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Introduction To


Map of Turkey

Flag of Turkey

Turkey is located at the southwestern extremity of Asia and the southeastern extremity of
Europe. It forms a natural geographic bridge between the old world continents of Asia,
Africa and Europe.

Turkey is situated between 36-42º north latitudes and 26-45º east longitudes. It is
bordered on the west by Greece and Bulgaria, on the east by Georgia, Armenia and Iran,
and on the south by Iraq and Syria. It is surrounded by the Black Sea in the north, the
Aegean Sea in the west, and the Mediterranean Sea in the south. The Anatolian Peninsula
is the westernmost point of Asia, divided from Europe by the Bosporus and Dardanelles
Straits. Thrace is the western part of Turkey on the European continent.

Turkey’s total area covers approximately 780,580 square kilometers (301,380 square
miles). Anatolia is about the size of Texas and Thrace is about equal to the size of

Turkey is mostly a mountainous country. Mountain ranges extend in an east-west

direction parallel to the north and south coasts, and these are a principal factor in
determining ecological conditions. The Taurus Mountains border the Mediterranean with
peaks around 3,000 meters (10,000 ft). The Pontic Mountains border the Black Sea in the
north with peaks between 3,000 meters (10,000 ft) and 4,000 meters (13,000 ft). Mount
Ararat (5,165 meters/ 16,945 ft) and Mount Suphan (4,364 m / 14,547 ft) are the two
highest mountains in Turkey which are both isolated volcanoes in the east of the country.
Anatolia’s inland is mainly high, flat and dry plateau.

The variety of the geography and location of the mountains creates the possibility for the
four seasons to exist during the year. The climate is mild in the coastal regions due to the
influence of the sea. The central regions are sealed from the sea by the mountain ranges
and demonstrate continental climate characteristics.

The varied landscapes of Turkey are the result of complex earth movements over
thousands of years. Therefore, it is a tectonically active region that experiences frequent
destructive earthquakes. A major earthquake occurred in 1999 and devastated a city in the
northwest region 60 miles east of Istanbul. Measured at 7.4 on the Richter scale, it was
the most powerful earthquake ever to hit Turkey and left 15,000 people dead, 23,000
injured and 500,000 homeless.

Turkey has abundant arable land; 31% of the land is rated as arable and 11.5% is used as
pasture. Eighteen percent of the arable land is irrigated and 11% of arable land is planted
with permanent crops. Turkey has 10.2 million hectares of forest and woodlands, which
corresponds to 26% of its area.

Turkey has a very long coast, a total of 7,200 kilometers (4,500 miles), along the
Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara and Black Seas. It has very active seaports such as
Iskenderun, Mersin and Antalya on the Mediterranean, the port of Izmir on the Aegean
Sea, the ports of Gemlik, Istanbul and Izmit in the Marmara region and the ports of
Samsun and Trabzon on the Black Sea. The main channel formed by the Bosporus and

Dardanelles links the Black Sea to the Mediterranean and is one of the most important
water connections in the world. The two bridges crossing the Bosporus are the longest
highway suspension bridges in the world and they connect Asia and Europe.


Meteorology Institute of
A snowy day

Turkey is a big country of a varied topography and so it has many climatic zones. While
in Eastern Anatolia you ski down the slopes, others ski on water along the Mediterranean
coast. In some provinces the temperature difference over 24 hours can be as much as 20
degrees Centigrade (68 degrees Fahrenheit).

The Aegean and Mediterranean coastal regions have cool, rainy winters and hot,
moderately dry summers, with annual precipitation ranging from 580 millimeters (23
inches) to 1,300 millimeters (52 inches). Summer begins in May and ends in mid
September. July and August are the hottest months with temperatures around 29°C (84°

The Black Sea region has a moderate climate; summers are warm and winters are mild
and the temperature range is cooler than the other coastal regions. This region has the
heaviest rainfall in Turkey, averaging 1,400 millimeters (56 inches) per year. The
swimming season in the Black Sea region is from June to early September.

Because it is blocked from the sea by Turkey’s mountain ranges, the Anatolian Plateau
has a severe continental climate, with extreme cold in the winter (reaching –40º C (-
40ºF)) and extreme heat in summer (reaching 42°C (107ºF)). There is very sparse rainfall
in summer, but snowfall in winter is heavy. Annual precipitation averages 400
millimeters (16 inches). The eastern highlands have hot, dry summers and very cold
winters with heavy snowfall.


The Bosporus Bridge view from top A local bus stop

The estimated 2004 population of Turkey was 68,894,000 with a population density of
89.4 people per square kilometer (230 people per square mile). The growth rate, which
has decreased sharply in recent decades, was about 1.1 percent per year. In 2000, 65% of
the population was classified as urban and the rate is expected to continue for the
foreseeable future. Around a quarter of the population is concentrated in the northwest
Marmara region. The southeast region, which accounts for about 10% of the population,
is the fastest growing.

Approximately 80% of the population is ethnically Turkish, and an estimated 17% are
Kurdish, mainly concentrated in the southeast. Smaller minority groups include Arabs,
Armenians, Greeks, Jews and Converts. The official language is Turkish. Minority
languages such as Kurdish, Arabic, Armenian and Greek are also in use.

Life expectancy for males is 69.7 years, and for females 74.6 years. In 2003, Turkey’s
overall literacy rate was 86.5%, but it was only 78.7% for females. Eight years of primary
education are mandatory for both boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 14. In 2001,
the enrollment of male students of those ages was nearly 100 percent. Female enrollment
was substantially lower in some rural areas. Three or more years of secondary education
are available in general, open, and vocational high schools. Below university level, about
95% of students attend public schools. However, the public system is inadequate and
therefore middle-class parents increasingly seek private education. In 2001, some 1,273
institutions of higher education that accept students by a national exam were in operation.
This limited university attendance to about 18 percent of the population in 2002.


Istanbul in the early 19th century An old street in Galatasaray, Istanbul.

Turkey's first known human inhabitants appeared in the Mediterranean region as early as
7500 BC, and the cycles of empire building, flexing, flailing and crumbling didn't take
long to kick in. The first great civilization was that of the Hittites, who worshipped a sun
goddess and a storm god. The Hittites dominated Anatolia from the Middle Bronze Age
(1900-1600 BC). But by the time Achaean Greeks attacked Troy in 1250 BC the Hittite
machine was creaking. In about 1200 BC, the Phrygians overthrew the Hittites in western
Anatolia and ruled until the seventh century BC. A Lydian kingdom, which in turn was
conquered by the Persians in 546 BC replaced the Phrygians. The Persians were booted
out by Alexander the Great, who conquered the entire Middle East from Greece to India
around 330 BC. After Alexander's death, civil war was the norm until the Galatians
(Celts) established a capital at Ankara in 279 BC, bedding down comfortably with the
Seleucid, Pontic, Pergamum and Armenian kingdoms.

Roman rule brought relative peace and prosperity for almost three centuries, providing
perfect conditions for the spread of Christianity. The Roman Empire weakened from
around 250 AD until Constantine reunited it in 324. He oversaw the building of a new
capital, the great city that came to be called Constantinople. The armies of Islam were
threatening the walls of Constantinople (669-78), having conquered from there to Mecca,
Persia and Egypt. But the Great Seljuk Turkish Empire of the 11th century was the first
to rule what are now Turkey, Iran and Iraq. The Seljuk were shaken by the Crusades and
overrun by Mongol hordes, but they hung onto power until the vigorous, ambitious
Ottomans came along.

The Ottoman Empire began as the banding together of late 13th century Turkish warriors
fleeing the Mongols. By 1453 the Ottomans under Mehmet the Conqueror were strong
enough to take Constantinople. Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent (1520-66) oversaw the
apogee of the empire: beautifying Constantinople, rebuilding Jerusalem and expanding
the Ottoman to the gates of Vienna. But few of the sultans succeeding Süleyman were
capable of great rule and the Ottoman Empire's long, celebrated decline had begun by
1585. By the 19th century, decay and misrule made ethnic nationalism very appealing.
The subject peoples of the Ottoman Empire revolted, often with the direct encouragement
and assistance of European powers. After bitter fighting in 1832, the Kingdom of Greece

was formed; the Serbs, Bulgarians, Romanians, Albanians, Armenians and Arabs would
all seek independence soon after.

The European powers hovered to disintegrate the empire while Turkey’s unfortunate
decision to side with Germany in WWI quickened the process. In 1918, the empire was
under total invasion. At this point Ottoman general Mustafa Kemal began to organize
resistance, sure that a new government must seize the fate of Turkey for the Turkish
people. The War of Independence lasted 1920-22, ending in a bitterly won Turkish
victory and the abolition of the sultanate. Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk or Father Turk)
undertook the job of completely remaking Turkish society. By the time he died in 1938, a
constitution had been adopted, polygamy abolished. Islam was removed as the state
religion; women obtained the right to vote. Atatürk remains a true hero in Turkey: his
statue is everywhere and there are laws against defaming or insulting him.

Turkey stayed neutral in WWII, and then went through the transition to a true democracy.
The opposition Democratic Party won the election in 1950. In 1960 and 1980 political
infighting and civil unrest brought the country to a halt. The military stepped in and
suspended democracy for short periods, to general relief, but at the price of strict control
and some human rights abuses. After the resumption of the democracy in 1983, Turkey
followed open market strategies and aimed at becoming a European member, which it
applied for in 1990s.


Turkey has been home for centuries to all three great revealed religions – Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam.

Ninety-nine percent of Turkey's people today are Muslim, but Istanbul is also the historic
seat of the Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarchate and still has a number of active Orthodox
Christian churches. The Roman Catholic Church maintains some churches and activities.
There are also small groups of Protestants. The Assyrian Orthodox Church, headed by a
patriarch resident in Damascus, Syria, has some active churches and monasteries in
southeastern Turkey.

Turkey has a small minority of Jews who trace their antecedents to the influx of
Sephardim from Spain and Portugal in the late 15th century. Driven out of their
homelands by the Spanish Inquisition, they found refuge and prosperity in the Ottoman
Empire. Under the Ottoman Empire, each religious community was autonomous in
domestic affairs and could apply its own religious law in its own courts.

With the coming of ethnic-religious nationalism in the 19th century, this multi-
confessional Ottoman modus vivendi was destroyed. The Ottoman system broke down to
be replaced by more or less homogeneous ethnic-religious nation states such as Armenia,
Bulgaria, Greece and Israel. By the end of the 20th century, many non-Muslim Turkish
citizens had emigrated to these or other countries, leaving only small minorities where
there once had been large, thriving communities.

Because the Turkish Republic is a staunchly secular state, the government supervises all
religious activities. Citizens are free to worship as they wish, but proselytization is not
permitted. The heads of the major religious communities—the Chief Mufti, the Chief
Rabbi and the Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarch—are officially government employees.
Pious endowments (vakif, wakf) are administered by the government, as is all religious
real property. Wearing religious garb is permitted in places of worship but prohibited in
public areas.

Selimiye Mosque in Church of St Anthony of

A synagogue
Edirne Padua


Whirling Dervishes A youngster Elderlies sitting

With its deep history and large ethnic mosaic, Turkey is a culturally rich country. The
languages, religions, art, literature, and traditions of various indigenous and migrating
cultures in this "melting pot" of history resulted in the broad cultural spectrum of modern
Turkey. There is no aspect of modern culture that cannot be connected to the history of
Anatolia. Literally described, Anatolia is one of the best locations in the world to offer a
good understanding of the concept of cultural transition.


Although modern marriages are more common in big cities, especially between partners
with higher education, the traditional arranged marriages remain the norm in the rural

The process has four essential stages:

1. The family of the groom-to-be visits the family of the bride-to-be to ask permission of
the family so that their children can get married. This process is referred to as “asking for
the girl”. The visit is usually accompanied with presents such as flowers or sweets.

2. Promise stage - the period starts with the approval of the family and lasts until

3. Engagement - formalized with exchange of rings.

4. Wedding ceremony - The couple receives a lot of gold gifts and money that the bride
wears in the party after the official ceremony. The official marriage is in front of the
notary. The couple might have a religious ceremony with a religious party if they wish.
Polygamy is very rare, prohibited by law and isn’t approved by the society. When a child
is born or is circumcised, relatives and friends hang a gold coin with a red bow on the


Many different rituals regarding death and burial have been applied in Anatolia
throughout the ages. Types of graves have differed from wooden rooms to chamber-like

Although it is difficult, death is considered a natural aspect of life. When someone dies,
the burial has to take place as soon as possible during the daytime. If it is already late
afternoon, the burial can take place the next morning. The death is declared from a
mosque minaret by the clerk, together with words from Koran, the name, funeral place
and time. Cremation is not allowed.

According to religious belief, if someone is buried without an ablution, they are not
allowed to enter heaven. Therefore the body has to be washed by authorized people, and
always men by men, women by women. The corpse is dressed in a white shroud, put in
wooden coffin covered with a green piece of cloth. The coffin is carried on people's
shoulders to a table in the courtyard outside of a mosque before prayers. While the coffin
rests guarded, people perform their regular prayers. As a last ritual, the Imam asks people
what they thought of the deceased. The answers are always positive.

Luck & Fortune

Evil eye Fortune teller Coffee fortune telling

Many people in Turkey believe in luck and fortune. Some traditions include evil eye
(nazar bonjouk), fortune telling with cards, reading palms and coffee cups.

The evil eye was traditionally a protection from the foreigners with blue eyes, but it is
more of a good luck charm now. People believe that if they have something which
another person might want, the envious person would put a curse on the thing be it a
possession, a cow, a child, etc. It is possible to see evil eyes everywhere, pinned onto
babies for “good luck” or rather to protect them from evil thoughts. They are hanged on
buildings, cars, people, etc.

A psychic tradition of reading coffee grinds has developed as a pastime particularly

among women. Turkish coffee is prepared with grounded seeds and boiled for 10 to 15
minutes. After it is consumed, the empty cup is turned upside down in the saucer, and left
for a while. Then the expert in the group examines the patterns formed inside the cup and
on the saucer and tells the fortune of the person.


Turkish cuisine is considered to be one of the three main cuisines of the world due to its
variety of recipes and its distinctive tastes. Olive oil is one of the most frequently used
ingredients. Dolma, which is a general name for olive oil based vegetables such as
eggplant, vine leaves, green peppers, and tomatoes, is stuffed with rice and spices and
served cold. Green beans, leeks and artichokes cooked in olive oil are served as main side
dishes. Cheese is a popular menu staple especially at breakfast.

Raki is the main alcoholic drink of Turkey. It is made from grapes, figs and anise and is
best when consumed along side a leisurely meal of mezes (appetizers). Börek is a flaky
Turkish pastry stuffed with cheese, vegetables or meat. The most well-known sweets
associated with Turkish cuisine are Turkish Delight and "baklava" which are typical
desserts eaten after meals.


The Turks were one of many linguistic and ethnic groups within the Ottoman Empire.
The Ottoman Turkish dialect was a mixture of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. Arabic was
the primary language of religion and religious law while Persian was the language of art,
literature and diplomacy. Ottoman Turkish borrowed vocabulary words as well as entire
expressions and syntactic structures from Arabic and Persian. Pure Turkish was used
primarily by the lower class and illiterate, it was generally not used in writing. Ottoman
Turkish, on the other hand, was the language of the educated elite, in both written and
oral communications.

When Mustafa Kemal Ataturk came to power in 1923, he instituted sweeping reforms in
Turkey. One of these reforms dealt with language. The goal was to introduce a language
more Turkish, modern, practical, precise, and easier to learn than the old language. The
two basic elements of this language reform were the adoption of a new alphabet and the
purification of the language.

The new alphabet represents the Turkish vowels and consonants more clearly that does
the old alphabet.

Composed of Latin letters and a few additional variants including ç (as in church), ş (as
in shell), and ü (as in few), it contains one symbol for each sound of standard Turkish.

The Turkish Alphabet

Guide to Pronunciation

Pronunciation of Turkish words is phonetic with all letters having the same value in every
situation. The Turkish alphabet contains all the letters of the English alphabet except for
q, x, and w. In general, most letters are pronounced about the same as in English with a
few exceptions.

The stress on Turkish words is more pronounced than in English. It usually falls on the
last syllable, although many people argue it is the first syllable. Names of places are the
exceptions where stress can be on any syllable, such as Istanbul, Marmaris, and Izmir.

Most letters in Turkish have pronunciations familiar to English speakers, but there are a
few notable exceptions.

The three iron rules of Turkish pronunciation:

1. Every letter is pronounced

2. Each letter has only one sound

3. Two or more letters are never combined to make a new or different sound (i.e., a
diphthong). (See Rules 1 and 2 above.)

Pronunciation Guide:

A, a short 'a' as in 'art' or 'star'

â faint 'yee' sound following preceding consonant, as in Kâhta (kee-YAHH-tah)

E, e 'eh' as in 'send' or 'tell'

İ, i [dotted i] 'ee' as in 'see'

I, ı [undotted i] 'uh' or the vowel sound in 'fuss' and 'plus'

O, o same as in English 'phone'

Ö, ö same as in German, or like British 'ur', as in 'fur'

U, u 'oo', as in 'moo' or 'blue'

Ü, ü same as in German, or French 'u' in 'tu'

C, c pronounced like English `j' as in `jet' and ‘Jimmy’

Ç, ç [c-cedilla] 'ch' as in 'church' and 'chatter'

G, g always hard as in 'go', never soft as in 'gentle'

Ğ, ğ - a 'g' with a little curved line over it: not pronounced; lengthens preceding vowel
slightly; you can safely ignore it—just don't pronounce it! (This is the only exception to
Rule 1)

H, h never silent, always unvoiced, as in `half' and 'high'; remember, there are NO silent
'h's in Turkish!

J, j like French `j', English `zh', or the 'z' in 'azure'

S, s always unvoiced as the s's in 'stress', not 'z' as in 'tease'

Ş, ş - [s-cedilla] 'sh' as in 'show' and 'should'

V, v a soft 'v' sound, halfway to 'w'

W, w same as Turkish 'v'; found only in foreign words

X, x as in English; found only in foreign words; Turkish words use 'ks' instead

The Places Where You'll Mess Up

English speakers are so used to the weirdness of English 'silent' letters, 'understood'
sounds, diphthongs such as 'ch' and 'sh,' and even 'silent diphthongs such as 'gh' (as in
'through'), that they make the mistake of looking for diphthongs in Turkish, where they
don't exist.

For example, the name Mithat is pronounced meet-HOT, not like the English word
`methought'. That 'th' in the middle is NOT a diphthong!

Likewise, the Turkish word mesut is pronounced mess-HOOT, not 'meh-SHOOT'.

Also odd is the Turkish 'c', which is pronounced just like English 'j'. Cem in Turkish is
pronounced just like English gem (as in gemstone). Can in Turkish is pronounced just
like English John.

The odd soft-g is not pronounced at all, though it lengthens the preceding vowel slightly.
So tura is pronounced 'toora,' but tugra is 'tooora'. (Though tura and tugra sound almost
the same, they are words for very different things: the first is a drumstick, the second is
the sultan's monogram!)

Don't worry, though. You'll probably be fine if you simply ignore the soft-g. Act as
though it weren't there. Whatever you do, DON'T pronounce it as though it were a real

Also note that 'h' is pronounced as an unvoiced aspiration (like the first sound in 'have' or
'heart', the sound a Cockney drops). You'll have to get used to pronouncing it whenever
you see it, whether it's at the beginning of a word, in the middle, or at the end. Always
pronounce an 'h'!

In English, a terminal 'h' (ie, an 'h' at the end of a word) is rarely pronounced, it's usually
'silent'. But in Turkish 'h' is ALWAYS pronounced. Your Turkish friend Ahmet's name is
pronounced ahhh-MEHT not 'aa-meht'. The word rehber, 'guide', is not 're-ber' but 'rehh-

Lesson 1
People and Geography
İnsanlar ve Coğrafya

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Simple greetings and basic introductions in Turkish
- How to greet people in formal and informal situations in Turkey
- Personal pronouns
- Possessive pronouns
- How to use the verbs “to be” and “to live” in the present tense
- Basic geographical names of Turkey.


1. Listen to these simple greetings and phrases in Turkey and repeat them after the speaker.

Hi. Hello. Selam. Merhaba.

Good Morning. Günaydın.
Good evening. İyi akşamlar.
Good night. İyi geceler.

Merhaba is the most common greeting in Turkish. You can use it any time of the day.

2. Exchange greetings with your teacher and your partner. What would you say at 7am, at 10am, at 2pm,
at 5pm, and at 10pm?

3. Familiarize yourself with personal pronouns. Listen to the audio and repeat after the speaker.

I Ben In Turkish grammar there is

you Sen no gender distinction.
he O “O” is the one-syllable
she O word used for all third
we Biz person singular pronouns
you (plural) Siz (He/She/It).
they Onlar

4. Listen to the following dialogues and repeat after the speaker. Read the dialogues in pairs.

In the morning Sabah

Tunç : Good morning! Tunç : Günaydın!
Gül : Good morning. Gül :Günaydın.

During the day Gün içinde

Şebnem: Good afternoon! Şebnem: Merhaba!
Serdar : Good afternoon. Serdar : Merhaba.
Şebnem: How are you? Şebnem: Nasılsın?
Serdar : Fine, thank you. And you? Serdar : İyiyim, teşekkür ederim. Ya sen?
Şebnem: Very well. Şebnem: Çok iyiyim.

In the Evening Akşam

Murat : Good evening, Gökhan. Murat : İyi akşamlar, Gökhan.
Gökhan : Good evening. Gökhan : İyi akşamlar.
Murat : How are you, Gökhan? Murat : Nasılsın, Gökhan?
Gökhan : Fine, thank you. And you? Gökhan : İyiyim, teşekkür ederim. Ya sen?
Murat : Fine. Good night. Murat : İyiyim. İyi geceler.
Gökhan : Good night, Murat. Gökhan : İyi geceler, Murat.

Informal Samimi
Sibel : Hi, Hülya. Sibel : Selam, Hülya.
Hülya: Hi! Hülya: Selam!
Sibel : How are you? Sibel : Nasılsın?
Hülya: Good. And you? Hülya: İyiyim. Ya sen?
Sibel : Good! Sibel : İyi!
Hülya: Bye! Hülya : Hoşçakal!

5. Using the dialogues above as a model, compose your own similar dialogues. Work in pairs or in
small groups.

In English we say: In Turkish we say:

I am American. Ben Amerikalıyım.

You are American. Sen Amerikalısın.
She is American. O Amerikalı.
He is American. O Amerikalı.
It is American. O Amerikalı.

We are American. Biz Amerikalıyız.

You are American. Siz Amerikalısınız.
They are American. Onlar Amerikalılar. (Or Onlar Amerikalı)

In English the present simple form of the verb ‘to be’ changes to am/is/are each time the subject of the sentence
changes. In Turkish we add different suffixes to the end of nouns, verbs or adjectives instead.

In Turkish there is only one word for third person singular pronouns (He/She/It): ‘O’
There is no gender distinction in Turkish grammar. For male and female we use the subject pronoun ‘O’

I am from Turkey. Ben Türkiye’liyim.

You are from Turkey. Sen Türkiye’lisin.
He is from Turkey. O Türkiye’li.
She is from Turkey. O Türkiye’li.
It is from Turkey. O Türkiye’li.
We are from Turkey. Biz Türkiye’liyiz.
You are from Turkey. Siz Türkiye’lisiniz.
They are from Turkey. Onlar Türkiye’liler.

6. Listen to the following sentences and repeat after the speaker.

1. I am Turkish.
I am from Turkey.
Ben Türküm.
Ben Türkiye’liyim.
2. He is Turkish.
He is from Turkey.
O Türk.
O Türk iye’li.
3. She is Turkish.
She is from Ankara.
O Türk.
O Ankara’lı.
4. We are Turkish.
We are from Ankara.
Biz Türküz.
Biz Ankara’lıyız.
5. You (Plural) are Turkish.
You are from Ankara.
Siz Türksünüz.
Siz Ankara’lısınız.
5. They are Turkish.
They are from Ankara.
Onlar Türkler.
Onlar Ankara’lılar.

7. Pretend you and your classmates are from Turkey. Introduce yourself and your classmates to your
friend in Turkish. Use the model below.

Ben Türküm. Antalya’lıyım. Deniz Türk. O İzmir’li. Mehmet ve Sibel Türkler. Onlar Bursa’lılar.

In Turkish, questions may start with question words or with subject pronouns depending on who starts the
conversation. If you are the one who starts the conversation and asks someone where he/she is from you can just
start the question with the question word Nereli- (From Where). Add the related ending for different subject
Singular Plural
Nereli-yim?(I) Nereli-yiz? (We)
Nereli-sin?(You /Informal) Nereli-siniz?(Formal) Nereli-siniz? (You)
Nereli- ? (S/he) Nereli-ler? (They)

If someone has already asked you where you are from and if you want to ask where that person is from then you
usually start the question with the subject pronoun Siz (You) and keep the rest of the question the same as
In this case you are stressing the element that you want to have information about.

English : ‘And where are you from?’
Turkish : Siz nerelisiniz?
There is a stress on the word ‘Siz’.

Where are you from? (Siz) nerelisiniz? (Formal)

(Sen) nerelisin? (Informal)
Where is he (she/it) from? O nereli?
Where are we from? Biz nereliyiz?
Where are you from? Siz nerelisiniz?
Where are they from? Onlar nereliler?

8. Listen to the following dialogues in Turkish. Repeat after the speaker. Follow along in your

1.Bora: I am from Istanbul.

Where are you from?
Ben İstanbul’luyum.
Sen nerelisin?
Gürkan: I am from Izmir.
Ben İzmir’liyim.
2. Ayça is from Bursa.
Ayça Bursa’lı.
Where is Turgut from?
Turgut nereli?
B. He is from Ordu.
O Ordu’lu.
3. A. I am from Mersin.
Ben Mersin’liyim.
Where are you and Banu from?
Sen ve Banu nerelisiniz?
B. We are from Kayseri.
Biz Kayseri’liyiz.
4. A. Kaan is from Rize.
Kaan Rize’li.
Where are Cihan and Selin from?
Cihan ve Selin nereli?
B. They are from İsparta.
Onlar İsparta’lı.

9. Role-play the dialogues above using the map of the Turkey.

Sometimes to answer questions we use a short answer such as just Yes or No.
For example: The short answer to the question ‘İstanbul’lu musun?’ (Are you from Istanbul?) is either Evet or
Hayır (Yes or No).
The full answer is: Evet, ben İstanbul’luyum. (Yes, I am from Istanbul.)
or Hayır, ben İstanbul’lu değilim. (No, I am not from İstanbul.)

Sometimes we use some other words when we answer some Yes / No questions. We can say that they function
as alternative short forms.

Evet, oralıyım. ( Yes, I am from there.)

Hayır, oralı değilim. (No. I am not from there.)

We can understand from the endings of the words oralı- (from there), değil- (not) who is from somewhere or
who is not from there.
Following is the set of the word endings we use with the word ‘oralı’ to point out how word endings help us
identify the subject pronoun in any word, phrase or sentence in Turkish.
oralı-yım (I am from there.) oralı değil-im (I am not from there.)
oralı-sın (You are from there.) oralı değil-sin (You are not from there.)
oralı-… (S/he is from there.) oralı değil-… (S/he is not from there.)
oralı-yız (We are from there.) oralı değil-iz (We are not from there.)
oralı-sınız (You (plural) are from there.) oralı değil-siniz (You are not from there.)
oralı-lar (They are from there.) oralı değil-ler (They are not from there.)

Am I from (İzmir)? Yes, I am. No, I am not.

Ben(İzmir)’li miyim? Evet, (oralıyım). Hayır,(oralı) değilim.

Are you from (İsparta)? Yes, you are. No, you are not.
Sen(İsparta)’lı mısın? Evet, (oralısın). Hayır, (oralı) değilsin.

Is he from (Yalova)? Yes, he is. No, he is not.

O (Yalova)’lı mı? Evet, (oralı). Hayır,(oralı) değil.

Is she from (Ankara)? Yes, she is. No, she is not.

O (Ankara)’lı mı? Evet, (oralı). Hayır,(oralı) değil

Is it from (Antalya)? Yes, it is. No, it is not.

O (Antalya)’lı mı? Evet, (oralı). Hayır,(oralı) değil.
Are we from Sinop? Yes, we are. No, we are not.
Biz (Sinop)’lu muyuz? Evet, (oralıyız). Hayır, (oralı) değiliz.

Are they from Van? Yes, they are. No, they are not.
Onlar(Van)’lı mı? Evet, (oralılar). Hayır, (oralı) değiller.

10. Read the following dialogues and role-play them.

1. A. Are you from Turkey? Sen Türkiye’limisin?

B. Yes, I am. Evet, (oralıyım).

2. A. Are you from Ankara? Sen Ankara’lı mısın?

B. No, I am not. I am from İzmir. Hayır, (değilim). Ben İzmir’liyim.

3. A. Is Gökhan from Turkey? Gökhan Türkiye’li mi?
B. Yes, he is. Evet, (oralı).

4. A. Are Ali and Canan from Aydın? Ali ve Canan Aydın’lı mı?
B. Yes, they are. Evet, (oralılar).

The most common titles used in Turkey are Bey (for men) and Hanım (for women).
We use these titles after people’s first names not after people’s last names.
People working at the same school, company, office, etc., usually call each other using these titles.
You should use these titles especially with people who are older than you.

In Turkish there are formal and informal introductions. Formal introductions are more common in big cities and
especially among people who have professions.

Formal Introductions:
Introducing yourself to somebody and asking his/her name:
A. Merhaba, adım Tunç. Sizin adınız ne? (Hello, my name is Tunç. What’s your name?)
B. Benim adım Mert. (My name is Mert.)
A. Memnun oldum Mert Bey. (Nice to meet you Mert.)
B. Ben de memnun oldum. (Nice to meet you too.)

Informal Introductions:
Especially when introducing yourself to somebody of your age or younger and asking his/her name:
A. Merhaba, benim adım Kerem. Senin adın ne? (Hello, my name is Kerem. What’s your name?)
B. Benim adım Sinan.(My name is Sinan.)
A. Memnun oldum Sinan. (Nice to meet you Sinan.)
B. Ben de memnun oldum Kerem. (Nice to meet you too.)


What is your name? Adınız ne? What is your name? Sizin adınız ne?
My name is Can. Benim adım Can. My name is Alper Benim adım Alper
Karabulut. Karabulut.

Although Turkish has equivalent possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns as in English, most of the time
they are omitted as the person is already expressed by the suffixes in the nouns, adjectives and verbs.
Notice that in the examples below each time both Turkish forms are presented. The first form is usually used
when there is an emphasis on the possessive pronouns.


Turkish English
Benim adım Gül. My name is Gül.
Or Adım Gül.

Sizin adınız ne? What’s your name?

Or Adınız ne?

Onun evi çok büyük. His house is very big.

Or Evi çok büyük.

Bizim ülkemiz çok güzel. (ülke=country) Our country is very nice.

Or Ülkemiz çok güzel.

The use of possessive pronouns in Turkish is similar to the use of possessive pronouns in English.


A: Benim arabam ucuz. (My car is cheap.)

B: Benimki pahalı. (Mine is expensive.)
A: Onlarınki daha pahalı. (Theirs is more expensive.)
Refer to the following table for possessive adjectives and pronouns in Turkish.

Subject Possessive Possessive

Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns

I Ben My Benim Mine Benimki

You Sen Your Senin Yours Seninki
He O His Onun His Onunki
She O Her Onun Hers Onunki
It O Its Onun Its Onunki
We Biz Our Bizim Ours Bizimki
You Siz Your Sizin Yours Sizinki
They Onlar Their Onların Theirs Onlarınki

What is her name? Onun adı ne? What is his name? Onun adı ne?
Her name is Derya. Onun adı Derya. His name is Umut Onun adı Umut.

11. Listen to the following dialogue and repeat after the speaker.

A. Good morning!
B. Good morning!
A. My name is Mesut.
What is your name?
Benim adım Mesut.
Sizin adınız ne?
B. My name is Ayşe.
Benim adım Ayşe.
A. Nice to meet you, Ayşe.
Memnun oldum, Ayşe.
B. Nice to meet you, Mesut.
Memnun oldum, Mesut.

12. Work in pairs or in small groups. Look at the pictures and make up similar dialogues.

In Turkish we add –mek or –mak to the base form of the verb to make the infinitive forms of the verbs.
Whether a verb takes –mek or –mak depends on the last vowel of the base form of the verb.
There are two main groups of vowels in Turkish: short vowels ( e, i, ö, ü)
long vowels (a, ı, o, u)
If the the vowel in the base form of the verb is a long vowel the ending will be –mak.
If the vowel in the base form of the verb is a short vowel the ending will be –mek.
For example: The base form for the verb ‘yaşamak’ is yaşa- As the last vowel is a long vowel (a), the ending
will be –mak.
Another example:
The base form of the verb ‘görmek’ is gör-.
We know that the last vowel is a short vowel (ö), thus the ending will be –mek.

Question: Soru:

Where do you live? (Sen) Nerede yaşıyorsun? (informal)

(Siz) Nerede yaşıyorsunuz? (formal)
Where does s/he live? (O) nerede yaşıyor?
Where do we live? (Biz) nerede yaşıyoruz?
Where do they live? (Onlar) nerede yaşıyorlar?

Do you (plural) live in Antalya? (Siz) Antalya’da mı yaşıyorsun?

Does s/he live in Antalya? (O) Antalya’da mı yaşıyor?
Do we live in Antalya? (Biz) Antalya’da mı yaşıyoruz?
Do they live in Antalya? (Onlar) Antalya’da mı yaşıyorlar?

Short: Kısa cevap:

In Istanbul. Istanbul’da.

Full answers: Uzun cevap:

I live in İstanbul. Ben Istanbul’da yaşıyorum.
S/he live in İstanbul. O Istanbul’da yaşıyor.
We live in İstanbul. Biz İstanbul’da yaşıyoruz.
They live in İstanbul. Onlar İstanbul’da yaşıyorlar.

13. Listen to the following statements and repeat after the speaker.

My name is Doruk. His name is Bora.

Benim adım Doruk. Onun adı Bora.
I live in Adana. He lives in Ankara.
Ben Adana’da yaşıyorum. O Ankara’da yaşıyor.

We live in Istanbul. They live in Mersin.
Biz İstanbul’da yaşıyoruz. Onlar Mersin’de yaşıyorlar.

14. Read the following sentences. Translate them into English. Check your translation with the
answer key.

Orhan İstanbul’da yaşıyor.

Sen Ankara’da mı yaşıyorsun? Evet, orada yaşıyorum.
Hülya Mersin’de yaşamıyor.
Sen nerede yaşıyorsun? Ben İzmir’de yaşıyorum.
Ayşegül ve Mert nerede yaşıyorlar? Onlar İskenderun’da yaşıyorlar.

15. Listen to the following dialogue and repeat after the speaker. Follow along in your workbook.
Make up a similar dialogue. Work in pairs or in small groups.

A. Hello. Merhaba.
B. Hello. Merhaba.
A. My name is Ayşe. Benim adım Ayşe.
What is your name? Senin adın ne?
B. My name is Bora. Benim adım Bora.
A. Nice to meet you, Bora. Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum Bora.
B. Nice to meet you, Ayşe. Ben de memnun oldum Ayşe.
A. I live in İzmir. Where do you live? Ben İzmir’de yaşıyorum. Sen nerede yaşıyorsun?
B. I live in Mersin. Ben Mersin’de yaşıyorum.

16. Imagine that you are new to the class. Ask your partner about the rest of the students (their names
and where they live). Use the model below. Work in pairs or in small groups.

A. Onun adı ne?
B. Onun adı Onur.
A. O nerede yaşıyor?
B. O Adana’da yaşıyor.

17. What is the question? Read the answers below and reproduce the questions in Turkish. Check the
answer key for some examples.

1. ____________________________?
Hayır, oralı değilim. Ben İstanbul’luyum.

2. ____________________________?
Evet, ben Samsun’da yaşıyorum.

3. ____________________________?
Evet, o Zonguldak’lı.

4. ____________________________?
Evet, o Van’da yaşıyor.

5. ____________________________?
Hayır, o oralı değil. O Bursalı.

6. ____________________________?
Evet, benim adım Nur.

7. ____________________________?
Hayır, o Mustafa Bey değil.

8. ____________________________?
Evet, ben Urfa’lıyım.

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Read the following sentences and translate them from English into Turkish.

A. My name is Tansu. I am from Isparta.

B. Do you live in İskenderun? Yes.
C. His name is Can. He lives in Diyarbakır.
D. We are from Van.
E. My name is Mert. I am from Şırnakç
F. His name is Bora. He lives in Bursa.
G. Her name is Selin. She lives in Samsun.
H. What is your name? My name is Tarık.

2. Pretend that you are at a party. Introduce yourself to other people and ask them their names,
where they are from, and where they live. Work in pairs or in small groups. Use the model below.


A. Merhaba, benim adım Önder. Ben Türkiye’liyim. Sen

B. Ben de Türkiye’liyim.
A. Ben de Türkiye’liyim.
B. Ben İstanbul’da yaşıyorum. Sen nerede yaşıyorsun?
A. Ben Antalya’da yaşıyorum.

3. Introduce your friend to your classmates. Use the model below.


Onun adı Önder.

O Türkiye’li.
O Türk.
O Antalya’da yaşıyor.

