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MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 newsnow.mu Issue No. 260

Thousands get
swine flu jab
Mubarak at
FOR THE centre of
BAGHDAD: A suicide
bomber attacked govern-
peace drive
CAIRO: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak met
ment-backed Sunni militia Palestinian and Israeli leaders and the U.S. peace envoy
yesterday as they lined up last night with a return to direct talks on the agenda, but a
to be paid on Baghdad’s breakthrough still seemed distant.
southwestern outskirts, Egypt has long played a mediating role in Middle East
killing more than 40 and politics, but it is unusual for Cairo to host different leaders
wounding 41, Iraqi securi- on the same day. Shuttle diplomacy has been the preferred
ty sources said. way of operating.
The blast outside an None of the visitors saw the others, instead having back-
Iraqi military base in the to-back talks with Mubarak, who was flanked by his for-
Sunni district of eign minister and top intelligence officer.
Radwaniya occurred as U.S. envoy George Mitchell, who has shuttled between
political deadlock contin- the main players since a four-month window for indirect
ued in the war-damaged talks was agreed in May, held an hour-long meeting, then
country following a March hurriedly left the presidency without briefing reporters.
election that produced no Minutes after Mitchell’s convoy of tinted-window white
outright winner and as yet cars rolled out, a convoy of black cars rolled in, escorting
no new government. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, whom Mitchell
Sunni Islamist insur- met on Saturday in Ramallah.
gents linked to al Qaeda Half an hour later Abbas was gone, again without speak-
have sought to exploit the ing to reporters. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
political vacuum created Netanyahu arrived soon after Abbas’ departure.
by a failure of Sunni, The Egyptian state news agency MENA reported that
Shi’ite and Kurdish fac- Mubarak’s talks with all three men focused on “efforts to
tions to agree on a coali- create the conditions necessary to advance the peace
tion government, and have process and achieve a two-state solution”. It did not elabo-
carried out a series of rate.
attacks since the vote. Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit told
In yesterday’s blast, the reporters after the meetings that direct talks were not pos-
suicide bomber blew him- sible yet, but there was still time. “We are still hopeful that
self up among “Sahwa” we can bridge this gap. The gap between the needs for
militiamen, Sunni fighters security for Israel and the borders for the Palestinians,” he
who once allied with al said.
Qaeda but turned on the “They (the Israelis) claim that they are determined to
militant group in 2006/07, offer the Palestinians a good deal,” he said, adding that
helping U.S. forces turn Egypt was encouraging the United States to keep pushing
the tide in the war. for face-to-face talks.
Police put the number In a statement after the talks, Netanyahu said: “President
of dead at 39, but the Mubarak represents the aspiration for widening the cycle
Interior Ministry source of peace and preserving the stability and security of the
said 43 had died. peoples of the region. I again found in him a key partner in
Conflicting death tolls achieving those important goals.”


are common after a major

World Cup star marries

Dutch World Cup star and Inter Milan player Wesley Sneijder and
his wife Yolanthe kiss after their wedding ceremony at a church in
Castelnuovo Berardenga, about 15km from Siena in Italy.


MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 2

Thousands rush
for swine flu jab
By Sanjana Bhagmal-Cadervaloo
and Nitesh Boodhoo
Last year, when imported or very
few local cases were present, the
ministry had used a containment
strategy to limit the spread of the
More than 4,000 people were vacci- virus.
nated against the flu virus A (H1N1) That strategy consisted of three
at the Swami Vivekananda steps – screening all passengers
International Convention Centre in arriving at the airport from high-risk
or endemic countries for H1N1
Pailles over the weekend. using a thermal scanner and checking
The free flu jabs were given during the
for visual signs of influenza at the
third annual Health Exhibition organised by
ports of entry, isolation of patients
the Heart Foundation and the Ministry of
after public health inspectors tracked
Health and Quality of Life. Thousands of
down any suspected cases in the
Mauritians visited the event.
hotel or residence to ensure the peo-
Health authorities have now confirmed
ple were not infected, and lastly the
the deaths of two people, a man and a
used of prophylaxis treatment of con-
woman both aged 51, due to the flu virus A
(H1N1), or swine flu.
“The containment strategy is nor-
There is as yet no confirmation of a third
mally used when the virus is intro-
death due to the virus, that of a young man
duced from infected cases and gradu-
of 24 who passed away at the weekend.
ally spreads widely in the communi-
Addressing a press conference last week
ty,” the doctor explained.
and later replying to a Private Notice
In accordance with the existing
Question (PNQ) in Parliament, the Minister
preparedness plan and the recom-
of Health and Quality of Life Maya
mendations of World Health
Hanoomanjee deplored that only 5,613 peo-
Organisation (WHO), the Ministry of
ple had come forward to be vaccinated
Health has stopped the screening of
against A (H1N1).
She also revealed that the number of vac- One of thousands of Mauritians who received a free anti-flu incoming passengers because the
vaccination at the weekend.
virus is already present in the community.
cines available is 171,387 doses.
Now that the containment phase is over,
Speaking to NEWSNOW yesterday, Dr Dr Abdool discounted the criticisims lev- aggressive information campaign, people the ministry has shifted to the treatment
Ahaad Abdool, Director of Health Services, elled against the ministry that it was too are still reluctant to get the vaccination. “It phase, which consists of treating all sus-
appealed to all those who have not yet been slow to communicate the cause of death to is only when they hear about the death of pected cases as being confirmed ones.
vaccinated to do so. The jabs are available members of families concerned. somebody that they react,” he says. “We have an established protocol that we
in all Area Health Centres. “People seem to forget that we are bound He also stressed that health authorities apply. It is up to the treating doctor to assess
“A specific timetable has been devised by practical issues. We cannot just approach have now eliminated the consent form. the patient and put him or her on immediate
and displayed in all health centres. a family and blurt out the cause of death. We Speaking about the strategy adopted to treatment,” said Dr Abdool. Patients with a
Members of the public are invited to take need confirmation. And that comes from the treat the virus, Dr Abdool said the manage- medical history of diabetes, asthma and

notice and take advantage of this free serv- virology lab. The analysis takes time. ” ment of the flu virus A (H1N1) was now in bronchial problems are given special treat-
ice.” He was also concerned that despite the its treatment phase. ment.

at health
The Salon de la Santé
(health exhibition) at the
Swami Vivekananda
International Convention
Centre in Pailles was a big
success at the weekend.
Thousands of Mauritians
attended the third edition of
this two-day event organ-
ised by the Heart
Foundation in collaboration
with the Ministry of Health
and Quality of Life.
About 100 exhibitors,
including private clinics,
pharmacies and other pro-
fessionals from the medical
sector were present.
The Apollo Bramwell
Hosiptal (ABH) was offering
a 10% discount on several
tests and free allergy testing
to members of the public.
The main attraction though
was free vaccinations
against the A (H1N1) flu
virus by the Ministry of
Man in court
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 3

after machete
death attack
Woman, 51,
is second By Mayessen Nagapa-Chetty

death here
Minister of Health and Quality of Life Maya and antibiotics treatment, but her condition contin-
Sandeep “Kevin” Ramsamy, 29, will appear at the District Court of Grand
Port today provisionally charged with murder after he allegedly hacked to
death his uncle, Kisnah Ramsamy, 34, on Saturday.
The Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of Plaine Magnien arrested
Sandeep Ramsamy at his home in Trois Boutiques where he voluntarily
handed over a machete.
Kisnah Ramsamy was registered as a habitual criminal (HC).
Hanoomanjee confirmed the death of woman aged ued to deteriorate. She was transferred to the
51 on July 13 from the A (H1N1) virus. She was the Intensive Care Unit under specialist supervision. According to our information, the suspect has already confessed to the
second victim after the death of a 51-year-old man The condition of the patient further deteriorated crime.
on July 10. and she was put on artificial respiration on July 11. In his statement, he told investigators that the attack occurred around
“The patient received AH1N1 treatment the day She died on July 13 at 2.30pm. 5.30pm. “I was watching television when I heard noises outside in the
she was admitted to the hospital, even before the The laboratory analysis which was obtained on the yard. I went out and saw my uncle insulting my mother,” he said.
analysis was obtained,” said Mrs Hanoomanjee. She same day showed that the cause of death was due to He also stated that he saw his uncle fondling his mother in the yard. He
added that every similar case is given A (H1N1) critical pulmonary infection. pushed his uncle away from his mother and an argument broke out.
treatment immediately. Speaking about the protocol of the Ministry of Kisnah Ramsamy backed out of the argument and told his nephew: “I’ll
The ministry has a very well-established protocol Health and Quality of Life, the minister announced be back.” Minutes later, the victim allegedly came back to the yard with a
for any patients showing influenza-like illness, said that Flu Clinics are operating in all regional hospi- machete in his hand.
the minister. tals. A second argument broke out.
She declared that both deaths due to A (H1N1) This protocol has been worked out by consultants According to the suspect’s statement, his uncle swung the machete
virus occurred because the patients were already suf- of all regional hospitals, adding that the vaccination towards him but he managed to dodge the blow. The machete then fell to
fering from other chronic diseases. of children would be fast-tracked. the ground and Kevin grabbed it.
According to a study of the World Health She said that it is impossible to differentiate He allegedly said that he hit his uncle on the wrists and ankles which
Organisation on the second wave of the pandemic, between symptoms of seasonal flu and A (H1N1). forced him on the ground. He added that he acted “in fury”.
the A (H1N1) strain has not mutated, adding that the “All patients who are showing symptoms of light Once on the ground, he hit his uncle twice on the neck and on the head.
treatment methods of the illness will remain fever and running nose without any complications Called to the crime scene, officers of the regular police and those of the
unchanged. She said that the protection methods will are given normal flu treatment whereas all patients CID discovered the dead body of Kisnah Ramsamy.

Six suspects held

also remain the same. who are being admitted to the hospital or come from The body was taken to Jawarlall Nehru Hospital where an autopsy was
The 51-year-old woman was admitted at the high-risk areas are being given Tamiflu treatment performed by Police Medical Officers (PMO) Dr Maxwell Monvoisin and
Accident and Emergency Unit of the Victoria immediately.” Dr S. Saïb. The report revealed that the victim suffered 34 stab wounds to
Hospital on July 10. She was coughing, had difficul- Dr Ahaad Abdool, Director of Health Services, his body.

for T-shirt thefts

ty breathing, and had fever and cramp. declared that since we are in the second wave of
After the diagnosis, the doctor found that the AH1N1 virus, there is no need for isolation.
patient was diabetic. Minister Hanoomanjee claimed The virus is already in the environment and the
that even the patient was not aware that she had dia- only preventive measure against contamination are

betes. vaccination.
The woman was instantly placed on Oseltamivir

By Mayessen Nagapa-Chetty

‘Universal’ flu The Criminal Investigation Division (CID) in Curepipe arrested six sus-
pects at the weekend who will appear at the District Court today on swin-
dling, robbery and other related charges.
The police operations followed a statement given by a top manager of
the Compagnie Mauricienne de Textile (CMT) at the end of last week
where he stated that four boxes full of T-shirts, valued at Rs500,000, had

vaccine said been stolen.

Sergeant Hureeram and his team from the CID Curepipe swooped on a
house in Pailles and discovered boxes full of T-shirts. Six suspects, three
of whom were CMT employees, were arrested.
The three employees are Suresh Lalljee, a security officer living in

to be on way
A two-step flu vaccine using DNA to “prime” the in the journal Science, starts with a piece of DNA
Mahebourg, Siddick Koheeallee, also from Mahebourg, and Vishal
Chengadu, a driver, living in Phœnix.
The other three suspects are Vicky Dohansing, Pushkar Sookah, both
residing in Surinam, and S. Ramsamy, from Pailles.
Investigators believe that some of the employees managed to smuggle
immune system and then a traditional seasonal based on the hemagglutinin protein – a mushroom- out boxes of T-shirts with the help of at least one security officer.
influenza vaccine may be able to protect against all shaped structure on the outside of the virus that gives From there, investigators focused their attention on Suresh Lalljee who
strains of the virus – providing a long-sought “uni- flu strains the “H” in their names. in turn revealed the network that led to the various arrests.
versal” flu vaccine. The DNA directs the body to make antibodies The boxes of T-shirts were taken from the CMT and delivered to
A team at the National Institute of Allergy and against a part of the flu virus that is normally hidden Ramsamy, who was to sell them. The CID searched his house in Pailles
Infectious Diseases in the United States is already – on the “stem” of the hemagglutinin protein. This which was rented for a single purpose, to stock the stolen T-shirts. There,
testing the new vaccine in people and says the results part is conserved, meaning it does not change from they discovered many boxes full of T-shirts worth several million rupees.
of tests in mice, ferrets and monkeys suggest the flu strain to flu strain. The investigation of the suspects today will be centered on the specific

Lottery creates two

industry may finally be able to dump the cumber- Vaccinated mice and ferrets produced antibodies length of time during which all the boxes were smuggled out of the CMT.
some process of making fresh flu vaccines every that protected them against flu strains from 1934 Investigators will have to determine if millions of T-shirts reached local
year. through 2007. and international markets illegally.
“This is the first step, conceptually, towards a good “We are excited by these results,” Nabel said. “The
shot at a universal vaccine,” NIAID Director Dr. prime-boost approach opens a new door to vaccina-
Anthony Fauci said. tions for influenza that would be similar to vaccina-
Every year, the influenza strains that are circulat- tion against such diseases as hepatitis, where we vac-
ing mutate a little bit and at any given time several cinate early in life and then boost immunity through
very different strains are infecting people. In some occasional, additional inoculations in adulthood.”
years a new mutant pops up – such as the new H1N1 The vaccine, which uses DNA from Netherlands-
swine flu strain that appeared in March 2009 to spark based Crucell NV, “looks pretty safe,” Fauci said.
a pandemic. “They are already well into, at least a full year into, Two lucky players are each Rs11,695,961 richer today after choosing the
Vaccine-makers have to change their formulations a Phase 1 trial.” correct combination of numbers for the weekend lottery. The winning
every year to match the current strains. To make mat- Such trials are meant to see if a new drug or vac- numbers were: 7, 10, 18, 20, 22 and 29.
ters worse, virtually all flu vaccines are made using cine is safe in people. A larger, Phase 2 trial could The winning tickets were bought at Dawn Snack in Surinam and
decades-old technology based on chicken eggs that is start next year, Fauci said. Neermanee Ramen Store in Camp de Masque.
both slow and prone to contamination. Seasonal influenza kills 250,000 to 500,000 people One hundred and ninety-three (193) winners who found five correct
So the goal is to come up with a universal influen- a year globally. Pandemics often kill more and while numbers and each bagged Rs4,244.
za vaccine that could protect people from all flu H1N1 has not been especially deadly, it has killed far Those who picked four numbers, and there were 6,374 of them, each
strains for decades or even for life. more children, young adults and pregnant women pick up Rs265. And 77, 380 weekend players each won Rs100 with three
NIAID’s Dr. Gary Nabel said his lab has taken a than seasonal flu usually does. correct numbers.
big step towards this goal. Their method, described The jackpot for the next lottery will now stand at approximately Rs5
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 4


