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1 INTRODUCTION d) S o m e a i r cr a f t / e n g i n e
a) This leaflet is intended to assist combinations are more prone to icing
pilots of carburetted piston-engined than others and this should be borne
aircraft operating below 10,000 feet. in mind when flying different aircraft
Although it may appear to be mainly types.
aimed at aeroplane operations, much e) The aircraft Flight Manual or
of its content applies at least equally Pilot’s Operating Handbook is the
to piston-engined helicopters and primary source of information for
gyroplanes. individual aircraft. The advice in this
b) Piston engine induction system leaflet should only be followed where
icing is commonly referred to as it does not contradict that Flight
carburettor icing, although, as Manual.
described later, carb icing is only one 2 TYPES OF ICING
form. Such icing can occur at any
time, even on warm days, There are three main types of
particularly if they are humid. It can induction system icing:
be so severe that unless correct
action is taken the engine may stop
(especially at low power settings
during descent, approach or during
helicopter autorotation).
c) Every year engine induction
system icing is assessed as being a
likely contributory factor in several
aircraft accidents. Unfortunately the
evidence rapidly disappears.

January 2013

a) Carburettor Icing 3 ENGINE FACTORS
The most common, earliest to show, a) Testing has shown that because
and the most serious, is carburettor of its greater and seasonally variable
(carb) icing caused by a combination volatility and higher water content,
of the sudden temperature drop due carb icing is more likely when
to fuel vaporisation and pressure MOGAS is used.
reduction as the mixture passes b) Engines at reduced power
through the carburettor venturi and settings are more prone to icing
past the throttle valve. because engine induction
If the temperature drop brings the temperatures are lower. Also, the
air below its dew point, condensation partially closed butterfly can more
results, and if the drop brings the easily be restricted by the ice
mixture temperature below freezing, build-up. This is a particular problem
the condensed water will form ice on if the engine is de-rated as in many
the surfaces of the carburettor. This piston-engined helicopters and some
ice gradually blocks the venturi, aeroplanes.
which upsets the fuel/air ratio causing c) A rough carburettor venturi
a progressive, smooth loss of power surface is also likely to increase
and slowly ‘strangles’ the engine. carburettor icing severity.
Conventional float type carburettors
are more prone to icing than pressure d) Water-cooled engine bodies tend
jet types. to cool less quickly when power is
reduced, reducing the carburettor
b) Fuel Icing icing severity. Coolant directed
Less common is fuel icing which is around the carburettor body may
the result of water, held in maintain the venturi temperature
suspension in the fuel, precipitating above freezing.
and freezing in the induction piping,
especially in the elbows formed by Note: For the sake of simplicity, in
bends. the rest of this leaflet, the term
c) Impact Ice ‘Carb Icing’ is used to cover all
Ice which builds up on air intakes, Induction Icing, and ‘Carb Hot
filters, alternate air valves etc. is Air’ includes Alternate Air.
called impact ice. It forms on the
aircraft in snow, sleet, sub-zero cloud
and rain (if either the rain or the
aircraft is below 0°C).
This type of icing can affect fuel
injection systems as well as
carburettors. In general, impact ice is
the main hazard for turbocharged

SSL 14b 2 January 2013

4 ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS b) Carb icing can occur in clear air
a) Carb icing is not restricted to and is therefore made more
cold weather. It will occur on warm dangerous by the lack of any visual
days if humidity is high, especially at warning. In cloud, the icing risk may
low power settings. Flight tests be higher but the pilot is less likely to
have produced serious icing at be caught unawares.
descent power with ambient (not c) Specific warnings of induction
surface) temperature above 25°C, system icing are not normally
even with relative humidity as low as included in aviation weather
30%. At cruise power, icing occurred forecasts. Pilots must therefore use
at 20°C when relative humidity was knowledge and experience. The
60% or more. (Cold, clear winter days closer the temperature and dewpoint
are less of a hazard than humid readings, the greater the relative
summer days because cold air holds humidity. However, the humidity
less moisture than warm air.) In the reported at an aerodrome may bear
United Kingdom and Europe where little relation to the humidity at flying
high humidity is common, pilots must altitudes. When dewpoint information
be constantly on the alert for carb is not available, assume high
icing and take corrective action humidity particularly when:
before an irretrievable situation • in cloud and fog; these are water
arises. If the engine fails due to carb droplets and the relative humidity
icing, it may not re-start (even if it should be assumed to be 100%;
does, the delay could be critical).
SSL 14b 3 January 2013
• in clear air where cloud or fog may icing builds up, rough running,
have just dispersed, or just below vibration, further loss of performance
the top of a haze layer; and ultimately engine stoppage may
• just below cloud base or between follow. The primary detection
cloud layers (highest liquid water instrument is the rpm gauge in
content is at cloud tops); conjunction with ASI and altimeter.
c) With a constant speed propeller,
• in precipitation, especially if
and in a helicopter, the loss of power
would have to be large before a
• the surface and low level visibility reduction in rpm occurs. Onset of
is poor, especially in early morning icing is even more insidious, but there
and late evening, and particularly will be a drop in manifold pressure
near a large area of water; or and a performance reduction. In this
• the ground is wet (even with dew) case the primary detection instrument
and the wind is light. is the manifold pressure gauge.
However, the lack of such indications d) In steady level flight, an exhaust
does not mean low humidity. gas temperature gauge, if fitted, may
d) The chart shows the wide range show a decrease in temperature
of ambient conditions in which carb before any significant decrease in
icing is most likely. Particular note engine and aircraft performance.
should be taken of the much greater
risk of serious icing with descent

a) Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 are
intended as a general guide to assist
you to avoid icing, but reference must
be made to the relevant sections of
the Pilot's Operating Handbook or 6 GENERAL PRACTICES
Flight Manual for specific procedures a) Some engines have electric
related to the particular airframe/ heaters which on selection directly
engine combinations. These may increase the temperature of the
vary for a different model of the carburettor body, encouraging ice to
same aircraft type. clear. A similar effect may be
b) With a fixed pitch propeller, a obtained in a liquid-cooled engine by
slight drop in rpm and performance directing the flow of coolant.
(airspeed and/or altitude) are the b) On other air-cooled engines, carb
most likely indications of the onset of icing is normally cleared by the pilot
carb icing. This loss of rpm can be selecting an alternative air source
smooth and gradual and the usual which supplies air (heated in an
reaction is to open the throttle slightly exhaust heat exchanger), which
to compensate. However, this, whilst melts the ice obstruction. This source
restoring power, hides the loss. As by-passes the normal intake filter.

SSL 14b 4 January 2013

c) Fuel injected engines generally g) If icing has caused a loss of
have an alternate air intake located power, and the hot air disperses it,
within the engine cowling via a valve re-selection of cold air should
downstream from the normal air produce an increase in rpm or
intake. Alternate air is warmed by manifold pressure over the earlier
engine heat, and does not normally reading. This is a useful check to see
pass through a heat exchanger. whether ice is forming, but does not
d) Always use full heat whenever prove that all the ice has melted!
carb heat is applied; partial hot air Carry out further checks until there is
should only be used if an intake no resultant increase, monitor the
temperature gauge is fitted and only engine instruments, and increase the
then if specifically recommended in frequencies of the routine checks, as
the Flight Manual or Pilot's Operating it may re-occur. Absence of carb icing
Handbook. should produce no increase in rpm or
e) Select carburettor body heat manifold pressure beyond that noted
whenever carb icing is likely. Hot air prior to the use of hot air.
should be selected: h) Remember, selection of hot air
• as a matter of routine, at regular when ice is present may at first make
intervals to prevent ice build-up; the situation appear worse, due to an
increase in rough running as the ice
• whenever a drop in rpm or
melts and passes through the engine.
manifold pressure, or rough
If this happens the temptation to
engine running, is experienced;
return to cold air must be resisted
• when carb icing conditions are so that the hot air has time to clear
suspected; and the ice. This time may be in the
• when flying in conditions within the region of 15 seconds, which will, in
high probability ranges indicated in the event, feel like a very long time!
the chart. i) Unless necessary, the
But always be aware that hot air, continuous use of hot air at high
while selected, reduces engine power settings should be avoided.
power, as, to a much lesser extent, However, carburettor heat should be
does body heating. This may be applied early enough before descent
critical in certain flight phases. to warm the intake, and should
f) During the cruise, carburettor remain fully applied during that
heat should be applied at regular descent, as the engine is more
intervals, to prevent carburettor ice susceptible to carb icing at low power
forming. It should be selected for long settings.
enough (at the very least 15 seconds,
but considerably more in certain
aircraft) to pre-empt the loss of
engine power or restore power to the
original level.