Vocabulary List
Hello Merhaba
Hi Selam
Good morning Günaydın
Good evening İyi akşamlar
Good night İyi geceler
Good-bye Hoşçakal
How are you? Nasılsın?
Fine/ very well İyi / Çok iyi
Thank you Teşekkür ederim
You are welcome Birşey değil
Nice to meet you. Memnun oldum.
My name is … Benim adım…
I Ben
He O
She O
You Siz(formal) Sen(informal)
We Biz
You (plural) Siz(çoğul)
They Onlar
To live in …de/da yaşamak
No Hayır
Yes Evet
To be (bir durumda) bulunmak, olmak
In English it is: am/is/are
In Turkish it is formed by adding
endings to the nouns, verbs or
I am a student. Ben öğrenciyim.
She is a student. O öğrenci.
We are students. Biz ögrenciyiz.
They are students. Onlar öğrenciler.
To be from …lı/li/lu/lü olmak
I am from Ankara. Ben Ankaralıyım.
We are from İzmir. Biz İzmir’liyiz.
They are from İskenderun. Onlar İskenderun’lular.
Where are you from? (Sen) nerelisin?
What is your name? (Senin) adın ne?
Where do you live? (Sen) nerede yaşıyorsun?
Mine Benimki
Yours Seninki
His Onunki
Hers Onunki
Ours Bizimki
Yours Sizinki
Theirs Onlarınki

Exercise 14.

1. Orhan lives in İstanbul.

2. Do you live in Ankara? Yes, I do.
3. Hülya does not live in Mersin.
4. Where do you live? I live in İzmir.
5. Where do Ayşegül and Mert live? They live in İskenderun.

17. Your questions should be similar in grammatical form to those below although some city and people
names may be different.

1. Siz Adana’lı mısınız?(formal)

Sen Adana’lı mısın? (informal)
2. Siz Samsun’da mı yaşıyorsunuz?(formal)
Sen Samsun’da mı yaşıyorsun? (informal)
3. O Zonguldak’lı mı?
4. O Van’da mı yaşıyor?
5. O İsparta’lı mı?
6. Senin adın Nur’mu?
7. O Mustafa bey mi?
8. Siz Urfa’lı mısınız?(formal)
Sen Urfa’lı mısın? (informal)

End of Lesson Exercise 1

A. Benim adım Tansu. Ben İsparta’lıyım.

B. Sen İskenderun’da mı yaşıyorsun? Evet.
C. Onun adı Can. O Diyarbakır’da yaşıyor.
D. Biz Van’lıyız.
E. Benim adım Mert. Ben Şırnak’lıyım.
F. Onun adı Bora. O Bursa’da yaşıyor.
G. Onun adı Selin. O Samsun’da yaşıyor.
H. Senin adın ne? Benim adım Tarık.

Lesson 2
Living and Working
Yaşam ve Çalışma

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Typical housing arrangements of most people living in Turkey
- Using “or” in questions about living arrangements and professions
- The verb “to have” in the present tense
- Names of professions (singular and plural forms).

In Turkey the majority of the population lives in big cities in apartments. There are several reasons for this.
First, people prefer residential areas which are closer to the city and have facilities such as green parks, security
guards, convenient location near city facilities and services, etc. Second, houses are usually more expensive
compared to apartments. The price of an apartment varies depending on the amenities. Today, most modern
apartments have two or three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a full bathroom and an eastern toilet. Also,
most apartments have at least one or two balconies.

A lot of Turkish people work at paid jobs while many others have their own small businesses, such as
restaurants, cafes or workshops.

In big cities most people use public transportation. Buses are the most commonly used form of public
transportation. Taxis are another option for getting around cities.

1. Look at the pictures below and listen to the words. Repeat the words after the speaker.

apartment apartment building room house

apartman dairesi apartman oda müstakil ev

military camp tent barracks hotel

askeri kamp çadır kışla otel

2. Match the Turkish words on the left with their English equivalents on the right. Replay the audio
from the previous section if necessary.

Çadır Hotel

Oda Tent

Müstakil Ev Barracks

Apartman dairesi Room

Otel Military camp

Apartman House

Kışla Apartment

Askeri kamp Apartment building

3. Read the following sentences and translate them into English. Check your work with the answer key.

1. İbrahim askeri bir kampta çadırda yaşıyor.

2. Salih Bey küçük bir apartmanda yaşıyor.
3. Onur ve Burcu Ankara’da büyük müstakil bir evde yaşıyorlar.
4. Levent bir otelde yaşıyor.
5. Serdar ve Mert kışlada yaşıyorlar.
6. Bora ve ben kendi evimizde yaşıyoruz.

4. Listen to the following dialogues and repeat after the speaker. Follow along in your workbook.
Then, make up similar dialogues. Work in pairs or in small groups.

1. A. I live in a big house. Where do you live? B. I live in a tent in a military camp.
Ben büyük müstakil bir evde yaşıyorum. Siz nerede Ben askeri kampta bir çadırda
yaşıyorsunuz? yaşıyorum.

2. A. Mesut lives in the hotel. Where does Ayla live? B. Ayla lives in an apartment building.
Mesut bir otelde yaşıyor. Ayla nerede yaşıyor? Ayla bir apartmanda yaşıyor.

3. A. We live in the barracks. Where do Mesut and Ayla B. They live in the military camp.
live? Onlar askeri bir kampta yaşıyorlar.
Biz kışlada yaşıyoruz. Mesut ve ayla nerede

In English when we express location we use prepositions (at, in, on, etc.). In Turkish, we add certain suffixes
(-de / -da / -ta / -te) to nouns to express location.
Use the suffix -de with nouns that end with a front vowel (e, i, ö, ü) and use the suffix -da with nouns that
end with a back vowel (a, ı, o, u).
the noun endswe
when with one of
express these consonants:
location, -f, -s, -t, -k, -ç,
we use prepositions(at, in,-ş, -h, -p:
on…). In Turkish, we add certain suffixes (-de
Use the suffix –te with the
/-da) to the nouns to express location. words ending with a front vowel.
Use the Usesuffix –ta with
the suffix -dethe words
with endingend
the nouns with a back
with vowel.
a front vowel (e, i, ö, ü) and, use the suffix -da with
Examples: the nouns end with a back vowel(a, ı, o, u).
Noun If the noun ends with oneSuffix Suffixed-f,word
of these consonants: -s, -t, -k, -ç, -ş, -h, -p
Ev (house) Use suffix –te with the words -de ending with Evde (At home)
a front vowel.
Şehir (city) Use suffix –ta with the words -de ending with Şehirde
a back(Invowel.
the city)
Çadır (tent) Examples: -da Çadırda (In a tent)
Apartman (apartment
Noun building) -da Apartmanda (In
Suffix an apartment
Suffixed word building)
Sınıf (classroom)
Ev (house) -ta sınıfta (In theEvde
- de classroom)
(At home)
Otobüs (bus) Şehir (city) -te otobüste
-de (In the bus) (In the city)
Çadır (tent) -da Çadırda (In a tent)
Also, use an apostrophe when you add
Apartman (apartment building)a suffix to a proper
-da noun. Apartmanda (In an apartment building)
Example: İstanbul’da (In Istanbul), Ankara’da (In Ankara), İzmir’de (In İzmir), etc.

To build a choice question in the pattern (… or …?), we use the pattern -mı yoksa ...-mı …?
Kışlada mı yoksa askeri kampta mı yaşıyorsunuz?
(Do you live in the barracks or in the military camp?)
Otelde mi yoksa müstakil bir evde mi yaşıyorsunuz?

All question suffixes are written separately.

If the last vowel the question suffix Examples:

in the word is will be
-a / -ı, -mı kışlada mı yoksa çadırda mı? (barracks or tent?)
-o / -u -mu doctor mu yoksa çocuk mu? (doctor or child?)
-e / -i -mi ev mi yoksa otel mi? (house or hotel?)
-ö / -ü -mü şoför mü yoksa müdür mü? (driver or manager?)

5. Read the following dialogues and translate them into English. Check your translations with the
answer key. Make up similar dialogues using the words below. Work in pairs or in small groups.

1. A.Müstakil bir evde mi yoksa apartman dairesinde mi yaşıyorsunuz?

B. Müstakil bir evde yaşıyorum.

2. A. Onlar bir otelde mi yoksa bir apartmanda mı yaşıyorlar?

B. Onlar bir apartmanda yaşıyorlar.

6. Compose choice questions using the model and the words below. Check your work with the answer

Model: Sen bir çadırda mı yoksa kışlada mı yaşıyorsun?

Sen çadır / kışla

Onlar otel / müstakil ev
O apartment dairesi / askeri kamp
O oda / müstakil ev
Biz apartman / otel

7. Listen to the speaker and circle the words you hear. Check your work with the answer key.

1. barracks tent
2. house apartment building
3. military camp room
4. apartment hotel

The verb ‘to have’

The verb ‘to have’ literally in Turkish is ‘sahip olmak’. However, it is not the verb that is used to express
possession. To show possession in Turkish we use suffixes.

Possessive Suffixes in Turkish

In Turkish there are suffixes that we use at the end of words that tell us to whom something belongs.
Following are the rules and a table of possessive suffixes.
According to the ‘vowel harmony’ rule in Turkish grammar, if the last vowel in a word is a front vowel (e, i, ö,
ü), we use a suffix with a front vowel. If the last vowel is a back vowel (a, ı, o, u), we use a suffix with a back
vowel. (There are exceptions with the word adapted into Turkish from other languages but we will study these
in another lesson.)

Benim bir arabam var. SUFFIXATION (Ben-im) bir (araba + m ) var. .(I have a car.)
Benim bir çadırım var. SUFFIXATION (Beni-im) bir (çadır + ım ) var. .(I have a tent.)

Actually the word ‘var’ means ‘there is’ and the structure above simply means that ‘There is (something) and
it belongs to (me/you/him/her/us/you/they).

The word ends The word ends Ben-im Sen-in O-nun Biz-im Siz-in Onlar-ın
with a vowel with a consonant (I have) (You have) (S/he has) (We have) (You have) ( They have)

-a / -ı -m -ım araba-m araba-n araba-sı araba-mız araba-nız araba-ları

-n -ın çadır-ım çadır-ın çadır-ı çadır-ımız çadır-ınız çadır-ları
-sı -ı
-mız -ımız
-nız -ınız
-ları -ları
-e / -i -m -im daire-m daire-n daire-si daire-miz daire-niz daire-leri
-n -in ev-im ev-in ev-i ev-imiz ev-iniz ev-leri
-si -i
-miz -imiz
-niz -iniz
-leri -leri

-o / -u -m -um radyo-m radio-n radyo-su radyo-muz radyo-nuz radyo-ları

-n -un balkon-um balkon-un balkon-u balkon-umuz balkon-unuz balkon-ları
-su -u
-muz -umuz
-nuz -unuz
-ları -ları

-ö / -ü -m -üm öykü-m öykü-ün öykü-sü öykü-müz öykü-nüz öykü-leri

-n -ün gül-üm gül-ün gül-ü gül-ümüz gül-ünüz gül-leri
-sü -sü
-müz -ümüz
-nüz -ünüz
-leri -leri

The Turkish nouns used above mean:

araba (car), çadır (tent), apartman dairesi (apartment), ev (house), radyo (radio), balkon (balcony), öykü (story), gün (day)

I have a house. (Ben-im) bir ev-im var.

You have a house. (Siz-in) bir ev-iniz var. (Formal) (Sen-in) bir ev-in var. (Informal)
He/she has a house. (On-un) bir ev-i var.
We have a house. (Biz-im) bir ev-imiz var.
You have a house. (Siz-in) bir ev-iniz var.
They have a house. (Onlar-ın) bir ev-i var.

8. Listen to the following sentences and repeat after the speaker. Follow along in your workbook.

1 I have a house in Muğla. Benim Muğla’da bir evim var.

2 We have a room in an apartment building. Bizim bir apartmanda bir odamız var.
3. Cem has an apartment in İzmir. Cem’in İzmir’de bir apartman dairesi var.
4. Umut and Gül have their house in İskenderun. Umut ve Gül’ün İskenderun’da bir evi var.

9. Make up sentences using the pattern to show possession.

Model: Benim bir apartman dairem var.

(I have an apartment.)

Ben-im bir ev-im / apartman-ım / oda-m var.

Sen-in bir ev-in / apartman-ın / oda-n var.
O-nun bir ev-i / apartman-ı / oda-sı var.
O-nun bir ev-i / apartman-ı / oda-sı var.
O-nun br ev-i / apartman-ı / oda-sı var.
Biz-im bir ev-imiz / apartman-ımız / oda-mız var.
Onlar-ın bir ev-i /apartman-ı / odası var.

In Turkey many people prefer having a government job. Although most government jobs are not well paid,
people think they are more secure and stable. Lots of people work as laborers, nurses, clerks, police officers,
teachers, or doctors.
Although the country is becoming more technology-based and new jobs have been created in big cities, the
farming industry still has an important role in the Turkish economy.

10. Listen to the new vocabulary related to professions and repeat after the speaker.

Profession Meslek
Doctor Doktor
Nurse Hemşire
Laborer İşçi
Teacher Öğretmen
Student Öğrenci
Soldier Asker
Mechanic Teknisyen
Farmer Çiftçi
Police Officer Polis Memuru
Waitress / Waiter Garson
Interpreter Tercüman

11. Circle the more likely profession of the two choices under the photo.

Hemşire mi yoksa öğretmen mi? Police memuru mu yoksa çiftçi mi?

Garson mu yoksa doctor mu? Asker mi yoksa tercüman mı?

12. Match the Turkish words on the right with their English equivalents on the left. Check your work
with the answer key.

1. Profession A. Garson
2. Doctor B. Çiftçi
3. Nurse C. Tercüman
4. Laborer D. Meslek
5. Teacher E. Hemşire
6. Student F. Polis memuru
7. Soldier G. Doktor
8. Mechanic H. İşçi
9. Farmer I. Öğrenci
10. Police Officer J. Asker
11. Waitress K. Teknisyen
12. Interpreter L. Öğretmen

The rule to make nouns plural is quite easy. There are two main suffixes that we use to make nouns plural:
-ler / -lar
The question might be when to use which one. There is a simple rule to follow:
If the last vowel of the word is a back vowel a / ı / o /u use –lar to make the word plural.
If the last vowel of the word is a front vowel e / i /ö /ü use –ler to make the word plural.

Meslek (Profession) Meslek-ler (Professions)
Doktor (Doctor) Doktor-lar (Doctors)
Hemşire (Nurse) Hemşire-ler (Nurses)
Garson (Waiter/Waitress) Garson-lar (Waiters/Waitresses)

13. Listen to the plural form of nouns related to the names of professions, and repeat after the

Profession Professions
Meslek Meslekler
Doctor Doctors
Doktor Doktorlar
Nurse Nurses
Hemşire Hemşireler
Laborer Laborers
İşçi İşçiler
Teacher Teachers
Öğretmen Öğretmenler
Student Students
Öğrenci Öğrenciler
Soldier Soldiers
Asker Askerler
Mechanic Mechanics
Teknisyen Teknisyenler
Farmer Farmers
Çiftçi Çiftçiler
Police officer Police officers
Polis memuru Polis memurları
Waitress Waitresses
Garson Garsonlar
Interpreter Interpreters
Tercüman Tercümanlar

14. Listen to the speaker and put a circle around each word you hear. Replay the audio as many
times as you need. Check your answers with the answer key.

A. He is a mechanic / farmer.
B. They are teachers / doctors.
C. She is an interpreter / student.
D. They are police officers / soldiers.

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Give a brief introduction of yourself, listing your name, where you are from, where you live, and what
your occupation is in Turkish.

Model: Benim adım Ebru. Ben Türküm. Türkiye’liyim. İstanbul’da yaşıyorum. Öğretmenim. Bir apartman
dairesinde yaşıyorum.

2. Listen to the recording and circle all the professions you hear. Check your work with the answer

A. 1. waitress
2. police officer
3. interpreter

B. 1. nurse
2. teacher
3. farmer

C. 1. doctor
2. nurse
3. student

3. Reproduce the questions to the following answers. Check you work with the answer key.

1. ____________________?
Benim adım Ali.
2. ____________________?
Ben Turkiye’liyim.
3. ____________________?
Evet, ben İstanbul’da yaşıyorum.
4. ____________________?
Benim bir evim yok. Apartman dairem var.
5. ____________________?
Evet, ben bir teknisyenim.

Vocabulary List
Apartment Apartman dairesi
Apartment building Apartman
Barracks Kışla
Military camp Askeri kamp
House Müstakil ev
Tent Çadır
Room Oda
Big Büyük
Small Küçük
Profession Meslek
Farmer Çiftçi
Doctor Doktor
Nurse Hemşire
Laborer İşçi
Teacher Öğretmen
Student Öğrenci
Soldier Asker
Mechanic Teknisyen
Waitress Garson
Interpreter Tercüman
Police officer Polis memuru
To have Sahip olmak (Ben-im/Sen-in O-
nun/ Biz-im/ Siz-in/ Onlar-ın

Exercise 3

1. İbrahim lives in a tent at the military camp.

2. Salih Bey lives in a small apartment.
3. Onur and Burcu live in a big house in Ankara.
4. Levent lives in a hotel.
5. Serdar and Mert live in the barracks.
6. Bob and I live in our house.

Exercise 5

1. A. Do you live in a house or in an apartment?

B. I live in a house.
2. A. Do they live in a hotel or in an apartment building?
B. They live in an apartment building.

Exercise 6

Siz çadırda mı yoksa kışlada mı yaşıyorsunuz?

Onlar otelde mi yoksa bir evde mi yaşıyorlar?
O bir apartmanda mı yoksa bir askeri kampta mı yaşıyor?
O bir odada mı yoksa bir evde mi yaşıyor?
Biz bir apartman dairesinde mi yoksa bir evde mi yaşıyoruz?

Exercise 7

1. tent
2. house
3. military camp
4. hotel

Exercise 12

1. Profession D. Meslek
2. Doctor G. Doktor
3. Nurse E. Hemşire
4. Laborer H. İşçi
5. Teacher L. Öğretmen
6. Student I. Öğrenci
7. Soldier J. Asker
8. Mechanic K. Teknisyen
9. Farmer B. Çiftçi
10. Police Officer F. Polis Memuru

11. Waitress A. Garson
12. Interpreter C. Tercüman

Exercise 14

A. farmer çiftçi
B. teachers öğretmenler
C. interpreter tercüman
D. soldiers askerler

End of Lesson Exercise 2

A. 3 tercüman interpreter
B. 2 öğretmen teacher
C. 3 öğrenci student

End of Lesson Exercise 3

1. Adınız ne?
2. Nerelisiniz?
3. İstanbul’da mı yaşıyorsunuz?
4. Sizin bir eviniz mi yoksa apartman daireniz mi var?
5. Siz bir teknisyen misiniz?

Lesson 3
Days of the Week, Numbers, Ages of People
Haftanın Günleri, Sayılar, İnsanların Yaşları

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Days of the week
- Numbers from 0 to 100
- How to understand and respond to questions about what day it is
- How to find out somebody’s age and tell how old you are.

1. Listen to the days of the week and repeat them after the speaker.

Monday Pazartesi
Tuesday Salı
Wednesday Çarşamba
Thursday Perşembe
Friday Cuma
Saturday Cumartesi
Sunday Pazar

Read the days of the week several times, practicing pronunciation. Replay the audio if

2. Listen to the following dialogues and repeat after the speaker. Follow along in the
workbook. Role-play the dialogues using the names of the other days of the week. Work in
pairs or in small groups.

Pazar Pazartesi Salı Perşembe Cumartesi Çarşamba Cuma

1. What day is it today? Bugün hangi gün?

Today is Monday. Bugün Pazartesi.
2. Is today Monday? Bugün Pazartesi mi?
Yes, today is Monday. Evet, bugün Pazartesi.
3. Is today Monday? Bugün Pazartesi mi?
No, today is Tuesday. Hayır, bugün Salı.

3. Listen to the pronunciations and read the numbers from 0 to 10.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
sıfır bir iki üç dört beş altı yedi sekiz dokuz on

4. Practice using the numbers. Work with a partner and tell them in Turkish your home
and work telephone numbers, address numbers, etc.

5. Read the following dialogue. Pay attention to the numbers.

A. What is your telephone number? Telefon numarınız kaç?

B. My telephone number is (360) 984 – 0217. Telefon numaram (360) 984-0217.
A. What is your house number? Ev numaranız kaç?
B. My house number is 10456. Ev numaram 10456.

6. Role-play the dialogue with a partner using exercise 5 as a model. Pretend one of you is
a receptionist who wants to know your name, your telephone number, and your house
number. Ask each other questions and use as many numbers in your answers as you can.

7. Listen to the sentences and write down the numbers you hear. Check your work
with the answer key.

Model: Benim telefon numaram 56784 .

Numbers 11 to 19

It is easy to say the numbers from 11 to 19 in Turkish. For example, to say 11 in Turkish we
need to add one to ten (10 + 1), to say 12 we need to add two to ten (10 + 2), to say 13 we need
to add three to ten (10 + 3) and so forth.
We always say number ten (on) first and write each number separately but do not use a dash
between numbers.
Study the following examples:
on bir (11), on iki (12), on üç (13), on dört (14)

8. Listen as the speaker says the numbers 11 to 19. Repeat after the speaker.

11 eleven 11 on bir
12 twelve 12 on iki
13 thirteen 13 on üç
14 fourteen 14 on dört
15 fifteen 15 on beş
16 sixteen 16 on altı
17 seventeen 17 on yedi
18 eighteen 18 on sekiz
19 nineteen 19 on dokuz

9. Read the following numbers in Turkish.

11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 12, 14, 16, 18

Numbers 20 to 29

The rule for making numbers 20 – 29 is same for making numbers 10 – 19.
For example, we need to add one to twenty (20 + 1) to get 21, we need to add two to twenty
(2 +20 ) to get 22 and so forth. We always say the number 20 first and write each number separately but
do not use a dash between numbers.

Study the following examples:

yirmi bir (21), yirmi iki (22), yirmi üç (23), yirmi dört (24)

Actually this method is the same and applies to all numbers after the number twenty.

20 twenty 20 yirmi
21 twenty-one 21 yirmi bir
22 twenty-two 22 yirmi iki
23 twenty-three 23 yirmi üç
24 twenty-four 24 yirmi dört
25 twenty-five 25 yirmi beş
26 twenty-six 26 yirmi altı
27 twenty-seven 27 yirmi yedi
28 twenty-eight 28 yirmi sekiz
29 twenty-nine 29 yirmi dokuz

10. Read the following sentences and translate them into English. Check your work with
the answer key.

1. Benim adım Sibel. Ben İstanbul’da yaşıyorum. Garsonum. Müstakil bir evim var. Ev numaram 21.

2. Orhan bir asker. O bir apartman dairesinde yaşıyor. Onun apartman numarası 25.

3. Onun adı Sevim. O bir öğretmen. O müstakil bir evde yaşıyor. Onun ev numarası 16.

4. Bora ve Ayça’nın Antalya’da bir evi var. Onların ev numarası 14.

11. Listen to the speaker and write down the number you hear. Check your work
with the answer key.

Once you learn the numbers 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 it is very easy to say any number
between these numbers. The rule for making numbers between 30-40, 50-60, 70-80, and 90- 100
in Turkish is the same as in English. We need to add one to thirty (30 + 1) to get 31, two to thirty
(30 +2) to get 32, three to thirty (30 + 3) to get 33 and so forth.

Study the following examples:

otuz bir (31), otuz iki (32), otuz üç (33), otuz dört (34)
This rule applies to all other numbers between 40-50, 60-70, 80-90, and 90-100.

Unlike English, the number ‘one hundred’ doesn’t take ‘one’ in front of it, it is just ‘Hundred’

12. Listen to the next set of numbers. Repeat after the speaker.

30 thirty otuz
40 forty kırk
50 fifty elli
60 sixty altmış
70 seventy yetmiş
80 eighty seksen
90 ninety doksan
100 one hundred yüz

13. Read the following numbers in Turkish.

30, 31, 40, 42, 50, 53, 60, 64, 70, 75, 80, 86, 90, 97, 100

In Turkish there are two common ways of asking about age: formal and informal.
We usually use the formal way:
-when we talk to people who are older than us,
-when we do not know the people very well,
-when we want to keep a distance between ourselves and the people we are talking to.
We usually use the informal way:
-when we talk to people we know very well,
-when we talk to people we feel close to,
-when we do not want to keep a distance between ourselves and the people we are talking to.

Look at the following examples for asking somebody’s age.

Singular Subjects
(Ben)Kaç yaşındayım? How old am I?
(Siz) Kaç yaşındasınız?(Formal) How old are you?

(Sen)Kaç yaşındasın? (Informal) How old are you?
(O) Kaç yaşında? How old is s/he?

Plural Subjects
(Biz) Kaç yaşındayız? How old are we?
(Siz) Kaç yaşındasınız? How old are you?
(Onlar) Kaç yaşındalar? How old are they?

Even though we don’t use the subject pronoun at the beginning of the question we know which
subject pronoun it is by looking at the suffix at the end of the question.

14. Listen to several short exchanges asking about ages. Repeat after the speaker.

1. A. How old are you? Kaç yaşındasınız? (Formal)

Kaç yaşındasın? (Informal)
B. I am 32 years old. Ben otuz iki yaşındayım.

2. A. How old is he? O kaç yaşında?

B. He is 11. O on bir yaşında.

3. A. How old is she? O kaç yaşında?

B. She is 86 years old. O seksen altı yaşında.

4. A. Is she 34 years old? O otuz dört yaşında mı?

B. No, she is 35. Hayır, o otuz beş yaşında.

5. A. Are you 21? Siz yirmi bir yaşında mısınız? (Formal)

Sen yirmi bir yaşında mısın?
B. Yes, I am 21. Evet, ben yirmi bir yaşındayım.

6. A. What is your age? Sizin yaşınız kaç? Formal

Senin yaşın kaç? Informal
B. I am 47. Ben kırk yedi yaşındayım.

15. Tell your classmates in Turkish how old you are and ask them about their age.

16. Listen and match the age with the name. Check you work with the answer key.

1 2 3 4 5

Selda 11
Nihat 72
Meral 52
İlkay 29
Cemil 43

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Listen to the following statements in Turkish. Answer all three questions for each
statement. Pause or replay the audio as necessary until you understand the relevant

A. B. C.

1. What is his/her name?

2. How old is he/she?
3. What is his/her profession?

2. Recite the following in Turkish.

Ask what day it is.

Say what day it is today.

Ask someone’s age.

Say how old you are.

Vocabulary List
Day Gün
Today Bugün
Year Yıl
Monday Pazartesi
Tuesday Salı
Wednesday Çarşamba
Thursday Perşembe
Friday Cuma
Saturday Cumartesi
Sunday Pazar
Telephone Telefon
Number Sayı
Age Yaş
Old Yaşlı
How old are you? Kaç yaşındasınız? Formal
Kaç yaşındasın? Informal
What day is it today? Bugün hangi gün?
Today is Monday. Bugün Pazartesi?
I am 25 years old. Ben yirmi beş yaşındayım.
0 zero sıfır
1 one bir
2 two iki
3 three üç
4 four dört
5 five beş
6 six altı
7 seven yedi
8 eight sekiz
9 nine dokuz
10 ten on
11 eleven on bir
12 twelve on iki
13 thirteen on üç
14 fourteen on dört
15 fifteen on beş
16 sixteen on altı
17 seventeen on yedi
18 eighteen on sekiz
19 nineteen on dokuz
20 twenty yirmi
21 twenty-one yirmi bir
22 twenty-two yirmi iki
23 twenty-three yirmi üç
24 twenty-four yirmi dört

25 twenty-five yirmi beş
26 twenty-six yirmi altı
27 twenty-seven yirmi yedi
28 twenty-eight yirmi sekiz
29 twenty-nine yirmi dokuz
30 thirty otuz
40 forty kırk
50 fifty elli
60 sixty altmış
70 seventy yetmiş
80 eighty seksen
90 ninety doksan
100 one hundred yüz

Exercise 7

1. Benim telefon numaram 674653.

2. Benim telefon numaram 432501.
3. Benim telefon numaram 896450.
4. Benim telefon numaram 430692.
5. Benim telefon numaram 9782645.

Exercise 10

1. My name is Sibel. I live in İstanbul. I am a waitress. I have a house. My house number is 21.
2. Orhan is a soldier. He lives in an apartment building. His apartment number is 25.
3. Her name is Sevim. She is a teacher. She lives in a house. Her house number is 16.
4. Bora and Ayça have a house in Antalya. Their house number is 14.

Exercise 11

A. 10
B. 12
C. 3
D. 24
E. 5
F. 16
G. 27
H. 18
I. 29

Exercise 16

Selda is 52 years old. Selda elli iki yaşında.

Meral is 11 on Friday. Meral Cuma günü on bir yaşında olacak.
Is Cemil 30 years old? Cemil otuz yaşında mı?
No, he is 29. Hayır, o yirmi dokuz yaşında.
İlkay is 72 years old. İlkay yetmiş iki yaşında.
How old is Nihat? Nihat kaç yaşında?
He is 43. O kırk üç yaşında.

End of Lesson Exercise 1

A. His name is Serdar. He is 26 years old. He is a police officer.

B. His name is Doruk. He is 40. He is a soldier.
C. Her name is Emel. She is 44. She is a teacher.

Lesson 4
Daily Activities
Günlük Aktiviteler

This lesson will introduce you to:

- How to ask for and tell time
- Typical daily activities in Turkish
- The verbs “to go,” “to study,” “to play,” “to work,” “to watch,” “to read,” “to eat,” and
“to get up”
- The past tense of the verbs.

Grammar Note: Telling Time

It’s very easy to ask the time in Turkish.

Saat kaç? (What time is it?)

We have a formula to make telling the time just as easy.

var T geçiyor
(to) (past)

It’s (x) to (y). It’s (x) past (y).

Suffix Suffixation
Saat (y) + one of the following (x) var. Saat (y) + one of the following (x) geçiyor.
- e / -a -i
-ye / -ya -u / -ü
-yı / -yi
To say ‘It’s (x) to (y), we say Saat (y)e (x) var.
Notice how the place of ‘x’ and ‘y’ is reversed.
If the word (numerical) ends with a consonant we add –e or –a to the numerical.
Example: ● Saat beşe on var. (It’s ten to five.)
(Unlike English ‘to five’ comes first.)
● Saat dokuza çeyrek var. (It’s a quarter to nine.)

If the word (numerical) ends with a vowel we add –ye or –ya to the numerical.
Example: ● Saat ikiye yirmi var. (It’s twenty to two.)
● Saat altıya (çeyrek) var. (It’s a quarter to six.)

To say ‘It’s (x) past (y), we say Saat (y)i (x) geçiyor.
Look at the following examples how we use the suffixes for these structures.
Saat biri beş geçiyor. (It’s five past one.)
Saat ikiyi on geçiyor. (It’s ten past two.)
Saat üçü / dokuzu çeyrek geçiyor. (It’s quarter past three /nine.)
Saat altıyı / yediyi çeyrek geçiyor. (It’s quarter past six /seven.)
Saat onu yirmi geçiyor. (It’s twenty past ten.)

Remember the ‘vowel harmony’ rule.

Although the structures above are the most common way of telling time in Turkish, it is
becoming very common to tell the time as it is written in numeric form.
5:10 Saat beş on. (It’s five ten.)
3:30 Saat üç otuz. (It’s three thirty.)
10:45 Saat on kırkbeş. (It’s ten forty-five.)

1. Listen as the speaker tells time in Turkish. Repeat after the speaker.

What time is it? It is four o’clock. What time is it? It is four fifteen.
Saat kaç? Saat dört. Saat kaç? Saat dört on beş.

What time is it? It is four thirty. What time is it? It is four forty-five.
Saat kaç? Saat dört otuz. Saat kaç? Saat dört kırk beş.

What time is it? It is three twenty. What time is it? It is three forty.
Saat kaç? Saat üç yirmi. Saat kaç? Saat üç kırk.

2. What time is it? Fill in the clock faces with the correct times according to how they are
listed in Turkish below.

A. üç otuz E. on üç elli beş

B. sekiz kırk beş F. on iki
C. altıyı on geçiyor G. dört on beş
D. on bir otuz

A. B. C. D.

E. F. G.

3. Listen to the following exchanges and identify the clock time mentioned in each.
Check your work with the answer key.

A. 8:15 - 9:00

B. 9:50 - 9:15

C. 5:10 - 8:50

D. 4:13 - 4:30

E. 7: 50 - 7:10

4. Compose dialogues according to the model below. Work in pairs or in small groups.
Use the times listed below.

Model: A. - Saat kaç?

B. - Saat öğlenden sonra iki.

8:00 am, 7:15 am, 10:30 am, 2:10 pm, 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm, 12:00, 11:05

Grammar Note: Past Tense Verbs

To get the infinitive forms of the verbs in Turkish we add the suffixes -mek / -mak to the end of the
verbs. We have to follow the ‘vowel harmony’ rule. If the root of the verb ends with a front vowel (e, i, ö,
ü) we add -mek to the verb. If the root of the verb ends with a back vowel
(a, ı, o, u) then we add -mak to the verb.

Fiil kökü (Verb root) + mek / mak
Gitmek (To go)
Oyna-mak (To play)
(Bir işte) Çalışmak (To work (somewhere))
(Ders) Çalışmak (To study)
Yemek (To eat)
İzlemek (To watch)
Okumak (To read)
Kalkmak (To get up)

Suffixation of verbs to form Simple Present Tense:

● Delete the infinitive suffixes -mek / -mak
● If the root of the verb ends with a vowel add –r to the root of the verb and then add the
personal suffix. (Remember the ‘Vowel Harmony’ rule.)

Infinitive(Mastar) Verb Root(Fiil Kökü) Simple Present Form
yemek (to eat) ye (eat) ye-r-im / ye-r-sin / ye-r (I / You / He / She eat(s))
ye-r-iz / ye-r-siniz / ye-r-ler (we / you / they eat)

izlemek (to watch) izle (watch) izle-r-im / izle-r-sin /izle-r (I / You / He/ She/ eat(s))
izle-r-iz / izle-r-siniz / izle-r-ler (We/ You /They eat)

● If the root of the verb ends with a consonant, add one of the following to the root of the verb and then
the personal suffix:
-ar, -er, -ır, -ir, -ur, -ür
Infinitive(Mastar) Verb Root(Fiil Kökü) Simple Present Form
(ders) çalışmak çalış (study) çalış-ır-ım/çalış-ır-sın/çalış-ır (I/You/S/he
(to study) çalış-ır-ız/çalış-ır-sınız/çalış-ır-lar We/You/They

Kalkmak kalk kalk-ar-ım/kalk-ar-sın/kalkar/ (I/You/S/he
(to get up) (get up) kalk-ar-ız/kalk-ar-sınız /kalk-ar-lar We/You/They
get(s) up)
● The following single syllable verbs are exceptions to the above suffixation rules. While all other single
syllable verbs takes the suffixes –ar or –er, the following 12 verbs take the suffixes
-ır, -ir, -ur, or, -ür.

Exceptions to single syllable verbs:

almak (to take) bilmek (to know) bulmak (to find) durmak(to stop)
gelmek (to come) görmek (to see) kalmak (to stay) olmak (to become)
ölmek (to die) sanmak(to suppose) vermek (to give) varmak (to arrive)

● Also, the following are 5 verbs that soften their final ‘-t’ to ‘-d’ when forming Simple Present Tense:
Infinitive(Mastar) Verb Root(Fiil Kökü) Simple Present Form
gitmek(to go) git (go) gid-er-im / gid-er-sin/gid-er (I/You/S/he go(es))
gid-er-iz/ gid-er-siniz/gid-er-ler (I/You/S/he go)

The other 4 verbs are: etmek (to do), tatmak (to taste), ditmek (to shred)and gütmek (to herd).

I go Ben giderim I study Ben ders çalışırım

you go Sen gidersin you study Sen çalışırsın
he goes O gider he studies O çalışır
we go Biz gideriz we study Biz çalışırız
you go Siz gidersiniz you study Siz çalışırsınız
they go Onlar giderler they study Onlar çalışırlar

I work Ben çalışırım I watch Ben izlerim

you work Sen çalışırsın you watch Sen izlersin
he works O çalışır he watches O izler
we work Biz çalışırız we watch Biz izleriz
you work Siz çalışırsınız you watch Siz izlersiniz
they work Onlar çalışırlar they watch Onlar izlerler

I eat Ben yerim I read Ben okurum

you eat Sen yersin you read Sen okursun
he eats O yer he reads O okur
we eat Biz yeriz we read Biz okuruz
you eat Siz yersiniz you read Sen okursun
they eat Onlar yerler they read Onlar okurlar

I play Ben oynarım I get up Ben kalkarım

you play Sen oynarsın you get up Sen kalkarsın
he plays O oynar he gets up O kalkar
you play Siz oynarsınız you get up Siz kalkarsınız
they play Onlar oynarlar they get up Onlar kalkarlar
we play Biz oynarız we get up Biz kalkarız

5. Listen to the short statements that describe each activity in the pictures below.
Repeat after the speaker. Pay attention to new verbs and other new vocabulary.

Onlar basketbol oynarlar. O markete gider.

They play basketball. She goes to the market.

Onlar okulda ders çalışırlar. O hastanede çalışır.

They study at school. She works in the hospital.

O futbol oynar. Kız öğlen yemeğini yer.

He plays soccer. The girl eats lunch.

Adam bir kitap okur. Kadın televizyon izler.
The man reads a book. The woman watches television.