Revolution in
the classroom
By Sanjana Bhagmal-Cadervaloo experiences.” “Opportunities have been seized to set in train a host of
The minister added: “The major policy thrusts which are
measures, including special attention to children living in
at the very heart of our education system revolve aroundpoor conditions and the provision of school infrastructure
Training of staff is one of the major planks of the five crucial action areas: increasing access, ensuring cur-
facilities,” said Dr Bunwaree.
plan to transform pre-primary education in riculum relevance, promoting equity, improving quality The government’s main objective is to ensure that no
Mauritius. and embedding efficiency.” child aged 3+ and 4+ is left behind due to financial, social
Minister of Education and Human Resources Dr Vasant One of the prime objectives of the new framework is to
or other constraints.
Bunwaree said “no education sector can really adopt a ensure that all children start primary schooling on an equal
The NCF is the first of its kind for the sector and places
business-as-usual approach”, as he launched the National footing and a degree of readiness that enables each child to
Mauritius in the league of the few countries having such a
Curriculum Framework (NCF) for the pre-primary sector make an effective transition to primary. framework for the pre-primary sector in the African region.
(3-5 years). Over the past five years, the percentage of children notIt has been designed to ensure that all children aged 3-5
This framework has been developed within the broader attending pre-primary school has been reduced from aboveget the opportunity to develop their individual intellectual,


perspective of curriculum reform started in September 15% to 6%. socio-emotional and psychomotor skills in order to build
2006, which is designed to provide quality cur- their confidence and self-esteem for learning.


riculum at pre-primary, primary and secondary The implementation of the NCF calls for a next
education levels. generation of training for all the supervisory officials
The implementation of the NCF calls for the and educators of the sector.
“next generation of training” for all superviso- “I have no doubt that the MIE (Mauritius Institute
ry officials and educators. of Education) will again rise up to the challenge. A
The minister has attached a high premium to The National Curriculum Framework Pre-primary completes the cycle Joint MIE/ECCEA 20 hours training programme has
capacity-building and has seen to it that staff of curriculum frameworks for pre-primary, primary and secondary been developed and a certificate of attendance will be
working in pre-primary schools receive train- education. issued to all those having completed it.
ing “fitting and appropriate” for developing The framework is directly in line with the Education and Human “I have chosen to make the education sector inno-
fully the potential of children. Resource Strategy Plan 2008-2020. vation-led and to drive the digital revolution by gear-
“It is today universally acknowledged that Six learning areas have been recommended in the NCF for the ing all efforts towards the increased use of informa-
we need to have enriched and enriching envi- holistic development of the child. These are: tion technology,” the mionister explained.
ronments to make learning at that particular age Personal, social and emotional development “The concern for equity permeates all reforms in
a stimulating and rewarding experience. Communication, language and literacy education worldwide and inclusiveness is today the
“We all recognise the pivotal role played by Expressive, creative and aesthetic development norm rather than the exception. My objective is that
pre-primary education in building the founda- Health and physical development no child is left out of the system.”
tions upon which all future learning ultimately Body and environmental awareness The new framework underscores the key role
rests,” said Dr Bunwaree. Mathematical and logical thinking played by parents, the family and the community and
According to him, not stimulating the neural The implementation of the NCF calls for a new generation of train- their relation with all other stakeholders such as min-
systems of the children poses the risk of a less- ing for all the supervisory officials and educators in the sector. istries and NGOs.
er acquisition of competences than is desirable. Work is also underway to strengthen quality assurance in pre-pri- “The family being an important pillar of children’s
“This is why I insist on the need to avail our- mary education and the Ministry of Education and Human Resources development, parents’ participation and involvement
selves of all such opportunities that will not envisions to make Mauritius a “Centre of Excellence for Early are essential for the success of early childhood edu-
simply stimulate the young minds but will also Childhood” in the region. cation,” said Dr Bunwaree.
prepare them to be keyed up to absorb rich
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 5


push for
a solution By Sunil Gopal

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Arvin Boolell and Leader of the

Opposition Paul Bérenger share a common cause – finding a solu-
tion to the political crisis in Madagascar.
This became clear during a forum-debate entitled “Madagascar,
an urgent need for justice”, organised by the Mauritian branch of From left - Paul Berenger, Lord Mayor of Port Louis Sheikh Mukhtar Hossenbaccus,
Amnesty International at the Municipality of Port Louis. debate moderator Rita Venkatasamy, and Dr Arvin Boolell.
Both Dr Boolell and Mr Bérenger said that amnesty should be
granted to political leaders in order to pave the way for talks on the
political crisis.
They opposed the position of the president of Amnesty
Mauritius, Mr Kavi Pyneeandy, who pressed for action against
those found responsible for violations of human rights.
Dr Boolell, who was speaking on the specific theme of “how to
break from the crisis”, said that it is the earnest wish of all
Mauritians that Madagascar once again finds “its soul, conscience
and vitality” and that this country again becomes the granary of the
Indian Ocean.
“Since the beginning of the crisis, Mauritius has supported all
UK visa hike
international initiatives to help Madagascar out of the political cri-
sis. With the implementation of international sanctions,
Madagascar is finding itself in a more difficult situation.
“Pockets of poverty are now pockets of extreme poverty. The
people of Madagascar are suffering enormously,” said Dr Boolell.
And he warned that if a solution is not found to the crisis, there
is risk that the army might intervene, adding that a Malagasy solu-
‘not aimed
at students’
tion has to be found to a Malagasy problem
The minister said a conciliation commission has been set up in
Madagascar. It is composed of two groups of the civil society and
is trying to reconcile all parties concerned. A national conference


with the elders and leaders of civil society will be held at the begin-
ning of August.
He confirmed that the SADC is fully supporting the initiative of
holding a national conference.
Electoral process
Dr Boolell said the conference should effectively promote By Nitesh Boodhoo
national reconciliation, that the electoral process should be re-acti-
vated and that amnesty should be granted to former and current Visa application fees for the UK have been
political leaders. increased by the UK Border Agency (UKBA), but
“Whether we want it or not, to avoid failure of the negotiations, according to Vice Consul of the UK High
granting amnesty is essential,” he insisted.
Mr Bérenger, who talked on the specific theme of “human rights Commission to Mauritius, Colette Goddard, this
and political stability”, said that Madagascar is not only a neigh- is not necessarily to deter students from studying
boring country but also a country from which Mauritians originat- there.
ed. Mrs Goddard told NEWSNOW that the hike in fees is
He underlined that Amnesty International has published two a decision of the UKBA and not the High Commission.
reports on Madagascar, in February and in June 2010. Reporters The visa processing fee is now Rs10,550.
Sans Frontières has also published a report in which the compla- A press conference called by the High Commission was
cency of the media in Madagascar was criticised. mainly to explain the new points-based system of visa
Mr Bérenger explained that a six-member delegation of the applications to agents of overseas student recruitment
European Parliament and the ACP travelled to Madagascar to agencies in Mauritius.
enquire about the fate of imprisoned politicians and journalists but Mrs Goddard said that any student wishing to study in
the ruling High Transitional Authority denied there were any polit- the UK needs to have an offer from an English institution
ical prisoners. which is approved by the UKBA and maintenance funds
“As long as there is not a return to constitutional rights, the situ- of £7,200 if studies are to be undertaken in inner London
ation will remain stagnant,” said the leader of the opposition. and £5,400 if the course will be in outer London.
Mr Berenger said all politicians in Madagascar must be taken on She said that prospective students need to present their
board to make way for talks on the political crisis. original academic certificates to the High Commission,
“For Madagascar to come out of the political crisis there is a their letter of acceptance and a bank statement showing
need for amnesty of political leaders. We are conscious of what the required funds on the student’s own account.
happened during the rule of Didier Ratsiraka and Marc The student can also provide the High Commission
Ravalomanana, but what happened during the time of Ratsiraka is with his father’s or mother’s bank statement along with a
the distant past and what happened during Ravalomanana has to do letter stating that the money will be transferred to the stu-
with a question of ‘corruption’ and a dispute over a plot of land,” dent at any time if the need arises.
explained Mr Bérenger. Mrs Goddard said that a joint bank account of the stu-
There is hope for the poeple of Madagascar with the setting up dent is also acceptable. She also mentioned that any mar-
of a new Electoral Commission and Mr Berenger suggested that ried student enrolled in a degree course will have the pos-
Mauritius could share its expertise on electoral matters. sibility to bring along his/her spouse. The spouse will be Mrs Colette Goddard.
The president of Amnesty Mauritius Kavi Pyneeandy insisted able to work full-time and students are allowed to work
that no amnesty should be given to those found guilty of violating 20 hours per week during school term. (IELTS) is also needed for studies in the UK.
human rights. “The respect of human rights is at the heart of a solu- Any prospective student will need to score 40 points to Mrs Goddard said that any student enrolled on a degree
tion for Madagascar,” he said. obtain a visa. The UKBA awards 30 points for a letter of course will have the possibility to apply for a post-study
Mr William Rasoanaivo (better known as POV), a cartoonist, acceptance at a British institution which is on its work permit.
who lives in Mauritius, stated that the people of Madagascar are approved list and the remaining ten points is obtained for She added that students satisfying the conditions of the
really suffering. He appealed to international organisations to do having the required maintenance funds. UKBA are normally given a two year full-time work per-
their level-best to help the country out of the crisis. The International English Language Proficiency Test mit after their studies are completed.
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 6

By Sunil Gopal

There’s life in the Omnicane engineers have breathed

new life into an old hydro-electric
plant dating back to 1958 which will
now be able to supply energy to the
operations of Britannia.
Some modifications, such as the

old dog yet... installation of a new control post were

made, but the power plant is already
pumping out power. The generator,


which is more than 50 years old, can
generate 95KVa of electricity.
“According to technicians from the
Central Electricity Board who tested
the performance of the hydro-electric
plant soon after it was repaired, the
generator and turbine can operate for
the next 50 years,” said Pierre
Sagnier, Project Development
Manager of Omnicane Thermal
Energy Operations.
The energy used to move the tur-
bine comes from a waterfall generated
by a pool 15 meters above the hydro-
electric power plant. The water stored
in the pool comes from three rivers in
the region of Britannia.
Omnicane intends to revive other
hydro-electric plants in Rivière des
Anguilles and Riche en Eau.
Mr Sagnier explained that the
installation of the additional machines
did not cost too much but that the use
of water to produce electricity will
represent savings on the use of fossil
“The optimal use of renewable
energy is at the centre of all actions of
Omnicane. We are already the pio-
neers in the production of energy from
The central turbine, left,
“We are looking at producing ener-
gy from other natural sources and are
and Mr Sagbnier surveying proposing to use solar energy and
the pool which supplies the make use of a wind farm,” he added.
waterfall which drives the
Omnicane is also setting up an ener-
gy museum.
power plant.

Soodhun to chair
new Industrial
Advisory Council
By Sanjana Bhagmal-Cadervaloo development partners and the Saving Job and
Recovery Fund.
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce has A Monitoring and Evaluation Committee
finally set up the Industrial Advisory Council will be set up to oversee projects and pro-
recommended by the Industrial and SME grammes. The committee, reporting to the
Strategic Plan 2010-2013, which approved in Industrial Advisory Council, will meet on a
January. It is chaired by Minister Showkutally monthly basis.
Soodhun. Projects and programmes in the Strategic
The council consists of public and private Plan:
sector representatives who will oversee the Project relating to innovative approach to
implementation of the strategic plan. investment promotion to be implemented by
Its main objective will be to advise on broad the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Rs12
policies and strategies for the development of million);
the industrial sector, including human resource 22 projects relating to supply-side capabili-
development, export promotion, investment, ties development to be implemented by the
industrial modernisation and diversification, Fashion and Design Institute, Mauritius
competitiveness and fashion and design. Standards Bureau, MAURITAS and Enterprise
The overall vision of the Strategic Plan is to Mauritius (Rs263 million);
position the industrial and SME sectors as 10 projects pertaining to export capability
strong, diversified, high value-added and glob- development and export promotion to be
ally competitive sectors. implemented by Enterprise Mauritius (Rs420
The plan comprises four strategic thrusts, 14 million);
strategies and 83 projects and programmes for 45 projects and schemes relating to SME
implementation over the next four years – at a development to be implemented by SMEDA
cost of Rs3.1 billion. (about Rs2.4 billion);
NEWSNOW learned that funds will be Four projects relating to institutional upgrad-
mobilised through government budgetary pro- ing to be implemented by the Ministry of
visions, revenues generated by the implement- Industry and Commerce (Rs16 million);
ing agencies (Fashion and Design Institute, Setting up a Resource Efficient and Cleaner
Mauritius Standards Bureau, Enterprise Production Centre to be implemented by
Mauritius and Small and Medium Enterprises Enterprise Mauritius with financial assistance
Development Authority), assistance from from UNIDO (Rs27 million).
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 7


