Strategic Business Analysis

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Course Description: The aim of this course is to provide students with a broad overview of the

basic concepts in strategic management. Students are exposed to a number

of frameworks and models to better understand and analyze the macro-

environment, the industry environment, and firm level resources. The end

goal is for the students to be able to think strategically, as opposed to only

having a functional orientation, and to formulate and to implement

creative and innovative strategies that are conducive to the demands of the

firm and the environment in which it resides. Together with Management

Consultancy, this course serves as an integrative course to be taken in the

last term/semester.

Course Outline:

1. General business policies

1.1. Origin of policies

1.2. Procedures and rules

1.3. Formulating and implementing policies

1.4. Integrating objectives, strategies and policies

2. Strategic management: an overview

2.1. Strategic management process

2.2. Defining the organization’s purpose, mission and objectives

2.3. Selecting a strategy

2.4. Model of the strategic management process

2.5. Strategic management and planning: its purpose; methods used; the effect of the external

environment on planning; understanding and managing risk

2.6. Distinguishing among corporate, strategic and functional level strategies

2.7. Forecasting the future for nations, industries, organizations and the workforce for
changes, developments and opportunities

3. Strategy formulation PRETI

3.1. Identifying opportunities and threats from the external environment as they impact on


3.1.1. The processes by which firms choose, maintain or redirect their strategic positions

within ever-changing external environments

3.1.2. Integrate business functions and identify the organization’s position in relation to

to the outside environment

3.2. Industry and competitive analysis

3.3. Competitive advantage; its meaning in different national and international markets and


.4. SWOT analysis: the process by which firms choose, maintain or redirect their strategic

positions within ever-changing external environments; integrating business functions

and identifying the organization’s position in relation to the outside environment

3.5. Analyzing the internal environment and establishing long-range objectives

3.6. Identifying strategic alternatives

3.7. Global strategy

4. Strategy evaluation and selection -BALT

4.1. The performance gap

4.2. Adjusting the current strategy; changing or adding new strategies

4.3. Strategy evaluation: Boston Consulting Group’s Growth Share Matrix; planning grid;

life cycle approach; profit impact of market strategy;

4.4. Qualitative factors in the strategy

4.5. Strategic controls

5. Strategy Implementation -LANI

5.1. Communicating strategy

5.2. Strategy and structure

5.3. Organizational leadership

5.4. Strategy and motivational systems

5.5. Establishing short-range objectives

5.6. Developing functional strategies; marketing, financial, production/operation; human

resource and research and development strategies;

5.7. Role of accounting in setting and implementing management strategy

6. Organizations and technology -GYKHU

6.1. Changes in technology and their implications for economic efficiency and growth

6.2. Methods of production

6.3. Types of products and organizational structure

Special challenges faced by small enterprises -CHARISSA

7.1. Not-for-profit and governmental organizations

7.2. The different goals of these types of organizations in comparison with for-profit


7.3. Evaluation of programs

7.4. Measuring effectiveness and efficiency

Orcullo, Jr., Nestor A. Fundamentals of Strategic Management. Rex Bookstore: Manila:


2. David, Fred. Strategic Management, 11


Edition. Prentice Hall: USA.: 2007

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