Grammar Note: Prepositions

In Turkish we use the prepositions ‘-de / -da’ (or –te, -ta) to express location and time.
Location: Evde (At home) Okulda (At school) Otobüste (In the bus)
Ankara’da (In Ankara) Uçakta (In the plane) İşte (At work)

Time: Eylülde (In September) Saat 10’da (At 10:00 o’clock) Dolapta (In the cabinet)

Pazar günü Pazatesi günü Salı günü
(On Sunday) (On Monday) (On Tuesday)

When we are talking about a particular day of the week, we add the suffix –ü to the and of gün (day).
This rule is valid for all days of the week. Although Turkish doesn’t have a definite article (the), the suffix –ü
functions as a definite article.

The prepositions -e /-a (or -ye /-ya*) are used to express direction.
Example :
Direction : Eve Otobüse Okula
(To the house) (To the bus) (To the school)

Hastaneye Ankara’ya Kışlaya

(To the hospital) (To Ankara) (To the barracks)

● As a general rule two vowels do not occur one after the other in the same word.
That is why the buffer letter -y is used when the word ends in a vowel.
● The buffer letter -y is only used with simple nouns which have not already been suffixed.

(Examples: Hastaneye, Ankaraya, Kışlaya)

6. Listen to the following statements in Turkish and repeat after the speaker. Follow
along in the workbook. Replay the audio if necessary.

A. The boy goes to school at 7:30. Çocuk saat yedi otuzda okula gider.
B. The man eats breakfast at seven o’clock. Adam kahvaltısını saat yedide yapar.
C. The woman watches television in the evening. Kadın akşam televizyon izler.
D. The girl studies at home in the afternoon. Kız öğleden sonra evde ders çalışır.
E. Zeynep goes to the market in the morning. Zeynep sabah markete gider.
F. Selçuk plays soccer on Friday. Selçuk Cuma günü futbol oynar.
G. I get up at 7:00. Ben saat yedide kalkarım.

7. Match the following sentences with the pictures below. Check your answers with the
answer key.

1. Ben hergün saat dokuz otuzda okula giderim.

2. Onlar saat yedide kahvaltı yaparlar.
3. Biz sabah ders çalışırız.
4. O akşam bir kitap okur.

A #______________ B #_______________

C #____________ D #_________________

8. Read the following text and answer the questions below in complete sentences in
Turkish. If you have any difficulty you may go to the answer key to check the text or the
questions in English. Check your answers to the questions with the answer key.

Baran bir öğrenci. O okulda ders çalışır. Hergün saat yedi on beşte kalkar. Saat yedi otuzda
kahvaltısını yapar. Saat sekizde okula gider. Okuldan sonra basketbol oynar. Akşam kitap okur
ve televizyon izler. Baran Cumartesi ve Pazar ders çalışmaz.

1. Baran öğretmen mi?
2. Nerede ders çalışıyor?
3. Saat yedi on beşte ne yapar?
4. Ne zaman kahvaltı yapar?
5. O saat sekizde ne yapar?
6. Ne zaman basketbol oynar?
7. Akşam ne yapar?
8. O Cumartesi ve Pazar ders çalışır mı?

9. Rearrange the following statements into a logical order for a daily schedule. Check your
work with the answer key.

1. Ben arkadaşlarımla yemeğe giderim.

2. Ben televizyon izlerim.
3. Ben okula giderim.
4. Ben akşam yemeğini arkadaşımla yerim.
5. Ben basketball oynarım.
6. Ben kahvaltı yaparım.
7. Ben evde ders çalışırım.

10. Tell your partner about your daily schedule. Use the words and word combinations
given below.

hergün kalkmak kahvaltı yapmak işe gitmek öğlen yemeği yemek

basketbol oynamak pazara gitmek kitap okumak telvizyon izlemek akşam

11. Listen to the five short statements. Circle the English statement that is the
equivalent of each Turkish statement you hear. Replay the audio as many times as you
need. Check your answers with the answer key.

1. A. I play soccer after school.

B. I play soccer after dinner.
C. I play soccer after work.

2. A. She goes to the market in the evening.

B. She goes to the market in the afternoon.
C. She goes to the market in the morning.

3. A. I go to work in the morning.

B. I go to school in the morning.
C. I go to the market in the morning.

4. A. I study at home on Saturday.
B. I play soccer at home on Saturday.
C. I eat breakfast at home on Saturday.

5. A. He watches television in the afternoon.

B. He watches television in the evening.
C. He watches television in the morning.

Grammar Note: Inflection of verbs to form Simple Past Tense

● Delete the infinitive suffixes -mek / -mak

● Add the past tense suffixes

Suffixes for singular subjects:
Subject + verb root+ past tense suffix (one of the following)
Ben (I) verb root+ (-dım, -dim, -dum, -düm)
Sen (You) verb root+ (-dın, -din, -dun, -dün)
O (He/She/It) verb root + (-dı, -di, -du, -dü)

Suffixes for plural subjects:

Subject + verb+ root past tense suffix (one of the following)
Biz (We) verb+ root (-dık, -dik, -duk, dük)
Siz (You) verb+ root (-dınız, -diniz, -dunuz, -dünüz)
Onlar (They) verb+ root (-dılar, -diler, -dular, -düler)

Example: Singular subjects Plural subjects

(Ben) oynadım. (I played) (Biz) oynadık. (We played)
(Sen) oynadın. (You played) (Siz) oynadınız. (You played)
(O) oynadı. (She/He/It played) (Onlar) oynadılar. (They played)

● Exception
If the verb root ends with one of the following consonants then ‘-d’ changes to ‘-t’

Example: Singular subjects Plural subjects

(Ben) gittim. (Biz) gittik.
(Sen) gittin. (Siz) gittiniz.
(O) gitti. (Onlar) gittiler.

Ben kalktım.
Sen kalktın.
O kalktı.

I went ben gittim I studied ben ders çalıştım.
you went sen gittin you studied sen ders çalıştın
he went o gitti he studied o ders çalıştı
we went biz gittik we studied biz ders çalıştık
you went siz gittiniz you studied siz ders çalıştınız
they went onlar gittiler they studied onlar ders çalıştılar

I worked ben çalıştım I watched biz izledik

you worked sen çalıştın you watched siz izlediniz
he worked o çalıştı he watched o izledi
we worked biz çalıştık we watched biz izledik
you worked siz çalıştık you watched siz izlediniz
they worked onlar çalıştılar they watched onlar izlediler

I ate ben yedim I read ben okudum

you ate sen yedin you read sen okudun
he ate o yedi he read o okudu
we ate biz yedik we read biz okuduk
you ate siz yediniz you read siz okudunuz
they ate onlar yediler they read onlar okudular

I played ben oynadım I got up ben kalktım

you played sen oynadın you got up sen kalktın
he played o oynadı he got up o kalktı
we played biz oynadık we got up biz kalktık
you played siz oynadınız. you got up siz kalktınız
they played Onlar oynadılar they got up onlar kalktılar

12. Read the following sentences and translate them into English. Check your translations
with the answer key.

1. Ben dün okula gittim.

2. Ben ve arkadaşlarım geçen yıl basketbol oynadık.
3. Onlar geçen hafta alışverişe gittiler.
4. Ben dün saat dokuzda evdeydim.
5. Biz dün saat altıda akşam yemeği yedik.
6. Çocuk geçen yıl okulda müzik ve matematik çalıştı.
7. Kız dün televizyon izledi.
8. Ben geçen Pazar bir kitap okudum.
9. Bir yıl önce Paris’teydim.
10. İki yıl önce Ankara’da bir evimiz vardı.

13. Complete the following sentences using the verbs located in the box below. Check your
answers with the answer key.

çalıştım oynadım (-y)dim izledim

kalktım gittim çalıştım kahvaltı yaptım

1. Ben dün saat 7:00’de _____________.

2. Ben annem ve babamla kahvaltı_______________.
3. Ben geçen Pazar günü alışverişe __________________.
4. Ben geçen Pazartesi günü basketbol _________________.
5. Ben dün televizyon____________________.
6. Ben geçen yıl otelde _____________________.
7. Ben üç yıl once okulda_____________________
8. Ben geçen hafta Kayseri’ye____________________.

14. Listen to the following dialogue and repeat after the speaker. Make up similar
dialogues using the words and word combinations given below. Work in pairs or in small

Dün ne yaptın?
Dün televizyon izledim.

Dün ne kadar süre televizyon izledin?

Bir saat.

15. Make up similar dialogues using the words and word combinations given below. Work
in pairs or in small groups.

1. dün – televizyon izlemek – bir saat

2. dün – alışverişe gitmek – iki saat
3. geçen yıl – otelde çalışmak – dört hafta
4. geçen yıl – okulda çalışmak – sekiz hafta
5. geçen pazar – kitap okumak – bir saat
6. bir yıl once – basketbol oynamak – altı hafta
7. bir yıl önce - Türkiye’de bulunmak – iki hafta

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Listen to the following statements read in Turkish. Circle the times you hear.
Check your answers with the answer key.

1. 6:30 - 5:30
2. 6:00 - 7:00
3. 9:30 - 8:30
4. 5:30 - 5:45
5. sabah - akşam
6. 6:00 - 8:00

2. Read and listen to the following text in Turkish. Put T (True) or F (False) next to
the statements that are written below the text. Check your work with the answer key.

Merhaba. Benim adım Bora. Ben İzmir’de yaşıyorum. Küçük bir evim var. Bu okulda
öğretmenim. Ben matematik ve müzik öğretiyorum. Hergün saat altıda kalkarım. Kahvaltı
yaparım ve okula giderim. Saat sekizde okuldayım. Salı ve Perşembe günü 2 saat futbol oynarım.
Okuldan sonra alışverişe giderim. Saat beşte evde olurum. Akşam bir saat televizyon izlerim ve 2
saat kitap okurum.

1. _______ The man lives in İzmir.

2. _______ He lives in small house.
3. _______ He is a student.
4. _______ He studies math and music.
5. _______ Everyday he gets up at 6:00 a.m.
6. _______ He does not have breakfast.
7. _______He is at school at 8:00.
8. _______Bora plays soccer on Saturday and Monday for 3 hours.
9. _______He goes shopping after school.
10._______In the evening he works for 2 hours.

3. Describe your daily schedule of activities, including the times in Turkish. For example,
start with what time you get up, then eat breakfast, etc. “I get up at 6:00 and eat breakfast
at 6:30. I go to school at …..”

4. Find out what your partner did yesterday at 7:00 am, 7:30 am, 10:00 am, 1:00 pm, 4:00
pm, and 8:00 pm, and how long each activity lasted. Work in pairs or in small groups.

Vocabulary List
After Sonra
In the morning Sabah
In the afternoon Öğlen
In the evening Akşam
Everyday Hergün
Last week Geçen Hafta
A year ago Bir yıl once
Last Sunday Geçen Pazar
(Monday, Tuesday, etc.) (Pazartesi, Salı, v.s)
At school Okulda
Math Matematik
Music Müzik
Book Kitap
Breakfast Kahvaltı
Lunch Öğlen yemeği
Dinner Akşam yemeği
Home Ev
At home Evde
Market Pazar
On Sunday Pazar günü
(Monday, Tuesday…) (Pazartesi günü, Salı günü, vs)
To go (to) -e gitmek (eve gitmek)
-a gitmek (okula gitmek)
-ye gitmek (hastaneye gitmek) (to go to the hospital)
-ya gitmek (toplantıya gitmek) (to go to a meeting)
To go shopping Alış verişe gitmek
To play soccer/basketball Futbol / basketbol oynamak
To watch television Televizyon izlemek
To eat breakfast Kahvaltı yapmak
(lunch, dinner) BUT
(öğle yemeği / akşam yemeği yemek)
To get up/wake up Kalkmak / Uyanmak
To read Okumak
To study (Ders) çalışmak
To study (lesson)
To work (Bir işte) çalışmak
To work (somewhere)
What time is it? Saat kaç?
It is three o’clock. Saat üç.
When Ne zaman
Man Adam
Woman Kadın
Boy Erkek çocuk
Girl Kız çocuk

Exercise 3

A. 8:15 am
B. 9:50
C. 5:10
D. 4:30 pm
E. 7:10

Exercise 7

A 3. We study in the morning.

B 1. I go to school at 9:30.
C. 2. They eat breakfast at 7:00.
D 4. She reads a book in the evening.

Exercise 8

Baran is a student. He studies at school. Everyday he gets up at 7:15. He has breakfast at 7:30.
He goes to school at 8:00. After school he plays basketball. He reads books and watches TV in
the evening. Baran does not study on Saturday and Sunday.

1. Is Baran a teacher?
No, Baran is a student.
Hayır, Baran bir öğrenci.
2. Where does he study?
He studies at school.
O okulda ders çalışır.
3. What does he do at 7:15?
He gets up at 7:15.
O saat yedi on beşte kalkar.
4. When does he have breakfast?
He has breakfast at 7:30.
O saat yedi otuzda kahvaltı yapar.
5. What does he do at 8:00?
He goes to school at 8:00.
O saat sekizde okula gider.
6. When does he play basketball?
He plays basketball after school.
O okuldan sonra basketbol oynar.
7. What does he do in the evening?
He reads books and watches TV in the evening.
O akşam kitap okur ve televizyon izler.

8. Does he study on Saturday and Sunday?
No, Bob does not study on Saturday and Sunday.
Hayır, Baran Cumartesi ve Pazar günü ders çalışmaz.

Exercise 9
Your answers may vary. However, did you understand the statements?

6. I eat breakfast.
3. I go to school.
1. I go to lunch with my friends.
5. I play basketball.
4. I eat dinner with my friend.
7. I study at home.
2. I watch television.

Exercise 11

1. B I play soccer after dinner.

2. C She goes to the market in the morning.
3. A I go to work in the morning.
4. B I play soccer at home on Saturday.
5. A He watches television in the afternoon.

Exercise 12

1. Yesterday I went to school.

2. Last year my friends and I played basketball.
3. They went shopping last week.
4. I was at home at 9:00 yesterday.
5. We ate dinner at 6:00 yesterday.
6. The boy studied music and math at school last year.
7. The girl watched television yesterday.
8. Last Sunday I read a book.
9. I was in Paris a year ago.
10. We had a house in Ankara two years ago.

Exercise 13

1. kalktım I got up at 7:00 yesterday.

2. kahvaltı yapmak I ate breakfast with my parents.
3. gittim I went shopping last Sunday.
4. oynadım I played basketball last Monday.
5. izledim I watched television yesterday.
6. deydim I was at the hotel last year.
7. çalıştım I studied at school three years ago.
8. gittim I went to Kayseri last week.

End of Lesson Exercise 1

1. 6:30
2. 7:00
3. 9:30
4. 5:45
5. in the morning
6. 8:00

Exercise 2

1. T The man lives in İzmir.

2. T He lives in small house.
3. F He is a student.
4. F He studies math and music.
5. T Everyday he gets up at 6:00 a.m.
6. F He does not have breakfast.
7. T He is at school at 8:00.
8. F Bora plays soccer on Saturday and Monday for 3 hours.
9. T He goes shopping after school.
10. F In the evening he works for 2 hours.

Hello. My name is Bora. I live in İzmir. I have a small house. I am a teacher at this school. I
teach math and music. Everyday I get up at 6:00 a.m. I eat breakfast and go to school. I am at
school at 8:00 a.m. On Tuesday and Thursday I play soccer for 2 hours. After school, I go
shopping. I am home at 5:00. In the evening I watch TV for an hour and read books for 2 hours.

Lesson 5
Meeting the Family
Aileyle Tanışma

This lesson will introduce you to:

- The kinship terms used for immediate and extended family
- How to ask and answer simple questions about family members
- The pronouns “who,” “this,” “that,” “these,” and “those.”

Although in Turkey the modern nuclear family has been increasing in number and becoming more common, the
traditional, patriarchal family still has great importance in central and eastern Anatolia where the society is
more conservative. The economy is based mainly on farming and fewer women receive a formal education
compared to the rest of the country. Some of the larger families may include not only the parents of a married
couple, but may also include aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters of the couple or cousins. In a patriarchal family
where the authority belongs to the eldest man in the family, women are expected to raise the children, do the
housework and also take care of the elderly.

Patriarchal or not, Turkish families have strong ties. Even in big cities people who moved in from the same
town make big communities and retain their tribal life style. They often look for any excuse to visit each other,
perhaps having tea or asking for help in finding accommodations, jobs, etc. Even modern nuclear families
usually have strong ties with at least their next generation relatives. Although nuclear families in big cities
usually do not have more than 2 or 3 children, there are families with more children. The number of children
families have depends on different criterion such as education, cultural background, ethnicity and religion.

1. Look at these photos of families. Listen to the kinship terms and repeat after the speaker.

Family Aile
Parents Ebeveyn
Mother Anne
Father Baba
Children Çocuklar
Daughter Kız (Kız evlat)
Son Oğul (Erkek evlat)
Grandfather Büyükbaba
Grandmother Büyükanne
Sister Kız kardeş
Brother Erkek kardeş

The use of the question word “who (kim”) is almost the same in Turkish. Its position is at the beginning of the
question. We use it with singular and plural demonstrative pronouns: this / that / these / those ( bu / şu /
bunlar / şunlar).

2. Listen to the following dialogues and repeat them after the speaker. Role-play the dialogues
using the pictures above.

1. A. Who is this? Bu kim?

B. This is my mother. Bu benim annem.

2. A. Who is that? Şu kim?

B. That is my sister. O benim kız kardeşim.

3. A. Who are these (people)? Bunlar kim?

B. These are my parents. Bunlar benim ebeveynlerim.

4. A. Who are those (people)? Şunlar kim?

B. Those are my grandparents. Şunlar benim büyükannem ve büyük babam.

3. Translate the following sentences into English. Check you work with the answer key.

1. Annemle babamın bir oğlu ve iki kızı var.

2. Ben büyükannem ve büyükbabamla büyük müstakil bir evde yaşıyoruz.
3. Onun büyükannesi ve büyükbabası İzmir’de yaşıyorlar. Onlar işçiler.
4. Benim iki erkek kardeşim var. Onlar askerler. Onlar askeri bir kampta yaşıyorlar.
5. Onun bir kız kardeşi var. Onun adı Nazan.
6. Benim erkek kardeşim otuz yaşında. Onun bir oğlu ve bir kızı var.

4. Tell about your mother/father/sister/brother/grandfather/grandmother according to the scheme

1. name
2. age
3. occupation
4. where they live (city and type of residence).

Bu benim babam. Onun adı Ali. O 48 yaşında. O bir öğretmen. O Kayseri’de yaşıyor. Onun küçük müstakil bir
evi var.

5. Create questions in Turkish to the following answers. Check your work with the answer key for some
suggested questions.

1. __________________?
Evet, bu benim erkek kardeşim.
2. __________________?
Onun adı Kemal.
3. __________________?
O İstanbul’da yaşıyor.
4. __________________?
O bir doktor.
5. __________________?
O Pazartesi günü işe gider.
6. __________________?
Hayır, o Salı günleri beyzbol oynar.

6. Listen to the audio. Circle the word you hear. Check your work with the answer key.

1. mother - father

2. daughter - son

3. family - parents

4. children - grandparents

5. sister - brother

6. grandmother - grandfather

7. Listen and repeat after the speaker. Follow along in the workbook.

Husband Eş (koca)
Wife Eş (karı)
Married Evli
Unmarried/Single Evli değil / Bekar

8. Fill in the blanks using the words written in the boxes below. Check your answers with the answer

1. oğlu 5 yaşında otuz yaşında onun evli onun doktor

Benim erkek kardeşim ____________. Onun eşi _____________. ________________adı Gülnur.

O _________________. Onların bir______________var. O__________. __________ adı Özgür.

evli onun 8 yaşında kızları onun kız kardeşi
10 yaşında asker onların

Mustafa’nın bir ________________var . ________________adı Dilek. O_________________.

Onun eşi bir _______________. _________________ adı Cengiz. Onların iki ________________var.
______________adları Şenay ve Neslihan. Şenay daha büyük ve _____________ . Neslihan _____________.

9. Make up short stories in Turkish about the people listed below.

Ayşe – evli, 31 yaşında, eşi işçi, bir oğul, bir kız

Metin – evli, 28 yaşında, eşi öğretmen, çocuk yok
İpek – bekar, 20 yaşında, anne-babası ile, öğrenci, bir erkek kardeş

10. Listen to several short dialogues as people answer questions about their family members. Circle
the correct answer for each question. Check your work with the answer key.

1. O kim?
O benim annem / kızkardeşim / büyükannem.

2. O evli mi?
Hayır, o bekar / bir doktor / 25 yaşında.

3. O kim?
O benim karım / kocam / babam.

4. O evli mi?
Evet, o evli / bekar / bir asker.

5. Onlar kimler?
Onlar benim ebeveynlerim / çocuklarım / büyükannem ve büyükbabam

6. Onlar nerede yaşıyorlar?

Onlar kışlada / çadırda / apartman dairesinde yaşıyorlar.

7. Erkek kardeşlerin var mı?

Evet, benim iki erkek kardeşim / iki kız kardeşim / iki oğlum var.

8. Şu kim?
Şu benim karım / annem / kocam.

9. Onun çocuğu var mı?

Evet, onun iki erkek kardeşi / iki kızkardeşi / iki oğlu var.

11. Read and translate the text. Put T (True) or F (False) next to the statements below. Check your
answers with the answer key.

Serdar’ın bir büyük annesi ve bir büyük babası var. Onlar Serdar ve onun ailesi ile yaşıyorlar. Onun erkek
kardeşi yok. Onun iki kız kardeşi var. Onlar öğrenciler. Serdar evli. Onun eşi bir doktor. Serdar ve onun eşinin
bir kızı var.

1. ________ Serdar has parents.

2. ________ Serdar is married.

3. ________ He has two sisters.

4. ________ Serdar and his wife are students.

5. ________ Serdar is a doctor.

6. ________ Serdar has two children.

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Give a brief description in Turkish of your immediate family. Include the age, name, and profession of
each person, and tell whether each person is married or single, and where he/she lives. If you want to, use
real pictures of your family members.

2. Ask your classmate in Turkish about his/her mother/father/sister/brother/etc. What are their names,
how old are they, where do they live, and what are their professions.

3. Work in small groups. Describe the pictures below. Use new vocabulary.

Vocabulary List

Parents Ebeveyn
Father Baba
Mother Anne
Children Çocuklar
Son Oğul
Daughter Kız
Brother Erkek kardeş
Sister Kız kardeş
Grandmother Büyükanne
Grandfather Büyükbaba
Husband Eş (koca)
Wife Eş (karı)
Married Evli
Unmarried/single Evli değil / bekar
Who is this/that? Bu / Şu kim?
Who are these/those? Bunlar/Şunlar kim?
This/that is… Bu/Şu ...dır/dir.
These/those are… Bunlar / Şunlar …ler/lar.


Exercise 3

1. My mother and father have one son and two daughters.

2. I live with my grandparents in a big house.
3. His parents live in İzmir. They are laborers.
4. I have two brothers. They are soldiers. They live in a military camp.
5. She has a sister. Her name is Nazan.
6. My brother is 30 years old. He has a son and a daughter.

Exercise 5

These are some possible questions. Yours may vary slightly.

1. Bu senin kardeşin mi? Is this your brother?

2. Onun adı ne? What is his name?
3. O nerede yaşıyor? Where does he live?
4. Onun mesleği ne? What is his occupation?
5. O ne zaman işe gider? When does he go to work?
6. O Salı günü çalışır mı? Does he work on Tuesday?

Exercise 6

1. Father
2. Daughter
3. Family
4. Grandparents
5. Sister
6. Grandfather

Exercise 8

1. Benim erkek kardeşim evli. Onun eşi otuz yaşında. Onun adı Gülnur. O bir doktor.
Onların bir oğlu var. O beş yaşında. Onun adı Özgür.

My brother is married. His wife is 30 years old. Her name is Gülnur. She is a doctor.
They have a son. He is 5 years old. His name is Özgür.

2. Mustafa’nın bir kızkardeşi var. Onun adı Dilek. O evli.

Onun eşi bir asker. Onun adı Cengiz. Onların iki kızları var.
Onların adları Şenay ve Neslihan. Şenay daha büyük ve 10 yaşında. Neslihan 8 yaşında.

Mustafa has a sister. Her name is Dilek. She is married.

Her husband is a soldier. His name is Cengiz . They have two daughters.
Their names are Şenay and Neslihan. Şenay is older and is 10 years old. Neslihan is 8 years old.

Exercise 10

1. O kim? O benim kızkardeşim.

2. O evli mi? Hayır, o bekar.
3. O kim? O benim eşim.
4. O evli mi? Evet, öyle.
5. Onlar kimler? Onlar benim çocuklarım.
6. Onlar nerede yaşıyorlar? Onlar apartman dairesinde yaşıyorlar.
7. Erkek kardeşin var mı? Evet, iki erkek kardeşim var.
8. Şu kim? O benim eşim.
9. Onun çocukları var mı? Evet, onun iki oğlu var.

Exercise 11

1. F Serdar has parents.

2. T Serdar is married.
3. T He has two sisters
4. F Serdar and his wife are students.
5. F Serdar is a doctor.
6. T Serdar has two children.

Serdar has a grandfather and a grandmother. They live with Serdar and his family. Serdar has no brothers. He
has two sisters. They are students. Serdar is married. His wife is a doctor. Serdar and his wife have a daughter
and a son.

Lesson 6
Around Town

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Cardinal directions
- Names of urban buildings and landmarks
- How to ask and answer questions about locations of places and buildings.

1. Listen to and repeat the cardinal directions.

North Kuzey

Northwest Kuzeybatı
Northeast Kuzeydoğu

West Batı
East Doğu

Southwest Güneybatı
Southeast Güneydoğu

South Güney

In Turkish when we tell somebody where a certain location is we use the following structure:

X Y’nin (yön) -de/-da (dır/dir) (REMEMBER VOWEL HARMONY RULE)

( X is (direction) of Y.)
Adana Kayseri’nin güneyindedir. (Adana is south of Kayseri.)
In the above example, the suffix –nin functions as the preposition of and the suffix -dir
functions as the verb “to be” (is). Although this is the grammatically correct and acceptable
structure, in spoken Turkish, most of the time the verb “to be” is ignored.
The suffıx –nin can change into –ın/-in/-un/-ün/-nın/-nun/-nün depending if the suffixed word
ends with a vowel or consonant and also if the last vowel is a front vowel or back vowel.

Examples: Bursa İstanbul’un güneyindedir. (Word ends with a consonant but the last vowel is a
back vowel so we use –un)
Ankara Eskişehir’in doğusundadır. (The word ends with a consonant but the last
vowel is a front vowel so we use –‘in)
Isparta Antalya’nın kuzeyindedir. (The word ends with a front vowel so we use –nın)

2. Listen to the following sentences and repeat after the speaker. Follow along in
your workbook.

İstanbul is north of Bursa. İstanbul Bursa’nın kuzeyindedir.

Eskişehir is west of Ankara. Eskişehir Ankara’nın batısındadır.
Antalya is south of Isparta. Antalya Isparta’nın güneyindedir.
Manisa is east of İzmir. Manisa İzmir’in doğusundadır.

3. Work with a partner. Tell each other where certain cities/locations are in relation to
other cities/locations. Compose sentences according to the exercise above and the model

Model: Los Angeles is south of San Francisco.

Los Angeles San Francisco’nun güneyindedir.
The apartment building is east of the military camp.
Apartman askeri kampın doğusundadır.

4. Topographical features and urban buildings and landmarks are useful reference
points when getting to know a new area or for getting or giving directions. Listen to a list of
common sites and features. Repeat after the speaker while following along in the

Airport Havaalanı
Bank Banka
Building Bina
House Ev
Bus station Otobüs durağı
Train station Tren İstasyonu
Police station Polis karakolu
Café Kafe
Restaurant Restoran
Church Kilise
Mosque Cami
Synagogue Havra
Temple Tapınak
Movie theater Sinema
Hospital Hastane
Market Market
Mausoleum Anıtmezar
Pharmacy Eczane
Post office Postane
Store Mağaza
Park Park
Factory Fabrika
Bridge Köprü

Farm Çiftlik
Field Tarla
Forest Orman
Lake Göl
Mountain Dağ
River Irmak
Port Liman
Tomb of Atatürk in Ankara Anıtkabir
Bazaar Pazar
Tea House Kahvehane

5. Match the English word in the left column with the Turkish equivalent in the right
column. Check your work with the answer key.

1. Airport A. Fabrika
2. Bank B. Hastane
3. Bus Station C. Havaalanı
4. Café D. Eczane
5. Church E. Restoran
6. Movie Theater F. Park
7. Factory G. Postane
8. Hospital H. Otobüs Durağı
9. Park I. Banka
10. Pharmacy J. Kafe
11. Post Office K. Sinema
12. Restaurant L. Kilise

6. Translate the following sentences from Turkish into English. Check your work with the
answer key.

1. Market bankanın güneyindedir.

2. Irmak dağların doğusundadır.
3. Havaalanı otelin batısındadır.
4. Dağlar ve göller ormanın doğusundadır.
5. Irmak çifliğin güneyindedir.
6. Sinema hastanenin doğusundadır.
7. Göl parkın kuzeyindedir.

7. Practice composing and pronouncing the vocabulary. Create sentences according to the
model. Use the words below.

Model: The park is east of the post office.

Park postanenin doğusundadır.

1. Havaalanı - doğusunda - göl
2. Banka - güneyinde - hastane
3. Eczane - doğusunda - postane
4. Köprü - kuzeyinde - ırmak
5. Otobüs durağı - doğusunda - polis
6. Fabrika - güneyinde - dağ
7. Çiftlik - batısında - tarla
8. Park - kuzeyinde - göl

8. Listen to the speaker, write down the term you hear and translate it into English.
Check your answers with the answer key.


9. Listen to the following words and word combinations and repeat after the speaker.
Follow along in your workbook.

In front of …… -nin önünde

Next to …… -nin yanında
Between …… and …… …ile -nin arasında
Around the corner from …… -nin köşesinde
Across from …… -nin karşısında
On the right of… -nin sağında
On the left of… -nin solunda
Behind the… -nin arkasında
Adjacent to… -nin bitişiğinde

10. Listen and repeat after the speaker. Follow along in your workbook. Then
translate them into English. Check your work with the answer key.

1. Göl nerede? Göl ormanın yanında.

2. Market nerede? Market polis karakolu ile kilisenin arasında.
3. Postane nerede? Postane hastanenin köşesinde.
4. Tren istasyonu nerede? Tren istasyonu parkın karşısında.
5. Kafe nerede? Kafe otelin önünde.

11. Work with a partner. Compose similar dialogues using the words below. Role-play
your dialogues.

Model: A. Afedersiniz, beyefendi. Park nerede?

A. Excuse me, Sir. Where is the park?
B. Park hastanenin önünde.
B. The park is in front of the hospital.
A. Teşekkür ederim.
A. Thank you.
B. Bir şey değil.
B. You are welcome.

1. park - in front of - hospital

2. airport - across from - bus station

3. forest - next to - the mountain

4. police station - around the corner from - movie theater

5. church - between - the factory and the park

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Translate each phrase into Turkish. Check your work with the answer key.

A. The restaurant is next to the hotel.

B. The park is north of the lake.
C. The bank is between the church and the bus station.
D. The market is south of the bridge.
E. The café is across from the bookstore.
F. The field is in front of the farm.

2. Work with a partner or in small groups. In Turkish, come up with a list of the facilities
on your base. Then draw a schematic map of the base. Now describe the locations of each
facility. Use the following vocabulary: a store, a hospital, a police station, a movie theater, a
park, a hotel, a church, an airfield, a restaurant, a forest, and your language training
facility. Use the prepositions: between, next to, across from, in front of.

Vocabulary List
Airport Havaalanı
Bank Banka
Building Bina
House Ev
Bus station Otobüs durağı
Train station Tren İstasyonu
Police station Polis karakolu
Café Kafe
Restaurant Restoran
Church Kilise
Mosque Cami
Synagogue Havra
Temple Tapınak
Movie theater Sinema
Hospital Hastane
Market Market
Mausoleum Anıtmezar
Pharmacy Eczane
Post office Postane
Store Mağaza
Park Park
Factory Fabrika
Bridge Köprü
Farm Çiftlik
Field Tarla
Forest Orman
Lake Göl
Mountain Dağ
River Irmak
Port Liman
Tomb of Atatürk in Ankara Anıtkabir
Bazaar Pazar
Tea House Kahvehane
In front of …… -Nin önünde
Next to …… -Nin yanında
Between …… and …… …Ile -nin arasında
Around the corner from …… -Nin köşesinde
Across from …… -Nin karşısında
On the right of… -Nin sağında
On the left of… -Nin solunda
Behind the… -Nin arkasında
Adjacent to… -Nin bitişiğinde
Near Yakın
North Kuzey

South Güney
East Doğu
West Bati


Exercise 5

1. C
2. I
3. H
4. J
5. L
6. K
7. A
8. B
9. F
10. D
11. G
12. E

Exercise 6

1. The market is south of the bank

2. The river is east of the mountains.
3. The airport is west of the hotel.
4. The mountains and lakes are east of the forest.
5. The river is south of the farm.
6. The movie theater is east of the hospital.
7. The lake is north of the park.

Exercise 8

1. north kuzey
2. bridge köprü
3. bus station otobüs durağı
4. café kafe
5. post office postane
6. church kilise
7. farm çiftlik
8. mountain dağ

Exercise 10

1. Where is the lake? The lake is next to the forest.

2. Where is the market? The market is between the police station and the church.
3. Where is the post office? The post office is around the corner from the hospital.
4. Where is the train station? The train station is across from the park.
5. Where is the café? It is in front of the hotel.

End of Lesson Exercise 1

A. Restoran otelin yanında.

B. Park gölün kuzeyinde.
C. Banka kilise ile otobüs durağının arasında.
D. Market köprünün güneyinde.
E. Kafe kitabevinin karşısında.
F. Tarla çiftligin önünde.

Lesson 7

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Customs and practices accepted in the Turkish marketplaces
- Names of foods and stores
- How to make purchases in Turkish shops
- The verbs “to want,” “to buy,” “to pay,” and “to take”
- The modal verb “can.”

Turkey’s successful economic recovery in the last few years is continuing. In 2004, the inflation rate dropped to
a single digit for the first time in 30 years. However, despite the economic gains in 2002-04, which were largely
due to renewed investor interest in emerging markets, IMF backing, and tighter fiscal policy, the economy is
still plagued with high debt and deficits. Foreign direct investment in Turkey remains low, averaging less than
$1 billion annually. The political and economic issue over the next decade is whether or not Turkey will
become a member of the European Union. According to the results of polls, the majority of the population is in
favor of Turkey’s membership. According to the State Institute of Statistics, per capita average monthly gross
earnings was estimated as 1154 YTL for the third quarter of 2004.

Some other facts about Turkey:

According to the CIA’s The World Factbook, Turkey’s population is 69,660,559 (July 2005 est.)
GDP - per capita : $7,400 (2004 est.)
Literacy rate : Total population: 86.5%
Inflation rate : 9.3 % (2004 est.)
Unemployment rate : 9.3 %
Population below
Loverty line : 20% (2002)

The local currency in Turkey is YTL (Yeni Türk Lirası).

High inflation processes which started in Turkey in the 1970’s led to the expression of economic values in terms
of billions, trillions and even quadrillions. Since 1981 larger denominations were put to circulation almost every
2 years. Financial figures with many zeros lead to problems in accounting, statistical records, payment systems
and transactions at the cashier’s office. Finally, the government took the steps to covert Turkish currency. Six
zeros were deleted from Turkish currency on January 1, 2005.

YTL has been in circulation since then and the sub-unit of YTL is Ykr (Yeni Kuruş).
1 YTL = 1OO Ykr
YTL Denominations
YTL Banknotes: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 YTL
YTL Coins: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 New Kuruş and 1 New Lira
Following are approximate exchange rates for YTL:

1 YTL = 0.72 USD 1 YTL = 0.57 EUR

1 USD = 1.38 YTL 1 EUR = 1.74 YTL

1. Listen to the following vocabulary and repeat after the speaker.

Muz Armut Domates Patates

Süt Tereyağı Yumurta Kaşar peyniri

Zeytin Ekmek Şeker Dondurma

Beyaz peynir Balık Tavuk Biber

2. Work in pairs or in small groups. Ask your partner what foods he/she has at home. Use the model

Model: A. Evde nelerin var?

B. Muz, domates ve patatesim var.

3. Familiarize yourself with the new vocabulary. Listen to the speaker and follow along in the
workbook. Look at the pictures and try to guess the meaning of the underlined words.

Bu bir market. Selin markette çalışır. O bir Ercan markette çalışır. O bir
kasiyer. satış elemanı.

Ezgi bir giyim mağazasında çalışır. O bir satış Kaan bir giyim mağazasında çalışır. O bir
elemanı. kasiyer.

Did you understand the underlined words?

Market means grocery store (market)
Kasiyer means cashier
Satış elemanı means salesperson
Giyim mağazası means clothing store

Anywhere you go in Turkey you will find small food markets. Although these small markets basically sell foods
such as bread, cheese, milk, butter, eggs, olives and beverages, they also sell other things such as cigarettes,
newspapers, cleaning products, etc.

Beside these small food shops there are lots of other small shops which sell a variety of products. For example,
there are small shops that sell only music CDs and cassettes, jewelry shops, shoe shops, carpet shops, glassware
shops, stationeries, etc. There are also lots of green grocers and bakeries where you can always buy fresh fruit
and vegetables and fresh bread.