of the
‘My parents inculcated in all their
children that poverty is never a
hindrance in the preservation and
propagation of your culture,
language and traditions’
By Sanjana Bhagmal-Cadervaloo Just imagine young
Ramanaidoo leaving the
village for the first time
Ramanaidoo Sokappadu is the Assistant Director of in his life and heading to
Financial Services at the Ministry of Finance and Curepipe for his Higher
Economic Development, a board member of the School Certificate
Stock Exchange of Mauritius, a short-term consult- (HSC).
ant at renowned organisations like the “It was then that I saw
Commonwealth Secretariat and the World Bank, and a ‘kanwar” (the bamboo
structure that Hindus
Ramanaidoo’s booklets
more. carry on their shoulders A brief on the Telugus (English, 1987) 1992)
But ask Ramanaidoo how he identifies himself and he will while going on pilgrim- (briefly describes the Telugu culture) The Telugu Language in Mauritius (an état
tell you that, first and foremost, he is a Telugu. age to Grand Bassin) for Quick Telugu for Beginners (an English- de lieu of the Telugu language in Mauritius,
A “guardian” of the Telugu language and culture, he has the first time. For me it Telugu reference manual in roman script, English, 1995)
written 10 booklets on the subject and is also the only Telugu was so surprising. This is 1989) The Telugus in Mauritius (covers the his-
to have published two books in English and Creole about to give you an idea how Selected Telugu Proverbs in English (1990) torical, social and political aspects, English,
Telugus in Mauritius. secular we were. (a collection of 114 proverbs) 1997)
Last year he was honoured by an international organisa- “At home my parents The Telugu Marriages in Mauritius Culture et Religion Telugu (Mauritian
tion, Telugu Online (TOL), as being among one of the 10 top and other elders talked (describes the various ceremonies in a Telugu Creole, 2000)
influential Non Resident Indians (NRI) Telugus – the only only in Telugu. At school wedding, English, 1992) Names and Surnames of the Telugus in
Mauritian. we interacted with other Festivals, Religious Practices and Mauritius (English, 2003)
Ramanaidoo is the fourth generation immigrant whose children but then it Traditions of Telugus in Mauritius (English, An Introduction to the Telugu Calendar
forefathers left India more than 200 years ago. stopped the moment we and Panchangamu ( English, 2007)
His greatgrandfather, Sok Chinniah, landed in Mauritius came back to our house.”
with his family from Visakhapatnam in 1874 to work as Ramanaidoo says that the perception that all those hailing evenings teaching Telugu, a custom that Ramanaidoo contin-
indentured labourer on a sugarcane plantation. When inden- from rural areas speak Bhojpuri is wrong. “Chemin Grenier ues to this day.
tured labour was abolished, Sokappadu’s family was one of is no less rural than any other village, but I don’t understand Like his late father, Ramanaidoo is among the few who is
the few that didn’t return to India. a word of Bhojpuri. For my family, it has always been Telugu struggling hard on an individual basis to keep the torch of
Education was a luxury Ramanaidoo’s parents couldn’t and nothing else.” Andhraism burning.
afford – but they did. “We were nine children in all, six broth- His passion for the language and the culture of his forefa- He is fiercely protective of this identity and believes that
ers and three sisters. We were not poor and did not go to bed thers was deeply embedded. Every generation of the the customs and traditions that have long been forgotten or
with an empty stomach but still we had to struggle,” he says. Sokkapadu family, he says, has been devoted to preserving, ignored even among the Telugus in India are still followed
Born to Chandrawtee and Bapnaidoo in the village of promoting and upholding the Telugu language, customs and religiously in Mauritius.
Chemin Grenier in the south of the island, his childhood was traditions. But he bristles when people mix religion and culture.
spent close to his family home. That is no mean feat considering that there are less than “Hinduism is not a religion, it is a philosophy. And Telugu
Ramanaidoo’s parents never attended school but his father 50,000 people of Telugu origin in Mauritius, a mere 4%-5% is not a religion, it is a culture. It’s just like you have the
learned the Telugu language at the nearby Telugu evening of the total population. Tamil culture or the Chinese culture or the Indian culture.
school. Like all the descendants of “coolies” from the Indian He chose to study in India and earned himself a Bachelors Culture and religion are two different things,” he stresses.
subcontinent “struggle”, “hard work”, “devotion”, “determi- degree in Economics from Andhra Loyola College, On three occasions (1985, 1991 and 1993), Ramanaidoo
nation” and “forcefulness” were lexicon of life at that time. Vijayawada, and subsequently graduated as a gold medallist Sokappadu gave evidence before Parliamentary Select
The family was poor, but all the children were sent to in Mathematics and Statistics from Nagarjuna University. Committees on ranking for the Certificate of Primary
school. Bapnaidu Sokkapadu, Ramanaidoo’s father, spent his Education. These committees were set up by the National
“My parents inculcated in all their children that poverty is Assembly to look into the issue of using marks obtained in
never a hindrance in the preservation and propagation of oriental languages, including Telugu, for ranking purposes to
your culture, language and traditions,” says Ramanaidoo. ‘Hinduism is not a religion, have access to state secondary schools.
Where he lived, there were only Telugu families. “We In 1985, Ramanaidoo also wrote the memorandum for the
were all members of the same family and we contented it is a philosophy. And Mauritius Andhra Maha Sabha for another Parliamentary
ourselves with the presence of each other. We socialised Select Committee on the language issue at the Mauritius
with no other families. Telugu is not a religion, it is Broadcasting Corporation.
“I have known nothing else than the Telugu culture He is married to Veda Juggapah, an electrical/electronic
from the day I was born.” a culture’ engineer, and the couple has a daughter named Swati, 15.
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 8

Call for debate

on audit report
By Mayessen Nagapa-Chetty There is a “sentiment of disgust” reign-
ing in the country where the population
Leader of the Opposition and Mouvement are facing “tremendous economic hard-
Militant Mauricien (MMM) Paul ships”.
Berenger asked for a “national debate” in Mr Berenger was critical of the Health
parliament on the audit report that was Minister Maya Hanoomanjee for not
released last week. revealing to the public the death of a sec-
Mr Berenger said at his weekly press ond person who had the A (H1N1) flu.
conference that the debate is of the He also claimed that the government
“utmost importance as there is loss of did not set up “proper control” in relation
public funds, excessive spending, corrup- to the swine flu crisis at the airport and
tion, maladministration – and the list of the port.
scandals grew considerably since 2005.” The leader of the MMM said that a
He claimed that the government made series of “unacceptable and useless
“massive promises” which have yet to be arrests” were conducted by the police
fulfilled. Debates on the audit report over the past few weeks. He was referring
should have started already. to the arrest of Jameel Peerally, the direc-
“We should have discussed the report. tor-producer of the movie on drugs called
If Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam is “Paradis En Dey”.
serious about the proper management of “The Commissioner of Police should
the country, he should present a motion rectify these mistakes,” said Mr Berenger,
for the beginning of debates on the audit referring also to the arrests of former
report. Enough is enough,” said the leader finance minister Rama Sithanen and jour-
of the opposition. nalist Ananda Rajoo.

Language Bills
No parliamentary questions (PQs) have Union, the Mandarin Speaking Union and
been filed for tomorrow’s sitting of the the Sanskrit Speaking Union.
National Assembly because of the pres- In an explanatory memorandum,
entation, on second reading, of The Minister Choonee said the objectives and
Supplementary Appropriation (2008- functions of the unions will be to promote
2009) Bill and The Supplementary the languages in their spoken and written
Appropriation (2009) Bill. forms, promote friendship and under-
Also on the agenda, the first reading of standing between people who speak those
several Bills iseeking to promote five lan- languages in other parts of the world and
guages – Arabic, Bhojpuri, Creole, engage in any educational, cultural and
Mandarin and Sanskrit. Minister of Arts artistic work to further that objective.
and Culture Mookhesswur Choonee will The debates on the presidential address
present the Blls to the House. on the Government Programme 2010-
They will allow for the institution of 2015 will continue after the vote of the
the Arabic Speaking Union, the Bhojpuri Bills.
Speaking Union, the Creole Speaking
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 9


of family
By Sanjana Bhagmal-Cadervaloo

Mr Vijay Appanah, founder in 1997 of the Mascareignes

Academy of Law, Economics and Management (MALEM), the
first private sector tertiary education provider in Mauritius,
wants to set up an Institute of Family Business which will offer
courses leading to an MBA.
Mr Appanah is currently attending the World Summit of the
International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) in Beijing,
China, where he will present a paper on the Family Business in the
Mauritius context.
He is also writing his thesis entitled “Towards the building of strong
family business dynamism in an emerging economy like Mauritius” for his
Doctor in Business Leadership at the Graduate School of Leadership of
the University of South Africa.
Pointing to the theme of his thesis, Mr. Appanah said that he wanted to
prospect whether there might be another model for Mauritius to achieve
sustainable continuous socio-economic growth while simultaneously try-
ing to strengthen the country’s development base.
The rationale behind this initiative, he explained, is the need to recog-
nise and encourage a distinct entity for family-owned business in any
economy when a sudden financial recession brings the world to its knees.
“To summarise it all, one cannot help referring to the following state-
ment made by an ordinary, small investor, who bought Lehman Brothers’
shares in Hong Kong: ‘If Lehman Brothers was still a family business, it
would not have collapsed’.”
According to Mr Appanah, research and ness like the International Family Enterprise adversities than its counterparts in FDI or they have more moral values in the long-term
findings on Family Owned Business (FB) Research Academy (IFERA), Family SME enterprises. preservation of wealth than the pure stock
have been “rather timid” over the years and Business Network (FBN), Family Business “Moreover nearly 40%-50% of the Fortune exchange shareholder or ‘greedy business
yet almost all businesses in the world started Institute (FBI), Family Business Consulting 500 companies are family businesses.” executives’.
with a family. Group International, Family Business Through his thesis, Mr. Appanah wants to “International family business can grow
“The research has been scarce because the Journal, several universities and PhD prove that family businesses are a stronger into multinational conglomerates as well, but
Family Owned Businesses were themselves research scholars, family business is recog- base for development for any country. without losing their root value, businesses
more conservative in portraying themselves nised as contributing nearly 40%-50% of the “For an economy that wants to build a like the Tatas, Ambanis (India) or Renault or
and did not attract the government or media GNP of an economy. strong base of its socio-economic strength, Du Pont (France) or Ford (U.S.),” said Mr.
interest that multinational organisations or “They provide more employment opportu- continuous and steady growth of its family Appanah.
SMEs generated.” nities for the population than FDI and SME business sector must be very strong and fully There are, according to him, many reasons
The result of this loss of interest to recog- organisations combined. Family business is a recognised at both national and international why Mauritius needs to identify the extent
nise family businesses as major contributors role model of value, long-term growth and levels. of its family businesses.
to any economy has, according to Mr. steadiness rather than quick-return volatility, “Nationwide, family business can be firm The latter’s contribution to the island’s
Appanah, been due to the fact that after the and therefore more resilient to business as a rock in moments of adversities because GNP growth, support to employment,
first generation, family businesses wealth-creating capacity and, above
had dwindled to 40% of the initial all, its possibility of creating a new
level, to 20% in the third generation ‘Family business is a role model of business model that can help
and to only 5% in the fourth genera- Mauritius to stay ahead of recession at
tion. all times.
value, long-term growth and
“Siblings have neglected their own The strategy, said Mr Appanah, is to
steadiness rather than quick-return
parent family business for work in volatility, and therefore more resilient gear research work and develop an
other non-family business sector, interest in the need to grant a separate
even though their own family busi-
to business adversities than its
identity to family business in
ness was still surviving and prosper- Mauritius.
counterparts in FDI or SME
ing. They ran the risk of being slavish enterprises’ “The type of management educa-
to outside culture.” tion required to cure family business
The question he is researching for of its associated ills, such as nepo-
an answer is why the decision to tism, succession and sibling prob-
“abandon” family business. lems, valuable use and management
“To get freedom from family influ- of non-family business staff members,
ence? More advantages outside? family council and family trust devel-
Negative assumption about family opment should be identified.”
business or just a disregard for such Family business, he believes, is def-
business by the government, media initely another way of democratising
and the business sector, in favour of the economy.
the more glamorous FDI multination- “It’s true that, historically, only a
als and more numerous SME coun- few ethnically originating family
terparts? groups may be holding the major cap-
“All these questions have to be ital and business opportunities of the
addressed,” explained Mr. Appanah. economy in Mauritius, but it does not
Today, under the impulse of inter- mean other family business cannot
national organisations of family busi- grow big and prosperous as well.”
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 InternationalNow Page 10


RAMALLAH, West Bank the land is the 1967 borders and that there be,
in the Palestinian land, a third party. If they

Abbas Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

said Israel must agree to the idea of a
third party guarding the borders of a
future Palestinian state before direct
peace talks can begin.
In an interview published over the week-
end, Abbas said Israel must also agree in prin-
ciple to an equitable land swap that would
agree to that, this is what we would consider
the progress that we want and that would make
us go to direct negotiations,” he said.
The Palestinians aim to establish their state
in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with East
Jerusalem as their capital, a demand rejected
by Israeli leaders, who see all of Jerusalem as
the eternal capital of the Jewish state. Abbas
has repeatedly stated his rejection of any

wants compensate the Palestinians for West Bank

land absorbed by Jewish settlements in any
peace deal. The remarks were the clearest
statement yet of what Abbas wants from
Israel before he agrees to move to face-to-
face negotiations that Washington wants the
sides to begin.
Abbas met U.S. Middle peace envoy
George Mitchell on Saturday in Ramallah.
Israeli security role on the frontiers of the
Palestinian state. But he has accepted the idea
that NATO could play a role on the borders –
a compromise to ease Israeli concerns that the
Palestinians would arm themselves heavily if
they controlled their frontiers.
Israel, however, wants to maintain a pres-
ence in the Jordan valley along the West
Bank’s eastern border with neighbouring

security Mitchell, who met Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday, is mediating
indirect peace talks under way for two
months. The talks are about halfway through
their agreed four-month lifetime. They are set
to conclude in September, around the same
time as a partial freeze that Netanyahu
ordered last November on Israeli settlement
building on occupied West Bank territory.
Jordan. Ahead of direct talks, Abbas said,
Israel must also agree to the idea of a fair land
swap referring to a scenario where some
Israeli land bordering the West Bank would be
annexed to a future Palestinian state in com-
pensation for major Jewish West Bank settle-
ment blocs that would become part of Israel.
“We said that the borders must be on the
foundation of 1967 with agreement on an

before Israel says the current “proximity talks” are

wasting time. Netanyahu says he is ready to
begin direct talks with Abbas right away. But
the Palestinian President is wary of talking to
an Israeli leader he believes is not willing to
make an offer the Palestinians could accept.
Speaking to the Jordanian newspaper al-
Ghad, Abbas said he wanted Israel to agree “in
equitable swap,” he added. Palestinian offi-
cials have said they could accept such a swap,
but the area involved should not exceed 2 %
of the West Bank.
Netanyahu, who met U.S. President Barack
Obama last week, has promised “concrete
steps” to encourage Abbas to move to direct
talks. He has said he is willing to deal with
the issue of settlements right away once

principle” to the idea that a third party take on
a security role in a future Palestinian state to be direct talks begin. Obama has urged the par-
founded on land occupied by Israel in a 1967 ties to begin direct talks. U.S. State

war. “Now, what is required from Israel is for it Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said last
to say that these ideas are, in principle, accept- week that “we have a strong belief at some
able,” he said. “That means: do they accept that point in time, direct negotiations will be

Now, what is required from Israel is for it

to say that these ideas are, in principle,
acceptable,” he said. “That means: do
they accept that the land is the 1967
borders and that there be, in the
Palestinian land, a third party.

