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Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8, Suppl.

3, pp 234-239, 2010
Copyright © 2009 Trakia University
Available online at:
ISSN 1313-7069 (print)
ISSN 1313-3551 (online)


P. Surchev
Agricultural Economics, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, a student

The aim of this paper is to study the problems of rural areas and to identify guidelines for
overcoming them. The theoretical basis of the problems of rural development in Bulgaria are
presented in it. The definitions of concepts “rural area” and “farming area” are given. The differences
between the two terms are specified. In the paper are presented the objectives of the National strategic
plan for rural development. The main economic indicators of rural development are described. The
article outlines and analyzes the typical problems inherent in the rural areas and the ways to resolve

Key words: rural areas, economic development, National strategic plan

INTRODUCTION development can be seen in two aspects:

Rural areas play traditionally important role economic and social. In this paper more
for the Bulgarian economy and maintaining attention will be given to the economic
social stability. The development of most of development of rural regions.
them is entirely dependent on natural resources
in the area, so that the economy of the rural Economic development can be defined as those
areas is specialized in a limited number of activities that lead to more productive use of
industries - agriculture, livestock, forestry, resources and provide more opportunities for
fisheries, mining, rural tourism. The number producers and consumers. Development is
of population in these regions ranged from 200 change that is primarily oriented towards a
to 30 000 inhabitants. There are major particular purpose. The increase in human
differences between regions. Every rural area welfare is the end product of economic
in Bulgaria covers a variety of agricultural development.
lands, forests, farms, small industrial and
Rural society with its resources - natural,
regional centers. These areas have large
financial, human and management is the object
natural, cultural and historic resources that are
of rural development. The society is subject
the basis for economic development.
to the relations of regional development, as
Compared with urban residents, people in rural
rural areas are administrative-territorial units
areas have fewer choices in the social and
with their own characteristics. The theory of
economic terms. They are facing many
regional development gives following
problems such as low income, unemployment,
definition of rural development: a change
low quality of social services like education
which not only includes certain economic
and healthcare. Another characteristic of these
indicators but also to increase the welfare of
regions is their remoteness from major urban
the rural population so as to solve their basic
centers, implying the need for well-developed
problems and exploit opportunities for
transport infrastructure to support economic
economic growth. Residents of the region itself
are both involved in its development and incur
Theoretical basis of rural development consequences. The development involves full
The narrow sense of the term “development” use of all resources available to a region.
is interpreted as increasing the income per Despite the frequent use of the term rural area,
capita. In the broader definition of the term is there are not many definitions of it. Most of
included the social and economical them consider this concept in terms of its
characteristics such as life expectancy, literacy agricultural specialization and therefore
rates, income distribution. Regional harmonize content with the notion of

234 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8, Suppl. 3, 2010

agricultural region. The agricultural area is a and complementary activities – forestry and
territorial unit differentiated under the effects fishing, crafts and rural tourism."
of certain agri-environmental, geographic and
economic factors that largely determine the Rural areas have the following characteristics:
specialization and production relations of the - Areas on a small scale and poorly developed.
area. The agricultural area is defined as - These areas are remote from major cities. The
industry-specific economic area with problem with the distancies will be resolved
agricultural specialization and is an integral, with improved transport infrastructure.
complex subject of general economic regions
Rural economy is largely dependent on
of the country. Agricultural areas are subject
available natural resources. In these areas are
to economic regionalization unlike rural areas
developed primarily agriculture, mining,
– subject to administrative-territorial division.
forestry and other activities that constitute the
Therefore, the concepts rural and agricultural
main source of income for people living there.
areas are not identical. One of the
Other features classifing rural areas are:
distinguishing features of rural area compared
geographical position, natural environment, the
to agriculture area is its subjective origin ,
number of population, the level of
especially in legislation. The boundaries of the
infrastructure development.
rural areas are not fixed and depend on
economic processes on the territory. Social The number of population in these regions
indicators and production capacity of the rural ranged from 200 to 30 000 inhabitants, and in
economy is lower than the national average some villages live only a few elderly people.
rates. The agricultural area in turn is formed on According to their economic and social
the basis of certain geographic and economic characteristics rural areas are divided into
factors that largely determine its business developed and underdeveloped . The second
specialization and is not established by category includes mountainous, hilly and
legislation. border areas. For classification of rural areas
are selected six indicators that form the
The definition of the term 'rural area' is based
complex criteria for determining the type of
on social and economic differencies and the
rural area:
criteria for it in each EU Member State is
- Absence of large city with over 30
different. Each country has developed its own
thousand inhabitants.
definition of the concept 'rural area'. In western
- Operating income per capita for two of
literature, rural area is regarded as a distinct
three consecutive years is not more than
territorial community with villages and small
30% of national average.
towns to 30 thousand inhabitants. OECD and
- The average annual unemployment rate
EUROSTAT define the rural area to criteria
for two consecutive years from three is
population density per sq. km. According to
more than 50% above the national average
the OECD certan area is rural with a
for the last year.
population density less than 150 inhabitants
- Population density is less than 75% of
per square km, while EUROSTAT adopted
the national average.
density below 100 inhabitants per square km.
- Share of territory occupied by
as a criterion. The municipalities are the basic
agricultural and forest areas is more than
administrative-territorial units so we can
20% above the national average share of
consider the territory of municipalities with
agricultural and forest areas.
centers villages or small towns as rural areas.
- The share of employees in agriculture
In the group of rural areas are classified almost
and forestry of all employees is more than
all Bulgarian municipalities, except those in
20 percent above the national average for
big cities and district centers. According to the
last year.
Law for Regional Development of 1999 rural
areas are defined as "municipality on whose
This complex criteria outlines two types of
territory there isn't a city of over 30 thousand
rural areas - developed rural areas and
residants and population density below 150
underdeveloped rural areas. As
inhabitants per square km”. Other authors
underdeveloped rural areas are classified those
define rural areas as "compact part of the
municipalities that meet the first three and at
national territory, including villages and small
least one of the other requirements of complex
towns with main economic sector agriculture
criteria. In Bulgaria, around 34 rural areas are

Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8, Suppl. 3, 2010 235

determined by this criteria as the backward the National agri-environmental program and
rural areas. The population of poor rural areas the European ecological network Natura 2000.
amounted to about 1 million, or 12.2 percent of The main activities in this program are related
all population of the country and the total to the preservation of agricultural lands with
amount of their territory is 27,000 square high nature value, conservation of biodiversity,
kilometers. maintaining the traditional features of the
landscape and the development of organic
Remoteness from urban centers is another farming.
criterion, which divides the regions. Those
close to large cities have greater opportunities The third goal is aimed at promoting
for development than the distant of them. employment opportunities and improve living
Characteristics of rural areas appears to be standards in rural areas. These areas have
considered for specific areas. significant resources, enabling them to achieve
development. Currently, the service sector in
National plan for rural development rural areas is not sufficiently developed,
Development of agriculture and rural areas in necessitating the need to support the sector in
Bulgaria is associated with the need for order to prevent the depopulation of them.
accurate and coordinated intervention by the
government. For the period 2007-2013 is Achievement of the objectives of the plan is
established National Plan for Agriculture and not possible without the participation of people
Rural Development. Objectives, priorities and from the regions and the efforts of local
measures of this plan are coordinated with the authorities.
National Plan for economic development for
2007-2013. Key indicators for rural development
The national plan for development of rural Rural areas can be classified according to
areas is based on three main principles: different criteria. Indicators of demographic,
1. Development of competitive administrative, infrastructural and social
agriculture and forestry, coupled with development of the region can be divided into
innovation-based food industry. two groups: general and criteria reflecting the
2. Preservation of natural resources and problems in rural areas. The general criteria
environmental protection in rural areas. include geographical location, size, number of
3. Promoting employment opportunities inhabitants, population density, remoteness
and improving social infrastructure and from urban centers and indicators
quality of life in rural areas. characterizing the natural conditions of the
The plan is harmonized with the National
The second group of criteria includes
Strategic Reference Framework for 2007-2013,
indicators which reports socio-economic
whose task is to achieve high economic growth
problems of the region: unemployment,
through knowledge-based economy in line
employment, age structure, migration, types of
with the principles of sustainable development.
migration, depopulation, level of infrastructure
The three objectives of the plan are aimed at
development, development of agricultural and
improving economic and social conditions in
non-agricultural sectors, gross added value per
rural areas through a competitiveness, market
capita, average wage, environmental
efficiency and raising living standards of the
protection. The most common indicators in this
group can be summarized as economic, social
The first objective is the development of and socio-economic. Economic indicators
competitive agriculture and forestry. reflects the level and dynamics of production
Improving economic conditions in rural areas and marketing to the number of inhabitants.
is directly linked to agriculture because it is the Social indicators shows the level of living
predominant industry in these areas. standard, poverty and access to social services.
Investments in farms is a priority in Bulgaria,
to be Bulgarian agriculture competitive in Socio-economic indicators are used to measure
Europe and meet all EU requirements. the economic and social development of the
The second goal aims to conserve natural area.They include:
resources and the environment. - The level of income as a measure of the
Implementation of this objective is linked to living standards.
- Stability of the municipal budget and its

236 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8, Suppl. 3, 2010

ability to respond to economic and-social infrastructure is underdeveloped. These are
needs of the region. mountainous, hilly and border areas.
- Unemployment and Employment rates
- Population of the rural areas - changes in the According to the indicator 'source of income'
number of inhabitants and the natural and there are two types of areas - rural areas with
mechanical population shift. the main source of income from farming and
- Indicators reporting development of transport rural areas with income mainly from non-
and social infrastructure. agricultural activities.