In Turkey. towns and cities are very condensed compared to the US which means that almost everywhere there
is a market within walking distance. Open markets are also very common and popular in Turkey. These are
similar to farmers’ markets in the US but they are much bigger and the fruit and vegetables are much cheaper.
Almost every district has an open market set up at certain days and locations. People usually walk to the open

The word for ‘Department Store’ in Turkish is ‘Reyonlu Satış Mağazası’. There are lots of department stores
and shopping centers in big cities such as İstanbul, İzmir, Ankara, and Antalya where you can buy clothing,
household goods, glassware, cosmetics, etc. However, most of these department stores are not as big and do not
sell as large a variety of products as in the US.

4. Work in pairs or in small groups. Make up dialogues using the model below.

Model: A. Sema nerede çalışır?

Where does Sema work?
B. Sema markette çalışır.
Sema works at the grocery store.

Construction “want + infinitive” (e.g. “want to buy”):

If we translate the structure “(I/You/ S/he/It/We/You/They) want(s) to buy (something)” literally, it will look
(I/You/ S/he/It/We/You/They) (something) to buy + want + personal suffix
(Ben/Sen/O/ Biz/Siz/Onlar) (birşey) satın almak + istiyor + kişi eki

The subject pronouns I/You/ S/he/It/We/You/They (Ben/Sen/O/Biz/Siz/Onlar) is presented in parentheses in

the following examples which means that even if you don’t use them the meaning will be the same. We can tell
the subject from the personal suffix attached to the end of the verb “to want” (istemek).
If you use the subject pronouns, it usually means there is a stress on the subject. To review conjugation of verbs
refer to Lesson 4, Activity 4 (Table).

(Ben) (yeni bir araba) satın almak istiyorum. I want to buy (a new car).
(Sen) (yeni bir ev) satın almak istiyorsun. You want to buy (a new house).
(O) (bir bisiklet) satın almak istiyor. He wants to buy (a bicycle).
(O) (bir kitap) satın almak istiyor. She wants to buy (a book).
(Biz) (yeni bir bilgisayar) satın almak istiyoruz. We want to buy (a new computer).
(Onlar) bir (fotoğraf makinesi) satın almak istiyorlar. They want to buy (a camera).

Although the verb ‘to buy’ is ‘satın almak’ in Turkish, the word ‘satın’ is usually dropped when spoken. In
this case the structure is usually: ‘Bir araba almak istiyorum.’ (I want to buy a car.)

5. Familiarize yourself with the new vocabulary. Listen to the speaker and follow along in the
workbook. Look at the pictures and try to guess the meaning of the underlined words.

Meral bir kitap satın almak istiyor. Mustafa bir saat satın almak istiyor. O bir
O bir kitabevinde. hediyelik eşya mağazasında.

Did you understand the underlined words?

Kitabevi means bookstore
Saat means clock
Hediyelik eşya mağazası means gift store

6. Match each Turkish sentence in the left column with the English equivalent in the right column.
Check your answers with the answer key.

1. Ben ekmek ve tereyağı satın almak istiyorum A. Deniz wants to buy fish.
2. Zeynep bir kitap satın almak istiyor. B. They want to buy cheese.
3. Deniz balık satın almak istiyor. C. I want to buy bread and butter.
4. Orhan bir saat satın almak istiyor. D. My sister wants to buy the clothes.
5. Biz hediye satın almak istiyoruz. E. Orhan wants to buy a clock.
6. Onlar peynir satın almak istiyorlar. F. Zeynep wants to buy a book.
7. Benim kızkardeşim giysiler satın almak istiyor. G. We want to buy a gift.

When we shop for food or drink in Turkey, we use certain measures and measure words. See the examples

Turkish English
250 gram zeytin 250 grams of olives
Yarım kilo peynir Half a kilo of cheese
Bir kilo domates A kilo of tomatoes
Bir litre süt A liter of milk
Bir şişe su A bottle of water
Bir kutu salça A tin of tomato paste

Here are some more examples.

A kilo of pears Bir kilo armut

A bag of potatoes Bir torba patates
A loaf of bread Bir (somun) ekmek
A bottle of water Bir şişe su
A carton of milk Bir kutu süt
A dozen eggs Bir düzine yumurta

7. Work with a partner or in small groups. Pretend that you are planning to have a surprise birthday
party for one of your classmates. You need to buy some food and gifts. Make a shopping list and tell your
partner in Turkish what you want to buy.

When we ask the price of any food or drink in Turkish we usually use one of the following structures:
(X) ne kadar? (How much is X?)
Affedersiniz, (X)’in fiyatı ne kadar? (Excuse me. How much is the price of X?)

We may also use demonstrative pronouns (this/that/these/those) especially when we point to the food or drink
items that we want to buy.

Bu ne kadar?/Bunun fiyatı ne kadar? (How much is this?/ How much is the price of this?)
Şu ne kadar?/ Şunun fiyatı ne kadar? (How much is that? / How much is the price of that?)
Bunlar ne kadar? / Bunların fiyatı ne kadar? (How much are these?/ How much are the price of these?)
Şunlar ne kadar? / Şunların fiyatı ne kadar? (How much are those? / How much are the price of those?)

When you shop for clothes, jewelery, furniture, carpets, shoes, glassware or other household items, you can
usually bargain for the price, especially if it is a family-owned business. It is not appropriate to bargain in
department stores where salespeople work.

8. Listen to the following dialogue and repeat after the speaker.

A. Excuse me. I want to buy cheese. How much is it?

Afedersiniz, ben peynir satın almak istiyorum. Ne kadar?
B. A kilo of cheese is $5.40.
Bir kilo peynir 5,40 YTL.
A. Thank you.
Teşekkür ederim.
B. You are welcome.
Birşey değil.

9. Pretend you want to buy the items listed below. One of your classmates is a salesperson. Role-play an
“In the Shop” dialogue using the dialogue above as a model. Work in pairs or in small groups.

1. Bir kilo armut - 3,45 YTL

2. Bir kilo balık - 8,15 YTL
3. Bir torba patates - 1,59 YTL
4. Bir şişe su - 1, 19 YTL
5. Bir kutu süt - 4,50 YTL
6. Bir somun ekmek - 2,65 YTL
7. Bir düzine yumurta - 2,48 YTL

Grammar Note: “To buy (something) at the (market)”

In English In Turkish
They buy eggs and milk at the grocery store. Onlar marketten yumurta ve süt alırlar.
She buys clothes at the department store. O reyonlu satış mağazasından giysiler alır.
The suffixes -den/-den/-ten/-tan attached to the end of the words for “shops” means ‘at the... / from the...’
Notice that when the word ends in -ı/-i/-sı/-si we add the buffer letter -n before the suffixes -den/-den/-ten/-tan as in the
example above (mağazası-n-dan).

10. Complete the sentences using the words in the box. Check your answers with the answer key.

giyim mağazası market kitabevi hediyelik eşya mağazası reyonlu satış mağazası

1. Annem ve babam _______________________dan hediyelik eşya satın alırlar.

2. Onlar _______________________ten domates ve patates satın alırlar.
3. Erkek kardeşlerim ____________________den kitaplar satın alırlar.
4. Kızkardeşim ve ben ____________________________dan giysiler satın alırız.
5. Biz ________________________giysiler, kitaplar ve hediyelik eşyalar satın alırız.

11. Listen to the following sentences and circle the words you hear. Check your answers with the
answer key.

1. Ben giyim mağazasından / kitabevinden kitaplar satın alırım.

2. Kızkardeşim hediyelik eşya mağazasından / marketten hediyelik eşya satın alır.
3. Annem bankanın karşısındaki hediyelik eşya magazasından / marketten şeker satın alır.
4. Büyükannem ve büyükbabam kitabevinden / marketten süt ve tereyağı satın alırlar.
5. Biz reyonlu satış mağazasından / kitabevinden giysiler, kitaplar ve hediyelik eşyalar satın alırız.

Grammar Note: The verb “can”:

The structure “I/You/S/he/It/We/You/They + can + verb” expresses ability or possibility:
In Turkish, the suffix -ebil- / -abil- is affixed to the positive verb stems which end in a consonant, while -yebil-
/-yabil- is used if the verb stem ends in a vowel.
Notice the different conjugation for Affirmative / Negative / Question forms.

I/You/S/he/It/We/You/They can + verb Ben/Sen/O/Biz/Siz/Onlar + verb root + -ebil- / -abil--yebil- /-
I can learn Spanish. Ben İspanyolca öğrenebilirim.
You can come with us. Sen bizimle gelebilirsin.
We can walk to the market. Biz markete yürüyebiliriz.
Leyla can live alone. Leyla tek başına yaşayabilir.

I can not learn Spanish. Ben İspanyolca öğrenemem.
You can not come with us. Sen bizimle gelemezsin.
We can not walk to the market. Biz markete yürüyemeyiz.
Leyla can not live alone. Leyla tek başına yaşayamaz.

Can I learn Spanish? Ben İspanyolca öğrenebilir miyim?
Can you come with us? Sen bizimle gelebilir misin?
Can we walk to the market? Biz markete yürüyebilir miyiz?
Can Leyla live alone? Leyla tek başına yaşayabilir mi?
Although the suffixes used to express ability or possibility change depending on the verb conjugated (-ebil- /-
abil--yebil- /-yabil-), the verb “can” can simply be defined as “-ebilmek / -abilmek”

I can -ebilirim /-abilirim

You can -ebilirsin / -abilirsin
He can -ebilir / -abilir
She can - ebilir / -abilir
We can -ebiliriz / -abiliriz
You can -ebilirsiniz / -abilirsiniz
They can -ebilirler / -abilirler

Grammar note: The verb “to take.”

The verb “to take” is “almak” in Turkish and it has many different usages.
In this lesson, one of its basic usages is “kabul etmek” (to accept).
When we want to pay by credit card in a shop we may have to ask if they accept credit cards.
The structure we should use for this situation is:

Turkish English
Müşteri: Kredi kartı kabul ediyor musunuz? Customer: Do you accept credit cards?
Veya (Kredi kartı geçer mi?) Or (Is a credit card acceptable?)

12. a) Listen to the following dialogue and repeat after the speaker. Follow along in the workbook.

A. Hello. I want to buy a loaf of bread. How much is it?

Merhaba. Ben bir somun ekmek satın almak istiyorum. Ne kadar?
B. It is $2.65.
2,65 YTL
C. Can I pay with a credit card?
Kredi kartı ile ödeyebilir miyim?
D. I’m sorry, but we take cash.
Üzgünüm fakat biz (ödemeyi) nakit alırız.

b) Role-play the dialogue. Make up similar dialogues using the words below.

1. İki şişe su
2. Bir kitap
3. Bir kutu süt
4. Bir kilo peynir
5. Bir düzine yumurta

13. Listen to and read along with the dialogue then answer the follow-up questions. Check your
work with the answer key.

Hülya: Merhaba Can!

Can: Merhaba Hülya!
Hülya: Nereye gidiyorsun?
Can: Markete gidiyorum.
Hülya: Ne almak istiyorsun?
Can: Bir ekmek, iki şişe su ve bir kilo armut almak istiyorum. Sen nereye gidiyorsun?
Hülya: Ben reyonlu satış mağazasına gidiyorum.
Can: Ne almak istiyorsun?
Hülya: Ben büyükbabam için bir hediye satın almak istiyorum. Bir kitap veya saat almak istiyorum.
Can: Ben hediyelik eşya mağazasından hediye alırım.


1. Where is Hülya going?

2. What does she want to buy?
3. Where is Can going?
4. What does he want to buy?

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Translate the following into Turkish. Check your work with the answer key.

A. Where do you buy tomatoes and potatoes?

B. Do you take credit cards? No, we take cash.
C. I buy the gift for my sister in the clothing store.
D. How much is a loaf of bread? - 2.35 YTL

2. Using Turkish, tell where you buy groceries/gifts/books/clothes.

3. What would you tell a salesperson in Turkish if you want to buy a carton of milk/a watch/a dozen
eggs? How would you ask the price of it? Role-play the dialogue.

Vocabulary List
How much is …? Ne kadar?
It is …….. . O... dýr /dir / dur / dür.
I want to buy… Ben …satın almak istiyorum.
As well Bununla beraber
Banana Muz
Butter Tereyağı
Chicken Tavuk
Fish Balık
Ice cream Dondurma
Milk Süt
Tomato Domates
Pear Armut
Potato Patates
Sugar Şeker
Cheese Peynir
Eggs Yumurta (Singular)
A kilo of cheese Bir kilo peynir
A bag of potatoes Bir torba patates
A loaf of bread Bir somun ekmek
A bottle of water Bir şişe su
A dozen eggs Bir duzine yumurta
A carton of milk Bir kutu süt
Department Store Reyonlu satış mağazası
Clothing Store Giyim mağazası
Grocery Store Market
Bookstore Kitabevi
Bread Ekmek
Credit card Kredi kartı
Cash Nakit
Cashier Kasiyer
Salesperson Satış elemanı
To buy Satın almak
To take Almak
To pay for (Bir şey için) ödeme yapmak

Exercise 6

1. C I want to buy bread and butter.

2. F Zeynep wants to buy a book.
3. A Deniz wants to buy fish.
4. E Orhan wants to buy a clock.
5. G We want to buy a gift.
6. B They want to buy cheese
7. D My sister wants to buy the clothes.

Exercise 10

1.hediyelik eşya mağazasi My parents buy gifts at the gift store. They buy tomatoes and potatoes at the grocery store.
3.kitabevi My brother buys books at the bookstore.
4.giyim mağazası My sister and I buy clothes at the clothing store.
5.reyonlu satış mağazası We can buy clothes, books and gifts at the department store.

Exercise 11

1. kitabevi I buy books in the bookstore.

2. hediyelik eşya mağazası My sister buys gifts at the gift store .
3. market My mother buys sugar at the grocery store across from the bank.
4. market My grandparents buy milk and butter at the grocery store.
5. reyonlu satış mağazası We buy clothes, books, and gifts at the department store.

Exercise 13

1. Hülya is going to the grocery store.

2. She wants to buy bread, two bottles of water, and a kilo of pears.
3. Can is going to the department store.
4. He wants to buy a book or a clock.

End of Lesson Exercise 1

A. Nereden domates ve patates alırsın?

B. Kredi kartı kabul ediyor musunuz? Hayır, biz nakit ödeme alırız.
C. Ben kızkardeşime hediyeyi giyim mağazasından alırım.
D. Bir somun ekmek ne kadar? 2.35 YTL.

Lesson 8
Eating Out
Dışarıda Yemek

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Eating out in a restaurant in Turkey
- Various menu items
- How to order menu items
- Different table service items.

There are many types of restaurants in Turkey and they differ in the type of food they serve, the service they
give, their atmosphere and the price. Restaurants usually specialize in serving certain types of food such as
seafood restaurants, meat restaurants (type of steak house), kebapçı (they specialize in a variety of kebaps such
as shish kebap), dönerci (a restaurant specializing in roasted or barbecued meats), köfteci (a restaurant
specializing in meat ball dishes), pide or lahmacun places (Turkish pizza houses), çorbacı and many others.
Turkish cuisine, which is one of the richest in the world, appeals to the eye as well as the palate. The
Mediterranean diet, which includes Turkey's, is considered a healthy diet to follow.

Despite the influence of western foods and even fast food chains in the larger cities, Turkey preserves her
culinary heritage. In the last decade, chefs of main hotels and international food symposiums have helped to re-
introduce Turkish cuisine to the world, educating her citizens about a proud food heritage.
The Black Sea, Sea of Marmara, Aegean, and southern Mediterranean provide Turkey with boundless fish and
shellfish. Turkey is one of the few countries in the world that has been self sustaining, producing all its own
food. Seasonal vegetables and fruits abound, and are served during the height of their growing periods. There is
never a reason to use tinned, preserved or frozen produce.

Although the number of the restaurants that serve other countries’ food has been increasing in Turkey, there are
not many yet. Most of them are in big cities and it would be very hard to find other countries’ food in small

The beauty of Turkish cooking is in its affordability, use of fresh ingredients, and ease of basic cooking
techniques. Classic recipes from centuries of palace and home cooking are well known to all home cooks.
One unique specialty of Turkish cuisine is the "zeytinyağlı" or olive oil course. Foods such as peppers or
tomatoes are prepared with olive oil. These are typically served at room temperature. Turks love their famous
eggplants. There are at least forty ways to prepare eggplant alone.

Many well-known recipes show an influence from Turkish cuisine: yogurt salads, fish in olive oil, stuffed
vegetables and vine leaves, milk desserts, and syrupy filo dough desserts. "Yogurt" is a Turkish word, her most
famous contribution to world cuisine. Yogurt made its way north to Bulgaria and Eastern Europe during the
Ottoman occupation.

A typical Turkish breakfast usually consists of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, white cheese, butter,
black olives, bread, honey, preserves, and eggs.

Dinners will most commonly start with mezeler or appetizers. Mezeler are Turkish specialties, showing off the
originality and skill of a restaurant. Roasted pureed eggplant, fine chopped salads, miniature filled pasta called
"mantı", pepper and turnip pickles, mackerel stuffed with pilaf, sardines rolled in grape leaves, cacık (cold
yoğurt mixed with cucumbers, garlic and herbs) are just several of them to mention in the long list.

When eating out it is not unusual to change restaurants at the desert stage. The range of sweet dishes available
from the specialist restaurants is complimentary to the equally extensive range of mezes.

Eating at home in Turkey or in a traditional Turkish restaurant is never a hurried affair, and the evening meal
can last for many hours. The transition from mezes to the main course is not always obvious. In restaurants, the
waiter will help the traveler select a meal, with breads and olives always available. Put your dinner into the
hands of the restaurant and you will not be disappointed. Regional specialties abound, ask for them.

It is common in the markets to taste before you buy. Holes cut into melons allow the shopper to taste first.

1. Look at the restaurant menu below. Repeat the words after the speaker, and follow along in the
Small World Restaurant 
Item Price YTL / Ykr
(Yeni Türk Lirası/Yeni Kuruş)
Soup Çorba
Lentil Soup Mercimek Çorbası 2.95
Salads & Cold Salatalar & Soğuk
Appetizers Mezeler
Shephard Salad Çoban salata 4.50
Eggplant Salad Patlıcan salatası 3.95
Green Beans Taze Fasülye 3.95
Humus Humus 3.75
Stuffed Grape Leaves Zeytinyağlı Dolma 3.75
Jajick Cacık 3.75
Piyaz Piyaz 3.75
Hot Appetizers Sıcak Mezeler
Cigar Börek Sigara Böreği 3.45
Fried Liver Cubes Arnavut Ciğeri 5.45
Fried Calamari Kalamar Tava 6.50
Main Courses (Kebabs Ana yemekler (Kebap
and Grills) ve Izgaralar)
Gyro (Beef) Döner (Kırmızı et) 7.95
Gyro (Chicken) Döner (Tavuk) 7.95
Shish Kebap Şiş Kebap 9.95
Köfte & Pilaf Köfte & Pilav 8.95
Chicken Shish Kebap Tavuk Şis Kebap 9.50
Adana Kebap Adana Kebap 8.95
Chicken Saute Tavuk Sote 10.95
Fried Chicken & Pasta Kızarmış Tavuk & 9.95
Iskender Kebap Iskender Kebap 10.45
Mushroom Saute Mantar Sote 9.45
Desserts Tatlılar
Baklava Baklava 2.50
Kadaifi Kadayif 2.50
Rice Pudding Sütlaç 2.50
Strawberry Cake Çilekli Pasta 3.00
Beverages İçecekler
Can Soda Soda 1.50
Fruit Juice Meyve Suyu 2.50
Ayran Ayran 1.00

Turkish Coffe Türk Kahvesi 1.50
Tea Çay .75
2. Imagine that you have 35.00 YTL. What would you order at the “Small World Restaurant”?

3. A) Listen to and read along with the following dialogue between a waiter and a patron.

A. Afedersiniz, garson bey.

A. Excuse me, waiter.
B. Evet, lütfen. (Or “Evet, ne istemiştiniz?”)
B. Yes, please. (Or “Yes, what would you like?”)
A. Bir fincan kahve istiyorum. (Or more usual and polite “Bir fincan kahve alabilir miyim lütfen?”
A. I want a cup of coffee. (Or more usual and polite, “Can I have a cup of coffee, please?”)
B. Üzgünüm beyefendi. Kahvemiz yok fakat çayımız var.
B. Sorry, sir. We do not have coffee, but we have tea.
B) Make up similar dialogues using the words and word combinations that are in the box.

1. bir fincan kahve - çay

2. bir bardak süt - çay
3. bir bardak portakal suyu – elma suyu
4. balık ve makarna – tavuk ve kızarmış patates

4. Listen to the following dialogue that takes place at a restaurant. Follow along in your workbook.
Pay attention to the new words. Role-play the dialogue. You can substitute some words with any food
from the “Small World Restaurant” menu.

A. İyi günler efendim. Ne yemek isterdiniz?

A. Hello, sir. What do you want to eat?

B. Siz ne tavsiye edersiniz?

B. What do you recommend?

A. Harika kızarmış tavuğumuz ve makarnamız var. İkisi de nefis!

A. We have wonderful fried chicken and pasta. They are delicious.

B. İyi öyleyse, kızarmış tavuk ve makarna lütfen.

B. Very well. Fried chicken and pasta, please.

A. Ne içmek istersiniz?
A. What do you want to drink?

B. Bir fincan çay, yanında şeker ve limonla lütfen.

B. A cup of tea with sugar and lemon.

A. Tatlı istermisiniz?
A. Any dessert?

B. Evet, bir porsiyon kadayıf istiyorum.

B. Yes, I want a portion of kadayıf.

A. Hesabınız efendim.
A. Here is your bill, sir.

B. Kredi kartı ile ödeyebilir miyim?

B. Can I pay with a credit card?

A. Evet, ödeyebilirsiniz.
A. Yes, you can.

Study usage of the verbs ‘to eat’ and ‘to drink.’

Present Tense Past Tense

I drink Ben içerim I drank Ben içtim

You drink Sen içersin You drank Sen içtin
He drinks O içer He drank O içti
We drink Biz içeriz We drank Biz içtik
You drink Siz içersiniz You drank Siz içtiniz
They drink Onlar içerler They drank Onlar içtiler

5. Using the restaurant menu above, tell your classmates in Turkish what you ate and drank at your
most recent visit to a restaurant.

6. Listen and read along with the dialogue. Fill in the blanks with the missing Turkish words, and
then translate the passage into English. Check your work with the answer key.

Geçen _____ nerede yemek yedin?

Bir _________ yedim.
Yalnız başına mı yedin?
Hayır, _______ yanımdaydı.
O ne yedi?
O makarna ve ______ yedi.
Ne ____?

_____ içti.
Sen ne _____?
Ben _____ ve kızarmış patates yedim.
Ne içtin?
_____ içtim.

7. Below are some table service items. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Plate Bowl Cup Glass

Tabak Tas Fincan Bardak

Knife Fork Spoon Napkin

Bıçak Çatal Kaşık Peçete

8. Match the English words in the left column with the Turkish equivalents in the right column. \Check
your work with the answer key.

1. Plate A. Kaşık
2. Bowl B. Bardak
3. Cup C. Bıçak
4. Glass D. Çatal
5. Knife E. Tas
6. Fork F. Tabak

7. Spoon G. Peçete
8. Napkin H. Fincan

9. Listen to the following model. Repeat after the speaker. Compose similar sentences using the
words below.

Model: A. Kaşığım yok. Bir kaşık alabilir miyim?

A. I do not have a spoon. Can I have a spoon?
B. Evet, tabii. Buyrun.
B. Yes, of course. Here you are.

1. peçete
2. fincan
3. çatal
4. bıçak
5. bardak

10. Listen to the speaker and fill in the blansk with the missing Turkish words. Check your
answers with the answer key.

1. Bir bardak_______________ istiyorum.

2. Biz restorantta_____________________ içtik.
3. __________________yediniz mi?
4. Onlar _______________________ yediler.
5. O __________________________ yedi.
6. Bir__________________________ alabilirmiyim?
7. Onun________________________ yok.

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Tell in Turkish what you usually eat and drink for breakfast / lunch / dinner.

2. Pretend that you are at a restaurant now. What would you say in Turkish if you wanted to eat salad
and fried potatoes? You also want a cup of coffee, and you need a fork and a napkin. What would you say
in Turkish if you do not know what to choose? Your classmate is a waiter. Role-play the dialogue. Work
in pairs or in small groups.

3. Read and translate the following text into English. Answer the questions that follow in complete
sentences in Turkish. Check the answer key to review your translation and check your answers.

Geçen Cuma işten sonra kardeşim, annem, babam ve ben Küçük Dünya restorana gittik. Bankanın karşısında
küçük bir restoran. Bir garson bize kızarmış tavuk, salata ve makarna yememizi tavsiye etti. Kardeşim kırmızı
et ve patates yedi, şekerli ve limonlu çay içti. Annem çorba ve hamburger yedi, elma suyu içti. Tatlı olarak bir
dilim çilekli pasta yedi. Babam kırmızı et, kızarmış patates ve domates yedi. Tatlı olarak bir porsiyon kadayıf
yedi ve kahve içti. Ben Tavuk ve salata yedim. Yemek nefisti. Ben kredi kartı ile ödemek istedim fakat babam
nakit ödedi. Harika bir akşam geçirdik.

1. Aile ne zaman restorana gitti?

2. Restoran nerede?
3. Garson ne tavsiye etti?
4. Kardeşim ne yedi?
5. Kardeşim ne içti?
6. Annem çorba ve hamburger mi yedi?
7. Annem portakal suyu mu yoksa elma suyu mu içti?
8. Annem bir dilim kadayıf mı yedi?
9. Babam ne yedi?
10. Babam şarap içti mi?
11. Babam kredi kartı ile mi ödedi?
12. Harika bir akşam mıydı?

Vocabulary List
Apple juice Elma suyu
Bowl Tas
Kadaifi Kadayıf (Shredded Pastry with
mixed Nuts and syrup& Ground
Pistachio Topping)
Coffee Kahve
Cup Fincan
Fork Çatal
Fried Kızarmış
Glass Bardak
Knife Bıçak
Napkin Peçete
Orange juice Portakal suyu
Piece Bir dilim
Plate Tabak
Please Lütfen
Salad Salata
Soup Çorba
Spoon Kaşık
Tea Çay
Beef Kırmızı et
Hamburger Hamburger
Here you are Buyurun
To Drink / drank İçmek /
(I/You/S/he/We/You/They drank)
To eat /ate Yemek/
(I/You/S/he/We/You/They ate)
Recommend Tavsiye etmek
Wonderful Harika
Delicious Nefis
Very well Çok iyi
Lemon Limon
Dessert Tatlı
Bill Hesap
Wine Şarap
Beer Bira

Exercise 6

Where did you eat last Sunday? Geçen Pazar nerede yemek yedin?
I ate at a restaurant. Bir restorantta yedim.
Did you eat alone? Yalnız başına mı yedin?
No, my brother was with me. Hayır, kadeşim yanımdaydı.
What did he eat? O ne yedi?
He ate pasta and fish. O makarna ve balık yedi.
What did he drink? Ne içti?
He drank tea. Çay içti.
What did you eat? Sen ne yedin?
I ate chicken and fried potatoes. Ben tavuk ve kızarmış patates yedim.
What did you drink? Ne içtin?
I drank coffee. Kahve içtim.

Exercise 8

1. Plate F Tabak
2. Bowl E Tas
3. Cup H Fincan
4. Glass B Bardak
5. Knife C Bıçak
6. Fork D Çatal
7. Spoon A Kaşık
8. Napkin G Peçete

Exercise 10

1. milk süt
2. apple juice elma suyu
3. pasta makarna
4. fish balık
5. salad and beef salata ve et
6. knife bıçak
7. glass bardak

End of Lesson Exercise 3

Last Friday after work, my brother, our parents and I went to the restaurant “Small World.” It’s a small
restaurant across from the bank. A waiter recommended we have fried chicken, salad, and pasta. My brother ate
beef and potatoes; he drank tea with sugar and lemon. My mother ate soup and a hamburger. She drank apple
juice. For dessert she had a piece of strawberry cake. My father ate beef, fried potatoes, and tomatoes. He ate a
portion of kadaifi for dessert and drank coffee. I ate chicken and salad. It was delicious! I wanted to pay with a
credit card, but my father paid cash. We had a wonderful evening.

1. When did the family go to the restaurant?
Aile geçen Cuma akşamı bir restorana gitti.
2. Where is the restaurant?
Restoran bankanın karşısında.
3. What did the waiter recommend?
O kızarmış tavuk, salata ve makarna tavsiye etti.
4. What did my brother eat?
O kırmızı et ve patates yedi.
5. What did he drink?
Şekerli ve limonlu çay içti.
6. Did my mother eat soup and a hamburger?
7. Did she drink orange or apple juice?
Hayır, o sadece elma suyu içti.
8. Did she eat a piece of cheesecake for dessert?
Hayır, o sadece çilekli pasta yedi.
9. What did my father eat?
O kırmızı et, kızarmış patates ve domates yedi.
10. Did he drink wine?
Hayır, o kahve içti.
11. Did my father pay with a credit card?
Hayır nakit ödedi.
12. Was it a wonderful evening?
Evet, harikaydı.

Lesson 9
Holidays, Customs, and Cultural Traditions
Tatiller, Gelenekler ve Kültürel Alışkanlıklar

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Reading dates
- Using ordinal numbers
- Names of the months
- Holidays, customs, and cultural traditions of Turkey.

National Holidays:

There are four important national days in Turkey and all government offices are closed on those dates.

23rd of April, National Sovereignty and Children’s Day: The Turkish Grand National Assembly was
officially opened on April 23, 1920. That is the date when modern Turkey was born. The leader of the
Turkish Independence War, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk dedicated that day to children and declared the day as a
holiday. Since then, the 23rd of April has been celebrated as Children’s Day. Children from different
countries are invited to establish friendships and introduce their culture while at the same time enjoying
spending time with Turkish children. Celebrations include contests (painting, poems, quiz shows, etc.), folk
dances, singing, shows, stage plays, etc. Turkey is probably one of the few countries in the world that has a
national children’s day.

19th of May, Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth & Sports Day: The day is celebrated in memory of
the first nationalist movement headed by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to resist the Allied Occupation against
Turkey. He organized the remnants of the Ottoman army into an effective fighting force, and rallied the
people to the nationalist cause of War of Independence, starting his tour in Samsun on 19th of May 1919.

August 30th, Victory Day: Commemoration of the victory at the final battle ending the Turkish
Independence War in 1922. The day is dedicated to the armed forces.

October 29th, Republic Day: After the opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (under the
leadership of Atatürk), a republican constitution was established and Turkey's new capital was chosen as
Ankara. On October 29, 1923, the name of the country was declared as the Turkish Republic (Türkiye
Cumhuriyeti). Every year on October 29th the anniversary of the declaration of the Turkish Republic is

Religious Holidays:

There are two important religious holidays in Turkey, both of which come from Islam. They are not celebrated
on the same days every year because their dates are based on the lunar calendar (hicri takvim). The most
important characteristic of these religious holidays in today’s modern world is that it gives people (family,
relatives, neighbors, friends) the opportunity to remember each other and to refresh relationships. It is a time for
exchanging gifts, cards and visits and also supporting the spirit of unity in society. During these holidays, young
people kiss elderly people’s hands to get their good wishes or blessings. The elderly people try to help to solve
any conflicts or arguments that have occurred between people.

Ramazan Bayramı (Şeker Bayramı): This is a three-day festival celebrated after one month of fasting
(month of Ramadan). Throughout the festival people exchange visits and candies and sweets are served to
the guests. That is why it is also called Candy Festival (Şeker Bayramı). During the month of Ramadan,
only some restaurants in big cities may not serve food while most restaurants in rural area will not serve
food. Also, there are some places in the country where it might not be welcomed by local people to eat
during the day.

Kurban Bayramı (The Feast of the Sacrifice): A four-day festival celebrated in the memory of the story
in which a ram fell from the sky just at the moment when the Prophet Abraham was about to sacrifice his
son to God. If a Muslim has the financial means, donating money or sacrificing an animal is a religious
obligation. That is why during the festival many families in the country sacrifice an animal (cattle, rams or
camels). One-third of the meat is left in the house and the rest is distributed to relatives, neighbors and the
poor. The sacrified animal must be healthy and if it is a female, it must not be pregnant.

Besides the national days and religious holidays there are many other local and national celebrations such as
seasonal festivals, arts and crafts festivals, cultural festivals, film festivals, flower festivals, festivals of fruits
and vegetables, etc. Most of these festivals are celebrated to create an appropriate atmosphere for people to
come together, have fun and exchange ideas.

Grammar Note: Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.) are made by adding a suffix to the cardinal number. The suffix is a
variant of –(x)nc(x) (equivalent to –st, -nd, -rd, -th) complying with the Turkish vowel harmony rules. Here x
can be one of the set “-ı, -i, -u, -ü”

Example: Sayma Sayıları (Cardinal Numbers) Sıra Sayıları (Ordinal Numbers)

Bir (One) Birinci (First)
İki (Two) İkinci(Second)
Üç (Three) Üçüncü (Third)
Dört (four) Dördüncü (Fourth) (Notice how the letter “t”
Beş (Five) Beşinci(Fifth) softened to “d”)
Altı (Six) Altıncı ( Sixth)

Turkish numbers from 1 to 10, with the exception of 2, 6, 7, end with a consonant. If a number ends with a
vowel that means we just have to add the suffix –nc(x) to the equivalent cardinal number to get the ordinal
number. If the number ends with a consonant then we have to add the suffix –(x)nc(x). Here x can be one of the
set “-ı, -i, -u, -ü”

Example: Cardinal Number Ordinal Number

Bir (one) Bir + inci Birinci
Üç (three) Üç + üncü Üçüncü
Dört (dört) Dört + üncü Dördüncü

İki (two) İki + nci İkinci
Altı (six) Altı + ncı Altıncı
Yedi (seven) Yedi + nci Yedinci

1. Listen and repeat after the speaker. Follow along in the workbook.

1 one bir
first birinci
2 two iki
second ikinci
3 three üç
third üçüncü
4 four dört
fourth dördüncü
5 five beş
fifth beşinci
6 six altı
sixth altıncı
7 seven yedi
seventh yedinci
8 eight sekiz
eighth sekizinci
9 nine dokuz
ninth dokuzuncu
10 ten on
tenth onuncu

2. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. Use the words located in the box. Check your answers
with the answer key.

beşinci ikinci birinci altıncı üçüncü yedinci dördüncü yedinci

1. Pazartesi haftanın___________________günüdür.

2. Salı haftanın_______________________günüdür.

3. Çarşamba haftanın__________________günüdür.

4. Perşembe haftanın__________________günüdür.

5. Cuma haftanın______________________günüdür.

6. Cumartesi haftanın__________________günüdür.

7. Pazar haftanın______________________günüdür.

The numbers 11 to 19 follow the same rule for creating ordinal numbers from cardinal numbers. The number 11
is made from “ten one” (on bir) and 19 is “ten nine” (on dokuz).

Example: Sayma Sayıları (Cardinal Numbers) Sıra Sayıları (Ordinal Numbers)

On bir On birinci
On iki On ikinci
On üç On üçüncü
On dört On dördüncü
On beş On beşinci

3. Listen and repeat after the speaker the ordinal numbers 11 through 19. Follow along in the

11 eleven on bir
eleventh on birinci
12 twelve on iki
twelfth on ikinci
13 thirteen on üç
thirteenth on üçüncü
14 fourteen on dört
fourteenth on dördüncü
15 fifteen on beş
fifteenth on beşinci
16 sixteen on altı
sixteenth on altıncı
17 seventeen on yedi
seventeenth on yedinci
18 eighteen on sekiz
eighteenth on sekizinci
19 nineteen on dokuz
nineteenth on dokuzuncu

4. Read the following ordinal numbers in Turkish.

11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th

5. Listen and repeat after the speaker the ordinal numbers from 20 to 100.

20 twenty Yirmi
twentieth Yirminci
21 twenty-one Yirmi bir
twenty-first Yirmi birinci
22 twenty-two Yirmi iki
twenty-second Yirmi ikinci

23 twenty-three Yirmi üç
twenty-third Yirmi üçüncü
24 twenty-four Yirmi dört
twenty-fourth Yirmi dördüncü
25 twenty-five Yirmi beş
twenty-fifth Yirmi beşinci
26 twenty-six Yirmi altı
twenty-sixth Yirmi altıncı
27 twenty-seven Yirmi yedi
twenty-seventh Yirmi yedinci
28 twenty-eight Yirmi sekiz
twenty-eighth Yirmi sekizinci
29 twenty-nine Yirmi dokuz
twenty-ninth Yirmi dokuzuncu
30 thirty Otuz
thirtieth Otuzuncu
40 forty Kırk
fortieth Kırkıncı
50 fifty Elli
fiftieth Ellinci
60 sixty Altmış
sixtieth Altmışıncı
70 seventy Yetmiş
seventieth Yetmişinci
80 eighty Seksen
eightieth Sekseninci
90 ninety Doksan
ninetieth Doksanıncı
100 one hundred Yüz
one hundredth Yüzüncü

6. Listen to the names of the months and repeat after the speaker.

January Ocak
February Şubat
March Mart
April Nisan
May Mayıs
June Haziran
July Temmuz
August Ağustos
September Eylül
October Ekim
November Kasım
December Aralık

In Turkey, dates are expressed in the day/month/year order then followed by the day of the week.

29th of October 2005 Saturday (29 Ekim 2005 Cumartesi)
10th of November 2005 Thursday (10 Kasım 2005 Perşembe)

7. Look at the picture and say the dates and days of the week in Turkish. Practice the different dates,
days, and months through the year.

Model: Today is the 15th of April 1999. It is Thursday.