 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas speaks during a a religious event to mark the Prophet Muhammad's ascension to heaven in Ramallah.
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 11

Mexico blast kills 4

 Federal policemen and explosive experts work at the site of a car bomb attack in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

By Julian Cardona the Army and drug gangs in Nuevo

CIUDAD JUAREZ Laredo across from Texas on Friday

A Mexican drug cartel is

underscoring the challenges facing
Mexico’s new Interior minister,Jose
Francisco Blake, appointed by
Firms are scaling
responsible for a cell phone- President Felipe Calderon this
detonated car bomb that killed
four people in a city on the
week. Two rival drug gangs – the
local Juarez cartel and the Sinaloa
down operations
cartel, led by Joaquin “Shorty”
U.S. border, state security Guzman – have been fighting an
MEXICO CITY: Surging drug violence is forcing more than half of for-
eign firms to scale back or consider scaling back operations in Mexico,
forces said over the weekend. all-out war in Ciudad Juarez for according to a survey.
In the first attack of its kind in control of the drug trade, which has The study, released last week by International SOS, which provides
Mexico’s drug war, the explosion killed nearly 6,000 people there in healthcare, medical assistance and security services around the world,
tore through a major intersection in the past three-and-a-half years. polled executives at more than 300 international firms conducting busi-
Ciudad Juarez across the border Assailants have decapitated peo- ness in Mexico. International SOS, founded in 1985 in Asia, said 33.6%
from El Paso, Texas, late on ple and gunned down rivals in day- of executives in Mexico had already reduced their operations. An addi-
Thursday, damaging nearby build- light attacks. But the car bomb was tional 18% said their firms were considering doing so.
ings and sending flames into the air. a clear escalation of the violence, a “The key finding in the survey is that companies that do business in
Federal police blamed La Linea, the U.S. law enforcement source told Mexico have found it... to be a little bit more challenging because of the
armed wing of the powerful Juarez Reuters. “What you are seeing now growing violence in Mexico,” Alex Puig, International SOS director of
cartel, for the attack and Mexico’s is a whole new level of violence. security for the Americas said in a telephone interview.
Security Ministry said it was retali- It’s a vehicle-born improvised “The real finding within that is that they are actually paying a lot
ation for the arrest this week of a explosive device,” said the source, more attention than they were before to managing the risk of their trav-
Juarez cartel member. who is following the investigation elers into Mexico,” he added.
“There were 10 kilos of explo- closely and did not want to be
 President Felipe Calderon
Drug killings have spiraled across Mexico since Mexican President
sives activated from a distance by a named. “This has raised the bar to a Felipe Calderon launched his military-backed drug war on taking office
cell phone,” said Enrique Torres, an is battling surging violence level of violence that Mexico has in December 2006. The war is provoking escalating violence and civil-
Army spokesman in Ciudad Juarez,
across Mexico after not seen yet. It is reminiscent of ian deaths are increasing.
launching a crackdown on
a manufacturing centre that has Colombia. ... What we are seeing More than 26,000 people have been killed over the past three-and-a-
become one of the world’s deadliest
drug gangs in 2006.
now is what the military is running half years worrying Washington, scaring off tourists and forcing U.S.
cities over the past two-and-a-half into in Iraq and Afghanistan.” companies to freeze investment in factories in drug war cities like
years. TV images showed the wreck Graffiti scrawled on a wall near Ciudad Juarez and Monterrey near Texas. Thirty-six per cent of firms
of a car with just one front wheel an elaborate trap in which a wound- the blast said the attack was the surveyed said that their organisations had experienced “criminal activi-
intact and two federal police vehi- ed man dressed as a city police offi- work of the Juarez cartel and ty or attempted criminal activity” in Mexico in the last 12 months.
cles charred and on fire after the cer was dumped on the street as warned that “what occurred... Signs of failing confidence in Calderon’s ability to provide adequate
blast in the city’s downtown area. bait. The assailants then called would continue to happen to security for foreign investors recently emerged in Monterrey, the once-
The Army said C4 plastic explo- emergency services to lure federal authorities that carry on supporting safe industrial powerhouse in northern Mexico, where rival drug gangs
sive was used in the attack, which police to the scene and detonated Shorty”. Mexican authorities have killed 300 people this year. A quarter of more than 100 assembly-
killed a policeman, a doctor, a res- the bomb as they arrived, the arrested Jesus Armando Acosta for-export factories, or maquiladoras, in and around Monterrey have
cue worker and an unidentified mayor told a news conference. Guerrero, accused of being a senior frozen investment this year as killings, extortions and abductions have
man. Ciudad Juarez mayor Jose Twelve people, including two member of the Juarez cartel, on surged, the city’s maquiladora association said last week.
Reyes Ferriz said drug gangs set up civilians, died in shootouts between Thursday in Ciudad Juarez.
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 12


Sex abuse
claims one
more scalp
BERLIN religious and secular schools.
The Catholic church has been hardest hit by abuse
cases so far, around the world and in Germany. A bish-
A German Lutheran bishop resigned last week op from Augsburg in pope Benedict’s native Bavaria
following a report she had allowed a pastor had to quit over accusations of beating schoolchildren
accused of sexual abuse of teenagers in her dio- and the head of the Catholic German Bishops’
cese continued contact with youngsters. Conference, Robert Zollitsch, is under investigation
In an echo of scandals hitting the Catholic church, for letting a priest accused of child abuse in the 1960s
Spiegel news magazine reported that bishop Maria be reappointed to a parish job decades later.
Jepsen, 65, heard in 1999 that the pastor had abused Last month, a messy dispute has broken out in
teenagers in his care, but let him stay in contact with Germany’s Catholic Church after a bishop accused of
youngsters until 2000. abusing minors said his superiors had tricked pope
At a news conference, Jepsen, who became the Benedict into retiring him and he might ask the Vatican
world’s first female Lutheran bishop in 1992, did not to be reinstated. Bishop Walter Mixa, who quit in April
say when she first heard the allegations, but said she after admitting he had slapped children decades ago,
felt her credibility was now in question. said fellow bishops conspired to force him to tender his
“I no longer feel I am in a position to spread the good resignation and used a flimsy allegation of sexual
word as I promised at ordination and when I was made abuse as a “trump card” to get Benedict to accept it.
bishop,” she said. But the German Catholic Church alleged Mixa was
It was the first such case to hit the German an alcoholic and made sexual advances to young
Evangelical Church, which groups Lutheran and priests, according to a leaked report quoted by German
Protestant congregations with membership of an esti- newspapers. The newspapers Sueddeutsche Zeitung
mated 24 million people. and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung said the report to  Maria Jepsen, bishop
Jespen’s church in Hamburg said it only found out the Vatican concerned Mixa. The two newspapers
of the North Elbian
Evangelical Lutheran
about the case in March this year and immediately took quoted the report as saying Mixa, who has said he
disciplinary action while the public prosecutor’s office wants to be reinstated, drank excessively and citing a
said it began legal investigations in May this year into young priest as saying the bishop had sexually Church, announces her
seven abuse allegations in the diocese. approached him during a holiday. resignation during a
Germany set up a series of round tables in March An editorial in the Frankfurter Allgemeine said the news conference in
this year to look into abuse cases in the Roman Mixa case highlighted serious leadership failures in the
German Church.
Hamburg, Germany.
Catholic church but also Protestant churches and both

Dutch priest
for saying
Women priests,
Orange mass
paedophilia ‘not
AMSTERDAM: A Dutch priest
equal crimes’
has been suspended for dedicat- VATICAN CITY: The Vatican has denied accusations that it viewed the
ing a Mass to the Dutch national ordination of women as priests and the sexual abuse of minors by cler-
soccer team – while wearing an ics as equally criminal. On Thursday, the Vatican issued a document
orange cloak – ahead of the World making sweeping revisions to its laws on sexual abuse, extending the
Cup final against Spain. period in which charges can be filed against priests in church courts and
Priest Paul Vlaar from the town broadening the use of fast-track procedures to defrock them.
of Obdam prayed for team spirit But while it dealt mostly with paedophilia, it also codified the
for the national team while wor- “attempted ordination of a woman” to the priesthood as one of the
shippers, also dressed in orange most serious crimes against Church law. The inclusion of both issues
clothes, were singing soccer songs in the same document caused a stir among some groups around the
in the church. It was decorated world, particularly those favouring a female priesthood.
with orange flags. The Haarlem- “The Vatican’s decision to list women’s ordination in the same cat-
Amsterdam diocese said in a state- egory as paedophiles and rapists is appalling...,” Erin Saiz Hanna,
ment on Friday that Vlaar “failed executive director of the Women’s Ordination Conference said. She
to do justice to the holiness of the called the decision “mediaeval at best”. But Monsignor Charles
celebration of the Eucharist”. Scicluna, an official in the Vatican’s doctrinal department, said there
was no attempt to make women’s ordination and paedophilia compa-
rable crimes under canon (Church) law. “This is not putting every-
thing into one basket,” Scicluna, the Vatican’s internal prosecutor for
handling sexual abuse cases, told Reuters in a telephone interview.
“They are in the same document, but this does not put them on the
same level or assign them the same gravity,” said Scicluna, who
helped formulate the revisions. The document was an attempt to
update norms concerning “three sets of canonical crimes that are dis-
tinct”, and whose jurisdiction is reserved to the Congregation for the
 Dutch fans arrive at the
Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican’s doctrinal department, he said.
While sexual abuse was a “crime against morality”, the attempt to
Soccer City stadium ordain a woman was a “crime against a sacrament”, he said referring
before final soccer match to Holy Orders (the priesthood). “This should not be interpreted as
between Netherlands and considering all these crimes to be equal,” he said.
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 13


not be an
says ISAF
KANDAHAR: The fight to
remove the Taliban from
Kandahar strongholds will not
repeat the destruction of Iraq’s
Fallujah in 2004, the commander
of U.S. and NATO forces in south
Afghanistan said in an interview.
It will be the locals who bring
down the Taliban, Major General
Nick Carter said as Canadian
troops in the city ceded control to a
U.S. commander in the build-up to
an anti-insurgent offensive to be
unleashed within weeks. “It is not a
Fallujah waiting to happen,” he told
Reuters in an interview referring to
the Iraqi city, where U.S. troops
engaged in vicious street combat
while rooting out insurgents in
2004 levelling much of its centre.  Indian minister for External Affairs S.M. Krishna (left) and his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mehmood Qureshi turn
Some U.S. commanders have away from each other after their joint news conference in Islamabad.
expressed fears the Taliban will
drop weapons and go underground
in Kandahar when coalition sol-
diers move from current “shaping”
operations sealing the city from
outlying districts and shift to a
clearing of the centre. The Taliban
would likely seed the city with
bombs and leave behind fighters
with the aim of causing as many
Talks stalemate
By Kamran Haider & Krittivas Mukherjee “Well, I am not going to score debating points including its core dispute with India over the
casualties as possible, including over Foreign minister Qureshi,” Krishna said after Himalayan region of Kashmir, the cause of two
among civilians, then blaming returning from Islamabad. “I would like to con- of their three wars. Kashmir is divided between
coalition troops, one senior U.S. centrate on the serious issues, and the fact of the the two countries.
strategist said on background. Pakistan said has that India’s “selective”
approach to issues has led to what analysts say is matter is that we did discuss many issues which On Friday, India reimposed a curfew in parts
But Carter, a Briton, said while are of great concern to both of us, both countries, of Kashmir, where India is fighting a two-
there would potentially be some a stalemate in talks aimed to build trust shattered
by the 2008 Mumbai attacks. and we think we have made some headway.” decade-old separatist insurgency. Huge anti-
Taliban cells left behind in the Security remains India’s top concern after the India protests have swept the region over the
city, improved intelligence, safety Pakistan Foreign minister Shah Mehmood
Qureshi and his Indian counterpart S.M. Krishna attack on Mumbai by Pakistani militants, which past month.
and police on the streets should killed 166 people. After Thursday’s talks, While the latest round of talks may have not
lead local people to reveal hidden met in Islamabad last week and agreed on more
talks, but failed to announce any concrete meas- Krishna repeated New Delhi's call for Islamabad done much to clear the air of mistrust, the two
insurgent lairs. “Ultimately, this to speed up efforts to bring the perpetrators to countries are likely to keep alive dialogue
insurgency is in the minds of peo- ures that might soothe tensions between the
nuclear-armed neighbours. Then, at a joint news justice. India blames Pakistan-based Lashkar-e- because India would want to boost the credibili-
ple. The population is looking for Taiba (LeT) militants for the attacks, and in ty of Pakistan’s civilian government in the face
a more stable and secure environ- conference immediately after the talks the two
openly sparred underscoring the air of mistrust remarks published in an Indian newspaper on of military hawks.
ment,” Carter said as fresh U.S. Wednesday, Indian Home secretary G.K. Pillai Also, both sides have been under pressure
forces continued to flood into the between the rivals who have fought three wars
since independence from Britain in 1947. accused Pakistan’s main spy agency the Inter- from the United States to reduce tensions
southern province, which former Services Intelligence (ISI) of orchestrating the because their rivalry is often played out in
commanding officer General “I could see from yesterday’s talks that they
want to be selective. When they say all issues assault on India’s financial centre. Afghanistan and complicates efforts to bring
Stanley McChrystal called a India has linked the relaunching of peace talks peace there.
“bleeding ulcer”. are on the table then they cannot, they should
not, be selective,” Qureshi told reporters after between the two South Asian rivals with “I don’t see this as a temporary setback
“I think it will lead to a set of cir- Pakistan’s action against the perpetrators of the because here we are looking at a lengthy, com-
cumstances where we are able to attending a ceremony for new diplomats in
Islamabad. “Progress in talks can only be possi- attack. But Qureshi warned against India’s atti- plex process,” said Siddharth Varadarajan,
get after these cells on a targeted tude. “If we give heed to those issues which they strategic affairs editor of the Hindu newspaper.
basis. The population will push the ble if we move forward on all issues in tandem.”
But Krishna played down the differences pos- consider important and those issues in which “Part of such a process will mean having a
insurgency out of the city,” Carter Pakistan is interested are neglected, then things more dense calendar of meetings, and they will
said. Around 150,000 foreign sibly in keeping with an India trying to move
away from a decades-old obsession with cannot move forward,” he said. proceed on the deliverables like cross-border
troops and Afghan security forces “They have to sit with an open mind and we trade and Sir Creek,” he said referring to a mar-
will take part in the U.S.-planned Pakistan, seduced more by its growing role in
the global economy and concerns with other have to move forward with an open heart.” itime border dispute in the area of the Sir Creek
“surge” against the Taliban.

security issues like China. Pakistan wants discussions on other issues, estuary.

