245
1 hair gel – Rs 104
1 toothpaste – Rs 75

14. Aparna has Rs 600 .she purchased a sunglass of Rs 250 and a wrist watch of Rs 399.How
much more money she needs to pay the shopkeeper ?

15. Raju purchased a soap for Rs20.50, a tooth paste Rs 24.75 and hair oil for Rs 35. Prepare
a cah memo and find the total amount paid by him.

16. Navin bought a shirt for Rs 450 and a pair of trousers for Rs 245. He paid Rs 700 to the
shopkeeper. How much money the shopkeeper will return him?

17. Saroj has Rs 500 with him. Out of it Rs 350 he borrowed to his friend and he spent Rs 75
. How much money is left with him?
I .Choose the correct options. (1 Mark)
1.The biggest unit of Length is _______________________.
a)Centimetre b)Kilometre c)kilogram
2.2500cm is equal to _______________________.
a)2 km 500cm b)25km 50cm c) 2m 500cm
3.5000m +4km 200m +3km 30m is ________________.
a)12km 230m b)12km 200m c)12km 030m
4.Length of a square table edge is 32cm.what is the length of its four sides?
a)130cm b)128cm c)128m
5.9km is equal to ____________________m.
a)9000cm b)9000m c)900m
II . Answer the following questions. (2 Marks)
6.Convert the following into metres and centimetres:
i)3500cm ii)10400cm iii)12000cm
7. Convert the following into kilometres and metres:
i) 890600m ii)56900m
8. Arrange in column and add
i)245km 238m,45km 29m and 36km 140m.
ii)76m 45cm, 174m 64cm and 12m 30cm.
9. Arrange in column and subtract
i)128km 655m from 229km 092m
ii)94m 116cm from 100m 123cm
iii)3642cm from 40m 52cm
III. Answer the following questions. (3 Marks)
10.Nisha bought 10m 200 cm of yellow lace and 19m 30 cm of blue lace. Find the total
length of lace in centimetre?
11.A roll of electric wire contains 94m 76cmof wire.If 40m 55cm of wire is used. How much
wire is left in the roll?
14.Renuka needs 6m of clothes for her shop.But the shopkeeper gave 5900cm of clothes to
her. How much more clothes she need for her shop?
15.A shopkeeper had 35m 50cm cloth of one kind and 24m 25cm cloth of another kind
.How much cloth did he have altogether?
16. A tailor bought 150m of cloth to fulfil the order to make 45 shirts. Out of it he used
125m 60 cm , with the rest he made 10 shirts of small size and given to the orphanage.
What is length of cloth he used to make shirts for the orphanage children? Which value is
depicted by him ?
IV. Answer the following questions. (4 Marks)
17. Subtract the sum of 65m 25cm and 23m 60 cm from 100m
18. Rahul and Ravi went for morning. Rahul walked 23km 450m and Ravi walked 45km
600m . How much distance did they walk in all ? How much more distance did Ravi walked
than Rahul ?
19. From a rope of 60m long, Two pieces measuring 31m 56cm and 12m 72cm were cut off.
Fin the length of remaining rope.
20. Seeta travels 10 km 750m to reach her office every day. She travels 5 km 250m by bus, 3
km 750m by auto and the rest on foot. Find the distance she covers on foot.
WORKSHEET-3 (Weight)
Choose the correct option.
1. 8000g is equal to ______________. (1 Mark)
a)80kg b)8kg c)8km
2. 7x____________g = 7000g
a)100 b)10000 c)1000
3. 3040g is equal to _________________.
a)3kg 4g b)3kg 004g c)3kg 40g

4. If the weight of 1 apple is 25g. Find the weight of 5 apples?( =25g)

a)100g b)125g c)130g
5. 7kg- 5400g is ____________________.
a)2kg 400g b)1kg 60g c) 1kg 6000g

II. Answer the following. (2 Marks)

6. Convert these.
a) 4000g into kg b) 36kg into gram c) 7005 g into kg and gram d)10320g into kg and
7. Arrange in columns and find the answer.
a) 120g x4+10g x3 b) 3600g +8kg 90g +2kg 421g
c)92kg 30g -15kg 384g d) 5kg+911kg +8kg 216g