Bugün 15 Nisan 1999 Perşembe.

8. Listen as the speaker reads the following years. Repeat after the speaker.

1925-nineteen twenty-five Bin dokuz yüz yirmi beş

1900-nineteen hundred Bin dokuz yüz
2004-two thousand four İki bin dört

9. Read the following years in Turkish.

2001, 1987, 1960, 1945, 2000, 1700, 1516

10. Listen and repeat after the speaker the names of Turkish holidays. Follow along in the

1. New Year’s Eve – the 31st of December

Yılbaşı Gecesi – 31 Aralık
2. Republic Day – the 29th of October
Cumhuriyet Bayramı – 29 Ekim
3. St. Valentine’s Day – the 14th of February.
Sevgililer Günü – 14 Şubat

11. Listen to the speakers tell about their dates of birth. Follow along in the workbook.

1. When were you born? 2. When were you born? 3. When were you born?
Ne zaman doğdun? Ne zaman doğdun? Ne zaman doğdun?
I was born on the I was born on the I was born on the
11th of June, 1936. 31st of July, 1960. 23rd of January, 1987.
Ben 11 Haziran 1936’da doğdum. Ben 31 Temmuz 1960’ta doğdum. Ben 23 Aralık 1987’de

12. Work in pairs or in small groups. Ask your partner when he was born. Use the model below.

Model: A. I was born on the 15th of February, 1982. When were you born?
A. Ben 15 Şubat 1982’de doğdum. Sen ne zaman doğdun?
B. I was born on the 4th of September, 1979.
B. Ben 4 Eylül 1979’da doğdum.

13. Look at the picture below and imagine that this is your family. Describe each member. Use the model
below. You may use pictures of your own family.

Model: This is my brother. His name is… He is …years old. He was born on the …of…, 19…
Bu benim kardeşim. Onun adı… O ….yaşında. O …………19...’da doğdu.

14. Read and translate the following text into English. Answer the questions below in English. Check
your work with the answer key.

Benim adım Lale. Ben Türkiye’liyim. İstanbul’da yaşıyorum. Büyük bir ailem var: eşim, iki çocuğum, annem
ve babam. Biz büyük bir evde yaşıyoruz. Eşim otuz yaşında. O 23 Kasım 1970’te doğdu. O doctor ve hastanede
çalışıyor. Çocuklarım öğrenciler. Onlar okuyorlar. Kızım 26 Nisan 1992’de doğdu. Oğlum sekiz yaşında. O 1
Mayıs 1996’da doğdu. Annem çok yaşlı. O 78 yaşında. O 22 Kasım 1926 doğumlu. Babam 79 yaşında. O 25
Agustos 1925 doğumlu. Onlar çalışmıyorlar. Onlar kitap okurlar, televizyon izlerler ya da bizim çocuklarla
oynarlar. Harika bir ailem var.

1. Where does the family live?

2. How old is the wife?
3. When was she born?
4. What is her occupation?
5. Where does she work?
6. How many children do they have?
7. How old is the son? When was he born?
8. How old is the daughter?
9. When was she born?
10. How old is the grandmother?
11. When was she born?
12. How old is the grandfather?
13. When was he born?
14. What do the grandparents do?

Turkish Social Etiquette and Customs

Hospitality is an important part of Turkish culture. Whether in a big city or in a small town, a foreigner will
encounter Turkish hospitality. Language isn’t a deterrent to Turkish people from communicating with a
foreigner. They will make every effort to understand and be understood and use their body language and
instincts to guess your needs. Sometimes hospitality is taken to such lengths that a foreigner might feel they are
suffering from an overdose of it. To avoid hurting their host’s feelings, one feels unable to refuse anything
offered. Even in big cities, Turkish people are usually prepared to receive guests at all times. Most of the time
people don’t even expect a call in advance. They will invite you in to their home and offer slippers for your feet.
(It is a custom in Turkey to take off your shoes when entering a house as this habit helps to keep the house
clean.) If a foreigner is a guest in a Turkish house, they should be ready to receive lots of attention and
questions as most Turkish people show a great interest in other people’s culture and they are ready for a cultural
exchange process!
Turkish people have a late-night culture. Most people have late dinners and after dinner they have fruit and tea
usually with desserts and nuts. People usually will have big, long dinners especially if there are guests. If guests
are staying the night, the hosts will make the best bed possible for their guests as well as offer pajamas too!
Almost all Turkish people have very close family relationships. People respect their elders and support each
other in many ways. Parents usually support their children financially until they get married, and then young
couples are expected to earn enough to manage their own living expenses. However, the traditional family
where there is a unity of production and consumption, together with common property, is becoming rarer in
today’s Turkey.

Weddings (Düğünler), arrival of a new baby (bir bebeğin doğumu), and the circumcision ceremony (Sünnet),
have great importance in social life. Marriages are not conducted by Imams anymore as they were before the
republic. By law, marriages have to be a civil ceremony. Approximately 40% of marriages are civil only, 50%
are both civil and religious and 10% are religious only (which means they are not legal.) It is legally forbidden
to marry before the age of 15 for women and 17 for men. Although the types of wedding ceremonies and parties
may sometimes show differences, usually the families of both the groom and bride-to-be support the new
couples in many ways. Wealthy parents even buy a house for their children and also help in decorating it while
parents with average income help the new couple in finding a rental apartment and buying the appliances and
other household items. Parents also help with wedding expenses, such as hiring a wedding hall, wedding meals,
wedding clothes, etc. Most people who attend wedding parties usually buy a gold coin to put on the bride or
groom at the party, sometimes they give cash or other special gifts. If they do not give anything during the
wedding party, they will probably buy a household item and will pay a visit to the newly married sometime
after the wedding party. The custom of giving gold, money or gifts is mainly to support the newly married
couple in starting a new life.

The arrival of a baby is always a special event. Naming a baby is not always easy as all Turkish names have
meanings and parents would like to name their babies with the best possible name. Some of the children’s
names may derive form the time when the baby was born such as Bayram (Feast), Şafak (Dawn), Bahar
(Spring), Tufan (Storm). Or it may express the parents’ feelings about the child, if they want the baby to be the
last one, Yeter (Enough), Songül (Last Rose) and sometimes the names of elder people in families are chosen as
displays of respect. In Anatolia, there is a custom of planting trees in the names of newly born children.

Sünnet (Circumcision) is another important celebration in Turkey. Circumcision is known to have been
practiced in ancient Egypt even before it was introduced to the Jews as part of God’s covenant with Abraham.
In Islam however, the authority for circumcision comes not from the Koran but from the example of the Prophet
Mohammed. Whatever the Prophet does or says is called sünnet, therefore this word stands for circumcision in
modern Turkish. As Turkey is an Islamic country, all Moslem boys are circumcised, usually between the ages
of 2 and 14 by licensed circumcising surgeons. From a social point of view, the most important reason for
circumcision is the introduction of a child as a new member to his religious society. Boys are taught at an early
age that circumcision is a step for transition to manhood. A big party with food, music and dancing generally
celebrates the event.
Although some women are not satisfied with their marriages, divorce is not very common. They continue their
marriages for their children’s sake and to avoid the social judgment that may result. Another reason is
economic. In a country where unemployment is a problem, it would be risky for a woman to survive on her

Death is considered to be a natural part of life. There are many people who prepare themselves for death by
putting the necessary amount of money for a funeral in their bank accounts and/or buying land in a cemetery in
advance. According to religious belief, if the dead body is not washed, they will not be allowed in to the
heaven. Therefore, dead people have to be washed by authorized people, always women by women and men by
men. After the ablution, the corpse is dressed in a white shroud, put in a wooden coffin covered with a green
piece of cloth. A martyr’s coffin is covered with the Turkish flag. The coffin is carried on people’s shoulders to
a table in the courtyard of a mosque before prayers. Nobody stands in front of the funeral procession and people
in the street stand up and stay motionless and silent. The coffin sits guarded on the table while people perform
their regular prayers. Then they all come out of the mosque and line up in front of the coffin to take part in the

funeral service under the leadership of the Imam. Women are not allowed to join this service. At the end of the
service, the Imam asks people what they thought of the deceased and the answers are always positive: “He was
a good person. May God bless him!” etc. The coffin is carried to the cemetery by a hearse usually followed by
a long convoy. The deceased is buried only in the shroud not the coffin. The Imam’s prayers signify the end of
the burial. The deceased is commemorated on the seventh and fifty-second days of his death. Sometimes large
funeral meals and halvah are offered to the poor and surrounding people. Throughout the ages in Anatolia,
many different rituals have been applied to burials. Types of graves have differed. Graves under the floors of
houses, wooden rooms, chamber-like graves, rock-tombs, sarcophagi, domed or conical tombs (türbe or
kümbet) and mausoleums are some places where the dead have been laid.

15. Listen to the following conversation between two people. Repeat after the speakers. Follow
along in the workbook. Answer the questions that follow. Check your work with the answer key.

A. Merhaba Görkem. 6 Mayıs’ta bir doğum günü partisi var.

Seni ailemle tanışmaya davet ediyorum.
B. Teşekkürler Ercan. Ne zaman?
A. Beş veya beş otuz.
B. Adresin ne?
A. Yeni Gelin Sokak.Gençler Apartmanı.
Numara 12. Kat 3 Daire 4. Dikilitaş.
B. Oraya nasıl gelebilirim?
A. Ana yoldan Darphane’ye doğru sür ve Darphane’de sola dön.
Darphane caddesinde iki sokak boyunca sür. İkinci sokakta sağa dön.
Benim evim sağdaki üçüncü ev.
B. Ne getirebilirim?
A. Hiçbir şey. Teşekkürler.
B. Davetin için teşekkür ederim.

1. What is the occasion for the invitation?

2. What is the date?
3. What time should he arrive?
4. What is the address?
5. What directions is he given to get there?
6. What should he bring?

16. Work with a partner. Invite him/her to your house to celebrate a holiday. Give him/her directions
how to get to your house. Use the dialogue above as a model.

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Tell in Turkish the date when:

- You were born

- You graduated from high school
- Your wedding was
- Your child was born
- You joined the military

2. Give the names of Turkish holidays and tell when they are celebrated (in Turkish).

3. Invite your roommate to a party and give him/her directions on how to get there.

Vocabulary List
first birinci
second ikinci
third üçüncü
fourth dördüncü
fifth beşinci
sixth altıncı
seventh yedinci
eighth sekizinci
ninth dokuzuncu
tenth onuncu
eleventh onbirinci
twelfth onikinci
thirteenth onüçüncü
fourteenth ondördüncü
fifteenth onbeşinci
sixteenth onaltıncı
seventeenth onyedinci
eighteenth onsekizinci
nineteenth ondokuzuncu
twentieth yirminci
twenty-first yirmi birinci
twenty-second yirmi ikinci
twenty-third yirmi üçüncü
twenty-fourth yirmi dördüncü
twenty-fifth yirmi beşinci
twenty-sixth yirmi altıncı
twenty-seventh yirmi yedinci
twenty-eighth yirmi sekizinci
twenty-ninth yirmi dokuzuncu
January Ocak
February Şubat
March Mart
April Nisan
May Mayıs
June Haziran
July Temmuz
August Ağustos
September Eylül
October Ekim
November Kasım
December Aralık
Was born doğdu
To invite davet etmek
Invitation davet

Address adres
Drive sürmek
Along boyunca
Two blocks iki sokak
Turn right sağa dön
Turn left sola dön
Come over gel
To visit ziyaret etmek
Birthday doğum günü
Birthday party doğum günü partisi
Wedding evlenme
Funeral cenaze
To bring getirmek
I want to invite you … seni …… davet
etmek istiyorum.

Exercise 2

1. birinci first
2. ikinci second
3. üçüncü third
4. dördüncü fourth
5. beşinci fifth
6. altıncı sixth
7. yedinci seventh

Exercise 14

1. İstanbul, Turkey
2. 30
3. November 23, 1970
4. Doctor
5. Hospital
6. 2
7. 8 years old, May 1, 1996
8. 12 years old
9. April 26, 1992
10. 78
11. November 22, 1926
12. 79
13. August 25, 1925
14. Read books, watch television, and play with the grandchildren

Exercise 15

A. Hi, Görkem. There is a birthday party the 6th of May.

I invite you to come over and visit my family.
B. Thank you, Ercan. What time?
A. Five or five thirty.
B. What is your address?
A. It is Yeni Gelin Sokak.Gençler Apartmanı.
Numara 12. Kat 3 Daire 4. Dikilitaş.
B. How can I get there?
A. Drive north on the main road to Darphane and turn left.
Drive along Darphane two blocks and turn right.
My house is the third house on the right.
B. What can I bring?
A. Nothing, thanks.
B. Thank you for the invitation.

1. What is the occasion for the invitation? A birthday party.
2. What is the date? May 6.
3. What time should he arrive? 5:00 or 5:30
4. What is the address?
Yeni Gelin Sokak.Gençler Apartmanı.
Numara 12. Kat 3 Daire 4. Dikilitaş.
5. What directions is he given to get there?
Drive on the main road towards Darphane and turn left. Drive along Darphane two blocks and turn right.
My house is the third house on the right.
6. What should he bring? Nothing.

Lesson 10
Around the House

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Basic vocabulary related to the home
- Rooms around the house
- Furniture items you may see.

The Turkish Home

In Turkey, the average apartment for a family of four to five people usually has two or three
bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom (or sometimes two). People might eat in
their kitchen or living room. Most homes have basic kitchen appliances and other electronics
such as a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher and an oven.

Usually people design their homes in a simple and functional style. Most people do not have
household items that sit in the house and are not used. Because they have limited room and no
storage, they usually would give away the items that they do not need or do not use. Mostly they
will give those items to people who need them or sell them at a low price. Garage sales, which
are a part of American culture, are not part of the Turkish culture. This is because average
Turkish families do not have as many household items as American families. Only a minority
can afford expensive gadgets used in sports, exercising, camping, etc.
Almost all Turkish people take their shoes off when they go into their homes. Turkish people
love handmade carpets so in most homes people have them in their bedrooms, living rooms
and/or kitchens. Most homes have nice and elegant curtains and lace for their windows. A lot of
people also like having plants in small pots on the windowsills, or in bigger pots in their living
room or on the balcony.
Clothes dryers are not common in Turkey, so most people dry their clothes on clotheslines, and
even in the city, seeing laundry hanging on balconies is a common sight.

Turkish people love watching television so in almost every home there is a TV. It is main form
of entertainment in everyday life. The computer is taking its place as the second most popular
form of entertainment as more people can now afford one. They are especially popular among
young people. Backgammon is also very popular, especially among men. There is a
backgammon set in most Turkish homes.

Turkish people are open to novelties but sometimes it takes a while for them to get used to
something. When they started to sell cell phones in Turkey, the country became one of the best
markets in Europe as the people just loved the gadget and everybody wanted to have one. It is
interesting that although microwave ovens have been marketed for a long time now, not many
homes have them. It may be partly because most Turkish people believe that microwave ovens
might cause cancer or that food heated in microwave ovens will not taste the same.
Turkish society is fast becoming a more consumer-oriented society and as a result the life styles
and traditional homes are changing fast too.

1. Listen to the vocabulary below and repeat after the speaker.

Bathroom Banyo
Bedroom Yatak odası
Dining room Yemek odası
Door Kapı
Floor Zemin/yer
Window Pencere
Garage Garaj
Roof Çatı
Antenna Anten
Office Ofıs
Basement Bodrum
Yard Avlu
Kitchen Mutfak
Living room Oturma odası
One-story Tek katlı
Two-story İki katlı
First floor Birinci kat
Second floor İkinci kat

2. Match the Turkish words in the left column with their English equivalents in the right
column. Check your answers with the answer key.

1. Banyo A. Basement
2. Yatak odası B. Yard
3. Yemek odası C. Garage
4. Kapı D. Living room
5. Zemin E. Bathroom
6. Pencere F. Kitchen
7. Garaj G. Bedroom
8. Oturma odası H. Door
9. Ofis I. Dining room
10. Bodrum J. Floor
11. Avlu K. Office
12. Mutfak L. Window

In Turkish one word is used for the phrase “there is/there are”: “var.” The same construction is
used for singular and plural nouns. “Var” also means “(something) exists”.


English Turkish
There is a house on that hill. Şu tepede bir ev var.
There are houses on that hill. Şu tepede evler var.
There is a big kitchen in the house. Evde büyük bir mutfak var.
There are two bathrooms in the house. Evde iki banyo var.

Notice also that when we make nouns plural in Turkish normally we add –ler/-lar endings to the
nouns but when we use numbers before nouns they become automatically plural so we do not use
plural endings to make nouns plural in this case.
Evde odalar var. (There are rooms in the house.)
Evde iki oda var. (There are two rooms in the house.)
Benim kitaplarım var. (I have books.)
Benim beş kitabım var. (I have five books.)

3. Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks from the list of words written in
the box below. Check your work with the answer key.

garaj yatak odası anten avlu mutfak oturma odası ve yatak odası

1. Çatıda bir___________________var.
2. Ofis ile banyo arasında bir ____________________var.
3. Evin önünde bir _____________________var.
4. ___________________ile __________________arasında bir mutfak var.

4. Draw a plan of your house and recite in Turkish the types of rooms you have and where
they are located. Work in pairs or in small groups.

5. Match the following questions with the correct answers. Check your work with the
answer key.

A Banyo nerede? 1. Evet, küçük bir garajımız var.

B. Mutfak nerede? 2. Yatak odası oturma odasının yanında.
C. Yatak odası nerede? 3. Evet, büyük bir bodrum katımız var.
D. Yemek odan var mı? 4. Bizim üç yatak odamız var.
E. Garajın var mı? 5. Mutfak birinci katta.
F. Kaç odan var? 6. Banyo yatak odasının yanında.
G. Bodrum katın var mı? 7. Hayır, bizim yemek odamız yok.

“How many” is “Kaç tane” in Turkish. Most of the time the second word “tane” is omitted.
We always use this phrase with singular nouns although the answer may be in singular or plural.
Different from English, the question words “Kaç tane” can take an initial position or a mid
sentence position.


Turkish English
Evde kaç tane yatak odası var? How many bedrooms are there in the house?
(Or Evde kaç yatak odası var?)
Notice that even if the second part of question word “tane” is omitted, the meaning still is the
same. Also notice that, different than English, we use singular nouns with question word “Kaç

6. Pretend that you want to buy a house. Your classmate is a real estate agent. Make up a
dialogue using the model below. Work in pairs or in small groups.

Model: A. I want to buy a two-story house.

A. Ben iki katlı bir ev satın almak istiyorum.

B. There is a nice small house next to the market.

B. Marketin yanında küçük, güzel bir ev var.

A. How many bedrooms does the house have?

A. Evin kaç yatak odası var?

B. It has one bedroom.

B. Bir yatak odası var.

A. How many bathrooms are there in the house?

A. Evde kaç banyo var?

B. There is a big wonderful bathroom in the house.

B. Evde büyük, harika bir banyo var.

A. Is there a kitchen in the house?

A. Evde bir mutfak var mı?

B. Yes, there is.

B. Evet, var.

7. Familiarize yourself with these terms for furniture and furnishings. Listen and
repeat after the speaker.

Bathtub Bed Bookcase Chair Closet

Banyo küveti Yatak Kitaplık Koltuk Dolap

Table Refrigerator Dresser Lamp Microwave oven

Masa Buzdolabı Şifonyer Lamba Mikro dalga fırın

Radio Carpet Sink Sofa Stove

Radyo Halı Lavabo Kanepe Fırın

Telephone Television Toaster Toilet

Telefon Televizyon Tost makinesi Tuvalet

8. Below is a chart with rooms you would find in a typical home. Under each room, list in
Turkish the furniture and furnishings that you would expect to find there. Some items may
be used more than once.

Mutfak Yemek odası Oturma odası Yatak odası Banyo

9. Using the chart above, ask each other questions in Turkish about the furniture in your

Model: 1. What do you have in your kitchen? - I have a stove, (etc.) in my kitchen.
1. Mutfağında neler var? - Mutfağımda bir ocak, bir.... var.
2. What do you have in your dining room? - I have a table, (etc.) in my dining room.
2. Yemek odanda neler var? -Yemek odamda bir masa, bir..... var.

10. Listen and read along as a speaker talks about his home and then answer the
questions about the passage. Check your work with the answer key.

Benim adım Hakan. Ben eşim ve iki çocuğumla İzmir’de yaşıyorum. Bizim iki katlı küçük bir
evimiz var. Babam bizimle yaşıyor. Evin ikinci katında iki yatak odası var, biri iki oğlumuz için
ve biri de babam için. Eşim ve ben birinci kattaki yatak odasında yatıyoruz. İki banyomuz var.
İçinde bir ocak, bir fırın, lavabo ve buzdolabı olan büyük bir mutfağımız var. Mutfakta üzerinde
yemek yediğimiz büyük bir masa var. Bir yemek odamız yok. Oturma odamızda bir kanepe, bir
masa, iki sandalye ve küçük bir televizyon var. Akşam yemekten sonra, ben ve ailem televizyon

A. Aile nerede yaşıyor?

B. Evde kaç kişi yaşıyor?
C. Ev bir katlı mı yoksa iki katlı mı?
D. Kaç yatak odası var?
E. Birinci katta kaç yatak odası var? Orada kim uyuyor?
F. Evde kaç banyo var?
G. Yemeklerini nerede yerler?
H. Aile akşam yemekten sonra ne yapar?

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Listen to the speaker and write down the terms that you hear. Check your work
with the answer key


2. You have a guest in your home. Give him/her answers, in Turkish, to the following

Banyo nerede?
Mutfak nerede?
Kaç yatak odan var?
Telefon nerede?
Televizyon izleyebilir miyim?
Akşam yemeğini ne zaman yersiniz?
Sabah saat kaçta kalkarsın?
Saat kaçta işe gidersin?

Vocabulary List
Basement Bodrum
Bathroom Banyo
Bathtub Banyo küveti
Bed Yatak
Bedroom Yatak odası
Bookcase Kitaplık
Chair Koltuk
Closet Dolap
Table Masa
Dining room Yemek odası
Door Kapı
Dresser Şifonyer
Floor Zemin/yer
Garage Garaj
Kitchen Mutfak
Lamp Lamba
Living room Oturma odası
Microwave oven Mikro dalga fırın
One-story Tek katlı
Oven Fırın
Radio Radyo
Carpet Halı
Second floor İkinci kat
Sink Lavabo
Sofa Kanepe
Stove Ocak
Television Televizyon
Toaster Tost makinesi
Toilet Tuvalet
Two-story İki katlı
Window Pencere

Exercise 2

1. E Bathroom Banyo
2. G Bedroom Yatak odası
3. I Dining room Yemek odası
4. H Door Kapı
5. J Floor Zemin
6. L Window Pencere
7. C Garage Garaj
8. D Living room Oturma odası
9. K Office Ofis
10. A Basement Bodrum katı
11. B Yard Avlu
12. F Kitchen Mutfak

Exercise 3

1. Çatıda bir anten var.

2. Ofis ile banyo arasında bir yatak odası var.
3. Evin önünde bir avlu var.
4. Oturma odası ile yemek odası arasında bir mutfak var.

1. There is an antenna on the roof.

2. There is a bedroom between the office and the bathroom.
3. There is a yard in front of the house.
4. There is a kitchen between the living room and the dining room.

Exercise 5

A 6
B 5
C 2
D 7
E 1
G 3
F 4

Exercise 10

My name is Hakan. I live with my wife and two children in İzmir. We have a small two-story
house. My father lives with us. The house has two bedrooms on the second floor; one for our two
sons and one for my father. My wife and I sleep in the bedroom on the first floor. We have two
bathrooms. We have a large kitchen with a stove, oven, sink and refrigerator. In the kitchen there
is a large table where we eat. We do not have a dining room. Our living room has a sofa, a table,
two chairs, and a small television. In the evening after dinner, my family and I watch television.

A. İzmir Where does the family live?

B. beş How many people live in the house?
C. iki katlı Is the house one story or two story?
D. üç How many bedrooms are there?
E. bir, karı koca How many bedrooms are on the first floor? Who sleeps there?
F. iki How many bathrooms are there in the house?
G. mutfakta Where do they eat their meals?
H. televizyon izler What does the family do in the evening after dinner?

End of Lesson Exercise 1

1. banyo
2. lamba
3. lavabo
4. yatak
5. pencere
6. radyo
7. birinci kat
8. çatı

Lesson 11
Weather and Seasons
Hava Durumu ve Mevsimler

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Vocabulary related to weather, seasons, and climate
- How to ask for and give temperatures
- How to understand weather reports
- How to discuss the weather and climate in Turkish.

1. Listen to the weather terms as they are read aloud. Repeat the weather terms after the speaker.

Rain Sun Wind

Yağmur Güneş Rüzgar

Snow Fog Clouds

Kar Sis Bulutlar

2. Match the pictures with the correct weather term. Check your answers with the answer key.


3. What do you hear? Circle the terms you hear spoken by the native speaker.

A. sun wind rain clouds fog snow

B. sun wind rain clouds fog snow
C. sun wind rain clouds fog snow

4. Familiarize yourself with the following terms related to the weather. Pause the recording as
many times as you need. Repeat after the speaker.

Temperature Sıcaklık
Fahrenheit Fahrenayt
Celsius Selsiyus
Weather Hava
Weather forecast Hava durumu
Weather report Hava durumu raporu
Winter Kış
Spring Bahar
Summer Yaz
Fall Sonbahar
Clear Açık
Cloudy Bulutlu
Overcast Kapalı
Windy Rüzgarlı
Cold Soğuk
Low temperature Düşük sıcaklık
Freezing Dondurucu
Below freezing Donma noktası altında
Warm Ilık
High temperature Yüksek sıcaklık
Hot Sıcak
Dry Kuru
Sunny Güneşli
Rainy Yağmurlu

Grammar Note: Converting nouns into adjectives

There is a pattern for the use of nouns as adjectives for weather.

We add –lı, -li, -lu to the end of the noun. The pattern is to look at the vowel in the last syllable.

* If it ends with ‘a’ or ‘ı’, add the suffix –lı

* If it ends with ‘e’ or ‘i’, add the suffix –li
* If it ends with ‘o’ or ‘u’, add the suffix –lu

For example:

Noun Ends with Adjective

rüzgar (wind) a rüzgarlı (windy)
yağış (shower) ı yağışlı (showery)
güneş (sun) e güneşli (sunny)
sis (fog) i sisli (foggy)
toz (dust) o tozlu (dusty)
bulut (cloud) u bulutlu (cloudy)

5. Listen to typical questions and responses about the weather. Repeat them after the speaker.

- How is the weather in December? -Aralıkta hava nasıldır?

- It’s cold and snowy. -Soğuk ve karlıdır.

- How is the weather in April? -Nisanda hava nasıldır?

- It’s warm and clear. -Ilık ve açıktır.

- How is the weather in July? -Temmuzda hava nasıldır?

- It’s sunny and hot. -Güneşli ve sıcaktır.

- How is the weather in October? -Ekimde hava nasıldır?

- It’s windy and rainy. -Rüzgarlı ve yağmurludur.

6. Read the following short dialogues on weather and match each one to a picture below. Check your
work with the answer key.

1. Bugün hava nasıl?

Kapalı ve yağmurlu.

2. Sıcaklık ne kadar?
(Sıcaklık) 28 selsiyus derece. (Hava) çok ılık ve açık.

3. Orada hava nasıl?

(Hava) kar yağışlı ve donma noktası altında.

4. Hava güneşli mi?

Hayır, sisli ve soğuk.

A #____________ B #_______________

C #____ _________ D #_____________

7. Work with a partner. Complete the dialogues according to the models in Exercises 5 and 6. Use the
vocabulary given below.
Güneşli yağmurlu sıcak Serin açık sisli kapalı bulutlu Donma noktası ılık kuru

Ocakta hava nasıldır?

(Hava) …….ve……. .

Mayısta hava nasıldır?

(Hava) …… ve …… .

Ağustosta hava nasıldır?

(Hava) …… ve …… .

Kasımda hava nasıldır?

(Hava) ….. ve …… .

8. Work with a partner. Put the given words in a correct order so that you can ask a question and give
an answer about the weather in different places. Check your work with the answer key.

Model: mı/ aralıkta/ Kars’ta/ yağar/ yağmur/ hayır

Student 1: Kars’ta aralıkta yağmur yağar mı?

Student 2: Hayır, Kars’ta aralıkta kar yağar.

1) sıcak/ haziranda/ İzmir’de/ güneşli / hava/ ve/ midir/ (hava/ güneşlidir/ sıcak/ evet/ İzmir’de/ ve/

2) ılık/ ekimde/ mıdır/ hava/ Ağrı’da/ (ekimde/ ve/ rüzgarlıdır/ hava/ hayır/ Ağrı’da/ soğuk/)

3) mudur/ Adana’da/ yağmurlu/ hava/ martta/ (Adana’da/ Evet/ yağmurludur/ martta/ hava/ )

9. Listen to the speaker. Transcribe each passage in Turkish, and then translate them into English.
Check your work with the answer key.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

10. Familiarize yourself with the following terms related to weather and natural disasters. Pause
the recording as many times as you need. Repeat after the speaker.

Lightning Thunderstorm Tornado

Yıldırım Gök gürültülü fırtına Tayfun

Hurricane Flood
Kasırga Sel

11. What do you hear? Circle the term you hear spoken by the native speaker. Check your answers
with the answer key.

1 lightning thunderstorm tornado hurricane flood

2 lightning thunderstorm tornado hurricane flood
3 lightning thunderstorm tornado hurricane flood

12. Answer the questions. Check your work with the answer key.

A. Is it a thunderstorm? B. Is it a flood? C. Is it a hurricane?

O bir gök gürültülü fırtına mı? O bir sel mi? O bir kasırga mı?

- No, it’s …….. No, it’s …….. . - No, it’s …….. .

Hayır, o …… Hayır, o …... Hayır, o …….

D. Is it a tornado? E Is it lightning?
O bir tayfun mu? O bir yıldırım mı?

- No, it’s …….. . - No, it’s ……. .

Hayır, o ……. Hayır, o …….

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Listen to the following weather report for four different cities in Turkey. In English, fill in the
chart below with the weather and temperature for each city. Pause or replay the audio if needed. Check
your work with the answer key.

Weather Report

City Weather Temperature


2. Listen to the following weather report and answer the questions below. Check your work with
the answer key.

Audio Clip

1. What city is the weather report for?

2. What is the date?
3. What day of the week is this?
4. What is the forecast for today?
5. What will be the high and low temperatures for today?
6. What is the forecast for tomorrow?
7. What will be the high and low temperatures for tomorrow?
8. What time of the day tomorrow is the high temperature expected?
9. Are the temperatures in Fahrenheit, Celsius, or was it not mentioned?

3. Working in pairs or small groups, describe the pictures. Using the vocabulary you’ve learned in this
lesson; compose a story to match the pictures. Include the season of the year, the name of the month, the
type of weather it seems to be, etc.

Vocabulary List
Weather Hava
Weather forecast Hava durumu/ Hava tahmini
Weather report Hava raporu
Rain Yağmur
Sun Güneş
Wind Rüzgar
Snow Kar
Fog Sis
Lightning Yıldırım
Thunderstorm Gök gürültülü fırtına
Tornado Tayfun
Hurricane clouds Kasırga bulutları
Rainy Yağmurlu
Sunny Güneşli
Cloudy Bulutlu
Freezing Dondurucu
Clear Açık
Temperature Sıcaklık
Fahrenheit Fahrenayt
Celsius Selsiyus
Hot Sıcak
Cold Soğuk
Warm Ilık
Dry Kuru
Overcast Kapalı
Windy Rüzgarlı
Winter Kış
Spring Bahar
Summer Yaz
Fall Sonbahar
High Yüksek
Low Düşük

Exercise 2

Wind Rüzgar
Sun Güneş
Rain Yağmur
Snow Kar

Exercise 3

A. Sun Güneş
B. Wind Rüzgar
C. Clouds Bulutlar

Exercise 6

A 4 It’s foggy and cold.

B 1 It is overcast and raining.
C 2 It is 28 degrees Celsius! It is very warm and clear.
D 3 It’s snowing and below freezing.

Exercise 8

1) Is it hot and sunny in İzmir in June? Yes, it is hot and sunny in İzmir in June.
2) Is it warm in Ağrı in November? No. it is cold and windy.
3) Is it rainy in Adana in March? Yes, it is rainy in Adana in March.

Exercise 9

1. B The weather in September is rainy and warm.

Eylülde hava yağmurlu ve ılıkdır.
2. B What is the temperature today? It is 22 degrees Fahrenheit.
Bugün hava kaç derece? (Hava) 22 fahrenayt derece.
3. A Is it cold in spring? No, it’s warm and sunny.
Baharda hava soğuk mudur? Hayır, (hava) ılık ve güneşlidir.
4. C What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? Sunny and cold.
Yarın için hava durumu nedir? Güneşli ve soğuk.
5. C The summers are hot and sunny. The winters are cold and snowy.
Yazlar sıcak ve güneşlidir. Kışlar soğuk ve kar yağışlıdır

Exercise 11

thunderstorm gök gürültülü fırtına

lightning yıldırım
flood sel

Exercise 12

A. O bir gök gürültülü fırtına mı? Hayır, o bir yıldırım.

A. Is it a thunderstorm? No, it is lightning.
B. O bir sel mi? Hayır, o bir tayfun.
B. Is it a flood? No, it is a tornado.
C. O bir kasırga mı? Hayır, o bir gök gürültülü fırtına.
C. Is it a hurricane? No, it is a thunderstorm.
D. O bir tayfun mu? Hayır, o bir sel.
D. Is it a tornado? No, it is a flood.
E. O bir yıldırım mı? Hayır, o bir kasırga.
E. Is it lightning? No it is a hurricane.

End of Lesson Exercise 1

Bu 30 Nisan Pazar günü için hava durumudur. Yarın Ankara’da hava güneşli ve açık olacak. Sıcaklık 28
selsiyus derece olacak. Yarın İstanbul’da hava yağmurlu ve serin olacak. Sıcaklık 20 selsiyus derece olacak.
Yarın Antalya’da hava güneşli ve kuru olacak. Sıcaklık 30 selsiyus derece olacak.

City Weather Temperature

1. Ankara Sunny and clear 28 celsius
2. İstanbul Rainy and cool 20 celsius
3. Antalya Sunny and dry 30 celsius

This is the weather forecast for Sunday April 30. Tomorrow it will be sunny and clear in Ankara. The
temperature will be 28 degrees Celsius. Tomorrow in Istanbul, it will be rainy and cool. The temperature will be
20 degrees Celsius. Tomorrow in Antalya, it will be dry and sunny and the temperature will be 30 degrees

Exercise 2

1. What city is the weather report for? İstanbul.

2. What is the date? April 21.
3. What day of the week is this? Friday.
4. What is the forecast for today? Rainy with a chance of a thunderstorm this evening.
5. What will be the high and low temperatures for today? High of 18 and low of 8.
6. What is the forecast for tomorrow? Cloudy in the morning but sunny in the afternoon.
7. What will be the high and low temperatures for tomorrow? High of 22 and low of 12.
8. What time of the day tomorrow is the high temperature expected? 3:00 pm.
9. Are the temperatures in Fahrenheit, Celsius, or was it not mentioned? Celsius.

Bu, İstanbul için 21 Nisan Cuma günkü hava durumudur. Bugünkü hava akşam gök gürültülü ve
fırtınaya dönme olasılığıyla yağmurlu olacak. Yarınki hava sabah bulutlu fakat öğleden sonra güneşli
olacak.Ayrıca rüzgarlı olacak. Bugünkü düşük sıcaklık 8 selsiyus derece, yüksek sıcaklık 18 selsiyus derece
olacak. Cumartesinin yüksek sıcaklığı öğleden sonra 3’te 22 (derece) ve düşük sıcaklık 12 derece olacak.

This is the weather report for İstanbul for Friday the 21st of April. Today’s weather will be rainy with a chance
of a thunderstorm this evening. Tomorrow’s weather will be cloudy in the morning but sunny in the afternoon.
It will also be windy. The low temperature for today will be 8 degrees Celsius with a high temperature of 18.
Saturday’s high temperature will be 22 Celsius at 3:00 in the afternoon and the low temperature will be 12

Lesson 12
Personal Appearance
Kişisel Görünüm
This lesson will introduce you to:
- Physical features (hair color, weight, height, etc.)
- Articles of clothing
- Colors
- Description of a person’s physical appearance, including the clothing
- Appropriate ways to ask about someone’s appearance.

1. Look at the pictures below and familiarize yourself with the new vocabulary. Listen to the
descriptions of people’s appearances.

Tall Short Heavy Thin Young Old

Uzun Kısa Kilolu Zayıf Genç Yaşlı

Short Long Blond Red Gray

Kısa Uzun Sarışın Kızıl Gri

2. Look at the pictures below and listen to the descriptions of people’s appearances.

Bu insanlar orta yaşlı. Oğlan siyah göz ve saça sahip.

Onlar neşeli. Kız sarışın ve mavi gözlü.

3. Look at the pictures below and familiarize yourself with the new vocabulary describing hair.
Listen to the speaker and repeat as you follow along in the workbook.

Blond Sarışın
Brown Kahverengi
Red Kızıl
Gray Gri
Curly Kıvırcık
Straight Düz

This young woman has short brown hair. This young man also has short brown hair.
Bu genç kadın kısa kahverengi saçlara sahip. Bu genç adam da kısa kahverengi saçlara sahip.

The young girl has long blond hair. The older man has gray hair.
Bu genç kız uzun sarı saçlara sahip. Bu yaşlı adam gri saçlara sahip.