18 dead in Review terror Fidel Castro U.S. spy for

convoy attack tag: Court appears again Cuba gets life
PARACHINAR, Pakistan: Suspected mili- WASHINGTON: The State Department HAVANA: Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel WASHINGTON: A retired U.S. State
tants in a Pakistani tribal region on the must review its designation of the People’s Castro took his warning of an impending Department official has got life in prison
Afghan border ambushed a convoy of vehi- Mujahedin Organisation of Iran, or PMOI, nuclear war to Cuba’s Foreign Ministry and his wife a sentence of more than six
cles being escorted by security forces over as a foreign terrorist organisation, a U.S. over the weekend, where he explained the years for spying for Havana for three
the weekend killing 18 people, including appeals court has ruled. reasons for his dire prediction in his fifth decades because they shared the Cuban
two women, witnesses said. In a 22-page decision, the U.S. Court of public appearance in 10 days. revolution’s ideals.
Militants opened fire on civilian vehicles Appeals for the District of Columbia said Castro’s sudden re-emergence after four Walter Kendall Myers, 73, who had
in the convoy as it headed to the main the State Department failed to give the years in seclusion for health reasons has access to State Department classified infor-
northwestern city of Peshawar from group a fair chance to overturn the listing. raised questions about his intentions, but his mation, and his wife, Gwendolyn, 72, who
Parachinar, the main town of the Pashtun- It remanded the matter to the department. message has been consistent – a devastating worked at a bank, were sentenced under a
dominated Kurram region where, the Army PMOI filed a petition on July 15, 2008, war is at hand if the United States and Israel plea deal in which they admitted spying for
has killed nearly 100 militants in operations saying it should no longer be listed as a ter- try to enforce international sanctions against the Communist-led government. The hus-
in the past few months. rorist group. On January 12, 2009, in the Iran for its nuclear activities. He also has band told the judge the couple acted not for
“Militants attacked the last two vehicles final days of the Bush administration, the predicted the United States will attack North money but because of their beliefs.
in the convoy with automatic weapons near State Department rejected the request after Korea. “The United States finds itself now “Our overriding objective was to help the
Char Khel village killing 18 people,” said examining material submitted by PMOI and in an unsolvable dilemma (in the Middle Cuban people defend their revolution,” he
Jamshed Tori, who was also wounded in the U.S. intelligence community, including East). It cannot get out nor can it stay,” said. “We share the ideals and dreams of
the attack. classified information. Castro told 115 ambassadors. the Cuban revolution.”
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 14


Riots break out
in French city
PARIS: Rioters burned cars, attacked a tramway
and shot at police in the French city of Grenoble
over the weekend in protest against the death of
a local man fleeing police after allegedly hold-
ing up the city’s casino.
The violence began around midnight on Friday
and lasted through the night in the poor suburban
neighbourhood of Villeneuve, home to the alleged
robber. Police said they intervened after local resi-
dents stopped a tramway by setting a fire on the
rails. Some 30 cars were burned and police said
they were shot at once and returned fire.

Iran scientist
was informant
WASHINGTON: The Iranian nuclear scientist
who says he was abducted a year ago by U.S.
agents was an informant for the CIA inside Iran
for several years, The New York Times reported
last week citing U.S. officials.
Shahram Amiri returned to Tehran early
Thursday saying he was pressured to lie about
Iran’s nuclear programme. Washington denied
kidnapping Amiri and insisted he had lived freely
in the United States.
Officials said the scientist described to U.S.
intelligence officers details of how a university in
Tehran became the covert headquarters for Iran’s
nuclear efforts, the newspaper reported.

 Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, who was convicted of the1988 Lockerbie airline bombing, sits in a
wheelchair in his room at a hospital in Tripoli.

First black
U.S. fundraiser

Tory peer
gets 12 years

charged in
Scotland NEW YORK: Hassan Nemazee, an Iranian-
American businessman who raised money for
the political campaigns of Barack Obama and
Hillary Clinton, has been sentenced to 12 years

in prison for defrauding Bank of America Corp,
Citigroup Inc and HSBC Holdings Plc out of
$292 million.

U.S. District judge Sidney Stein imposed the

LONDON: Conservative peer

John Taylor has been accused of
dishonestly claiming £11,000
denies BP sentence following Nemazee’s March 18 guilty
plea in Manhattan federal court to charges of
bank fraud and wire fraud over loan transac-
tions with the three major banks.
Nemazee said he needed the money to pay
debts arising from his dealings in hedge funds
and properties.
pound of parliamentary expenses,
the latest politician to face crimi-
nal proceedings in a scandal that
shocked Britain.
Lord Taylor, faces six charges
under the theft act for false
accounting, prosecutors said. He
will appear in court on Aug. 13.
By Tim Castle to the release to the U.S. lawmakers, the State
Golden face for
Nobel laureate
PRETORIA: Nobel literature laureate and anti-
apartheid activist Nadine Gordimer has had her
Disclosure last year of taxpayer- LONDON Department said. State Department face immortalised in gold, an honour previously
funded claims submitted by politi- spokesman P.J. Crowley said Clinton agreed bestowed on outstanding statesmen like Nelson
cians provoked public anger at a that this might be appropriate. Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi.
time of economic retrenchment. The Scottish government has denied it Megrahi was the only person convicted of The 87-year-old author has documented South
Director of Public Prosecutions had any contact with oil firm BP before the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over African society since she was nine and on
Keir Starmer said Taylor had dis- its decision last year to release the Lockerbie, Scotland, which killed 270 people, Thursday had her face minted into special gold
honestly submitted claims for Libyan man convicted of the 1988 most of them Americans. collector coins.
overnight subsistence and car He was sentenced to life imprisonment by a
Lockerbie airline bombing. special Scottish court sitting in The
“I am overwhelmed (by) the honour; it has to
mileage on six occasions in 2006 It said it had transferred Libyan intelligence do with my work, the centre of my life and the
and 2007, falsely stating that he Netherlands in 2001. centre of my life in South Africa,” the diminutive
officer Abdel Basset al-Megrahi to Tripoli Scotland released Megrahi in August after
lived outside London when he was purely on compassionate grounds because of Gordimer said.
actually resident in the capital. being advised he was suffering terminal
his ill health. “We had absolutely no represen- prostate cancer and had as little as three months
“Having thoroughly reviewed the tations from BP,” a spokesman for the
eighth file of evidence we have to live. He returned to Tripoli and is still alive.
Scottish administration said last week. The British government in London has always Champagne in
received from the Metropolitan “Mr Megrahi... was sent home to die
Police in relation to parliamentary maintained Megrahi’s release was an issue for
according to the due process of Scots law, Scotland in which it could not and did not inter-
expenses, we concluded that there based on the medical report of the Scottish Baltic wreck
is sufficient evidence and it is in fere. British ambassador to Washington Nigel
Prison Service director of health and care, and Sheinwald told the Senate committee in a letter HELSINKI: A group of divers exploring a
the public interest to bring crimi- the recommendations of the Parole Board and on Thursday: “Whilst we disagreed with the shipwreck in the Baltic Sea have found bottles
nal charges against Lord Taylor,” prison governor.” decision to release him, we have to respect the containing what is thought to be the oldest
said Starmer. Scotland has its own legal powers within independence of the process.” drinkable champagne in the world, made in the
“In total, the charges allege a the British political system. BP has also said it was not involved in any late 18th century.
sum in excess of £11,000 was dis- The United States Senate Foreign Relations discussions regarding Megrahi’s release. “I picked up one champagne bottle just so we
honestly claimed over this period,” Committee said on Thursday it would ask BP British Prime Minister David Cameron and could find the age of the wreck because we did-
Starmer said. The Conservative officials to testify after the UK-based oil giant U.S. President Barack Obama are to meet on n’t find any name or any details that would have
party said Taylor had resigned the said it had lobbied the British government in Tuesday at the White House, where the lead- told us the name of the ship,” diver Christian
party’s whip. Taylor, 57, became 2007 over a prisoner transfer agreement with ers are expected to discuss BP following its oil Ekstrom from Aland told Reuters. Ekstrom and
the Conservatives’ first black peer Libya. U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton spill in the Gulf of Mexico. his Swedish diving colleagues tasted the con-
in 1996 after unsuccessfully stand- discussed the issue with British Foreign secre- A spokesman for Cameron said it was not tents. “It was fantastic... it had a very sweet
ing for the party in Cheltenham in tary William Hague, who raised the idea of known whether the specific issue of taste, you could taste oak and it had a very
the 1992 general election. Britain explaining the circumstances leading Megrahi’s release would be raised strong tobacco smell,” he said.
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 15


 Two-year-old octopus Paul, the over the cabinet, it has been unclear who
so-called “octopus oracle”, was one of the is the number one decision-maker in a
hits of the World Cup, making startling country with a tradition of strong,
predictions about the results and finally individual rulers.
predicting that Spain would win the trophy. A recent poll conducted by Russiaʼs
Now one of Russiaʼs most popular Levada-Centre shows that 76% of
newspapers said last week it had man- respondents believe Putin is the countryʼs
aged to get Paul to forecast who will be most influential person while 67% see
Russiaʼs next President. Medvedev as top leader. Both politicians
But shhhhhh...Komsomolskaya Pravda at some point said they were considering
said the results of Paulʼs prediction for the running for president
2012 presidential election have been in 2012.
sealed until election year. In April, Medvedev said they would
The paper said one of its reporters decide together who is going to run. Putin
approached Paul, who lives at the Sea said in June they would talk about it
Life attraction in the German city of closer to the election date.
Oberhausen and put two sheets of paper His Russian presidential pick has been
with the names of Russiam Prime Minister conducted in a fashion rather different to
Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry his World Cup prognostications, where he
Medvedev in front of the soothsaying predicted football matches by picking food
invertebrate, which pointed to one of the from two different transparent containers
names with a tentacle. lowered into his tank, each adorned with
Since Medvedev replaced Putin as the flag of one of the matchesʼ

More than
President in 2008, with the latter taking

Aussie ballot to for soccer
in Asia
be a cliffhanger
PARIS: More than 5,000 people
have been arrested in a swoop on
illegal gambling on World Cup
soccer across Asia and police
have seized nearly $10 million,
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has called for an elec- Interpol has said.
tion for August 21 with the tightly-fought poll to be decided The global police cooperation
over policies on economic management, climate and border pro- agency said raids on nearly 800
tection. illegal gambling dens between
Australia’s first female Prime Minister was appointed three weeks ago June 11 and July 11 targeted
by the ruling Labour party as the government faced electoral defeat. Since illicit betting linked to organised
then Gillard has resurrected support, putting Labour narrowly ahead in crime in Malaysia, Singapore,
opinion polls. But conservative opposition leader Tony Abbott needs to Thailand and China.
win only nine seats to form a government with four independents, or 13 “As well as having clear con-
seats to take office outright. nections to organised crime
“Today, I seek a mandate from the Australian people to move Australia gangs, illegal soccer gambling is
forward,” Gillard told a news conference. “Moving forward means mov- also linked with corruption,
ing forward with budget surpluses and a stronger economy,” said Gillard, money laundering and prostitu-
who toppled leader Kevin Rudd in a party coup on June 24. tion,” said Jean-Michel
Financial markets are not expected to react much to the election given Louboutin, executive director of
there is little to choose on core economic policy. “The main concern for police services. The coordinated
financial markets is an inconclusive election result like a hung parlia- police operation, codenamed
ment,” said Craig James, chief economist at CommSec. SOGA III, was not about match-
Online betting sites made Labour a clear favourite although some ana- fixing, a spokeswoman for
lysts tipped it to be a tight race. Gillard said her re-election platform would Interpol said.
focus on creating jobs, boosting education, improving health care, fighting Illegal gambling dens, includ-
climate change and strengthening border protection. ing some in Hong Kong and casi-
Australia’s robust economy will be key to the 2010 election. Despite no haven Macau – both former
Labour steering the economy through the global financial crisis and avoid- colonial enclaves which are now
ing recession last year, opinion polls show voters view the opposition as bet- parts of China – had taken more
ter economic managers. Both the government and opposition have vowed to than $155 million in bets. Police
return to a budget surplus. Yet, voters will be given stark choices: also seized cars, bank cards, com-
 Gillard plans a 30% mining tax raising A$10.5 billion ($9.12 billion) puters and mobile phones during
from 2012. Abbott plans to dump it. the raids, which were coordinated
 Gillard believes a carbon price to fight climate change is inevitable by Interpol’s headquarters in
with a emissions trading scheme possibly brought in after 2012-13. Lyon and its Bangkok liaison
Abbott does not. office. “The results we have seen
 Gillard has proposed a possible East Timor regional asylum process- are impressive, not only in the
ing centre to stop boatpeople arriving in Australia although she said in an number of arrests and seizures
interview with Sky TV there was “no quick fix”. Abbott plans to reopen made across the region in just one
Pacific island detention camps. month, but in terms of the police
“Under Labour, we will be moving forward to more debt, more taxes, cooperation which made this pos-
more spending and more boats – that’s why Labuor needs to move out for sible,” Louboutin said.
our country to move on,” Abbott told a news conference in Brisbane. The three SOGA operations
Abbott also saw jobs as a focus for the election saying conservative par- carried out so far have led to
ties would abandon a policy of tough labour laws, conceding it lost them nearly 7,000 arrests, the seizure
power in 2007. of over $26 million in cash and
Labour has lost Green voter support in the past year over its failure to the closure of illegal gambling
dens that handled more than $2
introduce a carbon trading scheme to tackle climate change, and needs to  Australiaʼs Prime Minister Julia Gillard addresses a billion worth of bets.
news conference in Canberra.
woo them back to hold government.
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 16