III. Answer the following. (3 Marks)

8. A girl weighs 34kg 400g.She lost 1kg 400g due to illness. What is her weight now?
9. The weight of a box of sweets is 9540g. The weight of empty box is 1kg 160g.Find the
weight of sweets?
10. Mr. Kapoor bought 8kg 350g mangoes for the party. Mrs. Kapoor bought 2kg grapes and
1kg 500g oranges for the party. Find the total weight of fruits Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor bought
for the party?
11.Ramesh needs 4kg 50g sugar for his house. When he reached home he found the
weight of sugar is reduced to 3kg 900g due to hole in the packet. Find how much sugar was
12.Meekund purchased 8kg basmati rice , 2kg dal,500 g salt and 500g ghee. Find the
weight of all the items?
13. The weight of Rajesh is 5 kg 450g more than Aman’s weight. If Aman ‘ s weight is 45 kg
600g, find Rajesh weight.
14.Rita’s mother made fruit salad using 1kg 575 g of apples and 700g of papaya an 1250 g of
bananas. Find the total weight of Fruit Salad.
15. Biraja’s bag weighs 5kg 200g and Lata’s bag weighs 1kg 100g less than Biraja’s. Find the
weight of Lata’s bag.
IV. Answer the following questions. (4 Marks)
16. Subtract the difference between 25 kg 700g and 45kg from 90 kg 500g.
17. From a sack of 1 quintal rice, the shopkeeper sold 25 kg to the first customer and 42kg
500g to the second customer. Find the weight of rice left with him.
18. Mr Ramesh bought 4 kg 500g of brinjals and 3 kg 250 g of tomatoes. Out of those he
used 2kg brinjals and 3kg 150 g of tomatoes. What quantity of vegetables are left with him?
I Choose the correct answer. (1 Mark)
1.In short 1litre is written as 1______________.
a)ml b)L c)l
2.The standard unit of capacity is ___________________.
a)ml b)kl c) L
3.the smallest unit of capacity is _________________.
a)g b)ml c) l

4. + = ____________________.(If capacity of can is 300ml, cola bottle is 200ml)

a)600ml b)600l c)500ml

5. - = ______________________.( If capacity of cup is 100ml and spoon

is 20ml)

6.a)15l = ____________________ml.
b)8000ml = _______________l.
c)7l 27ml = ________________ml.
d)30428ml = ______l _______ml
e)123044ml =_______________l
II. Answer the following questions. (2 Marks)
7.Find 2l 616ml +3l 456ml.
8.Find the sum of 16l 109ml and 7l 94ml.
9.Add together 456l 445ml ,213l 651ml and 2l 180ml.
10.Find 5l 142ml -1l 786ml. (with conversion)
11.subtract without conversion :24l-10l 200ml.
III. Answer the following questions. (3 Marks)
12 .Abdul buys 5l 500ml of milk from one dairy and 2l 750 ml from another dairy. How
much milk does he purchase altogether?
13 .A vessel contains 970l 975ml of drinking water. Three families take 205l 125ml , 412l
300ml and 285l 250ml of water from the vessel respectively . How much water is taken by
three families together?
14. On the birthday of his daughter Srikant collected 7l 700ml and 5l 450ml of milk from two
dairy farms. How much milk did he collect?
15.A painter bought 1800ml of red paint , 1 ½ litre of blue paint and 2kg and 750 g of yellow
paint. Find the total quantity of paint bought by him?
IV. Answer the following questions. (4 Marks)
16. A cow gives 20l 500ml milk at a time. The calf drinks 1l 300 ml milk. 900ml milk is
wasted by the milkman. How much milk is left with the milkman?
17.Amit filled 5l 250 ml of petrol on Monday. 4 l 750 ml of petrol on Tuesday. Out of it he
used 3l 750 ml and 500 ml wasted due to leakage. What quantity of petrol is left with him?
18. Find the difference between the sum of 2l 500ml, 5l 750 ml and the sum of 4l 750ml, 7 l
200 ml.
WORKSHEET- 5 (Fractions)
Q1. Fill in the blanks (1Mark)
a) In the word “REWARD” The fraction of letters vowels are ____________
b) In 4 , 4 is called _______________________
c) If numerator = 5 and the denominator = 7 then the fraction is _____________
d) In three- fifths the denominator = _________________
5 8
e) 9 ( Put <,> or = )
Q2. Answer the following (1 Mark)
a) Write the given fraction in words
i)3/5 = ______________ ii) 7/10= _________ iii) 5/12 =_______________
b). Write fraction for
i) Six – ninths = ______ ii) Ten – elevenths = _________ iii) one –third =_____
Q3. Do as directed. (2 Marks)
a. Arrange the following in ascending order
i) 6/9, 2/9,5/9,3/9,4/9 ii) ¼,1/5,1/6,1/9,1/10
b.Arrange in the descending order
i)7/11 ,5/11, 3/11, 10/11, 9/11 ii )4/7,1/7,3/7,5/7,6/7
c. Subtract the following
i) 4/5 from 7/5 ii) 5/12 from 9/12
d. Find i)½ of 6 ii) 2/7 of 14 iii) 4/5 of 20