4. Work with a partner. Look at the pictures and describe each of the people. See if your partner can
correctly identify the body type and their color and style of hair from your description.

5. Look at the pictures below and familiarize yourself with the new vocabulary. Listen to the
speaker and repeat as you follow along in the workbook.

Ear Nose Eye Mouth Glasses Beard

Kulak Burun Göz Ağız Gözlük Sakal

Light Skin Medium Skin Dark Skin

Açık tenli Buğday tenli Kara tenli

6. From the lists above, choose the characteristics and adjectives used to describe each feature. Fill in the
chart below in Turkish. Check your answers with the answer key.

Hair Skin Height Frame Facial Features

7. In each line of text below, cross out the term that does not logically belong. Check your work with the
answer key.

mavi yeşil zayıf kahverengi

kısa gözlük uzun orta

burun sakal kilolu gözler

sarışın gri uzunluk kara

8. Listen to the descriptions of different people’s appearances while reading the following dialogues.
Answer the questions. Check your answers with the answer key.

1. - Ayşe’nin saçları hangi renk?

- Onun saçları kahverengi.
- Ayşe’nin saçları uzun mu kısa mı?
- Kısa.
- Ayşe’nin saçları kıvırcık mı düz mü?
- Düz.

2. - Ali gözlük takıyor mu?

- Hayır, o gözlük takmıyor.
- Ali’nin gözleri ne renk?
- Onun gözleri mavi.

3. – Cem uzun mu?

- O orta boylu.
- O şişman mı?
- Hayır, o zayıf.

1. How many people were described?
2. What were their names?
3. What kind of hair does Ayşe have?
4. Does Ali wear glasses?
5. Does Ali have brown eyes?
6. Is Cem short and heavy?

9. Familiarize yourself with the new vocabulary on clothing and colors. Listen and repeat after the

Black Siyah
Gray Gri
Green Yeşil
Red Kırmızı
Blue Mavi
Yellow Sarı
White Beyaz

Red Coat Gray Suit Tan Pants Blue Jeans

Kırmızı mont Gri takım elbise Krem pantolon Mavi kot pantolon

Green Jacket Brown Sweater Orange Shirt Blue T-Shirt

Yeşil ceket Kahverengi kazak Turuncu gömlek Mavi tişört

Green Skirt Purple Dress White Sweat Suit Yellow Shorts
Yeşil etek Mor elbise Beyaz eşofman Sarı şort

Brown Boots Blue Shoes Black Hat Gray Uniform

Kahverengi bot Mavi ayakkabı Siyah şapka Gri üniforma

Black Socks White Socks

Siyah çorap Beyaz çorap

10. Match each description with the corresponding picture. Fill in the blank with the correct letter. Note
that there could be more than one match. Check your work with the answer key.


1. ……. yaşlı bir kadın.
2. ……. sarı saçlara sahip.
3. ……. uzun kahverengi saçlara sahip.
4. ……. bir gri takım elbise giyiyor.
5. ……. mavi pantolon giyiyor.
6. ……. bir genç anne.
7. ……. uzun ve zayıf.
8. ……. bir sarı elbise giyiyor.
9. ……. bir mavi tişört giyiyor.
10. ..…. kilolu.

11. Translate the following descriptions into English. Check your work with the answer

A. Ece uzun ve zayıf. 30 yaşındadır. Kıvırcık sarı saçlara, yeşil gözlere ve buğday tene sahip.

B. Mehmet uzun ve kiloludur. 45 yaşındadır. Gri saçlara, mavi gözlere ve açık tene sahiptir.

C. O asker koyu kısa saçlara sahip. Kısa ve zayıftır.

D. Bir genç kız 10 yaşındadır. O uzun ve zayıf. Uzun kahverengi saçlara, kahverengi gözlere ve
koyu tene sahip.

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Describe the people you see in the pictures. For each person, include the approximate age, skin tone,
color and length of hair, and what he/she is wearing.

1 2 3

4 5 6

2. Come up with a simple description for each of the people listed below. (You may substitute any
individual you wish for those listed.) Be sure to include hair color and length, approximate height and
age, eye color, and skin tone.

My mother is 63 years old. She is tall and has a medium frame. She has short, gray hair and brown eyes. She has
light skin. She wears glasses.
A. Mother
B. Father
C. Co-worker
D. President of the United States
E. Your next door neighbor

3. Work in pairs. Pretend that you and your partner are roommates. When you went to the store,
someone came to visit you. Now you are back. Ask your roommate questions about that person’s
appearance. Your partner will describe the visitor. In Turkish, say how he/she looks (Is he/she tall or
short? Heavy or thin? What kind of hair does he/she have? What was he wearing? What color were the

Vocabulary List
Average Orta
Beard Sakal
Black Siyah
Blond Sarışın
Blue Mavi
Blue jeans Mavi kot pantolon
Boots Bot
Brown Kahverengi
Color Renk
Curly Kıvırcık
Dark Kara
Dress Elbise
Ears Kulaklar
Eyes Gözler
Face Yüz
Frame Yapı
Glasses Gözlük
Gray Gri
Green Yeşil
Hair Saç
Hat Şapka
Jacket Ceket
Large Büyük
Light Açık
Man Adam
Medium Orta
Mouth Ağız
Nose Burun
Old Yaşlı
Pants Pantolon
Red Kırmızı
Shirt Gömlek
Shoes Ayakkabı
Short Kısa
Skin Ten
Skirt Etek
Small Küçük
Straight Düz
Suit Takım elbise
Sweater Kazak
Sweats Eşofman
Tall Uzun
Thin Zayıf
To wear Giymek

T-shirt Tişört
White Beyaz
Woman Kadın
Yellow Sarı
Young Genç

Exercise 6

Hair Skin Height Frame Facial Features

Küçük Açık Uzun Kilolu Kulak
Uzun Orta Kısa Zayıf Burun
Sarışın Kara Göz
Kırmızı Ağız
Gri Gözlük

Exercise 7

1. thin zayıf 2. glasses gözlük 3. heavy kilolu 4. height uzunluk

Exercise 8

1. How many people were described? Three.

2. What were their names? Ayşe, Ali and Cem.
3. What kind of hair does Ayşe have? Short, straight, brown.
4. Does Ali wear glasses? No.
5. Does Ali have brown eyes? No, he has blue eyes.
6. Is Cem short and heavy? No, average height and thin.

Exercise 10

1. D is an old woman.
2. E has blond hair.
3. B has long brown hair.
4. A is wearing a gray suit
5. E is wearing blue pants.
6. C is a young mother.
7. C is tall and thin.
8. C is wearing a yellow dress.
9. B is wearing a blue t-shirt.
10. A is heavy.

Exercise 11

1. Ece is tall and thin. She is 30 years old. She has blond curly hair, green eyes, and fair skin.
2. Mehmet is tall and heavy. He is 45 years old. He has short gray hair, blue eyes, and light skin.
3. The soldier has dark short hair. He is short and thin.
4. A young girl is 10 years old. She is tall and thin. She has long brown hair, brown eyes, and dark skin.

Lesson 13

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Verbs of motion
- Ways of asking questions about the different modes of transportation
- Different types of transportation available in Turkey.

It is fairly easy to travel in Turkey whether by plane, bus, train or private car.

Daily flights are scheduled between major cities such as İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Adana,
Antalya, Samsun, Diyarbakır and Van. The biggest airline is the state owned Turkish Airlines
(THY) and it has flights to most of the capitols and big cities in the world. A few private charter
and local airlines have been established recently.

The most common form of local transportation is the bus. It is commonly used within city limits
as well as between cities. Departures are frequent, but you will need a reservation if you are
traveling intercity. Buses running intercity are quite modern and service quality is high. It is
possible to travel to every corner of the country by bus. There are also private run bus lines and
small mini-buses called “Dolmuş.”

Besides buses, most large cities have a variety of public transportation that includes subways,
ferries, and taxis. It is quite easy to get a taxi on the roadside or, through a phone call, to your
front door.

Private transportation is common in big cities. Around 20% of the population owns their vehicles
and this number is increasing.

These transportation methods are less available in rural areas.

1. Listen and repeat the following words as you read along.

Airplane Bicycle Ship Bus

Uçak Bisiklet Gemi Otobüs

Car Ferry Boat Helicopter

Araba Feribot Helikopter

Motorcycle Taxi Train Truck

Motorsiklet Taksi Tren Kamyon

Grammar Note: The verbs ‘to walk,’ ‘to drive,’ and ‘to ride.’

to walk = yürümek to drive = sürmek/gitmek to ride = binmek/gitmek

I am going to drive to the gas station. (Ben) benzin istasyonuna süreceğim.

I am walking to the library. (Ben) kütüphaneye yürüyorum.
Are you going to ride your bicycle to the concert? (Sen) konsere bisikletinle mi gidecek sin?

2. Listen to the questions and answers about using different forms of transportation.
Repeat after the speaker as you read along.

How do you go to work?

İşe nasıl gidersin?

by car arabayla
by bus otobüsle
by train trenle
I go by bicycle Ben bisikletle giderim.
by boat botla
by motorcycle motorsikletle
by truck kamyonla

car arabaya
bus otobüse
I train Ben trene binerim.
take bicycle bisiklete
the boat bota
motorcycle motorsiklete
truck kamyona
I walk Ben yürürüm.

Grammar Note
Model: who + the verb of motion + mode of transportation + destination
Example: I ride a bus to school.

Model : kim (who) + varılacak yer (destination) + ulaşım yolu (mode of transportation) + ile (by)
+ hareket fiili (the verb of motion)
Örnek: Ben okula otobüs ile giderim.

Grammar Note: The preposition “by” in English corresponds to “ile” in Turkish. The “ile”
proposition follows the mode of transportation.
For example: by bus = otobüs ile.
by train = tren ile

The preposition “ile” often joins the previous word and becomes the –le or -la suffix depending
on the vowel of the last syllable in the preceding word. Here is the rule:
* If the last syllable contains a, ı, o or u, the preposition “ile” becomes the suffix –la
* If the last syllable contains e, i, ö or ü, the preposition “ile” becomes the suffix –le
English Turkish (separate) Turkish (as suffix)
by boat bot ile botla

by taxsi taksi ile taksiyle (ile becomes yle to mathe transition smooth as taksi ends with a vowel)

3. Read each statement below and match it with the correct picture. Check your work with
the answer key.

1 2 3

4 5 6

A. Her sabah okula otobüs ile giderim.

B. Askerler askeri bir kamyona binerler.
C. Yağmur yağınca taksiye bineriz.
D. İşime arabamla giderim.
E. Benim arkadaşım işe bisikletle gider.
F. Erkek kardeşim motorsiklete biner.

4. Practice creating complete sentences out of the words below. Use the following model.
Model: who + destination + mode of transportation + the verb of motion.

Example: Ben okula otobüsle giderim.

ben, motorsiklet, erkek kardeşim, binmek, -e,-a , okul, bisiklet, anne-babamız, araba,
havaalanı, tren, konser, kütüphane, arkadaşım, sürmek, taksi, otobüs, yürümek

Grammar Note: Asking for directions

This is the model for asking directions in Turkish:

Subject + destination + nasıl (how) + verb of transportation

If you want to ask a stranger for directions you would greet him and use the above model.
For example, if you want to go to the Akbank branch (a private bank in Turkey), you would say:
- Merhaba, Ben Akbank şubesine nasıl giderim? (Hello. How can I get to the Akbank branch?)
- Karşıdaki dolmuşa bin. (Get on the minibus accross the street.)
- Tesekkür ederim. (Thank you.)

5. Listen to and read along with the following exchanges. Repeat after the speaker.

- Afedersiniz. Kütüphaneye gitmek istiyorum. Oraya nasıl gidebilirim?

- 14 numaralı otobüse bin.
- Teşekkürler.
- Rica ederim.

- Hastaneye nasıl gidebilirim?

- Taksiye bin.
- Çok teşekkür ederim.
- Rica ederim.

- Otelden havaalanına nasıl gideceğimi söyler misiniz lütfen?

- Trene bin.
- Kaç numara?
- Tren numarası 22.

6. Working with a partner, make up similar exchanges. Use the words from Exercise 5 and
the pictures below to choose the destination.

7. Now listen to three passages and transcribe what you hear in Turkish. Then
translate each passage into English. Check your answers with the answer key.




At a service station

8. Familiarize yourself with the following vocabulary. Listen to the speaker and
follow along in your book.

Gas Benzin
Gas station Benzin istasyonu
Service station Servis istasyonu
Diesel Dizel
Car wash Araba yıkama
Oil Yağ
Tires Tekerler
Air Hava
Water Su
Flat tire Patlamış teker

In Turkey the liter is used for liquid measurements.

1 gallon = 3.785 liters
1 quart = .946 liters
1 liter = 2.1 pints
10 liters = 2.63 gallons

9. Listen to the people at a service station and find out what each needs. Circle the
English equivalents of the terms you hear. Check your answers with the answer key.

A. Air Gas Diesel Tires Oil Car Wash

B. Air Gas Diesel Tires Oil Car Wash

C. Air Gas Diesel Tires Oil Car Wash

D. Air Gas Diesel Tires Oil Car Wash

10. Familiarize yourself with these terms identifying infrastructure.

Road Yol
Highway Otoyol
Freeway Çevreyolu
Local road Yerel yol
Railroad Tren yolu

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Tell how you would get to the following places using various modes of transportation.
Try to make your story interesting and include as many details as you can.

2. Listen and write down the responses to the questions below. Check your work with
the answer key.

A. – Hiç benzinim yok Benzin istasyonu nerde?


B. – Tekerimde sorun var. Ne yapmalıyım?


C. – Bir litre benzin kaç lira?

D. – Ne kadar benzin istiyorsun?

Vocabulary List
Air Hava
Airplane Uçak
Bicycle Bisiklet
Boat Bot
Bus Otobüs
Car Araba
Car wash Araba yıkama
Concert Konser
Diesel Dizel
Ferry boat Feribot
Freeway Çevre yolu
Gallon Galon
Gas Benzin
Helicopter Helikopter
Highway Otoyol
Library Kütüphane
Liter Litre
Local road Yerel yol
Motorcycle Motorsiklet
Oil Yağ
Railroad Tren yolu
Service station Servis istasyonu
School Okul
Ship Gemi
Taxi Taksi
Tire/tires Teker/tekerler
Train Tren
Truck Kamyon
Water Su
Work İş

Exercise 3

1. F Erkek kardeşim motorsiklete biner.

2. D. İşime arabamla giderim.
3. E Benim arkadaşım işe bisikletiyle gider.
4. B Askerler askeri bir kamyona biner.
5. C Yağmur yağınca taksiye bineriz.
6. A Her sabah okula otobüs ile giderim.

Exercise 5

- Excuse me. I want to go to the library. How do I get there?

- Take bus number 14.
- Thanks.
- You are welcome.

- How do I get to the hospital?

- Take a taxi.
- Thank you very much.
- You are welcome.

- Please tell me how to get to the hotel from the airport?

- Take the train.
- What number?
- Train number 22.

Exercise 7

1. A. Konsere taksi ile mi gidersin? Hayır, arabamla giderim.

1. A. Do you take a taxi to the concert? No, I take my car.

2. B. Postaneye hangi caddeden gitmeliyim? 18. cadde.

2. B. What street should I take to the post office? 18th Street.

3. C. Annem ve babam işe arabalarıyla giderler, ancak biz trene bineriz.

3. C. My parents drive their cars to work, but we take the train.

Exercise 9

A. Air Tires
B. Gas Oil
C. Gas Car Wash
D. Diesel Oil

A. Hava Tekerler
B. Benzin Yağ
C. Benzin Araba Yıkama
D. Dizel Yağ

A. Tekerlerim için havaya ihtiyacım var.

B. 10 galon benzine ve bir litre yağa ihtiyacım var.
C. Bir araba yıkamaya ve benzine ihitiyacım var.
D. Arabam için dizele ve yağa ihtiyacım var.

End of Lesson Exercise 2

A. Hiç benzinim yok. Benzin istasyonu nerde?

Çevre yolunda iki kilometre ötede.
B. Tekerimde sorun var. Ne yapmalıyım?.
Tekerlere biraz hava ekleyeceğim senin için.
C.Bir litre benzin kaç lira?
Litresi $2.35.
D. Ne kadar benzin istiyorsun?
12 litre lütfen.

A. I have no gas.Where is the gas station?

Two kilometers down the freeway.
B. I have a problem with my tire. What should I do?
I’ll put some air in the tires for you.
C. How much is the gas per liter/gallon?
$2.35 a liter.
D. How much gas do you want?
12 liters please.

Lesson 14

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Vocabulary related to travel
- How to buy a train, bus, or airplane ticket
- How to understand schedules
- Border crossing and roadblock procedures.

Travelling in Turkey

You can reserve a ticket for the bus by calling the bus station and providing your identification. There aren’t
any class distinctions on buses within the same travel company, however, the quality and prices change from
company to company. Therefore, it is a good idea to call several companies before deciding.

The state-owned company TCDD (Railroads Administration of Turkish Republic) runs the railroads and
provides a good means of transportion between big cities. There is a classification and quality difference
between lines. The economy class includes only a seat for a ticket while first and second-class trains may
include food service, a light bed and even a private compartment. You can buy tickets at train stations, on the
phone or on the Internet.

Turkish Airlines (THY) services the major domestic routes. Several private airlines fly between highly
populated cities. It is possible to reserve and buy tickets at a travel agency, on the phone or on the Internet. The
economy class, restricted economy class and business class tickets vary in prices. The travel date and season are
two other factors affecting prices.

Grammar Note: Buying a ticket
When you buy a ticket:
Ticket = Bilet
To buy = Satın almak
To depart = kalkmak

Can I buy a ticket to Istanbul? İstanbul’a bir bilet satın alabilir miyim?
When does the train depart? Tren ne zaman kalkar?

1. Listen to the following dialogue about buying a ticket at a train station, and read along in the

Soldier: Excuse me, ma’am. Asker: Afedersiniz, bayan.

Ticket Seller: Can I help you? Bilet Satıcısı: Yardımcı olabilir miyim?
Soldier: I need to buy a ticket to Ankara. Asker: Ankara’ya bilet satın almam gerekiyor.
Ticket Seller: Departing on what day? Bilet Satıcısı: Hangi gün için?
Soldier: Today. Asker: Bugün.
Ticket Seller: One-way or roundtrip? Bilet Satıcısı: Tek yön mü, gidiş-geliş mi?
Soldier: Roundtrip. Asker: Gidiş-geliş.
Ticket Seller: First class or second class? Bilet Satıcısı: Birinci sınıf mı, ikinci sınıf mı?
Soldier: Second class, please. Asker: İkinci sınıf, lütfen.
Ticket Seller: Returning on what day? Bilet Satıcısı: Hangi gün dönecek siniz?
Soldier: Friday. Asker: Cuma günü.
Ticket Seller: Morning, afternoon, or evening? Bilet Satıcısı: Sabah mı, öğleden sonra mı, akşam mı?
Soldier: Afternoon. Asker: Öğleden sonra.
Ticket Seller: Twenty-two dollars, please. The next Bilet Satıcısı: Yirmi iki dolar lütfen Bir sonraki tren
train leaves in one hour from platform number 5. bir saat içinde beşinci perondan kalkıyor.
Soldier: Thank you. What is the train number? Asker: Teşekkür ederim. Trenin numarası kaç?
Ticket Seller: 76 Bilet Satıcısı: 76 (yetmiş altı)
Soldier: Is this an express train? Asker: Bu ekspres bir tren mi?
Ticket Seller: Yes, it is an express train. Bilet Satıcısı: Evet, bu ekspres bir tren.

Grammar Note: Verb usage

to board = binmek to depart = kalkmak to arrive = varmak
to leave = ayrılmak/yola çıkmak/kalkmak to come back = geri gelmek to return = dönmek

The verb “binmek” can be used with every type of vehicle. It is a general verb of motion that can mean to get
in, to get on, to board, to ride, etc., depending on the vehicle.
For example:
Turkish English
Ali arabaya bindi. Ali got in the car.
Cem gemiye binecek. Cem will board the ship.
Bisiklete binerim. I ride the bicycle.

Examples for the usage of the verbs “depart”, “arrive”, “leave”, “come back”, and “return”:

Turkish English
Uçağın ne zaman kalkıyor? When is your plane departing? (Uçak = plane)
Tren Haydar Paşa istasyonuna varacak. The train will arrive at Haydar Paşa station.
Otobüs beş dakika icinde kalkıyor. The bus is leaving in five minutes.
Cengiz yarın otele geri gelecek. Cengiz will come back to the hotel tomorrow.
Feribot limana döndü. The ferry returned to the port.

The suffixes –meli/-malı are appended to the root of the verb to give the meaning that you “must/have to” do it.
Here is the rule to select –meli or –malı:
* If the last syllable contains e, i, ö or ü, the suffix –meli is used.
* If the last syllable contains a, ı, o or u, the suffix –malı is used.

The –meli/-malı suffix is appended to the verb before personal suffixes.

For example:
English Turkish
You must come back. Geri gelmelisin.
I must leave. Yola çıkmalıyım.

2. Read the dialogue with a partner. Take turns being the Ticket Seller and Soldier.

3. Role-play the dialogue. You can substitute the name of a city where you need to buy a ticket to, the
time and day of arriving and departing, and the price of the ticket.

Grammar Note: Future Tense

In order to conjugate a verb in future tense, the suffixes –ecek/-acak are appended to the verb before the
personal suffixes. Here are the rules:
* If the last syllable contains e, i, ö or ü, the suffix –ecek is used.
* If the last syllable contains a, ı, o or u, the suffix –acak is used.

English Turkish (as suffix)
Cezmi will come tomorrow. Cezmi yarın gelecek.
She will leave İstanbul next year. O gelecek yıl İstanbul’dan ayrılacak.

Infinitive (in English) Infinitive (in Turkish) Verb root (in English) Verb root (in Turkish)
to come gelmek come gel
to leave ayrılmak leave ayrıl

The infinitive “to come” is “gelmek” in Turkish. The root of the verb is “gel” and this root form is used in
conjugations. The same rule is true for all verbs in Turkish. The conjugation table for the verb “gel” in future
tense is below:

I will come. Ben geleceğim.

You will come. Sen geleceksin.
He/She/It will come. O gelecek.
We will come. Biz geleceğiz
You (plural) will come. Siz geleceksiniz.
They will come. Onlar gelecekler.

4. Listen to the following statements and read along in the workbook.

Attention, passengers! The next express train to İstanbul will depart from platform 10 in 15 minutes.
Yolcuların dikkatine! İstanbul’a bir sonraki expres tren on numaralı perondan onbeş dakika içinde kalkacaktır.

Attention, passengers! The next local train will arrive at platform 10 in 5 minutes.
Yolcuların dikkatine! Bir sonraki yerel tren on numaralı perona beş dakika içinde varacaktır.

Attention, passengers! Flight number 92 from İzmir will be one hour late. Please check the schedule for
Yolcuların dikkatine! İzmir’den gelen doksaniki numaralı uçak bir saat gecikecektir.Lütfen güncellemeler için
zaman çizelgesini kontrol ediniz.

Attention, passengers! The bus from Ankara will arrive at terminal 3 in 10 minutes.
Yolcuların dikkatine! Ankara’dan gelen otobüs üç numaralı terminale on dakika içinde varacaktır.

5. Match each picture with the correct Turkish term by writing the term below the correct picture.
Check your work with the answer key.

A _______________ B _______________ C _______________

D _______________ E _______________ F _______________

G _______________ H _______________

Yolcular Bilet
Bagaj Resepsiyon/Bilet Kontrol
Peron/Platform Bekleme yeri
Zaman çizelgesi Kapı

6. Listen to the following statements and read along in the workbook.

You must have a ticket to board the train.

Trene binmek için biletiniz olmalı.
You must have a ticket to board the airplane.
Uçağa binmek için biletiniz olmalı.
Passengers for flight number 25 must go to gate 14.
25 (yirmi beş) numaralı uçağın yolcuları 14 (on dört) nolu kapıya gitmeliler.
You must pay for your ticket.
Biletiniz için ödeme yapmalısınız.
Passengers have to wait in the waiting area.
Yolcular bekleme yerinde beklemeliler.
You have to wait for your luggage at the baggage claim area.
Bagajınız için bagaj talep yerinde beklemelisiniz.

7. Fill in the blanks with the correct term from the list below. Check your answers with the answer key.

Bagaj talep yeri
Birinci sınıf
Zaman çizelgesi
İkinci sınıf


A. Bilet almak için ____________ye gidiniz.

B. Bagajınızı ______________nden alabilirsiniz..

C. ___________________! Bütün yolcuların otobüse binmek için biletleri olmalıdır.

D. ____________ni uçağınızın ne zaman kalktığını öğrenmek için kontrol edin.

E. ___________ tren yerel duraklarda durmadığı için daha hızlıdır.

F. Her tren farklı _________________a varır.

G. Yolcuların dikkatine! 725 (yediyüzyirmibeş) numaralı uçak A17_______________sından kalkmaktadır.

8. For each question below, there is a corresponding answer. Match them by writing the letter of each
question on the blank line in front of the appropriate answer. Check your answers with the answer key.

A. (Ben) nerden bir yerel tren bileti alabilirim?

B. İstanbul’a bir sonraki otobüs ne zaman?
C. İzmir’e birinci sınıf bilet ne kadar?
D. Pencere kenarı mı istiyorsunuz?
E. Ankara’dan gelen ekspres tren hangi perona gelecek.

1. ____ Evet, lütfen.

2. ____ İstanbul’a bir sonraki otobüs 20 (yirmi) dakika içinde ayrılacak.
3. ____ Birinci peronun yanındaki gişeden.
4. ____ O tren peron 16 (on altı)’ya 10 dakika içinde varacak.
5. ____ 64 (altmış dört) dolar.

9. Role-play the short dialogues from Exercise 8. Change the cities and numbers.

10. What do you hear? Listen to the speaker and write down what you hear. Check your work with
the answer key.




At border crossings and roadblocks

11. Listen to these new words and phrases.

Border Sınır
Customs Gümrük
Checkpoint Kontrol noktası
Roadblock Bariyer / yol engeli
Passport Pasaport
Drivers’ license Ehliyet
Documents Belgeler
Papers Evraklar
ID card Kimlik kartı
Show me Bana göster
Give me Bana ver
Search Arama
Inspect Teftiş
Inspection Teftiş etmek
Trunk (of a car) Bagaj (bir arabanın)
Proceed İlerle
Rental (car) Kiralık (araba)
Citizen Vatandaş

12. At roadblocks and border crossings, officials usually ask questions about driver identification and
vehicle documents. Try to match up the Turkish border crossing requests and questions with their
English equivalents. Check your work with the answer key.

1. Arabanın evraklarını bana gösterin. A Give me your driver’s license.

2. Bana pasaportunuzu verin. B Do you have an ID card?
3. Nerelisiniz? C Why do you need to go there?
4. Niçin oraya gitmeniz gerekiyor? D Show me your car papers.
5. Ehliyetinizi bana verin. E Give me your passport.
6. Kimliğiniz var mı? F Where are you from?

13. Listen to and read the following dialogue at a border crossing, and then answer the questions
below. Try to guess the meaning of unknown words from the context. Check your work with the answer

Customs Official: Pasaportunuzu ve ehliyetinizi bana verin.

Car Driver: Tamam.
CO: Amerika vatandaşı mısınız?
CD: Evet.
CO: Bu araba için evraklarınız var mı?
CD: Evet.Bu kiralık bir araba.
CO: Nereye gidiyorsunuz?
CD: Istanbul.
CO: Orda ne kadar kalacaksınız?
CD: On gün.
CO: Orda ne yapacaksınız?
CD: Ailemi ziyaret edeceğim.
CO: Lütfen bagajınızı açın.Teftiş etmemiz gerekiyor.
CD: Tamam.
CO: Tamam, teşekkürler. İlerleyebilirsiniz..

Did you understand the words for “trunk” and “inspection”?

A. Where is the driver from?

B. Does the driver own the vehicle he is driving?
C. Where is the driver going?
D. Why is he going there?
E. How long will he be there?
F. What does the guard ask the driver to do at the end?
G. Why?

14. Work with a partner. Take turns to role-play the Customs Official and the Car Driver.

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Translate the following sentences into English. Check your work with the answer key.

A. İzmir’e gidiş-geliş bir bilete ihtiyacım var, lütfen.

12 (on iki) Kasım’da ayrılacağım ve 3 (üç) Aralık’ta geri döneceğim.
Pencere kenarı istiyorum.

B. Bu ekspres bir tren mi?

C. Ankara’ya giden otobüs hangi perondan kalkıyor?

D. 34 (otuz dört) nolu tren peron üçten beş dakika içinde kalkıyor.

2. Work with a partner or in a small group. Look at the pictures and come up with the story. Do you
think these people are arriving or departing? Do you think they are on time? Is their flight late?
Mention their names, age, profession, what they are wearing, and where and why they need to fly or
where they are arriving from. Also, tell how they got to the airport (by car, by bus, by train).

Vocabulary List
Arriving/Arrivals Gelen/Gelenler
Attention Dikkat
Baggage Bagaj
Border Sınır
Bus station Otobüs istasyonu
Checked Kontrol edilmiş
Checkpoint Kontrol noktası
Citizen Vatandaş
Customs Gümrük
Delay/ed Gecikme /Gecikmis
Departing/Departures Giden/Gidenler
Documents Belgeler
Driver’s license Ehliyet
Express Ekspres
First class Birinci sınıf
Flight Uçuş
Fly Uçma
Give me … Bana verin
ID card Kimlik kartı
Inspect Teftiş
Inspection Teftiş etmek
Inspector Müfettiş
Late Geç
One-way Tek yön
On-time Zamanında
Papers Evraklar
Passenger Yolcular
Passport Pasaport
Platform Peron/platform
Proceed İlerle
Rental car Kiralık araba
Roadblock Bariyer / Yol engeli
Roundtrip Gidiş-geliş
Schedule Zaman çizelgesi
Second class İkinci sınıf
Show me …. Bana gösterin…
Terminal Terminal / Otogar
Ticket Bilet
Ticket window Gişe
To board Binmek
To leave Kalkmak / ayrılmak
To return/come back Geri dönmek/Geri gelmek
Train station Tren istasyonu
Trunk (of a car) Bagaj (bir arabanın)

Update Güncelleme
Waiting area Bekleme yeri
Window seat Pencere kenarı

Exercise 5

A Schedule Zaman çizelgesi

B Check-in counter Resepsiyon/Bilet Kontrol
C Platform Peron / Platform
D Ticket Bilet
E Passengers Yolcular
F Baggage Bagaj
G Gate Kapı
H Waiting area Bekleme yeri

Exercise 7

A. Gişe Go to the ticket window to buy the tickets.

B. Bagaj talep yeri You can get your baggage at the baggage claim area.
C. Dikkat! Attention! All passengers must have a ticket to board the bus.
D. Zaman çizelgesi Check the schedule to find out when your flight departs.
E. Ekspres The express train is faster because it does not make local stops.
F. Peron/platform Each train arrives at a different platform.
G. Kapı Attention, passengers! Flight #725 is departing from gate A17.

Exercise 8

1. D Do you want a window seat? Yes, please

2. B. When is the next bus to İstanbul? The next bus to İstanbul departs in 20 minutes.
3. A. Where can I buy a local train ticket? At the ticket window next to platform one.
4. E. At which platform is the express train from Ankara arriving? That train will arrive at platform 16 in ten
5. C. How much is a first class ticket to İzmir. It is 64 dollars.

Exercise 10

1. Otobüse binmek için biletiniz olmalı.

You must have a ticket to board the bus.

2. Ankara’ya gidiş-geliş birinci sınıf bir bilete ihtiyacım var.

I need a first-class one-way ticket to Ankara.

3. Bir sonraki ekspres tren 15 (on beş) numaralı perondan 10 (on) dakika içinde kalkacak.
The next express train will depart from platform 15 in 10 minutes.

Exercise 12

1. D
2. E
3. F
4. C
5. A
6. B

Exercise 13

A. Where is the driver from? U.S.

B. Does the driver own the vehicle he is driving? No, it is a rental car.
C. Where is the driver going? İstanbul
D. Why is he going there? To visit family
E. How long will he be there? Ten days
F. What does the guard ask the driver to do at the end? Open the trunk
G. Why? To do an inspection

Customs Official: Give me your passport and driver’s license.

Car Driver: OK
CO: Are you a U.S. citizen?
CD: Yes.
CO: Do you have papers for this car?
CD: Yes. It is a rental car.
CO: Where are you going?
CD: Istanbul.
CO: How long will you be there?
CD: Ten days.
CO: What will you do there?
CD: I will visit my family.
CO: Please open the trunk. We need to do an inspection.
CO: OK, thank you. You may proceed.

End of Lesson Exercise 1

A. I need to buy a roundtrip ticket to İzmir, please.

I leave on November 12 and return on December 3.
I want a window seat.
B. Is this an express train?
C. What platform does the bus to Ankara leave from?
D. Train 34 is departing from platform three in five minutes.

Lesson 15
At School

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Vocabulary related to classroom activities
- Vocabulary related to being a student
- The education system in Turkey.

Education in Turkey is planned, operated, managed, controlled and financed by the state.
The Ministry of National Education (Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı) is the responsible ministry for
all education except for military, health and agricultural education. Pre-school education is
voluntary for children aged three to five. Compulsory education for both boys and girls
begins at the age of six and lasts eight years. The first five years are elementary school and
the next three years are middle school.

Compulsory education aims to equip children with core competencies such as basic math,
science, art, religion, culture and Turkish language. Secondary education follows primary
education and covers general, vocational and technical high schools providing at least three
years of education. A variety of courses such as intermediate math, science, social sciences,
geography, history, psychology, philosophy, languages and computer skills improvement
are offered.

Higher education institutions are universities, faculties, institutes, higher education schools,
conservatories, higher vocational education schools and application and research centers.
The students are prepared for professional life with up-to-date curriculums in fields such
as engineering, law, medicine, science and teaching. Large numbers of students register
with the Open University each year and pursue a distant learning program. The average
level of education in Turkey is high school. However, the number of students interested in
higher education is increasing every year.

1. Familiarize yourself with the new vocabulary. Listen to the speaker and read the
passages under each picture.

A student writes on the A student raises her A teacher teaches students

blackboard with chalk. hand to ask a question. math.
Bir öğrenci kara tahtaya Bir öğrenci soru sormak Bir öğretmen öğrencilere
tebeşirle yazı yazar. için elini kaldırır. matematik öğretir.

Students study chemistry First grade students Students will study art in this
in middle school. read a textbook. class.
Öğrenciler orta okulda Birinci sınıf öğrencileri Öğrenciler bu derste resim
kimya çalışırlar. bir ders kitabı okurlar. sanatını çalışırlar.

There is a book, a
notebook, and a There is a desk and a Students write with pens and
calculator. chair in the classroom. pencils.
Bir kitap, bir defter ve bir Sınıfta masa ve bir Öğrenciler tükenmez ve kurşun
hesap makinesi var. sandalye var. kalemlerle yazarlar.

2. Work with a partner. Look around the classroom. Name the items you see.

class sınıf
desk masa
chair sandalye
blackboard kara tahta
chalk tebeşir
pen tükenmez kalem
pencil kurşun kalem
notebook defter
computer bilgisayar
printer yazıcı
keyboard klavye
monitor ekran
teacher öğretmen
student öğrenci

3. Working with a partner, name the items you bring with you to class and the items
found in your classroom.

Bilgisayar Kara tahta Yer küre

Kitap Hasap makinesi Kaset

4. Listen to the dialogue while you read along in the workbook. Underline the new

What is your name? My name is Ayşe.

Adın ne? Adım Ayşe.

How old are you? I am 16 years old.

Kaç yaşındasın? Ben 16 yaşındayım.

What grade are you in? I am in 10th grade.

Kaçıncı sınıftasın? Ben 10. sınıftayım.

What subjects do you study? Math, biology, music, literature, and history.
Hangi dersleri çalışırsın? Matematik, biyoloji, müzik, edebiyat ve tarih.

What is your favorite subject? My favorite subject is biology.

Senin favori dersin hangisi? Benim favori dersim biyoloji.

Are you a good student? Yes, I’m a good student.

İyi bir öğrenci misin? Evet, ben iyi bir öğrenciyim.

What will you do after school? I will go to the college; I want to be a doctor .
Okuldan sonra ne yapacaksın? Ben üniversiteye gidecegim; doktor olmak istiyorum.

What do you like to do after school? After school I like to listen to music.
Okuldan sonra ne yapmaktan hoşlanırsın? Okuldan sonra müzik dinlemekten hoşlanırım.

5. Listen to and read along with some of the new words you should have underlined
in Exercise 4.

grade sınıf
subject ders
favorite favori
subject ders
math matematik
biology biyoloji
music müzik
literature edebiyat
history tarih
college üniversite
like hoşlanmak
listen to dinlemek

Grammar Note

The English model: who + the form of to like + infinitive

The Turkish model: kim + fiil (-mek, -mak)+ -ten/tan + hoşlanmak

Here is the rule to select –ten or –tan:

* If the last syllable contains e, i, ö or ü, the suffix –ten is used.
* If the last syllable contains a, ı, o or u, the suffix –tan is used.

To conjugate the verb “hoşlanmak” for a particular subject, please refer to Lesson 4.

Examples: Örnekler:
Ahmet likes to study math. Ahmet matematik çalışmaktan hoşlanır.
Fırat likes to listen to music Fırat okuldan sonra müzik dinlemekten hoşlanır.
after school.
Ece likes to read in the evenings. Ece akşamları okumaktan hoşlanır.
We like to speak Turkish in our class. Biz sınıfta Türkçe konuşmaktan hoşlanırız.

