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Words of the Day 2018 - 2019

Day Date Word Definition
Wednesday August 8 indifferent without interest or concern; not caring; neutral
Thursday August 9 benevolent expressing goodwill or kind feelings to others
Friday August 10 abstract thought of apart from concrete realities, specific objects or actual instances
Monday August 13 fallacious deceptive; logically unsound; misleading
Tuesday August 14 conciliatory regaining goodwill or favor; tending to placate
Wednesday August 15 discernible ability to perceive something obscure or concealed; discriminating
Thursday August 16 aesthetic pertaining to a sense of beauty in nature and art
Friday August 17 inquisitive questioning; eager to learn; given to examination
Monday August 20 reticent disposed to be quite or not speak freely; reserved
Tuesday August 21 complacent self-satisfied; unconcerned; content to a fault
Wednesday August 22 dogmatic asserting opinions in a dictatorial manner
Thursday August 23 plausible having the appearance of truth, reliability or reason
Friday August 24 diligent constant and earnest in effort and application; persistent in doing something
Monday August 27 capricious subject to changing one's mind without much thought; erratic; whimsical
Tuesday August 28 pertinent relating directly and significantly to the matter at hand
Wednesday August 29 devious departing from the most direct way; circuitous; roundabout
Thursday August 30 meticulous taking or showing extreme care about minute details; painstaking; thorough
Friday August 31 eccentric unconventional; deviating from accepted practice
Tuesday September 4 ostentatious characterized by a pretentious show in order to impress
Wednesday September 5 morose sullenly ill-humored (person); expressing gloom; glum
Thursday September 6 quiescent being at rest; quiet or still; inactive or motionless
Friday September 7 precocious unusually advanced or mature development or talent
Monday September 10 theoretical hypothetical; existing only in principle; not practical
Tuesday September 11 obscure hard to perceive; nebulous; meaning not clear or plain
Wednesday September 12 soporific anything causing or tending to cause sleep; drowsy
Thursday September 13 lethargy state of being dull, listless, drowsy or unenergetic
Friday September 14 prevaricate to speak falsely or misleadingly so as to avoid the truth; to lie
Monday September 17 inevitable unable to be avoided, evaded or escaped; certain
Tuesday September 18 candid frank or outspoken; free from reservation or disguise
Wednesday September 19 squander to spend or use extravagantly, lavishly or wastefully
Thursday September 20 repudiate to reject with disapproval, condemnation or denial
Friday September 21 virulent actively poisonous; intensely noxious; deadly
Monday September 24 querulous carping; characterized by or full of complaints
Tuesday September 25 spontaneous a natural impulse or tendency; without premeditation
Wednesday September 26 novice a beginner; person who is new to a work place or situation
Thursday September 27 kindle to start a fire; to cause (a flame or blaze) to begin burning
Friday September 28 insidious intended to entrap or beguile; enticing but harmful; seductive
Monday October 1 superficial of the surface; concerned only with the obvious; apparent rather than real
Tuesday October 2 futile completely ineffective; serving no useful purpose
Wednesday October 3 diverse composed of different elements or qualities; unlike
Thursday October 4 provocative serving or tending to stimulate or excite
Friday October 5 incessant continuing without interruption; constant
Wednesday October 10 reverence a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe
Thursday October 11 enigma a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence; a baffling problem, situation or
Friday October 12 scrutinize person
to examine minutely; to conduct a searching inquiry
Monday October 15 apathy absence or suppression of passion, emotion or excitement; indifference
Day Date Word Definition
Tuesday October 16 jocular jovial and playful; given to jesting
Wednesday October 17 integrity uncompromising adherence to moral and ethical principles
Thursday October 18 disdain looking upon or treating with contempt; thinking unworthy of notice
Friday October 19 reclusive living in seclusion; shut off or apart from the world
Monday October 22 ludicrous causing or deserving laughter because of absurdity
Tuesday October 23 gratuitous given without recompense or benefit; voluntary
Wednesday October 24 hackneyed made commonplace or trite; banal
Thursday October 25 sedentary characterized by a sitting position posture, inactivity and lack of exercise
Friday October 26 regressive tending to revert or go back; reverting to an earlier or less advanced state or
Monday October 29 mundane form
of this world or earth; not heavenly; worldly; secular; ordinary,
Tuesday October 30 emulate commonplace
to imitate in an effort to equal or surpass; to rival with some degree of
success; to imitate due to admiration
Wednesday October 31 propensity a natural inclination or tendency; a bent; a leaning
Thursday November 1 impetuous of great energy and impatience; characterized by sudden or rash action or
Friday November 2 zenith emotion
the upper region of the sky; the highest point or state
Monday November 5 succinct showing verbal brevity; expressed in a few words
Tuesday November 6 clairvoyant having the paranormal power to see objects/actions not perceived by the