Q4. Answer the following. (3 Marks)

a)Given fraction is 2/3 add4 to the numerator and multiply 6 with the denominator then
find the new fraction.
b)Given fraction is 4/9 subtract 2 from the numerator and divide the denominator by 3
then find the new fraction.
c) Raju has 3/7 of blue marbles Rita has 5/7of blue marbles. Find the total fraction of blue
marbles both Have.
d) From 6/8 of pizza , lata ate 2/8 of pizza how much of pizza is left with her?
e) In a book of 25pages, Kumar read 20. What fraction did he read ?
f )From her home work of 12 sums , Vijay finished doing 8. What fraction of her home work
is not finished?
g) In class of 40 students, 13 are girls what fraction of boys are there?
h) Shalini had 6 oranges , she ate 2/3of them . How many did she eat?
i) One third of 12 apples in a basket are rotten. How many apples are not rotten?
WORKSHEET- 6 (Geometry)

Q1. Fill in the blanks (1Mark)

a) A square has ____ sides and _________corners.
b)__________ sides of a rectangle are equal.
c)A cube has _____ plane faces and _________edges and 8 vertices.
d)A ______________ has no edges and no vertices.
e)A cylinder has ----------- edges.
f)A line has_______________ length.
g)A point shows a ______________.
h)A _____________has fixed length.
i)A ray has __________ end point.
j)An ice cream cone is an example of ______________.

Q2.Match the following (1Mark)

(a) 6 flat square faces (i) sphere

(b) 1 flat and 1 curved surface (ii) cuboid
(c) 1 curved face and no flat face (iii) cylinder
(d) 2 flat and 1 curved surface (iv) cube
(e) 6 flat rectangular faces (v) cone

Q3.What shapes do the following objects have ? (1 Mark)

(a) A tube light ______________ (b) A book ______________
(c) A cricket ball ____________ (d) A dice _____________
Q4. Tick (v) the correct option . ( 1 Mark)

(a) The top of a table is a plane/curved surface.

(b) The egg has a plane / curved surface.
(c) The globe has a plane/ curved surface.
(d) The black board has a plane / curved surface.

Q5. Write few sentences about the following. (2 Marks)

(a)Line (b) line segment (c) ray (d) point

Q6 Draw the following solid shapes. Write the number of vertices, edges, faces each shape
has. (3Marks)
i.Cone ii. Cube iii. Cylinder
Q7. In the given figure and name the points and line segments. (3 Marks)
(a) (b)




Q.1. Tick the correct answers( 1 mark )

a. Sambhavi lives in a :
i. Flat ii. Haveli iii.Bunglow iv. Stilt house

b. Wooden houses are very common in areas that are prone to:
i. Fire ii. Earthquake iii. Famine iv.Floods

c. In which areas the houses are made up of mud with sloping roofs?
i. Plateaus ii. Mountains iii. Plains iv. All of these

d. Which of the following house is a temporary house?

i. Caravan ii. Tent house iii. House boat iv. All of these

e. The materials used for making building are-

i. Cement ii. Marbel iii. Brick iv. All of these

Q.2. Write true / false( 1mark )

a. Havelis are found in big cities.
b. Stilt houses are found in plains.
c. In cold climate , people use a lot of woods.
d. Desert gets heavy rain and snowfall.
e. Nomads do not live permanently in one place.

Q.3. Name two of each ( .5 mark )

a. States where house boats are common.
b. Temporary houses.
c. Materials used for hut.
d. States with stilt house.
e. States where houses have sloping roofs.
f. People who help in building a house.

Q.4. Answer the following questions (2 marks )

a. Why do people in big cities live in flats or multi-storeyed?
b. Mention any three disadvantages of hut?
c. Why is cooking usually done outside the hut?
d. Why are wooden houses build in earthquake prone areas?
e. Write any three disadvantages of a bunglow and apartment?
WORKSHEET-10( Beautiful Home )

Q.1. Fill in the blanks ( 1 mark )

a. Garbage should be collected in a__________.

b. The windows and doors should have wire ________ so that the mosquitoes and flies
cannot enter the house.
c. The natural light that is important for a house is______.
d. _________ treats sick animals.
e. ________ in village are responsible for the removal of the garbage.
Q.2. Express in one word(1 mark )

a. We sell the old and non- reusable things to him—

b. It is responsible for the removal of the garbage—
c. The place where the garbage is buried under the ground—
d. The doors and window should have it to protect the dusts—
e. It should be covered and cleaned regularly—
Q.3. Answer the following questions( 3 marks )

a. What should we do to make our house beautiful?