6. Work with a partner. Come up with a dialogue similar to the one in Exercise 4. List
your favorite subjects, say how good you think you are at each of them, tell what profession
you are going to choose, and say what you like to do after school.

7. Familiarize yourself with the new vocabulary. Listen to the speaker as you go
over the dialogue.

A. Listen to the recording and take notes.

Kaydı dinleyin ve not alın.

B. Put your pencils down.

Kurşun kalemlerinizi bırakın.

C. Write your answer on the blackboard.

Cevabınızı kara tahtaya yazın.

D. Open your textbooks.

Ders kitaplarınızı açın.

E. Raise your hand if you have a question.

Sorunuz varsa, elinizi kaldırın.

F. Write down your homework, please.

Lütfen, ödevinizi yazın.

8. Pretend you are a teacher. Give directions for your students to follow. Use the
expressions from Exercise 7.

9. Listen to the following questions and write down the answers that you hear. Check
your answers with the answer key.

1. Okulda ne yaparsın?

2. Hangi sınıftasın?

3. Hangi dersleri çalışıyor sunuz?

4. Favori dersin hangisi?

5. İyi bir öğrenci misin?

10. Working with a partner, come up with similar dialogues using expressions from
Exercise 9.

11. Working in small groups, describe the following pictures. Come up with ages for the
students and the teacher, their names, the subjects they study/teach, what they’re doing
right now, what they are wearing, if they seem to like their class and their teacher, etc.

12. Listen to and read the following text about the student’s schedule, and then
answer the questions below. The new word “busy” is introduced in the text. Try to guess
this and other new words from the context. Check your work with the answer key.

Adım Yasemin Yılmaz. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nde bir öğrenciyim. İngilizce bölümünde

okuyorum. Tercüman olmak istiyorum. Benim yoğun bir programım var. Pazartesi, Çarşamba ve
Cuma günleri sabah 8’de okula giderim. Okuldan sonra, öğlen 4’te işe giderim. Bir restoranda
garson olarak çalışıyorum. İşten sonra gece 10’da eve giderim. Salı ve Perşembe günleri sabah
10’da okula giderim. Okuldan sonra öğlen 12’de kütüphaneye giderim. Kütüphanede öğleden
sonra üç saat çalışırım. Ben ödevimi hafta sonlarında ve sabahları yaparım.

A. What is the student’s name?

B. Where does she go to school?
C. What does she study?
D. What is her school schedule on Monday, Wednesday and Friday?
E. What is her schedule on Tuesday and Thursday?
F. What job does she have and when does she work?
G. When does the student do homework?
H. What does the student want to do after finishing school?

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Go over the text from Exercise 12 again. Tell the class about your schedule. Use the
questions after the text as an outline for your story.

2. Look at the pictures and tell a story about what you see. Include the grade the students
are in, the subjects they are studying, what the teacher is doing, what the students and
teachers are wearing, etc.

3. Read the compare following texts and find the errors in the English translations. Make
corrections so that the translation is accurate. Check your work with the answer key.

1. A. Adım Deniz Yaşar. Ben İzmir’liyim, ama şimdi İstanbul’da yaşıyorum. Ben altıncı
sınıftayım. Ben birçok arkadaşa sahibim. Ben İngilizce’den, okumaktan ve
basketboldan hoşlanırım.

B. My name is Deniz Yaşar. I’m from İzmir, but now I live in İstanbul. I’m in fifth grade.
I have many friends. I like music, reading, and basketball.

2. A. Adım Aysun Tuncer. Ben Ankara’lıyım, ama Adana’da yaşıyorum. Ben matematik ve
fen bilgisinden hoşlanıyorum.

B. My name is Aysun Tuncer. I’m from Antalya, but I live in Bursa.

I like math and geography.

3. A. Adım Tuncay. Ben 8 (sekiz) Nisan 1989 (bin dokuz yüz seksen dokuz ) da
doğdum.Ben sekizinci sınıftayım. Ben müzik dersini, resim (sanat) ve fotoğrafçılıktan
hoşlanıyorum. Ben bir sanatçı, bir doktor ya da bir fotoğrafçı olmak istiyorum.

B. My name is Tuncay. I was born on August 4, 1989. I’m in 9th grade.

I like music class and photography. I want to be a doctor, or a

Vocabulary List

Art Sanat
Basketball Basketbol
Biology Biyoloji
Blackboard Kara tahta
Busy Meşgul / yoğun
Chair Sandalye
Chalk Tebeşir
Chemistry Kimya
Class Sınıf
College/University Üniversite
Computer Bilgisayar
Desk Masa
Elementary School İlkokul
English İngilizce
Grade Sınıf
High School Lise
History Tarih
Homework Ödev
Literature Edebiyat
Math Matematik
Middle School Ortaokul
Music Müzik
Notebook Defter
Pen Tükenmez kalem
Pencil Kurşun kalem
Photography Fotoğrafçılık
Reading Okuma
Student Öğrenci
Subject(s) Ders(ler)
Tape recorder Ses kayıt cihazı
Teacher Öğretmen
To like Hoşlanmak
To read Okumak
To study Çalışmak
To write Yazmak
Listen to the recording Kaydı dinleyin ve not alın.
and take notes.
Put your pencils down. Kurşun kalemlerinizi bırakın.
Write your answer on the Cevaplarınızı kara tahtaya yazın.
Open your textbooks. Ders kitaplarınızı açın.
Raise your hand! Elinizi kaldırın!
Write down your Lütfen, ödevinizi yazın.
homework, please

Exercise 9

1. What do you do at school?

I study many subjects.
Birçok derse çalışırım.
2. What grade are you in?
I am in 6th grade.
Altıncı sınıftayım.
3. What subjects are you studying?
Math, Turkish, science, geography, and English.
Matematik, Türkçe, fen bilgisi, coğrafya, ve İngilizce.
4. What is your favorite subject?
5. Are you a good student?
I’m very good at chemistry, but I’m bad at math.
(Ben) kimyada çok iyiyim, ama matematikte kötüyüm.

Exercise 12

A. What is the student’s name?

Her name is Yasemin Yılmaz.
B. Where does she go to school?
She goes to Bosphorus University. (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi in Turkish)
C. What does she study?
She studies English.
D. What is her school schedule on Monday, Wednesday and Friday?
She goes to school from 8:00am until 4:00pm.
E. What is her schedule on Tuesday and Thursday?
She goes to class at 10am then at 12:00 she goes to the library to study for three hours.
F. What job does she have and when does she work?
She works as a waitress in restaurant from 4:00 to 10:00pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
G. When does the student do homework?
She does homework on weekends and in the mornings.
H. What does the student want to do after finishing school?
She wants to be an interpreter.

My name is Yasemin Yılmaz. I am a student at Bosphorus University (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi). I
study English. I want to be an interpreter. I have a busy schedule. On Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday, I go to school at 8:00. After school, at 4:00pm, I go to work. I work at a restaurant as a
waitress. After work, at 10 pm, I go home. On Tuesday and Thursday, I go to class at 10am.
After school, at 12:00, I go to the library. I study at the library for three hours in the afternoon. I
do my homework on the weekends and in the mornings.

End of Lesson Exercise 3

Your English translation should be as follows. The bolded terms are the corrected errors.

1. My name is Deniz Yaşar. I’m from İzmir, but now I live in İstanbul. I’m in sixth grade.
I have many friends. I like English, reading, and basketball.

2. My name is Aysun Tuncer. I’m from Ankara, but I live in Adana. I like math and science.

3. A. My name is Tuncay. I was born on April 8, 1989. I’m in 8th grade.

I like music class, art, and photography. I want to be an artist, doctor or a photographer.

Lesson 16
Recreation and Leisure
Eğlence ve boş zaman

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Vocabulary related to recreational and leisure activities
- Ways to discuss hobbies in Turkish.

1. Read the sentences with the new vocabulary and try to guess the meaning of any
unknown words.

Adam ve kadın dans ederler. Bu O profesyonel bir müzisyendir. Bu adam fotoğraf

onların hobisidir. Piyanist bir konserde çalar. çeker. O bir

Bu Andrew. Onun hobisi futboldur. Bu adam dağlarda kayak yapar. Benim arkadaşım
Kayak yapmak onun hobisidir. Sandy dersi bitince
her öğleden sonra

Erkek kardeşim bovling oyunundan Eğer hava iyiyse, çocuklar yazın Bu genç adam kortta
hoşlanır. Bu onun hobisidir. hergün yüzerler. tenis oynar.

Askerler çadırda iskambil

Kızkardeşim resim yapmaktan oynarlar. Onlar iskambil Bir karı-koca her
hoşlanır. oynamaktan hoşlanırlar. akşam yürürler.

Iki asker satranç oynarlar. Bu onların hobisidir. Bu adam gitar çalar ve şarkı söyler.

2. Now listen to the speaker. Check to see if you had made correct guesses. Repeat
the new words as many times as you need to feel comfortable with the pronunciation.

Play Oynamak
Cards İskambil kartları
To ski Kayak yapmak
Hobby Hobi
To dance Dans etmek
Tennis Tenis
Tennis Court Tenis kortu
Play piano Piyano çalmak
Musician Müzisyen
To take photos Fotoğraf çekmek
Photographer Fotoğrafçı
To play guitar Gitar çalmak
To sing Şarkı söylemek
Songs Şarkılar
Chess Satranç
To walk Yürümek
To swim Yüzmek
Swimming pool Yüzme havuzu
To run Koşmak
To bowl Bovling oynamak
Soccer Futbol
To paint Boya ile resim yapmak

3. Listen to the dialogues as you read them.

1. What will they do after school? Onlar okuldan sonra ne yapacaklar?

A. They will swim after school. A. Onlar okuldan sonra yüzecekler.

B. They will dance after school. B. Onlar okuldan sonra dans edecekler.
C. They will sing after school. C. Onlar okuldan sonra şarkı söylecekler.

2. What sports does he play? O hangi sporları yapar?

A. He plays soccer and basketball. A. O futbol ve basketbol oynar.

B. He plays soccer and volleyball. B. O futbol ve voleybol oynar.
C. He plays soccer and tennis. C. O futbol ve tenis oynar.

3. What does she do today? O bugün ne yapar?

A. She sings songs. A. O şarkı söyler.

B. She paints pictures. B. O resim yapar.
C. She takes pictures. C. O fotoğraf çeker.

4. Do you play chess? A. Yes, I play chess.

Sen satranç oynar mısın? A. Evet, ben satranç oynarım.

Do you play guitar? B. No, I play the piano.

Sen gitar çalar mısın? B. Hayır, ben piyano çalarım.

Do you play piano? C. Yes, I play the piano.

Sen piyano çalar mısın? C. Evet, ben piyano çalarım.

5. What are your hobbies? Senin hobilerin nelerdir?

A. I like to run and take pictures. A. Ben koşmaktan ve fotoğraf çekmekten hoşlanırım.
B. I like to read and swim. B. Ben okumaktan ve yüzmekten hoşlanırım.
C. I like to walk and play soccer. C. Ben yürümekten ve futbol oynamaktan hoşlanırım.

4. Work with a partner. Take turns reading the dialogues in Exercise 3.

5. Work with a partner or in a small group. Make up exchanges using the models and
phrases from Exercise 3.

6. Reconstruct the questions in Turkish. Check your work with the answer key.

A. …………………….?

Evet, ben satranç oynarım.

B. …………………….?

Evet, ben piyano çalarım.


Benim hobilerim koşmak ve fotoğraf çekmektir.

D. ……………………?

O futbol ve basketbol oynar.

E. ……………………?

Benim hobilerim okumak ve yüzmektir.

F. …………………….?

O yürümekten ve gitar çalmaktan hoşlanır.

Grammar Note: ‘From….too….’

English Turkish
from … to … … -den/-ten/-dan/-tan … –e/-a kadar

You can use “… -den … -e kadar” for specifying ranges such as time, places, etc. They are
suffixes in Turkish. Depending on the word they attach to, they can change slightly.

Here are the rules for determining which ending (–den/-dan/-ten or –tan) to use:

If the last syllable of the suffixed word contains ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘ö’ or ‘ü’, the suffix –den is used.
However, if the last letter of the word is ‘f’, ‘ç’, ‘h’, ‘p’, ‘k’, ‘s’, ‘ş’ or ‘t’, then the suffix
becomes –ten.

If the last syllable of the suffixed word contains ‘a’, ‘ı’, ‘o’ or ‘u’, the suffix –dan is used.
However, if the last letter of the word is ‘f’, ‘ç’, ‘h’, ‘p’, ‘k’, ‘s’, ‘ş’ or ‘t’, then the suffix
becomes –tan.

English Turkish
From two İkiden
From home Evden (home = ev)
From Yozgat Yozgat’tan (Yozgat is a city in Turkey)
From the bus Otobüsten

Here are the rules for determining whether –e or –a is used in the second part of the phrase:
If the last syllable contains ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘ö’ or ‘ü’, the suffix –e is used.

If the last character of the word is a vowel, the buffer character ‘y’ goes in between and the
suffix becomes –ye.

If the last syllable contains ‘a’, ‘ı’, ‘o’ or ‘u’, the suffix –a is used.

If the last character of the word is a vowel, the buffer character ‘y’ goes in between and the
suffix becomes –ya.

English Turkish
to eight sekize kadar
to the car arabaya kadar (car = araba)
to Ankara Ankara’ya kadar (note the buffer y)
to the corner köşeye kadar (corner = köşe)
(note the buffer y)

Here are combined examples to illustrate the structure.

English Turkish
From two to eight İkiden sekize kadar
From home to the car Evden arabaya kadar (home=ev, car=araba)
From Yozgat to Ankara Yozgat’tan Ankara’ya kadar (note the buffer y)
From swimming to bowling Yüzmekten bovlinge kadar
From the bus to the corner Otobüsten köşeye kadar (note the buffer y)
(corner = köşe)

Grammar Note: ‘Too’ and ‘also’

The use of ‘too’ and ‘also’ is similar to English except that ‘too’ is a suffix and ‘also’ is a
proposition in Turkish.
English Turkish
too de, da (This suffix is not attached to the preceding word)
also ayrıca

Here are the rules for using de or da:

If the last syllable contains ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘ö’ or ‘ü’, then use the suffix de.
If the last syllable contains ‘a’, ‘ı’, ‘o’ or ‘u’, then use the suffix da.

English Turkish
I like soccer. I like tennis, too. Ben futboldan hoşlanırım. Ben tenisten de hoşlanırım.

A: I saw the movie “Spider Man”. A: “Örümcek adam” filmini izledim.

B: I did, too. B: Ben de.

Get me a chocolate, too! Bana da çikolata al. (chocolate = çikolata)

I go swimming in the summer. Yazın yüzmeye giderim.
I also go fishing sometimes. Ayrıca bazen balığa çıkarım.

She speaks French. Fransızca konusur.

She also speaks Spanish. Ayrıca İspanyolca konuşur.

7. Read and translate the following text, noting the new vocabulary. Do you understand all
the bolded words? Review the grammar notes for clarification of the new phrases. Check
the answer key for an English translation.

Benim adım Cihan Kalan. Ben Ankara’lıyım. Ben Ankara’da Ankara Üniversitesi’ne gidiyorum.
Ben derslerim ve hobilerimle çok yoğunum. Ben bilgisayar bilimleri bölümündeyim, ve
üniversitenin futbol takımında oynuyorum. Hergün sabah 8:30 dan öğleden sonra 3:00 e
kadar derslerim var. Okuldan sonra hergün 4:00 ten 6:00 ya kadar futbol çalışmam var. Futbol
oynamaktan hoşlanırım. Arkadaşlarımla ben haftasonlarında da oynarız. Ayrıca yüzmekten ve
gitar çalmaktan hoşlanırım. Gitarda çok iyi değilim. Bu haftasonu arkadaşlarımla ben İstanbul’a
stadyumdaki konsere gideceğiz. Favori şarkıcımız konser verecek. Konserden sonra bir restorana
gidip yemek yiyeceğiz.

8. Now read the above text as many times as you want and mark the following statements
as either True or False. Check your work with the answer key.

A. ____ Cihan is from Ankara.

B. ____ He is a high school student at Beşiktaş Lisesi in Beşiktaş, İstanbul.

C. _____ Cihan studies chemistry.

D. _____ Cihan plays on the university soccer team.

E. _____ He had class every day from 8:30 to 3:00.

F. _____ Cihan likes to swim and play the piano.

H. _____After the concert Cihan will go home to do his homework.

9. Working with a partner or in a small group, come up with a description for a busy
schedule. Use the statements from Exercise 8 as an outline for your story. The pictures
given below can help you to choose the activities to describe.

Cultural Note

Although it is not unique to Turkish people, the youth and elderly in Turkey like to play checkers
a lot. It is called “tavla” in Turkish and people play at home, in cafes and at clubs. Turkish
people also enjoy playing the bağlama/saz, which is called the Turkish guitar, and singing songs.
Below is a picture of a bağlama.

10. Listen to the vocabulary as you look at the pictures. Try to match the Turkish
words with the pictures. Check your answers with the answer key.

1 2 3

4 5 6

Yüzme Havuzu
Futbol Sahası
Tenis Kortu
Bovling Salonu
Jimnastik Salonu

11. Read the statements below and think about their meanings. Cross out the words or
phrases that do not make sense, and replace them with an appropriate word from the list
below. Check your work with the answer key.

Jimnastik Salonu Stadyum

Bovling Salonu Tenis Kortu
Yüzme Havuzu Futbol Sahası

A. Öğrenciler tenis kortunda voleybol oynarlar.

B. Çocuklar stadyumda yüzerler.
C. Kızlar bovling oynamaya dağlara giderler.
D. Arkadaşlarım koşmak için bovling salonuna giderler.
E. Erkek çocukları yüzme havuzunda futbol oynarlar.

12. Listen to the statements and and transcribe what you hear. Try translating each
one into English. Check your answers with the answer key.


13. Work with a partner. Look at the pictures and make up dialogues about these hobbies.
Use the models and phrases from Exercise 12.

End-of-Lesson Tasks.

1. Answer the following questions in Turkish.

A. What is your favorite sport or recreational activity?

B. How often do you participate in your activity?

C. What is your favorite hobby?

D. What did you do last weekend?

E. What will you do next weekend?

2. Work with a partner or in a small group. In Turkish, describe the pictures below, using
the vocabulary you have learned in this lesson.

Vocabulary List
Bowling alley Bovling salonu
Bowling Bovling
Cards İskambil
Chess Satranç
Computer science Bilgisayar bilimleri
Gymnasium Jimnastik salonu
Hobby Hobi
Paint pictures Resim yapmak
Playing field Oyun sahası
To bowl Bovling oynamak
To dance Dans etmek
To play chess, cards Satranç, dama, iskambil
kartlari oynamak
To play soccer, volleyball Futbol, voleybol oynamak
To play a piano, a guitar Piyano, gitar çalmak
To run Koşmak
To sing Şarkı söylemek
To ski Kayak yapmak
To swim Yüzmek
To take pictures Fotoğraf çekmek
Soccer field Futbol sahası
Songs Şarkılar
Stadium Stadyum
Swimming pool Yüzme havuzu
Tennis Tenis
Tennis court Tenis kortu

Exercise 6

A. Satranç oynar mısın? A. Do you play chess?

Evet, ben satranç oynarım. Yes, I play chess.
B. Piyano çalar mısın? B. Do you play the piano?
Evet, ben piyano çalarım. Yes, I play piano.
C. Hobilerin nelerdir? C. What are your hobbies?My hobbies
Benim hobilerim koşmak ve fotoğraf are running and taking photos.
D. O hangi sporları oynar? D. What sports does he play?
O futbol ve basketbol oynar. He plays soccer and basketball.
E. Hobilerin nelerdir? E. What are your hobbies?
Benim hobilerim okumak ve yüzmektir. My hobbies are reading and swimming.
F. O ne yapmaktan hoşlanır? F. What does she like to do?
O yürümekten ve gitar çalmaktan hoşlanır. She likes to walk and play guitar.

Exercise 7

My name is Cihan Kalan. I am from Ankara. I go to college at Ankara University in Ankara.

I am very busy with my classes and my hobbies. I study computer science, and I play on the
university soccer team. I have class every day from 8:30 to 3:00 in the afternoon. After school I
have soccer practice every day from 4:00 to 6:00. I like to play soccer. My friends and I play on
the weekends too. I also like to swim and to play the guitar. I’m not very good at the guitar. This
weekend my friends and I will go to a concert at the stadium in İstanbul. Our favorite singer will
sing. After the concert we will go to a restaurant and have dinner.

Exercise 8

A. T Aysun Avcı is from İzmir.

B. F He is a high school student at Beşiktaş Lisesi in Beşiktaş, İstanbul.
C. F Sinan studies chemistry.
D. T Pelin plays on the university soccer team.
E. T He had class every day from 8:30 to 3:00.
F. F Kübra likes to swim and play the piano.
H. F After the concert Ercan will go home to do his homework.

Exercise 10

1. Bowling Alley Bovling salonu

2. Gymnasium Jimnastik salonu
3. Soccer field Futbol sahası
4. Stadium Stadyum
5. Swimming pool Yüzme havuzu
6. Tennis court Tenis kortu

Exercise 11

A. Öğrenciler tenis kortunda voleybol oynarlar.
B. Çocuklar stadyumda yüzerler.
C. Kızlar bovling oynamaya dağlara giderler.
D. Arkadaşlarım koşmak için bovling salonuna giderler.
E. Erkek çocukları yüzme havuzunda futbol oynarlar.

A. Öğrenciler jimnastik salonunda voleybol oynarlar.
A. The students play volleyball in the gymnasium.

B. Çocuklar yüzme havuzunda yüzerler.

B. The children swim in the swimming pool.

C. Kızlar bovling oynamaya bovling salonuna giderler.

C. The girls go bowling in the bowling alley.

D. Arkadaşlarım koşmak için stadyuma giderler.

D. My friends go for a run in the stadium.

E. Erkek çocukları oyun sahasında futbol oynarlar.

E. Boys play soccer on the playing field.

Exercise 12

1. She will sing after school.

O okuldan sonra şarkı söyleyecek.
2. He likes to play soccer and basketball.
O futbol ve basketbol oynamaktan hoşlanır.
3. She doesn’t paint pictures, but she takes photographs.
O resim yapmaz, ama fotoğraf çeker.
4. Do you play guitar? No, I play piano.
Gitar çalar mısın? Hayır, ben piyano çalarım.
5. What are your hobbies? I like to read and dance.
Hobilerin nelerdir? Ben okumaktan ve dans etmekten hoşlanırım.

Lesson 17
Health and the Human Body
Sağlık ve İnsan Vücudu
This lesson will introduce you to:
- Vocabulary related to the human body
- Asking questions about a person’s state of health
- Answering questions about health conditions
- Typical exchanges at the doctor’s office.

1. Listen as the speaker recites the vocabulary. Then study the diagram and match
the Turkish terms for each body part with the diagram.

1. 2
4 5
6 22
7 8 21

12 13

14 15


19 20

Hand El
Abdomen Karın Head Baş
Arm Kol Hip Kalça
Back Sırt Knee Diz
Chest Göğüs Leg Bacak
Chin Çene Mouth Ağız
Ear Kulak Neck Boyun
Elbow Dirsek Nose Burun
Eye Göz Pelvis/groin Leğen/Kasık
Face Yüz Shoulder Omuz
Fingers El parmakları Stomach Mide/Karın
Foot/Feet Ayak/Ayaklar Toes Ayak parmakları
Genitals Cinsel organlar Tooth/Teeth Diş/Dişler
Hair Saç Waist Bel

2. In Turkish, name the body parts that come in pairs. Check your work with the answer

3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate body part in Turkish. Check your answers with
the answer key.

gözler kulaklar bacaklar ayaklar baş el boyun ağız

A. I use my ____________ to read a book.

B. I listen to music with my _____________.

C. Walking is good for my ____________.

D. I wear shoes and socks on my _____________.

E. In the winter, I wear a hat on my __________, gloves on my ___________ , and a scarf

around my __________.

F. I eat and drink with my __________________.

Grammar Note: The verbs ‘to feel’ and ‘to be sick’

To feel = hissetmek to be sick = hasta olmak

The verb “hissetmek” is always used with reflexive pronouns. “Kendi” is the root reflexive
pronoun and it is conjugated according to the subject.

Here is the list of all reflexive pronouns.

English Turkish
myself kendimi
yourself kendini
himself/herself/itself kendini
ourselves kendimizi
yourselves kendinizi
themselves kendilerini

English Turkish
I feel (myself) well. Kendimi iyi hissediyorum. (well = iyi)
He feels (himself) well. Kendini iyi hissediyor.
They feel (themselves) well. Kendilerini iyi hissediyorlar.

How does she feel (herself) today? Kendini bugün nasıl hissediyor?
She feels (herself) tired. Kendini yorgun hissediyor. (tired = yorgun)

The verb to be sick (hasta olmak) is conjugated like a regular “to be” (olmak) verb in Turkish.
The second part “olmak” drops. The tense and personal pronoun suffixes are attached to the first

English Turkish
I am sick. Ben hastayım. (olmak drops)
You are sick. Sen hastasın.
He/she/it is sick. O hasta.
We are sick. Biz hastayız.
You are sick. (plural) Siz hastasınız.
They are sick. Onlar hastalar.

How do you feel? I feel sick.
Kendini nasıl hissediyorsun? Kendimi hasta hissediyorum.

I feel weak.
Kendimi zayıf hissediyorum.

I feel bad.
Kendimi kötü hissediyorum.

What symptoms do you have? I have a sore throat.

Hangi belirtiler/semptomlar var? Benim boğaz ağrım var.

I have a fever.
Benim ateşim var.

I have a headache.
Benim baş ağrım var.

Where does it hurt? My left ankle hurts.

Neresi ağrıyor? Sol ayak bileğim ağrıyor.

My back hurts.
Sırtım ağrıyor.

My stomach hurts.
Karnım ağrıyor.

4. Listen to the following questions and answers and read along in the workbook.

A. How do you feel? I feel sick.

Kendini nasıl hissediyorsun? Kendimi hasta hissediyorum.

B. What is the matter with her? Her leg hurts.

Onun sorunu nedir? Bacağı ağrıyor.

C. How do you feel? My head hurts.

Kendini nasıl hissediyorsun? Başım ağrıyor.

D. Are you in pain? Yes, my arm is broken.

Ağrın var mı? Evet, kolum kırık.

E. Where does it hurt? My stomach hurts.

Neresi ağrıyor? Karnım ağrıyor.

F. Are you sick? No, I’m pregnant.
Hasta mısın? Hayır, hamileyim.

G. Are you OK? I don’t feel good. I feel nauseous and have a stomachache.
İyi misin? Kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum. Midem bulanıyor ve karnım

H. Are you taking any medication? Yes, over-the-counter ones.

Herhangi bir ilaç alıyor musun? Evet, reçetesiz olanlardan.

5. Working with a partner, role-play the dialogues from Exercise 4.

6. Match each picture with the corresponding statement. Check your work with the
answer key.


1. Kadın hasta değil. O hamile.

2. Küçük kızın ateşi, boğaz ağrısı ve vücut ağrıları var, o hapşırıyor ve öksürüyor. Onun
gribi var.
3. Küçük erkek çocuğun midesi bulanıyor ve karın ağrısı var.

7. Work with a partner. Role-play the doctor and patient. Use the questions from
Exercise 5 as a model. Use the phrases from Exercise 6 to describe your symptoms.

8. Listen to and read the list of the typical symptoms for each ailment.

Flu Grip
Fever Ateş
Congestion Tıkanıklık
Sore throat Boğaz ağrısı
Body aches Vücut ağrıları
Sneezing Hapşırık
Coughing Öksürük

Head cold Baş nezlesi
Congestion Tıkanıklık
Sore Throat Boğaz ağrısı
Sneezing Hapşırık
Coughing Öksürük
Severe Pain Şiddetli ağrı

Broken Bone Kırık kemik

Swelling Şişme
Bruise Çürük
Bleeding Kanama

Sprain Burkulma
Bruise Çürük
Swelling Şişme
Pain Ağrı

9. Look at the chart of symptoms in Exercise 8. Work with a partner or in a small group.
Develop the questions the doctor can ask about one’s symptoms to be able to diagnose the
problem. Use the following model to create a dialogue.

Model: - Do you have fever?

- No, I don’t.
- Do you have a cough and body aches?
- No, doctor.
- That’s very good. You don’t have flu. It’s a cold.
- Thank you, doctor.
- You are welcome.

Grammar Note: Weights and measure

The Imperial/ British measurement system is used in the US. Feet and inches are used to
measure linear distances such as length and height, miles are used to measure longer
distances, pounds are used to measure weight, and gallons and ounces are used to measure
liquid volumes.

The metric system is used in Turkey. Meters and centimeters are used to measure length
and height, kilometers are used to measure distance, kilograms are used to measure weight
and liters are used to measure liquid volumes.

Here’s the conversion chart.

Imperial System Metric System
1 inch 2.5 cm (centimeter)
1 foot 30 cm
1 mile 1.61 km (kilometer)
1 pound 0.454 kg (kilogram)
1 gallon 3.8 lt (liter)

Read the following passages about height and weight.

- How tall is he, and how much does he weigh?

- Onun boyu ve ağırlığı ne kadar?

- He is 1 meter and 75 centimeters tall and weighs 84 kilograms.

- O 1 metre 75 santim boyunda ve 84 kilogram ağırlığında.

- How tall are you? How much do you weigh?

Boyun ne kadar? Ağırlığın ne kadar?

- I am 1 meter and 65 centimeters tall and weigh 54 kilograms.

- Ben 1 metre 65 santim boyundayim ve 54 kilogram ağırlığındayım.

10. Work with a partner. Take turns asking each other about your height and weight. Do
not forget to use the units of measure appropriate for Turkey.

11. Listen to the speaker and while you read the statements below. Translate each
exchange. You may check the English translation in the answer key.

A. Kendini nasıl hissediyorsun?

Kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum. Midem bulanıyor.
B. Kendini nasıl hissediyorsun?
Kendimi iyi hissediyorum, ama biraz midem bulanıyor.
C. Kendini nasıl hissediyorsun?
Kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum, ama midem bulanmıyor.
D. Sanırım ben ayağımı kırdım. Lütfen ambülans çağırın!
E. Sanırım o ayağını kırdı. Lütfen ambülans çağırın!
F. O ayağını mı kırdı? Sanırım. Lütfen ambülans çağırın!

12. What do you hear? Transcribe into Turkish then translate into English each statement.
Check your work with the answer key.


End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Ask and answer the following questions in Turkish. Check the answer key for a
translation of the questions.

A. When you have flu, what are your symptoms?

B. Are you taking any medications?
C. Have you ever broken a bone? If yes, which one(s)?
D. What is your height and weight?
E. How often do you see a doctor? Every month? Every year? Every 3 years?

2. Tell the class what you do in order to keep a healthy weight? Do you exercise? What
types of exercise do you do? How often and for how long do you exercise? Do you have a
special diet? What kind? What do you eat and not eat? Give an example of your menu.
What do you order when you eat out? How does it affect your diet the next day?

3. Work with a partner or in a small group. Describe the picture below.

Vocabulary List
Abnormal Anormal
Allergies Alerjiler
Ambulance Ambülans
Arm Kol
Chest Gögüs
Chin Çene
Are you in pain? Ağrın var mı?
Are you taking any Herhangi bir ilaç alıyor
medication? musun?
Body aches Vücut ağrıları
Broken bone Kırık kemik
Bruise Çürük
Call an ambulance! Ambülans çağırın!
Congestion Tıkanıklık
Coughing Öksürük
Ear Kulak
Elbow Dirsek
Eye Göz
Fingers El parmakları
Foot Ayak
Feel Hissetmek
Fever Ateş
Flu/Influenza Grip
Hand El
Head Baş
Hip Kalça
Knee Diz
Help! Yardım edin!
How do you feel? Nasıl hissediyorsun?
Hurt Ağrımak
Leg Bacak
Mouth Ağız
Nose Burun
Neck Boyun
Medicine İlaç
Nausea Mide bulantısı
Pain Ağrı
Pregnant Hamile
Shoulder Omuz
Toes Ayak parmakları
Waist Bel
Sick Hasta
Sneezing Hapşırık
Sore throat Boğaz ağrısı

Stomach Karın/mide
Stomach cramps Karın/mide sancısı
Strain Burkulma
Swelling Şişme
Symptoms Belirtiler/semptomlar
What is the matter? Sorun nedir?
Where does it hurt? Neresi ağrıyor?

Exercise 2

kulaklar, dirsekler, gözler, ayaklar, eller, dizler, omuzlar, kollar, bacaklar, kalçalar

Exercise 3

A. gözler
B. kulaklar
C. bacaklar
D. ayaklar
E. baş, eller, boyun
F. ağız

Exercise 6

A. 2 The little girl has a fever, a sore throat, and body aches, and she is sneezing and coughing.
She has the flu.
B. 1 The young woman is not sick. She is pregnant.
C. 3 The little boy is nauseous and has a stomachache.

Exercise 11

A. How do you feel? I don’t feel well. I’m nauseous.

B. How do you feel? I feel fine, but I’m a little nauseous.
C. How do you feel? I don’t feel well, but I’m not nauseous.
D. I think I broke my leg. Please call an ambulance!
E. I think he broke his leg. Please call an ambulance!
F. Did he break his leg? I think so. Please call an ambulance!

Exercise 12

1. Where does it hurt? My back hurts.

Neren ağrıyor? Sırtım ağrıyor.
2. What are your symptoms? I have a fever and a headache.
Belirtilerin nelerdir?Ateşim ve baş ağrım var.
3. How do you feel? I don’t feel well. I’m nauseous.
Kendini nasıl hissediyorsun? Kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum. Midem bulanıyor.
4. Did he break his leg? I think so, please call an ambulance!
O ayağını mı kırdı? Sanırım. Lütfen ambülans çağırın!

End of Lesson Exercise 1

A. Grip olduğunda, belirterin nelerdir?

B. Herhangi bir ilaç alıyor musun?
C. Herhangi bir kemiğinizi hiç kırdınız mı? Kırdıysanız hangisi (hangileri)?
D. Boyunuz ve ağırlığınız ne kadar?
E. Doktora ne kadar sık gidersiniz? Her ay? Her yıl? Her 3 yılda bir?

Lesson 18
Political and International Events
Siyasi ve Uluslararası olaylar

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Vocabulary associated with politics and international issues
- How they are reported in Turkey news
- How to read and understand political events written in Turkish newspapers.

Government and Politics in Turkey

Turkey was established on October 29, 1923, as a republic soon after the first constitution was
enacted. The country adopted wide-ranging social, legal, and political reforms under the
leadership of the founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. One party (CHP, established by Atatürk) ruled
the country until 1950. A peaceful transfer of power to the Democratic Party happened in 1950
and many parties have been established since then. Turkey has a democratic regime, which is
fractured by periods of instability and intermittent military coups (1960, 1971, and 1980). The
power returned back to civilians in each case.

According to the Constitution, all Turkish citizens have the right to vote, to be elected, and to
participate in political activities. Turkish citizens over 18 years of age have the right to vote in
elections and take part in referendums. The Constitution requires the elections to be held at least
every five years. The assembly may decide to hold elections before the expiration of the term.
The president may decide to hold parliamentary elections under special conditions. In these
elections the 550 representatives are elected for the Turkish Grand National Assembly, TGNA
(Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi, TBMM).

The election system is based on proportional representation in which a party must obtain at least
10% of the votes cast at the national level as well as a percentage of votes in the contested
district in order to participate in the distribution of seats. As a result, Turkey has a multi-party
(over a dozen) system with two or three strong parties. The leading party or parties form the
government, which is approved by the president. The president (head of state) is elected by the
assembly for a term of seven years.

Turkey has a few serious political and economic problems. One of them is the Cyprus issue
when Turkey intervened militarily in 1974 to prevent a Greek takeover of the island. The Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus was established in 1983, but it is not recognized diplomatically
outside of Turkey. A border issue exists on the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece. Human
rights and social quality are improving. However, a separatist movement, started by Kurdistan’s
Workers’ Party (PKK) in 1984 (which ended in 2000), cost a lot of lives and money. This low-
level war had repercussions on social and human rights in the region.

The large economic difference between the regions is a source of internal immigration that
triggers many social problems.

1. Familiarize yourself with the political terms.

Government Hükümet
Prime minister Başbakan
President Cumhurbaşkanı
Leader Lider
Dictator Diktatör
Parliament Meclis
Ministry Bakanlık
Election Seçim
Officials Resmi Görevliler
Political Party Siyasi parti
Vote Oy
Republic Cumhuriyet
State Devlet
Democracy Demokrasi
Democratic Demokratik
Term of office Görev Süresi
Policy Politika
Human Rights İnsan hakları
Religious Dini
Racial Irksal
Radical Radikal
World Dünya
Conflict Çatışma
War Savaş
Invade İşgal etmek
Nuclear weapons Nükleer silahlar

2. Listen to and read the following statements. While reading, note the use of the new

The Iraqi leader Irak lideri

The Russian officials Rus Resmi Görevlileri
The South African government Güney Afrika Hükümeti
Religious differences Dini farklılıklar
Middle East conflict Orta Doğu Çatışması
The war in Iraq Irak’taki savaş
The radical political party Radikal siyasi parti
Islamic fundamentalism İslami kökten dincilik

The President of the United States is George Bush.
Amerika’nın başkanı George Bush’tur.