SSL 14b 5 January 2013

7 PILOT PROCEDURES may be necessary to carry out the
a) Maintenance run-up drill more than once to clear
Periodically check the carb heating ice which may have formed.
system and controls for proper f) Take-Off
condition and operation. Pay Ensure the engine is warm enough to
particular attention to seals which provide carb body heat if appropriate.
may have deteriorated, allowing the Take-off should only be commenced
hot air to become diluted by cold air. when you are sure the engine is
b) Start Up developing full power. When at full
Start up with the carb hot air control power and as airspeed is building,
in the COLD position. you must check that the full throttle
rpm and/or manifold pressure is as
c) Taxiing
expected. Carburettor hot air must
Although carb body heat should NOT be used during take-off unless
normally be selected ON, generally specifically authorised in the Flight
the use of carb hot air is not Manual or Pilot’s Operating
recommended while taxiing - the air Handbook.
is usually unfiltered when in the HOT
g) Climb
position. However, ice may build up
Be alert for symptoms of carb icing,
at the low taxiing power settings, and
especially when visible moisture is
if not removed may cause engine
present or if conditions are in the high
failure after take-off. If carburettor
probability ranges in the chart. Be
heat is needed – USE IT.
aware if your Flight Manual restricts
d) Ground Power Checks the use of carb heat at full power.
Select carburettor hot air fully ON for h) Cruise
at least 15 seconds. Check that
there is a significant power
decrease when hot air is selected
(typically 75–100 rpm or 3-5" of
manifold pressure) and that power is
regained (but to a level no higher
than before) when cold air is
re-selected. If the power returns to a
higher value, ice was present and
Avoid clouds as much as possible.
further checks should be carried out
(Note that few piston-engined aircraft
until the ice has cleared.
are cleared for flight in airframe icing
e) Immediately Prior to Take-Off conditions.) Monitor appropriate
Since icing can occur when taxiing engine instruments for any changes
with low power settings, or when the which could indicate icing. If a body
engine is idling, select carb hot air heat system is fitted, check it is ON
ON for a minimum of 15 seconds and whenever carb icing is possible. If a
then OFF, immediately before hot air system is fitted, make a carb
take-off to clear any build-up. If the heat check (see below) at least every
aircraft is kept waiting at the holding 10 minutes (more frequently if
point in conditions of high humidity, it conditions are conducive to icing).

SSL 14b 6 January 2013

Use full heat and note the warning of advisable.) Maintain FULL heat
paragraph 6(h), it may take 15 during long periods of flight with
seconds or more to clear the ice and reduced power settings. At intervals
the engine will continue to run of about 500 ft (or more frequently if
roughly as the ice melts and passes conditions require), increase power to
through the engine. If the icing is so cruise setting to warm the engine and
severe that the engine has died, keep to provide sufficient heat to melt any
the hot air selected as residual heat ice.
in the rapidly cooling exhaust may be k) Downwind
effective (opening the throttle fully Ensure that the downwind check
and closing the mixture control for a includes the cruise carburettor heat
while may also help). check at paragraph 6(i) above. If you
i) Carburettor heat check select and leave the heat on,
• Note the RPM/Manifold Pressure however, speed or altitude will reduce
(consider slightly increasing power on the downwind leg unless you have
beforehand to prevent a reduction added some power beforehand.
in performance during the check). l) Base Leg and Final Approach
• Apply full Carb heat for at least 15
• Return Carb heat to Cold. The
RPM/Manifold Pressure will return
to approximately the earlier
indication if there was no icing. If it
is higher - icing was present, and
may not yet be completely clear,
so repeat the check until no
Unless otherwise stated in the Pilot's
increase results.
Operating Handbook or Flight
Manual, the HOT position should be
selected well before power is reduced
and retained to touchdown. On some
engine installations, to ensure better
engine response and to permit a
go-around to be initiated without
delay, it may be recommended that
the carb hot air be returned to COLD
j) Descent and Approach
at about 200/300 ft on finals.
Carb icing is much more likely at
m) Go-around or Touch and Go
reduced power, so select carb heat
before, rather than after, power is Ensure the carb hot air is COLD,
reduced for the descent, and ideally before, or simultaneously as,
especially for a practice forced power is applied for a go-around.
landing or a helicopter autorotation, n) After Landing
i.e. before the exhaust starts to cool. Return hot air to the COLD setting
(A full carb heat check just before before taxiing, if not already set
selecting hot air for the descent is COLD.
SSL 14b 7 January 2013
• Icing forms stealthily.
• Some aircraft/engine combinations are more susceptible than others.
• Icing may occur in warm humid conditions and is a possibility at any time of
the year in the UK.
• MOGAS makes carb icing more likely.
• Low power settings, such as in a descent or in the circuit, are more likely to
produce carb icing.
• Warming up the engine before take-off improves the effectiveness of any
carb body heat.
• Use full carb hot air frequently when flying in conditions where carb icing is
likely. Remember the RPM gauge is the primary indication for a fixed pitch
propeller; manifold pressure for variable pitch.
• Treat the carb hot air as an ON/OFF control – either full hot or full cold.
• It takes time for the heat to work and the engine may run roughly while ice is
• Timely use of appropriate procedures can PREVENT THIS PROBLEM.

In the event of carb heat system failure in flight:
• Avoid likely carb icing conditions.
• Maintain high throttle settings – full throttle if possible.
• Weaken the mixture slightly.
• Land as soon as reasonably possible.

SSL 14b 8 January 2013

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