b. Where should we collect the garbage? What happens if we throw it on the road?
c. How can we help in the recycling of garbage?
d. What should we do to keep our environment clean?
e. Some people throw the wrapper , ice- cream cup in the park. Are they doing the right
thing? What value can be inculcated in them so that they will stop doing this activity?
f. What should we do when go for an outing?
WORKSHEET-11( Direction )

Q.1. Tick the correct answer(1 mark )

a. Which one of the following not used for direction is?
i. Left ii. Right iii. Behind iv. All of above
b. The number of basic points in a compass is:
i. Two ii. Five iii. Four iv. Eight
c. The magnetic compass is invented in_
i Japan ii China iii India iv. America
d. The Sun rises in the:
i. West ii. East iii. South iv. North
e. North direction is opposite to :
i. North ii. East iii. South iv. West

2. Answer the following questions: [2 marks]

a. What is direction? Name them.
b. What is the use of the compass for sailor and the Pilot?
c. Why do we need to understand direction?
WORKSHEET-12( Conquering Distances )

Q.1. Fill in the blanks( 1mark )

a. In India , the first train ran between _________ and_________ in 1853.
b. Airways are the __________ means of transport.
c._________ invented the first steam locomotive engine for railways.
d. ________ has a Monorail transport system.
e. The earlier trains ran on___________ power.
Q.2. Express in one word.(1 mark )
a. The oldest wheel found was discovered here--
b. The two brothers who invented the air plane--
c. The movement of people from one place to another place for better job opportunities—
d. Invention of it changed the whole life of earlyman—
e. It is safe and creates less pollution—
Q.3. Name two each (0 .5 mark )
a. Things in which wheels are used.
b. Fuel used to run the vehicle.
c. Ways that the early man used to cross a water body.
d. Slow means of transport.
e. Vehicles that run with animal energy.
Q.4. Tick the correct answers ( 1 mark )
a. The full form of CNG:
i. Compressed natural gas ii. Compressed nature gas
iii. Composite natural gas iv. Corporation natural gas
b. It is less costly than airways but take longer time to a place
i. Railways ii. Waterways iii. Airways iv. Roadways
c. Which of the following vehicles run on fuel?
i. Bus ii. Car iii. Truck iv. All of these
d. Fast moving vehicles run on
i. Petrol ii. Diesel iii. CNG iv. All of these
e. Who invented the air plane?
i. Stephen sons ii. Wright brothers iii. Thomas Edison
Q.5. Answer the following questions (3 marks )
a. How can you help in saving the environment?
b. How did the earlyman travel to the places? How did he carry his goods?
c. Mention three places of interest that many people love to visit.
d. Write any two features of waterways.
e. Some people are standing at the traffic zone without switching off the
engine of their vehicle .What values can be developed in them to leave
this bad habit?
WORKSHEET-13( Closing Distances)
Q.1. Express in one word (1 mark )
a. A large number of people communicating at the same time--
b. Imagaes can be transferred through it--
c. The process of sending and receiving messages is called--
d. The place through which letters, parcels and money orders are sent---
e. E-mail can be sent through this service—
Q.2. Tick the correct sentence (1 mark )
a. Who invented telephone:
i. R.L Stevenson ii. Wright brothers iii. Graham bell iv. G.Marconi
b. Non-verbal communication does not include,
i. Body language ii. Facial expression iii. Speaking iv. Sign language
c. Which of the following is not a mass communication?
i. Telephone ii. Radio iii. Newspaper iv. Television
d. Where do you get envelope, stamps and post
i. Railway station ii. Post office iiii. Bus stand iv. Hospital
Q.3. Write True/false ( 1 mark)
a. Letters can be read any number of times.
b. Radio is a means of individual communication.
c. The early men were using telephone to communicate.
d. We should not forget to write the PIN(Postal Index Number) before we post the letter.
e. Whatsapp is available on television
Q.4. Name two of each (0.5 )
a. Ways through which the early man communicated with each other
b. Forms of verbal communication
c. Facilities available on mobile phone
d. Things which can only be sent through post office
Q.5. Answer the following questions ( 3 marks )
a. Write any three disadvantages of a letter.
b. Write the differences between verbal and non-verbal communication with example.
c. Write any two role of the Indian postal service.
d. Write two benefits that you get from Intrernet service.
Q.6.Minu helps her mother to use internet like sending, receiving of message through e-
mail, visiting different website to collect information from it.
What values are shown by Minu?

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