Wednesday November 7 ubiquitous senses
being everywhere, esp. at the same time; omnipresent
Thursday November 8 resilient having power to return to the original form; able to recover readily from
Friday November 9 expedite misfortune
to speed up the progress of ; accelerate; perform promptly
Monday November 12 wanton done maliciously or cruelly and without a motive
Tuesday November 13 vindictive revengeful; spiteful; showing a retaliatory spirit
Wednesday November 14 innocuous not harmful or injurious; harmless; not likely to irritate or offend
Thursday November 15 affinity natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing or idea; close connection
Friday November 16 penitent feeling or expressing pain (sorrow) for sin (misdeeds) and disposed to
Monday November 26 terse atonement
effectively brief and to the point; pithy; neatly concise; rudely short
Tuesday November 27 redolent having a pleasant odor; fragrant; odorous
Wednesday November 28 requisite required; necessary
Thursday November 29 recant to withdraw or disavow (a statement, opinion etc..), esp. formally; retract
Friday November 30 rudimentary pertaining to the beginning or first principles; undeveloped
Monday December 3 remonstrate to reason or plead in protest, objection or complaint
Tuesday December 4 reparation the making of amends for wrong or injury done
Wednesday December 5 recalcitrant resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant; unruly
Thursday December 6 relinquish to renounce or surrender (position, right, claim); to give up
Friday December 7 refutable proving to be false or erroneous (opinion or charge)
Monday December 10 reprehensible deserving rebuke or censure; blameworthy
Tuesday December 11 redundant characterized by unnecessary repetition in expressing ideas; wordy
Wednesday December 12 relegate to send or consign to an inferior position, place or condition
Thursday December 13 rapacious given to plundering; inordinately greedy
Friday December 14 resolute firmly set in purpose or opinion; determined; earnest
Monday December 17 rigorous characterized by rigid severity; precise
Tuesday December 18 ramification a related or derived development; consequence; implication
Wednesday December 19 recrimination a countercharge against an accuser
Thursday December 20 replenish to make full or complete again; to supply with fresh fuel
Friday December 21 paradigm an example serving as a model; pattern
Monday January 7 epiphany a sudden, intuitive perception or insight
Tuesday January 8 lugubrious mournful or gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated manner
Wednesday January 9 obsequious characterized by deference; fawning; sycophantic
Thursday January 10 acumen keen insight; shrewdness
Day Date Word Definition
Friday January 11 homogeneous composed of the same kind or nature; not heterogeneous
Monday January 14 chicanery the use of sly language, reasoning, etc., to trick or deceive
Tuesday January 15 xenophobe a person who fears or hates foreigners, strange customs, etc.
Wednesday January 16 kinetic characterized by movement or caused by motion
Thursday January 17 sanguine cheerfully optimistic, hopeful or confident; reddish; ruddy
Friday January 18 incognito with one's identity hidden, disguised or unknown
Tuesday January 22 facetious not meant to be taken seriously or literally
Wednesday January 23 nihilism belief that all existence is senseless
Thursday January 24 vacuous empty; showing a lack of ideas or intelligence; purposeless
Friday January 25 deleterious injurious to health; harmful; injurious
Monday January 28 loquacious characterized by excessive talk; garrulous; wordy
Tuesday January 29 unctuous characteristic of an ointment; excessively suave or smug
Wednesday January 30 precipitous of the nature of a situation of great peril; extremely steep
Thursday January 31 indolent reluctant to exert oneself; habitually lazy
Friday February 1 alacrity speed and willingness in acting or responding; cheerful readiness; eagerness
Monday February 4 ostensible representing or appearing in a certain way, but often not actually so;
Tuesday February 5 erudite seeming
possessing deep and extensive learning, esp. learning gotten from books;
Wednesday February 6 palpable learned
easily perceived by any of the senses or by the mind; obvious; noticeable
Thursday February 7 conjecture the act of forming an opinion from incomplete evidence; guesswork
Friday February 8 judicious having or exhibiting sound judgment; sensible; wise
Monday February 11 acrimonious bitter and ill-natured in language and tone
Tuesday February 12 deviate to differ or move away from a specified course or prescribed mode of
Wednesday February 13 extricate behavior
to free or release from entanglement or difficulty; to disengage
Thursday February 14 mitigate to make less severe or intense; to moderate
Friday February 15 surreptitious done or acting in secret; sneaky; stealthy; furtive; concealed
Tuesday February 19 pandemonium wild uproar or noise; tumult
Wednesday February 20 disparage to speak of as unimportant or inferior; belittle
Thursday February 21 conspicuous attracting attention by being unusual or remarkable
Friday February 22 incorrigible incapable of being corrected or reformed
Monday February 25 exonerate to free from a charge; to declare blameless
Tuesday February 26 rectify to set right; to remedy
Wednesday February 27 impeccable not capable of sinning or liable to sin; free from fault or blame; flawless
