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good afternoon. My name is Luthfi Ghifariz. You can call me luthfi.

am now 22 years old. I completed my bachelor of political science in
majoring international relations from jenderal achmad yani
university. In university I was the assistant lecturer in my department
for 1 years and I’m the chief of the supervision and audit commission
of the student representative council.
1. why choose LDP Home credit,
Home Credit Group is a world-class financial services provider and has a strong
market in various parts of Europe and Asia. and also provides affordable
financing with an easy and flexible system for the convenience of consumers.
the company also has a strong track record of success in entering emerging
markets and increasing the scale of its operations to realize its development
potential. as I already know that this company in less than 19 years has more
than 75,000 employees serving more than 55 million Consumers in 11
This proves that this company has a good quality and trusted in improving the
quality of employees and also provide excellent service for consumers. and
with this position that I apply, I would like to contribute with this company in
improving the best quality for the company

2. if you are the CEO of a company that will go bankrupt want to sell a whole
company or a division or sell its shares doang, why why
if I am a CEO of a bankrupt company, then I would rather sell a portion of a
company's stock to limit losses and move investments into other stocks
that are more promising in terms of business performance or called "return
of investment"
when stocks have been sold and already invested in other stocks that are
more promising, then I as CEO will improve the company's performance for
better because if the company's performance is good then the value of the
stock will move up
3. what you do to change the world, why choose it, how to do it
I have some things to change the world in a simple way,
1. always friendly and smiling, Smiling can melt a stiff atmosphere and give
positive spirit for around
2. must maintain personal hygiene
3. good manners, this simple attitude will make others feel appreciated and
4. say "please" and "thank" to the ones who deserve it because with that,
they will feel appreciated and they will appreciate us too
5. Encourage the people around who need them so they can show their
best potential
4. how to describe the color of the blind who has never seen
there are 3 ways to show color to the blind
1. describe by touch by showing obek that have one color, for example brown
that is with wood or green that is with leaf
2. Describe the color through aroma or taste
3. Describe color through sound
5. if if pass LDP Home Credit along with pass LPDP want to choose where
I prefer to take lpdp scholarship, because with me continue my education with
scholarship, then my skills and knowledge of science will increase, so it will be
profitable for me and also the company in the future because I can participate in
improving the quality of my company then.
and I will choose to continue my studies in Singapore with an MBA major, because
that department is needed to manage a company
6. if again in the cinema trus liat fire, what is first done
should be calm and seek a way out through the emergency exit
7. tell the conflict the team has faced and how to solve it
when I was chief of the supervision and audit commission in the student
representative council, I faced the problems between two conflicting student
organizations, both of which were competing for the organization's activities. I
proposed to have coordination meetings with the two opposing organizations,
BEM, as well as me as a representative of the student representative council, in
that coordination meeting I proposed a mediation process between both parties
in trouble and me as the chair of the mediator as well as the messenger of the
body student executives as mediator members. after the mediation and then one
student organization agreed to succumb, because that organization doesn’t have
the right to the room. and eventually the two student organizations agreed to
make peace
8. why do u choose IR ?
First think is u can be and u can learn everything in IR, and The great thing about
international relations is that it provides you with the writing, analytical,
and communication skills necessary for a huge variety of occupations. IR is
also great gateway for a variety of careers, including law and business, and
has a high Return of Investment as well. Another great aspect of
international relations is how flexible it is. Given its interdisciplinary
nature, most IR programs will allow to take classes in different
departments, such as political science, economics, and anthropology. There
are also a number of different focuses and concentrations as well. For
example, you may pursue a regional focus on the central asia, the Middle
East, or the south east asia. You may also concentrate on security matters,
gender in IR, or global economics.
9. kemajuan teknologi
the purpose of technology is to improve the quality of human life without
damaging the natural environment around us.
Therefore, in my opinion there are several benefits of technological advances,
Helping humans to complete their jobs better and more efficiently.
Motivate humans to keep thinking of creating changes and improvements in
creating new technologies.
Helping humans to know history and predict the phenomena that will occur in the
future. Like predicting the occurrence of lunar and solar eclipses, predict events
that occur in the solar system or also predict natural disasters.

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