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weaving it together 3

Write the most suitable topic sentence for the paragraph below.

I love the autumn weather.The weather has a moderate temprature. It is never
exceedingly hot or cold.Therefore,you can spend time outside without sweating too
much.Also,I love the way the trees turn to color.They change from green to
yellow,red and orange.When leaves change color,from green to yellow,orange and
red,you can understand trees are beginning their long winter�s rest.As a last thing
I also like autumn because school starts.I get excited when I think about going
back to school and seeing my teachers and friends again. To sum up,autumn is a time
of great season with its weather,color of the trees and school season.

sometimes express this with their words and sometimes with concrete things.In most
cases,the best way to do that is giving a gift to that person.However,this trend
has different meaning in Malaysia and Paraguay disapprove of giving gifts because
they may consider it to be bribe.In Malaysia ,you can�t give a gift if you don�t
have a personal relationship with that person. Yet, in some countries like
Japan,Indonesia and the Philippines,exchanging gifts is related to tradition.It is
important for them to give gifts to each other.When someone decides to show his/her
respect or love for someone with a present,he/she has to consider where this person
comes from.

dogs become your friend and provide friendship for many years. When you feel
unhappy,your dog remains by your side silently comforting you.When you are happy
and excited,your dog shares your joy by hopping around you.They share our lives in
a way that most other animals can�t.Secondly,dogs can make good guards.They protect
you and your family from a dangerous situation.Finally, they can sense danger.For
example,they can feel earthquakes before they happen and warn you with barking .For
this reasons,if you are thinking of buying a pet why not dogs?

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