Thursday February 28 oscillate to swing or sway backward and forward like a pendulum; to vibrate; to
Friday March 1 unobtrusive fluctuate
not inclined to intrude, to shove/push forward or call to notice without
warrant or request
Monday March 4 avaricious greedy of gain, seeking to hoard riches
Tuesday March 5 abject so low or degraded as to be hopeless; wretched; miserable
Wednesday March 6 cognizant having conscious recognition; with a range of understanding or awareness
Thursday March 7 fortuitous happening by chance whether good or bad; random; unexpected
Friday March 8 truncate to shorten by or as if by cutting off
Monday March 18 affluent having an abundance of material goods; rich; wealthy
Tuesday March 19 disseminate to spread abroad as though sowing seeds
Wednesday March 20 prerogative exclusive privilege or right; a special advantage, esp. a right attached to an
office, rank or status
Thursday March 21 arbitrary depending on choice or discretion rather than defined by law; based on
opinion, preference or whim
Friday March 22 destitute lacking something needed or desirable; extremely poor
Monday March 25 unscrupulous without qualms or ethical considerations that makes someone uneasy or
inhibits actions
Tuesday March 26 compulsory required by authority; having the power of driving or urging forcefully or
Day Date Word Definition
Wednesday March 27 impervious not allowing entrance or passage; impenetrable; not capable of being
affected or disturbed
Thursday March 28 stringent marked by rigor, strictness or severity esp. with regard to rule or standard
Friday March 29 analogous similar or alike in such a way as to permit the drawing of an analogy; similar
in biological function but different in structure and origin
Monday April 1 juggernaut (Hindi) relentless, destructive, irresistible force
Tuesday April 2 chaparral (Spanish) A dense impenetrable thicket of shrubs/thorny bushes
Wednesday April 3 ambiance (French) an environment or its distinct atmosphere; a feeling or mood
associated with a place
Thursday April 4 vignette (Italian) a small decorative design in a book; short literary sketch (scene in a
Friday April 5 imbroglio (Italian) An intricate or complicated situation; painful or embarrassing
Monday April 8 dilettante (Italian) An admirer of the arts or knowledge merely superficially or as a
pastime; dabbler
Tuesday April 9 Bourgeois (French) characteristic of town dwellers or of the middle-class; marked by
concern for material interests
Wednesday April 10 raconteur (French) persons skilled or excelling at telling stories or anecdotes
Thursday April 11 connoisseur (French) someone qualified to act as a judge involving taste and
appreciation; expert
Friday April 12 Nirvana (Sanskrit) A place/condition of great peace and bliss; the final beatitude
(Hinduism, Buddhism)
Monday April 15 aficionado (Spanish) a devotee; a fan; an enthusiastic person about a sport/hobby
Tuesday April 16 junta (Spanish) a small group, usually of military officers, ruling a country in the
absence of a civilian government
Wednesday April 17 avatar (Sanskrit) An embodiment (concept, philosophy, tradition) usually in human
Thursday April 18 cognoscente form
(Italian) a connoisseur; a person of special knowledge in some field, esp.
Tuesday April 23 peccadillo fine arts a slight offense or fault; a minor sin
Wednesday April 24 virtuoso (Italian) someone who excels in the technique of an art, especially a musical
Thursday April 25 malaise (French) a vague feeling of physical discomfort or uneasiness
Friday April 26 alchemy (Arabic & Greek0 power or process of transforming something common in
to something precious
Monday April 29 indefatigable incapable of being tired out; tireless
Tuesday April 30 proboscis elongated protrusion on the head of certain insects used for feeding; nose
Wednesday May 1 omnipresent present in all places at all times
Thursday May 2 larvae immature, wingless, feeding stage of an insect that undergoes transformation
Friday May 3 iridescent displaying an array of lustrous, changing colors like those of the rainbow
Monday May 6 trepidation tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; trembling or quivering movement
Tuesday May 7 nocturnal pertaining to the night; done, occurring or coming at night
Wednesday May 8 embryonic the beginning or rudimentary stage of anything; undeveloped; nascent,
Thursday May 9 insecticide incipient
a substance or preparation used in killing insects
Friday May 10 metamorphosis change of form in either appearance, condition, or function; a
Monday May 13 pollinate transformation
to fertilize (to convey the fine grains or spores to the stigma) flowering
Tuesday May 14 nemesis plants
unconquerable opponent or rival; ancient Greek goddess of divine
Wednesday May 15 industrious retribution
working energetically and devotedly; diligent; full of energy and zeal
Thursday May 16 entomologist toward work
individual specializing in the branch of zoology dealing with insects
Friday May 17 quarantine strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of a disease (a period of 40
Monday May 20 indigenous days)
originating in or characteristic of a particular region; native; natural
Tuesday May 21 subterranean existing, situated, or operating below the earth's surface, out of sight or
Wednesday May 22 insatiable secretly
hard or incapable of being satisfied; greedy; avaricious
Thursday May 23 abscond to sneak away and hide

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