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*ar &ei

E' DEiIf, ITNT iar &+, Eftqpin {rsr,sosr,

5 *ir-
ffi grnq 4r , ag ffi-tiooo2 qitm - 011232718s1, 23269s7s
DARYAGANT BRANCH, 363' /V.rrodd, New Dethi 11ooo2 Enoit:doryds@dendh.
23 2' 13 s L 2 3 2 6es ? 5r re 1elo, :2 32 ? 3 7 s'

E_Auc oa sale Nottc.

-Lrc -rdd reronrcp.opcr-i."\,,hd- .reoh.."d po-"q(o o,.o-Bdk qt.
oe +oro bJ e....ron on too-)oto ior )t.00 6M o0..00 pv,.ocd, on,-c q
uhde rq basi" rd a" is n"r . od..' .ohd ds -e or" ! or Bdk! s<
' --a a.r, "t ,"
De oflre e.du.ronrna t\.o.3h rb rf, sr..,,p qeofl.r-d.,,.
Indra-Pv Ld ud\os .hr p' .- - .,, Ot u,,g".- r"t _-6i),
4102000 (ext -.2I31

sl EMD

* e<3
E' Dl f, rAXr t{r +6, afrqFir rrsl,3631, ffir gfiIq fff, 45 fddr'110002
I ifr- & slfi - 011-232718S1, 23269575
od, N e w De t hi' 1 loo 02 En d it : d d ttr s @ d u o h d t
4 2nae 1, 2 3 2695 75, r d eld, :2 3273 75 7

T.m8 & conilitloft

1. rnterested bidders holding valid di8ltsl .ertincates e requested io register
themselves vith Oie portal d obtajn login ID rd password
2. The intending bidde.s shall hold a lelid Digiral Signature Certificaie, For delals
contact Sh.i Vinod Mob 9a13aa7931C l lndia Pr'1Ltd Udvog Vihd Phase -
2, Fist Floor Buildire No.301 OurgEon.
3. The interesi fi€e EMD shell be payable th!.xgh NEFI/RTGS in ihe account
4. only brye.s holding valid Digital Signature Cerlincate md Conlimed pa]ment
of iMD ihrough NilFr'/R'rGS shall be clrgible fo. pdticipaiing in dt online
5. lomat p.eseibed 'rhe
Bids shall be submitted rhroDgh online mode only in the
bid lom cu be doMloaded tom ht!:/ /1w.balkeaucrions com . The last
dare fd submission.l EMD & online bid (nor belo{ the Resene Pr'icc) is

6. The mouni ol EMD paid by the slccesslul bidde. shall be adjusted towads
the sale pri.e. The inter.sted bidders hay inspect ihe Propeiy at site on mv
working day sith prior appoinhent. Bidders cd improve ineir ofier in multiple
of Rs 25OOO/ (Rlpees twenty thousa.d only lt sh.ll be .esponsibnitv ol ih.
interested bidders io inspecr ed saiisry themselles aboui rhe propertv beroE
submission ol the bid,
7. lr ey ofier is .eceived within ihe 1trt 5 minutes of closins time, rhe bidding
tifte wiD be extoded autohatically by soihe. 5 minDres 3nd il no bid hiAher
ln lasr quoted highesi bid is rt.eivcd vithir the extended 5 minuies the
auction $re {ill axiomatically get closed at the expiry oa ertended 5 minutes
a. The bidder who submits tle highest bid lnoi belov the rese- e Pi.e) on closure
ol online aucrion shall be decl ed as su..esstul bidder subject lo appro%l bv
the Autho.izd Ol6ce..
9 . Don .o, tr arion o. .h, cat- -.urrclq.l prrc' 4-.5 ,r dll depoqr 15or or
.i".a" on.. t, *re"., pdidr'n_"d."'-l aa bdlr.e
d"yq rcl.'re \ i' Lh Bd( q J for'_i do-nts al'"Jd. -d bl 'n- """ -. '. pJ. '3 ,i d"l" .lL o, palrFl r- oropel
sh:I be .esold dd the delatrlting purchaser shal1 no1 have any clain/rieh!
vhatsoever in rcspe.r ol property/ mount.
lo.Where th. sa.le pnce of ine property/ies is Rs.50,00,000/ lRxPees Fifiv rEs)
dd above, $e sucesslul purchase. has ro dedud lolo oI thc sale price as TDS
in dle nme of ihe omer ol the proPerE/ies ard .emit to Inconl€. f*
hll kr ** iir +6. afrqFrJ rrftn.l6l', F_1 €,_ F"L;i ?Fn_1-0002
lg, DElf, arNa
covl. o,'ndiaEnlelplis.,
lA t r - daryao@d€ sla 0l r-2r27r89r,21269575
dd, New De|hi-I|ooo2 E oit:dot'vds@rtehnhot
2 3 27 aq, B 26 9s I s, r. I elo
1 x:2 3 2 73 75 7

Depaheni as per s€ctio, 194 lA ol Income Td Aci dd onlv 99% of rh€ s'le
h"s Lo o_ 'P-. '_o ' 'bilt
Pi'. 'o
1l.The successlul*er, on palmdi of enine sale pnce dd on comPletion.ol
sale fomarities, shall be issu€d a sa.le c€r.iEcate as pe. fomai prescribed nndd
SARFAoSI A.t & Rules, 2OO2 lh€ lur.haser shall be ihe expenses on stsp
duiy/t.osfe. chuges, fee etc 4d Reglsiraiion .hdees il dil on the Sale
t2An\ skruro '/nfl hds- r"'" dd
d,,^ ""-."1,1.,"" Lhe D'oD . J \P oo- _ or 'L' p-' ha'c.
Ihe 0r.6;or .o'r- rs ",..n
to _ '','
o \J' 'h.i o' '"r' r_o r,c Bdk
' ':n
.esenes its righs to reject my or all of th€ .rers or ac.epi for one or more
DroDenies relered r'10'
,3 10 .he be. ' o' kno* ".r dd ' or"' on or' _Aur\orraOrfi'e- 'le'_'s no
encumbr ce on ihe pr;pertt/ies. Howe!€r, the ntending bidder should mofte-
their om independ;ni i;quiries rcgedins dic encumbrsces, tide of
property/ies pu1;n alctron;d clam /isnts/ dues / a{ectins tne propertv prior
io i"oi.itti.i tt ua. rl. euction adveftisde'i does nor consritute dd
"i. "
shall not be;eened to constitute any commitmeni or dv representation ol lhe
bok. the prcperty is being sold with all existing dd luiure encumlrrmces
wueurer ti.",ir .* o the b k. The AlthorDed ofice'/seared
C.editors stull "i rot""tbe responsible in dv s%v for anv ihird ptrry
l4.Further i;qxi;es, ireJ md/ .. terms ad condiiions lor sal€ ca be obtained
from rhe aurhonzed ohce./Bran.h.
15.Th. Authorised Oficci shal nat the riBht io cocel the auction rqecl bid at


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