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Ladders: Up and Down

Safely Every year many people are seriously injured or killed

by falling from ladders. A large number of these
injuries can be prevented if simple safety precautions

Before using a ladder

• Select the correct ladder for the job. The ladder should be the proper size to safely reach a specific
working height.
• Make sure the ladder is rated for the working load, which includes the weight of the climber and his
• Inspect the ladder to ensure that all parts are in good condition.
• Ensure that the ladder is made of the proper material for the job (e.g., use a wooden or fiber glass
ladder, not aluminum, for electrical work).
• Get help when handling a heavy or long ladder.
• Place the ladder on a firm, level surface. Use a ladder with slip-resistant feet or secure blocking, or have
someone hold it.
• Rest both side rails on the top support, and tie them off at the top to secure the ladder.
• Keep ladders away from electrical wires.
• Set up barricades and warning signs when using a ladder in a doorway or passageway.
• Before mounting a ladder, clean muddy or slippery boot soles.
When using a ladder
• Always maintain a 3-point contact with the ladder (with hands and feet) at all times.
• Always face the ladder when ascending, descending, or working from it. Keep the center of your body
within the side rails.
• Never place a ladder horizontally like a scaffold plank or runway.
• Set the ladder at a 4:1 slope (0.3 m [1 ft] away from the wall for every 1.2 m [4 ft] of ladder height).
Make sure ladders extend a minimum of 1 m (3 ft) above the top landing point.
• Make sure that spreaders and braces on stepladders are fully extended and locked.
• Don’t carry objects in your hands. Hoist materials or attach tools to a belt.
• Remember that the highest standing level on any single or extension ladder is three rungs from the top.
• Don’t join two ladders to make a longer ladder.

Use these simple ladder safety guidelines, to keep yourself from falling down next time you climb a
For more information please refer to the Saudi Aramco Safety Handbook, page 40.

January 2009 ISSN 1319-1829

Office Safety
Most of us think of an office job as a safe job. But
this is not always true. Many incidents, such as fires,
electrical shocks, trips, slips, falls, cuts, and bruises,
LOSS PREVENTION SAFETY LETTER can happen in a seemingly harmless environment.

General office safety checklist

Here is what you can do to ensure safety in your office:

• Configure your workstation for your comfort and safety. The work surface should be wide enough to
hold your work and any computer related equipment.
• Open only one file cabinet drawer at a time to prevent the cabinet from tipping over.
• Keep desk drawers closed when not in use.
• Store supplies neatly and properly. Stack objects inside cabinets and not on top. Keep frequently used
items within easy reach.
• Clean up spills immediately.
• Keep aisles, passageways, stairways, and emergency exits clear of obstructions at all times.
• Hold handrails when walking up or down the stairs.
• Report any hazards or near misses to your supervisor immediately.

Electrical safety checklist

Electrical office equipment is a potential source of fire and electrical shock. Make sure that you:

• Don’t run power cords under carpets or chair pads.

• Replace frayed or worn electrical cords promptly.
• Don’t operate or repair equipment unless you are trained to do so and have read and understood the
manufacturer’s operating instructions.


Knowing how to properly respond to an emergency could save your life:

• Participate in routine evacuation drills.

• Identify the nearest emergency exits and the designated evacuation meeting place.
• Know where fire extinguishers are located and get trained on how to use them properly.

For more information please refer to the Saudi Aramco Safety Handbook, pages 49-51.

January 2009 ISSN 1319-1829

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