The indicators have to measure the The second indicator of development is

development and main characteristics of the employment rates. This criteria is used in
rural areas. There are many indicators that development projects for rural development by
forms the different groups of rural areas. We the EU. The increase in employment creates
need to look for criteria which cover a group of conditions for maintaining and increasing
indicators, representing the main features of population in these areas, therefore the change
the condition of rural areas. Such indicators are in employment is given as a criteria for rural
the source of income, employment and development. Increasing employment and
demographic stability. Each region can be population leads not only to revitalizing the
assigned to a group of rural, if the value of the area, but also to economic growth.
indicators are lower than average. Each area Employment as an indicator for the
designated for rural can be classified in turn to classification and evaluation of rural areas is
the group of developed and underdeveloped preferable and often used because of ease of
rural areas. measurement and greater confidence in
relation to information for rural areas. This
The information for classification of the indicator has drawbacks such as: individual
regions have to be correct and reliable. residents in the rural area can work at more
Currently, information has several than one firm, many workers of the family are
disadvantages, such as slowed information considered inactive, but actually work in their
processing, lack of data on private sector and own farms; in the emloyment rate are not
some municipalities. included income of profits and rent of land.
Source of income is the first indicator for the The third indicator is demographic
classification of rural areas. The nature and sustainability. Migration to and from rural
purpose of the presented development projects areas and population age structure give an idea
by the local authorities are determined by the of the conditions of working and living in this
leading sector in the rural economy. area. If the population of the area is constant, it
According to the source of income is is developed and vice versa. This parameter
determined whether the investigated area is indicates whether employment has reached a
rural and what type of rural area is: developed constant level in which there is no need to
or underdeveloped rural area. Source of leave the rural community area.
income for the rural population may be as
agriculture and any other sector for which Problems in development of rural areas
there are conditions for development - mining, In rural areas are outlined several typical
tourism, forestry, or other non-agricultural problems.
businessies. A rural area may be defined as a
developing countryside if there is well- Low income and employment are among the
developed agriculture adequate to the natural main problems inherent in the rural areas. They
resources of the region. In such areas the land emerge in several aspects: problems with the
is highly productive, markets are relatively labourforce, low labor productivity, lower
close and transport costs are low. In addition, prices of agricultural products.
they have developed manufacturing industry
Typical feature of the rural areas is the surplus
and good infrastructure. Underdeveloped rural
of labour force due to fewer jobs that are
areas are those without adequate conditions for
opened. Most new jobs are for unskilled
intensive development of agriculture. This type
workers, so the wages and nature of the work
of rural areas are less attractive to live and
are unattractive. Workers with higher
have constantly shrinking populations, their
qualification migrates to the cities. In rural
areas remains peoples mostly in retirement

Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8, Suppl. 3, 2010 237

age. These problems can be solved by creating difficult to produce quality and healthy
more employment opportunities and extra products. However, Bulgaria also have many
income for the people of these regions. beautiful places with preserved natural
Problems of the laborforce are the most environment, a prerequisite for development of
serious and difficult to solve because they ecological and rural tourism.
affects people with their skills, initiatives and
opportunities. Besides unemployment, another Possible ways of solving the problems of
problem is the depopulation of the rural areas rural areas
and strong aging. There are different methods and approaches to
In rural areas there is also low labor solving the problems of rural areas.
productivity, which may be increased by A fundamental principle of the EU is
introducing more modern technology, implementing approaches that will achieve and
upgrading skills of workers, providing better ensure long-term sustainable development of
working conditions. rural communities without continuing to
depend on external intervention of the state.
One of the reasons for lower income of the There are three different approaches for
people in rural areas are the low prices of solving existing problems in rural areas.
agricultural products. Thanks to market forces
demand for basic goods grows up more slowly At first the state is supposed to be inefficient
than that of luxury goods and services. trying to solve problems. The market forces
Sometimes purchase prices are maintained have to solve the problems without
intentionally low, when there is only one buyer governmental intervention.
(or group of purchasers) in agricultural The second is the approach of government
production. To solve this problem at least intervention which have to solve the problems
partially, many farmers are trying to increase because it is considered that this is beyond the
their income by processing the raw material powers of local authorities and the problems
and production of finished products, i.e. could not be solved through market forces.
closing the production cycle. In many regions
Supporters of the third approach consider that
is not developed cooperation of farmers.
attention should be directed to the city, which
Second group of problems are associated with is the center of the municipality and its
poor working and living conditions in the rural development will have an impact on the whole
areas due to underdeveloped infrastructure and rural area. Most suitable approach would be
public services. In the state of infrastructure - that combines both the state intervention and
roads, water supply and sewarage, electrical promoting the potential of local people to
and communications networks, is more than resolve problems in a way that would create
poor. This situation, together with the low sustainable development.
quality of health and education, is the main There are several measures that would help
reason for migration and depopulation of rural solving existing problems in rural areas.
areas. Solving these problems is possible One of them is the adoption of complex
through close cooperation with local programs reducing economic disparities among
government authorities which make efficient the rural areas. They are caused by natural
the use of opportunities provided by EU for circumstances or underdeveloped
regional development. infrastructure of the different regions mostly
mountainous and hilly areas.
Another problem is economic insecurity
generated by the realization of agricultural Diversification of activities in farms would be
production. The market economy mechanisms applied by several initiatives that would
increases the role of supply and demand as encorage farmers to start with new activities in
factors that dictates the prices of agricultural addition to traditional agriculture - such as
production. The adverse natural conditions are producing food with specific taste, growing
also a factor for inconsistency in people's herbs and production of ecological and healthy
incomes. foods, creating a small scale industry firms,
development of services and trade.
State of the environment further reduces the Another way is development of integrated
quality of life in rural areas. Much of the local economies. In this case the needs will be
agricultural land in Bulgaria are polluted with satisfied within the local economy as
pesticides or by industrial plants, making it production and processing units remain within

238 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8, Suppl. 3, 2010

the region. For example, development of rural be increased macroeconomic stability by
tourism can make attractive and winning many reducing inflation and interest rates. This will
local manufactured products and goods, which create real prerequisites for the development of
in turn will help their producers. Better access profitable agriculture and to encourage
to services, information and development of investments in the sector.
advanced technologies will enable people to
live and work away from the city. That will Another key initiative for rural development is
also improve the competitiveness of existing stimulating enterpreneurship. It have to be
businesses. created conditions helping people to start new
Another means of solving the problems of
rural areas is increasing professional During the years of transition to merket
knowledge and adopting new, which will lead economy a significant part of the Bulgarian
to retraining and provide additional income to rural areas was depopulated. This created
people. In this case it is particularly important conditions for a waste of valuable resources of
public policy support and advices to farmers, the country. Developing a special program for
enterpreneurs and local authorities. absorption of uncultivated land is closely
linked to achieving the main objectives of the
Solving problems related to employment and National Plan for Rural Development. It is
unemployment requires efforts and resources unacceptable to leave uncropped fields. Special
in the municipalities to focus on generating attention should be devoted to programs for the
employment in all sectors - agriculture, development of border areas.
development of small and medium business,
attracting investors, expanding the public and CONCLUSION
private sectors. Municipal governments should Rural areas occupy 81% of the territory and 42
develop and implement measures for percent of the population. Total 231
increasing the economic activity of population, municipalities in Bulgaria have been classified
providing better adaptability of businesses and for rural areas. There live approximately 3.2
the workforce to changing conditions. million people. Welfare of a considerable part
of the Bulgarians depends of development of
After restitution of the land in 90th years it rural areas. The country has fertile soils and
was divided to many owners, leading to favorable climatic conditions for growing
fragmentation and impossibility to apply different crops which on suitable farming
modern farming practices. practices can produce higher yields. Much of
It is necessary to carry out consolidation of the Bulgarian nature is preserved and allows
existing parcels and ensure development of the the development of alternative and rural
land market in Bulgaria. It has been shown in tourism. These natural resources are found as
practice that larger farms have lower cost of option for appropriate measures by the state
production and higher returns on capital and initiative by the people living in rural
investments. The state should conduct policy areas to achieve the desired social and
of support for family farms to be able to resist economic development.
the increasing market competition.
It is also needed protection and tax preferential 1. National Plan for Rural Development
policy lending (granting interest-free and low- (2007 - 2013), Bulgaria, December, 2007
interest loans) to farmers. Lending to 2. Vassileva, L., Velkovska, G., Manolova,
agriculture is hampered by high inflation, high A., 2. 2. Regional planning and
interest rates, lower purchase prices of forecasting. Regional economic policy.
production. For these reasons, the financing of Local Government and Finance, 2001
projects in agriculture is difficult, but the
motivation for investment is very low. Should

Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8, Suppl. 3, 2010 239

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