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Merritt College

12500Campus Drive . Oaklan4 California 94619. (510)531-4911. FAX (510)436-2405

WiseE. Allen,Ph.D

February6, 1998

To Whom It May Concern:

I have known Ms. Deborrah llatt for ten years. She worked on severaitemporary assignments
for me in the President'sOfiEceat Merritt College. In additioq sheworked at severalother
locations at the college and at our district office on various projects during the time sh€attended

Ms. Hatt possessesa high work ethnic combinedwith expert skilis which causedher to be very
much in demand. She is very reliable and hard working. She maintainsa high level of
professionalismand interasts extremely well with others. Her expertisewas in cornputer
applications, although she performed a wide variety of duties very well.

I recommendMs. Hatt for a responsibleposition without hesitation. For further information"

pleasefeel free to contact me.


Ieri L. Johnson
to the President

PeraltaCommunity CollegeDistrict
To Whom It May Concern: T
Pleasebe advisedthat DeborrahHatt hasbeenan excellent
employeeat DeserlMoon Periodicalsfor morethan 3 years.
Deborah hasdemonstrated repeatedlythat her administrative
and computerskills areexceptionaland would be beneficialto
any future employer. In addition,Deborrahrarely misseda day
of work or was late and shewas alwaysavailableto comein
after hours andon lveekendsto go the extramile.

Pleasedo not hesitateto contactrne regardingDeborrahHatt if

you wish furtherelaborationof her abilities.


1226ACALLEDE COMERCIOo SAl.fTAFE, NM E7505o (505)474-631I

l-800-5474IE2FACSIMILE(505)4744317o Elv{AIL:)ONES@I'{ETS.COM
SqntaFs, $|{: 87507,
(505) 699i-:3936. ':'


SubjecqLefi0r of Recoqnqendationfor,DeborrahHatt
To Whom It May Concern:

Deborratrwasunder my supenrisionas a bookkeeperfor approximately5 yearsfrom

1999to 20A4.Shehandledall.daily aspEctsof maintainingAccountsPay*lq, :
AccountsReceivableandPayroll.In additionto the daily routinesoDeborrah'
aswell as;ueateldspecialreportsandcost analysisrvhich aidedin cr$ting


a"a t a a a I a a a a a a a a t a a a
T{I$TilM farr-


To Whom It May Concern

Deborrah Hatt has been employed as Accounting Manager at Custom Hardware of SantaFe from
February 2004 to the present. Debonah was let go due to the unfortunate closing of Custom

Throughout the last year, Deborrah demonstratedproficient knowledge and skill in all facets of
multi-facility bookkeeping. She is tenacious, dedicated, reliable, conscientious, attentive to
detail, and a pleasureto work with. Deborrah works well independentlyand is also a valued
team player. Deborrah would be a welcome assetat any organizationfortunate enough to hire .
her, and comes with our strongestrecommendation.


General Manager

333 W CordovaRoad. SantaFe, NM 87505.505-984-0879.505-986-9081

- fax
Windows Live Hotmail Print Message PageI of 1

Letterof Recommendation
From:BrianT Boyd (
Sent: Mon 2/28111L0:50PM
To: Deb Hatt Email(

T o whom i t m a y c o n c e rn ,

Debor ah H a t.t, b e g a n w o rk i n g fo r me i n February 2005 as the fi nanci al

cont.roller for Checktech Financial Corporation until it.s sal-e Lo Banctec
Corporation rrving, Texas. In April 2006 we t.ransferred Deborah to Lhe
position of financial controller of Beverage Acquisition Corporation / owner
of T he S w i tc h B e v e ra g e C o mp a ny. S he w orked successful l y for the company unt il
May 2010 when we consolidated offices Lo The Switch corporat.e headsuarters in

S inc e t . h a t ti m e s h e h a s w o rk e d part. ti me for B T B oyd C orporati on i -nvest m ent

f ir m and m a n a g e d b o o k k e e p i n q for my fami l y ow ned. B l ack W i l l ow R anch LLC.

Debor ah i s a h i g h l y mo t.i v a t.e d , sel f, w ho i s a ful l charge noof. keeper

with strong managerial skills. r believe she will make an excell-ent addition
t . o any a c c o u n t i n g d e p a rtme n t .

Best. regards,
B r ian B o y d

PasL CEO Checktech Financial Corporat.ion Santa F€, New Mexico

P as t E x e c u ti v e C h a i rma n a n d CE O B everage A cqui si t,i on C orporaLi on Fort.

Worth, Texas

Managing Partner B. T. Boyd corporation Santa F€, New Mexico

Please contact me for a t.elephone reference 505 780 0033

Owner Black Wi1low Ranch Watrous, New Mexico

Sent. from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
T o W hom It Ma YC o n c e rn :

w orked as an A ccounti ngManagerfor

I hav e k n o w n D e b o rra h H a tt fo r th e p ast year_w hi l eshe
months rorrow i D
ng. eborrahtrai ned me to take her pl acea t t he
B ev er ag eA c q u i s i ti o nL L c a n o ro ri n e
state. I have been impressed by both
company after finding out it would be relocatedto a different
p"rrorrunce on the job. Her interpersonaland
Deborrah,sattitude towards her work and her
h e r to devei op producti vew orki ng rel ati onshi psw i th both me as
c om m un i c a ti o ns k i l l s h a v e a l l o w e d
D eborrah has the accounti ngknow l edgeand
her s uc ce s s o ra n d h e r c o w o rk e rsa t B everagencqui si ti on.
of her tasks, bu! to also teach
peopreskiils necessaryto not onrv understJnd the how and why
anot her i n d i v i d u a lth o s e s a m e s k i l l s '

best at her j ob, and w i l l do w hat i t takes t o

Debor r a hi s a h a rd w o rk e r. s h e i s d e termi nedto do her
pati enceand determi nati oni n teachi ngme all of
get t he j o b d o n e . In tra i n i n g me , s h e demonstrated
j ob i n a l i mi ted ti me frame. she al so w ent above and
t he t as ks th a t a re re q u i re d to u ..o rp ii rn tn" pay, after she had l eft the company'
bey ondw h a t w a s re q u e s te do f h e r b y assi sti ngme, w i thoutprobl emsand devi se vi abl e sol uti ons'Her
F ur t her m o re ,D e b o rra h h a s tn e a n a i yti calski l l s to oi agnose
my trai ni ng proves her abi l i ty to w ork well
abilit y t o re ma i n u n fl u s te re dd u ri n g i renzi ed peri odsl i re
under p re s s u re .
prease l et me know i f you need further
I highr y re c o m m e n d D e b o rra h H a tt f or emproyment.
inf or m a ti o n .

S inc er e l Y ,

Leslie KeathleY
Cont r o l l e r
BeverageAcquisition, LLC
301 Co mme rc eS t., Su i te 1 6 0 0
Fort Worth, TX 76LAz
817. 87 0 .2 3 6 4

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