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Business Etiquette

Personal Grooming

 Professional Etiquette

 Dining Etiquette

 Office Etiquette

 Telephone Etiquette

 E-mail Etiquette

 Body Language
Professional Etiquette

 First Impression

 Introducing Yourself

 Greetings

 Handshakes
Introducing Yourself
 Confident Self Introducing.

 State Full name & Positions.

 Repeat Your Name when Necessary.

 On failing to recall someone’s name.

 How to Introduce other person.


 Whoever reaches the door

first, opens it and holds it
for others.

 It is not expected for a male

business companion to seat
a female associate.

 Whoever extends an
invitation to a meal – pays
for the meal.
Hand Shake

 Stand to meet

 Extend your hand


 Shake from your


 Hold 3-4 seconds.

 Maintain eye contact.

Office Etiquette
 Mind your own business.

 Avoid strong cologne.

 Never ever go over your supervisor’s


 Obey your company’s business dress

Office Etiquette
 Keep your germs to yourself.

 Treat every employee with the same respect.

 Do not post things of an offensive nature.

 No matter your job or your title, always hold

yourself to a higher standard.
Etiquette with outsiders
 First impression, last impression.

 Image – A,B and C.

 Showing Respect.

 Customer Focus.

 After meeting situation.

Dining Etiquette

 Place Setting

 Napkin

 Silverware

 Dining & Serving food

 Excusing Yourself & Problems

Place setting

Start from the outside and work your way in


Wait until everyone is


Everyone should start and

finish at the same time.

If you are a fast eater try to

pace yourself.

Take small bites, keep your

mouth closed.
 Finish chewing before continuing your conversation.

 Try not to gulp your food.

 Do not blow on food that is hot.

 When you are finished eating do not push your plate.

Serving food

Pass food to the right.

Transfer dip to your plate.

Plates are served on the


Dishes removed from the


Pass the salt and pepper

Excusing Yourself and Problems

 Be discrete if you have problem with the food.

 Remove food the same way it went in-on silverware.

 Excuse yourself, if you have to leave the table.

 Turn your head from the table when you cough or


 If someone uses your bread plate as their own.

 Do not use the bread plate on your right as a

Telephone Etiquette

 State your name and company while placing or

answering a call.

 Speak clearly.

 State the purpose of your call.

 Only use speakerphone for conference calls.

 Say please and thank you.

 Return your calls.

Voice Mail/Mobile Phone Use
 Realize proper usage of mobile
phones in business.

 Understand how to leave an adequate

voice message.

 Avoid using in a restaurant, movie,

church, or meeting.

 Use a quiet voice.

E-mail Etiquette

 What are E-mail Etiquette?

 Why a Company needs E-mail


 Professionalism

 Efficiency

 Protection from liability

E-mail Etiquette
 E-mail should be concise & to
the point.

 M-ake use of proper spelling,

grammar & punctuation.

 A-lways answer swiftly.

 I-nclude your signature.

 L-earn to read the E-mail

before you send it.
Tips for personal Grooming

 Body Language

 Dress Code
Body Language

 Good posture displays confidence.

 Don’t slouch – stand and sit upright.

 Don’t fidget –it is annoying and a sign of boredom.

 Keep hands away from your mouth when speaking.

Body Language
 Honor others personal space.

 Break nervous habits, such as: gum chewing,

drumming fingers, hair twirling, nail biting, etc.

 Don’t show the soles of your shoes while sitting,

especially in the company of individuals from
other countries.
Dress Code
 Ties should reach your belt buckle.

 Socks should cover your shin when sitting.

 Wear a long sleeve shirt with a suit.

 Socks match either pants or shoes.

 Button suit or sport coat when standing

Two button coat – button top button
Three button coat – button top two buttons
Double breasted coat – button all buttons
Thank you


Your Attention&

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