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Research methodology Research design A reseetca design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in « manner thet sims to combine relevance to research purpose with the economy in the procedure, Research type Exploratory research It elms to gain information ebout aa iasus in bend. ite focus is on the discovery of the idea insigét as opposed to collecting statically accurate date. Descriptive research It forms preliminary study of « project. it also aims to describe the event and relation. lt grovides background information about an event in question. Casual research It is to study the effect thet one variable es on snotiser. It has two objectives + Toundersiand which variable are cause and which varieble are the effecis - To determine the nature of the zelationshiy between the casual variable and the affect to be predicted ie Types and Metinods Sample size- 30 Probability sampling Itis the method of sempling thet utilizes from of random selection in order to have 2 random selection oxe must set up a process thot essuree thet different units have equal probabilities being chosen. - Simple Radom Sampling Tae simplest form of random sarapling is called Simple Random Sampling Non - Probability Sampling Ibis o method where the sarnples are gathered in a process thet does no? give all the individuals ix the population equal chences of being selected. Mintinods of Date Collection Primary Data A. questionnaire is a set of systematically structured used by the reeearcker to get the needed informetion from respondent. Questionnsire have termed differently including survey end studies. Secondary Data Secondary date refers to data collected by someone other tan the researcher, Itmey be collected from magazines, books, date bese. Scape of study Form a regular customer base. Provide more information about te brand to customers. Telcing the customer satisfaction to ite peak. Limitations © Customers are biased o Respondents are aggressive at times © Researc’s work was carried out ic Pane only, the finding may not be eppliceble to the other pars of country because of social and cultural differences.

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