By Alina Selyukh

The world is enduring the hottest year on record, according to a

U.S. national weather analysis causing droughts worldwide and
a concern for U.S. farmers counting on another bumper year.
For the first six months of the year, 2010 has been warmer than the
first half of 1998, the previous record holder, by 0.03 degree
Fahrenheit, said Jay Lawrimore, chief of climate analysis at the feder-
al National Climatic Data Center. Period of a El Nino weather pattern
is being blamed for the hot temperatures globally.
“We had an El Nino episode in the early part of the year that’s now
faded, but that has contributed to the warmth not only in equatorial
Pacific but also contributed to anomalously warm global temperatures
as well,” Lawrimore said. Abnormally warm temperatures have been
registered in large parts of Canada, Africa, tropical oceans and parts of
the Middle East.
Northern Thailand is struggling through the worst drought in 20
years while Israel is in the middle of the longest and most severe
drought since 1920s. In Britain, this year has been the driest since 1929.
Also, Arctic sea ice has melted to its thinnest state in June.
However, as cooler temperatures may set in later this year, it remains
to be seen whether 2010 will overtake 2005 as the hottest year overall.
“This year the fact that the El Nino episode has ended and is likely to
transition into La Nina, which has a cooling influence on the global aver-
age temperature, it’s possible that we will not end up with the warmest
year as a whole.” The record-warm weather globally hasn’t translated
into the same in the United States, where June was only eighth hottest to
date. “For the U.S., January to June, this is only slightly warmer than
average,” Lawrimore said.
What may tip the scale is the
development of La Nina, possibly
coming in July and August,
according to the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration.
Although La Nina means cooling
globally, the transition commonly
brings hotter and drier weather to
the farming belt of the U.S.
Midwest region.
“It’s going to be pretty warm
across eastern Nebraska, Iowa,
western portions of Missouri,
mid to upper 90s (F),” said
Donald Keeney, senior agricul-
ture meteorologist with CROP-
CAST Ag Services. The hot
temperatures may especially
hurt corn pollination while dry
weather could affect soy bean
crops, Keeney said. But meteor-
ologist with the U.S.
Department of Agriculture Eric
Luebehusen said the impact of
La Nina is usually delayed for
the United States meaning good
news for corn farmers. “Most
crops are already reproductive,”  (Clockwise from top) A boy jumps into a fountain in the centre of
he said. “So if you can last
Budapest, Hungary. Tourists cool down themselves in a fountain at
will pass the really dangerous the central Pragueʼs Wenceslas Square. A tourist cools off on the
through the next few weeks, you

point where you may sustain steps of the Lincoln Memorial during a sweltering heatwave in
yield losses due to heat.” Washington.
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 17



Lindsay Lohan’s new attorney, celebrity lawyer Robert

Shapiro, has said the troubled actress will got to jail as recent-
ly ordered by the judge overseeing her probation.
Earlier this month, California Superior Court judge Marsha Revel
ordered Lohan to begin serving a 90-day jail sentence on July 20 for vio-
lating the terms of her probation on drunk driving charges because
Lohan had missed alcohol education classes.
Since then, Lohan’s previous attorney Shawn Chapman Holley
Ready for
resigned and media reports surfaced last week that Lohan hired Shapiro,
but may be trying to avoid jail. When Holley resigned, she issued a
statement calling the jail sentence “harsh and unfair”. A spokeswoman
for Holley confirmed the lawyer had left Lohan’s case, but she did not
have any details on a reason why or who had replaced Holley.
“The reality is that miss Lohan, like most defendants, had to balance
work commitments and court
requirements,” Holley said. “To
be punished so severely for doing
so... is harsh and unfair.”
Holley also addressed pictures
taken of Lohan inside the court-
room at the hearing in front of
judge Revel in which cameras
photographed an expletive painted
on Lohan’s fingernails. The words
have caused the media to speculate
about any message Lohan may
have been trying to send to the
judge, prosecutors, the media or
others. Shapiro said in a statement,
“I have agreed to represent miss
Lohan on the condition she comply
with the terms of probation, includ-
ing a requirement of jail imposed
by judge Marsha Revel.”
“Miss Lohan is suffering from
a disease that I am all too famil-
iar with. Hopefully, I can be of
assistance to miss Lohan and
judge Revel in implementing a
treatment approach recommend-
ed by medical professionals for
miss Lohan’s long term recovery
and sobriety,” the statement said.
Shapiro is a well-known Los
Angeles attorney who has repre-
sented many Hollywood stars
over the years, and he was part of
the “dream team” of attorneys
who represented football player
O.J. Simpson in his trial for the
murder of his wife. Shapiro’s son
Brent died in 2005 due to a com-
bination of drinking alcohol and
taking the drug ecstasy. Since
then, Shapiro has been dedicated
himself to helping others over-
come their own addiction prob-
lems. His family started the Brent
Shapiro Foundation as well as the
Pickford Lofts sober living facili-
ty in Los Angeles that Lohan was
said to have checked into earlier
this week.

Gibson spars with ‘ex’ again

LOS ANGELES: Lawyers for Mel model and singer, was said to be
Gibson and his estranged girl- trying to wrest shared custody of
friend squared off in court last her nine-month-old daughter away
week in a bitter custody dispute from Gibson,54. Celebrity news
over their baby daughter after a website TMZ.com cited unnamed
week of damaging, ranting phone sources as telling it that the family
calls leaked to an online web site. law judge left visitation as it is for
The now infamous tapes, which now. The tapes, which some
appear to feature Gibson cursing reports claim may have been
and threatening former girlfriend altered, are seen as crucial evi-
Oksana Grigorieva, have been dence in a case in which
handed over to police investigat- Grigorieva has claimed Gibson
ing allegations of domestic abuse abused her. Celebrity website
by the Oscar-winning movie star. RadarOnline has released a fifth
Los Angeles County sheriff’s recording in which a panting
spokesman told media that record- Gibson again delivers a string of
ings were handed over during a expletives at Grigorieva.
closed-door session of the family Neither Gibson nor Grigorieva
court. A representative for Gibson were believed to be at the hearing.
has neither confirmed nor denied TMZ.com said Gibson’s former
the tapes’ existence or content, wife of 28 years Robyn has made
and on Thursday again declined to a sworn statement saying the actor
comment on the matter citing liti- never engaged in any physical
gation between the two. abuse of any kind towards her or
Grigorieva, 40, a Russian-born their seven children.
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 BusinessNow Page 18


U.S. public
with bank
WASHINGTON: A big majority
of Americans are unfamiliar
with the sweeping overhaul of
U.S. financial rules that was
approved in Congress last week,
according to an Ipsos Public
Affairs online poll.
The poll found 38% of
Americans had never heard of
the overhaul and 33% had heard
of it but knew almost nothing
about the legislation.
Another 18% said they knew
“a little bit” about the measure,
which would lead to the broadest
overhaul of financial rules since
the Great Depression.
The Ipsos poll found 3% were
very familiar with the legislation,
and 8% were somewhat familiar.
Of those who knew about the
overhaul, about one-third said
they did not know enough to say
what sort of impact it would have
on the economy, spending,
investments and financial stabili-
ty. Other polls have shown that
voters’ views of the reform fall
largely along party lines suggest-
ing that financial regulation is
unlikely to be a major issue at the
midterm elections in November.

Wall Street rules

clear Congress
By Andy Sullivan & Kevin Drawbaugh Representatives approved the legislation last
Regulators, who billions in taxpayer dollars to prop up Wall

scrambled to contain
WASHINGTON month. Financial markets showed little reac- Street while Main Street struggled amid a
tion on Thursday as investors had already deep recession.
the damage from failing
factored in the bill’s impact. The legislation has also won Democrats
The U.S. Congress has approved the
firms like Lehman
Although Obama originally had hoped for few friends on Wall Street as wealthy donors
broadest overhaul of financial rules bipartisan support for reform, only three have started to steer more campaign contri-

Brothers in the last

since the Great Depression and sent it Republican senators voted in favour of the butions to Republicans.

crisis, will have new

to President Barack Obama to sign bill joining 55 Democrats and two Under the 2,300-page bill, mortgage bro-
Independents. One Democrat opposed it. kers, student lenders and other financial
into law.
authority to dismantle
With Republicans poised for big gains in firms will have to answer to a new consumer-
By a vote of 60 to 39, the Senate passed a the November congressional elections, protection authority though auto dealers will
troubled firms if they
sweeping measure that tightens regulations Democrats are eager to show voters that they escape scrutiny.
across the financial industry in an effort to

threaten the broader

have tamed an industry that dragged the Regulators, who scrambled to contain the
avoid a repeat of the 2007-2009 financial cri- economy into its deepest recession in 70 damage from failing firms like Lehman

sis. Wall Street had fought bitterly to derail years. “I regret I can’t give you your job Brothers in the last crisis, will have new
the legislation, which leaves few corners of back, restore that foreclosed home, put retire- authority to dismantle troubled firms if they
the financial industry untouched. ment monies back in your account,” said threaten the broader economy.
It establishes new consumer protections, Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd, one A council of regulators will monitor big-
gives regulators greater power to dismantle of the bill’s chief authors. “What I can do is over-the-counter derivatives and force banks picture risks to the financial system and
troubled firms, and limits a range of risky to see to it that we never, ever again go to end trading for their own profits. many large banks will have to set aside more
trading activities in a way that would curb through what this nation has been through.” Along with the health-care overhaul, capital to help them ride out tough times.
bank profits. JPMorgan Chase & Co, the second-largest Democrats can now point out that they have Large private-equity and hedge funds will
“Unless your business model depends on U.S. bank, said the bill would not compromise passed two far-reaching reform efforts that face more scrutiny from federal regulators,
cutting corners or bilking your customers, its business model but might hurt profitability. will likely shape American society for gener- and credit-rating agencies could potentially
you have nothing to fear from this reform,” “We’ll have some effect on revenues and mar- ations. It is not clear whether that will see their entire business model upended.
Obama said. He is expected to sign the bill gins and volumes,” its chief executive, Jamie impress voters. Much of the $615 trillion over-the-counter
into law next week. Dimon, said on a conference call. As the And even as Democrats hope the regulato- derivatives market will be routed through
The Senate vote caps more than a year of largest U.S. derivatives dealer, JPMorgan ry crackdown will help them win support in more accountable and transparent channels,
legislative effort after Obama proposed could have the most to lose from the bill, the November elections, many voters remain and banks will have to spin off the riskiest of
reforms in June 2009. The House of

“Unless your business model depends on cutting corners or

which aims to curb lucrative trading in risky angry at lawmakers for spending hundreds of their swaps clearing desk operations.

bilking your customers, you have nothing to fear from this reform.”
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 19

Doha is Defiant
for deal
BERLIN: Participants in the Doha
world trade talks are preparing for a
final deal, but there is no point set-
ting an artificial deadline, the head
of the World Trade Organisation
has told a German daily.
The Doha talks, launched in late
2001, aim to break down barriers to
global commerce, but are dead-
locked largely over differences
between the United States and the
big emerging economies of China,
Brazil and India. G20 leaders
dropped their reference to 2010 as a
target date for completion of the
talks and set no new date.
World Trade Organisation direc-
tor general Pascal Lamy was opti-
mistic, however, telling
Handelsblatt, “Participants are
preparing for the end game of the

Apache is
world trade talks. There is no point
setting artificial deadlines.”

eyeing BP
 Apple CEO Steve Jobs answers questions during a
press conference at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, critics


NEW YORK: Oil and gas producer By Gabriel Madway & Poornima Gupta pD4). “This has been blown so out of propor- Experts say covering a small gap in the
Apache Corp is seeking $6 billion CUPERTINO, California tion, it’s incredible,” Jobs, 55, told reporters antenna with a plastic case – or duct tape – will
to $7 billion financing to purchase and analysts in an auditorium at Apple’s help boost signal strength by preventing con-
up to $10 billion in assets from BP Silicon Valley headquarters. tact with a user’s fingers.
Plc in a deal that could be A defiant Steve Jobs has rejected any “This is life in the smartphone world. Phones “This was a difficult thing for Steve to d ...
announced next week, CNBC suggestion the iPhone 4’s design was aren’t perfect. Most every smartphone we test- but he did the right thing,” said Gleacher & Co
reported last week. flawed, but offered consumers free ed behaved like this.” analyst Brian Marshall. “He probably helped
The deal could include major BP phone cases to address reception com- Analysts say sales of the iPhone 4 have not consumer sentiment. They stand by their prod-
assets in Alaska, and the oil major been impacted by the antenna flap though ucts.” Jobs said Apple will offer the free cases
was inquiring with its partners plaints that have hurt Apple Inc’s image some warn about longer-term damage to a rep- through September 30, when the company
about their rights of first refusal to and shares. utation for quality products honed on the iPod. will reassess the situation. “Maybe, we will
buy those assets, CNBC reported. At a rare, 90-minute press conference, the Communications experts say the flap has continue it or maybe we will have a better
BP has said it could sell $10 bil- Apple chief executive asserted that reception always been less about a presumed flaw in the idea,” he said. If iPhone 4 users were not satis-
lion in assets to raise funds to help issues were a problem shared by the entire iPhone than the secretive Apple’s slow and fied, Jobs said Apple will offer a full refund
cover its liabilities from the gush- smartphone industry, naming specifically uneven response to it. The cost of Apple’s rem- within a month.
ing Macondo well, which ruptured rivals Research in Motion, Samsung edy should be insignificant. One analyst esti- Jobs admitted Apple and the phone were
in April and continues to spread oil Electronics and HTC Corp. mated simple cases would cost the company as “not perfect” and said he first heard about
in the Gulf of Mexico. Jobs maintained there were no problems much as $45 million while an in-store repair issues with the antenna 22 days ago. He called
BP had leased the Transocean with the iPhone 4’s wraparound antenna design program would have run as much as $300 mil- a Bloomberg report that he had been warned
Ltd-owned rig, which exploded in and accused the media of trying to “tear down” lion. Shares of Apple climbed as much as 1.4 about the issue well before the June launch a
the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, a company that had grown so successful. % after Jobs offered the free case to users, but “total crock”, and dismissed a New York Times
causing a catastrophic oil spill. After the June 24 launch of the iPhone 4, closed 0.62% lower at $249.90 in an overall report for “making this stuff up”.
Earlier this week, a source familiar some users reported drastically reduced signal market sell-off. Some analysts said they had The Apple chief said the iPhone 4 drops just

with the situation told Reuters that strength when they held the touch-screen expected more from Apple to address the issue, a tad more calls than its predecessor, the 3GS,
BP was in talks with Apache. phone a certain way, in what has come to be and thought that Jobs should have taken full with a return rate of less than a third of the
known as the “iPhone 4 death grip.” responsibility. older model. Just 0.55% of iPhone 4 users

warning on
Apple has lost more than $16 billion of its “Apple is held to a much higher standard. have complained to the company’s tech sup-
market value since June 28 with at least some You don’t want to compare yourself to the port, he said. “We’re pretty happy with the
of that attributed by analysts to the iPhone

competition,” said Ashok Kumar, an analyst antenna design,” he said. “We’re not feeling
snafu. Apple set the tone of Friday’s event with Rodman & Renshaw. right now that we have a giant problem that we
early leading off with a YouTube video poking Others lauded Jobs – who apologised to need to fix.” The high-margin iPhone is
fun at the so-called “Antennagate” controversy users only after he was asked if he was sorry – Apple’s most important product line and yields
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKIcaejk for offering a free fix. 40% of revenue.