Japan and Great Britain have prime ministers.

Japonya’nın ve İngiltere’nin başbakanları vardır.

This was the first political election in that country.

Bu, bu ülkedeki ilk siyasi seçimdi.

Human rights are a very important issue in the world today.

İnsan hakları bugün dünyada çok önemli bir meseledir.

Grammar Note: The use of ‘Minister’ and ‘Ministry’, and the verb ‘to vote’

English Turkish
Minister Bakan
Minister of … Bakanı
Minister of Energy Enerji Bakanı (Energy = Enerji)
Ministry Bakanlık
Ministry of ... Bakanlığı
Ministry of Energy Enerji Bakanlığı

Vote Oy (Noun)
To vote Oy vermek (Verb)

“Vermek” is a generic verb in Turkish that corresponds to the verb “To give” in English. It can
be used in the meaning of “to give somebody something” or, in this context, it means “to give a
vote” or “to cast a vote”. It conjugates like a regular verb.

English Turkish
I vote. Ben oy veririm.
You vote. Sen oy verirsin.
He/She votes. O oy verir.

Turkish Media

Turkish people are generally interested in foreign and domestic politics. Therefore, almost all of
the newspapers cover the important political news on the front page with striking headlines. The
news stories are continued on the following pages. Many columnists comment on the important
news from different perspectives. Middle and upper class people usually follow these writers
regularly. Televison is the most influential media that reaches broader audiences instantly.
Almost every family has a TV at home and it is watched for news frequently. The media
organizations (TV, radio and newspaper) are privately owned and controlled. The government
has little or no effect on the media. However, the government owns a series of channels and
radios that broadcast nation-wide and internationally.

3. Listen to and read the following news report from Turkey. Then answer the
questions that follow. Check your work with the answer key.

Türkiye – Avrupa Topluluğu müzakereleri 10 yıl sürebilir!

MADRID/ANKARA (AA) – ‘Türkiye ile Avrupa Topluluğu (A.T.) arasındaki giriş görüşmeleri
10 yıl sürebilir. Bu zaman diliminde inişler ve çıkışlar olabilir, ama biz 10 yılda hazır olacağız.’
dedi Türk Devlet Bakanı Ali Babacan.
Madrid’te Beşinci A.T. - Türkiye Konferansı’na katılan Babacan El Pais ve ABC
gazetelerine konuştu.
Türkiye ekonomisindeki en son önemli gelişmelerin önemini vurgulayan Babacan büyüme
hızının şu anda yüzde 9 dan daha fazla, enflasyon oranının ise yüzde 9.3 olduğunu belirtti.
Babacan ‘Avrupalı insanlar Türkiye ile ilgili daha çok şey öğrenmek istiyorlar. Türkiye’nin
daha iyi bir şekilde reklamı yapılmalı. Turizm ve ticaret buna ulaşmamıza yardımcı olacak.’
diyerek, Türkiye’nin bu yıl 20 milyon turist beklediğini belirtti.
Babacan Türkiye’nin gerçeklerini Avrupa toplumuna anlatmak için iyi bir iletişim stratejisine
ihtiyaç olduğunun altını çizdi.
‘İstikrarlı bir Türkiye A.T.’nin istikrarlığı için çok büyük önem taşımaktadır.’ diye

1. Who is Ali Babacan?

2. Who did he speak to?

3. Where did he participate?

4. How long may it take for Turkey to enter the EU?

5. What will help them to promote Turkey in a better way?

6. Why was there need for a good communication strategy?

4. Work in small groups. Pretend that you are a crew working for a news program.
Come up with a short description of a political event. Use the questions from Exercise 3 as
an outline for your report.

5. Work in a small group or with a partner. Review the information on the political system
in Turkey again. Recall the information in Turkish. Report to your teacher and to the class.

International Geography

Turkey is in southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia. The portion of Turkey west of
the Bosporus is geographically part of Europe. Bordering countries and their length of
border with Turkey are: Armenia (268 km), Azerbaijan (9 km), Georgia (252 km), and
Iran (499 km) to the east; Bulgaria (240 km), and Greece (206 km) to the west; and Syria
(822 km) and Iraq (352 km) to the south. Bordering seas are the Black Sea, between
Bulgaria and Georgia, and the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, between Greece and Syria.
Turkey’s total area is 780,580 sq km. This includes 770,760 sq km of land and 9,820 sq km
of water. Comparatively, Turkey is slightly larger than Texas.

Turkey is at a strategic location controlling the Turkish Straits (Bosporus, Sea of

Marmara, Dardanelles) that link the Black and Aegean seas.
Natural resources are coal, iron ore, copper, chromium, antimony, mercury, gold, barite,
borate, celestite (strontium), emery, feldspar, limestone, magnesite, marble, perlite, pumice,
pyrites (sulfur), clay, arable land, and hydropower.

Mount Ararat, the legendary landing place of Noah's Ark, is in the far eastern portion of
the country.

6. Listen to the speaker and follow along in your book.

Afghanistan/Afghani Afganistan / Afgan

Canada/Canadian Kanada / Kanadalı
China/Chinese Çin / Çinli
Denmark/Danes Danimarka / Danimarkalı
Egypt/Egyptian Mısır / Mısırlı
England/English İngiltere / İngiliz
Finland/Finns Finlandiya / Finlandiyalı
France/French Fransa / Fransız
Germany/German Almanya / Alman
Great Britain/British Büyük Britanya / Britanyalı - İngiliz
India/Indian Hindistan / Hindistanlı
Indonesia/Indonesian Endonezya / Endonezyalı
Iran/Iranian İran / İranlı
Iraq/Iraqi Irak / Iraklı
Ireland/Irish İrlanda / İrlandalı
Israel/Israeli İsrail / İsrailli
Italy/Italian İtalya / İtalyan
Japan/Japanese Japonya/ Japon
Jordan/Jordanian Ürdün / Ürdünlü
Korea/Korean Kore /Koreli
Kuwait/Kuwaiti Kuveyt /Kuveytli
Mexico/Mexican Meksika /Meksikalı
Netherlands/Dutch Hollanda / Hollandalı
Norway/Norwegian Norveç / Norveçli
Pakistan/Pakistani Pakistan / Pakistanlı
Philippines/Filipino Filipinler / Filipinli
Russia/Russian Rusya / Rus
Saudi Arabia/Saudi Suudi Arabistan / Arabistanlı
Scotland/Scot İskoçya / İskoç
South Africa/South African Güney Afrika / Güney Afrikalı
Spain/Spanish İspanya / İspanyol
Sweden/Swede İsveç / İsveçli
Syria/Syrian Suriye / Suriyeli
Thailand/Thai Tayland / Taylandlı
Vietnam/Vietnamese Vietnam / Vietnamlı
Wales/Welsh Galler / Gallerli
North America Kuzey Amerika
Central America Orta Amerika

South America Güney Amerika
Western Europe Batı Avrupa
Central Europe Orta Avrupa
Eastern Europe Doğu Avrupa
Middle East Orta Asya
Southwest Asia Güneybatı Asya
Southeast Asia Güneydoğu Asya
Africa Afrika
Australia Avustralya
Eastern Asia Doğu Asya
Arctic Kuzey Kutbu
Antarctica Antartika
Pacific Rim Pasifik Çizgisi

Grammar Note:

In Turkish, to make the name of the nationality, we add suffixes ( - lı, -li, -lu, -lü) to the country

If the last vowel of the country name is a or ı then add the suffix -lı.
If the last vowel of the country name is e or i then add the suffix -li.
If the last vowel of the country name is u or o then add the suffix -lu.
If the last vowel of the country name is ü or ö then add the suffix -lü.

Country Nationality
Amerika Amerika-lı
Norveç Norveç-li
Ürdün Ürdün-lü

Please note that these rules do not apply to all countries.

Country Nationality
Japonya Japon
Rusya Rus
İtalya İtalyan
Fransa Fransız, etc.

7. Listen to and read the dialogues about nationality. Note the ways to determine
one’s nationality.

Are you from Syria?

Suriyeli misin?
No, I’m from Egypt. I’m an Egyptian.
Hayır, ben Mısır’danım. Ben Mısırlı’yım.

Are you American?

Amerikalı mısın?
No, I’m Canadian.
Hayır, ben Kanadalı’yım.

What are you?

I’m Vietnamese.
Ben Vietnamlı’yım.

Where are you from?

I’m from India. I’m Indian.
Ben Hindistan’danım. Ben Hindistanlı’yım.

Are you Indonesian?

Endonezyalı mısın?
Yes, I’m Indonesian. I live in Jakarta.
Evet, ben Endonezyalı’yım. Jakarta’da yaşıyorum.

Are you from Afghanistan?

Afganistan’lı mısın?
I live in Afghanistan, but I am Pakistani.
Ben Afganistan’da yaşıyorum, ama Pakistanlı’yım.

8. Create questions in Turkish that are appropriate to the answers provided. Check your
work with the answer key.

1. …………………………..?
Yes, I’m Vietnamese.
Evet, ben Vietnamlı’yım.

2. ……………………………?
No, I’m not American. I’m Canadian.
Hayır, ben Amerikalı değilim. Ben Kanadalı’yım.

3. …………… or ……………..?
……………..-lı mısın / -li misin veya ………..….-lı mısın / -li misin?
I live in Pakistan, but I’m Afghani.
Pakistan’da yaşıyorum, ama Afgan’ım.

4. ……………………………..?
Yes, we are Iraqis.
Evet, biz Iraklı’yız.

9. What do you hear? Write down the name of the country that you hear and then
translate it into English. Check your answers with the answer key.


End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Translate the following headlines into English. Check your work with the answer key.

1. Karzai Bush’tan daha fazla Afgan kontrolü isteyecek!

2. Romanyalı muhabirler iki aylık çileden sonra serbest!

3. Hindistan başkentinde sinemalardaki patlamalar; Bir ölü, 49 yaralı.

4. Alman anket yenilgisinden sonra Schroeder’den erken genel seçim çağrısı.

5. Özbekistan devlet medyası uluslararası inceleme tehdidi karşısında kızgın.

6. Filistinliler, İsrailliler Laura Bush’ u Kudüs’teki kutsal yerleri ziyaret ederken

protesto ettiler.

2. Listen to and read the following news report from Turkey, then answer the
questions that follow.

Türkiye Başbakanı Erdoğan Irak Başbakanı Al-Jaafari’yi karşıladı.

ANKARA (AA) – Türkiye Başbakanı Tayyip Erdoğan Irak Başbakanı İbrahim Al-Jaafari’yi
Cuma günü askeri bir törenle karşıladı.

Başbakan Yardımcısı ve Dışişleri Bakanı Abdullah Gül, Ekonomi Bakanı Kemal Unakıtan,
Endüstri ve Ticaret Bakanı Ali Coşkun, Enerji ve Doğal Kaynaklar Bakanı Hilmi Güler ve diğer
devlet görevlileri karşılama töreninde yer aldılar.

İki başbakan ikili bir görüşme ve delegeler arası görüşmelerde bulunacaklar. Günün ilerleyen
saatlerinde bir basın toplantısı yapmaları beklenmektedir.

1. Who is Tayyip Erdoğan?

2. Who is İbrahim Al-Jaafari
3. What happened on Friday?
4. Who took part at the welcoming ceremony?
5. What is expected later in the day?

3. Work with a partner or in a small group. From the list of the countries above, choose
one and give a briefing on its location and political system. Pretend that you are giving a
press conference. Your classmates will role-play the news reporters by asking you

The following questions may help you in your work:

1. Does this country have a president? Who is the current president?

2. How many political parties are there in this country?
3. Is there a war in this country now?
4. Does this country have a parliament?
5. Is there a democracy in this country?
6. Does this country have a prime minister?
7. Is the leader of this country a dictator?
8. Is this country a republic?
9. What is a specific geographical feature of this country?

Vocabulary List

Conflict Çatışma
Democracy/democratic Demokrasi / Demokratik
Dictator Diktatör
Dispute Uyuşmazlık
Election Seçim
Government Hükümet
Human Rights İnsan hakları
Invade/invasion İşgal etmek / işgal
Leader Lider
Ministry Bakanlık
Nuclear weapons Nükleer silahlar
Official Resmi Görevliler
Parliament Meclis
Policy Politika
Political Party Siyasi parti
President Cumhurbaşkanı
Prime minister Başbakan
Racial Irksal
Radical Radikal
Religious Dini
Republic Cumhuriyet
State Devlet
Term of office Görev Süresi
To kill Öldürmek
To vote Oy vermek
To invade İşgal etmek
War Savaş
World Dünya

Exercise 3

Turkey - E.U. Negotiations May Last For 10 Years

MADRID/ANKARA (AA) - ''Entry talks between Turkey and the European Union (EU) may
last for 10 years. There will be ups and downs during this period but we will be ready in 10
years,'' said Turkish State Minister Ali Babacan.
Babacan, who participated in the Fifth EU-Turkey Conference in Madrid, spoke to El Pais
and ABC newspapers.
Stressing the importance of the recent significant developments in the Turkish economy,
Babacan noted that the growth rate was higher than 9 percent currently, indicating that inflation
rate was 9.3 percent now.
Babacan stated that Turkey expected to host 20 million tourists this year, noting, ''European
people want to know more about Turkey. Turkey should be promoted in a better way. Tourism
and trade will help us achieve this.''
There was need for a good communication strategy to introduce Turkey's facts to the European
community, Babacan underlined.
''A stable Turkey is of great importance for the stability of the EU,'' he stressed.

1. He is the Turkish State Minister.

2. He spoke to Le Pais and ABC newspapers.
3. He participated in the Fifth EU-Turkey Conference in Madrid.
4. It may take 10 years.
5. Tourism and trade will help them.
6. There was need for a good communication strategy to introduce Turkey's facts to the
European community

Exercise 8

1. Vietnamlı mısın?
2. Amerikalı mısın?
3. Pakistanlı mısın?
4. Iraklı mısınız?

Exercise 9

1. India Hindistan
2. England İngiltere
3. Indonesia Endonezya
4. Israel İsrail
5. Russia Rusya

End of Lesson Exercise 1

1. Karzai to ask Bush for more Afghan control.

2. Romanian reporters freed after two-month ordeal.
3. One dead, 49 wounded, as blasts rock cinemas in Indian capital.
4. Schroeder calls for early general election after German poll defeat.
5. Uzbekistan state media rail against threat of international probe.
6. Palestinians, Israelis protest as Laura Bush visits Jerusalem holy sites.

Exercise 2

Turkish Premier Erdogan Welcomes Iraqi Prime Minister Al- Jaafari

ANKARA (AA) - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan welcomed Iraqi Prime
Minister İbrahim Al-Jaafari with full military honors in Ankara on Friday.
Turkish Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Gul, Finance Minister
Kemal Unakitan, Industry and Trade Minister Ali Coskun, Energy and Natural Resources
Minister Hilmi Guler and other senior state officials took part in the welcoming ceremony.
The two premiers will have a tete-a-tete meeting and chair meetings between delegations.
They are expected to hold a press conference later in the day.

1. He is the Prime Minister of Turkey.

2. He is the Prime Minister of Iraq.
3. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan welcomed Iraqi Prime Minister İbrahim Al-
Jaafari with full military honors in Ankara on Friday.
4. Turkish Foreign Minister & Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Gul, Finance Minister Kemal
Unakitan, Industry & Trade Minister Ali Coskun, Energy & Natural Resources Minister
Hilmi Guler and other senior state officials took part in the welcoming ceremony.
5. A press conference is expected later in the day.

Lesson 19
The Military

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Basic military vocabulary
- The rank structure of the U.S. Army and Turkish military forces
- Names of weapons and army vehicles.

1. What do soldiers do? What do soldiers use? What do soldiers wear? The pictures will
help you to guess the meaning of unknown terms.

Bu askerler üniforma giyerler. Onlar ayaklarına bot ve başlarına miğfer giyerler. Miğfer başlarını
ağır silahlardan, mermilerden ve patlayıcılardan korur. Askerlerin ellerinde silahlar var.

This soldier talks on the radio This soldier has a rocket

This soldier fires his rifle. with his commander. launcher.
Bu asker komutanı ile telsiz Bu askerin bir roketatarı
Bu asker tüfeğini ateşler. üzerinden konuşur. var.

2. Now listen to the new words and repeat them after the speaker.

Soldier Asker
Uniform Üniforma
Boots Botlar
Helmet Miğfer
To protect Korumak
Artillery Ağır silahlar
Ammunition Mermi
Explosives Patlayıcılar
Weapons Silahlar
Radio Telsiz
Commander Komutan
To fire Ateş etmek
Rifle Tüfek
Rocket launcher Roketatar

Grammar Note

To be a soldier = asker olmak

English Turkish
He is a soldier. O bir asker.

To wear a uniform = üniforma giymek

Giymek is the turkish equivalent of “to put on, to wear”.

English Turkish
He wears a uniform. O üniforma giyer.

To fire at something = birşeye ateş etmek

The object comes before the verb in Turkish.

English Turkish
The tank fired at the target. Tank hedefe ateş etti. (target = hedef)

3. Read the statements and match each one with the correct picture. Check your answers
with the answer key.

1. 2. 3.

A. O bir sivil. Onun silahları yok. Onun çocukları var.

B. O bir asker. Onun bir silahı var.

C. Asker sivili silahlar için arıyor.

Do you understand what ‘aramak’ means?

4. Listen to the new words and repeat them after the speaker.

1. 2. 3.
Bu araçlar HUMVE. Kendinden ateşlemeli

4. 5. 6.
Tank Kendinden ateşlemeli top Zırhlı araç

5. Now cover the names of the vehicles with a sheet of paper and name them. Repeat
Exercise 4 as many times as you need to feel comfortable with the new terms.

1. ……………………..
2. ……………………..
3. ……………………..
4. ……………………..
5. ……………………..
6. ……………………..

6. Listen to the new words and repeat them after the speaker.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 8

1 Mortar Havan topu 5 Mine Mayın

2 Rifle Tüfek 6 Pistol Tabanca
3 Machine gun Makineli tüfek 7 Missile Füze
4 Grenade El bombası 8 Weapons cache Cephane

7. In the following lists of items, three belong to the group, but the fourth does not logically
belong. Cross it out. Check your answers with the answer key.

1. Tank El bombası Kamyon Humve

2. Tüfek Havan topu Miğfer Makineli tüfek

3. Üniforma Asker Sivil Komutan

4. Telsiz Harita Mayın tarlası Silah

5. Miğfer Ağır silah Üniforma Bot

6. Subay Asker Sivil Komutan

8. Read the following statements. Select the sentence that is the most logical. Check your
answers with the answer key.

1. A. ______ Askerler miğferleri rüzgardan korunmak için giyerler.

B. ______ Askerler miğferleri mermilerden korunmak için giyerler.

C. ______ Askerler miğferleri patlayıcılardan ve ağır silahlardan korunmak için giyerler.

2. A. ______ Biz bütün sivilleri silahlar için arıyoruz.

B. ______ Biz bütün düşman askerlerini silahlar için arıyoruz.

C. ______ Biz bütün düşman subaylarını silahlar için arıyoruz.

9. What do you hear? Listen to the speaker, transcribe what you hear in Turkish,
then translate each passage into English. You may check your work in the answer key.



10. Listen and repeat the new words after the speaker.

Army base Askeri üs

Be careful! Dikkatli ol!
Curfew Sokağa çıkma yasağı
In charge of … -nin sorumlusu olmak
Minefield Mayın tarlası
Roadblock Barikat
Checkpoint Denetim noktası
Identification Kimlik
Patrol Devriye
Base Üs
Barracks Kışla

11. Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the vocabulary list above. Check your
answers with the answer key.

A. Kim bu devriyenin ? Devriye lideri.

B. Bir var mı? Evet, akşam sekizden sabah altıya kadar.

C. ______________________! Yolun karşısında _______________ var!

D. Herkes __________________ __________________ göstermek zorundadır.

E. ____________ nerde? Üssün öbür tarafında.

12. Working with a partner, take turns reading and role-playing the dialogues from
Exercise 11.

13. Working in a small group, come up with similar dialogues, and then role-play them.

14. Study the list of U.S. Army ranks. Compare them with the Turkish military

Enlisted Erat
Private Er
Corporal Onbaşı
Sergeant Çavuş
Sergeant Major Başçavuş

Officer Subay
Lieutenant Teğmen
Captain Yüzbaşı
Major Binbaşı
Lt. Colonel Yarbay
Colonel Albay
General General

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Work with a partner or in a small group. In Turkish, come up with a caption for each
picture below.

1. …………………………………………………… .

2. …………………………………………………… .

3. …………………………………………………… .

2. a) Translate the following sentences into English. Check your work with the answer key.

A. Cephane nerede?

B. Bu devriyenin sorumlusu kim?

C. Denetim noktasından geçerken kimliğinizi göstermeniz gerekmektedir.

D. Bütün sivillerin silahlar için aranması gerekmektedir.

E. Sokağa çıkma yasağı akşam dokuzda başlar. Şimdi saat dokuz kırkbeş. Evinize geri

F. Askeri üsse sadece askerler girebilirler.

b) Work with a partner or in a small group. Come up with situations when you can use
sentences C, D, E, and F as a reply. Create the first part of the conversation so that you
have short dialogues. Role-play them.

3. a) Translate the following into Turkish. Compare your translation against the answer

A. Please step out of the car. We must search the vehicle for weapons.

B. It is after curfew. You must come with me for questioning.

C. The weapons cache is on the other side of Checkpoint Delta.

D. Be careful. There is a minefield east of the railroad.

E. Every soldier needs to have a radio and a map.

F. You must know all the checkpoints and roadblocks in this area.

b) Work with a partner or in a small group. Come up with situations when you can use
these sentences as a reply. Create the first part of the conversation so that you have short
dialogues. Role-play them.

Vocabulary List

Ammunition Mermi
Army base Askeri üs
Artillery Ağır silah
Barracks Kışla
Base Üs
Be careful! Dikatli ol!
Boots Botlar
Checkpoint Denetim noktası
Civilian Sivil
Commander Komutan
Curfew Sokağa çıkma yasağı
Enemy Düşman
Explosive Patlayıcı
Grenade El bombası
Gun Silah
Helmet Miğfer
In charge Sorumlu
(of a patrol, base)
Machine gun Makineli tüfek
Map Harita
Military Ordu
Mine Mayın
Minefield Mayın tarlası
Missile Füze
Mortar Havan topu
Officer Subay
Protection Koruma
Radio Telsiz
Rank Rütbe
Rifle Tüfek
Roadblock Barikat
Rocket Roket
Rocket launcher Roketatar
Search Aramak
Soldier Asker
Tank Tank
Uniform Üniforma
Weapons Silahlar
Weapons cache Cephane

Enlisted Erat
Private Er
Corporal Onbaşı

Sergeant Çavuş
Sergeant Major Başçavuş

Officer Subay
Lieutenant Teğmen
Captain Yüzbaşı
Major Binbaşı
Lt. Colonel Yarbay
Colonel Albay
General General

Exercise 1

Translation of caption: ‘These soldiers wear uniforms. They wear boots on their feet and helmets
on their heads. The helmets protect their heads from artillery, ammunition, and explosives. The
soldiers have weapons in their hands.’

Exercise 3

1. C. The soldier searches the civilian for weapons.

2. B. He is a soldier. He has a weapon.
3. A. He is a civilian. He does not have weapons. He has children.

Exercise 4

1. and 2. These vehicles are humvee’s

3. self-propelled missile launcher
4. tank
5. self-propelled gun
6. armored vehicle

Exercise 7

1. Grenade El bombası
2. Helmet Miğfer
3. Uniform Üniforma
4. Minefield Mayın tarlası
5. Artillery Ağır silahlar
6. Civilian Sivil

Exercise 8

1 C. Soldiers wear helmets for protection from explosives and artillery.

2. B. We are searching all enemy soldiers for weapons.

Exercise 9

1. Askerler miğferleri patlayıcılardan korunmak için giyerler.

Soldiers wear helmets for protection from explosives.
2. Biz bütün düşman askerlerini silahlar için arıyoruz.
We are searching all enemy soldiers for weapons.

Exercise 11

A. Who is in charge of the patrol? The patrol leader.

B. Is there a curfew? Yes, from 8:00pm to 6:00am.
C. Be careful! There is a minefield across the road!
D. Everyone must show their identification at the checkpoint.
E. Where are the barracks? On the other side of the base.

End of Lesson Exercise 2a

A. Where is the weapons cache?

B. Who is in charge of this patrol?
C. You must show your identification when you pass the checkpoint.
D. All civilians must be searched for weapons.
E. Curfew starts at 9:00pm. It’s 9:45 now. Go back to your home.
F. Only soldiers may enter the army base.

Exercise 3a

A Lütfen araçtan çıkın. Aracı silahlar için aramak zorundayız.

B. Sokağa çıkma yasağını geçiyor. Benimle sorgulama için gelmelisiniz.
C. Cephane Denetim Noktası Delta’nın öbür tarafında.
D. Dikkatli olun! Tren yolunun doğusunda bir mayın tarlası var.
E. Her askerin bir telsize ve bir haritaya ihtiyacı var.
F Bu bölgedeki bütün denetim noktalarını ve barikatları bilmek zorundasın.

Lesson 20
In the Hospital

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Vocabulary related to the medical emergency and life-saving measures
- Terminology related to internal organs
- Ways to ask questions about the vital signs.

The Ministry of Health (Sağlık Bakanlığı) is responsible for health care and related social
welfare activities in Turkey. The Ministry provides medical care and preventive health
services as well as training for health personnel. It establishes and operates hospitals and
health care centers. It also supervises private health facilities and pharmacies as well as
regulates and controls drug production and prices. Medical and health care personnel in
the public sector are employed by the Ministry.

The Social Insurance Association (Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu – SSK) which is owned by
the state automatically provides every working citizen with health services. Employers
pay a premium on behalf of the employees, which includes coverage for the spouse and
children. The employers and owners of enterprises pay a different premium to the
government (BAĞKUR) that gives them the right to get premium health care services

from hospitals which have better conditions that those of SSK. The insurance covers all
medical services including emergency care and drugs. There is no charge or fee to call an
ambulance. Emergency rooms are often crowded, yet patients get treatment instantly. A
co-payment system (Döner Sermaye) has been developed in major hospitals and requires
contributions from the patients.

Unfortunately, the social security system is not able to serve non-working or unoffically
working citizens. Private health insurance is available to those that can afford the
payments and gives them access to private hospitals. Although the availability of health
care is getting better, the quality remains uneven. Medical facilities are concentrated in
the cities and larger towns. Most rural areas often don’t have adequate access to medical

It is vital to be able to speak Turkish in case of a medical emergency in Turkey. Although

young people take English courses as early as primary school, most of the population
doesn’t speak English or any other foreign language. In order to communicate with the
survivors of an accident or natural disaster, or armed conflicts, you must expect to ask
questions and get answers in Turkish. If you are going to deliver medical assistance, it is
best done under the guidance of Turkish medical personnel or with help from people that
can translate or best talk with the patient in Turkish.

In Lesson 17, you already learned the names of human body parts, how to ask questions
about a person’s state of health, and how to describe health conditions and symptoms of
sickness. You also know how to handle the visit to the doctor’s office. In this lesson, you
will familiarize yourself with the vocabulary used for life threatening health conditions,
such as heart attacks, gunshot wounds, severe bleeding, and head injuries.

1. Go over the text with the pictures. Try to guess the meaning of the bolded words
from the context.

1 2

Bu adamın yaralı bir kolu var. Bu kadının kolunda bir yara var.

3 4

Bu adamın yaralı bir bacağı var. Bu adamın boyun yarası var.

Did you understand the bolded words yara / yaralı?

Yara means wound or injury.

Yaralı means wounded or injured.

2. Look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and match the number of the picture with the
correct definition. Check your answers with the answer key.

A. Yaralı bacak - Resim numarası _____.

B. Yaralı boyun - Resim numarası _____.

C. Yaralı kol - Resim numarası _____.

D. Yaralı kol - Resim numarası _____.

3. Tell your classmates in Turkish if you ever had an injury and describe it.

4. Listen to and read the dialogue between the doctor and the nurse in the
emergency room of a military hospital. Note the use of new vocabulary.

Doctor: How does Sergeant Özcan feel?

Doktor: Çavuş Özcan kendini nasıl hissediyor?

Nurse: He feels bad, Doctor Yaşar.

Hemşire: Kendini kötü hissediyor, Doktor Yaşar bey.

Doctor: What is the matter with him?

Doktor: Sorunu nedir?

Nurse: His leg hurts.

Hemşire: Bacağı ağrıyor.

Doctor: Is it injured?
Doktor: O yaralı mı?

Nurse: Yes. He has a gunshot wound. He is bleeding.

Hemşire: Evet. Onun bir kurşun yarası var. Kanıyor.

Doctor: Does he have a fever?

Doktor: Ateşi var mı?

Nurse: Yes, he does.

Hemşire: Evet var.

Doctor: Is he taking any medications?

Doktor: Herhangi bir ilaç alıyor mu?

Nurse: Yes, antibiotics and painkillers.

Hemşire: Evet, antibiyotik ve ağrı kesici.

5. Work with a partner. Role-play the dialogue from Exercise 4.

6. Match each of the pictures with the corresponding statement. Try to guess the
meanings of unknown words from the context. Check your answers with the answer


1. Bu adamın yaralı kolu üstünde bir sargı var.

2. Bu adam şapkasını giymedi. Bugün hava çok sıcaktı. Şimdi güneş çarpması
3. Bu askerin yaralı bir bacağı var.

Did you understand the meanings of the bolded words?

Güneş çarpması means heat stroke.

Sargı means dressing.

7. Listen to the speaker and read along in your textbook. Use the answer key
to check the meanings of unknown words.

Bunlar sargı ve yara bantlarıdır. Bir kesik ya da yaraya sargı yapmak için onlara
ihtiyacınız var. Onlar steril olmak zorundalar.

8. Familiarize yourself with some new medical terminology. Listen as the
speaker recites the names of internal organs. Repeat after the speaker.

1 2 3 4 5

1. heart kalp
2. brain beyin
3. lung akciğer
4. kidney böbrek
5. liver karaciğer

9. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate name of the organ in Turkish. Check your
answers with the answer key.

kalp, beyin, akciğer, böbrek, karaciğer

A. The human ____________ is in charge of all body system functions.

B. The _________ is a very important organ because it helps our body to get rid of fat.
C. Exercising is very important for my ____________.
D. Smoking can cause ____________cancer.
E. Drinking a lot of water is necessary for the ___________ .

10. Listen to and read the dialogue between the doctor and a patient in a
military hospital emergency room.

In the Military Hospital Emergency Room

Doctor: Hello, Major Sedat.

Doktor: Merhaba, Binbaşı Sedat.

Major: Good morning, Doctor Akın.

Binbaşı: Günaydın, Doktor Akın.

Doctor: What happened to you?

Doktor: Size ne oldu?

Major: I don’t know. I didn’t feel well. I had chest pain, headache, and dizziness.
Binbaşı: Bilmiyorum. Kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum. Göğüs ağrısı, baş ağrısı ve baş
dönmem var.

Doctor: How long did you have your symptoms?

Doktor: Ne kadar zamandır belirtileriniz var?

Major: For about 2 days.

Binbaşı: Yaklaşık iki gündür.

Doctor: Did you take any medications?

Doktor: Herhangi bir ilaç aldınız mı?

Major: Yes, I took painkillers.

Binbaşı: Evet, Ağrı kesici aldım.

Doctor: For how long?

Doktor: Ne kadar süredir?

Major: For about 2 days… What happened to me, doctor?

Binbaşı: Yaklaşık iki gündür…Bana ne oldu, doktor?

Doctor: Well, when you got in the ER, you couldn’t breathe. We had to do CPR. You
had abnormal blood pressure. It was 230 over 180. You had a heart attack. What
symptoms do you have now?
Doktor: Acil servise geldiğinizde nefes almıyordunuz, kalp masajı yapmak zorunda
kaldık. Anormal bir kan basıncınız vardı. İkiyüz otuza yüz seksendi. Siz bir kalp krizi
geçirdiniz Ne belirtileriniz var şimdi?

Major: I feel weak.

Binbaşı: Kendimi zayıf hissediyorum.

Doctor: Are you allergic to any medications?

Doktor: Herhangi bir ilaca karşı alerjiniz var mı?

Major: Yes, I’m allergic to penicillin.

Binbaşı: Evet, penisiline karşı alerjim var.

Doctor: Do you have any kidney, liver, lung, or brain diseases? Diabetes? Cancer?
Doktor: Herhangi bir böbrek, karaciğer, akciğer, veya beyin hastalığınız var mı? Şeker
hastalığı? Kanser?

Major: No, I don’t.

Binbaşı: Hayır, yok.

Doctor: Do you smoke?

Doktor: Sigara içer misiniz?

Major: No, I don’t.

Binbaşı: Hayır, içmem.

Doctor: Do any members of your family have heart disease or have they had a heart
Doktor: Ailenizden herhangi birinin kalp hastalıkları oldu mu ya da kalp krizi geçirdi

Major: Yes, my father died three years ago from heart disease.
Binbaşı: Evet, babam üç yıl once kalp hastalığından öldü.

Doctor: Well, I think you must stay in the hospital and rest for a few days.
Doktor: Bence hastanede kalıp birkaç gün dinlenmelisiniz.

Major: But I need to get back to my unit!

Binbaşı: Ama bölüğüme dönmem gerekiyor!

Doctor: No, you have to stay in the hospital, rest, and take aspirin.
Doktor: Hayır, hastanede kalmak zorundasınız, dinlenin ve aspirin alın.

11. Work with a partner. Pretend to be a doctor and a patient and role-play the
dialogue from Exercise 10.

12. Match the questions and answers. When you have finished, listen to the
answer key and check your answers.

A. Kendini nasıl hissediyorsun? 1. Evet, benim kolumda bir kurşun yarası var.
B Sorunun nedir? 2. Kendimi zayıf hissediyorum, başım dönüyor.
C Kendini nasıl hissediyorsun? 3. Yaram kanıyor.
D Ağrın var mı? 4. Karnım ağrıyor.
E Neresi ağrıyor? 5. Evet, Göğüs ağrım var. Nefes alamıyorum.
F Yaralı mısın? 6. Evet, ağrıkesiciler.
G Herhangi bir ilaç alıyor musun? 7. Kendimi gerçekten kötü hissediyorum.

13. What do you hear? Listen to the speaker and write down what you hear in
Turkish, then translate it into English. Check your answers with the answer key.




End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Practice answering the following questions in Turkish:

A. What is your normal pulse?

B. What is your normal blood pressure?
C. Are you allergic to any medications?
D. Have you ever had a head injury?
E. Have you ever has a heat stroke?

2. Work with a partner or in a small group. Look at the picture and tell in Turkish
what you think happened to the patient. You might want to mention the following
things: Is the patient a man or a woman? What is their age? Are they a soldier? Are
they wounded? Are they injured? Are they in pain? Do they have bleeding? Do they
have a fever? Will they need to stay in the hospital? Do they have high blood
pressure? Do they have chest pain? Are they having a heart attack? Can they
breathe? Will they need CPR? Are they allergic to any medications? Do they take
any medications?

Vocabulary List
Abnormal Anormal
Aspirin Aspirin
Bandage Bandaj
Band-aid Yara bandı
Bleeding Kanama
Brain Beyin
Breathing Nefes alma
Cancer Kanser
CPR Kalp masajı
Cut Kesik
Diabetes Şeker hastalığı
Dressing Sargı
ER Acil Servis
Gunshot wound Kurşun yarası
Head injury Baş yarası
Heart Kalp
Heart attack Kalp krizi
Heart disease Kalp hastalığı
Heat stroke Güneş çarpması
High blood pressure Yüksek kan basıncı
I am allergic to…/ Benim ...........-e/-a alerjim var.
Are you allergic to… Senin ...........-e/-a alerjin var mı?
Injured Yaralı
Injury Yara
Kidney Böbrek
Liver Karaciğer
Lungs Akciğerler
Organs Organlar
Painkillers Ağrıkesiciler
Penicillin Penisilin
Pulse Atış
Sterile Steril
To die Ölmek
To stay Kalmak
Wound/ Yara/
Wounded Yaralı

Exercise 2

A. 3 Wounded leg
B. 4 Injured neck
C. 1 or 2 Wounded arm
D. 1 or 2 Injured arm

Exercise 6

A. 3 This soldier has an injured leg.

B. 2 This man didn’t wear his hat. It was very hot today. Now he has a heat stroke.
C. 1 This man has a dressing on his wounded arm.

Exercise 7

These are bandages and band-aids.You need them to make a dressing for a cut or wound.
They have to be sterile.

Exercise 9

A. beyin
B. karaciğer
C. kalp
D. akciğer
E. böbrekler

Exercise 12

A. How do you feel? 7. I feel really bad.

B. What is the matter with you? 3. My wound is bleeding.
C. What do you feel? 2. I feel weakness and dizziness.
D. Are you in pain? 5. Yes, I have a chest pain. I can’t breath.
E. Where does it hurt? 4. My stomach hurts.
F. Are you injured? 1. Yes, I have a gunshot injury in my arm.
G. Are you taking any medication? 6. Yes, painkillers.

Exercise 13

1. What are your symptoms? I have a fever and a pain in my neck.

Belirtilerin nelerdir? Ateşim var ve boynum ağrıyor.
2. How do you feel? I don’t feel well. I have a chest pain.
Kendini nasıl hissediyorsun? Kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum. Göğüsüm ağrıyor.
3. Are you a doctor? This man just had a heart attack.
Doktor musunuz? Bu adam kalp krizi geçirdi.


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