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Research Article Analysis #6

Article reference: Purpose of the study:

Humphrey, N., Bartolo, P., Ale, P., Calleja, C., Hofsaess, This study examined how teachers in primary grades, across
T., Janikova, V., ... & Wetso, G. M. (2006). Europe, understand and respond to diversity in their
Understanding and responding to diversity in the primary classrooms. The study was conducted because of the increased
classroom: An international study. European Journal of presence of diversity and the demands that accompany it when
Teacher Education, 29(3), 305-318. teachers aim to meet all the needs of their students.
Summarize the method in your own words. Draw a figurative representation.
This qualitative study relied on thirty-five teachers, from
seven different countries across Europe, and their
experiences responding to the diversity present in their
classrooms. All teachers were certified to teach primary
grades, teaching full time and actively trying to respond
to the diversity present in their classrooms. Research
was based on interviews that contained questions that
were based on classroom diversity. The interviews
centered around understanding, experience and
responding to diversity. It also included questions about
support and training and the perceived barriers to
responding effectively to diversity. “Creative Commons Working Together Teamwork Puzzle Concept” by Scott Maxwell is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

List the outcomes in point form, underlining five key Write two questions you have about the research.
1. The study only involved teachers that were actively
This study was conducted because of the recent increase trying to respond to student diversity. Would
in heterogenous classrooms throughout Europe. With the involving those who did not respond to diversity in
increase in diversity, teachers were required to respond the study have an effect of their appreciation or need
effectively in order to meet the diverse needs of their to respond to it? Would involving them in the study
classrooms. Through this study, the following five provide sufficient evidence for them to want to
themes emerged: actively respond or change their pedagogy?
1. The need for a caring and inclusive environment
and attitudes toward all students 2. Findings in this study discuss the importance of
2. The importance of teaching others to appreciate training teachers to reflect on their approaches to
diversity, with focus on the values of inclusion classes and curriculum when addressing diversity.
and solidarity How can teachers be held accountable for this? Is this
3. The need to build supportive relationships, something that should be emphasized during teacher
among students, staff, and parents education?
4. A variety of teaching strategies are required to
meet the needs of all students
5. There are challenges that teachers face when
trying to respond to diversity in the classroom
Implications for change project
This study was conducted due to the increase in diversification in classrooms and the demands associated with teacher’s
efforts to meet the needs of all their students. At the time of the study, responding to the variety of needs in the classrooms
was the biggest challenges that teachers faced. The constant growth of diversity remains present in schools today and the
class in which my implementation plan is addressing is no different. There are various learning needs including cultural,
behavioural, physical and physiological. Teaching to the diversity of today’s classrooms requires a learning environment
that is welcoming and accepting of all types of learners. It was expressed throughout this study the importance of
understanding the diverse needs of students and reflecting on how these are being met. Using the Respecting Diversity
(Katz, 2012) program, allows me to gain an understanding of how the students learn best, through the use of multiple
intelligences. This will allow me to plan accordingly in the future to ensure that students have opportunities to be
successful and feel valued in the classroom.

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