WASHINGTON: U.S. President

Barack Obama heard a sobering
message from Warren Buffett when
he asked for the investment guru’s
views about the economic recovery,
according to an interview Obama
gave NBC News last week.
Weak corporate revenues hit stocks
“I’ll tell you exactly what Warren NEW YORK: Global share prices slid over the performance, offset the good news of rising low felled by weak bank shares. The pan-
Buffett said. He said, ‘We went weekend after disappointing revenue reports profits. “The next step for earnings has to be European FTSEurofirst 300 index of top shares
through a wrenching recession. And from bellwether U.S. corporations dovetailed top line or revenues, and revenues slowed fell 2% to 1,012.94 points. The MSCI world
so we have not fully recovered. with subdued U.S. inflation and slumping con- down along with the consumer and the econ- equity index fell 2.06% while the Thomson
We’re about 40-50% back. But sumer confidence data, driving up the price of omy in the second quarter,” said Gail Reuters global stock index lost 2.11 %. Asian
we’ve still got a long way to go’,” Treasuries as investors sought safety. Dudack, chief investment strategist at stocks fell with Japan’s Nikkei average drop-
Obama told NBC during a visit to The combination of reports undermined the Dudack Research Group in New York. ping nearly 3% for its worst one-day percent-
Holland, Michigan, to promote his fragile confidence in the global economy. On At the close, the Dow Jones industrial aver- age loss in more than a month .T.
job creation policies. Wall Street, the three major indexes all fell age fell 261.41 points, or 2.52%, at The U.S. dollar, while under selling pres-
Obama chatted with Buffett in the more than 2.5%. Crude oil prices fell for a 10,097.90. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index sure, did rise from session lows as investors
Oval office on Wednesday as he third straight day, and the dollar fell to a lost 31.60 points, or 2.88%, at 1,064.88. The fled stocks for U.S. Treasuries. The green-
sought ideas on how to translate seven-month low against the yen, a tradition- Nasdaq Composite Index dropped 70.03 back slid 0.88 percent to 86.68 yen, off an
higher U.S. growth into stronger al safe-haven investment. points, or 3.11%, at 2,179.05. earlier seven-month low.
hiring. Buffett, who built an esti- General Electric Co, the largest U.S. con- For the week the Dow fell 0.98%, the S&P The euro touched a two-month high above
mated $47 billion fortune, warned glomerate, and top U.S. financial groups 1.24%, and the Nasdaq 0.79%. GE shares fell $1.30 on rising European money market
Obama the recession created a huge Bank of America Corp and Citigroup Inc all 4.6% to $14.55; Bank of America lost 9.2 % rates, but slipped back as investors bet the
overhang of excess capacity in the reported declines in quarterly revenues from to $13.98; Citigroup lost 6.3% to $3.90. The rise was overdone. The euro last traded down
economy that would simply take the prior year. The revenues, which investors two banks also posted profit declines. 0.12% at $1.2922. Earlier ,it had reached a
time to mop up. viewed as key to providing insight into future European equities fell to a one-week closing two-month high of $1.3007.
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 SportNow Page 20

cup for
the All
By Greg Stutchbury

New Zealand produced another high-tempo, attack-minded per-

formance to secure their second successive bonus-point win in
the 2010 Tri-Nations with a 31-17 victory over South Africa at
a sold-out Westpac Stadium.
Ma’a Nonu, Mils Muliaina, Rene Ranger and Israel Dagg all scored
tries for the All Blacks, while flyhalf Daniel Carter, who had a poor goal-
kicking performance in missing five attempts at goal, slotted two penalties
and a conversion.
Piri Weepu also added a penalty for the home side, who had beaten the
Springboks 32-12 in Auckland last week with a similar high-octane game
Danie Rossouw and Schalk Burger scored tries, while Morne Steyn
added a penalty and two conversions for the world champions, who looked
promising when they kept the ball in hand but had another poor tactical
kicking game in the swirling wind.
The All Blacks again dominated the bigger South Africans and their
aggressive defensive line turned back waves of Springboks attacks. All Blacksʼ captain Richie McCaw holds the Freedom Cup after defeating the
“What I’m pleased with is that the guys are prepared to have a go,” All Springboks in their Tri-Nations test match in Wellington.
Blacks coach Graham Henry told reporters. “We’re prepared give them an 18-10 lead before Weepu slotted a long-range
to play rugby from a long way out and attack from inside our ‘What I’m pleased with is penalty to extend the advantage.
own half and that led to a couple of tries.” The All Blacks were then forced to soak up immense pres-
The Springboks, who had Bakkies Botha sinbinned early sure on their goal-line but managed to keep the Springboks
that the guys are prepared
last week, again fell foul of the referee with Rossouw shown to have a go’ out before Dagg produced a mercurial run down the left
a yellow card by Alain Rolland in the fourth minute for kick- touchline, turning four defenders inside out to score his first
ing All Blacks’ captain Richie McCaw. test try and put the game beyond doubt.
The New Zealanders took advantage of their extra man, minute, Steyn converting to make it 13-7, before Carter Carter slotted the conversion and added a penalty before
with Nonu and Muliaina finishing off sweeping moves that missed another penalty into the swirling southerly wind in the Burger added a late consolation try for the Springboks, with
had begun inside their own half. final seconds before halftime. Steyn converting to end the scoring.
The All Blacks had to settle for a 10-0 lead while Rossouw The Springboks changed tactics in the second half as they “We didn’t get quick ball when it counted when we were
was off the field, with Carter, who had missed an early penal- battled into the wind, holding on to possession and hammer- putting good phases together near the try line,” Springboks
ty, missing both conversions though he slotted his first suc- ing away down field before Steyn added an early penalty. captain John Smit said. “There were times when ...it was

De Villiers gets
cessful penalty in the 31st minute. The All Blacks, however, struck back almost immediately, slowed down somewhere and in the Tri-Nations you have to
Rossouw made amends when he barged over in the 37th again attacking from deep and Ranger scored in the corner to be right on the button ... if you want to win.”

two-week ban
Boks call for consistency
South Africa were still coming to terms with new rule interpre- worse if Daniel Carter had not missed three kicks at goal.
tations and referees needed to be more consistent, Springboks “I’m obviously surprised to get a yellow card at the start of
coach Peter de Villiers said after his side’s defeat. the test match because it does put us on the back foot,” captain South African wing Jean de Villiers has been sus-
“I’m frustrated at the moment,” de Villiers said of the rule John Smit said. “We had a chance with Dan missing all those pended for two weeks for a dangerous tackle during
interpretations which give the attacking team the advantage at early kicks and it made the deficit only 10 points, which is an the Springboks’ 31-17 loss.
the breakdown. easy target. De Villiers had been cited for an alleged lifting
He told reporters: “The only thing a coach can ask is consis- “We held it in there but they just kept coming, kept getting tackle on All Blacks winger Rene Ranger in the
tency. We have played six games and have had six different quick ball and kept stumping up.” 27th minute of the match.
types of (interpretation of) plays on the ground. But Smit also said he had not been surprised at the All Blacks He appeared in Wellington on Sunday before judi-
“To me it’s a bit frustrating ... the laws are a bit different on not having someone sin-binned after they were being penalised cial officer Dennis Wheelahan, who found De
the ground and it calls for attention, maybe from the outside. I continuously inside their own 22 as the Springboks hammered Villiers guilty after he considered submissions from
would love to sit down with the right people and let them tell us away at their line. the player, his representatives and video evidence,
how to prepare for those kinds of incidents. “I suppose if it was my first year of playing the All Blacks I governing body SANZAR said in a statement.
“I don’t like to prepare the guys to cheat and it seems to me would be surprised, but this isn’t my first year,” he said with a De Villiers was suspended until August 1 and will
(it is) the only way going forward if you want to be on top of wry smile. miss the Springboks’ next Tri-Nations match against
those things.” All Blacks captain Richie McCaw, who was told by Rolland Australia next Saturday in Brisbane.
The Springboks were also hampered by their second early that the next infringement by one of his players would result in He is the second Springboks player to be banned
yellow card in successive tests, with Danie Rossouw sin-binned a yellow card, said the team had mostly got it right. “We did get in this year’s competition. Lock Bakkies Botha was
by Alain Rolland in the fourth minute. Bakkies Botha was also under pressure and gave away a couple of penalties,” McCaw suspended for nine weeks after he admitted head
sin-binned early last week in Auckland. said. “I was probably a little guilty myself a couple of times. butting All Blacks’ scrumhalf Jimmy Cowan in the
The All Blacks managed to take advantage of the extra man, “I guess if you are under pressure you have to make sure you 32-12 loss last week at Eden Park.
scoring 10 points, though the scoreline could have been much get the decisions right.”
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 21

for India
NEW DELHI: India’s sports minister
has expressed regret over a series of
pullouts from this year’s
Commonwealth Games in New Delhi,
a day after British cyclist Chris Hoy
announced his withdrawal.
“The world knows that India has
spent lavishly for organising the
Commonwealth Games,” Manohar
Singh Gill told Reuters. “The stadiums
we built match the best in the world
and far in excess of the requirement. It
is therefore sad that some of the lead-
ing sportspersons are not coming to
Quadruple Olympic gold medallist
Hoy pulled out of the October 3-14
games because of a clash with the
European championships, which carry
qualification points for the 2012
London Olympics.
His withdrawal is a further setback
to the games after the announcement
in June that triple Olympic sprint
champion Usain Bolt would skip the
“We all wanted to see Bolt run in
Delhi and Hoy, being a multiple
Olympic and Commonwealth champi-
on, was also a top draw,” Gill said.
Fellow Jamaican and Olympic 100
metres champion Shelly-Ann Fraser,


who tested positive in a doping test in
May, will also not attend.
“It appears that for the Olympic
Games, performance in events like
Asian Games and European champi-
onships are taken into account.
Naturally, the sportspersons don’t
attach the same importance to the
Commonwealth Games,” Gill said.

Henry not in “This is a matter which I think we

will discuss in the Commonwealth
Sports Ministers meeting in Delhi on
October 4.”

U.S. to retire, swoop
for two
wants to win
By Julian Linden
HARRISON, New Jersey
Henry was taken on a whirlwind trip around
New York's major television networks before
Barcelona and he was also relegated to the sub-
stitutes’ bench during France’s ill-fated World
LONDON: West Ham United have
signed Mexico international Pablo
Barrera and Olympique Lyon striker
Frederic Piquionne.
receiving his number 14 Red Bulls soccer jer- Cup in South Africa where they failed to make West Ham have paid UNAM Pumas
sey at his new home ground in Harrison, New it past the group phase. four million pounds ($6.14 million)
Following in the footsteps of Pele and Jersey. “I actually would like to know myself what for 23-year-old pacy winger Barrera,
David Beckham, Thierry Henry has Flanked by club officials and MLS commis- went wrong,” he said of France’s World Cup while Piquionne has moved for an
arrived in the United States as a soccer sioner Don Garber, Henry arrived at a packed display. undisclosed fee. Barrera, who played
missionary and scoffed at the notion news conference to the backing vocals of The “We didn’t perform. As simple as that ... it three times for his country at the
Beatles and the endorsement of his new organ- was a sad one for the fans and for the country, World Cup in South Africa, has signed
Major League Soccer is a retirement isation. but I think we should move on now.” a four-year contract with manager
fund for players in the twilight of their The Red Bulls’ Swedish coach Hans Backe Henry, who also announced his retirement Avram Grant’s side.
careers. said he expected great things from Henry, who from international soccer, said his decision to “I am very happy to sign for West
Like his famous predecessors, the spent the past decade plying his trade with move to New York was unrelated to France’s Ham United and have been really
Frenchman has become an instant poster-boy Arsenal and Barcelona. World Cup showing and that he had been in taken by the reception I have received
for the sport after joining the New York Red “I would rate him ... in the top 10 ever in the talks about the transfer for months. from the players and the manager,”
Bulls on a four-and-a-half season deal. (English) premiership as a striker,” Backe said. The Red Bulls are hoping Henry will not Barrera told the club website
The 32-year-old French striker said this “He’s very hungry to give Red Bulls their first only help lead the team to a first MLS title but (www.whufc.com).
would be his final contract as a player, but the premiership.” also attract new fans, something that could be Piquionne, 31, links up with Grant
former World Cup winner said his motives While Henry has achieved almost every tough given New York’s large Irish community again on a three-year contract after the
were clear. imaginable honour in the game, winning a and Henry’s double-handball that allowed pair spent last season together at
“I can assure you that I came here to try to World Cup and European championship with France to qualify ahead of Ireland for this Portsmouth, where the Frenchman
win,” he told a news conference. “That is the France as well medals and plaudits with his year’s World Cup in South Africa. played in the FA Cup final and scored
most important thing. I’m a competitor, and clubs, he arrives in the United States after a “I've already talked about that,” he said. 11 goals in all competitions while on
I’m sure the boss will put a team out there to be lean past 12 months. “There’s nothing else I can say.” loan at the club.
sure that we can do it.” Injuries restricted his appearances for
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 22

New kit
a fan
Massive pay rise on
By Steve Keating

the cards for Rooney

For much of the soccer world, a Manchester United jersey is
the equivalent of the little black dress, something every fan’s
wardrobe must have.
So when United began their four-game North American Tour in
Toronto against Celtic wearing the new kit, their legions of supporters
were no doubt already rushing to buy the shirt that the teams says has
already set a record for demand.
“It’s a massive business,” the club’s commercial director, Richard
Arnold, told Reuters. “A lot of work goes into that, it’s a year-round LONDON: Wayne Rooney’s with them, after establishing
activity. We are already planning what future shirt designs will look World Cup woes seemed a dis- himself in Everton’s team at
like two, three years out.” tant memory yesterday after he just 17, amounted to a
Designed by Nike and adorned with the logo of their new sponsor won a multi-million pound court restraint of trade.
Aon, the world’s largest insurance brokerage believes the four-year battle and learned of an immi- “I was shocked that a com-
sponsorship deal – which reports have valued at $120 million to $130 nent £130,000-a-week contract pany which represents some
million – can help the company build its global brand name and boost offer by Manchester United. of Britain’s biggest entertain-
business. The England striker, a forlorn ers was going down this road,
The sponsorship is viewed as one of the most prestigious in sport due figure during a dismal World which meant that private
to United’s massive popularity and a global fan base that is estimated Cup campaign for himself and financial and commercial
at 333 million worldwide. his country, expressed his matters were made public.
At $1.84 billion, Forbes magazine valued United, owned by the delight after his former agents’ But you always have to fight
Glazer family that also own the National Football League’s Tampa Bay £8.3million claim for lost earn- for what’s right in life,” said
Buccaneers, as the most valuable sports franchise in the world. ings, later modified to £4.3m, Rooney in a statement.
“We’re partnering with the number one club in the world in the num- was thrown out by a judge at Meanwhile, United boss Sir
ber one sport in the world,” Aon Chief Executive Greg Case said in a Manchester County Court. Alex Ferguson insists Rooney
telephone interview after remotely ringing the opening bell on the New More good news followed for will not suffer a World Cup
York Stock Exchange from Chicago. the 24-year-old after it emerged hangover, but admits the
“We have multiple ways we’re looking at measuring impact and I United are ready to open talks striker may regret not making
must tell you we’re already well ahead of where we thought we’d be at on a five-year deal, complete the most of his opportunity.
this point in time,” he said. “We’re seeing it in client response and with a £30,000-a-week pay rise. “I don’t expect a hang-
client interest in Aon.” United vowed to quash inter- over,” said Ferguson. “I think
The Red Devils, who arrived in Toronto just four days after the est in Rooney from Real Madrid there’ll still be a bit of disap-
World Cup final, kicked off their first North American tour since 2004 by discussing new terms with The claim was based on com- pointment in the lad. I think all
against the Scottish Premier League runners-up and wrap up their visit him after the World Cup, and mission they felt they were due the players coming back from
in Houston on July 28 when they provide the opposition for the Major chief executive David Gill hopes from multi-million pound deals the World Cup who didn’t do
League Soccer All-Star Game. to reach an agreement with his involving Rooney, and was well, who didn’t reach their
In-between, United will take on the Philadelphia Union (July 21) and agent Paul Stretford before the launched after founder member expectations, may I say, will feel
Kansas City Wizards (July 25). They will also go to Mexico and help season starts. Stretford left amid acrimony, that they’ve missed something.
Guadalajara open their new stadium on July 30 as part of a deal to sign Stretford was in court to hear and took the firm’s star client That’s because the World Cup’s
Mexican striker Javier Hernandez. Judge Brendan Hegarty QC dis- with him, in 2008. only once every four years –
The club said the games in the coming weeks are presenting a chal- miss sports management firm But the judge ruled the eight- that’s the horrible part.”
lenge to have enough jerseys available for their fans in North America, Proactive’s claim. year contract Rooney signed
where the team estimates its fan base is closing in on 10 million.

Empty seats for the first tour game

TORONTO: Empty seats proved that in some markets, available to the media with Scottish midfielder Darren Toronto had rolled out the green carpet for the Red
even the world’s most famous soccer club must do more Fletcher fielding just five questions. Devils, laying down a temporary grass field on the Rogers
than simply show up to fill a stadium as Manchester United The Red Devils were also forced to share the sporting Centre’s concrete floor with 18 tractor-trailer loads of spe-
kicked off their North American tour with a 3-1 win over stage at the weekend, going head-to-head with the Toronto cially grown Kentucky bluegrass shipped in for the one off
Celtic. Indy being raced on city streets and offering free admission. friendly.
Making their first visit to Canada since 1982, the Red Despite the absence of players who represented their While the four-city tour is being billed as preparation for
Devils were greeted by an enthusiastic audience of 39,139 countries at the World Cup in South Africa, the crowd was the upcoming Premier League season it is also an opportu-
on a perfect summer’s evening but the number of empty treated to an entertaining contest with Dimitar Berbatov, nity to expand sport’s biggest brand and reconnect with
seats were no doubt an unfamiliar sight for a club use to Danny Welbeck and Tom Cleverley scoring for United and their nearly 10 million North American supporters after a
seeing sellouts wherever they go. Georgios Samaras replying from the penalty spot for Celtic. six-year absence.
The slightly disappointing crowd might have been “I thought the atmosphere was very good,” Ferguson Attendance may not have been what organisers had
expected with ticket prices for the match against their said, downplaying the 10,000 empty seats. “The first game hoped, they averaged 60,000 a game in 2004, but there was
Scottish opponents ranging from $75 to $165 and United is one you always want to get over because fitness comes no dismissing United’s massive appeal.
doing little to help promote the contest. into it. The surface was quite firm and it is a pitch I would Wearing their new kit in competition for the first time,
United manager Alex Ferguson cancelled his only pre- not have taken a risk on with certain players to play 90 min- United’s legions of loyal supporters were lined up five deep
match media appearance and when his squad were delayed utes.” around souvenir kiosks at halftime eager to be among the
arriving in Toronto by bad weather, only one player was first to grab the new shirt.
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 23

Mourinho the master

of Real revolution
as players return
MADRID still lacks a left-back and a central defender.
The speed at which Mourinho has
rearranged the Valdebebas furniture has
Stand by your beds, here comes Jose stunned a club that has become used to a
Mourinho. Real Madrid’s pre-season very different sort of management, particu-
training has started, with those among larly under the stewardship of president
the squad who were not called to Florentino Perez. After Perez sacked
international duty this summer (this Vicente del Bosque in 2003 he went
through five replacements in three years.
being Real, they number no more During the particularly inept 2004-05 sea-
than 10) summoned to touch base son there were three managers in one term.
with their employers. Mourinho is already laying the founda-
They may well have noticed a few differ- tions for a very different Real Madrid. His
ences. Starting with those beds. own 12-hour days have bemused the press
The new coach, a man with a reputation photographers who are dispatched to the
for making an impact, and no reputation training ground every day to snap his arrival
whatsoever for letting his players have an and departure. Creating a bond with the
easy ride, has already passed like a whirl- media that will not disintegrate the first
wind through the corridors of their time it is put under pressure – as happened
Valdebebas complex. last season in the Spanish Cup when Real
Areas previously put in place to allow were knocked out by Third Division
fans to meet their heroes and ask for auto- Alcorcon in November – will be high on
graphs have been closed off – no longer will Mourinho’s agenda.
the Galacticos be revelling in their fame on
the company dollar. Cristiano Ronaldo and Co. will
breakfast together before morning
And sleeping quarters have been installed

training. They will then eat lunch

at the training ground – no more popping
home for a siesta between morning and
afternoon sessions. Mourinho’s message is together and rest in that relaxation
clear: there is work to be done.
area that on Mourinhoʼs request
now has eight sofa beds
But the biggest break with the past is in
personnel. In Madrid, Raul is close to roy-
alty, and the club’s leading goalscorer.
Liverpool take up Along with another club favourite, the mid-
fielder Guti, the pair are as much a part of
Real as the famous white shirts and notori- But then one thing you know about
ous grand plans to rule the world – but it
Europa challenge appears their reigns are at an end.
Both players made their debuts here 16
Mourinho is that he will provide journalists
with an unrivalled supply of stories.
Players will spend more time together
LONDON: New Liverpool manager Roy Rovers or Israel’s Bnei Yehuda Tel-Aviv, and 15 years ago respectively, despite hav- with whole working days at Valdebebas
Hodgson returns to the Europa League who drew their first leg 1-1 in Ireland. ing long since stopped commanding regular replacing two-hour morning sessions or
with a third qualifying-round tie against The 35 third qualifying round victors first-team places. Both have survived 14 double sessions with the chance for the
either Rabotnicki or Mika following the join 15 losing sides from the Champions different coaches. But neither will see in the squad to go home in between.
draw at UEFA headquarters in Nyon, League third qualifying round and 24 Mourinho era. Cristiano Ronaldo and Co. will breakfast
Switzerland. direct entrants in the August 6 draw for Jose told them there was no need to turn together before morning training. They will
Two months after his Fulham side the playoffs. up for the start of training. Officially they then eat lunch together and rest in that
were beaten by Atletico Madrid in the The Champions League third-round have been allowed time to “sort out their relaxation area that on Mourinho’s request
final, Hodgson’s first game at Anfield draw has also been made, with four- futures” – and unofficially told not to come now has eight sofa beds.
will be the July 29 first leg, with the times winners Ajax Amsterdam paired back. Mourinho’s Madrid will be younger and
return in either Armenia or Macedonia with PAOK of Greece and Celtic taking Out with the old, in with the new. The cheaper than previous versions. The club’s
on August 5. on Portuguese runners-up Braga. incoming boss oversaw the returning play- four signings all have youth and relative
Rabotnicki won the home first leg of Zenit St Petersburg, the 2008 UEFA ers’ pre-season medical checks, but he also value on their side.
their second qualifying-round tie 1-0 on Cup winners, play Romania’s Unirea

Mosimane appointed new

met with Sami Khedira who was in Madrid Canales, 19, Leon, 23, Di Maria, 22, and
Thursday. Urziceni, while Dynamo Kiev play on Friday ahead of a euro 10m move from Khedira, 23, will not cost more than euro
Juventus will face either Shamrock Ghent. Stuttgart. 50m in total. Ashley Cole’s age and price

South Africa coach

The 23-year-old German World Cup star suggest he does not fit the new profile,
looks like becoming the “English-style box- although the Chelsea left-back remains one
to-box midfielder” that Mourinho had of the best in the world in a position that
admitted he wanted for Real, so closing the Real are yet to fill.
door on the older and more expensive Real will embark on short tour of the
JOHANNESBURG: Pitso Mosimane country’s football association made to Steven Gerrard. United States at the start of next month with
has signed a four-year contract to be appoint a local once the World Cup was Mourinho has already brought in friendlies against the San Jose Earthquakes
South Africa’s new coach, tasked with over. Argentine left-winger Angel di Maria from and Los Angeles Galaxy. Bayern Munich,
ensuring the 2010 World Cup hosts qual- “I feel extremely privileged to be fil- Benfica for euro 25m and insisted that the Standard Liège and the Spanish side
ify for the next edition in Brazil. ing Carlos Alberto Parreira’s shoes,” winger Pedro Leon and striker Sergio Hercules await them when they return
The 45-year-old replaces Brazilian Mosimane told reporters. Canales are not loaned backed to Getafe ahead of the season’s kick-off at the end of
Carlos Alberto Parreira, under whom he “I thank both the football association and Racing Santander respectively, the August, when the real business of overhaul-
worked as an assistant over the last four and Parreira for having confidence in me clubs they have just signed from, but ing Barcelona begins.
years. and I know I’m the right person for the instead form part of a first-team squad that
His appointment keeps a promise the job.”
MAURITIUS Monday, July 19, 2010 Page 24

Louis Oosthuizen of
South Africa embraces
his wife Nel-Mare and
daughter Jana after
winning the British Open

Just amazing!
By Miles Evans The 27-year-old sank a short par putt at the 18th, took off in a tie for third place on eight-under alongside Sweden’s
ST ANDREWS, Scotland his cap to acknowledge the thunderous applause from the Henrik Stenson and Northern Ireland’s Rory McIlroy.
crowd, hugged his caddie before embracing his wife and Oosthuizen became the sixth South African major winner
young daughter Jana. and the first to lift the Claret Jug since Ernie Els in 2002.
South African Louis Oosthuizen kept his cool to “It’s unbelievable, after the 12th hole it actually became Tiger Woods, with the putter he ditched at the start of the
claim a first major title with a crushing seven-stroke difficult having such a big lead, to keep calm, and I’m glad I week returned to his bag, could not add to his three Claret
victory in the British Open at the home of golf yes- had those (spare) shots on 18 because I cramped a little with Jugs after an outward 37 scarred by two double bogeys saw
terday. the putter,” Oosthuizen told the BBC. him sink down the field to finish on three-under in a tie for
Oosthuizen, who had missed the cut in all his three previ- “It’s just amazing.” 23rd.
ous Opens, never looked like being headed after starting the England’s Lee Westwood emerged from the pack to finish South Korea’s Jin Jeong made sure of the Silver Medal for
day four clear and finished with a 71 for a 16-under total of second with a two under 70 putting him on 279. Paul Casey, leading amateur, signing off in style with an eagle two at the
272. who began the day as Oosthuizen’s closest challenger, ended 72nd hole and a share of 14th place.

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